server-main.js 1.1 MB

  1. import fsMy from 'fs';
  2. /*!--------------------------------------------------------
  3. * Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
  4. *--------------------------------------------------------*/var $1 = function (e, t) { return $1 = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (s, i) { s.__proto__ = i } || function (s, i) { for (var n in i), n) && (s[n] = i[n]) }, $1(e, t) }; export function __extends(e, t) { if (typeof t != "function" && t !== null) throw new TypeError("Class extends value " + String(t) + " is not a constructor or null"); $1(e, t); function s() { this.constructor = e } e.prototype = t === null ? Object.create(t) : (s.prototype = t.prototype, new s) } export var __assign = function () { return __assign = Object.assign || function (t) { for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) { s = arguments[i]; for (var r in s), r) && (t[r] = s[r]) } return t }, __assign.apply(this, arguments) }; export function __rest(e, t) { var s = {}; for (var i in e), i) && t.indexOf(i) < 0 && (s[i] = e[i]); if (e != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols == "function") for (var n = 0, i = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); n < i.length; n++)t.indexOf(i[n]) < 0 &&, i[n]) && (s[i[n]] = e[i[n]]); return s } export function __decorate(e, t, s, i) { var n = arguments.length, r = n < 3 ? t : i === null ? i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, s) : i, o; if (typeof Reflect == "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate == "function") r = Reflect.decorate(e, t, s, i); else for (var a = e.length - 1; a >= 0; a--)(o = e[a]) && (r = (n < 3 ? o(r) : n > 3 ? o(t, s, r) : o(t, s)) || r); return n > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(t, s, r), r } export function __param(e, t) { return function (s, i) { t(s, i, e) } } export function __esDecorate(e, t, s, i, n, r) { function o(x) { if (x !== void 0 && typeof x != "function") throw new TypeError("Function expected"); return x } for (var a = i.kind, c = a === "getter" ? "get" : a === "setter" ? "set" : "value", l = !t && e ? i.static ? e : e.prototype : null, u = t || (l ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(l, : {}), h, d = !1, p = s.length - 1; p >= 0; p--) { var g = {}; for (var w in i) g[w] = w === "access" ? {} : i[w]; for (var w in i.access) g.access[w] = i.access[w]; g.addInitializer = function (x) { if (d) throw new TypeError("Cannot add initializers after decoration has completed"); r.push(o(x || null)) }; var y = (0, s[p])(a === "accessor" ? { get: u.get, set: u.set } : u[c], g); if (a === "accessor") { if (y === void 0) continue; if (y === null || typeof y != "object") throw new TypeError("Object expected"); (h = o(y.get)) && (u.get = h), (h = o(y.set)) && (u.set = h), (h = o(y.init)) && n.unshift(h) } else (h = o(y)) && (a === "field" ? n.unshift(h) : u[c] = h) } l && Object.defineProperty(l,, u), d = !0 } export function __runInitializers(e, t, s) { for (var i = arguments.length > 2, n = 0; n < t.length; n++)s = i ? t[n].call(e, s) : t[n].call(e); return i ? s : void 0 } export function __propKey(e) { return typeof e == "symbol" ? e : "".concat(e) } export function __setFunctionName(e, t, s) { return typeof t == "symbol" && (t = t.description ? "[".concat(t.description, "]") : ""), Object.defineProperty(e, "name", { configurable: !0, value: s ? "".concat(s, " ", t) : t }) } export function __metadata(e, t) { if (typeof Reflect == "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata == "function") return Reflect.metadata(e, t) } export function __awaiter(e, t, s, i) { function n(r) { return r instanceof s ? r : new s(function (o) { o(r) }) } return new (s || (s = Promise))(function (r, o) { function a(u) { try { l( } catch (h) { o(h) } } function c(u) { try { l(i.throw(u)) } catch (h) { o(h) } } function l(u) { u.done ? r(u.value) : n(u.value).then(a, c) } l((i = i.apply(e, t || [])).next()) }) } export function __generator(e, t) { var s = { label: 0, sent: function () { if (r[0] & 1) throw r[1]; return r[1] }, trys: [], ops: [] }, i, n, r, o; return o = { next: a(0), throw: a(1), return: a(2) }, typeof Symbol == "function" && (o[Symbol.iterator] = function () { return this }), o; function a(l) { return function (u) { return c([l, u]) } } function c(l) { if (i) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing."); for (; o && (o = 0, l[0] && (s = 0)), s;)try { if (i = 1, n && (r = l[0] & 2 ? n.return : l[0] ? n.throw || ((r = n.return) &&, 0) : && !(r =, l[1])).done) return r; switch (n = 0, r && (l = [l[0] & 2, r.value]), l[0]) { case 0: case 1: r = l; break; case 4: return s.label++, { value: l[1], done: !1 }; case 5: s.label++, n = l[1], l = [0]; continue; case 7: l = s.ops.pop(), s.trys.pop(); continue; default: if (r = s.trys, !(r = r.length > 0 && r[r.length - 1]) && (l[0] === 6 || l[0] === 2)) { s = 0; continue } if (l[0] === 3 && (!r || l[1] > r[0] && l[1] < r[3])) { s.label = l[1]; break } if (l[0] === 6 && s.label < r[1]) { s.label = r[1], r = l; break } if (r && s.label < r[2]) { s.label = r[2], s.ops.push(l); break } r[2] && s.ops.pop(), s.trys.pop(); continue }l =, s) } catch (u) { l = [6, u], n = 0 } finally { i = r = 0 } if (l[0] & 5) throw l[1]; return { value: l[0] ? l[1] : void 0, done: !0 } } } export var __createBinding = Object.create ? function (e, t, s, i) { i === void 0 && (i = s); var n = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, s); (!n || ("get" in n ? !t.__esModule : n.writable || n.configurable)) && (n = { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return t[s] } }), Object.defineProperty(e, i, n) } : function (e, t, s, i) { i === void 0 && (i = s), e[i] = t[s] }; export function __exportStar(e, t) { for (var s in e) s !== "default" && !, s) && __createBinding(t, e, s) } export function __values(e) { var t = typeof Symbol == "function" && Symbol.iterator, s = t && e[t], i = 0; if (s) return; if (e && typeof e.length == "number") return { next: function () { return e && i >= e.length && (e = void 0), { value: e && e[i++], done: !e } } }; throw new TypeError(t ? "Object is not iterable." : "Symbol.iterator is not defined.") } export function __read(e, t) { var s = typeof Symbol == "function" && e[Symbol.iterator]; if (!s) return e; var i =, n, r = [], o; try { for (; (t === void 0 || t-- > 0) && !(n =;)r.push(n.value) } catch (a) { o = { error: a } } finally { try { n && !n.done && (s = i.return) && } finally { if (o) throw o.error } } return r } export function __spread() { for (var e = [], t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++)e = e.concat(__read(arguments[t])); return e } export function __spreadArrays() { for (var e = 0, t = 0, s = arguments.length; t < s; t++)e += arguments[t].length; for (var i = Array(e), n = 0, t = 0; t < s; t++)for (var r = arguments[t], o = 0, a = r.length; o < a; o++, n++)i[n] = r[o]; return i } export function __spreadArray(e, t, s) { if (s || arguments.length === 2) for (var i = 0, n = t.length, r; i < n; i++)(r || !(i in t)) && (r || (r =, 0, i)), r[i] = t[i]); return e.concat(r || } export function __await(e) { return this instanceof __await ? (this.v = e, this) : new __await(e) } export function __asyncGenerator(e, t, s) { if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined."); var i = s.apply(e, t || []), n, r = []; return n = {}, a("next"), a("throw"), a("return", o), n[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this }, n; function o(p) { return function (g) { return Promise.resolve(g).then(p, h) } } function a(p, g) { i[p] && (n[p] = function (w) { return new Promise(function (y, x) { r.push([p, w, y, x]) > 1 || c(p, w) }) }, g && (n[p] = g(n[p]))) } function c(p, g) { try { l(i[p](g)) } catch (w) { d(r[0][3], w) } } function l(p) { p.value instanceof __await ? Promise.resolve(p.value.v).then(u, h) : d(r[0][2], p) } function u(p) { c("next", p) } function h(p) { c("throw", p) } function d(p, g) { p(g), r.shift(), r.length && c(r[0][0], r[0][1]) } } export function __asyncDelegator(e) { var t, s; return t = {}, i("next"), i("throw", function (n) { throw n }), i("return"), t[Symbol.iterator] = function () { return this }, t; function i(n, r) { t[n] = e[n] ? function (o) { return (s = !s) ? { value: __await(e[n](o)), done: !1 } : r ? r(o) : o } : r } } export function __asyncValues(e) { if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined."); var t = e[Symbol.asyncIterator], s; return t ? : (e = typeof __values == "function" ? __values(e) : e[Symbol.iterator](), s = {}, i("next"), i("throw"), i("return"), s[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this }, s); function i(r) { s[r] = e[r] && function (o) { return new Promise(function (a, c) { o = e[r](o), n(a, c, o.done, o.value) }) } } function n(r, o, a, c) { Promise.resolve(c).then(function (l) { r({ value: l, done: a }) }, o) } } export function __makeTemplateObject(e, t) { return Object.defineProperty ? Object.defineProperty(e, "raw", { value: t }) : e.raw = t, e } var VI = Object.create ? function (e, t) { Object.defineProperty(e, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: t }) } : function (e, t) { e.default = t }; export function __importStar(e) { if (e && e.__esModule) return e; var t = {}; if (e != null) for (var s in e) s !== "default" &&, s) && __createBinding(t, e, s); return VI(t, e), t } export function __importDefault(e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e } } export function __classPrivateFieldGet(e, t, s, i) { if (s === "a" && !i) throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a getter"); if (typeof t == "function" ? e !== t || !i : !t.has(e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot read private member from an object whose class did not declare it"); return s === "m" ? i : s === "a" ? : i ? i.value : t.get(e) } export function __classPrivateFieldSet(e, t, s, i, n) { if (i === "m") throw new TypeError("Private method is not writable"); if (i === "a" && !n) throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a setter"); if (typeof t == "function" ? e !== t || !n : !t.has(e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot write private member to an object whose class did not declare it"); return i === "a" ?, s) : n ? n.value = s : t.set(e, s), s } export function __classPrivateFieldIn(e, t) { if (t === null || typeof t != "object" && typeof t != "function") throw new TypeError("Cannot use 'in' operator on non-object"); return typeof e == "function" ? t === e : e.has(t) } export function __addDisposableResource(e, t, s) { if (t != null) { if (typeof t != "object" && typeof t != "function") throw new TypeError("Object expected."); var i, n; if (s) { if (!Symbol.asyncDispose) throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncDispose is not defined."); i = t[Symbol.asyncDispose] } if (i === void 0) { if (!Symbol.dispose) throw new TypeError("Symbol.dispose is not defined."); i = t[Symbol.dispose], s && (n = i) } if (typeof i != "function") throw new TypeError("Object not disposable."); n && (i = function () { try { } catch (r) { return Promise.reject(r) } }), e.stack.push({ value: t, dispose: i, async: s }) } else s && e.stack.push({ async: !0 }); return t } var WI = typeof SuppressedError == "function" ? SuppressedError : function (e, t, s) { var i = new Error(s); return = "SuppressedError", i.error = e, i.suppressed = t, i }; export function __disposeResources(e) { function t(i) { e.error = e.hasError ? new WI(i, e.error, "An error was suppressed during disposal.") : i, e.hasError = !0 } function s() { for (; e.stack.length;) { var i = e.stack.pop(); try { var n = i.dispose &&; if (i.async) return Promise.resolve(n).then(s, function (r) { return t(r), s() }) } catch (r) { t(r) } } if (e.hasError) throw e.error } return s() } export default { __extends, __assign, __rest, __decorate, __param, __metadata, __awaiter, __generator, __createBinding, __exportStar, __values, __read, __spread, __spreadArrays, __spreadArray, __await, __asyncGenerator, __asyncDelegator, __asyncValues, __makeTemplateObject, __importStar, __importDefault, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __classPrivateFieldIn, __addDisposableResource, __disposeResources }; var qI = Object.create, S1 = Object.defineProperty, GI = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, P1 = Object.getOwnPropertyNames, JI = Object.getPrototypeOf, YI = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, v = (e, t) => function () { return e && (t = (0, e[P1(e)[0]])(e = 0)), t }, XI = (e, t) => function () { return t || (0, e[P1(e)[0]])((t = { exports: {} }).exports, t), t.exports }, QI = (e, t) => { for (var s in t) S1(e, s, { get: t[s], enumerable: !0 }) }, ZI = (e, t, s, i) => { if (t && typeof t == "object" || typeof t == "function") for (let n of P1(t)) !, n) && n !== s && S1(e, n, { get: () => t[n], enumerable: !(i = GI(t, n)) || i.enumerable }); return e }, jv = (e, t, s) => (s = e != null ? qI(JI(e)) : {}, ZI(t || !e || !e.__esModule ? S1(s, "default", { value: e, enumerable: !0 }) : s, e)), Tv = XI({ "node_modules/minimist/index.js"(e, t) { "use strict"; function s(r, o) { var a = r; o.slice(0, -1).forEach(function (l) { a = a[l] || {} }); var c = o[o.length - 1]; return c in a } function i(r) { return typeof r == "number" || /^0x[0-9a-f]+$/i.test(r) ? !0 : /^[-+]?(?:\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\.\d+)(e[-+]?\d+)?$/.test(r) } function n(r, o) { return o === "constructor" && typeof r[o] == "function" || o === "__proto__" } t.exports = function (r, o) { o || (o = {}); var a = { bools: {}, strings: {}, unknownFn: null }; typeof o.unknown == "function" && (a.unknownFn = o.unknown), typeof o.boolean == "boolean" && o.boolean ? a.allBools = !0 : [].concat(o.boolean).filter(Boolean).forEach(function (N) { a.bools[N] = !0 }); var c = {}; function l(N) { return c[N].some(function (le) { return a.bools[le] }) } Object.keys(o.alias || {}).forEach(function (N) { c[N] = [].concat(o.alias[N]), c[N].forEach(function (le) { c[le] = [N].concat(c[N].filter(function (ue) { return le !== ue })) }) }), [].concat(o.string).filter(Boolean).forEach(function (N) { a.strings[N] = !0, c[N] && [].concat(c[N]).forEach(function (le) { a.strings[le] = !0 }) }); var u = o.default || {}, h = { _: [] }; function d(N, le) { return a.allBools && /^--[^=]+$/.test(le) || a.strings[N] || a.bools[N] || c[N] } function p(N, le, ue) { for (var K = N, ht = 0; ht < le.length - 1; ht++) { var C = le[ht]; if (n(K, C)) return; K[C] === void 0 && (K[C] = {}), (K[C] === Object.prototype || K[C] === Number.prototype || K[C] === String.prototype) && (K[C] = {}), K[C] === Array.prototype && (K[C] = []), K = K[C] } var R = le[le.length - 1]; n(K, R) || ((K === Object.prototype || K === Number.prototype || K === String.prototype) && (K = {}), K === Array.prototype && (K = []), K[R] === void 0 || a.bools[R] || typeof K[R] == "boolean" ? K[R] = ue : Array.isArray(K[R]) ? K[R].push(ue) : K[R] = [K[R], ue]) } function g(N, le, ue) { if (!(ue && a.unknownFn && !d(N, ue) && a.unknownFn(ue) === !1)) { var K = !a.strings[N] && i(le) ? Number(le) : le; p(h, N.split("."), K), (c[N] || []).forEach(function (ht) { p(h, ht.split("."), K) }) } } Object.keys(a.bools).forEach(function (N) { g(N, u[N] === void 0 ? !1 : u[N]) }); var w = []; r.indexOf("--") !== -1 && (w = r.slice(r.indexOf("--") + 1), r = r.slice(0, r.indexOf("--"))); for (var y = 0; y < r.length; y++) { var x = r[y], k, A; if (/^--.+=/.test(x)) { var I = x.match(/^--([^=]+)=([\s\S]*)$/); k = I[1]; var L = I[2]; a.bools[k] && (L = L !== "false"), g(k, L, x) } else if (/^--no-.+/.test(x)) k = x.match(/^--no-(.+)/)[1], g(k, !1, x); else if (/^--.+/.test(x)) k = x.match(/^--(.+)/)[1], A = r[y + 1], A !== void 0 && !/^(-|--)[^-]/.test(A) && !a.bools[k] && !a.allBools && (!c[k] || !l(k)) ? (g(k, A, x), y += 1) : /^(true|false)$/.test(A) ? (g(k, A === "true", x), y += 1) : g(k, a.strings[k] ? "" : !0, x); else if (/^-[^-]+/.test(x)) { for (var q = x.slice(1, -1).split(""), te = !1, V = 0; V < q.length; V++) { if (A = x.slice(V + 2), A === "-") { g(q[V], A, x); continue } if (/[A-Za-z]/.test(q[V]) && A[0] === "=") { g(q[V], A.slice(1), x), te = !0; break } if (/[A-Za-z]/.test(q[V]) && /-?\d+(\.\d*)?(e-?\d+)?$/.test(A)) { g(q[V], A, x), te = !0; break } if (q[V + 1] && q[V + 1].match(/\W/)) { g(q[V], x.slice(V + 2), x), te = !0; break } else g(q[V], a.strings[q[V]] ? "" : !0, x) } k = x.slice(-1)[0], !te && k !== "-" && (r[y + 1] && !/^(-|--)[^-]/.test(r[y + 1]) && !a.bools[k] && (!c[k] || !l(k)) ? (g(k, r[y + 1], x), y += 1) : r[y + 1] && /^(true|false)$/.test(r[y + 1]) ? (g(k, r[y + 1] === "true", x), y += 1) : g(k, a.strings[k] ? "" : !0, x)) } else if ((!a.unknownFn || a.unknownFn(x) !== !1) && h._.push(a.strings._ || !i(x) ? x : Number(x)), o.stopEarly) { h._.push.apply(h._, r.slice(y + 1)); break } } return Object.keys(u).forEach(function (N) { s(h, N.split(".")) || (p(h, N.split("."), u[N]), (c[N] || []).forEach(function (le) { p(h, le.split("."), u[N]) })) }), o["--"] ? h["--"] = w.slice() : w.forEach(function (N) { h._.push(N) }), h } } }); function I1(e) { const t = []; typeof e == "number" && t.push("code/timeOrigin", e); function s(n, r) { t.push(n, r?.startTime ?? } function i() { const n = []; for (let r = 0; r < t.length; r += 2)n.push({ name: t[r], startTime: t[r + 1] }); return n } return { mark: s, getMarks: i } } function KI() { if (typeof performance == "object" && typeof performance.mark == "function" && !performance.nodeTiming) return typeof performance.timeOrigin != "number" && !performance.timing ? I1() : { mark(e, t) { performance.mark(e, t) }, getMarks() { let e = performance.timeOrigin; typeof e != "number" && (e = performance.timing.navigationStart || performance.timing.redirectStart || performance.timing.fetchStart); const t = [{ name: "code/timeOrigin", startTime: Math.round(e) }]; for (const s of performance.getEntriesByType("mark")) t.push({ name:, startTime: Math.round(e + s.startTime) }); return t } }; if (typeof process == "object") { const e = performance?.timeOrigin; return I1(e) } else return console.trace("perf-util loaded in UNKNOWN environment"), I1() } function eA(e) { return e.MonacoPerformanceMarks || (e.MonacoPerformanceMarks = KI()), e.MonacoPerformanceMarks } var A1, Pt, Uv, Yi = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/performance.js"() { "use strict"; A1 = eA(globalThis), Pt = A1.mark, Uv = A1.getMarks } }); import *as gi from "path"; import *as wi from "fs"; async function Mv({ userLocale: e, osLocale: t, userDataPath: s, commit: i, nlsMetadataPath: n }) { if (Pt("code/willGenerateNls"), process.env.VSCODE_DEV || e === "pseudo" || e.startsWith("en") || !i || !s) return Ca(e, t, n); try { const r = await tA(s); if (!r) return Ca(e, t, n); const o = sA(r, e); if (!o) return Ca(e, t, n); const a = r[o], c = a?.translations?.vscode; if (!a || typeof a.hash != "string" || !a.translations || typeof c != "string" || !await D1(c)) return Ca(e, t, n); const l = `${a.hash}.${o}`, u = gi.join(s, "clp", l), h = gi.join(u, i), d = gi.join(h, "nls.messages.json"), p = gi.join(u, "tcf.json"), g = gi.join(u, ""); await D1(g) && await wi.promises.rm(u, { recursive: !0, force: !0, maxRetries: 3 }); const w = { userLocale: e, osLocale: t, resolvedLanguage: o, defaultMessagesFile: gi.join(n, "nls.messages.json"), languagePack: { translationsConfigFile: p, messagesFile: d, corruptMarkerFile: g }, locale: e, availableLanguages: { "*": o }, _languagePackId: l, _languagePackSupport: !0, _translationsConfigFile: p, _cacheRoot: u, _resolvedLanguagePackCoreLocation: h, _corruptedFile: g }; if (await D1(h)) return iA(h).catch(() => { }), Pt("code/didGenerateNls"), w; const [, y, x, k] = await Promise.all([wi.promises.mkdir(h, { recursive: !0 }), JSON.parse(await wi.promises.readFile(gi.join(n, "nls.keys.json"), "utf-8")), JSON.parse(await wi.promises.readFile(gi.join(n, "nls.messages.json"), "utf-8")), JSON.parse(await wi.promises.readFile(c, "utf-8"))]), A = []; let I = 0; for (const [L, q] of y) { const te = k.contents[L]; for (const V of q) A.push(te?.[V] || x[I]), I++ } return await Promise.all([wi.promises.writeFile(d, JSON.stringify(A), "utf-8"), wi.promises.writeFile(p, JSON.stringify(a.translations), "utf-8")]), Pt("code/didGenerateNls"), w } catch (r) { console.error("Generating translation files failed.", r) } return Ca(e, t, n) } async function tA(e) { const t = gi.join(e, "languagepacks.json"); try { return JSON.parse(await wi.promises.readFile(t, "utf-8")) } catch { return } } function sA(e, t) { try { for (; t;) { if (e[t]) return t; const s = t.lastIndexOf("-"); if (s > 0) t = t.substring(0, s); else return } } catch (s) { console.error("Resolving language pack configuration failed.", s) } } function Ca(e, t, s) { return Pt("code/didGenerateNls"), { userLocale: e, osLocale: t, resolvedLanguage: "en", defaultMessagesFile: gi.join(s, "nls.messages.json"), locale: e, availableLanguages: {} } } async function D1(e) { try { return await wi.promises.access(e), !0 } catch { return !1 } } function iA(e) { const t = new Date; return wi.promises.utimes(e, t, t) } var Fv = v({ "out-build/vs/base/node/nls.js"() { "use strict"; Yi() } }); function Bv(e) { _a.setUnexpectedErrorHandler(e) } function Hv(e) { if (!e || typeof e != "object") return !1; const t = e; return t.code === "EPIPE" && t.syscall?.toUpperCase() === "WRITE" } function ru(e) { _a.onUnexpectedError(e) } function Vt(e) { In(e) || _a.onUnexpectedError(e) } function In(e) { return e instanceof It ? !0 : e instanceof Error && === ja && e.message === ja } function zv() { const e = new Error(ja); return = e.message, e } function _e(e) { return e ? new Error(`Illegal argument: ${e}`) : new Error("Illegal argument") } function Vv(e) { return e ? new Error(`Illegal state: ${e}`) : new Error("Illegal state") } function ge(e) {
  5. return e ? e.message ? e.message : e.stack ? e.stack.split(`
  6. `)[0] : String(e) : "Error"
  7. } var Wv, _a, ja, It, Xi, to, fe = v({
  8. "out-build/vs/base/common/errors.js"() {
  9. "use strict"; Wv = class {
  10. constructor() {
  11. this.b = [], this.a = function (e) {
  12. setTimeout(() => {
  13. throw e.stack ? Xi.isErrorNoTelemetry(e) ? new Xi(e.message + `
  14. `+ e.stack) : new Error(e.message + `
  15. `+ e.stack) : e
  16. }, 0)
  17. }
  18. } addListener(e) { return this.b.push(e), () => { this.d(e) } } c(e) { this.b.forEach(t => { t(e) }) } d(e) { this.b.splice(this.b.indexOf(e), 1) } setUnexpectedErrorHandler(e) { this.a = e } getUnexpectedErrorHandler() { return this.a } onUnexpectedError(e) { this.a(e), this.c(e) } onUnexpectedExternalError(e) { this.a(e) }
  19. }, _a = new Wv, ja = "Canceled", It = class extends Error { constructor() { super(ja), = this.message } }, Xi = class bv extends Error { constructor(t) { super(t), = "CodeExpectedError" } static fromError(t) { if (t instanceof bv) return t; const s = new bv; return s.message = t.message, s.stack = t.stack, s } static isErrorNoTelemetry(t) { return === "CodeExpectedError" } }, to = class nI extends Error { constructor(t) { super(t || "An unexpected bug occurred."), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, nI.prototype) } }
  20. }
  21. }); function nA() { return globalThis._VSCODE_NLS_MESSAGES } function qv() { return globalThis._VSCODE_NLS_LANGUAGE } var Gv = v({ "out-build/vs/nls.messages.js"() { "use strict" } }); function ou(e, t) { let s; return t.length === 0 ? s = e : s = e.replace(/\{(\d+)\}/g, (i, n) => { const r = n[0], o = t[r]; let a = i; return typeof o == "string" ? a = o : (typeof o == "number" || typeof o == "boolean" || o === void 0 || o === null) && (a = String(o)), a }), Xv && (s = "\uFF3B" + s.replace(/[aouei]/g, "$&$&") + "\uFF3D"), s } function m(e, t, ...s) { return ou(typeof e == "number" ? Jv(e, t) : t, s) } function Jv(e, t) { const s = nA()?.[e]; if (typeof s != "string") { if (typeof t == "string") return t; throw new Error(`!!! NLS MISSING: ${e} !!!`) } return s } function Yv(e, t, ...s) { let i; typeof e == "number" ? i = Jv(e, t) : i = t; const n = ou(i, s); return { value: n, original: t === i ? n : ou(t, s) } } var Xv, he = v({ "out-build/vs/nls.js"() { "use strict"; Gv(), Gv(), Xv = qv() === "pseudo" || typeof document < "u" && document.location && typeof document.location.hash == "string" && document.location.hash.indexOf("pseudo=true") >= 0 } }); function Qv(e) { switch (e) { case 0: return "Web"; case 1: return "Mac"; case 2: return "Linux"; case 3: return "Windows" } } var An, so, io, no, R1, L1, au, Zv, N1, Kv, eb, Ta, Ua, O1, tb, vi, bi, ks, C1, sb, ib, Ma, me, _s, rt, nb, rb, $s, ob, ab, ro, ei, Ss, cb, lb, ub, hb, dr, _1, fb, db, pb, rA, X = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/platform.js"() { "use strict"; if (he(), An = "en", so = !1, io = !1, no = !1, R1 = !1, L1 = !1, au = !1, Zv = !1, N1 = !1, Kv = !1, eb = !1, Ta = void 0, Ua = An, O1 = An, tb = void 0, vi = void 0, bi = globalThis, ks = void 0, typeof bi.vscode < "u" && typeof bi.vscode.process < "u" ? ks = bi.vscode.process : typeof process < "u" && typeof process?.versions?.node == "string" && (ks = process), C1 = typeof ks?.versions?.electron == "string", sb = C1 && ks?.type === "renderer", typeof ks == "object") { so = ks.platform === "win32", io = ks.platform === "darwin", no = ks.platform === "linux", R1 = no && !!ks.env.SNAP && !!ks.env.SNAP_REVISION, Zv = C1, Kv = !!ks.env.CI || !!ks.env.BUILD_ARTIFACTSTAGINGDIRECTORY, Ta = An, Ua = An; const e = ks.env.VSCODE_NLS_CONFIG; if (e) try { const t = JSON.parse(e); Ta = t.userLocale, O1 = t.osLocale, Ua = t.resolvedLanguage || An, tb = t.languagePack?.translationsConfigFile } catch { } L1 = !0 } else typeof navigator == "object" && !sb ? (vi = navigator.userAgent, so = vi.indexOf("Windows") >= 0, io = vi.indexOf("Macintosh") >= 0, N1 = (vi.indexOf("Macintosh") >= 0 || vi.indexOf("iPad") >= 0 || vi.indexOf("iPhone") >= 0) && !!navigator.maxTouchPoints && navigator.maxTouchPoints > 0, no = vi.indexOf("Linux") >= 0, eb = vi?.indexOf("Mobi") >= 0, au = !0, Ua = qv() || An, Ta = navigator.language.toLowerCase(), O1 = Ta) : console.error("Unable to resolve platform."); (function (e) { e[e.Web = 0] = "Web", e[e.Mac = 1] = "Mac", e[e.Linux = 2] = "Linux", e[e.Windows = 3] = "Windows" })(ib || (ib = {})), Ma = 0, io ? Ma = 1 : so ? Ma = 3 : no && (Ma = 2), me = so, _s = io, rt = no, nb = R1, rb = L1, $s = au, ob = au && typeof bi.importScripts == "function", ab = ob ? bi.origin : void 0, ro = Ma, ei = vi, Ss = Ua, function (e) { function t() { return Ss } e.value = t; function s() { return Ss.length === 2 ? Ss === "en" : Ss.length >= 3 ? Ss[0] === "e" && Ss[1] === "n" && Ss[2] === "-" : !1 } e.isDefaultVariant = s; function i() { return Ss === "en" } e.isDefault = i }(cb || (cb = {})), lb = typeof bi.postMessage == "function" && !bi.importScripts, ub = (() => { if (lb) { const e = []; bi.addEventListener("message", s => { if ( && for (let i = 0, n = e.length; i < n; i++) { const r = e[i]; if ( === { e.splice(i, 1), r.callback(); return } } }); let t = 0; return s => { const i = ++t; e.push({ id: i, callback: s }), bi.postMessage({ vscodeScheduleAsyncWork: i }, "*") } } return e => setTimeout(e) })(), function (e) { e[e.Windows = 1] = "Windows", e[e.Macintosh = 2] = "Macintosh", e[e.Linux = 3] = "Linux" }(hb || (hb = {})), dr = io || N1 ? 2 : so ? 1 : 3, _1 = !!(ei && ei.indexOf("Chrome") >= 0), fb = !!(ei && ei.indexOf("Firefox") >= 0), db = !!(!_1 && ei && ei.indexOf("Safari") >= 0), pb = !!(ei && ei.indexOf("Edg/") >= 0), rA = !!(ei && ei.indexOf("Android") >= 0) } }); function oA(e, t) { const s = Object.create(null); for (const i of e) { const n = t(i); let r = s[n]; r || (r = s[n] = []), r.push(i) } return s } var mb, aA, gb = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/collections.js"() { "use strict"; aA = class { static { mb = Symbol.toStringTag } constructor(e, t) { this.b = t, this.a = new Map, this[mb] = "SetWithKey"; for (const s of e) this.add(s) } get size() { return this.a.size } add(e) { const t = this.b(e); return this.a.set(t, e), this } delete(e) { return this.a.delete(this.b(e)) } has(e) { return this.a.has(this.b(e)) } *entries() { for (const e of this.a.values()) yield [e, e] } keys() { return this.values() } *values() { for (const e of this.a.values()) yield e } clear() { this.a.clear() } forEach(e, t) { this.a.forEach(s =>, s, s, this)) } [Symbol.iterator]() { return this.values() } } } }); function cu(e, t) { const s = this; let i = !1, n; return function () { if (i) return n; if (i = !0, t) try { n = e.apply(s, arguments) } finally { t() } else n = e.apply(s, arguments); return n } } var lu = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/functional.js"() { "use strict" } }); function cA(e, t) { const s = lA(e, t); if (s !== -1) return e[s] } function lA(e, t, s = e.length - 1) { for (let i = s; i >= 0; i--) { const n = e[i]; if (t(n)) return i } return -1 } function uA(e, t, s = 0, i = e.length) { let n = s, r = i; for (; n < r;) { const o = Math.floor((n + r) / 2); t(e[o]) ? n = o + 1 : r = o } return n - 1 } var hA, wb = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/arraysFind.js"() { "use strict"; hA = class rI { static { this.assertInvariants = !1 } constructor(t) { this.e = t, this.c = 0 } findLastMonotonous(t) { if (rI.assertInvariants) { if (this.d) { for (const i of this.e) if (this.d(i) && !t(i)) throw new Error("MonotonousArray: current predicate must be weaker than (or equal to) the previous predicate.") } this.d = t } const s = uA(this.e, t, this.c); return this.c = s + 1, s === -1 ? void 0 : this.e[s] } } } }); function Dn(e, t, s = (i, n) => i === n) { if (e === t) return !0; if (!e || !t || e.length !== t.length) return !1; for (let i = 0, n = e.length; i < n; i++)if (!s(e[i], t[i])) return !1; return !0 } function fA(e, t, s) { return dA(e.length, i => s(e[i], t)) } function dA(e, t) { let s = 0, i = e - 1; for (; s <= i;) { const n = (s + i) / 2 | 0, r = t(n); if (r < 0) s = n + 1; else if (r > 0) i = n - 1; else return n } return -(s + 1) } function yi(e) { return e.filter(t => !!t) } function pA(e) { let t = 0; for (let s = 0; s < e.length; s++)e[s] && (e[t] = e[s], t += 1); e.length = t } function uu(e) { return Array.isArray(e) && e.length > 0 } function Qi(e, t = s => s) { const s = new Set; return e.filter(i => { const n = t(i); return s.has(n) ? !1 : (s.add(n), !0) }) } function vb(e, t) { return e.push(t), () => mA(e, t) } function mA(e, t) { const s = e.indexOf(t); if (s > -1) return e.splice(s, 1), t } function bb(e, t) { let s; if (typeof t == "number") { let i = t; s = () => { const n = Math.sin(i++) * 179426549; return n - Math.floor(n) } } else s = Math.random; for (let i = e.length - 1; i > 0; i -= 1) { const n = Math.floor(s() * (i + 1)), r = e[i]; e[i] = e[n], e[n] = r } } function yb(e) { return Array.isArray(e) ? e : [e] } function gA(e) { return e[Math.floor(Math.random() * e.length)] } function wA(e, t) { return (s, i) => t(e(s), e(i)) } var j1, Eb, vA, Et = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/arrays.js"() { "use strict"; wb(), fe(), function (e) { function t(r) { return r < 0 } e.isLessThan = t; function s(r) { return r <= 0 } e.isLessThanOrEqual = s; function i(r) { return r > 0 } e.isGreaterThan = i; function n(r) { return r === 0 } e.isNeitherLessOrGreaterThan = n, e.greaterThan = 1, e.lessThan = -1, e.neitherLessOrGreaterThan = 0 }(j1 || (j1 = {})), Eb = (e, t) => e - t, vA = class a1 { static { this.empty = new a1(t => { }) } constructor(t) { this.iterate = t } forEach(t) { this.iterate(s => (t(s), !0)) } toArray() { const t = []; return this.iterate(s => (t.push(s), !0)), t } filter(t) { return new a1(s => this.iterate(i => t(i) ? s(i) : !0)) } map(t) { return new a1(s => this.iterate(i => s(t(i)))) } some(t) { let s = !1; return this.iterate(i => (s = t(i), !s)), s } findFirst(t) { let s; return this.iterate(i => t(i) ? (s = i, !1) : !0), s } findLast(t) { let s; return this.iterate(i => (t(i) && (s = i), !0)), s } findLastMaxBy(t) { let s, i = !0; return this.iterate(n => ((i || j1.isGreaterThan(t(n, s))) && (i = !1, s = n), !0)), s } } } }); function bA(e) { return Array.isArray(e) } var xb, kb, $b, Sb, At, hu, Pb, Ib, Ab, Fa, Db, ls = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/map.js"() { "use strict"; Sb = class { constructor(e, t) { this.uri = e, this.value = t } }, At = class ql { static { this.c = t => t.toString() } constructor(t, s) { if (this[xb] = "ResourceMap", t instanceof ql) this.d = new Map(t.d), this.e = s ?? ql.c; else if (bA(t)) { this.d = new Map, this.e = s ?? ql.c; for (const [i, n] of t) this.set(i, n) } else this.d = new Map, this.e = t ?? ql.c } set(t, s) { return this.d.set(this.e(t), new Sb(t, s)), this } get(t) { return this.d.get(this.e(t))?.value } has(t) { return this.d.has(this.e(t)) } get size() { return this.d.size } clear() { this.d.clear() } delete(t) { return this.d.delete(this.e(t)) } forEach(t, s) { typeof s < "u" && (t = t.bind(s)); for (const [i, n] of this.d) t(n.value, n.uri, this) } *values() { for (const t of this.d.values()) yield t.value } *keys() { for (const t of this.d.values()) yield t.uri } *entries() { for (const t of this.d.values()) yield [t.uri, t.value] } *[(xb = Symbol.toStringTag, Symbol.iterator)]() { for (const [, t] of this.d) yield [t.uri, t.value] } }, hu = class { constructor(e, t) { this[kb] = "ResourceSet", !e || typeof e == "function" ? this.c = new At(e) : (this.c = new At(t), e.forEach(this.add, this)) } get size() { return this.c.size } add(e) { return this.c.set(e, e), this } clear() { this.c.clear() } delete(e) { return this.c.delete(e) } forEach(e, t) { this.c.forEach((s, i) =>, i, i, this)) } has(e) { return this.c.has(e) } entries() { return this.c.entries() } keys() { return this.c.keys() } values() { return this.c.keys() } [(kb = Symbol.toStringTag, Symbol.iterator)]() { return this.keys() } }, function (e) { e[e.None = 0] = "None", e[e.AsOld = 1] = "AsOld", e[e.AsNew = 2] = "AsNew" }(Pb || (Pb = {})), Ib = class { constructor() { this[$b] = "LinkedMap", this.c = new Map, this.d = void 0, this.e = void 0, this.f = 0, this.g = 0 } clear() { this.c.clear(), this.d = void 0, this.e = void 0, this.f = 0, this.g++ } isEmpty() { return !this.d && !this.e } get size() { return this.f } get first() { return this.d?.value } get last() { return this.e?.value } has(e) { return this.c.has(e) } get(e, t = 0) { const s = this.c.get(e); if (s) return t !== 0 && this.m(s, t), s.value } set(e, t, s = 0) { let i = this.c.get(e); if (i) i.value = t, s !== 0 && this.m(i, s); else { switch (i = { key: e, value: t, next: void 0, previous: void 0 }, s) { case 0: this.k(i); break; case 1: this.j(i); break; case 2: this.k(i); break; default: this.k(i); break }this.c.set(e, i), this.f++ } return this } delete(e) { return !!this.remove(e) } remove(e) { const t = this.c.get(e); if (t) return this.c.delete(e), this.l(t), this.f--, t.value } shift() { if (!this.d && !this.e) return; if (!this.d || !this.e) throw new Error("Invalid list"); const e = this.d; return this.c.delete(e.key), this.l(e), this.f--, e.value } forEach(e, t) { const s = this.g; let i = this.d; for (; i;) { if (t ? e.bind(t)(i.value, i.key, this) : e(i.value, i.key, this), this.g !== s) throw new Error("LinkedMap got modified during iteration."); i = } } keys() { const e = this, t = this.g; let s = this.d; const i = { [Symbol.iterator]() { return i }, next() { if (e.g !== t) throw new Error("LinkedMap got modified during iteration."); if (s) { const n = { value: s.key, done: !1 }; return s =, n } else return { value: void 0, done: !0 } } }; return i } values() { const e = this, t = this.g; let s = this.d; const i = { [Symbol.iterator]() { return i }, next() { if (e.g !== t) throw new Error("LinkedMap got modified during iteration."); if (s) { const n = { value: s.value, done: !1 }; return s =, n } else return { value: void 0, done: !0 } } }; return i } entries() { const e = this, t = this.g; let s = this.d; const i = { [Symbol.iterator]() { return i }, next() { if (e.g !== t) throw new Error("LinkedMap got modified during iteration."); if (s) { const n = { value: [s.key, s.value], done: !1 }; return s =, n } else return { value: void 0, done: !0 } } }; return i } [($b = Symbol.toStringTag, Symbol.iterator)]() { return this.entries() } h(e) { if (e >= this.size) return; if (e === 0) { this.clear(); return } let t = this.d, s = this.size; for (; t && s > e;)this.c.delete(t.key), t =, s--; this.d = t, this.f = s, t && (t.previous = void 0), this.g++ } i(e) { if (e >= this.size) return; if (e === 0) { this.clear(); return } let t = this.e, s = this.size; for (; t && s > e;)this.c.delete(t.key), t = t.previous, s--; this.e = t, this.f = s, t && ( = void 0), this.g++ } j(e) { if (!this.d && !this.e) this.e = e; else if (this.d) = this.d, this.d.previous = e; else throw new Error("Invalid list"); this.d = e, this.g++ } k(e) { if (!this.d && !this.e) this.d = e; else if (this.e) e.previous = this.e, = e; else throw new Error("Invalid list"); this.e = e, this.g++ } l(e) { if (e === this.d && e === this.e) this.d = void 0, this.e = void 0; else if (e === this.d) { if (! throw new Error("Invalid list"); = void 0, this.d = } else if (e === this.e) { if (!e.previous) throw new Error("Invalid list"); = void 0, this.e = e.previous } else { const t =, s = e.previous; if (!t || !s) throw new Error("Invalid list"); t.previous = s, = t } = void 0, e.previous = void 0, this.g++ } m(e, t) { if (!this.d || !this.e) throw new Error("Invalid list"); if (!(t !== 1 && t !== 2)) { if (t === 1) { if (e === this.d) return; const s =, i = e.previous; e === this.e ? ( = void 0, this.e = i) : (s.previous = i, = s), e.previous = void 0, = this.d, this.d.previous = e, this.d = e, this.g++ } else if (t === 2) { if (e === this.e) return; const s =, i = e.previous; e === this.d ? (s.previous = void 0, this.d = s) : (s.previous = i, = s), = void 0, e.previous = this.e, = e, this.e = e, this.g++ } } } toJSON() { const e = []; return this.forEach((t, s) => { e.push([s, t]) }), e } fromJSON(e) { this.clear(); for (const [t, s] of e) this.set(t, s) } }, Ab = class extends Ib { constructor(e, t = 1) { super(), this.n = e, this.o = Math.min(Math.max(0, t), 1) } get limit() { return this.n } set limit(e) { this.n = e, this.p() } get ratio() { return this.o } set ratio(e) { this.o = Math.min(Math.max(0, e), 1), this.p() } get(e, t = 2) { return super.get(e, t) } peek(e) { return super.get(e, 0) } set(e, t) { return super.set(e, t, 2), this } p() { this.size > this.n && this.q(Math.round(this.n * this.o)) } }, Fa = class extends Ab { constructor(e, t = 1) { super(e, t) } q(e) { this.h(e) } set(e, t) { return super.set(e, t), this.p(), this } }, Db = class { constructor() { this.c = new Map } add(e, t) { let s = this.c.get(e); s || (s = new Set, this.c.set(e, s)), s.add(t) } delete(e, t) { const s = this.c.get(e); s && (s.delete(t), s.size === 0 && this.c.delete(e)) } forEach(e, t) { const s = this.c.get(e); s && s.forEach(t) } get(e) { const t = this.c.get(e); return t || new Set } } } }), Zi, pr = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/iterator.js"() { "use strict"; (function (e) { function t(I) { return I && typeof I == "object" && typeof I[Symbol.iterator] == "function" } = t; const s = Object.freeze([]); function i() { return s } e.empty = i; function* n(I) { yield I } e.single = n; function r(I) { return t(I) ? I : n(I) } e.wrap = r; function o(I) { return I || s } e.from = o; function* a(I) { for (let L = I.length - 1; L >= 0; L--)yield I[L] } e.reverse = a; function c(I) { return !I || I[Symbol.iterator]().next().done === !0 } e.isEmpty = c; function l(I) { return I[Symbol.iterator]().next().value } e.first = l; function u(I, L) { let q = 0; for (const te of I) if (L(te, q++)) return !0; return !1 } e.some = u; function h(I, L) { for (const q of I) if (L(q)) return q } e.find = h; function* d(I, L) { for (const q of I) L(q) && (yield q) } e.filter = d; function* p(I, L) { let q = 0; for (const te of I) yield L(te, q++) } = p; function* g(I, L) { let q = 0; for (const te of I) yield* L(te, q++) } e.flatMap = g; function* w(...I) { for (const L of I) yield* L } e.concat = w; function y(I, L, q) { let te = q; for (const V of I) te = L(te, V); return te } e.reduce = y; function* x(I, L, q = I.length) { for (L < -I.length && (L = 0), L < 0 && (L += I.length), q < 0 ? q += I.length : q > I.length && (q = I.length); L < q; L++)yield I[L] } e.slice = x; function k(I, L = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) { const q = []; if (L === 0) return [q, I]; const te = I[Symbol.iterator](); for (let V = 0; V < L; V++) { const N =; if (N.done) return [q, e.empty()]; q.push(N.value) } return [q, { [Symbol.iterator]() { return te } }] } e.consume = k; async function A(I) { const L = []; for await (const q of I) L.push(q); return Promise.resolve(L) } e.asyncToArray = A })(Zi || (Zi = {})) } }); function yA(e) { mr = e } function oo(e) { return mr?.trackDisposable(e), e } function ao(e) { mr?.markAsDisposed(e) } function Ba(e, t) { mr?.setParent(e, t) } function EA(e, t) { if (mr) for (const s of e) mr.setParent(s, t) } function xA(e) { return typeof e == "object" && e !== null && typeof e.dispose == "function" && e.dispose.length === 0 } function Ut(e) { if ( { const t = []; for (const s of e) if (s) try { s.dispose() } catch (i) { t.push(i) } if (t.length === 1) throw t[0]; if (t.length > 1) throw new AggregateError(t, "Encountered errors while disposing of store"); return Array.isArray(e) ? [] : e } else if (e) return e.dispose(), e } function Rb(...e) { const t = ye(() => Ut(e)); return EA(e, t), t } function ye(e) { const t = oo({ dispose: cu(() => { ao(t), e() }) }); return t } var Lb, mr, kA, ut, J, fu, du, z = v({
  22. "out-build/vs/base/common/lifecycle.js"() {
  23. "use strict"; if (Et(), gb(), ls(), lu(), pr(), Lb = !1, mr = null, kA = class oI {
  24. constructor() { this.b = new Map } static { this.a = 0 } c(t) { let s = this.b.get(t); return s || (s = { parent: null, source: null, isSingleton: !1, value: t, idx: oI.a++ }, this.b.set(t, s)), s } trackDisposable(t) { const s = this.c(t); s.source || (s.source = new Error().stack) } setParent(t, s) { const i = this.c(t); i.parent = s } markAsDisposed(t) { this.b.delete(t) } markAsSingleton(t) { this.c(t).isSingleton = !0 } f(t, s) { const i = s.get(t); if (i) return i; const n = t.parent ? this.f(this.c(t.parent), s) : t; return s.set(t, n), n } getTrackedDisposables() { const t = new Map; return [...this.b.entries()].filter(([, i]) => i.source !== null && !this.f(i, t).isSingleton).flatMap(([i]) => i) } computeLeakingDisposables(t = 10, s) {
  25. let i; if (s) i = s; else { const c = new Map, l = [...this.b.values()].filter(h => h.source !== null && !this.f(h, c).isSingleton); if (l.length === 0) return; const u = new Set( => h.value)); if (i = l.filter(h => !(h.parent && u.has(h.parent))), i.length === 0) throw new Error("There are cyclic diposable chains!") } if (!i) return; function n(c) {
  26. function l(h, d) { for (; h.length > 0 && d.some(p => typeof p == "string" ? p === h[0] : h[0].match(p));)h.shift() } const u = c.source.split(`
  27. `).map(h => h.trim().replace("at ", "")).filter(h => h !== ""); return l(u, ["Error", /^trackDisposable \(.*\)$/, /^DisposableTracker.trackDisposable \(.*\)$/]), u.reverse()
  28. } const r = new Db; for (const c of i) {
  29. const l = n(c); for (let u = 0; u <= l.length; u++)r.add(l.slice(0, u).join(`
  30. `), c)
  31. } i.sort(wA(c => c.idx, Eb)); let o = "", a = 0; for (const c of i.slice(0, t)) {
  32. a++; const l = n(c), u = []; for (let h = 0; h < l.length; h++) {
  33. let d = l[h]; d = `(shared with ${r.get(l.slice(0, h + 1).join(`
  34. `)).size}/${i.length} leaks) at ${d}`; const g = r.get(l.slice(0, h).join(`
  35. `)), w = oA([...g].map(y => n(y)[h]), y => y); delete w[l[h]]; for (const [y, x] of Object.entries(w)) u.unshift(` - stacktraces of ${x.length} other leaks continue with ${y}`); u.unshift(d)
  36. } o += `
  37. ==================== Leaking disposable ${a}/${i.length}: ${} ====================
  38. ${u.join(`
  39. `)}
  40. ============================================================
  41. `} return i.length > t && (o += `
  42. ... and ${i.length - t} more leaking disposables
  43. `), { leaks: i, details: o }
  44. }
  45. }, Lb) { const e = "__is_disposable_tracked__"; yA(new class { trackDisposable(t) { const s = new Error("Potentially leaked disposable").stack; setTimeout(() => { t[e] || console.log(s) }, 3e3) } setParent(t, s) { if (t && t !== J.None) try { t[e] = !0 } catch { } } markAsDisposed(t) { if (t && t !== J.None) try { t[e] = !0 } catch { } } markAsSingleton(t) { } }) } ut = class aI { static { this.DISABLE_DISPOSED_WARNING = !1 } constructor() { this.f = new Set, this.g = !1, oo(this) } dispose() { this.g || (ao(this), this.g = !0, this.clear()) } get isDisposed() { return this.g } clear() { if (this.f.size !== 0) try { Ut(this.f) } finally { this.f.clear() } } add(t) { if (!t) return t; if (t === this) throw new Error("Cannot register a disposable on itself!"); return Ba(t, this), this.g ? aI.DISABLE_DISPOSED_WARNING || console.warn(new Error("Trying to add a disposable to a DisposableStore that has already been disposed of. The added object will be leaked!").stack) : this.f.add(t), t } delete(t) { if (t) { if (t === this) throw new Error("Cannot dispose a disposable on itself!"); this.f.delete(t), t.dispose() } } deleteAndLeak(t) { t && this.f.has(t) && (this.f.delete(t), Ba(t, null)) } }, J = class { static { this.None = Object.freeze({ dispose() { } }) } constructor() { this.q = new ut, oo(this), Ba(this.q, this) } dispose() { ao(this), this.q.dispose() } B(e) { if (e === this) throw new Error("Cannot register a disposable on itself!"); return this.q.add(e) } }, fu = class { constructor() { this.b = !1, oo(this) } get value() { return this.b ? void 0 : this.a } set value(e) { this.b || e === this.a || (this.a?.dispose(), e && Ba(e, this), this.a = e) } clear() { this.value = void 0 } dispose() { this.b = !0, ao(this), this.a?.dispose(), this.a = void 0 } clearAndLeak() { const e = this.a; return this.a = void 0, e && Ba(e, null), e } }, du = class { constructor() { this.a = new Map, this.b = !1, oo(this) } dispose() { ao(this), this.b = !0, this.clearAndDisposeAll() } clearAndDisposeAll() { if (this.a.size) try { Ut(this.a.values()) } finally { this.a.clear() } } has(e) { return this.a.has(e) } get size() { return this.a.size } get(e) { return this.a.get(e) } set(e, t, s = !1) { this.b && console.warn(new Error("Trying to add a disposable to a DisposableMap that has already been disposed of. The added object will be leaked!").stack), s || this.a.get(e)?.dispose(), this.a.set(e, t) } deleteAndDispose(e) { this.a.get(e)?.dispose(), this.a.delete(e) } deleteAndLeak(e) { const t = this.a.get(e); return this.a.delete(e), t } keys() { return this.a.keys() } values() { return this.a.values() } [Symbol.iterator]() { return this.a[Symbol.iterator]() } }
  46. }
  47. }), ot, T1, Nb = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/linkedList.js"() { "use strict"; ot = class c1 { static { this.Undefined = new c1(void 0) } constructor(t) { this.element = t, = c1.Undefined, this.prev = c1.Undefined } }, T1 = class { constructor() { this.a = ot.Undefined, this.b = ot.Undefined, this.c = 0 } get size() { return this.c } isEmpty() { return this.a === ot.Undefined } clear() { let e = this.a; for (; e !== ot.Undefined;) { const t =; e.prev = ot.Undefined, = ot.Undefined, e = t } this.a = ot.Undefined, this.b = ot.Undefined, this.c = 0 } unshift(e) { return this.d(e, !1) } push(e) { return this.d(e, !0) } d(e, t) { const s = new ot(e); if (this.a === ot.Undefined) this.a = s, this.b = s; else if (t) { const n = this.b; this.b = s, s.prev = n, = s } else { const n = this.a; this.a = s, = n, n.prev = s } this.c += 1; let i = !1; return () => { i || (i = !0, this.e(s)) } } shift() { if (this.a !== ot.Undefined) { const e = this.a.element; return this.e(this.a), e } } pop() { if (this.b !== ot.Undefined) { const e = this.b.element; return this.e(this.b), e } } e(e) { if (e.prev !== ot.Undefined && !== ot.Undefined) { const t = e.prev; =, = t } else e.prev === ot.Undefined && === ot.Undefined ? (this.a = ot.Undefined, this.b = ot.Undefined) : === ot.Undefined ? (this.b = this.b.prev, = ot.Undefined) : e.prev === ot.Undefined && (this.a =, this.a.prev = ot.Undefined); this.c -= 1 } *[Symbol.iterator]() { let e = this.a; for (; e !== ot.Undefined;)yield e.element, e = } } } }), Ob, Ki, co = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/stopwatch.js"() { "use strict"; Ob = globalThis.performance && typeof == "function", Ki = class cI { static create(t) { return new cI(t) } constructor(t) { this.c = Ob && t === !1 ? :, this.a = this.c(), this.b = -1 } stop() { this.b = this.c() } reset() { this.a = this.c(), this.b = -1 } elapsed() { return this.b !== -1 ? this.b - this.a : this.c() - this.a } } } }), Cb, U1, _b, H, jb, M1, Tb, pu, Ub, Mb, Fb, Ha, Bb, Hb, mu, D, zb, gu, Vb, F1, re = v({
  48. "out-build/vs/base/common/event.js"() {
  49. "use strict"; if (gb(), fe(), lu(), z(), Nb(), co(), Cb = !1, U1 = !1, _b = !1, function (e) { e.None = () => J.None; function t(C) { if (_b) { const { onDidAddListener: R } = C, M = pu.create(); let j = 0; C.onDidAddListener = () => { ++j === 2 && (console.warn("snapshotted emitter LIKELY used public and SHOULD HAVE BEEN created with DisposableStore. snapshotted here"), M.print()), R?.() } } } function s(C, R) { return p(C, () => { }, 0, void 0, !0, void 0, R) } e.defer = s; function i(C) { return (R, M = null, j) => { let G = !1, ce; return ce = C(Ie => { if (!G) return ce ? ce.dispose() : G = !0,, Ie) }, null, j), G && ce.dispose(), ce } } e.once = i; function n(C, R) { return e.once(e.filter(C, R)) } e.onceIf = n; function r(C, R, M) { return h((j, G = null, ce) => C(Ie =>, R(Ie)), null, ce), M) } = r; function o(C, R, M) { return h((j, G = null, ce) => C(Ie => { R(Ie),, Ie) }, null, ce), M) } e.forEach = o; function a(C, R, M) { return h((j, G = null, ce) => C(Ie => R(Ie) &&, Ie), null, ce), M) } e.filter = a; function c(C) { return C } e.signal = c; function l(...C) { return (R, M = null, j) => { const G = Rb( => ce(Ie =>, Ie)))); return d(G, j) } } e.any = l; function u(C, R, M, j) { let G = M; return r(C, ce => (G = R(G, ce), G), j) } e.reduce = u; function h(C, R) { let M; const j = { onWillAddFirstListener() { M = C(, G) }, onDidRemoveLastListener() { M?.dispose() } }; R || t(j); const G = new D(j); return R?.add(G), G.event } function d(C, R) { return R instanceof Array ? R.push(C) : R && R.add(C), C } function p(C, R, M = 100, j = !1, G = !1, ce, Ie) { let Je, vt, qi, ur = 0, Gi; const Kr = { leakWarningThreshold: ce, onWillAddFirstListener() { Je = C(Kl => { ur++, vt = R(vt, Kl), j && !qi && (, vt = void 0), Gi = () => { const eu = vt; vt = void 0, qi = void 0, (!j || ur > 1) &&, ur = 0 }, typeof M == "number" ? (clearTimeout(qi), qi = setTimeout(Gi, M)) : qi === void 0 && (qi = 0, queueMicrotask(Gi)) }) }, onWillRemoveListener() { G && ur > 0 && Gi?.() }, onDidRemoveLastListener() { Gi = void 0, Je.dispose() } }; Ie || t(Kr); const pi = new D(Kr); return Ie?.add(pi), pi.event } e.debounce = p; function g(C, R = 0, M) { return e.debounce(C, (j, G) => j ? (j.push(G), j) : [G], R, void 0, !0, void 0, M) } e.accumulate = g; function w(C, R = (j, G) => j === G, M) { let j = !0, G; return a(C, ce => { const Ie = j || !R(ce, G); return j = !1, G = ce, Ie }, M) } e.latch = w; function y(C, R, M) { return [e.filter(C, R, M), e.filter(C, j => !R(j), M)] } e.split = y; function x(C, R = !1, M = [], j) { let G = M.slice(), ce = C(vt => { G ? G.push(vt) : }); j && j.add(ce); const Ie = () => { G?.forEach(vt =>, G = null }, Je = new D({ onWillAddFirstListener() { ce || (ce = C(vt =>, j && j.add(ce)) }, onDidAddFirstListener() { G && (R ? setTimeout(Ie) : Ie()) }, onDidRemoveLastListener() { ce && ce.dispose(), ce = null } }); return j && j.add(Je), Je.event } e.buffer = x; function k(C, R) { return (j, G, ce) => { const Ie = R(new I); return C(function (Je) { const vt = Ie.evaluate(Je); vt !== A &&, vt) }, void 0, ce) } } e.chain = k; const A = Symbol("HaltChainable"); class I { constructor() { this.f = [] } map(R) { return this.f.push(R), this } forEach(R) { return this.f.push(M => (R(M), M)), this } filter(R) { return this.f.push(M => R(M) ? M : A), this } reduce(R, M) { let j = M; return this.f.push(G => (j = R(j, G), j)), this } latch(R = (M, j) => M === j) { let M = !0, j; return this.f.push(G => { const ce = M || !R(G, j); return M = !1, j = G, ce ? G : A }), this } evaluate(R) { for (const M of this.f) if (R = M(R), R === A) break; return R } } function L(C, R, M = j => j) { const j = (...Je) =>, G = () => C.on(R, j), ce = () => C.removeListener(R, j), Ie = new D({ onWillAddFirstListener: G, onDidRemoveLastListener: ce }); return Ie.event } e.fromNodeEventEmitter = L; function q(C, R, M = j => j) { const j = (...Je) =>, G = () => C.addEventListener(R, j), ce = () => C.removeEventListener(R, j), Ie = new D({ onWillAddFirstListener: G, onDidRemoveLastListener: ce }); return Ie.event } e.fromDOMEventEmitter = q; function te(C) { return new Promise(R => i(C)(R)) } e.toPromise = te; function V(C) { const R = new D; return C.then(M => { }, () => { 0) }).finally(() => { R.dispose() }), R.event } e.fromPromise = V; function N(C, R) { return C(M => } e.forward = N; function le(C, R, M) { return R(M), C(j => R(j)) } e.runAndSubscribe = le; class ue { constructor(R, M) { this._observable = R, this.f = 0, this.g = !1; const j = { onWillAddFirstListener: () => { R.addObserver(this), this._observable.reportChanges() }, onDidRemoveLastListener: () => { R.removeObserver(this) } }; M || t(j), this.emitter = new D(j), M && M.add(this.emitter) } beginUpdate(R) { this.f++ } handlePossibleChange(R) { } handleChange(R, M) { this.g = !0 } endUpdate(R) { this.f--, this.f === 0 && (this._observable.reportChanges(), this.g && (this.g = !1, } } function K(C, R) { return new ue(C, R).emitter.event } e.fromObservable = K; function ht(C) { return (R, M, j) => { let G = 0, ce = !1; const Ie = { beginUpdate() { G++ }, endUpdate() { G--, G === 0 && (C.reportChanges(), ce && (ce = !1, }, handlePossibleChange() { }, handleChange() { ce = !0 } }; C.addObserver(Ie), C.reportChanges(); const Je = { dispose() { C.removeObserver(Ie) } }; return j instanceof ut ? j.add(Je) : Array.isArray(j) && j.push(Je), Je } } e.fromObservableLight = ht }(H || (H = {})), jb = class yv { static { this.all = new Set } static { this.f = 0 } constructor(t) { this.listenerCount = 0, this.invocationCount = 0, this.elapsedOverall = 0, this.durations = [], = `${t}_${yv.f++}`, yv.all.add(this) } start(t) { this.g = new Ki, this.listenerCount = t } stop() { if (this.g) { const t = this.g.elapsed(); this.durations.push(t), this.elapsedOverall += t, this.invocationCount += 1, this.g = void 0 } } }, M1 = -1, Tb = class lI { static { this.f = 1 } constructor(t, s, i = (lI.f++).toString(16).padStart(3, "0")) { this.j = t, this.threshold = s, = i, this.h = 0 } dispose() { this.g?.clear() } check(t, s) { const i = this.threshold; if (i <= 0 || s < i) return; this.g || (this.g = new Map); const n = this.g.get(t.value) || 0; if (this.g.set(t.value, n + 1), this.h -= 1, this.h <= 0) { this.h = i * .5; const [r, o] = this.getMostFrequentStack(), a = `[${}] potential listener LEAK detected, having ${s} listeners already. MOST frequent listener (${o}):`; console.warn(a), console.warn(r); const c = new Ub(a, r); this.j(c) } return () => { const r = this.g.get(t.value) || 0; this.g.set(t.value, r - 1) } } getMostFrequentStack() { if (!this.g) return; let t, s = 0; for (const [i, n] of this.g) (!t || s < n) && (t = [i, n], s = n); return t } }, pu = class uI {
  50. static create() { const t = new Error; return new uI(t.stack ?? "") } constructor(t) { this.value = t } print() {
  51. console.warn(this.value.split(`
  52. `).slice(2).join(`
  53. `))
  54. }
  55. }, Ub = class extends Error { constructor(e, t) { super(e), = "ListenerLeakError", this.stack = t } }, Mb = class extends Error { constructor(e, t) { super(e), = "ListenerRefusalError", this.stack = t } }, Fb = 0, Ha = class { constructor(e) { this.value = e, = Fb++ } }, Bb = 2, Hb = (e, t) => { if (e instanceof Ha) t(e); else for (let s = 0; s < e.length; s++) { const i = e[s]; i && t(i) } }, Cb) {
  56. const e = []; setInterval(() => {
  57. e.length !== 0 && (console.warn("[LEAKING LISTENERS] GC'ed these listeners that were NOT yet disposed:"), console.warn(e.join(`
  58. `)), e.length = 0)
  59. }, 3e3), mu = new FinalizationRegistry(t => { typeof t == "string" && e.push(t) })
  60. } D = class {
  61. constructor(e) { this.z = 0, this.f = e, this.g = M1 > 0 || this.f?.leakWarningThreshold ? new Tb(e?.onListenerError ?? Vt, this.f?.leakWarningThreshold ?? M1) : void 0, this.j = this.f?._profName ? new jb(this.f._profName) : void 0, this.w = this.f?.deliveryQueue } dispose() { if (!this.m) { if (this.m = !0, this.w?.current === this && this.w.reset(), this.u) { if (U1) { const e = this.u; queueMicrotask(() => { Hb(e, t => t.stack?.print()) }) } this.u = void 0, this.z = 0 } this.f?.onDidRemoveLastListener?.(), this.g?.dispose() } } get event() {
  62. return this.q ??= (e, t, s) => {
  63. if (this.g && this.z > this.g.threshold ** 2) { const a = `[${}] REFUSES to accept new listeners because it exceeded its threshold by far (${this.z} vs ${this.g.threshold})`; console.warn(a); const c = this.g.getMostFrequentStack() ?? ["UNKNOWN stack", -1], l = new Mb(`${a}. HINT: Stack shows most frequent listener (${c[1]}-times)`, c[0]); return (this.f?.onListenerError || Vt)(l), J.None } if (this.m) return J.None; t && (e = e.bind(t)); const i = new Ha(e); let n, r; this.g && this.z >= Math.ceil(this.g.threshold * .2) && (i.stack = pu.create(), n = this.g.check(i.stack, this.z + 1)), U1 && (i.stack = r ?? pu.create()), this.u ? this.u instanceof Ha ? (this.w ??= new zb, this.u = [this.u, i]) : this.u.push(i) : (this.f?.onWillAddFirstListener?.(this), this.u = i, this.f?.onDidAddFirstListener?.(this)), this.f?.onDidAddListener?.(this), this.z++; const o = ye(() => { mu?.unregister(o), n?.(), this.A(i) }); if (s instanceof ut ? s.add(o) : Array.isArray(s) && s.push(o), mu) {
  64. const a = new Error().stack.split(`
  65. `).slice(2, 3).join(`
  66. `).trim(), c = /(file:|vscode-file:\/\/vscode-app)?(\/[^:]*:\d+:\d+)/.exec(a); mu.register(o, c?.[2] ?? a, o)
  67. } return o
  68. }, this.q
  69. } A(e) { if (this.f?.onWillRemoveListener?.(this), !this.u) return; if (this.z === 1) { this.u = void 0, this.f?.onDidRemoveLastListener?.(this), this.z = 0; return } const t = this.u, s = t.indexOf(e); if (s === -1) throw console.log("disposed?", this.m), console.log("size?", this.z), console.log("arr?", JSON.stringify(this.u)), new Error("Attempted to dispose unknown listener"); this.z--, t[s] = void 0; const i = this.w.current === this; if (this.z * Bb <= t.length) { let n = 0; for (let r = 0; r < t.length; r++)t[r] ? t[n++] = t[r] : i && n < this.w.end && (this.w.end--, n < this.w.i && this.w.i--); t.length = n } } B(e, t) { if (!e) return; const s = this.f?.onListenerError || Vt; if (!s) { e.value(t); return } try { e.value(t) } catch (i) { s(i) } } C(e) { const t = e.current.u; for (; e.i < e.end;)this.B(t[e.i++], e.value); e.reset() } fire(e) { if (this.w?.current && (this.C(this.w), this.j?.stop()), this.j?.start(this.z), this.u) if (this.u instanceof Ha) this.B(this.u, e); else { const t = this.w; t.enqueue(this, e, this.u.length), this.C(t) } this.j?.stop() } hasListeners() { return this.z > 0 }
  70. }, zb = class { constructor() { this.i = -1, this.end = 0 } enqueue(e, t, s) { this.i = 0, this.end = s, this.current = e, this.value = t } reset() { this.i = this.end, this.current = void 0, this.value = void 0 } }, gu = class extends D { get isPaused() { return this.h !== 0 } constructor(e) { super(e), this.h = 0, this.s = new T1, this.t = e?.merge } pause() { this.h++ } resume() { if (this.h !== 0 && --this.h === 0) if (this.t) { if (this.s.size > 0) { const e = Array.from(this.s); this.s.clear(), } } else for (; !this.h && this.s.size !== 0;) } fire(e) { this.z && (this.h !== 0 ? this.s.push(e) : } }, Vb = class { constructor() { this.g = !1, this.h = [], this.f = new D({ onWillAddFirstListener: () => this.j(), onDidRemoveLastListener: () => this.k() }) } get event() { return this.f.event } add(e) { const t = { event: e, listener: null }; return this.h.push(t), this.g && this.m(t), ye(cu(() => { this.g && this.o(t); const i = this.h.indexOf(t); this.h.splice(i, 1) })) } j() { this.g = !0, this.h.forEach(e => this.m(e)) } k() { this.g = !1, this.h.forEach(e => this.o(e)) } m(e) { e.listener = e.event(t => } o(e) { e.listener?.dispose(), e.listener = null } dispose() { this.f.dispose(); for (const e of this.h) e.listener?.dispose(); this.h = [] } }, F1 = class { constructor() { this.f = !1, this.g = H.None, this.h = J.None, this.j = new D({ onDidAddFirstListener: () => { this.f = !0, this.h = this.g(, this.j) }, onDidRemoveLastListener: () => { this.f = !1, this.h.dispose() } }), this.event = this.j.event } set input(e) { this.g = e, this.f && (this.h.dispose(), this.h = e(, this.j)) } dispose() { this.h.dispose(), this.j.dispose() } }
  71. }
  72. }), B1, Ne, za, Ei, Dt = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/cancellation.js"() { "use strict"; re(), B1 = Object.freeze(function (e, t) { const s = setTimeout(e.bind(t), 0); return { dispose() { clearTimeout(s) } } }), function (e) { function t(s) { return s === e.None || s === e.Cancelled || s instanceof za ? !0 : !s || typeof s != "object" ? !1 : typeof s.isCancellationRequested == "boolean" && typeof s.onCancellationRequested == "function" } e.isCancellationToken = t, e.None = Object.freeze({ isCancellationRequested: !1, onCancellationRequested: H.None }), e.Cancelled = Object.freeze({ isCancellationRequested: !0, onCancellationRequested: B1 }) }(Ne || (Ne = {})), za = class { constructor() { this.a = !1, this.b = null } cancel() { this.a || (this.a = !0, this.b && ( 0), this.dispose())) } get isCancellationRequested() { return this.a } get onCancellationRequested() { return this.a ? B1 : (this.b || (this.b = new D), this.b.event) } dispose() { this.b && (this.b.dispose(), this.b = null) } }, Ei = class { constructor(e) { this.f = void 0, this.g = void 0, this.g = e && e.onCancellationRequested(this.cancel, this) } get token() { return this.f || (this.f = new za), this.f } cancel() { this.f ? this.f instanceof za && this.f.cancel() : this.f = Ne.Cancelled } dispose(e = !1) { e && this.cancel(), this.g?.dispose(), this.f ? this.f instanceof za && this.f.dispose() : this.f = Ne.None } } } }); function $A(e) { return e } var Wb, SA = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/cache.js"() { "use strict"; Dt(), Wb = class { constructor(e, t) { this.a = void 0, this.b = void 0, typeof e == "function" ? (this.c = e, this.d = $A) : (this.c = t, this.d = e.getCacheKey) } get(e) { const t = this.d(e); return this.b !== t && (this.b = t, this.a = this.c(e)), this.a } } } }), gr, wu = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/lazy.js"() { "use strict"; gr = class { constructor(e) { this.d = e, this.a = !1 } get hasValue() { return this.a } get value() { if (!this.a) try { this.b = this.d() } catch (e) { this.c = e } finally { this.a = !0 } if (this.c) throw this.c; return this.b } get rawValue() { return this.b } } } }); function PA(e) { return !e || typeof e != "string" ? !0 : e.trim().length === 0 } function IA(e, t) { return Object.keys(t).length === 0 ? e : e.replace(Xb, (s, i) => t[i] ?? s) } function Rn(e) { return e.replace(/[\\\{\}\*\+\?\|\^\$\.\[\]\(\)]/g, "\\$&") } function AA(e, t) { if (!e || !t) return e; const s = t.length; if (s === 0 || e.length === 0) return e; let i = 0; for (; e.indexOf(t, i) === i;)i = i + s; return e.substring(i) } function qb(e, t) { if (!e || !t) return e; const s = t.length, i = e.length; if (s === 0 || i === 0) return e; let n = i, r = -1; for (; r = e.lastIndexOf(t, n - 1), !(r === -1 || r + s !== n);) { if (r === 0) return ""; n = r } return e.substring(0, n) } function DA(e, t, s = {}) { if (!e) throw new Error("Cannot create regex from empty string"); t || (e = Rn(e)), s.wholeWord && (/\B/.test(e.charAt(0)) || (e = "\\b" + e), /\B/.test(e.charAt(e.length - 1)) || (e = e + "\\b")); let i = ""; return && (i += "g"), s.matchCase || (i += "i"), s.multiline && (i += "m"), s.unicode && (i += "u"), new RegExp(e, i) } function RA(e, t, s) { const i = []; let n = 0; for (const r of e.matchAll(t)) { if (i.push(e.slice(n, r.index)), r.index === void 0) throw new Error("match.index should be defined"); n = r.index + r[0].length, i.push(s(r[0], ...r.slice(1), r.index, e, r.groups)) } return i.push(e.slice(n)), Promise.all(i).then(r => r.join("")) } function H1(e, t) { return e < t ? -1 : e > t ? 1 : 0 } function z1(e, t, s = 0, i = e.length, n = 0, r = t.length) { for (; s < i && n < r; s++, n++) { const c = e.charCodeAt(s), l = t.charCodeAt(n); if (c < l) return -1; if (c > l) return 1 } const o = i - s, a = r - n; return o < a ? -1 : o > a ? 1 : 0 } function V1(e, t) { return Va(e, t, 0, e.length, 0, t.length) } function Va(e, t, s = 0, i = e.length, n = 0, r = t.length) { for (; s < i && n < r; s++, n++) { let c = e.charCodeAt(s), l = t.charCodeAt(n); if (c === l) continue; if (c >= 128 || l >= 128) return z1(e.toLowerCase(), t.toLowerCase(), s, i, n, r); Gb(c) && (c -= 32), Gb(l) && (l -= 32); const u = c - l; if (u !== 0) return u } const o = i - s, a = r - n; return o < a ? -1 : o > a ? 1 : 0 } function Gb(e) { return e >= 97 && e <= 122 } function Jb(e) { return e >= 65 && e <= 90 } function Ln(e, t) { return e.length === t.length && Va(e, t) === 0 } function W1(e, t) { const s = t.length; return t.length > e.length ? !1 : Va(e, t, 0, s) === 0 } function LA(e) { return 55296 <= e && e <= 56319 } function Yb(e) { return 56320 <= e && e <= 57343 } function NA(e, t) { return (e - 55296 << 10) + (t - 56320) + 65536 } function OA() { return 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this.isAmbiguous(i)) return !0 } return !1 } getPrimaryConfusable(t) { return this.f.get(t) } getConfusableCodePoints() { return new Set(this.f.keys()) } }, TA = class Yl { static c() { return 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} static { this.d = void 0 } static e() { return this.d || (this.d = new Set(Yl.c())), this.d } static isInvisibleCharacter(t) { return Yl.e().has(t) } static containsInvisibleCharacter(t) { for (let s = 0; s < t.length; s++) { const i = t.codePointAt(s); if (typeof i == "number" && Yl.isInvisibleCharacter(i)) return !0 } return !1 } static get codePoints() { return Yl.e() } } } }), wr, vu, xi, js, q1, G1, ti = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/process.js"() { "use strict"; if (X(), vu = globalThis.vscode, typeof vu < "u" && typeof vu.process < "u") { const e = vu.process; wr = { get platform() { return e.platform }, get arch() { return e.arch }, get env() { return e.env }, cwd() { return e.cwd() } } } else typeof process < "u" && typeof process?.versions?.node == "string" ? wr = { get platform() { return process.platform }, get arch() { return process.arch }, get env() { return process.env }, cwd() { return process.env.VSCODE_CWD || process.cwd() } } : wr = { get platform() { return me ? "win32" : _s ? "darwin" : "linux" }, get arch() { }, get env() { return {} }, cwd() { return "/" } }; xi = wr.cwd, js = wr.env, q1 = wr.platform, G1 = wr.arch } }); function UA(e, t) { if (e === null || typeof e != "object") throw new Y1(t, "Object", e) } function dt(e, t) { if (typeof e != "string") throw new Y1(t, "string", e) } function we(e) { return e === Ot || e === us } function J1(e) { return e === Ot } function Nn(e) { return e >= ey && e <= sy || e >= ty && e <= iy } function bu(e, t, s, i) { let n = "", r = 0, o = -1, a = 0, c = 0; for (let l = 0; l <= e.length; ++l) { if (l < e.length) c = e.charCodeAt(l); else { if (i(c)) break; c = Ot } if (i(c)) { if (!(o === l - 1 || a === 1)) if (a === 2) { if (n.length < 2 || r !== 2 || n.charCodeAt(n.length - 1) !== en || n.charCodeAt(n.length - 2) !== en) { if (n.length > 2) { const u = n.lastIndexOf(s); u === -1 ? (n = "", r = 0) : (n = n.slice(0, u), r = n.length - 1 - n.lastIndexOf(s)), o = l, a = 0; continue } else if (n.length !== 0) { n = "", r = 0, o = l, a = 0; continue } } t && (n += n.length > 0 ? `${s}..` : "..", r = 2) } else n.length > 0 ? n += `${s}${e.slice(o + 1, l)}` : n = e.slice(o + 1, l), r = l - o - 1; o = l, a = 0 } else c === en && a !== -1 ? ++a : a = -1 } return n } function MA(e) { return e ? `${e[0] === "." ? "" : "."}${e}` : "" } function Kb(e, t) { UA(t, "pathObject"); const s = t.dir || t.root, i = t.base || `${ || ""}${MA(t.ext)}`; return s ? s === t.root ? `${s}${i}` : `${s}${e}${i}` : i } var ey, ty, sy, iy, en, Ot, us, tn, ny, Y1, hs, pt, ry, Ae, si, sn, _, nn, Wa, Ct, at, vr, FA, BA, HA, Qt, lo, de = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/path.js"() { "use strict"; ti(), ey = 65, ty = 97, sy = 90, iy = 122, en = 46, Ot = 47, us = 92, tn = 58, ny = 63, Y1 = class extends Error { constructor(e, t, s) { let i; typeof t == "string" && t.indexOf("not ") === 0 ? (i = "must not be", t = t.replace(/^not /, "")) : i = "must be"; const n = e.indexOf(".") !== -1 ? "property" : "argument"; let r = `The "${e}" ${n} ${i} of type ${t}`; r += `. Received type ${typeof s}`, super(r), this.code = "ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE" } }, hs = q1 === "win32", pt = { resolve(...e) { let t = "", s = "", i = !1; for (let n = e.length - 1; n >= -1; n--) { let r; if (n >= 0) { if (r = e[n], dt(r, `paths[${n}]`), r.length === 0) continue } else t.length === 0 ? r = xi() : (r = js[`=${t}`] || xi(), (r === void 0 || r.slice(0, 2).toLowerCase() !== t.toLowerCase() && r.charCodeAt(2) === us) && (r = `${t}\\`)); const o = r.length; let a = 0, c = "", l = !1; const u = r.charCodeAt(0); if (o === 1) we(u) && (a = 1, l = !0); else if (we(u)) if (l = !0, we(r.charCodeAt(1))) { let h = 2, d = h; for (; h < o && !we(r.charCodeAt(h));)h++; if (h < o && h !== d) { const p = r.slice(d, h); for (d = h; h < o && we(r.charCodeAt(h));)h++; if (h < o && h !== d) { for (d = h; h < o && !we(r.charCodeAt(h));)h++; (h === o || h !== d) && (c = `\\\\${p}\\${r.slice(d, h)}`, a = h) } } } else a = 1; else Nn(u) && r.charCodeAt(1) === tn && (c = r.slice(0, 2), a = 2, o > 2 && we(r.charCodeAt(2)) && (l = !0, a = 3)); if (c.length > 0) if (t.length > 0) { if (c.toLowerCase() !== t.toLowerCase()) continue } else t = c; if (i) { if (t.length > 0) break } else if (s = `${r.slice(a)}\\${s}`, i = l, l && t.length > 0) break } return s = bu(s, !i, "\\", we), i ? `${t}\\${s}` : `${t}${s}` || "." }, normalize(e) { dt(e, "path"); const t = e.length; if (t === 0) return "."; let s = 0, i, n = !1; const r = e.charCodeAt(0); if (t === 1) return J1(r) ? "\\" : e; if (we(r)) if (n = !0, we(e.charCodeAt(1))) { let a = 2, c = a; for (; a < t && !we(e.charCodeAt(a));)a++; if (a < t && a !== c) { const l = e.slice(c, a); for (c = a; a < t && we(e.charCodeAt(a));)a++; if (a < t && a !== c) { for (c = a; a < t && !we(e.charCodeAt(a));)a++; if (a === t) return `\\\\${l}\\${e.slice(c)}\\`; a !== c && (i = `\\\\${l}\\${e.slice(c, a)}`, s = a) } } } else s = 1; else Nn(r) && e.charCodeAt(1) === tn && (i = e.slice(0, 2), s = 2, t > 2 && we(e.charCodeAt(2)) && (n = !0, s = 3)); let o = s < t ? bu(e.slice(s), !n, "\\", we) : ""; return o.length === 0 && !n && (o = "."), o.length > 0 && we(e.charCodeAt(t - 1)) && (o += "\\"), i === void 0 ? n ? `\\${o}` : o : n ? `${i}\\${o}` : `${i}${o}` }, isAbsolute(e) { dt(e, "path"); const t = e.length; if (t === 0) return !1; const s = e.charCodeAt(0); return we(s) || t > 2 && Nn(s) && e.charCodeAt(1) === tn && we(e.charCodeAt(2)) }, join(...e) { if (e.length === 0) return "."; let t, s; for (let r = 0; r < e.length; ++r) { const o = e[r]; dt(o, "path"), o.length > 0 && (t === void 0 ? t = s = o : t += `\\${o}`) } if (t === void 0) return "."; let i = !0, n = 0; if (typeof s == "string" && we(s.charCodeAt(0))) { ++n; const r = s.length; r > 1 && we(s.charCodeAt(1)) && (++n, r > 2 && (we(s.charCodeAt(2)) ? ++n : i = !1)) } if (i) { for (; n < t.length && we(t.charCodeAt(n));)n++; n >= 2 && (t = `\\${t.slice(n)}`) } return pt.normalize(t) }, relative(e, t) { if (dt(e, "from"), dt(t, "to"), e === t) return ""; const s = pt.resolve(e), i = pt.resolve(t); if (s === i || (e = s.toLowerCase(), t = i.toLowerCase(), e === t)) return ""; let n = 0; for (; n < e.length && e.charCodeAt(n) === us;)n++; let r = e.length; for (; r - 1 > n && e.charCodeAt(r - 1) === us;)r--; const o = r - n; let a = 0; for (; a < t.length && t.charCodeAt(a) === us;)a++; let c = t.length; for (; c - 1 > a && t.charCodeAt(c - 1) === us;)c--; const l = c - a, u = o < l ? o : l; let h = -1, d = 0; for (; d < u; d++) { const g = e.charCodeAt(n + d); if (g !== t.charCodeAt(a + d)) break; g === us && (h = d) } if (d !== u) { if (h === -1) return i } else { if (l > u) { if (t.charCodeAt(a + d) === us) return i.slice(a + d + 1); if (d === 2) return i.slice(a + d) } o > u && (e.charCodeAt(n + d) === us ? h = d : d === 2 && (h = 3)), h === -1 && (h = 0) } let p = ""; for (d = n + h + 1; d <= r; ++d)(d === r || e.charCodeAt(d) === us) && (p += p.length === 0 ? ".." : "\\.."); return a += h, p.length > 0 ? `${p}${i.slice(a, c)}` : (i.charCodeAt(a) === us && ++a, i.slice(a, c)) }, toNamespacedPath(e) { if (typeof e != "string" || e.length === 0) return e; const t = pt.resolve(e); if (t.length <= 2) return e; if (t.charCodeAt(0) === us) { if (t.charCodeAt(1) === us) { const s = t.charCodeAt(2); if (s !== ny && s !== en) return `\\\\?\\UNC\\${t.slice(2)}` } } else if (Nn(t.charCodeAt(0)) && t.charCodeAt(1) === tn && t.charCodeAt(2) === us) return `\\\\?\\${t}`; return e }, dirname(e) { dt(e, "path"); const t = e.length; if (t === 0) return "."; let s = -1, i = 0; const n = e.charCodeAt(0); if (t === 1) return we(n) ? e : "."; if (we(n)) { if (s = i = 1, we(e.charCodeAt(1))) { let a = 2, c = a; for (; a < t && !we(e.charCodeAt(a));)a++; if (a < t && a !== c) { for (c = a; a < t && we(e.charCodeAt(a));)a++; if (a < t && a !== c) { for (c = a; a < t && !we(e.charCodeAt(a));)a++; if (a === t) return e; a !== c && (s = i = a + 1) } } } } else Nn(n) && e.charCodeAt(1) === tn && (s = t > 2 && we(e.charCodeAt(2)) ? 3 : 2, i = s); let r = -1, o = !0; for (let a = t - 1; a >= i; --a)if (we(e.charCodeAt(a))) { if (!o) { r = a; break } } else o = !1; if (r === -1) { if (s === -1) return "."; r = s } return e.slice(0, r) }, basename(e, t) { t !== void 0 && dt(t, "suffix"), dt(e, "path"); let s = 0, i = -1, n = !0, r; if (e.length >= 2 && Nn(e.charCodeAt(0)) && e.charCodeAt(1) === tn && (s = 2), t !== void 0 && t.length > 0 && t.length <= e.length) { if (t === e) return ""; let o = t.length - 1, a = -1; for (r = e.length - 1; r >= s; --r) { const c = e.charCodeAt(r); if (we(c)) { if (!n) { s = r + 1; break } } else a === -1 && (n = !1, a = r + 1), o >= 0 && (c === t.charCodeAt(o) ? --o === -1 && (i = r) : (o = -1, i = a)) } return s === i ? i = a : i === -1 && (i = e.length), e.slice(s, i) } for (r = e.length - 1; r >= s; --r)if (we(e.charCodeAt(r))) { if (!n) { s = r + 1; break } } else i === -1 && (n = !1, i = r + 1); return i === -1 ? "" : e.slice(s, i) }, extname(e) { dt(e, "path"); let t = 0, s = -1, i = 0, n = -1, r = !0, o = 0; e.length >= 2 && e.charCodeAt(1) === tn && Nn(e.charCodeAt(0)) && (t = i = 2); for (let a = e.length - 1; a >= t; --a) { const c = e.charCodeAt(a); if (we(c)) { if (!r) { i = a + 1; break } continue } n === -1 && (r = !1, n = a + 1), c === en ? s === -1 ? s = a : o !== 1 && (o = 1) : s !== -1 && (o = -1) } return s === -1 || n === -1 || o === 0 || o === 1 && s === n - 1 && s === i + 1 ? "" : e.slice(s, n) }, format: Kb.bind(null, "\\"), parse(e) { dt(e, "path"); const t = { root: "", dir: "", base: "", ext: "", name: "" }; if (e.length === 0) return t; const s = e.length; let i = 0, n = e.charCodeAt(0); if (s === 1) return we(n) ? (t.root = t.dir = e, t) : (t.base = = e, t); if (we(n)) { if (i = 1, we(e.charCodeAt(1))) { let h = 2, d = h; for (; h < s && !we(e.charCodeAt(h));)h++; if (h < s && h !== d) { for (d = h; h < s && we(e.charCodeAt(h));)h++; if (h < s && h !== d) { for (d = h; h < s && !we(e.charCodeAt(h));)h++; h === s ? i = h : h !== d && (i = h + 1) } } } } else if (Nn(n) && e.charCodeAt(1) === tn) { if (s <= 2) return t.root = t.dir = e, t; if (i = 2, we(e.charCodeAt(2))) { if (s === 3) return t.root = t.dir = e, t; i = 3 } } i > 0 && (t.root = e.slice(0, i)); let r = -1, o = i, a = -1, c = !0, l = e.length - 1, u = 0; for (; l >= i; --l) { if (n = e.charCodeAt(l), we(n)) { if (!c) { o = l + 1; break } continue } a === -1 && (c = !1, a = l + 1), n === en ? r === -1 ? r = l : u !== 1 && (u = 1) : r !== -1 && (u = -1) } return a !== -1 && (r === -1 || u === 0 || u === 1 && r === a - 1 && r === o + 1 ? t.base = = e.slice(o, a) : ( = e.slice(o, r), t.base = e.slice(o, a), t.ext = e.slice(r, a))), o > 0 && o !== i ? t.dir = e.slice(0, o - 1) : t.dir = t.root, t }, sep: "\\", delimiter: ";", win32: null, posix: null }, ry = (() => { if (hs) { const e = /\\/g; return () => { const t = xi().replace(e, "/"); return t.slice(t.indexOf("/")) } } return () => xi() })(), Ae = { resolve(...e) { let t = "", s = !1; for (let i = e.length - 1; i >= -1 && !s; i--) { const n = i >= 0 ? e[i] : ry(); dt(n, `paths[${i}]`), n.length !== 0 && (t = `${n}/${t}`, s = n.charCodeAt(0) === Ot) } return t = bu(t, !s, "/", J1), s ? `/${t}` : t.length > 0 ? t : "." }, normalize(e) { if (dt(e, "path"), e.length === 0) return "."; const t = e.charCodeAt(0) === Ot, s = e.charCodeAt(e.length - 1) === Ot; return e = bu(e, !t, "/", J1), e.length === 0 ? t ? "/" : s ? "./" : "." : (s && (e += "/"), t ? `/${e}` : e) }, isAbsolute(e) { return dt(e, "path"), e.length > 0 && e.charCodeAt(0) === Ot }, join(...e) { if (e.length === 0) return "."; let t; for (let s = 0; s < e.length; ++s) { const i = e[s]; dt(i, "path"), i.length > 0 && (t === void 0 ? t = i : t += `/${i}`) } return t === void 0 ? "." : Ae.normalize(t) }, relative(e, t) { if (dt(e, "from"), dt(t, "to"), e === t || (e = Ae.resolve(e), t = Ae.resolve(t), e === t)) return ""; const s = 1, i = e.length, n = i - s, r = 1, o = t.length - r, a = n < o ? n : o; let c = -1, l = 0; for (; l < a; l++) { const h = e.charCodeAt(s + l); if (h !== t.charCodeAt(r + l)) break; h === Ot && (c = l) } if (l === a) if (o > a) { if (t.charCodeAt(r + l) === Ot) return t.slice(r + l + 1); if (l === 0) return t.slice(r + l) } else n > a && (e.charCodeAt(s + l) === Ot ? c = l : l === 0 && (c = 0)); let u = ""; for (l = s + c + 1; l <= i; ++l)(l === i || e.charCodeAt(l) === Ot) && (u += u.length === 0 ? ".." : "/.."); return `${u}${t.slice(r + c)}` }, toNamespacedPath(e) { return e }, dirname(e) { if (dt(e, "path"), e.length === 0) return "."; const t = e.charCodeAt(0) === Ot; let s = -1, i = !0; for (let n = e.length - 1; n >= 1; --n)if (e.charCodeAt(n) === Ot) { if (!i) { s = n; break } } else i = !1; return s === -1 ? t ? "/" : "." : t && s === 1 ? "//" : e.slice(0, s) }, basename(e, t) { t !== void 0 && dt(t, "ext"), dt(e, "path"); let s = 0, i = -1, n = !0, r; if (t !== void 0 && t.length > 0 && t.length <= e.length) { if (t === e) return ""; let o = t.length - 1, a = -1; for (r = e.length - 1; r >= 0; --r) { const c = e.charCodeAt(r); if (c === Ot) { if (!n) { s = r + 1; break } } else a === -1 && (n = !1, a = r + 1), o >= 0 && (c === t.charCodeAt(o) ? --o === -1 && (i = r) : (o = -1, i = a)) } return s === i ? i = a : i === -1 && (i = e.length), e.slice(s, i) } for (r = e.length - 1; r >= 0; --r)if (e.charCodeAt(r) === Ot) { if (!n) { s = r + 1; break } } else i === -1 && (n = !1, i = r + 1); return i === -1 ? "" : e.slice(s, i) }, extname(e) { dt(e, "path"); let t = -1, s = 0, i = -1, n = !0, r = 0; for (let o = e.length - 1; o >= 0; --o) { const a = e.charCodeAt(o); if (a === Ot) { if (!n) { s = o + 1; break } continue } i === -1 && (n = !1, i = o + 1), a === en ? t === -1 ? t = o : r !== 1 && (r = 1) : t !== -1 && (r = -1) } return t === -1 || i === -1 || r === 0 || r === 1 && t === i - 1 && t === s + 1 ? "" : e.slice(t, i) }, format: Kb.bind(null, "/"), parse(e) { dt(e, "path"); const t = { root: "", dir: "", base: "", ext: "", name: "" }; if (e.length === 0) return t; const s = e.charCodeAt(0) === Ot; let i; s ? (t.root = "/", i = 1) : i = 0; let n = -1, r = 0, o = -1, a = !0, c = e.length - 1, l = 0; for (; c >= i; --c) { const u = e.charCodeAt(c); if (u === Ot) { if (!a) { r = c + 1; break } continue } o === -1 && (a = !1, o = c + 1), u === en ? n === -1 ? n = c : l !== 1 && (l = 1) : n !== -1 && (l = -1) } if (o !== -1) { const u = r === 0 && s ? 1 : r; n === -1 || l === 0 || l === 1 && n === o - 1 && n === r + 1 ? t.base = = e.slice(u, o) : ( = e.slice(u, n), t.base = e.slice(u, o), t.ext = e.slice(n, o)) } return r > 0 ? t.dir = e.slice(0, r - 1) : s && (t.dir = "/"), t }, sep: "/", delimiter: ":", win32: null, posix: null }, Ae.win32 = pt.win32 = pt, Ae.posix = pt.posix = Ae, si = hs ? pt.normalize : Ae.normalize, sn = hs ? pt.isAbsolute : Ae.isAbsolute, _ = hs ? pt.join : Ae.join, nn = hs ? pt.resolve : Ae.resolve, Wa = hs ? pt.relative : Ae.relative, Ct = hs ? pt.dirname : Ae.dirname, at = hs ? pt.basename : Ae.basename, vr = hs ? pt.extname : Ae.extname, FA = hs ? pt.format : Ae.format, BA = hs ? pt.parse : Ae.parse, HA = hs ? pt.toNamespacedPath : Ae.toNamespacedPath, Qt = hs ? pt.sep : Ae.sep, lo = hs ? pt.delimiter : Ae.delimiter } }); function zA(e, t) { if (!e.scheme && t) throw new Error(`[UriError]: Scheme is missing: {scheme: "", authority: "${e.authority}", path: "${e.path}", query: "${e.query}", fragment: "${e.fragment}"}`); if (e.scheme && !ly.test(e.scheme)) throw new Error("[UriError]: Scheme contains illegal characters."); if (e.path) { if (e.authority) { if (!uy.test(e.path)) throw new Error('[UriError]: If a URI contains an authority component, then the path component must either be empty or begin with a slash ("/") character') } else if (hy.test(e.path)) throw new Error('[UriError]: If a URI does not contain an authority component, then the path cannot begin with two slash characters ("//")') } } function VA(e, t) { return !e && !t ? "file" : e } function WA(e, t) { switch (e) { case "https": case "http": case "file": t ? t[0] !== Hs && (t = Hs + t) : t = Hs; break }return t } function oy(e) { return !e || typeof e != "object" ? !1 : typeof e.scheme == "string" && (typeof e.authority == "string" || typeof e.authority > "u") && (typeof e.path == "string" || typeof e.path > "u") && (typeof e.query == "string" || typeof e.query > "u") && (typeof e.fragment == "string" || typeof e.fragment > "u") } function ay(e, t, s) { let i, n = -1; for (let r = 0; r < e.length; r++) { const o = e.charCodeAt(r); if (o >= 97 && o <= 122 || o >= 65 && o <= 90 || o >= 48 && o <= 57 || o === 45 || o === 46 || o === 95 || o === 126 || t && o === 47 || s && o === 91 || s && o === 93 || s && o === 58) n !== -1 && (i += encodeURIComponent(e.substring(n, r)), n = -1), i !== void 0 && (i += e.charAt(r)); else { i === void 0 && (i = e.substr(0, r)); const a = Z1[o]; a !== void 0 ? (n !== -1 && (i += encodeURIComponent(e.substring(n, r)), n = -1), i += a) : n === -1 && (n = r) } } return n !== -1 && (i += encodeURIComponent(e.substring(n))), i !== void 0 ? i : e } function qA(e) { let t; for (let s = 0; s < e.length; s++) { const i = e.charCodeAt(s); i === 35 || i === 63 ? (t === void 0 && (t = e.substr(0, s)), t += Z1[i]) : t !== void 0 && (t += e[s]) } return t !== void 0 ? t : e } function yu(e, t) { let s; return e.authority && e.path.length > 1 && e.scheme === "file" ? s = `//${e.authority}${e.path}` : e.path.charCodeAt(0) === 47 && (e.path.charCodeAt(1) >= 65 && e.path.charCodeAt(1) <= 90 || e.path.charCodeAt(1) >= 97 && e.path.charCodeAt(1) <= 122) && e.path.charCodeAt(2) === 58 ? t ? s = e.path.substr(1) : s = e.path[1].toLowerCase() + e.path.substr(2) : s = e.path, me && (s = s.replace(/\//g, "\\")), s } function X1(e, t) { const s = t ? qA : ay; let i = "", { scheme: n, authority: r, path: o, query: a, fragment: c } = e; if (n && (i += n, i += ":"), (r || n === "file") && (i += Hs, i += Hs), r) { let l = r.indexOf("@"); if (l !== -1) { const u = r.substr(0, l); r = r.substr(l + 1), l = u.lastIndexOf(":"), l === -1 ? i += s(u, !1, !1) : (i += s(u.substr(0, l), !1, !1), i += ":", i += s(u.substr(l + 1), !1, !0)), i += "@" } r = r.toLowerCase(), l = r.lastIndexOf(":"), l === -1 ? i += s(r, !1, !0) : (i += s(r.substr(0, l), !1, !0), i += r.substr(l)) } if (o) { if (o.length >= 3 && o.charCodeAt(0) === 47 && o.charCodeAt(2) === 58) { const l = o.charCodeAt(1); l >= 65 && l <= 90 && (o = `/${String.fromCharCode(l + 32)}:${o.substr(3)}`) } else if (o.length >= 2 && o.charCodeAt(1) === 58) { const l = o.charCodeAt(0); l >= 65 && l <= 90 && (o = `${String.fromCharCode(l + 32)}:${o.substr(2)}`) } i += s(o, !0, !1) } return a && (i += "?", i += s(a, !1, !1)), c && (i += "#", i += t ? c : ay(c, !1, !1)), i } function cy(e) { try { return decodeURIComponent(e) } catch { return e.length > 3 ? e.substr(0, 3) + cy(e.substr(3)) : e } } function Eu(e) { return e.match(K1) ? e.replace(K1, t => cy(t)) : e } var ly, uy, hy, Ve, Hs, fy, E, Q1, br, Z1, K1, ee = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/uri.js"() { "use strict"; de(), X(), ly = /^\w[\w\d+.-]*$/, uy = /^\//, hy = /^\/\//, Ve = "", Hs = "/", fy = /^(([^:/?#]+?):)?(\/\/([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?/, E = class l1 { static isUri(t) { return t instanceof l1 ? !0 : t ? typeof t.authority == "string" && typeof t.fragment == "string" && typeof t.path == "string" && typeof t.query == "string" && typeof t.scheme == "string" && typeof t.fsPath == "string" && typeof t.with == "function" && typeof t.toString == "function" : !1 } constructor(t, s, i, n, r, o = !1) { typeof t == "object" ? (this.scheme = t.scheme || Ve, this.authority = t.authority || Ve, this.path = t.path || Ve, this.query = t.query || Ve, this.fragment = t.fragment || Ve) : (this.scheme = VA(t, o), this.authority = s || Ve, this.path = WA(this.scheme, i || Ve), this.query = n || Ve, this.fragment = r || Ve, zA(this, o)) } get fsPath() { return yu(this, !1) } with(t) { if (!t) return this; let { scheme: s, authority: i, path: n, query: r, fragment: o } = t; return s === void 0 ? s = this.scheme : s === null && (s = Ve), i === void 0 ? i = this.authority : i === null && (i = Ve), n === void 0 ? n = this.path : n === null && (n = Ve), r === void 0 ? r = this.query : r === null && (r = Ve), o === void 0 ? o = this.fragment : o === null && (o = Ve), s === this.scheme && i === this.authority && n === this.path && r === this.query && o === this.fragment ? this : new br(s, i, n, r, o) } static parse(t, s = !1) { const i = fy.exec(t); return i ? new br(i[2] || Ve, Eu(i[4] || Ve), Eu(i[5] || Ve), Eu(i[7] || Ve), Eu(i[9] || Ve), s) : new br(Ve, Ve, Ve, Ve, Ve) } static file(t) { let s = Ve; if (me && (t = t.replace(/\\/g, Hs)), t[0] === Hs && t[1] === Hs) { const i = t.indexOf(Hs, 2); i === -1 ? (s = t.substring(2), t = Hs) : (s = t.substring(2, i), t = t.substring(i) || Hs) } return new br("file", s, t, Ve, Ve) } static from(t, s) { return new br(t.scheme, t.authority, t.path, t.query, t.fragment, s) } static joinPath(t, ...s) { if (!t.path) throw new Error("[UriError]: cannot call joinPath on URI without path"); let i; return me && t.scheme === "file" ? i = l1.file(pt.join(yu(t, !0), ...s)).path : i = Ae.join(t.path, ...s), t.with({ path: i }) } toString(t = !1) { return X1(this, t) } toJSON() { return this } static revive(t) { if (t) { if (t instanceof l1) return t; { const s = new br(t); return s._formatted = t.external ?? null, s._fsPath = t._sep === Q1 ? t.fsPath ?? null : null, s } } else return t } [Symbol.for("debug.description")]() { return `URI(${this.toString()})` } }, Q1 = me ? 1 : void 0, br = class extends E { constructor() { super(...arguments), this._formatted = null, this._fsPath = null } get fsPath() { return this._fsPath || (this._fsPath = yu(this, !1)), this._fsPath } toString(e = !1) { return e ? X1(this, !0) : (this._formatted || (this._formatted = X1(this, !1)), this._formatted) } toJSON() { const e = { $mid: 1 }; return this._fsPath && (e.fsPath = this._fsPath, e._sep = Q1), this._formatted && (e.external = this._formatted), this.path && (e.path = this.path), this.scheme && (e.scheme = this.scheme), this.authority && (e.authority = this.authority), this.query && (e.query = this.query), this.fragment && (e.fragment = this.fragment), e } }, Z1 = { 58: "%3A", 47: "%2F", 63: "%3F", 35: "%23", 91: "%5B", 93: "%5D", 64: "%40", 33: "%21", 36: "%24", 38: "%26", 39: "%27", 40: "%28", 41: "%29", 42: "%2A", 43: "%2B", 44: "%2C", 59: "%3B", 61: "%3D", 32: "%20" }, K1 = /(%[0-9A-Za-z][0-9A-Za-z])+/g } }); function dy(e, t) { return Ae.join(t ?? "/", `${e.quality ?? "oss"}-${e.commit ?? "dev"}`) } var Z, xu, uo, py, my, gy, wy, vy, ep, by, _t, yy, De = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/network.js"() { "use strict"; fe(), X(), et(), ee(), de(), function (e) { e.inMemory = "inmemory", e.vscode = "vscode", e.internal = "private", e.walkThrough = "walkThrough", e.walkThroughSnippet = "walkThroughSnippet", e.http = "http", e.https = "https", e.file = "file", e.mailto = "mailto", e.untitled = "untitled", = "data", e.command = "command", e.vscodeRemote = "vscode-remote", e.vscodeRemoteResource = "vscode-remote-resource", e.vscodeManagedRemoteResource = "vscode-managed-remote-resource", e.vscodeUserData = "vscode-userdata", e.vscodeCustomEditor = "vscode-custom-editor", e.vscodeNotebookCell = "vscode-notebook-cell", e.vscodeNotebookCellMetadata = "vscode-notebook-cell-metadata", e.vscodeNotebookCellMetadataDiff = "vscode-notebook-cell-metadata-diff", e.vscodeNotebookCellOutput = "vscode-notebook-cell-output", e.vscodeNotebookCellOutputDiff = "vscode-notebook-cell-output-diff", e.vscodeNotebookMetadata = "vscode-notebook-metadata", e.vscodeInteractiveInput = "vscode-interactive-input", e.vscodeSettings = "vscode-settings", e.vscodeWorkspaceTrust = "vscode-workspace-trust", e.vscodeTerminal = "vscode-terminal", e.vscodeChatCodeBlock = "vscode-chat-code-block", e.vscodeChatCodeCompareBlock = "vscode-chat-code-compare-block", e.vscodeChatSesssion = "vscode-chat-editor", e.webviewPanel = "webview-panel", e.vscodeWebview = "vscode-webview", e.extension = "extension", e.vscodeFileResource = "vscode-file", e.tmp = "tmp", e.vsls = "vsls", e.vscodeSourceControl = "vscode-scm", e.commentsInput = "comment", e.codeSetting = "code-setting", e.outputChannel = "output", e.accessibleView = "accessible-view" }(Z || (Z = {})), xu = "vscode-tkn", uo = "tkn", py = class { constructor() { this.a = Object.create(null), this.b = Object.create(null), this.c = Object.create(null), this.d = "http", this.e = null, this.f = "/" } setPreferredWebSchema(e) { this.d = e } setDelegate(e) { this.e = e } setServerRootPath(e, t) { this.f = dy(e, t) } getServerRootPath() { return this.f } get g() { return Ae.join(this.f, Z.vscodeRemoteResource) } set(e, t, s) { this.a[e] = t, this.b[e] = s } setConnectionToken(e, t) { this.c[e] = t } getPreferredWebSchema() { return this.d } rewrite(e) { if (this.e) try { return this.e(e) } catch (o) { return Vt(o), e } const t = e.authority; let s = this.a[t]; s && s.indexOf(":") !== -1 && s.indexOf("[") === -1 && (s = `[${s}]`); const i = this.b[t], n = this.c[t]; let r = `path=${encodeURIComponent(e.path)}`; return typeof n == "string" && (r += `&${uo}=${encodeURIComponent(n)}`), E.from({ scheme: $s ? this.d : Z.vscodeRemoteResource, authority: `${s}:${i}`, path: this.g, query: r }) } }, my = new py, gy = "vs/../../extensions", wy = "vs/../../node_modules", vy = "vs/../../node_modules.asar", ep = "vscode-app", by = class u1 { static { this.a = ep } asBrowserUri(t) { const s = this.b(t); return this.uriToBrowserUri(s) } uriToBrowserUri(t) { return t.scheme === Z.vscodeRemote ? my.rewrite(t) : t.scheme === Z.file && (rb || ab === `${Z.vscodeFileResource}://${u1.a}`) ? t.with({ scheme: Z.vscodeFileResource, authority: t.authority || u1.a, query: null, fragment: null }) : t } asFileUri(t) { const s = this.b(t); return this.uriToFileUri(s) } uriToFileUri(t) { return t.scheme === Z.vscodeFileResource ? t.with({ scheme: Z.file, authority: t.authority !== u1.a ? t.authority : null, query: null, fragment: null }) : t } b(t, s) { if (E.isUri(t)) return t; if (globalThis._VSCODE_FILE_ROOT) { const i = globalThis._VSCODE_FILE_ROOT; if (/^\w[\w\d+.-]*:\/\//.test(i)) return E.joinPath(E.parse(i, !0), t); const n = _(i, t); return E.file(n) } return E.parse(s.toUrl(t)) } }, _t = new by, function (e) { const t = new Map([["1", { "Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy": "same-origin" }], ["2", { "Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy": "require-corp" }], ["3", { "Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy": "same-origin", "Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy": "require-corp" }]]); e.CoopAndCoep = Object.freeze(t.get("3")); const s = "vscode-coi"; function i(r) { let o; typeof r == "string" ? o = new URL(r).searchParams : r instanceof URL ? o = r.searchParams : E.isUri(r) && (o = new URL(r.toString(!0)).searchParams); const a = o?.get(s); if (a) return t.get(a) } e.getHeadersFromQuery = i; function n(r, o, a) { if (!globalThis.crossOriginIsolated) return; const c = o && a ? "3" : a ? "2" : "1"; r instanceof URLSearchParams ? r.set(s, c) : r[s] = c } e.addSearchParam = n }(yy || (yy = {})) } }), ku, tp = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/instantiation/common/serviceCollection.js"() { "use strict"; ku = class { constructor(...e) { this.a = new Map; for (const [t, s] of e) this.set(t, s) } set(e, t) { const s = this.a.get(e); return this.a.set(e, t), s } has(e) { return this.a.has(e) } get(e) { return this.a.get(e) } } } }); function ve(e) { return typeof e == "string" } function ct(e) { return typeof e == "object" && e !== null && !Array.isArray(e) && !(e instanceof RegExp) && !(e instanceof Date) } function GA(e) { const t = Object.getPrototypeOf(Uint8Array); return typeof e == "object" && e instanceof t } function On(e) { return typeof e == "number" && !isNaN(e) } function ii(e) { return e === !0 || e === !1 } function ni(e) { return typeof e > "u" } function JA(e) { return !xt(e) } function xt(e) { return ni(e) || e === null } function sp(e) { if (xt(e)) throw new Error("Assertion Failed: argument is undefined or null"); return e } function $u(e) { if (!ct(e)) return !1; for (const t in e) if (, t)) return !1; return !0 } function ip(e) { return typeof e == "function" } function YA(e, t) { if (ve(t)) { if (typeof e !== t) throw new Error(`argument does not match constraint: typeof ${t}`) } else if (ip(t)) { try { if (e instanceof t) return } catch { } if (!xt(e) && e.constructor === t || t.length === 1 && 0, e) === !0) return; throw new Error("argument does not match one of these constraints: arg instanceof constraint, arg.constructor === constraint, nor constraint(arg) === true") } } var Ey, $e = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/types.js"() { "use strict"; Ey = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty } }); function np(e, t) { return t && (e.stack || e.stacktrace) ? m(110, null, ky(e), xy(e.stack) || xy(e.stacktrace)) : ky(e) } function xy(e) {
  73. return Array.isArray(e) ? e.join(`
  74. `) : e
  75. } function ky(e) { return e.code === "ERR_UNC_HOST_NOT_ALLOWED" ? `${e.message}. Please update the 'security.allowedUNCHosts' setting if you want to allow this host.` : typeof e.code == "string" && typeof e.errno == "number" && typeof e.syscall == "string" ? m(111, null, e.message) : e.message || m(112, null) } function Cn(e = null, t = !1) { if (!e) return m(113, null); if (Array.isArray(e)) { const s = yi(e), i = Cn(s[0], t); return s.length > 1 ? m(114, null, i, s.length) : i } if (ve(e)) return e; if (e.detail) { const s = e.detail; if (s.error) return np(s.error, t); if (s.exception) return np(s.exception, t) } return e.stack ? np(e, t) : e.message ? e.message : m(115, null) } var yr = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/errorMessage.js"() { "use strict"; Et(), $e(), he() } }); function Su(e) { const t = e; return t ? [t.on, t.pause, t.resume, t.destroy].every(s => typeof s == "function") : !1 } function rp(e) { const t = e; return t ? Su( && Array.isArray(t.buffer) && typeof t.ended == "boolean" : !1 } function Pu(e, t) { return new Py(e, t) } function XA(e, t) { const s = []; let i; for (; (i = !== null;)s.push(i); return t(s) } function QA(e, t, s) { const i = []; let n; for (; (n = !== null && i.length < s;)i.push(n); return n === null && i.length > 0 ? t(i) : { read: () => { if (i.length > 0) return i.shift(); if (typeof n < "u") { const r = n; return n = void 0, r } return } } } function $y(e, t) { return new Promise((s, i) => { const n = []; Iu(e, { onData: r => { t && n.push(r) }, onError: r => { t ? i(r) : s(void 0) }, onEnd: () => { s(t ? t(n) : void 0) } }) }) } function Iu(e, t, s) { e.on("error", i => { s?.isCancellationRequested || t.onError(i) }), e.on("end", () => { s?.isCancellationRequested || t.onEnd() }), e.on("data", i => { s?.isCancellationRequested || t.onData(i) }) } function ZA(e, t) { return new Promise((s, i) => { const n = new ut, r = [], o = l => { if (r.push(l), r.length > t) return n.dispose(), e.pause(), s({ stream: e, buffer: r, ended: !1 }) }, a = l => (n.dispose(), i(l)), c = () => (n.dispose(), s({ stream: e, buffer: r, ended: !0 })); n.add(ye(() => e.removeListener("error", a))), e.on("error", a), n.add(ye(() => e.removeListener("end", c))), e.on("end", c), n.add(ye(() => e.removeListener("data", o))), e.on("data", o) }) } function KA(e) { let t = !1; return { read: () => t ? null : (t = !0, e) } } function Sy(e, t, s) { const i = Pu(s); return Iu(e, { onData: n => i.write(, onError: n => i.error(t.error ? t.error(n) : n), onEnd: () => i.end() }), i } var Py, qa = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/stream.js"() { "use strict"; fe(), z(), Py = class { constructor(e, t) { this.e = e, this.f = t, this.a = { flowing: !1, ended: !1, destroyed: !1 }, this.b = { data: [], error: [] }, this.c = { data: [], error: [], end: [] }, this.d = [] } pause() { this.a.destroyed || (this.a.flowing = !1) } resume() { this.a.destroyed || this.a.flowing || (this.a.flowing = !0, this.j(), this.k(), this.l()) } write(e) { if (!this.a.destroyed) { if (this.a.flowing) this.g(e); else if (, typeof this.f?.highWaterMark == "number" && > this.f.highWaterMark) return new Promise(t => this.d.push(t)) } } error(e) { this.a.destroyed || (this.a.flowing ? this.h(e) : this.b.error.push(e)) } end(e) { this.a.destroyed || (typeof e < "u" && this.write(e), this.a.flowing ? (this.i(), this.destroy()) : this.a.ended = !0) } g(e) { => t(e)) } h(e) { this.c.error.length === 0 ? Vt(e) : this.c.error.slice(0).forEach(t => t(e)) } i() { this.c.end.slice(0).forEach(e => e()) } on(e, t) { if (!this.a.destroyed) switch (e) { case "data":, this.resume(); break; case "end": this.c.end.push(t), this.a.flowing && this.l() && this.destroy(); break; case "error": this.c.error.push(t), this.a.flowing && this.k(); break } } removeListener(e, t) { if (this.a.destroyed) return; let s; switch (e) { case "data": s =; break; case "end": s = this.c.end; break; case "error": s = this.c.error; break }if (s) { const i = s.indexOf(t); i >= 0 && s.splice(i, 1) } } j() { if ( > 0) { const e = this.e(; this.g(e), = 0; const t = [...this.d]; this.d.length = 0, t.forEach(s => s()) } } k() { if (this.c.error.length > 0) { for (const e of this.b.error) this.h(e); this.b.error.length = 0 } } l() { return this.a.ended ? (this.i(), this.c.end.length > 0) : !1 } destroy() { this.a.destroyed || (this.a.destroyed = !0, this.a.ended = !0, = 0, this.b.error.length = 0, = 0, this.c.error.length = 0, this.c.end.length = 0, this.d.length = 0) } } } }); function eD(e, t, s = 0) { const i = t.byteLength, n = e.byteLength; if (i === 0) return 0; if (i === 1) return e.indexOf(t[0]); if (i > n - s) return -1; const r = Ay.value; r.fill(t.length); for (let l = 0; l < t.length; l++)r[t[l]] = t.length - l - 1; let o = s + t.length - 1, a = o, c = -1; for (; o < n;)if (e[o] === t[a]) { if (a === 0) { c = o; break } o--, a-- } else o += Math.max(t.length - a, r[e[o]]), a = t.length - 1; return c } function tD(e, t) { return e[t] * 2 ** 24 + e[t + 1] * 2 ** 16 + e[t + 2] * 2 ** 8 + e[t + 3] } function sD(e, t, s) { e[s + 3] = t, t = t >>> 8, e[s + 2] = t, t = t >>> 8, e[s + 1] = t, t = t >>> 8, e[s] = t } function iD(e, t) { return e[t + 0] << 0 >>> 0 | e[t + 1] << 8 >>> 0 | e[t + 2] << 16 >>> 0 | e[t + 3] << 24 >>> 0 } function nD(e, t, s) { e[s + 0] = t & 255, t = t >>> 8, e[s + 1] = t & 255, t = t >>> 8, e[s + 2] = t & 255, t = t >>> 8, e[s + 3] = t & 255 } function rD(e, t) { return e[t] } function oD(e, t, s) { e[s] = t } function aD(e) { return XA(e, t => O.concat(t)) } function cD(e) { return KA(e) } function rn(e) { return $y(e, t => O.concat(t)) } async function lD(e) { return e.ended ? O.concat(e.buffer) : O.concat([...e.buffer, await rn(]) } function uD(e) { return Sy(e, { data: t => typeof t == "string" ? O.fromString(t) : O.wrap(t) }, t => O.concat(t)) } function hD(e) { return Pu(t => O.concat(t), e) } function Iy(e) { let t = 0, s = 0, i = 0; const n = new Uint8Array(Math.floor(e.length / 4 * 3)), r = a => { switch (s) { case 3: n[i++] = t | a, s = 0; break; case 2: n[i++] = t | a >>> 2, t = a << 6, s = 3; break; case 1: n[i++] = t | a >>> 4, t = a << 4, s = 2; break; default: t = a << 2, s = 1 } }; for (let a = 0; a < e.length; a++) { const c = e.charCodeAt(a); if (c >= 65 && c <= 90) r(c - 65); else if (c >= 97 && c <= 122) r(c - 97 + 26); else if (c >= 48 && c <= 57) r(c - 48 + 52); else if (c === 43 || c === 45) r(62); else if (c === 47 || c === 95) r(63); else { if (c === 61) break; throw new SyntaxError(`Unexpected base64 character ${e[a]}`) } } const o = i; for (; s > 0;)r(0); return O.wrap(n).slice(0, o) } function op({ buffer: e }, t = !0, s = !1) { const i = s ? Ry : Dy; let n = ""; const r = e.byteLength % 3; let o = 0; for (; o < e.byteLength - r; o += 3) { const a = e[o + 0], c = e[o + 1], l = e[o + 2]; n += i[a >>> 2], n += i[(a << 4 | c >>> 4) & 63], n += i[(c << 2 | l >>> 6) & 63], n += i[l & 63] } if (r === 1) { const a = e[o + 0]; n += i[a >>> 2], n += i[a << 4 & 63], t && (n += "==") } else if (r === 2) { const a = e[o + 0], c = e[o + 1]; n += i[a >>> 2], n += i[(a << 4 | c >>> 4) & 63], n += i[c << 2 & 63], t && (n += "=") } return n } var Ga, Ay, ap, cp, O, Dy, Ry, Me = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/buffer.js"() { "use strict"; wu(), qa(), Ga = typeof Buffer < "u", Ay = new gr(() => new Uint8Array(256)), O = class Qs { static alloc(t) { return Ga ? new Qs(Buffer.allocUnsafe(t)) : new Qs(new Uint8Array(t)) } static wrap(t) { return Ga && !Buffer.isBuffer(t) && (t = Buffer.from(t.buffer, t.byteOffset, t.byteLength)), new Qs(t) } static fromString(t, s) { return !(s?.dontUseNodeBuffer || !1) && Ga ? new Qs(Buffer.from(t)) : (ap || (ap = new TextEncoder), new Qs(ap.encode(t))) } static fromByteArray(t) { const s = Qs.alloc(t.length); for (let i = 0, n = t.length; i < n; i++)s.buffer[i] = t[i]; return s } static concat(t, s) { if (typeof s > "u") { s = 0; for (let r = 0, o = t.length; r < o; r++)s += t[r].byteLength } const i = Qs.alloc(s); let n = 0; for (let r = 0, o = t.length; r < o; r++) { const a = t[r]; i.set(a, n), n += a.byteLength } return i } constructor(t) { this.buffer = t, this.byteLength = this.buffer.byteLength } clone() { const t = Qs.alloc(this.byteLength); return t.set(this), t } toString() { return Ga ? this.buffer.toString() : (cp || (cp = new TextDecoder), cp.decode(this.buffer)) } slice(t, s) { return new Qs(this.buffer.subarray(t, s)) } set(t, s) { if (t instanceof Qs) this.buffer.set(t.buffer, s); else if (t instanceof Uint8Array) this.buffer.set(t, s); else if (t instanceof ArrayBuffer) this.buffer.set(new Uint8Array(t), s); else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(t)) this.buffer.set(new Uint8Array(t.buffer, t.byteOffset, t.byteLength), s); else throw new Error("Unknown argument 'array'") } readUInt32BE(t) { return tD(this.buffer, t) } writeUInt32BE(t, s) { sD(this.buffer, t, s) } readUInt32LE(t) { return iD(this.buffer, t) } writeUInt32LE(t, s) { nD(this.buffer, t, s) } readUInt8(t) { return rD(this.buffer, t) } writeUInt8(t, s) { oD(this.buffer, t, s) } indexOf(t, s = 0) { return eD(this.buffer, t instanceof Qs ? t.buffer : t, s) } }, Dy = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/", Ry = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_" } }); function ho(e) { return lp(e, 0) } function lp(e, t) { switch (typeof e) { case "object": return e === null ? on(349, t) : Array.isArray(e) ? dD(e, t) : pD(e, t); case "string": return Ly(e, t); case "boolean": return fD(e, t); case "number": return on(e, t); case "undefined": return on(937, t); default: return on(617, t) } } function on(e, t) { return (t << 5) - t + e | 0 } function fD(e, t) { return on(e ? 433 : 863, t) } function Ly(e, t) { t = on(149417, t); for (let s = 0, i = e.length; s < i; s++)t = on(e.charCodeAt(s), t); return t } function dD(e, t) { return t = on(104579, t), e.reduce((s, i) => lp(i, s), t) } function pD(e, t) { return t = on(181387, t), Object.keys(e).sort().reduce((s, i) => (s = Ly(i, s), lp(e[i], s)), t) } function up(e, t, s = 32) { const i = s - t, n = ~((1 << i) - 1); return (e << t | (n & e) >>> i) >>> 0 } function Ja(e, t = 32) { return e instanceof ArrayBuffer ? Array.from(new Uint8Array(e)).map(s => s.toString(16).padStart(2, "0")).join("") : (e >>> 0).toString(16).padStart(t / 4, "0") } var Ny, mD, Ya = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/hash.js"() { "use strict"; Me(), et(), function (e) { e[e.BLOCK_SIZE = 64] = "BLOCK_SIZE", e[e.UNICODE_REPLACEMENT = 65533] = "UNICODE_REPLACEMENT" }(Ny || (Ny = {})), mD = class hI { static { this.g = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(320)) } constructor() { this.h = 1732584193, this.l = 4023233417, this.m = 2562383102, this.n = 271733878, this.o = 3285377520, this.p = new Uint8Array(67), this.q = new DataView(this.p.buffer), this.r = 0, this.t = 0, this.u = 0, this.v = !1 } update(t) { const s = t.length; if (s === 0) return; const i = this.p; let n = this.r, r = this.u, o, a; for (r !== 0 ? (o = r, a = -1, r = 0) : (o = t.charCodeAt(0), a = 0); ;) { let c = o; if (LA(o)) if (a + 1 < s) { const l = t.charCodeAt(a + 1); Yb(l) ? (a++, c = NA(o, l)) : c = 65533 } else { r = o; break } else Yb(o) && (c = 65533); if (n = this.w(i, n, c), a++, a < s) o = t.charCodeAt(a); else break } this.r = n, this.u = r } w(t, s, i) { return i < 128 ? t[s++] = i : i < 2048 ? (t[s++] = 192 | (i & 1984) >>> 6, t[s++] = 128 | (i & 63) >>> 0) : i < 65536 ? (t[s++] = 224 | (i & 61440) >>> 12, t[s++] = 128 | (i & 4032) >>> 6, t[s++] = 128 | (i & 63) >>> 0) : (t[s++] = 240 | (i & 1835008) >>> 18, t[s++] = 128 | (i & 258048) >>> 12, t[s++] = 128 | (i & 4032) >>> 6, t[s++] = 128 | (i & 63) >>> 0), s >= 64 && (this.y(), s -= 64, this.t += 64, t[0] = t[64], t[1] = t[65], t[2] = t[66]), s } digest() { return this.v || (this.v = !0, this.u && (this.u = 0, this.r = this.w(this.p, this.r, 65533)), this.t += this.r, this.x()), Ja(this.h) + Ja(this.l) + Ja(this.m) + Ja(this.n) + Ja(this.o) } x() { this.p[this.r++] = 128, this.p.subarray(this.r).fill(0), this.r > 56 && (this.y(), this.p.fill(0)); const t = 8 * this.t; this.q.setUint32(56, Math.floor(t / 4294967296), !1), this.q.setUint32(60, t % 4294967296, !1), this.y() } y() { const t = hI.g, s = this.q; for (let h = 0; h < 64; h += 4)t.setUint32(h, s.getUint32(h, !1), !1); for (let h = 64; h < 320; h += 4)t.setUint32(h, up(t.getUint32(h - 12, !1) ^ t.getUint32(h - 32, !1) ^ t.getUint32(h - 56, !1) ^ t.getUint32(h - 64, !1), 1), !1); let i = this.h, n = this.l, r = this.m, o = this.n, a = this.o, c, l, u; for (let h = 0; h < 80; h++)h < 20 ? (c = n & r | ~n & o, l = 1518500249) : h < 40 ? (c = n ^ r ^ o, l = 1859775393) : h < 60 ? (c = n & r | n & o | r & o, l = 2400959708) : (c = n ^ r ^ o, l = 3395469782), u = up(i, 5) + c + a + l + t.getUint32(h * 4, !1) & 4294967295, a = o, o = r, r = up(n, 30), n = i, i = u; this.h = this.h + i & 4294967295, this.l = this.l + n & 4294967295, this.m = this.m + r & 4294967295, this.n = this.n + o & 4294967295, this.o = this.o + a & 4294967295 } } } }); function _n(e) { return e === 47 || e === 92 } function Oy(e) { return e.replace(/[\\/]/g, Ae.sep) } function gD(e) { return e.indexOf("/") === -1 && (e = Oy(e)), /^[a-zA-Z]:(\/|$)/.test(e) && (e = "/" + e), e } function Cy(e, t = Ae.sep) { if (!e) return ""; const s = e.length, i = e.charCodeAt(0); if (_n(i)) { if (_n(e.charCodeAt(1)) && !_n(e.charCodeAt(2))) { let r = 3; const o = r; for (; r < s && !_n(e.charCodeAt(r)); r++); if (o !== r && !_n(e.charCodeAt(r + 1))) { for (r += 1; r < s; r++)if (_n(e.charCodeAt(r))) return e.slice(0, r + 1).replace(/[\\/]/g, t) } } return t } else if (_y(i) && e.charCodeAt(1) === 58) return _n(e.charCodeAt(2)) ? e.slice(0, 2) + t : e.slice(0, 2); let n = e.indexOf("://"); if (n !== -1) { for (n += 3; n < s; n++)if (_n(e.charCodeAt(n))) return e.slice(0, n + 1) } return "" } function hp(e, t, s) { const i = e === t; return !s || i ? i : !e || !t ? !1 : Ln(e, t) } function jn(e, t, s, i = Qt) { if (e === t) return !0; if (!e || !t || t.length > e.length) return !1; if (s) { if (!W1(e, t)) return !1; if (t.length === e.length) return !0; let r = t.length; return t.charAt(t.length - 1) === i && r--, e.charAt(r) === i } return t.charAt(t.length - 1) !== i && (t += i), e.indexOf(t) === 0 } function _y(e) { return e >= 65 && e <= 90 || e >= 97 && e <= 122 } function wD(e) { return me ? (e = qb(e, Qt), e.endsWith(":") && (e += Qt)) : (e = qb(e, Qt), e || (e = Qt)), e } function vD(e) { const t = si(e); return me ? e.length > 3 ? !1 : jy(t) && (e.length === 2 || t.charCodeAt(2) === 92) : t === Ae.sep } function jy(e, t = me) { return t ? _y(e.charCodeAt(0)) && e.charCodeAt(1) === 58 : !1 } function bD(e, t, s = 8) { let i = ""; for (let r = 0; r < s; r++) { let o; r === 0 && me && !t && (s === 3 || s === 4) ? o = Uy : o = Ty, i += o.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * o.length)) } let n; return t ? n = `${t}-${i}` : n = i, e ? _(e, n) : n } var Ty, Uy, ki = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/extpath.js"() { "use strict"; de(), X(), et(), $e(), Ty = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789", Uy = "BDEFGHIJKMOQRSTUVWXYZbdefghijkmoqrstuvwxyz0123456789" } }); function an(e) { return yu(e, !0) } var Xa, Se, Au, My, fp, dp, yD, ED, Tn, Fy, By, ne, Hy, xD, kD, zy, pp, mp, $D, SD, Vy, kt = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/resources.js"() { "use strict"; ki(), De(), de(), X(), et(), ee(), Xa = class { constructor(e) { this.a = e } compare(e, t, s = !1) { return e === t ? 0 : H1(this.getComparisonKey(e, s), this.getComparisonKey(t, s)) } isEqual(e, t, s = !1) { return e === t ? !0 : !e || !t ? !1 : this.getComparisonKey(e, s) === this.getComparisonKey(t, s) } getComparisonKey(e, t = !1) { return e.with({ path: this.a(e) ? e.path.toLowerCase() : void 0, fragment: t ? null : void 0 }).toString() } ignorePathCasing(e) { return this.a(e) } isEqualOrParent(e, t, s = !1) { if (e.scheme === t.scheme) { if (e.scheme === Z.file) return jn(an(e), an(t), this.a(e)) && e.query === t.query && (s || e.fragment === t.fragment); if (pp(e.authority, t.authority)) return jn(e.path, t.path, this.a(e), "/") && e.query === t.query && (s || e.fragment === t.fragment) } return !1 } joinPath(e, ...t) { return E.joinPath(e, ...t) } basenameOrAuthority(e) { return Tn(e) || e.authority } basename(e) { return Ae.basename(e.path) } extname(e) { return Ae.extname(e.path) } dirname(e) { if (e.path.length === 0) return e; let t; return e.scheme === Z.file ? t = E.file(Ct(an(e))).path : (t = Ae.dirname(e.path), e.authority && t.length && t.charCodeAt(0) !== 47 && (console.error(`dirname("${e.toString})) resulted in a relative path`), t = "/")), e.with({ path: t }) } normalizePath(e) { if (!e.path.length) return e; let t; return e.scheme === Z.file ? t = E.file(si(an(e))).path : t = Ae.normalize(e.path), e.with({ path: t }) } relativePath(e, t) { if (e.scheme !== t.scheme || !pp(e.authority, t.authority)) return; if (e.scheme === Z.file) { const n = Wa(an(e), an(t)); return me ? Oy(n) : n } let s = e.path || "/"; const i = t.path || "/"; if (this.a(e)) { let n = 0; for (const r = Math.min(s.length, i.length); n < r && !(s.charCodeAt(n) !== i.charCodeAt(n) && s.charAt(n).toLowerCase() !== i.charAt(n).toLowerCase()); n++); s = i.substr(0, n) + s.substr(n) } return Ae.relative(s, i) } resolvePath(e, t) { if (e.scheme === Z.file) { const s = E.file(nn(an(e), t)); return e.with({ authority: s.authority, path: s.path }) } return t = gD(t), e.with({ path: Ae.resolve(e.path, t) }) } isAbsolutePath(e) { return !!e.path && e.path[0] === "/" } isEqualAuthority(e, t) { return e === t || e !== void 0 && t !== void 0 && Ln(e, t) } hasTrailingPathSeparator(e, t = Qt) { if (e.scheme === Z.file) { const s = an(e); return s.length > Cy(s).length && s[s.length - 1] === t } else { const s = e.path; return s.length > 1 && s.charCodeAt(s.length - 1) === 47 && !/^[a-zA-Z]:(\/$|\\$)/.test(e.fsPath) } } removeTrailingPathSeparator(e, t = Qt) { return mp(e, t) ? e.with({ path: e.path.substr(0, e.path.length - 1) }) : e } addTrailingPathSeparator(e, t = Qt) { let s = !1; if (e.scheme === Z.file) { const i = an(e); s = i !== void 0 && i.length === Cy(i).length && i[i.length - 1] === t } else { t = "/"; const i = e.path; s = i.length === 1 && i.charCodeAt(i.length - 1) === 47 } return !s && !mp(e, t) ? e.with({ path: e.path + "/" }) : e } }, Se = new Xa(() => !1), Au = new Xa(e => e.scheme === Z.file ? !rt : !0), My = new Xa(e => !0), fp = Se.isEqual.bind(Se), dp = Se.isEqualOrParent.bind(Se), yD = Se.getComparisonKey.bind(Se), ED = Se.basenameOrAuthority.bind(Se), Tn = Se.basename.bind(Se), Fy = Se.extname.bind(Se), By = Se.dirname.bind(Se), ne = Se.joinPath.bind(Se), Hy = Se.normalizePath.bind(Se), xD = Se.relativePath.bind(Se), kD = Se.resolvePath.bind(Se), zy = Se.isAbsolutePath.bind(Se), pp = Se.isEqualAuthority.bind(Se), mp = Se.hasTrailingPathSeparator.bind(Se), $D = Se.removeTrailingPathSeparator.bind(Se), SD = Se.addTrailingPathSeparator.bind(Se), function (e) { e.META_DATA_LABEL = "label", e.META_DATA_DESCRIPTION = "description", e.META_DATA_SIZE = "size", e.META_DATA_MIME = "mime"; function t(s) { const i = new Map; s.path.substring(s.path.indexOf(";") + 1, s.path.lastIndexOf(";")).split(";").forEach(o => { const [a, c] = o.split(":"); a && c && i.set(a, c) }); const r = s.path.substring(0, s.path.indexOf(";")); return r && i.set(e.META_DATA_MIME, r), i } e.parseMetaData = t }(Vy || (Vy = {})) } }); function gp(...e) { switch (e.length) { case 1: return m(1724, null, e[0]); case 2: return m(1725, null, e[0], e[1]); case 3: return m(1726, null, e[0], e[1], e[2]); default: return } } var Wy, qy, Gy, fo, PD = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/contextkey/common/scanner.js"() { "use strict"; fe(), he(), function (e) { e[e.LParen = 0] = "LParen", e[e.RParen = 1] = "RParen", e[e.Neg = 2] = "Neg", e[e.Eq = 3] = "Eq", e[e.NotEq = 4] = "NotEq", e[e.Lt = 5] = "Lt", e[e.LtEq = 6] = "LtEq", e[e.Gt = 7] = "Gt", e[e.GtEq = 8] = "GtEq", e[e.RegexOp = 9] = "RegexOp", e[e.RegexStr = 10] = "RegexStr", e[e.True = 11] = "True", e[e.False = 12] = "False", e[e.In = 13] = "In", e[e.Not = 14] = "Not", e[e.And = 15] = "And", e[e.Or = 16] = "Or", e[e.Str = 17] = "Str", e[e.QuotedStr = 18] = "QuotedStr", e[e.Error = 19] = "Error", e[e.EOF = 20] = "EOF" }(Wy || (Wy = {})), qy = m(1727, null), Gy = m(1728, null), fo = class Ev { constructor() { this.c = "", this.d = 0, this.e = 0, this.f = [], this.g = [], this.m = /[a-zA-Z0-9_<>\-\./\\:\*\?\+\[\]\^,#@;"%\$\p{L}-]+/uy } static getLexeme(t) { switch (t.type) { case 0: return "("; case 1: return ")"; case 2: return "!"; case 3: return t.isTripleEq ? "===" : "=="; case 4: return t.isTripleEq ? "!==" : "!="; case 5: return "<"; case 6: return "<="; case 7: return ">="; case 8: return ">="; case 9: return "=~"; case 10: return t.lexeme; case 11: return "true"; case 12: return "false"; case 13: return "in"; case 14: return "not"; case 15: return "&&"; case 16: return "||"; case 17: return t.lexeme; case 18: return t.lexeme; case 19: return t.lexeme; case 20: return "EOF"; default: throw Vv(`unhandled token type: ${JSON.stringify(t)}; have you forgotten to add a case?`) } } static { this.a = new Set(["i", "g", "s", "m", "y", "u"].map(t => t.charCodeAt(0))) } static { this.b = new Map([["not", 14], ["in", 13], ["false", 12], ["true", 11]]) } get errors() { return this.g } reset(t) { return this.c = t, this.d = 0, this.e = 0, this.f = [], this.g = [], this } scan() { for (; !this.r();)switch (this.d = this.e, this.i()) { case 40: this.k(0); break; case 41: this.k(1); break; case 33: if (this.h(61)) { const s = this.h(61); this.f.push({ type: 4, offset: this.d, isTripleEq: s }) } else this.k(2); break; case 39: this.o(); break; case 47: this.q(); break; case 61: if (this.h(61)) { const s = this.h(61); this.f.push({ type: 3, offset: this.d, isTripleEq: s }) } else this.h(126) ? this.k(9) : this.l(gp("==", "=~")); break; case 60: this.k(this.h(61) ? 6 : 5); break; case 62: this.k(this.h(61) ? 8 : 7); break; case 38: this.h(38) ? this.k(15) : this.l(gp("&&")); break; case 124: this.h(124) ? this.k(16) : this.l(gp("||")); break; case 32: case 13: case 9: case 10: case 160: break; default: this.n() }return this.d = this.e, this.k(20), Array.from(this.f) } h(t) { return this.r() || this.c.charCodeAt(this.e) !== t ? !1 : (this.e++, !0) } i() { return this.c.charCodeAt(this.e++) } j() { return this.r() ? 0 : this.c.charCodeAt(this.e) } k(t) { this.f.push({ type: t, offset: this.d }) } l(t) { const s = this.d, i = this.c.substring(this.d, this.e), n = { type: 19, offset: this.d, lexeme: i }; this.g.push({ offset: s, lexeme: i, additionalInfo: t }), this.f.push(n) } n() { this.m.lastIndex = this.d; const t = this.m.exec(this.c); if (t) { this.e = this.d + t[0].length; const s = this.c.substring(this.d, this.e), i = Ev.b.get(s); i ? this.k(i) : this.f.push({ type: 17, lexeme: s, offset: this.d }) } } o() { for (; this.j() !== 39 && !this.r();)this.i(); if (this.r()) { this.l(qy); return } this.i(), this.f.push({ type: 18, lexeme: this.c.substring(this.d + 1, this.e - 1), offset: this.d + 1 }) } q() { let t = this.e, s = !1, i = !1; for (; ;) { if (t >= this.c.length) { this.e = t, this.l(Gy); return } const r = this.c.charCodeAt(t); if (s) s = !1; else if (r === 47 && !i) { t++; break } else r === 91 ? i = !0 : r === 92 ? s = !0 : r === 93 && (i = !1); t++ } for (; t < this.c.length && Ev.a.has(this.c.charCodeAt(t));)t++; this.e = t; const n = this.c.substring(this.d, this.e); this.f.push({ type: 10, lexeme: n, offset: this.d }) } r() { return this.e >= this.c.length } } } }); function ID(e, t, s) { t[ri.DI_TARGET] === t ? t[ri.DI_DEPENDENCIES].push({ id: e, index: s }) : (t[ri.DI_DEPENDENCIES] = [{ id: e, index: s }], t[ri.DI_TARGET] = t) } function se(e) { if (ri.serviceIds.has(e)) return ri.serviceIds.get(e); const t = function (s, i, n) { if (arguments.length !== 3) throw new Error("@IServiceName-decorator can only be used to decorate a parameter"); ID(t, s, n) }; return t.toString = () => e, ri.serviceIds.set(e, t), t } function NM(e) { return e } var ri, Er, oe = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/instantiation/common/instantiation.js"() { "use strict"; (function (e) { e.serviceIds = new Map, e.DI_TARGET = "$di$target", e.DI_DEPENDENCIES = "$di$dependencies"; function t(s) { return s[e.DI_DEPENDENCIES] || [] } e.getServiceDependencies = t })(ri || (ri = {})), Er = se("instantiationService") } }); function Qa(e, t) { return e.cmp(t) } function Du(e, t) { if (typeof e == "string") { const s = parseFloat(e); isNaN(s) || (e = s) } return typeof e == "string" || typeof e == "number" ? t(e) : Zt.INSTANCE } function Jy(e) { let t = null; for (let s = 0, i = e.length; s < i; s++) { const n = e[s].substituteConstants(); if (e[s] !== n && t === null) { t = []; for (let r = 0; r < s; r++)t[r] = e[r] } t !== null && (t[s] = n) } return t === null ? e : t } function Yy(e, t) { return e < t ? -1 : e > t ? 1 : 0 } function xr(e, t, s, i) { return e < s ? -1 : e > s ? 1 : t < i ? -1 : t > i ? 1 : 0 } function Xy(e) { return e.type === 9 ? e.expr : [e] } var Rt, Qy, Zy, Ky, e4, t4, s4, wp, i4, n4, r4, o4, a4, $t, Zt, fs, kr, po, Ru, Lu, mo, $r, Za, Ka, ec, tc, go, c4, vp, Nu, Ee, l4, wo = v({
  76. "out-build/vs/platform/contextkey/common/contextkey.js"() {
  77. "use strict"; X(), et(), PD(), oe(), he(), fe(), Rt = new Map, Rt.set("false", !1), Rt.set("true", !0), Rt.set("isMac", _s), Rt.set("isLinux", rt), Rt.set("isWindows", me), Rt.set("isWeb", $s), Rt.set("isMacNative", _s && !$s), Rt.set("isEdge", pb), Rt.set("isFirefox", fb), Rt.set("isChrome", _1), Rt.set("isSafari", db), Qy = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, function (e) { e[e.False = 0] = "False", e[e.True = 1] = "True", e[e.Defined = 2] = "Defined", e[e.Not = 3] = "Not", e[e.Equals = 4] = "Equals", e[e.NotEquals = 5] = "NotEquals", e[e.And = 6] = "And", e[e.Regex = 7] = "Regex", e[e.NotRegex = 8] = "NotRegex", e[e.Or = 9] = "Or", e[e.In = 10] = "In", e[e.NotIn = 11] = "NotIn", e[e.Greater = 12] = "Greater", e[e.GreaterEquals = 13] = "GreaterEquals", e[e.Smaller = 14] = "Smaller", e[e.SmallerEquals = 15] = "SmallerEquals" }(Zy || (Zy = {})), Ky = { regexParsingWithErrorRecovery: !0 }, e4 = m(1704, null), t4 = m(1705, null), s4 = m(1706, null), wp = m(1707, null), i4 = m(1708, null), n4 = m(1709, null), r4 = m(1710, null), o4 = m(1711, null), a4 = class Xl {
  78. static { this.c = new Error } get lexingErrors() { return this.d.errors } get parsingErrors() { return this.h } constructor(t = Ky) { this.k = t, this.d = new fo, this.f = [], this.g = 0, this.h = [], this.v = /g|y/g } parse(t) { if (t === "") { this.h.push({ message: e4, offset: 0, lexeme: "", additionalInfo: t4 }); return } this.f = this.d.reset(t).scan(), this.g = 0, this.h = []; try { const s = this.l(); if (!this.E()) { const i = this.D(), n = i.type === 17 ? n4 : void 0; throw this.h.push({ message: i4, offset: i.offset, lexeme: fo.getLexeme(i), additionalInfo: n }), Xl.c } return s } catch (s) { if (s !== Xl.c) throw s; return } } l() { return this.m() } m() { const t = [this.o()]; for (; this.y(16);) { const s = this.o(); t.push(s) } return t.length === 1 ? t[0] : $t.or(...t) } o() { const t = [this.s()]; for (; this.y(15);) { const s = this.s(); t.push(s) } return t.length === 1 ? t[0] : $t.and(...t) } s() { if (this.y(2)) { const t = this.D(); switch (t.type) { case 11: return this.z(), Zt.INSTANCE; case 12: return this.z(), fs.INSTANCE; case 0: { this.z(); const s = this.l(); return this.A(1, wp), s?.negate() } case 17: return this.z(), $r.create(t.lexeme); default: throw this.B("KEY | true | false | '(' expression ')'", t) } } return this.t() } t() {
  79. const t = this.D(); switch (t.type) {
  80. case 11: return this.z(), $t.true(); case 12: return this.z(), $t.false(); case 0: { this.z(); const s = this.l(); return this.A(1, wp), s } case 17: { const s = t.lexeme; if (this.z(), this.y(9)) { const n = this.D(); if (!this.k.regexParsingWithErrorRecovery) { if (this.z(), n.type !== 10) throw this.B("REGEX", n); const r = n.lexeme, o = r.lastIndexOf("/"), a = o === r.length - 1 ? void 0 : this.w(r.substring(o + 1)); let c; try { c = new RegExp(r.substring(1, o), a) } catch { throw this.B("REGEX", n) } return go.create(s, c) } switch (n.type) { case 10: case 19: { const r = [n.lexeme]; this.z(); let o = this.D(), a = 0; for (let d = 0; d < n.lexeme.length; d++)n.lexeme.charCodeAt(d) === 40 ? a++ : n.lexeme.charCodeAt(d) === 41 && a--; for (; !this.E() && o.type !== 15 && o.type !== 16;) { switch (o.type) { case 0: a++; break; case 1: a--; break; case 10: case 18: for (let d = 0; d < o.lexeme.length; d++)o.lexeme.charCodeAt(d) === 40 ? a++ : n.lexeme.charCodeAt(d) === 41 && a-- }if (a < 0) break; r.push(fo.getLexeme(o)), this.z(), o = this.D() } const c = r.join(""), l = c.lastIndexOf("/"), u = l === c.length - 1 ? void 0 : this.w(c.substring(l + 1)); let h; try { h = new RegExp(c.substring(1, l), u) } catch { throw this.B("REGEX", n) } return $t.regex(s, h) } case 18: { const r = n.lexeme; this.z(); let o = null; if (!PA(r)) { const a = r.indexOf("/"), c = r.lastIndexOf("/"); if (a !== c && a >= 0) { const l = r.slice(a + 1, c), u = r[c + 1] === "i" ? "i" : ""; try { o = new RegExp(l, u) } catch { throw this.B("REGEX", n) } } } if (o === null) throw this.B("REGEX", n); return go.create(s, o) } default: throw this.B("REGEX", this.D()) } } if (this.y(14)) { this.A(13, s4); const n = this.u(); return $t.notIn(s, n) } switch (this.D().type) { case 3: { this.z(); const n = this.u(); if (this.x().type === 18) return $t.equals(s, n); switch (n) { case "true": return $t.has(s); case "false": return $t.not(s); default: return $t.equals(s, n) } } case 4: { this.z(); const n = this.u(); if (this.x().type === 18) return $t.notEquals(s, n); switch (n) { case "true": return $t.not(s); case "false": return $t.has(s); default: return $t.notEquals(s, n) } } case 5: return this.z(), ec.create(s, this.u()); case 6: return this.z(), tc.create(s, this.u()); case 7: return this.z(), Za.create(s, this.u()); case 8: return this.z(), Ka.create(s, this.u()); case 13: return this.z(), $, this.u()); default: return $t.has(s) } } case 20: throw this.h.push({ message: r4, offset: t.offset, lexeme: "", additionalInfo: o4 }), Xl.c; default: throw this.B(`true | false | KEY
  81. | KEY '=~' REGEX
  82. | KEY ('==' | '!=' | '<' | '<=' | '>' | '>=' | 'in' | 'not' 'in') value`, this.D())
  83. }
  84. } u() { const t = this.D(); switch (t.type) { case 17: case 18: return this.z(), t.lexeme; case 11: return this.z(), "true"; case 12: return this.z(), "false"; case 13: return this.z(), "in"; default: return "" } } w(t) { return t.replaceAll(this.v, "") } x() { return this.f[this.g - 1] } y(t) { return this.C(t) ? (this.z(), !0) : !1 } z() { return this.E() || this.g++, this.x() } A(t, s) { if (this.C(t)) return this.z(); throw this.B(s, this.D()) } B(t, s, i) { const n = m(1712, null, t, fo.getLexeme(s)), r = s.offset, o = fo.getLexeme(s); return this.h.push({ message: n, offset: r, lexeme: o, additionalInfo: i }), Xl.c } C(t) { return this.D().type === t } D() { return this.f[this.g] } E() { return this.D().type === 20 }
  85. }, $t = class { static false() { return Zt.INSTANCE } static true() { return fs.INSTANCE } static has(e) { return kr.create(e) } static equals(e, t) { return po.create(e, t) } static notEquals(e, t) { return mo.create(e, t) } static regex(e, t) { return go.create(e, t) } static in(e, t) { return Ru.create(e, t) } static notIn(e, t) { return Lu.create(e, t) } static not(e) { return $r.create(e) } static and(...e) { return vp.create(e, null, !0) } static or(...e) { return Nu.create(e, null, !0) } static greater(e, t) { return Za.create(e, t) } static greaterEquals(e, t) { return Ka.create(e, t) } static smaller(e, t) { return ec.create(e, t) } static smallerEquals(e, t) { return tc.create(e, t) } static { this.c = new a4({ regexParsingWithErrorRecovery: !1 }) } static deserialize(e) { return e == null ? void 0 : this.c.parse(e) } }, Zt = class fI { static { this.INSTANCE = new fI } constructor() { this.type = 0 } cmp(t) { return this.type - t.type } equals(t) { return t.type === this.type } substituteConstants() { return this } evaluate(t) { return !1 } serialize() { return "false" } keys() { return [] } map(t) { return this } negate() { return fs.INSTANCE } }, fs = class dI { static { this.INSTANCE = new dI } constructor() { this.type = 1 } cmp(t) { return this.type - t.type } equals(t) { return t.type === this.type } substituteConstants() { return this } evaluate(t) { return !0 } serialize() { return "true" } keys() { return [] } map(t) { return this } negate() { return Zt.INSTANCE } }, kr = class pI { static create(t, s = null) { const i = Rt.get(t); return typeof i == "boolean" ? i ? fs.INSTANCE : Zt.INSTANCE : new pI(t, s) } constructor(t, s) { this.key = t, this.c = s, this.type = 2 } cmp(t) { return t.type !== this.type ? this.type - t.type : Yy(this.key, t.key) } equals(t) { return t.type === this.type ? this.key === t.key : !1 } substituteConstants() { const t = Rt.get(this.key); return typeof t == "boolean" ? t ? fs.INSTANCE : Zt.INSTANCE : this } evaluate(t) { return !!t.getValue(this.key) } serialize() { return this.key } keys() { return [this.key] } map(t) { return t.mapDefined(this.key) } negate() { return this.c || (this.c = $r.create(this.key, this)), this.c } }, po = class mI { static create(t, s, i = null) { if (typeof s == "boolean") return s ? kr.create(t, i) : $r.create(t, i); const n = Rt.get(t); return typeof n == "boolean" ? s === (n ? "true" : "false") ? fs.INSTANCE : Zt.INSTANCE : new mI(t, s, i) } constructor(t, s, i) { this.c = t, this.d = s, this.f = i, this.type = 4 } cmp(t) { return t.type !== this.type ? this.type - t.type : xr(this.c, this.d, t.c, t.d) } equals(t) { return t.type === this.type ? this.c === t.c && this.d === t.d : !1 } substituteConstants() { const t = Rt.get(this.c); if (typeof t == "boolean") { const s = t ? "true" : "false"; return this.d === s ? fs.INSTANCE : Zt.INSTANCE } return this } evaluate(t) { return t.getValue(this.c) == this.d } serialize() { return `${this.c} == '${this.d}'` } keys() { return [this.c] } map(t) { return t.mapEquals(this.c, this.d) } negate() { return this.f || (this.f = mo.create(this.c, this.d, this)), this.f } }, Ru = class gI { static create(t, s) { return new gI(t, s) } constructor(t, s) { this.d = t, this.f = s, this.type = 10, this.c = null } cmp(t) { return t.type !== this.type ? this.type - t.type : xr(this.d, this.f, t.d, t.f) } equals(t) { return t.type === this.type ? this.d === t.d && this.f === t.f : !1 } substituteConstants() { return this } evaluate(t) { const s = t.getValue(this.f), i = t.getValue(this.d); return Array.isArray(s) ? s.includes(i) : typeof i == "string" && typeof s == "object" && s !== null ?, i) : !1 } serialize() { return `${this.d} in '${this.f}'` } keys() { return [this.d, this.f] } map(t) { return t.mapIn(this.d, this.f) } negate() { return this.c || (this.c = Lu.create(this.d, this.f)), this.c } }, Lu = class wI { static create(t, s) { return new wI(t, s) } constructor(t, s) { this.d = t, this.f = s, this.type = 11, this.c = Ru.create(t, s) } cmp(t) { return t.type !== this.type ? this.type - t.type : this.c.cmp(t.c) } equals(t) { return t.type === this.type ? this.c.equals(t.c) : !1 } substituteConstants() { return this } evaluate(t) { return !this.c.evaluate(t) } serialize() { return `${this.d} not in '${this.f}'` } keys() { return this.c.keys() } map(t) { return t.mapNotIn(this.d, this.f) } negate() { return this.c } }, mo = class vI { static create(t, s, i = null) { if (typeof s == "boolean") return s ? $r.create(t, i) : kr.create(t, i); const n = Rt.get(t); return typeof n == "boolean" ? s === (n ? "true" : "false") ? Zt.INSTANCE : fs.INSTANCE : new vI(t, s, i) } constructor(t, s, i) { this.c = t, this.d = s, this.f = i, this.type = 5 } cmp(t) { return t.type !== this.type ? this.type - t.type : xr(this.c, this.d, t.c, t.d) } equals(t) { return t.type === this.type ? this.c === t.c && this.d === t.d : !1 } substituteConstants() { const t = Rt.get(this.c); if (typeof t == "boolean") { const s = t ? "true" : "false"; return this.d === s ? Zt.INSTANCE : fs.INSTANCE } return this } evaluate(t) { return t.getValue(this.c) != this.d } serialize() { return `${this.c} != '${this.d}'` } keys() { return [this.c] } map(t) { return t.mapNotEquals(this.c, this.d) } negate() { return this.f || (this.f = po.create(this.c, this.d, this)), this.f } }, $r = class bI { static create(t, s = null) { const i = Rt.get(t); return typeof i == "boolean" ? i ? Zt.INSTANCE : fs.INSTANCE : new bI(t, s) } constructor(t, s) { this.c = t, this.d = s, this.type = 3 } cmp(t) { return t.type !== this.type ? this.type - t.type : Yy(this.c, t.c) } equals(t) { return t.type === this.type ? this.c === t.c : !1 } substituteConstants() { const t = Rt.get(this.c); return typeof t == "boolean" ? t ? Zt.INSTANCE : fs.INSTANCE : this } evaluate(t) { return !t.getValue(this.c) } serialize() { return `!${this.c}` } keys() { return [this.c] } map(t) { return t.mapNot(this.c) } negate() { return this.d || (this.d = kr.create(this.c, this)), this.d } }, Za = class yI { static create(t, s, i = null) { return Du(s, n => new yI(t, n, i)) } constructor(t, s, i) { this.c = t, this.d = s, this.f = i, this.type = 12 } cmp(t) { return t.type !== this.type ? this.type - t.type : xr(this.c, this.d, t.c, t.d) } equals(t) { return t.type === this.type ? this.c === t.c && this.d === t.d : !1 } substituteConstants() { return this } evaluate(t) { return typeof this.d == "string" ? !1 : parseFloat(t.getValue(this.c)) > this.d } serialize() { return `${this.c} > ${this.d}` } keys() { return [this.c] } map(t) { return t.mapGreater(this.c, this.d) } negate() { return this.f || (this.f = tc.create(this.c, this.d, this)), this.f } }, Ka = class EI { static create(t, s, i = null) { return Du(s, n => new EI(t, n, i)) } constructor(t, s, i) { this.c = t, this.d = s, this.f = i, this.type = 13 } cmp(t) { return t.type !== this.type ? this.type - t.type : xr(this.c, this.d, t.c, t.d) } equals(t) { return t.type === this.type ? this.c === t.c && this.d === t.d : !1 } substituteConstants() { return this } evaluate(t) { return typeof this.d == "string" ? !1 : parseFloat(t.getValue(this.c)) >= this.d } serialize() { return `${this.c} >= ${this.d}` } keys() { return [this.c] } map(t) { return t.mapGreaterEquals(this.c, this.d) } negate() { return this.f || (this.f = ec.create(this.c, this.d, this)), this.f } }, ec = class xI { static create(t, s, i = null) { return Du(s, n => new xI(t, n, i)) } constructor(t, s, i) { this.c = t, this.d = s, this.f = i, this.type = 14 } cmp(t) { return t.type !== this.type ? this.type - t.type : xr(this.c, this.d, t.c, t.d) } equals(t) { return t.type === this.type ? this.c === t.c && this.d === t.d : !1 } substituteConstants() { return this } evaluate(t) { return typeof this.d == "string" ? !1 : parseFloat(t.getValue(this.c)) < this.d } serialize() { return `${this.c} < ${this.d}` } keys() { return [this.c] } map(t) { return t.mapSmaller(this.c, this.d) } negate() { return this.f || (this.f = Ka.create(this.c, this.d, this)), this.f } }, tc = class kI { static create(t, s, i = null) { return Du(s, n => new kI(t, n, i)) } constructor(t, s, i) { this.c = t, this.d = s, this.f = i, this.type = 15 } cmp(t) { return t.type !== this.type ? this.type - t.type : xr(this.c, this.d, t.c, t.d) } equals(t) { return t.type === this.type ? this.c === t.c && this.d === t.d : !1 } substituteConstants() { return this } evaluate(t) { return typeof this.d == "string" ? !1 : parseFloat(t.getValue(this.c)) <= this.d } serialize() { return `${this.c} <= ${this.d}` } keys() { return [this.c] } map(t) { return t.mapSmallerEquals(this.c, this.d) } negate() { return this.f || (this.f = Za.create(this.c, this.d, this)), this.f } }, go = class $I { static create(t, s) { return new $I(t, s) } constructor(t, s) { this.d = t, this.f = s, this.type = 7, this.c = null } cmp(t) { if (t.type !== this.type) return this.type - t.type; if (this.d < t.d) return -1; if (this.d > t.d) return 1; const s = this.f ? this.f.source : "", i = t.f ? t.f.source : ""; return s < i ? -1 : s > i ? 1 : 0 } equals(t) { if (t.type === this.type) { const s = this.f ? this.f.source : "", i = t.f ? t.f.source : ""; return this.d === t.d && s === i } return !1 } substituteConstants() { return this } evaluate(t) { const s = t.getValue(this.d); return this.f ? this.f.test(s) : !1 } serialize() { const t = this.f ? `/${this.f.source}/${this.f.flags}` : "/invalid/"; return `${this.d} =~ ${t}` } keys() { return [this.d] } map(t) { return t.mapRegex(this.d, this.f) } negate() { return this.c || (this.c = c4.create(this)), this.c } }, c4 = class xv { static create(t) { return new xv(t) } constructor(t) { this.c = t, this.type = 8 } cmp(t) { return t.type !== this.type ? this.type - t.type : this.c.cmp(t.c) } equals(t) { return t.type === this.type ? this.c.equals(t.c) : !1 } substituteConstants() { return this } evaluate(t) { return !this.c.evaluate(t) } serialize() { return `!(${this.c.serialize()})` } keys() { return this.c.keys() } map(t) { return new xv( } negate() { return this.c } }, vp = class Da { static create(t, s, i) { return Da.d(t, s, i) } constructor(t, s) { this.expr = t, this.c = s, this.type = 6 } cmp(t) { if (t.type !== this.type) return this.type - t.type; if (this.expr.length < t.expr.length) return -1; if (this.expr.length > t.expr.length) return 1; for (let s = 0, i = this.expr.length; s < i; s++) { const n = Qa(this.expr[s], t.expr[s]); if (n !== 0) return n } return 0 } equals(t) { if (t.type === this.type) { if (this.expr.length !== t.expr.length) return !1; for (let s = 0, i = this.expr.length; s < i; s++)if (!this.expr[s].equals(t.expr[s])) return !1; return !0 } return !1 } substituteConstants() { const t = Jy(this.expr); return t === this.expr ? this : Da.create(t, this.c, !1) } evaluate(t) { for (let s = 0, i = this.expr.length; s < i; s++)if (!this.expr[s].evaluate(t)) return !1; return !0 } static d(t, s, i) { const n = []; let r = !1; for (const o of t) if (o) { if (o.type === 1) { r = !0; continue } if (o.type === 0) return Zt.INSTANCE; if (o.type === 6) { n.push(...o.expr); continue } n.push(o) } if (n.length === 0 && r) return fs.INSTANCE; if (n.length !== 0) { if (n.length === 1) return n[0]; n.sort(Qa); for (let o = 1; o < n.length; o++)n[o - 1].equals(n[o]) && (n.splice(o, 1), o--); if (n.length === 1) return n[0]; for (; n.length > 1;) { const o = n[n.length - 1]; if (o.type !== 9) break; n.pop(); const a = n.pop(), c = n.length === 0, l = Nu.create( => Da.create([u, a], null, i)), null, c); l && (n.push(l), n.sort(Qa)) } if (n.length === 1) return n[0]; if (i) { for (let o = 0; o < n.length; o++)for (let a = o + 1; a < n.length; a++)if (n[o].negate().equals(n[a])) return Zt.INSTANCE; if (n.length === 1) return n[0] } return new Da(n, s) } } serialize() { return => t.serialize()).join(" && ") } keys() { const t = []; for (const s of this.expr) t.push(...s.keys()); return t } map(t) { return new Da( =>, null) } negate() { if (!this.c) { const t = []; for (const s of this.expr) t.push(s.negate()); this.c = Nu.create(t, this, !0) } return this.c } }, Nu = class Xr { static create(t, s, i) { return Xr.d(t, s, i) } constructor(t, s) { this.expr = t, this.c = s, this.type = 9 } cmp(t) { if (t.type !== this.type) return this.type - t.type; if (this.expr.length < t.expr.length) return -1; if (this.expr.length > t.expr.length) return 1; for (let s = 0, i = this.expr.length; s < i; s++) { const n = Qa(this.expr[s], t.expr[s]); if (n !== 0) return n } return 0 } equals(t) { if (t.type === this.type) { if (this.expr.length !== t.expr.length) return !1; for (let s = 0, i = this.expr.length; s < i; s++)if (!this.expr[s].equals(t.expr[s])) return !1; return !0 } return !1 } substituteConstants() { const t = Jy(this.expr); return t === this.expr ? this : Xr.create(t, this.c, !1) } evaluate(t) { for (let s = 0, i = this.expr.length; s < i; s++)if (this.expr[s].evaluate(t)) return !0; return !1 } static d(t, s, i) { let n = [], r = !1; if (t) { for (let o = 0, a = t.length; o < a; o++) { const c = t[o]; if (c) { if (c.type === 0) { r = !0; continue } if (c.type === 1) return fs.INSTANCE; if (c.type === 9) { n = n.concat(c.expr); continue } n.push(c) } } if (n.length === 0 && r) return Zt.INSTANCE; n.sort(Qa) } if (n.length !== 0) { if (n.length === 1) return n[0]; for (let o = 1; o < n.length; o++)n[o - 1].equals(n[o]) && (n.splice(o, 1), o--); if (n.length === 1) return n[0]; if (i) { for (let o = 0; o < n.length; o++)for (let a = o + 1; a < n.length; a++)if (n[o].negate().equals(n[a])) return fs.INSTANCE; if (n.length === 1) return n[0] } return new Xr(n, s) } } serialize() { return => t.serialize()).join(" || ") } keys() { const t = []; for (const s of this.expr) t.push(...s.keys()); return t } map(t) { return new Xr( =>, null) } negate() { if (!this.c) { const t = []; for (const s of this.expr) t.push(s.negate()); for (; t.length > 1;) { const s = t.shift(), i = t.shift(), n = []; for (const r of Xy(s)) for (const o of Xy(i)) n.push(vp.create([r, o], null, !1)); t.unshift(Xr.create(n, null, !1)) } this.c = Xr.create(t, this, !0) } return this.c } }, Ee = class h1 extends kr { static { this.d = [] } static all() { return h1.d.values() } constructor(t, s, i) { super(t, null), this.f = s, typeof i == "object" ? h1.d.push({ ...i, key: t }) : i !== !0 && h1.d.push({ key: t, description: i, type: s != null ? typeof s : void 0 }) } bindTo(t) { return t.createKey(this.key, this.f) } getValue(t) { return t.getContextKeyValue(this.key) } toNegated() { return this.negate() } isEqualTo(t) { return po.create(this.key, t) } notEqualsTo(t) { return mo.create(this.key, t) } }, l4 = se("contextKeyService")
  86. }
  87. }); function bp(e) { return On(e) } function AD(e, t, s) { switch (t) { case F.Trace: e.trace(s); break; case F.Debug: e.debug(s); break; case F.Info:; break; case F.Warning: e.warn(s); break; case F.Error: e.error(s); break; case F.Off: break; default: throw new Error(`Invalid log level ${t}`) } } function vo(e, t = !1) { let s = ""; for (let i = 0; i < e.length; i++) { let n = e[i]; if (n instanceof Error && (n = Cn(n, t)), typeof n == "object") try { n = JSON.stringify(n) } catch { } s += (i > 0 ? " " : "") + n } return s } function yp(e) { if (e.verbose) return F.Trace; if (typeof e.logLevel == "string") { const t = DD(e.logLevel.toLowerCase()); if (t !== void 0) return t } return ic } function u4(e) { switch (e) { case F.Trace: return "trace"; case F.Debug: return "debug"; case F.Info: return "info"; case F.Warning: return "warn"; case F.Error: return "error"; case F.Off: return "off" } } function DD(e) { switch (e) { case "trace": return F.Trace; case "debug": return F.Debug; case "info": return F.Info; case "warn": return F.Warning; case "error": return F.Error; case "critical": return F.Error; case "off": return F.Off } } var pe, sc, F, ic, nc, h4, f4, d4, p4, m4, g4, RD, Re = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/log/common/log.js"() { "use strict"; he(), yr(), re(), Ya(), z(), ls(), X(), kt(), $e(), ee(), wo(), oe(), pe = se("logService"), sc = se("loggerService"), function (e) { e[e.Off = 0] = "Off", e[e.Trace = 1] = "Trace", e[e.Debug = 2] = "Debug", e[e.Info = 3] = "Info", e[e.Warning = 4] = "Warning", e[e.Error = 5] = "Error" }(F || (F = {})), ic = F.Info, nc = class extends J { constructor() { super(...arguments), this.b = ic, this.c = this.B(new D), this.onDidChangeLogLevel = this.c.event } setLevel(e) { this.b !== e && (this.b = e, } getLevel() { return this.b } f(e) { return this.b !== F.Off && this.b <= e } g(e) { return this.q.isDisposed ? !1 : this.f(e) } }, h4 = class extends nc { constructor(e) { super(), this.h = e } f(e) { return this.h || super.f(e) } trace(e, ...t) { this.g(F.Trace) && this.m(F.Trace, vo([e, ...t], !0)) } debug(e, ...t) { this.g(F.Debug) && this.m(F.Debug, vo([e, ...t])) } info(e, ...t) { this.g(F.Info) && this.m(F.Info, vo([e, ...t])) } warn(e, ...t) { this.g(F.Warning) && this.m(F.Warning, vo([e, ...t])) } error(e, ...t) { if (this.g(F.Error)) if (e instanceof Error) { const s =; s[0] = e.stack, this.m(F.Error, vo(s)) } else this.m(F.Error, vo([e, ...t])) } flush() { } }, f4 = class extends nc { constructor(e = ic, t = !0) { super(), this.h = t, this.setLevel(e) } trace(e, ...t) { this.g(F.Trace) && (this.h ? console.log("%cTRACE", "color: #888", e, ...t) : console.log(e, ...t)) } debug(e, ...t) { this.g(F.Debug) && (this.h ? console.log("%cDEBUG", "background: #eee; color: #888", e, ...t) : console.log(e, ...t)) } info(e, ...t) { this.g(F.Info) && (this.h ? console.log("%c INFO", "color: #33f", e, ...t) : console.log(e, ...t)) } warn(e, ...t) { this.g(F.Warning) && (this.h ? console.log("%c WARN", "color: #993", e, ...t) : console.log(e, ...t)) } error(e, ...t) { this.g(F.Error) && (this.h ? console.log("%c ERR", "color: #f33", e, ...t) : console.error(e, ...t)) } flush() { } }, d4 = class extends nc { constructor(e) { super(), this.h = e, e.length && this.setLevel(e[0].getLevel()) } setLevel(e) { for (const t of this.h) t.setLevel(e); super.setLevel(e) } trace(e, ...t) { for (const s of this.h) s.trace(e, ...t) } debug(e, ...t) { for (const s of this.h) s.debug(e, ...t) } info(e, ...t) { for (const s of this.h), ...t) } warn(e, ...t) { for (const s of this.h) s.warn(e, ...t) } error(e, ...t) { for (const s of this.h) s.error(e, ...t) } flush() { for (const e of this.h) e.flush() } dispose() { for (const e of this.h) e.dispose(); super.dispose() } }, p4 = class extends J { constructor(e, t, s) { if (super(), this.h = e, this.j = t, this.b = new At, this.c = this.B(new D), this.onDidChangeLoggers = this.c.event, this.f = this.B(new D), this.onDidChangeLogLevel = this.f.event, this.g = this.B(new D), this.onDidChangeVisibility = this.g.event, s) for (const i of s) this.b.set(i.resource, { logger: void 0, info: i }) } m(e) { return ve(e) ? [...this.b.values()].find(t => === e) : this.b.get(e) } getLogger(e) { return this.m(e)?.logger } createLogger(e, t) { const s = this.n(e), i = ve(e) ? e : t?.id ?? ho(s.toString()).toString(16); let n = this.b.get(s)?.logger; const r = t?.logLevel === "always" ? F.Trace : t?.logLevel; n || (n = this.s(s, r ?? this.getLogLevel(s) ?? this.h, { ...t, id: i })); const o = { logger: n, info: { resource: s, id: i, logLevel: r, name: t?.name, hidden: t?.hidden, extensionId: t?.extensionId, when: t?.when } }; return this.registerLogger(, this.b.set(s, o), n } n(e) { return ve(e) ? ne(this.j, `${e}.log`) : e } setLogLevel(e, t) { if (E.isUri(e)) { const s = e, i = t, n = this.b.get(s); n && i !== && ( = i === this.h ? void 0 : i, n.logger?.setLevel(i), this.b.set(, n),[s, i])) } else { this.h = e; for (const [s, i] of this.b.entries()) this.b.get(s)?.info.logLevel === void 0 && i.logger?.setLevel(this.h); } } setVisibility(e, t) { const s = this.m(e); s && t !== ! && ( = !t, this.b.set(, s),[, t])) } getLogLevel(e) { let t; return e && (t = this.b.get(e)?.info.logLevel), t ?? this.h } registerLogger(e) { const t = this.b.get(e.resource); t ? !== e.hidden && this.setVisibility(e.resource, !e.hidden) : (this.b.set(e.resource, { info: e, logger: void 0 }),{ added: [e], removed: [] })) } deregisterLogger(e) { const t = this.b.get(e); t && (t.logger && t.logger.dispose(), this.b.delete(e),{ added: [], removed: [] })) } *getRegisteredLoggers() { for (const e of this.b.values()) yield } getRegisteredLogger(e) { return this.b.get(e)?.info } dispose() { this.b.forEach(e => e.logger?.dispose()), this.b.clear(), super.dispose() } }, m4 = class { constructor() { this.onDidChangeLogLevel = new D().event } setLevel(e) { } getLevel() { return F.Info } trace(e, ...t) { } debug(e, ...t) { } info(e, ...t) { } warn(e, ...t) { } error(e, ...t) { } critical(e, ...t) { } dispose() { } flush() { } }, g4 = class extends m4 { }, RD = new Ee("logLevel", u4(F.Info)) } }), Xe, Ou = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/instantiation/common/descriptors.js"() { "use strict"; Xe = class { constructor(e, t = [], s = !1) { this.ctor = e, this.staticArguments = t, this.supportsDelayedInstantiation = s } } } }), w4, LD = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/symbols.js"() { "use strict"; w4 = Symbol("MicrotaskDelay") } }); function Ep(e) { return !!e && typeof e.then == "function" } function cn(e) { const t = new Ei, s = e(t.token), i = new Promise((n, r) => { const o = t.token.onCancellationRequested(() => { o.dispose(), r(new It) }); Promise.resolve(s).then(a => { o.dispose(), t.dispose(), n(a) }, a => { o.dispose(), t.dispose(), r(a) }) }); return new class { cancel() { t.cancel(), t.dispose() } then(n, r) { return i.then(n, r) } catch(n) { return this.then(void 0, n) } finally(n) { return i.finally(n) } } } function ND() { let e, t; return { promise: new Promise((i, n) => { e = i, t = n }), resolve: e, reject: t } } function Sr(e, t) { return t ? new Promise((s, i) => { const n = setTimeout(() => { r.dispose(), s() }, e), r = t.onCancellationRequested(() => { clearTimeout(n), r.dispose(), i(new It) }) }) : cn(s => Sr(e, s)) } async function OD(e, t, s) { let i; for (let n = 0; n < s; n++)try { return await e() } catch (r) { i = r, await Sr(t) } throw i } var v4, b4, y4, E4, xp, Pr, kp, $p, bo, Sp, rc, Pp, x4, k4, $4, Cu, S4, P4, I4, _u, Kt, A4, CD, Ue = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/async.js"() { "use strict"; Dt(), fe(), re(), z(), kt(), X(), LD(), wu(), v4 = class { constructor() { this.f = !1, this.a = null, this.b = null, this.d = null } queue(e) { if (this.f) return Promise.reject(new Error("Throttler is disposed")); if (this.a) { if (this.d = e, !this.b) { const t = () => { if (this.b = null, this.f) return; const s = this.queue(this.d); return this.d = null, s }; this.b = new Promise(s => { this.a.then(t, t).then(s) }) } return new Promise((t, s) => { this.b.then(t, s) }) } return this.a = e(), new Promise((t, s) => { this.a.then(i => { this.a = null, t(i) }, i => { this.a = null, s(i) }) }) } dispose() { this.f = !0 } }, b4 = class { constructor() { this.a = Promise.resolve(null) } queue(e) { return this.a = this.a.then(() => e(), () => e()) } }, y4 = (e, t) => { let s = !0; const i = setTimeout(() => { s = !1, t() }, e); return { isTriggered: () => s, dispose: () => { clearTimeout(i), s = !1 } } }, E4 = e => { let t = !0; return queueMicrotask(() => { t && (t = !1, e()) }), { isTriggered: () => t, dispose: () => { t = !1 } } }, xp = class { constructor(e) { this.defaultDelay = e, this.a = null, this.b = null, this.d = null, this.f = null, this.g = null } trigger(e, t = this.defaultDelay) { this.g = e, this.h(), this.b || (this.b = new Promise((i, n) => { this.d = i, this.f = n }).then(() => { if (this.b = null, this.d = null, this.g) { const i = this.g; return this.g = null, i() } })); const s = () => { this.a = null, this.d?.(null) }; return this.a = t === w4 ? E4(s) : y4(t, s), this.b } isTriggered() { return !!this.a?.isTriggered() } cancel() { this.h(), this.b && (this.f?.(new It), this.b = null) } h() { this.a?.dispose(), this.a = null } dispose() { this.cancel() } }, Pr = class { constructor(e) { this.a = new xp(e), this.b = new v4 } trigger(e, t) { return this.a.trigger(() => this.b.queue(e), t) } isTriggered() { return this.a.isTriggered() } cancel() { this.a.cancel() } dispose() { this.a.dispose(), this.b.dispose() } }, kp = class { constructor() { this.a = !1, this.b = new Promise((e, t) => { this.d = e }) } isOpen() { return this.a } open() { this.a = !0, this.d(!0) } wait() { return this.b } }, $p = class { constructor(e) { this.a = 0, this.b = !1, this.f = e, this.g = [], this.d = 0, this.h = new D } whenIdle() { return this.size > 0 ? H.toPromise(this.onDrained) : Promise.resolve() } get onDrained() { return this.h.event } get size() { return this.a } queue(e) { if (this.b) throw new Error("Object has been disposed"); return this.a++, new Promise((t, s) => { this.g.push({ factory: e, c: t, e: s }), this.j() }) } j() { for (; this.g.length && this.d < this.f;) { const e = this.g.shift(); this.d++; const t = e.factory(); t.then(e.c, e.e), t.then(() => this.k(), () => this.k()) } } k() { this.b || (this.d--, --this.a === 0 &&, this.g.length > 0 && this.j()) } clear() { if (this.b) throw new Error("Object has been disposed"); this.g.length = 0, this.a = this.d } dispose() { this.b = !0, this.g.length = 0, this.a = 0, this.h.dispose() } }, bo = class extends $p { constructor() { super(1) } }, Sp = class { constructor() { this.a = new Map, this.b = new Set, this.d = void 0, this.f = 0 } async whenDrained() { if (this.g()) return; const e = new _u; return this.b.add(e), e.p } g() { for (const [, e] of this.a) if (e.size > 0) return !1; return !0 } queueSize(e, t = Se) { const s = t.getComparisonKey(e); return this.a.get(s)?.size ?? 0 } queueFor(e, t, s = Se) { const i = s.getComparisonKey(e); let n = this.a.get(i); if (!n) { n = new bo; const r = this.f++, o = H.once(n.onDrained)(() => { n?.dispose(), this.a.delete(i), this.h(), this.d?.deleteAndDispose(r), this.d?.size === 0 && (this.d.dispose(), this.d = void 0) }); this.d || (this.d = new du), this.d.set(r, o), this.a.set(i, n) } return n.queue(t) } h() { this.g() && this.j() } j() { for (const e of this.b) e.complete(); this.b.clear() } dispose() { for (const [, e] of this.a) e.dispose(); this.a.clear(), this.j(), this.d?.dispose() } }, rc = class { constructor(e, t) { this.b = -1, this.a = e, this.d = t, this.f = this.g.bind(this) } dispose() { this.cancel(), this.a = null } cancel() { this.isScheduled() && (clearTimeout(this.b), this.b = -1) } schedule(e = this.d) { this.cancel(), this.b = setTimeout(this.f, e) } get delay() { return this.d } set delay(e) { this.d = e } isScheduled() { return this.b !== -1 } flush() { this.isScheduled() && (this.cancel(), this.h()) } g() { this.b = -1, this.a && this.h() } h() { this.a?.() } }, Pp = class { constructor(e, t) { t % 1e3 !== 0 && console.warn(`ProcessTimeRunOnceScheduler resolution is 1s, ${t}ms is not a multiple of 1000ms.`), this.a = e, this.b = t, this.d = 0, this.f = -1, this.g = this.h.bind(this) } dispose() { this.cancel(), this.a = null } cancel() { this.isScheduled() && (clearInterval(this.f), this.f = -1) } schedule(e = this.b) { e % 1e3 !== 0 && console.warn(`ProcessTimeRunOnceScheduler resolution is 1s, ${e}ms is not a multiple of 1000ms.`), this.cancel(), this.d = Math.ceil(e / 1e3), this.f = setInterval(this.g, 1e3) } isScheduled() { return this.f !== -1 } h() { this.d--, !(this.d > 0) && (clearInterval(this.f), this.f = -1, this.a?.()) } }, x4 = class extends rc { constructor(e, t) { super(e, t), this.j = [] } work(e) { this.j.push(e), this.isScheduled() || this.schedule() } h() { const e = this.j; this.j = [], this.a?.(e) } dispose() { this.j = [], super.dispose() } }, k4 = class extends J { constructor(e, t) { super(), this.h = e, this.j = t, this.a = [], this.b = this.B(new fu), this.f = !1, this.g = 0 } get pending() { return this.a.length } work(e) { if (this.f) return !1; if (typeof this.h.maxBufferedWork == "number") { if (this.b.value) { if (this.pending + e.length > this.h.maxBufferedWork) return !1 } else if (this.pending + e.length - this.h.maxWorkChunkSize > this.h.maxBufferedWork) return !1 } for (const s of e) this.a.push(s); const t = - this.g; return !this.b.value && (!this.h.waitThrottleDelayBetweenWorkUnits || t >= this.h.throttleDelay) ? this.m() : !this.b.value && this.h.waitThrottleDelayBetweenWorkUnits && this.r(Math.max(this.h.throttleDelay - t, 0)), !0 } m() { this.g =, this.j(this.a.splice(0, this.h.maxWorkChunkSize)), this.a.length > 0 && this.r() } r(e = this.h.throttleDelay) { this.b.value = new rc(() => { this.b.clear(), this.m() }, e), this.b.value.schedule() } dispose() { super.dispose(), this.f = !0 } }, function () { typeof globalThis.requestIdleCallback != "function" || typeof globalThis.cancelIdleCallback != "function" ? Cu = (e, t, s) => { ub(() => { if (i) return; const n = + 15; t(Object.freeze({ didTimeout: !0, timeRemaining() { return Math.max(0, n - } })) }); let i = !1; return { dispose() { i || (i = !0) } } } : Cu = (e, t, s) => { const i = e.requestIdleCallback(t, typeof s == "number" ? { timeout: s } : void 0); let n = !1; return { dispose() { n || (n = !0, e.cancelIdleCallback(i)) } } }, $4 = (e, t) => Cu(globalThis, e, t) }(), S4 = class { constructor(e, t) { this.g = !1, this.d = () => { try { this.j = t() } catch (s) { this.l = s } finally { this.g = !0 } }, this.f = Cu(e, () => this.d()) } dispose() { this.f.dispose() } get value() { if (this.g || (this.f.dispose(), this.d()), this.l) throw this.l; return this.j } get isInitialized() { return this.g } }, P4 = class extends S4 { constructor(e) { super(globalThis, e) } }, function (e) { e[e.Resolved = 0] = "Resolved", e[e.Rejected = 1] = "Rejected" }(I4 || (I4 = {})), _u = class { get isRejected() { return this.d?.outcome === 1 } get isResolved() { return this.d?.outcome === 0 } get isSettled() { return !!this.d } get value() { return this.d?.outcome === 0 ? this.d?.value : void 0 } constructor() { this.p = new Promise((e, t) => { this.a = e, this.b = t }) } complete(e) { return new Promise(t => { this.a(e), this.d = { outcome: 0, value: e }, t() }) } error(e) { return new Promise(t => { this.b(e), this.d = { outcome: 1, value: e }, t() }) } cancel() { return this.error(new It) } }, function (e) { async function t(i) { let n; const r = await Promise.all( => o.then(a => a, a => { n || (n = a) }))); if (typeof n < "u") throw n; return r } e.settled = t; function s(i) { return new Promise(async (n, r) => { try { await i(n, r) } catch (o) { r(o) } }) } e.withAsyncBody = s }(Kt || (Kt = {})), function (e) { e[e.Initial = 0] = "Initial", e[e.DoneOK = 1] = "DoneOK", e[e.DoneError = 2] = "DoneError" }(A4 || (A4 = {})), CD = class Fs { static fromArray(t) { return new Fs(s => { s.emitMany(t) }) } static fromPromise(t) { return new Fs(async s => { s.emitMany(await t) }) } static fromPromisesResolveOrder(t) { return new Fs(async s => { await Promise.all( i => s.emitOne(await i))) }) } static merge(t) { return new Fs(async s => { await Promise.all( i => { for await (const n of i) s.emitOne(n) })) }) } static { this.EMPTY = Fs.fromArray([]) } constructor(t, s) { this.a = 0, this.b = [], this.d = null, this.f = s, this.g = new D, queueMicrotask(async () => { const i = { emitOne: n => this.h(n), emitMany: n => this.j(n), reject: n => this.l(n) }; try { await Promise.resolve(t(i)), this.k() } catch (n) { this.l(n) } finally { i.emitOne = void 0, i.emitMany = void 0, i.reject = void 0 } }) } [Symbol.asyncIterator]() { let t = 0; return { next: async () => { do { if (this.a === 2) throw this.d; if (t < this.b.length) return { done: !1, value: this.b[t++] }; if (this.a === 1) return { done: !0, value: void 0 }; await H.toPromise(this.g.event) } while (!0) }, return: async () => (this.f?.(), { done: !0, value: void 0 }) } } static map(t, s) { return new Fs(async i => { for await (const n of t) i.emitOne(s(n)) }) } map(t) { return, t) } static filter(t, s) { return new Fs(async i => { for await (const n of t) s(n) && i.emitOne(n) }) } filter(t) { return Fs.filter(this, t) } static coalesce(t) { return Fs.filter(t, s => !!s) } coalesce() { return Fs.coalesce(this) } static async toPromise(t) { const s = []; for await (const i of t) s.push(i); return s } toPromise() { return Fs.toPromise(this) } h(t) { this.a === 0 && (this.b.push(t), } j(t) { this.a === 0 && (this.b = this.b.concat(t), } k() { this.a === 0 && (this.a = 1, } l(t) { this.a === 0 && (this.a = 2, this.d = t, } } } }); function D4(e, t = !1) {
  88. let s = 0; const i = e.length; let n = "", r = 0, o = 16, a = 0; function c(w) { let y = 0, x = 0; for (; y < w;) { const k = e.charCodeAt(s); if (k >= 48 && k <= 57) x = x * 16 + k - 48; else if (k >= 65 && k <= 70) x = x * 16 + k - 65 + 10; else if (k >= 97 && k <= 102) x = x * 16 + k - 97 + 10; else break; s++, y++ } return y < w && (x = -1), x } function l(w) { s = w, n = "", r = 0, o = 16, a = 0 } function u() { const w = s; if (e.charCodeAt(s) === 48) s++; else for (s++; s < e.length && yo(e.charCodeAt(s));)s++; if (s < e.length && e.charCodeAt(s) === 46) if (s++, s < e.length && yo(e.charCodeAt(s))) for (s++; s < e.length && yo(e.charCodeAt(s));)s++; else return a = 3, e.substring(w, s); let y = s; if (s < e.length && (e.charCodeAt(s) === 69 || e.charCodeAt(s) === 101)) if (s++, (s < e.length && e.charCodeAt(s) === 43 || e.charCodeAt(s) === 45) && s++, s < e.length && yo(e.charCodeAt(s))) { for (s++; s < e.length && yo(e.charCodeAt(s));)s++; y = s } else a = 3; return e.substring(w, y) } function h() {
  89. let w = "", y = s; for (; ;) {
  90. if (s >= i) { w += e.substring(y, s), a = 2; break } const x = e.charCodeAt(s); if (x === 34) { w += e.substring(y, s), s++; break } if (x === 92) {
  91. if (w += e.substring(y, s), s++, s >= i) { a = 2; break } switch (e.charCodeAt(s++)) {
  92. case 34: w += '"'; break; case 92: w += "\\"; break; case 47: w += "/"; break; case 98: w += "\b"; break; case 102: w += "\f"; break; case 110: w += `
  93. `; break; case 114: w += "\r"; break; case 116: w += " "; break; case 117: { const A = c(4); A >= 0 ? w += String.fromCharCode(A) : a = 4; break } default: a = 5
  94. }y = s; continue
  95. } if (x >= 0 && x <= 31) if (ju(x)) { w += e.substring(y, s), a = 2; break } else a = 6; s++
  96. } return w
  97. } function d() {
  98. if (n = "", a = 0, r = s, s >= i) return r = i, o = 17; let w = e.charCodeAt(s); if (Ip(w)) { do s++, n += String.fromCharCode(w), w = e.charCodeAt(s); while (Ip(w)); return o = 15 } if (ju(w)) return s++, n += String.fromCharCode(w), w === 13 && e.charCodeAt(s) === 10 && (s++, n += `
  99. `), o = 14; switch (w) { case 123: return s++, o = 1; case 125: return s++, o = 2; case 91: return s++, o = 3; case 93: return s++, o = 4; case 58: return s++, o = 6; case 44: return s++, o = 5; case 34: return s++, n = h(), o = 10; case 47: { const y = s - 1; if (e.charCodeAt(s + 1) === 47) { for (s += 2; s < i && !ju(e.charCodeAt(s));)s++; return n = e.substring(y, s), o = 12 } if (e.charCodeAt(s + 1) === 42) { s += 2; const x = i - 1; let k = !1; for (; s < x;) { if (e.charCodeAt(s) === 42 && e.charCodeAt(s + 1) === 47) { s += 2, k = !0; break } s++ } return k || (s++, a = 1), n = e.substring(y, s), o = 13 } return n += String.fromCharCode(w), s++, o = 16 } case 45: if (n += String.fromCharCode(w), s++, s === i || !yo(e.charCodeAt(s))) return o = 16; case 48: case 49: case 50: case 51: case 52: case 53: case 54: case 55: case 56: case 57: return n += u(), o = 11; default: for (; s < i && p(w);)s++, w = e.charCodeAt(s); if (r !== s) { switch (n = e.substring(r, s), n) { case "true": return o = 8; case "false": return o = 9; case "null": return o = 7 }return o = 16 } return n += String.fromCharCode(w), s++, o = 16 }
  100. } function p(w) { if (Ip(w) || ju(w)) return !1; switch (w) { case 125: case 93: case 123: case 91: case 34: case 58: case 44: case 47: return !1 }return !0 } function g() { let w; do w = d(); while (w >= 12 && w <= 15); return w } return { setPosition: l, getPosition: () => s, scan: t ? g : d, getToken: () => o, getTokenValue: () => n, getTokenOffset: () => r, getTokenLength: () => s - r, getTokenError: () => a }
  101. } function Ip(e) { return e === 32 || e === 9 || e === 11 || e === 12 || e === 160 || e === 5760 || e >= 8192 && e <= 8203 || e === 8239 || e === 8287 || e === 12288 || e === 65279 } function ju(e) { return e === 10 || e === 13 || e === 8232 || e === 8233 } function yo(e) { return e >= 48 && e <= 57 } function Eo(e, t = [], s = oc.DEFAULT) { let i = null, n = []; const r = []; function o(c) { Array.isArray(n) ? n.push(c) : i !== null && (n[i] = c) } return Tu(e, { onObjectBegin: () => { const c = {}; o(c), r.push(n), n = c, i = null }, onObjectProperty: c => { i = c }, onObjectEnd: () => { n = r.pop() }, onArrayBegin: () => { const c = []; o(c), r.push(n), n = c, i = null }, onArrayEnd: () => { n = r.pop() }, onLiteralValue: o, onError: (c, l, u) => { t.push({ error: c, offset: l, length: u }) } }, s), n[0] } function _D(e, t = [], s = oc.DEFAULT) { let i = { type: "array", offset: -1, length: -1, children: [], parent: void 0 }; function n(c) { i.type === "property" && (i.length = c - i.offset, i = i.parent) } function r(c) { return i.children.push(c), c } Tu(e, { onObjectBegin: c => { i = r({ type: "object", offset: c, length: -1, parent: i, children: [] }) }, onObjectProperty: (c, l, u) => { i = r({ type: "property", offset: l, length: -1, parent: i, children: [] }), i.children.push({ type: "string", value: c, offset: l, length: u, parent: i }) }, onObjectEnd: (c, l) => { i.length = c + l - i.offset, i = i.parent, n(c + l) }, onArrayBegin: (c, l) => { i = r({ type: "array", offset: c, length: -1, parent: i, children: [] }) }, onArrayEnd: (c, l) => { i.length = c + l - i.offset, i = i.parent, n(c + l) }, onLiteralValue: (c, l, u) => { r({ type: xo(c), offset: l, length: u, parent: i, value: c }), n(l + u) }, onSeparator: (c, l, u) => { i.type === "property" && (c === ":" ? i.colonOffset = l : c === "," && n(l)) }, onError: (c, l, u) => { t.push({ error: c, offset: l, length: u }) } }, s); const a = i.children[0]; return a && delete a.parent, a } function R4(e, t) { if (!e) return; let s = e; for (const i of t) if (typeof i == "string") { if (s.type !== "object" || !Array.isArray(s.children)) return; let n = !1; for (const r of s.children) if (Array.isArray(r.children) && r.children[0].value === i) { s = r.children[1], n = !0; break } if (!n) return } else { const n = i; if (s.type !== "array" || n < 0 || !Array.isArray(s.children) || n >= s.children.length) return; s = s.children[n] } return s } function Tu(e, t, s = oc.DEFAULT) { const i = D4(e, !1); function n(N) { return N ? () => N(i.getTokenOffset(), i.getTokenLength()) : () => !0 } function r(N) { return N ? le => N(le, i.getTokenOffset(), i.getTokenLength()) : () => !0 } const o = n(t.onObjectBegin), a = r(t.onObjectProperty), c = n(t.onObjectEnd), l = n(t.onArrayBegin), u = n(t.onArrayEnd), h = r(t.onLiteralValue), d = r(t.onSeparator), p = n(t.onComment), g = r(t.onError), w = s && s.disallowComments, y = s && s.allowTrailingComma; function x() { for (; ;) { const N = i.scan(); switch (i.getTokenError()) { case 4: k(14); break; case 5: k(15); break; case 3: k(13); break; case 1: w || k(11); break; case 2: k(12); break; case 6: k(16); break }switch (N) { case 12: case 13: w ? k(10) : p(); break; case 16: k(1); break; case 15: case 14: break; default: return N } } } function k(N, le = [], ue = []) { if (g(N), le.length + ue.length > 0) { let K = i.getToken(); for (; K !== 17;) { if (le.indexOf(K) !== -1) { x(); break } else if (ue.indexOf(K) !== -1) break; K = x() } } } function A(N) { const le = i.getTokenValue(); return N ? h(le) : a(le), x(), !0 } function I() { switch (i.getToken()) { case 11: { let N = 0; try { N = JSON.parse(i.getTokenValue()), typeof N != "number" && (k(2), N = 0) } catch { k(2) } h(N); break } case 7: h(null); break; case 8: h(!0); break; case 9: h(!1); break; default: return !1 }return x(), !0 } function L() { return i.getToken() !== 10 ? (k(3, [], [2, 5]), !1) : (A(!1), i.getToken() === 6 ? (d(":"), x(), V() || k(4, [], [2, 5])) : k(5, [], [2, 5]), !0) } function q() { o(), x(); let N = !1; for (; i.getToken() !== 2 && i.getToken() !== 17;) { if (i.getToken() === 5) { if (N || k(4, [], []), d(","), x(), i.getToken() === 2 && y) break } else N && k(6, [], []); L() || k(4, [], [2, 5]), N = !0 } return c(), i.getToken() !== 2 ? k(7, [2], []) : x(), !0 } function te() { l(), x(); let N = !1; for (; i.getToken() !== 4 && i.getToken() !== 17;) { if (i.getToken() === 5) { if (N || k(4, [], []), d(","), x(), i.getToken() === 4 && y) break } else N && k(6, [], []); V() || k(4, [], [4, 5]), N = !0 } return u(), i.getToken() !== 4 ? k(8, [4], []) : x(), !0 } function V() { switch (i.getToken()) { case 3: return te(); case 1: return q(); case 10: return A(!0); default: return I() } } return x(), i.getToken() === 17 ? s.allowEmptyContent ? !0 : (k(4, [], []), !1) : V() ? (i.getToken() !== 17 && k(9, [], []), !0) : (k(4, [], []), !1) } function xo(e) { switch (typeof e) { case "boolean": return "boolean"; case "number": return "number"; case "string": return "string"; case "object": { if (e) { if (Array.isArray(e)) return "array" } else return "null"; return "object" } default: return "null" } } var L4, N4, O4, oc, C4, Ir = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/json.js"() { "use strict"; (function (e) { e[e.None = 0] = "None", e[e.UnexpectedEndOfComment = 1] = "UnexpectedEndOfComment", e[e.UnexpectedEndOfString = 2] = "UnexpectedEndOfString", e[e.UnexpectedEndOfNumber = 3] = "UnexpectedEndOfNumber", e[e.InvalidUnicode = 4] = "InvalidUnicode", e[e.InvalidEscapeCharacter = 5] = "InvalidEscapeCharacter", e[e.InvalidCharacter = 6] = "InvalidCharacter" })(L4 || (L4 = {})), function (e) { e[e.OpenBraceToken = 1] = "OpenBraceToken", e[e.CloseBraceToken = 2] = "CloseBraceToken", e[e.OpenBracketToken = 3] = "OpenBracketToken", e[e.CloseBracketToken = 4] = "CloseBracketToken", e[e.CommaToken = 5] = "CommaToken", e[e.ColonToken = 6] = "ColonToken", e[e.NullKeyword = 7] = "NullKeyword", e[e.TrueKeyword = 8] = "TrueKeyword", e[e.FalseKeyword = 9] = "FalseKeyword", e[e.StringLiteral = 10] = "StringLiteral", e[e.NumericLiteral = 11] = "NumericLiteral", e[e.LineCommentTrivia = 12] = "LineCommentTrivia", e[e.BlockCommentTrivia = 13] = "BlockCommentTrivia", e[e.LineBreakTrivia = 14] = "LineBreakTrivia", e[e.Trivia = 15] = "Trivia", e[e.Unknown = 16] = "Unknown", e[e.EOF = 17] = "EOF" }(N4 || (N4 = {})), function (e) { e[e.InvalidSymbol = 1] = "InvalidSymbol", e[e.InvalidNumberFormat = 2] = "InvalidNumberFormat", e[e.PropertyNameExpected = 3] = "PropertyNameExpected", e[e.ValueExpected = 4] = "ValueExpected", e[e.ColonExpected = 5] = "ColonExpected", e[e.CommaExpected = 6] = "CommaExpected", e[e.CloseBraceExpected = 7] = "CloseBraceExpected", e[e.CloseBracketExpected = 8] = "CloseBracketExpected", e[e.EndOfFileExpected = 9] = "EndOfFileExpected", e[e.InvalidCommentToken = 10] = "InvalidCommentToken", e[e.UnexpectedEndOfComment = 11] = "UnexpectedEndOfComment", e[e.UnexpectedEndOfString = 12] = "UnexpectedEndOfString", e[e.UnexpectedEndOfNumber = 13] = "UnexpectedEndOfNumber", e[e.InvalidUnicode = 14] = "InvalidUnicode", e[e.InvalidEscapeCharacter = 15] = "InvalidEscapeCharacter", e[e.InvalidCharacter = 16] = "InvalidCharacter" }(O4 || (O4 = {})), function (e) { e.DEFAULT = { allowTrailingComma: !0 } }(oc || (oc = {})), function (e) { e[e.nullCharacter = 0] = "nullCharacter", e[e.maxAsciiCharacter = 127] = "maxAsciiCharacter", e[e.lineFeed = 10] = "lineFeed", e[e.carriageReturn = 13] = "carriageReturn", e[e.lineSeparator = 8232] = "lineSeparator", e[e.paragraphSeparator = 8233] = "paragraphSeparator", e[e.nextLine = 133] = "nextLine", e[ = 32] = "space", e[e.nonBreakingSpace = 160] = "nonBreakingSpace", e[e.enQuad = 8192] = "enQuad", e[e.emQuad = 8193] = "emQuad", e[e.enSpace = 8194] = "enSpace", e[e.emSpace = 8195] = "emSpace", e[e.threePerEmSpace = 8196] = "threePerEmSpace", e[e.fourPerEmSpace = 8197] = "fourPerEmSpace", e[e.sixPerEmSpace = 8198] = "sixPerEmSpace", e[e.figureSpace = 8199] = "figureSpace", e[e.punctuationSpace = 8200] = "punctuationSpace", e[e.thinSpace = 8201] = "thinSpace", e[e.hairSpace = 8202] = "hairSpace", e[e.zeroWidthSpace = 8203] = "zeroWidthSpace", e[e.narrowNoBreakSpace = 8239] = "narrowNoBreakSpace", e[e.ideographicSpace = 12288] = "ideographicSpace", e[e.mathematicalSpace = 8287] = "mathematicalSpace", e[e.ogham = 5760] = "ogham", e[e._ = 95] = "_", e[e.$ = 36] = "$", e[e._0 = 48] = "_0", e[e._1 = 49] = "_1", e[e._2 = 50] = "_2", e[e._3 = 51] = "_3", e[e._4 = 52] = "_4", e[e._5 = 53] = "_5", e[e._6 = 54] = "_6", e[e._7 = 55] = "_7", e[e._8 = 56] = "_8", e[e._9 = 57] = "_9", e[e.a = 97] = "a", e[e.b = 98] = "b", e[e.c = 99] = "c", e[e.d = 100] = "d", e[e.e = 101] = "e", e[e.f = 102] = "f", e[e.g = 103] = "g", e[e.h = 104] = "h", e[e.i = 105] = "i", e[e.j = 106] = "j", e[e.k = 107] = "k", e[e.l = 108] = "l", e[e.m = 109] = "m", e[e.n = 110] = "n", e[e.o = 111] = "o", e[e.p = 112] = "p", e[e.q = 113] = "q", e[e.r = 114] = "r", e[e.s = 115] = "s", e[e.t = 116] = "t", e[e.u = 117] = "u", e[e.v = 118] = "v", e[e.w = 119] = "w", e[e.x = 120] = "x", e[e.y = 121] = "y", e[e.z = 122] = "z", e[e.A = 65] = "A", e[e.B = 66] = "B", e[e.C = 67] = "C", e[e.D = 68] = "D", e[e.E = 69] = "E", e[e.F = 70] = "F", e[e.G = 71] = "G", e[e.H = 72] = "H", e[e.I = 73] = "I", e[e.J = 74] = "J", e[e.K = 75] = "K", e[e.L = 76] = "L", e[e.M = 77] = "M", e[e.N = 78] = "N", e[e.O = 79] = "O", e[e.P = 80] = "P", e[e.Q = 81] = "Q", e[e.R = 82] = "R", e[e.S = 83] = "S", e[e.T = 84] = "T", e[e.U = 85] = "U", e[e.V = 86] = "V", e[e.W = 87] = "W", e[e.X = 88] = "X", e[e.Y = 89] = "Y", e[e.Z = 90] = "Z", e[e.ampersand = 38] = "ampersand", e[e.asterisk = 42] = "asterisk", e[ = 64] = "at", e[e.backslash = 92] = "backslash", e[ = 124] = "bar", e[e.caret = 94] = "caret", e[e.closeBrace = 125] = "closeBrace", e[e.closeBracket = 93] = "closeBracket", e[e.closeParen = 41] = "closeParen", e[e.colon = 58] = "colon", e[e.comma = 44] = "comma", e[ = 46] = "dot", e[e.doubleQuote = 34] = "doubleQuote", e[e.equals = 61] = "equals", e[e.exclamation = 33] = "exclamation", e[e.greaterThan = 62] = "greaterThan", e[e.lessThan = 60] = "lessThan", e[e.minus = 45] = "minus", e[e.openBrace = 123] = "openBrace", e[e.openBracket = 91] = "openBracket", e[e.openParen = 40] = "openParen", e[e.percent = 37] = "percent", e[ = 43] = "plus", e[e.question = 63] = "question", e[e.semicolon = 59] = "semicolon", e[e.singleQuote = 39] = "singleQuote", e[e.slash = 47] = "slash", e[e.tilde = 126] = "tilde", e[e.backspace = 8] = "backspace", e[e.formFeed = 12] = "formFeed", e[e.byteOrderMark = 65279] = "byteOrderMark", e[ = 9] = "tab", e[e.verticalTab = 11] = "verticalTab" }(C4 || (C4 = {})) } }); function jD(e, t, s) { let i, n, r, o, a; if (t) { for (o = t.offset, a = o + t.length, r = o; r > 0 && !Uu(e, r - 1);)r--; let A = a; for (; A < e.length && !Uu(e, A);)A++; n = e.substring(r, A), i = TD(n, s) } else n = e, i = 0, r = 0, o = 0, a = e.length; const c = UD(s, e); let l = !1, u = 0, h; s.insertSpaces ? h = Ap(" ", s.tabSize || 4) : h = " "; const d = D4(n, !1); let p = !1; function g() { return c + Ap(h, i + u) } function w() { let A = d.scan(); for (l = !1; A === 15 || A === 14;)l = l || A === 14, A = d.scan(); return p = A === 16 || d.getTokenError() !== 0, A } const y = []; function x(A, I, L) { !p && I < a && L > o && e.substring(I, L) !== A && y.push({ offset: I, length: L - I, content: A }) } let k = w(); if (k !== 17) { const A = d.getTokenOffset() + r, I = Ap(h, i); x(I, r, A) } for (; k !== 17;) { let A = d.getTokenOffset() + d.getTokenLength() + r, I = w(), L = ""; for (; !l && (I === 12 || I === 13);) { const te = d.getTokenOffset() + r; x(" ", A, te), A = d.getTokenOffset() + d.getTokenLength() + r, L = I === 12 ? g() : "", I = w() } if (I === 2) k !== 1 && (u--, L = g()); else if (I === 4) k !== 3 && (u--, L = g()); else { switch (k) { case 3: case 1: u++, L = g(); break; case 5: case 12: L = g(); break; case 13: l ? L = g() : L = " "; break; case 6: L = " "; break; case 10: if (I === 6) { L = ""; break } case 7: case 8: case 9: case 11: case 2: case 4: I === 12 || I === 13 ? L = " " : I !== 5 && I !== 17 && (p = !0); break; case 16: p = !0; break }l && (I === 12 || I === 13) && (L = g()) } const q = d.getTokenOffset() + r; x(L, A, q), k = I } return y } function Ap(e, t) { let s = ""; for (let i = 0; i < t; i++)s += e; return s } function TD(e, t) { let s = 0, i = 0; const n = t.tabSize || 4; for (; s < e.length;) { const r = e.charAt(s); if (r === " ") i++; else if (r === " ") i += n; else break; s++ } return Math.floor(i / n) } function UD(e, t) {
  102. for (let s = 0; s < t.length; s++) {
  103. const i = t.charAt(s); if (i === "\r") return s + 1 < t.length && t.charAt(s + 1) === `
  104. `? `\r
  105. `: "\r"; if (i === `
  106. `) return `
  107. `} return e && e.eol || `
  108. `} function Uu(e, t) {
  109. return `\r
  110. `.indexOf(e.charAt(t)) !== -1
  111. } var MD = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/jsonFormatter.js"() { "use strict"; Ir() } }); function FD(e, t, s, i, n) { const r = t.slice(), a = _D(e, []); let c, l; for (; r.length > 0 && (l = r.pop(), c = R4(a, r), c === void 0 && s !== void 0);)typeof l == "string" ? s = { [l]: s } : s = [s]; if (c) if (c.type === "object" && typeof l == "string" && Array.isArray(c.children)) { const u = R4(c, [l]); if (u !== void 0) if (s === void 0) { if (!u.parent) throw new Error("Malformed AST"); const h = c.children.indexOf(u.parent); let d, p = u.parent.offset + u.parent.length; if (h > 0) { const g = c.children[h - 1]; d = g.offset + g.length } else d = c.offset + 1, c.children.length > 1 && (p = c.children[1].offset); return ko(e, { offset: d, length: p - d, content: "" }, i) } else return ko(e, { offset: u.offset, length: u.length, content: JSON.stringify(s) }, i); else { if (s === void 0) return []; const h = `${JSON.stringify(l)}: ${JSON.stringify(s)}`, d = n ? n( => g.children[0].value)) : c.children.length; let p; if (d > 0) { const g = c.children[d - 1]; p = { offset: g.offset + g.length, length: 0, content: "," + h } } else c.children.length === 0 ? p = { offset: c.offset + 1, length: 0, content: h } : p = { offset: c.offset + 1, length: 0, content: h + "," }; return ko(e, p, i) } } else if (c.type === "array" && typeof l == "number" && Array.isArray(c.children)) if (s !== void 0) { const u = `${JSON.stringify(s)}`; let h; if (c.children.length === 0 || l === 0) h = { offset: c.offset + 1, length: 0, content: c.children.length === 0 ? u : u + "," }; else { const d = l === -1 || l > c.children.length ? c.children.length : l, p = c.children[d - 1]; h = { offset: p.offset + p.length, length: 0, content: "," + u } } return ko(e, h, i) } else { const u = l, h = c.children[u]; let d; if (c.children.length === 1) d = { offset: c.offset + 1, length: c.length - 2, content: "" }; else if (c.children.length - 1 === u) { const p = c.children[u - 1], g = p.offset + p.length, w = c.offset + c.length; d = { offset: g, length: w - 2 - g, content: "" } } else d = { offset: h.offset, length: c.children[u + 1].offset - h.offset, content: "" }; return ko(e, d, i) } else throw new Error(`Can not add ${typeof l != "number" ? "index" : "property"} to parent of type ${c.type}`); else return s === void 0 ? [] : ko(e, { offset: a ? a.offset : 0, length: a ? a.length : 0, content: JSON.stringify(s) }, i) } function ko(e, t, s) { let i = Dp(e, t), n = t.offset, r = t.offset + t.content.length; if (t.length === 0 || t.content.length === 0) { for (; n > 0 && !Uu(i, n - 1);)n--; for (; r < i.length && !Uu(i, r);)r++ } const o = jD(i, { offset: n, length: r - n }, s); for (let c = o.length - 1; c >= 0; c--) { const l = o[c]; i = Dp(i, l), n = Math.min(n, l.offset), r = Math.max(r, l.offset + l.length), r += l.content.length - l.length } const a = e.length - (i.length - r) - n; return [{ offset: n, length: a, content: i.substring(n, r) }] } function Dp(e, t) { return e.substring(0, t.offset) + t.content + e.substring(t.offset + t.length) } function BD(e, t) { const s = t.slice(0).sort((n, r) => { const o = n.offset - r.offset; return o === 0 ? n.length - r.length : o }); let i = e.length; for (let n = s.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) { const r = s[n]; if (r.offset + r.length <= i) e = Dp(e, r); else throw new Error("Overlapping edit"); i = r.offset } return e } var HD = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/jsonEdit.js"() { "use strict"; Ir(), MD() } }); function ln(e) { if (!e || typeof e != "object" || e instanceof RegExp) return e; const t = Array.isArray(e) ? [] : {}; return Object.entries(e).forEach(([s, i]) => { t[s] = i && typeof i == "object" ? ln(i) : i }), t } function zD(e) { if (!e || typeof e != "object") return e; const t = [e]; for (; t.length > 0;) { const s = t.shift(); Object.freeze(s); for (const i in s) if (, i)) { const n = s[i]; typeof n == "object" && !Object.isFrozen(n) && !GA(n) && t.push(n) } } return e } function un(e, t) { return Rp(e, t, new Set) } function Rp(e, t, s) { if (xt(e)) return e; const i = t(e); if (typeof i < "u") return i; if (Array.isArray(e)) { const n = []; for (const r of e) n.push(Rp(r, t, s)); return n } if (ct(e)) { if (s.has(e)) throw new Error("Cannot clone recursive data-structure"); s.add(e); const n = {}; for (const r in e), r) && (n[r] = Rp(e[r], t, s)); return s.delete(e), n } return e } function $o(e, t, s = !0) { return ct(e) ? (ct(t) && Object.keys(t).forEach(i => { i in e ? s && (ct(e[i]) && ct(t[i]) ? $o(e[i], t[i], s) : e[i] = t[i]) : e[i] = t[i] }), e) : t } function $i(e, t) { if (e === t) return !0; if (e == null || t === null || t === void 0 || typeof e != typeof t || typeof e != "object" || Array.isArray(e) !== Array.isArray(t)) return !1; let s, i; if (Array.isArray(e)) { if (e.length !== t.length) return !1; for (s = 0; s < e.length; s++)if (!$i(e[s], t[s])) return !1 } else { const n = []; for (i in e) n.push(i); n.sort(); const r = []; for (i in t) r.push(i); if (r.sort(), !$i(n, r)) return !1; for (s = 0; s < n.length; s++)if (!$i(e[n[s]], t[n[s]])) return !1 } return !0 } function Lp(e) { const t = new Set; return JSON.stringify(e, (s, i) => { if (ct(i) || Array.isArray(i)) { if (t.has(i)) return "[Circular]"; t.add(i) } return typeof i == "bigint" ? `[BigInt ${i.toString()}]` : i }) } function VD(e, t) { const s = t.toLowerCase(), i = Object.keys(e).find(n => n.toLowerCase() === s); return i ? e[i] : e[t] } var Np, es = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/objects.js"() { "use strict"; $e(), Np = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty } }); function Op(e) { return e && typeof e == "object" && (!e.overrideIdentifier || typeof e.overrideIdentifier == "string") && (!e.resource || e.resource instanceof E) } function WD(e) { return e && typeof e == "object" && (!e.overrideIdentifiers || Array.isArray(e.overrideIdentifiers)) && !e.overrideIdentifier && (!e.resource || e.resource instanceof E) } function Cp(e, t) { const s = Object.create(null); for (const i in e) _4(s, i, e[i], t); return s } function _4(e, t, s, i) { const n = t.split("."), r = n.pop(); let o = e; for (let a = 0; a < n.length; a++) { const c = n[a]; let l = o[c]; switch (typeof l) { case "undefined": l = o[c] = Object.create(null); break; case "object": if (l === null) { i(`Ignoring ${t} as ${n.slice(0, a + 1).join(".")} is null`); return } break; default: i(`Ignoring ${t} as ${n.slice(0, a + 1).join(".")} is ${JSON.stringify(l)}`); return }o = l } if (typeof o == "object" && o !== null) try { o[r] = s } catch { i(`Ignoring ${t} as ${n.join(".")} is ${JSON.stringify(o)}`) } else i(`Ignoring ${t} as ${n.join(".")} is ${JSON.stringify(o)}`) } function qD(e, t) { const s = t.split("."); j4(e, s) } function j4(e, t) { const s = t.shift(); if (t.length === 0) { delete e[s]; return } if (Object.keys(e).indexOf(s) !== -1) { const i = e[s]; typeof i == "object" && !Array.isArray(i) && (j4(i, t), Object.keys(i).length === 0 && delete e[s]) } } function Mu(e, t, s) { function i(o, a) { let c = o; for (const l of a) { if (typeof c != "object" || c === null) return; c = c[l] } return c } const n = t.split("."), r = i(e, n); return typeof r > "u" ? s : r } function GD(e) { return e.replace(/[\[\]]/g, "") } var ts, T4, ds = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/configuration/common/configuration.js"() { "use strict"; $e(), ee(), oe(), ts = se("configurationService"), function (e) { e[e.APPLICATION = 1] = "APPLICATION", e[e.USER = 2] = "USER", e[e.USER_LOCAL = 3] = "USER_LOCAL", e[e.USER_REMOTE = 4] = "USER_REMOTE", e[e.WORKSPACE = 5] = "WORKSPACE", e[e.WORKSPACE_FOLDER = 6] = "WORKSPACE_FOLDER", e[e.DEFAULT = 7] = "DEFAULT", e[e.MEMORY = 8] = "MEMORY" }(T4 || (T4 = {})) } }); function JD(e) { let t = !1; const s = new Map, i = new Map; if (YD(e, u => { if (e === u) return !0; const h = JSON.stringify(u); if (h.length < 30) return !0; const d = s.get(h); if (!d) { const p = { schemas: [u] }; return s.set(h, p), i.set(u, p), !0 } return d.schemas.push(u), i.set(u, d), t = !0, !1 }), s.clear(), !t) return JSON.stringify(e); let r = "$defs"; for (; e.hasOwnProperty(r);)r += "_"; const o = []; function a(u) { return JSON.stringify(u, (h, d) => { if (d !== u) { const p = i.get(d); if (p && p.schemas.length > 1) return || ( = `_${o.length}`, o.push(p.schemas[0])), { $ref: `#/${r}/${}` } } return d }) } const c = a(e), l = []; for (let u = 0; u < o.length; u++)l.push(`"_${u}":${a(o[u])}`); return l.length ? `${c.substring(0, c.length - 1)},"${r}":{${l.join(",")}}}` : c } function So(e) { return typeof e == "object" && e !== null } function YD(e, t) { if (!e || typeof e != "object") return; const s = (...c) => { for (const l of c) So(l) && o.push(l) }, i = (...c) => { for (const l of c) if (So(l)) for (const u in l) { const h = l[u]; So(h) && o.push(h) } }, n = (...c) => { for (const l of c) if (Array.isArray(l)) for (const u of l) So(u) && o.push(u) }, r = c => { if (Array.isArray(c)) for (const l of c) So(l) && o.push(l); else So(c) && o.push(c) }, o = [e]; let a = o.pop(); for (; a;)t(a) && (s(a.additionalItems, a.additionalProperties, a.not, a.contains, a.propertyNames, a.if, a.then, a.else, a.unevaluatedItems, a.unevaluatedProperties), i(a.definitions, a.$defs,, a.patternProperties, a.dependencies, a.dependentSchemas), n(a.anyOf, a.allOf, a.oneOf, a.prefixItems), r(a.items)), a = o.pop() } var XD = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/jsonSchema.js"() { "use strict" } }); function _p(e, t) { if (!e) throw new Error(t ? `Assertion failed (${t})` : "Assertion Failed") } function U4(e) { if (!e()) { debugger; e(), Vt(new to("Assertion Failed")) } } var jp = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/assert.js"() { "use strict"; fe() } }), M4, Mt, hn = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/registry/common/platform.js"() { "use strict"; jp(), $e(), M4 = class { constructor() { this.a = new Map } add(e, t) { _p(ve(e)), _p(ct(t)), _p(!this.a.has(e), "There is already an extension with this id"), this.a.set(e, t) } knows(e) { return this.a.has(e) } as(e) { return this.a.get(e) || null } }, Mt = new M4 } }); function QD(e) { return e.length > 0 && e.charAt(e.length - 1) === "#" ? e.substring(0, e.length - 1) : e } var Tp, F4, B4, ZD = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/jsonschemas/common/jsonContributionRegistry.js"() { "use strict"; re(), XD(), hn(), Tp = { JSONContribution: "base.contributions.json" }, F4 = class { constructor() { this.b = new D, this.onDidChangeSchema = this.b.event, this.a = {} } registerSchema(e, t) { this.a[QD(e)] = t, } notifySchemaChanged(e) { } getSchemaContributions() { return { schemas: this.a } } getSchemaContent(e) { const t = this.a[e]; return t ? JD(t) : void 0 } hasSchemaContent(e) { return !!this.a[e] } }, B4 = new F4, Mt.add(Tp.JSONContribution, B4) } }); function ac(e) { const t = []; if (Si.test(e)) { let s = Mp.exec(e); for (; s?.length;) { const i = s[1].trim(); i && t.push(i), s = Mp.exec(e) } } return Qi(t) } function KD(e) { return e.reduce((t, s) => `${t}[${s}]`, "") } function eR(e) { switch (Array.isArray(e) ? e[0] : e) { case "boolean": return !1; case "integer": case "number": return 0; case "string": return ""; case "array": return []; case "object": return {}; default: return null } } function tR(e, t) { return e.trim() ? Si.test(e) ? m(1700, null, e) : pc.getConfigurationProperties()[e] !== void 0 ? m(1701, null, e) : t.policy?.name && pc.getPolicyConfigurations().get(t.policy?.name) !== void 0 ? m(1702, null, e, t.policy?.name, pc.getPolicyConfigurations().get(t.policy?.name)) : null : m(1699, null) } var H4, Ps, z4, cc, lc, uc, hc, fc, Po, Un, dc, V4, Up, Mp, Mn, Si, pc, Io = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/configuration/common/configurationRegistry.js"() { "use strict"; Et(), re(), $e(), he(), ds(), ZD(), hn(), function (e) { e.Multiline = "multilineText", e.Singleline = "singlelineText" }(H4 || (H4 = {})), Ps = { Configuration: "base.contributions.configuration" }, function (e) { e[e.APPLICATION = 1] = "APPLICATION", e[e.MACHINE = 2] = "MACHINE", e[e.WINDOW = 3] = "WINDOW", e[e.RESOURCE = 4] = "RESOURCE", e[e.LANGUAGE_OVERRIDABLE = 5] = "LANGUAGE_OVERRIDABLE", e[e.MACHINE_OVERRIDABLE = 6] = "MACHINE_OVERRIDABLE" }(z4 || (z4 = {})), cc = { properties: {}, patternProperties: {} }, lc = { properties: {}, patternProperties: {} }, uc = { properties: {}, patternProperties: {} }, hc = { properties: {}, patternProperties: {} }, fc = { properties: {}, patternProperties: {} }, Po = { properties: {}, patternProperties: {} }, Un = "vscode://schemas/settings/resourceLanguage", dc =, V4 = class { constructor() { this.a = [], this.i = new Set, this.j = new D, this.onDidSchemaChange = this.j.event, this.k = new D, this.onDidUpdateConfiguration = this.k.event, this.b = new Map, this.c = { id: "defaultOverrides", title: m(1693, null), properties: {} }, this.d = [this.c], this.h = { properties: {}, patternProperties: {}, additionalProperties: !0, allowTrailingCommas: !0, allowComments: !0 }, this.e = {}, this.f = new Map, this.g = {}, dc.registerSchema(Un, this.h), this.z() } registerConfiguration(e, t = !0) { this.registerConfigurations([e], t) } registerConfigurations(e, t = !0) { const s = new Set; this.r(e, t, s), dc.registerSchema(Un, this.h),,{ properties: s }) } deregisterConfigurations(e) { const t = new Set; this.s(e, t), dc.registerSchema(Un, this.h),,{ properties: t }) } updateConfigurations({ add: e, remove: t }) { const s = new Set; this.s(t, s), this.r(e, !1, s), dc.registerSchema(Un, this.h),,{ properties: s }) } registerDefaultConfigurations(e) { const t = new Set; this.l(e, t),,{ properties: t, defaultsOverrides: !0 }) } l(e, t) { this.a.push(...e); const s = []; for (const { overrides: i, source: n } of e) for (const r in i) { t.add(r); const o = this.b.get(r) ?? this.b.set(r, { configurationDefaultOverrides: [] }).get(r), a = i[r]; if (o.configurationDefaultOverrides.push({ value: a, source: n }), Si.test(r)) { const c = this.o(r, a, n, o.configurationDefaultOverrideValue); if (!c) continue; o.configurationDefaultOverrideValue = c, this.n(r, c, n), s.push( } else { const c = this.p(r, a, n, o.configurationDefaultOverrideValue); if (!c) continue; o.configurationDefaultOverrideValue = c; const l = this.e[r]; l && (this.A(r, l), this.w(r, l)) } } this.q(s) } deregisterDefaultConfigurations(e) { const t = new Set; this.m(e, t),,{ properties: t, defaultsOverrides: !0 }) } m(e, t) { for (const s of e) { const i = this.a.indexOf(s); i !== -1 && this.a.splice(i, 1) } for (const { overrides: s, source: i } of e) for (const n in s) { const r = this.b.get(n); if (!r) continue; const o = r.configurationDefaultOverrides.findIndex(a => i ? a.source?.id === : a.value === s[n]); if (o !== -1) { if (r.configurationDefaultOverrides.splice(o, 1), r.configurationDefaultOverrides.length === 0 && this.b.delete(n), Si.test(n)) { let a; for (const c of r.configurationDefaultOverrides) a = this.o(n, c.value, c.source, a); a && !$u(a.value) ? (r.configurationDefaultOverrideValue = a, this.n(n, a, i)) : (this.b.delete(n), delete this.e[n], delete[n]) } else { let a; for (const l of r.configurationDefaultOverrides) a = this.p(n, l.value, l.source, a); r.configurationDefaultOverrideValue = a; const c = this.e[n]; c && (this.A(n, c), this.w(n, c)) } t.add(n) } } this.y() } n(e, t, s) { const i = { type: "object", default: t.value, description: m(1694, null, GD(e)), $ref: Un, defaultDefaultValue: t.value, source: s, defaultValueSource: s }; this.e[e] = i,[e] = i } o(e, t, s, i) { const n = i?.value || {}, r = i?.source ?? new Map; if (!(r instanceof Map)) { console.error("objectConfigurationSources is not a Map"); return } for (const o of Object.keys(t)) { const a = t[o]; if (ct(a) && (ni(n[o]) || ct(n[o]))) { if (n[o] = { ...n[o] ?? {}, ...a }, s) for (const l in a) r.set(`${o}.${l}`, s) } else n[o] = a, s ? r.set(o, s) : r.delete(o) } return { value: n, source: r } } p(e, t, s, i) { const n = this.e[e], r = i?.value ?? n?.defaultDefaultValue; let o = s; if (ct(t) && (n !== void 0 && n.type === "object" || n === void 0 && (ni(r) || ct(r)))) { if (o = i?.source ?? new Map, !(o instanceof Map)) { console.error("defaultValueSource is not a Map"); return } for (const c in t) s && o.set(`${e}.${c}`, s); t = { ...ct(r) ? r : {}, ...t } } return { value: t, source: o } } deltaConfiguration(e) { let t = !1; const s = new Set; e.removedDefaults && (this.m(e.removedDefaults, s), t = !0), e.addedDefaults && (this.l(e.addedDefaults, s), t = !0), e.removedConfigurations && this.s(e.removedConfigurations, s), e.addedConfigurations && this.r(e.addedConfigurations, !1, s),,{ properties: s, defaultsOverrides: t }) } notifyConfigurationSchemaUpdated(...e) { } registerOverrideIdentifiers(e) { this.q(e), } q(e) { for (const t of e) this.i.add(t); this.y() } r(e, t, s) { e.forEach(i => { this.u(i, t, i.extensionInfo, i.restrictedProperties, void 0, s), this.d.push(i), this.v(i) }) } s(e, t) { const s = i => { if ( for (const n in { t.add(n); const r = this.e[n]; r?.policy?.name && this.f.delete(, delete this.e[n], this.x(n,[n]) } i.allOf?.forEach(n => s(n)) }; for (const i of e) { s(i); const n = this.d.indexOf(i); n !== -1 && this.d.splice(n, 1) } } u(e, t = !0, s, i, n = 3, r) { n = xt(e.scope) ? n : e.scope; const o =; if (o) for (const c in o) { const l = o[c]; if (t && tR(c, l)) { delete o[c]; continue } if (l.source = s, l.defaultDefaultValue = o[c].default, this.A(c, l), Si.test(c) ? l.scope = void 0 : (l.scope = xt(l.scope) ? n : l.scope, l.restricted = xt(l.restricted) ? !!i?.includes(c) : l.restricted), o[c].hasOwnProperty("included") && !o[c].included) { this.g[c] = o[c], delete o[c]; continue } else this.e[c] = o[c], o[c].policy?.name && this.f.set(o[c], c); !o[c].deprecationMessage && o[c].markdownDeprecationMessage && (o[c].deprecationMessage = o[c].markdownDeprecationMessage), r.add(c) } const a = e.allOf; if (a) for (const c of a) this.u(c, t, s, i, n, r) } getConfigurations() { return this.d } getConfigurationProperties() { return this.e } getPolicyConfigurations() { return this.f } getExcludedConfigurationProperties() { return this.g } getRegisteredDefaultConfigurations() { return [...this.a] } getConfigurationDefaultsOverrides() { const e = new Map; for (const [t, s] of this.b) s.configurationDefaultOverrideValue && e.set(t, s.configurationDefaultOverrideValue); return e } v(e) { const t = s => { const i =; if (i) for (const r in i) this.w(r, i[r]); s.allOf?.forEach(t) }; t(e) } w(e, t) { switch ([e] = t, t.scope) { case 1:[e] = t; break; case 2:[e] = t; break; case 6:[e] = t; break; case 3:[e] = t; break; case 4:[e] = t; break; case 5:[e] = t,[e] = t; break } } x(e, t) { switch (delete[e], t.scope) { case 1: delete[e]; break; case 2: delete[e]; break; case 6: delete[e]; break; case 3: delete[e]; break; case 4: case 5: delete[e], delete[e]; break } } y() { for (const e of this.i.values()) { const t = `[${e}]`, s = { type: "object", description: m(1695, null), errorMessage: m(1696, null), $ref: Un }; this.A(t, s),[t] = s,[t] = s,[t] = s,[t] = s,[t] = s,[t] = s } } z() { const e = { type: "object", description: m(1697, null), errorMessage: m(1698, null), $ref: Un }; cc.patternProperties[Mn] = e, lc.patternProperties[Mn] = e, uc.patternProperties[Mn] = e, hc.patternProperties[Mn] = e, fc.patternProperties[Mn] = e, Po.patternProperties[Mn] = e, } A(e, t) { const s = this.b.get(e)?.configurationDefaultOverrideValue; let i, n; s && (!t.disallowConfigurationDefault || !s.source) && (i = s.value, n = s.source), ni(i) && (i = t.defaultDefaultValue, n = void 0), ni(i) && (i = eR(t.type)), t.default = i, t.defaultValueSource = n } }, Up = "\\[([^\\]]+)\\]", Mp = new RegExp(Up, "g"), Mn = `^(${Up})+$`, Si = new RegExp(Mn), pc = new V4, Mt.add(Ps.Configuration, pc) } }); function mc(e) { return Object.isFrozen(e) ? e : zD(e) } function Fn(e, t) { const { added: s, removed: i, updated: n } = W4(t?.rawConfiguration, e?.rawConfiguration), r = [], o = e?.getAllOverrideIdentifiers() || [], a = t?.getAllOverrideIdentifiers() || []; if (t) { const c = a.filter(l => !o.includes(l)); for (const l of c) r.push([l, t.getKeysForOverrideIdentifier(l)]) } if (e) { const c = o.filter(l => !a.includes(l)); for (const l of c) r.push([l, e.getKeysForOverrideIdentifier(l)]) } if (t && e) { for (const c of o) if (a.includes(c)) { const l = W4({ contents: e.getOverrideValue(void 0, c) || {}, keys: e.getKeysForOverrideIdentifier(c) }, { contents: t.getOverrideValue(void 0, c) || {}, keys: t.getKeysForOverrideIdentifier(c) }); r.push([c, [...l.added, ...l.removed, ...l.updated]]) } } return { added: s, removed: i, updated: n, overrides: r } } function W4(e, t) { const s = e ? t ? e.keys.filter(r => t.keys.indexOf(r) === -1) : [...e.keys] : [], i = t ? e ? t.keys.filter(r => e.keys.indexOf(r) === -1) : [...t.keys] : [], n = []; if (e && t) { for (const r of t.keys) if (e.keys.indexOf(r) !== -1) { const o = Mu(t.contents, r), a = Mu(e.contents, r); $i(o, a) || n.push(r) } } return { added: s, removed: i, updated: n } } var mt, Fp, q4, G4, Fu, J4, Y4 = v({
  112. "out-build/vs/platform/configuration/common/configurationModels.js"() {
  113. "use strict"; Et(), re(), Ir(), z(), ls(), es(), $e(), ee(), ds(), Io(), hn(), mt = class Qr { static createEmptyModel(t) { return new Qr({}, [], [], void 0, t) } constructor(t, s, i, n, r) { this.b = t, this.c = s, this.d = i, this.raw = n, this.f = r, this.a = new Map } get rawConfiguration() { if (!this.g) if (this.raw?.length) { const t = => { if (s instanceof Qr) return s; const i = new Fp("", this.f); return i.parseRaw(s), i.configurationModel }); this.g = t.reduce((s, i) => i === s ? i : s.merge(i), t[0]) } else this.g = this; return this.g } get contents() { return this.b } get overrides() { return this.d } get keys() { return this.c } isEmpty() { return this.c.length === 0 && Object.keys(this.b).length === 0 && this.d.length === 0 } getValue(t) { return t ? Mu(this.contents, t) : this.contents } inspect(t, s) { const i = this; return { get value() { return mc(i.rawConfiguration.getValue(t)) }, get override() { return s ? mc(i.rawConfiguration.getOverrideValue(t, s)) : void 0 }, get merged() { return mc(s ? i.rawConfiguration.override(s).getValue(t) : i.rawConfiguration.getValue(t)) }, get overrides() { const n = []; for (const { contents: r, identifiers: o, keys: a } of i.rawConfiguration.overrides) { const c = new Qr(r, a, [], void 0, i.f).getValue(t); c !== void 0 && n.push({ identifiers: o, value: c }) } return n.length ? mc(n) : void 0 } } } getOverrideValue(t, s) { const i = this.j(s); return i ? t ? Mu(i, t) : i : void 0 } getKeysForOverrideIdentifier(t) { const s = []; for (const i of this.overrides) i.identifiers.includes(t) && s.push(...i.keys); return Qi(s) } getAllOverrideIdentifiers() { const t = []; for (const s of this.overrides) t.push(...s.identifiers); return Qi(t) } override(t) { let s = this.a.get(t); return s || (s = this.h(t), this.a.set(t, s)), s } merge(...t) { const s = ln(this.contents), i = ln(this.overrides), n = [...this.keys], r = this.raw?.length ? [...this.raw] : [this]; for (const o of t) if (r.push(...o.raw?.length ? o.raw : [o]), !o.isEmpty()) { this.i(s, o.contents); for (const a of o.overrides) { const [c] = i.filter(l => Dn(l.identifiers, a.identifiers)); c ? (this.i(c.contents, a.contents), c.keys.push(...a.keys), c.keys = Qi(c.keys)) : i.push(ln(a)) } for (const a of o.keys) n.indexOf(a) === -1 && n.push(a) } return new Qr(s, n, i, r.every(o => o instanceof Qr) ? void 0 : r, this.f) } h(t) { const s = this.j(t); if (!s || typeof s != "object" || !Object.keys(s).length) return this; const i = {}; for (const n of Qi([...Object.keys(this.contents), ...Object.keys(s)])) { let r = this.contents[n]; const o = s[n]; o && (typeof r == "object" && typeof o == "object" ? (r = ln(r), this.i(r, o)) : r = o), i[n] = r } return new Qr(i, this.keys, this.overrides, void 0, this.f) } i(t, s) { for (const i of Object.keys(s)) { if (i in t && ct(t[i]) && ct(s[i])) { this.i(t[i], s[i]); continue } t[i] = ln(s[i]) } } j(t) { let s = null, i = null; const n = r => { r && (i ? this.i(i, r) : i = ln(r)) }; for (const r of this.overrides) r.identifiers.length === 1 && r.identifiers[0] === t ? s = r.contents : r.identifiers.includes(t) && n(r.contents); return n(s), i } toJSON() { return { contents: this.contents, overrides: this.overrides, keys: this.keys } } addValue(t, s) { this.k(t, s, !0) } setValue(t, s) { this.k(t, s, !1) } removeValue(t) { const s = this.keys.indexOf(t); s !== -1 && (this.keys.splice(s, 1), qD(this.contents, t), Si.test(t) && this.overrides.splice(this.overrides.findIndex(i => Dn(i.identifiers, ac(t))), 1)) } k(t, s, i) { if (_4(this.contents, t, s, n => this.f.error(n)), i = i || this.keys.indexOf(t) === -1, i && this.keys.push(t), Si.test(t)) { const n = ac(t), r = { identifiers: n, keys: Object.keys(this.contents[t]), contents: Cp(this.contents[t], a => this.f.error(a)) }, o = this.overrides.findIndex(a => Dn(a.identifiers, n)); o !== -1 ? this.overrides[o] = r : this.overrides.push(r) } } }, Fp = class { constructor(e, t) { this.f = e, this.g = t, this.a = null, this.b = null, this.c = [], this.d = [] } get configurationModel() { return this.b || mt.createEmptyModel(this.g) } get restrictedConfigurations() { return this.c } get errors() { return this.d } parse(e, t) { if (!xt(e)) { const s = this.h(e); this.parseRaw(s, t) } } reparse(e) { this.a && this.parseRaw(this.a, e) } parseRaw(e, t) { this.a = e; const { contents: s, keys: i, overrides: n, restricted: r, hasExcludedProperties: o } = this.i(e, t); this.b = new mt(s, i, n, o ? [e] : void 0, this.g), this.c = r || [] } h(e) { let t = {}, s = null, i = []; const n = [], r = []; function o(c) { Array.isArray(i) ? i.push(c) : s !== null && (i[s] = c) } const a = { onObjectBegin: () => { const c = {}; o(c), n.push(i), i = c, s = null }, onObjectProperty: c => { s = c }, onObjectEnd: () => { i = n.pop() }, onArrayBegin: () => { const c = []; o(c), n.push(i), i = c, s = null }, onArrayEnd: () => { i = n.pop() }, onLiteralValue: o, onError: (c, l, u) => { r.push({ error: c, offset: l, length: u }) } }; if (e) try { Tu(e, a), t = i[0] || {} } catch (c) { this.g.error(`Error while parsing settings file ${this.f}: ${c}`), this.d = [c] } return t } i(e, t) { const s =, i = this.j(e, s, !0, t); e = i.raw; const n = Cp(e, a => this.g.error(`Conflict in settings file ${this.f}: ${a}`)), r = Object.keys(e), o = this.m(e, a => this.g.error(`Conflict in settings file ${this.f}: ${a}`)); return { contents: n, keys: r, overrides: o, restricted: i.restricted, hasExcludedProperties: i.hasExcludedProperties } } j(e, t, s, i) { let n = !1; if (!i?.scopes && !i?.skipRestricted && !i?.exclude?.length) return { raw: e, restricted: [], hasExcludedProperties: n }; const r = {}, o = []; for (const a in e) if (Si.test(a) && s) { const c = this.j(e[a], t, !1, i); r[a] = c.raw, n = n || c.hasExcludedProperties, o.push(...c.restricted) } else { const c = t[a]; c?.restricted && o.push(a), this.l(a, c, i) ? r[a] = e[a] : n = !0 } return { raw: r, restricted: o, hasExcludedProperties: n } } l(e, t, s) { if (s.exclude?.includes(e)) return !1; if (s.include?.includes(e)) return !0; if (s.skipRestricted && t?.restricted || s.skipUnregistered && !t) return !1; const i = t ? typeof t.scope < "u" ? t.scope : 3 : void 0; return i === void 0 || s.scopes === void 0 ? !0 : s.scopes.includes(i) } m(e, t) { const s = []; for (const i of Object.keys(e)) if (Si.test(i)) { const n = {}; for (const r in e[i]) n[r] = e[i][r]; s.push({ identifiers: ac(i), keys: Object.keys(n), contents: Cp(n, t) }) } return s } }, q4 = class extends J { constructor(e, t, s, i, n) { super(), this.c = e, this.f = t, this.g = i, this.h = n, this.b = this.B(new D), this.onDidChange = this.b.event, this.a = new Fp(this.c.toString(), n), this.B(, this.B(, this.B(H.any(H.filter(this.g.onDidFilesChange, r => r.contains(this.c)), H.filter(this.g.onDidRunOperation, r => (r.isOperation(0) || r.isOperation(3) || r.isOperation(1) || r.isOperation(4)) && s.isEqual(r.resource, e)))(() => } async loadConfiguration() { try { const e = await this.g.readFile(this.c); return this.a.parse(e.value.toString() || "{}", this.f), this.a.configurationModel } catch { return mt.createEmptyModel(this.h) } } reparse(e) { return e && (this.f = e), this.a.reparse(this.f), this.a.configurationModel } getRestrictedSettings() { return this.a.restrictedConfigurations } }, G4 = class { constructor(e, t, s, i, n, r, o, a, c, l, u, h, d) { this.a = e, this.b = t, this.c = s, this.overrideIdentifiers = i, this.d = n, this.f = r, this.g = o, this.h = a, this.i = c, this.j = l, this.k = u, this.l = h, this.m = d } get value() { return mc(this.c) } n(e) { return e?.value !== void 0 || e?.override !== void 0 || e?.overrides !== void 0 ? e : void 0 } get q() { return this.p || (this.p = this.d.inspect(this.a, this.b.overrideIdentifier)), this.p } get defaultValue() { return this.q.merged } get default() { return this.n(this.q) } get s() { return this.r === void 0 && (this.r = this.f ? this.f.inspect(this.a) : null), this.r } get policyValue() { return this.s?.merged } get policy() { return this.s?.value !== void 0 ? { value: this.s.value } : void 0 } get u() { return this.t === void 0 && (this.t = this.g ? this.g.inspect(this.a) : null), this.t } get applicationValue() { return this.u?.merged } get application() { return this.n(this.u) } get w() { return this.v || (this.v = this.h.inspect(this.a, this.b.overrideIdentifier)), this.v } get userValue() { return this.w.merged } get user() { return this.n(this.w) } get y() { return this.x || (this.x = this.i.inspect(this.a, this.b.overrideIdentifier)), this.x } get userLocalValue() { return this.y.merged } get userLocal() { return this.n(this.y) } get A() { return this.z || (this.z = this.j.inspect(this.a, this.b.overrideIdentifier)), this.z } get userRemoteValue() { return this.A.merged } get userRemote() { return this.n(this.A) } get D() { return this.B === void 0 && (this.B = this.k ? this.k.inspect(this.a, this.b.overrideIdentifier) : null), this.B } get workspaceValue() { return this.D?.merged } get workspace() { return this.n(this.D) } get F() { return this.E === void 0 && (this.E = this.l ? this.l.inspect(this.a, this.b.overrideIdentifier) : null), this.E } get workspaceFolderValue() { return this.F?.merged } get workspaceFolder() { return this.n(this.F) } get H() { return this.G === void 0 && (this.G = this.m.inspect(this.a, this.b.overrideIdentifier)), this.G } get memoryValue() { return this.H.merged } get memory() { return this.n(this.H) } }, Fu = class SI { constructor(t, s, i, n, r, o, a, c, l, u) { this.j = t, this.l = s, this.m = i, this.n = n, this.p = r, this.q = o, this.r = a, this.s = c, this.t = l, this.u = u, this.h = null, this.i = new At, this.v = null } getValue(t, s, i) { return this.w(t, s, i).getValue(t) } updateValue(t, s, i = {}) { let n; i.resource ? (n = this.t.get(i.resource), n || (n = mt.createEmptyModel(this.u), this.t.set(i.resource, n))) : n = this.s, s === void 0 ? n.removeValue(t) : n.setValue(t, s), i.resource || (this.h = null) } inspect(t, s, i) { const n = this.w(t, s, i), r = this.A(s.resource, i), o = s.resource ? this.t.get(s.resource) || this.s : this.s, a = new Set; for (const c of n.overrides) for (const l of c.identifiers) n.getOverrideValue(t, l) !== void 0 && a.add(l); return new G4(t, s, n.getValue(t), a.size ? [...a] : void 0, this.j, this.l.isEmpty() ? void 0 : this.l, this.applicationConfiguration.isEmpty() ? void 0 : this.applicationConfiguration, this.userConfiguration, this.localUserConfiguration, this.remoteUserConfiguration, i ? this.q : void 0, r || void 0, o) } keys(t) { const s = this.A(void 0, t); return { default: this.j.keys.slice(0), user: this.userConfiguration.keys.slice(0), workspace: this.q.keys.slice(0), workspaceFolder: s ? s.keys.slice(0) : [] } } updateDefaultConfiguration(t) { this.j = t, this.h = null, this.i.clear() } updatePolicyConfiguration(t) { this.l = t } updateApplicationConfiguration(t) { this.m = t, this.h = null, this.i.clear() } updateLocalUserConfiguration(t) { this.n = t, this.v = null, this.h = null, this.i.clear() } updateRemoteUserConfiguration(t) { this.p = t, this.v = null, this.h = null, this.i.clear() } updateWorkspaceConfiguration(t) { this.q = t, this.h = null, this.i.clear() } updateFolderConfiguration(t, s) { this.r.set(t, s), this.i.delete(t) } deleteFolderConfiguration(t) { this.folderConfigurations.delete(t), this.i.delete(t) } compareAndUpdateDefaultConfiguration(t, s) { const i = []; if (!s) { const { added: n, updated: r, removed: o } = Fn(this.j, t); s = [...n, ...r, ...o] } for (const n of s) for (const r of ac(n)) { const o = this.j.getKeysForOverrideIdentifier(r), a = t.getKeysForOverrideIdentifier(r), c = [...a.filter(l => o.indexOf(l) === -1), ...o.filter(l => a.indexOf(l) === -1), ...o.filter(l => !$i(this.j.override(r).getValue(l), t.override(r).getValue(l)))]; i.push([r, c]) } return this.updateDefaultConfiguration(t), { keys: s, overrides: i } } compareAndUpdatePolicyConfiguration(t) { const { added: s, updated: i, removed: n } = Fn(this.l, t), r = [...s, ...i, ...n]; return r.length && this.updatePolicyConfiguration(t), { keys: r, overrides: [] } } compareAndUpdateApplicationConfiguration(t) { const { added: s, updated: i, removed: n, overrides: r } = Fn(this.applicationConfiguration, t), o = [...s, ...i, ...n]; return o.length && this.updateApplicationConfiguration(t), { keys: o, overrides: r } } compareAndUpdateLocalUserConfiguration(t) { const { added: s, updated: i, removed: n, overrides: r } = Fn(this.localUserConfiguration, t), o = [...s, ...i, ...n]; return o.length && this.updateLocalUserConfiguration(t), { keys: o, overrides: r } } compareAndUpdateRemoteUserConfiguration(t) { const { added: s, updated: i, removed: n, overrides: r } = Fn(this.remoteUserConfiguration, t), o = [...s, ...i, ...n]; return o.length && this.updateRemoteUserConfiguration(t), { keys: o, overrides: r } } compareAndUpdateWorkspaceConfiguration(t) { const { added: s, updated: i, removed: n, overrides: r } = Fn(this.workspaceConfiguration, t), o = [...s, ...i, ...n]; return o.length && this.updateWorkspaceConfiguration(t), { keys: o, overrides: r } } compareAndUpdateFolderConfiguration(t, s) { const i = this.folderConfigurations.get(t), { added: n, updated: r, removed: o, overrides: a } = Fn(i, s), c = [...n, ...r, ...o]; return (c.length || !i) && this.updateFolderConfiguration(t, s), { keys: c, overrides: a } } compareAndDeleteFolderConfiguration(t) { const s = this.folderConfigurations.get(t); if (!s) throw new Error("Unknown folder"); this.deleteFolderConfiguration(t); const { added: i, updated: n, removed: r, overrides: o } = Fn(s, void 0); return { keys: [...i, ...n, ...r], overrides: o } } get defaults() { return this.j } get applicationConfiguration() { return this.m } get userConfiguration() { return this.v || (this.v = this.p.isEmpty() ? this.n : this.n.merge(this.p)), this.v } get localUserConfiguration() { return this.n } get remoteUserConfiguration() { return this.p } get workspaceConfiguration() { return this.q } get folderConfigurations() { return this.r } w(t, s, i) { let n = this.x(s, i); return s.overrideIdentifier && (n = n.override(s.overrideIdentifier)), !this.l.isEmpty() && this.l.getValue(t) !== void 0 && (n = n.merge(this.l)), n } x({ resource: t }, s) { let i = this.y(); if (s && t) { const n = s.getFolder(t); n && (i = this.z(n.uri) || i); const r = this.t.get(t); r && (i = i.merge(r)) } return i } y() { return this.h || (this.h = this.j.merge(this.applicationConfiguration, this.userConfiguration, this.q, this.s)), this.h } z(t) { let s = this.i.get(t); if (!s) { const i = this.y(), n = this.r.get(t); n ? (s = i.merge(n), this.i.set(t, s)) : s = i } return s } A(t, s) { if (s && t) { const i = s.getFolder(t); if (i) return this.r.get(i.uri) } } toData() { return { defaults: { contents: this.j.contents, overrides: this.j.overrides, keys: this.j.keys }, policy: { contents: this.l.contents, overrides: this.l.overrides, keys: this.l.keys }, application: { contents: this.applicationConfiguration.contents, overrides: this.applicationConfiguration.overrides, keys: this.applicationConfiguration.keys }, user: { contents: this.userConfiguration.contents, overrides: this.userConfiguration.overrides, keys: this.userConfiguration.keys }, workspace: { contents: this.q.contents, overrides: this.q.overrides, keys: this.q.keys }, folders: [...this.r.keys()].reduce((t, s) => { const { contents: i, overrides: n, keys: r } = this.r.get(s); return t.push([s, { contents: i, overrides: n, keys: r }]), t }, []) } } allKeys() { const t = new Set; return this.j.keys.forEach(s => t.add(s)), this.userConfiguration.keys.forEach(s => t.add(s)), this.q.keys.forEach(s => t.add(s)), this.r.forEach(s => s.keys.forEach(i => t.add(i))), [...t.values()] } B() { const t = new Set; return this.j.getAllOverrideIdentifiers().forEach(s => t.add(s)), this.userConfiguration.getAllOverrideIdentifiers().forEach(s => t.add(s)), this.q.getAllOverrideIdentifiers().forEach(s => t.add(s)), this.r.forEach(s => s.getAllOverrideIdentifiers().forEach(i => t.add(i))), [...t.values()] } D(t) { const s = new Set; return this.j.getKeysForOverrideIdentifier(t).forEach(i => s.add(i)), this.userConfiguration.getKeysForOverrideIdentifier(t).forEach(i => s.add(i)), this.q.getKeysForOverrideIdentifier(t).forEach(i => s.add(i)), this.r.forEach(i => i.getKeysForOverrideIdentifier(t).forEach(n => s.add(n))), [...s.values()] } static parse(t, s) { const i = this.E(t.defaults, s), n = this.E(t.policy, s), r = this.E(t.application, s), o = this.E(t.user, s), a = this.E(t.workspace, s), c = t.folders.reduce((l, u) => (l.set(E.revive(u[0]), this.E(u[1], s)), l), new At); return new SI(i, n, r, o, mt.createEmptyModel(s), a, c, mt.createEmptyModel(s), new At, s) } static E(t, s) { return new mt(t.contents, t.keys, t.overrides, void 0, s) } }, J4 = class {
  114. constructor(e, t, s, i, n) {
  115. this.change = e, this.f = t, this.g = s, this.h = i, this.i = n, this.a = `
  116. `, this.b = this.a.charCodeAt(0), this.c = 46, this.affectedKeys = new Set, this.j = void 0; for (const r of e.keys) this.affectedKeys.add(r); for (const [, r] of e.overrides) for (const o of r) this.affectedKeys.add(o); this.d = this.a; for (const r of this.affectedKeys) this.d += r + this.a
  117. } get previousConfiguration() { return !this.j && this.f && (this.j = Fu.parse(, this.i)), this.j } affectsConfiguration(e, t) { const s = this.a + e, i = this.d.indexOf(s); if (i < 0) return !1; const n = i + s.length; if (n >= this.d.length) return !1; const r = this.d.charCodeAt(n); if (r !== this.b && r !== this.c) return !1; if (t) { const o = this.previousConfiguration ? this.previousConfiguration.getValue(e, t, this.f?.workspace) : void 0, a = this.g.getValue(e, t, this.h); return !$i(o, a) } return !0 }
  118. }
  119. }
  120. }), X4, Bu, Hu = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/policy/common/policy.js"() { "use strict"; re(), pr(), z(), oe(), X4 = se("policy"), Bu = class { constructor() { this.onDidChange = H.None } async updatePolicyDefinitions() { return {} } getPolicyValue() { } serialize() { } } } }), Q4, Z4, zu, sR = v({
  121. "out-build/vs/platform/configuration/common/configurations.js"() {
  122. "use strict"; Et(), re(), z(), es(), $e(), Y4(), Io(), Re(), Hu(), hn(), fe(), Ir(), Q4 = class extends J { get configurationModel() { return this.b } constructor(e) { super(), this.c = e, this.a = this.B(new D), this.onDidChangeConfiguration = this.a.event, this.b = mt.createEmptyModel(this.c) } async initialize() { return this.h(), this.B({ properties: e, defaultsOverrides: t }) => this.f(Array.from(e), t))), this.configurationModel } reload() { return this.h(), this.configurationModel } f(e, t) { this.j(e,,{ defaults: this.configurationModel, properties: e }) } g() { return {} } h() { this.b = mt.createEmptyModel(this.c); const e =; this.j(Object.keys(e), e) } j(e, t) { const s = this.g(); for (const i of e) { const n = s[i], r = t[i]; n !== void 0 ? this.b.setValue(i, n) : r ? this.b.setValue(i, r.default) : this.b.removeValue(i) } } }, Z4 = class { constructor() { this.onDidChangeConfiguration = H.None, this.configurationModel = mt.createEmptyModel(new g4) } async initialize() { return this.configurationModel } }, zu = class extends J {
  123. get configurationModel() { return this.b } constructor(t, s, i) { super(), this.c = t, this.f = s, this.g = i, this.a = this.B(new D), this.onDidChangeConfiguration = this.a.event, this.b = mt.createEmptyModel(this.g) } async initialize() { return this.g.trace("PolicyConfiguration#initialize"), this.m(await this.h(this.c.configurationModel.keys), !1), this.B(this.f.onDidChange(t => this.j(t))), this.B(this.c.onDidChangeConfiguration(async ({ properties: t }) => this.m(await this.h(t), !0))), this.b } async h(t) { this.g.trace("PolicyConfiguration#updatePolicyDefinitions", t); const s = {}, i = [], n =; for (const r of t) { const o = n[r]; if (!o) { i.push(r); continue } if (o.policy) { if (o.type !== "string" && o.type !== "number" && o.type !== "array" && o.type !== "object") { this.g.warn(`Policy ${} has unsupported type ${o.type}`); continue } i.push(r), s[] = { type: o.type === "number" ? "number" : "string" } } } return $u(s) || await this.f.updatePolicyDefinitions(s), i } j(t) { this.g.trace("PolicyConfiguration#onDidChangePolicies", t); const s =, i = yi( => s.get(n))); this.m(i, !0) } m(t, s) { this.g.trace("PolicyConfiguration#update", t); const i =, n = [], r = this.b.isEmpty(); for (const o of t) { const a = i[o], c = a?.policy?.name; if (c) { let l = this.f.getPolicyValue(c); if (ve(l) && a.type !== "string") try { l = this.n(l) } catch (u) { this.g.error(`Error parsing policy value ${c}:`, ge(u)); continue } (r ? l !== void 0 : !$i(this.b.getValue(o), l)) && n.push([o, l]) } else this.b.getValue(o) !== void 0 && n.push([o, void 0]) } if (n.length) { this.g.trace("PolicyConfiguration#changed", n); const o = this.b; this.b = mt.createEmptyModel(this.g); for (const a of o.keys) this.b.setValue(a, o.getValue(a)); for (const [a, c] of n) c === void 0 ? this.b.removeValue(a) : this.b.setValue(a, c); s && } } n(t) {
  124. let s = {}, i = null, n = []; const r = [], o = []; function a(l) { if (Array.isArray(n)) n.push(l); else if (i !== null) { if (n[i] !== void 0) throw new Error(`Duplicate property found: ${i}`); n[i] = l } } if (t && (Tu(t, { onObjectBegin: () => { const l = {}; a(l), r.push(n), n = l, i = null }, onObjectProperty: l => { i = l }, onObjectEnd: () => { n = r.pop() }, onArrayBegin: () => { const l = []; a(l), r.push(n), n = l, i = null }, onArrayEnd: () => { n = r.pop() }, onLiteralValue: a, onError: (l, u, h) => { o.push({ error: l, offset: u, length: h }) } }), s = n[0] || {}), o.length > 0) throw new Error( => ge(l.error)).join(`
  125. `)); return s
  126. }
  127. }, zu = __decorate([__param(1, X4), __param(2, pe)], zu)
  128. }
  129. }), Bp, K4, e5 = v({
  130. "out-build/vs/platform/configuration/common/configurationService.js"() {
  131. "use strict"; Et(), Ue(), Me(), re(), Ir(), HD(), z(), ls(), es(), X(), kt(), ds(), Y4(), Io(), sR(), Hu(), Bp = class extends J { constructor(e, t, s, i) { super(), this.m = e, this.n = i, this.h = this.B(new D), this.onDidChangeConfiguration = this.h.event, this.b = this.B(new Q4(i)), this.c = s instanceof Bu ? new Z4 : this.B(new zu(this.b, s, i)), this.f = this.B(new q4(this.m, {}, Au, t, i)), this.a = new Fu(this.b.configurationModel, this.c.configurationModel, mt.createEmptyModel(i), mt.createEmptyModel(i), mt.createEmptyModel(i), mt.createEmptyModel(i), new At, mt.createEmptyModel(i), new At, i), this.j = new K4(e, t, this), this.g = this.B(new rc(() => this.reloadConfiguration(), 50)), this.B(this.b.onDidChangeConfiguration(({ defaults: n, properties: r }) => this.s(n, r))), this.B(this.c.onDidChangeConfiguration(n => this.t(n))), this.B(this.f.onDidChange(() => this.g.schedule())) } async initialize() { const [e, t, s] = await Promise.all([this.b.initialize(), this.c.initialize(), this.f.loadConfiguration()]); this.a = new Fu(e, t, mt.createEmptyModel(this.n), s, mt.createEmptyModel(this.n), mt.createEmptyModel(this.n), new At, mt.createEmptyModel(this.n), new At, this.n) } getConfigurationData() { return this.a.toData() } getValue(e, t) { const s = typeof e == "string" ? e : void 0, i = Op(e) ? e : Op(t) ? t : {}; return this.a.getValue(s, i, void 0) } async updateValue(e, t, s, i, n) { const r = WD(s) ? s : Op(s) ? { resource: s.resource, overrideIdentifiers: s.overrideIdentifier ? [s.overrideIdentifier] : void 0 } : void 0, o = r ? i : s; if (o !== void 0 && o !== 3 && o !== 2) throw new Error(`Unable to write ${e} to target ${o}.`); r?.overrideIdentifiers && (r.overrideIdentifiers = Qi(r.overrideIdentifiers), r.overrideIdentifiers = r.overrideIdentifiers.length ? r.overrideIdentifiers : void 0); const a = this.inspect(e, { resource: r?.resource, overrideIdentifier: r?.overrideIdentifiers ? r.overrideIdentifiers[0] : void 0 }); if (a.policyValue !== void 0) throw new Error(`Unable to write ${e} because it is configured in system policy.`); if ($i(t, a.defaultValue) && (t = void 0), r?.overrideIdentifiers?.length && r.overrideIdentifiers.length > 1) { const l = r.overrideIdentifiers.sort(), u = this.a.localUserConfiguration.overrides.find(h => Dn([...h.identifiers].sort(), l)); u && (r.overrideIdentifiers = u.identifiers) } const c = r?.overrideIdentifiers?.length ? [KD(r.overrideIdentifiers), e] : [e]; await this.j.write(c, t), await this.reloadConfiguration() } inspect(e, t = {}) { return this.a.inspect(e, t, void 0) } keys() { return this.a.keys(void 0) } async reloadConfiguration() { const e = await this.f.loadConfiguration(); this.r(e) } r(e) { const t = this.a.toData(), s = this.a.compareAndUpdateLocalUserConfiguration(e); this.u(s, t, 2) } s(e, t) { const s = this.a.toData(), i = this.a.compareAndUpdateDefaultConfiguration(e, t); this.u(i, s, 7) } t(e) { const t = this.a.toData(), s = this.a.compareAndUpdatePolicyConfiguration(e); this.u(s, t, 7) } u(e, t, s) { const i = new J4(e, { data: t }, this.a, void 0, this.n); i.source = s, } }, K4 = class {
  132. constructor(e, t, s) { this.b = e, this.c = t, this.d = s, this.a = new bo } write(e, t) { return this.a.queue(() => this.e(e, t)) } async e(e, t) { let s; try { s = (await this.c.readFile(this.b)).value.toString() } catch (r) { if (r.fileOperationResult === 1) s = "{}"; else throw r } const i = []; if (Eo(s, i, { allowTrailingComma: !0, allowEmptyContent: !0 }), i.length > 0) throw new Error("Unable to write into the settings file. Please open the file to correct errors/warnings in the file and try again."); const n = this.f(s, e, t); s = BD(s, n), await this.c.writeFile(this.b, O.fromString(s)) } f(e, t, s) { const { tabSize: i, insertSpaces: n, eol: r } = this.h; if (!t.length) { const o = JSON.stringify(s, null, n ? " ".repeat(i) : " "); return [{ content: o, length: o.length, offset: 0 }] } return FD(e, t, s, { tabSize: i, insertSpaces: n, eol: r }) } get h() {
  133. if (!this.g) {
  134. let e = dr === 3 || dr === 2 ? `
  135. `: `\r
  136. `; const t = this.d.getValue("files.eol", { overrideIdentifier: "jsonc" }); t && typeof t == "string" && t !== "auto" && (e = t), this.g = { eol: e, insertSpaces: !!this.d.getValue("editor.insertSpaces", { overrideIdentifier: "jsonc" }), tabSize: this.d.getValue("editor.tabSize", { overrideIdentifier: "jsonc" }) }
  137. } return this.g
  138. }
  139. }
  140. }
  141. }); function Hp(e) { return e.res.statusCode && e.res.statusCode >= 200 && e.res.statusCode < 300 || e.res.statusCode === 1223 } function t5(e) { return e.res.statusCode === 204 } async function iR(e) { return t5(e) ? null : (await rn( } async function Ar(e) { if (!Hp(e)) throw new Error("Server returned " + e.res.statusCode); return iR(e) } async function gc(e) {
  142. if (!Hp(e)) throw new Error("Server returned " + e.res.statusCode); if (t5(e)) return null; const s = (await rn(; try { return JSON.parse(s) } catch (i) {
  143. throw i.message += `:
  144. `+ s, i
  145. }
  146. } function nR(e) { const t =, s = zp; zp = { id: "http", order: 15, title: m(2088, null), type: "object", scope: e, properties: { "http.proxy": { type: "string", pattern: "^(https?|socks|socks4a?|socks5h?)://([^:]*(:[^@]*)?@)?([^:]+|\\[[:0-9a-fA-F]+\\])(:\\d+)?/?$|^$", markdownDescription: m(2089, null), restricted: !0 }, "http.proxyStrictSSL": { type: "boolean", default: !0, description: m(2090, null), restricted: !0 }, "http.proxyKerberosServicePrincipal": { type: "string", markdownDescription: m(2091, null), restricted: !0 }, "http.noProxy": { type: "array", items: { type: "string" }, markdownDescription: m(2092, null), restricted: !0 }, "http.proxyAuthorization": { type: ["null", "string"], default: null, markdownDescription: m(2093, null), restricted: !0 }, "http.proxySupport": { type: "string", enum: ["off", "on", "fallback", "override"], enumDescriptions: [m(2094, null), m(2095, null), m(2096, null), m(2097, null)], default: "override", description: m(2098, null), restricted: !0 }, "http.systemCertificates": { type: "boolean", default: !0, description: m(2099, null), restricted: !0 }, "http.experimental.systemCertificatesV2": { type: "boolean", tags: ["experimental"], default: !1, description: m(2100, null), restricted: !0 }, "http.electronFetch": { type: "boolean", default: !1, description: m(2101, null), restricted: !0 }, "http.fetchAdditionalSupport": { type: "boolean", default: !0, markdownDescription: m(2102, null, "`#http.proxySupport#`", "`#http.systemCertificates#`"), restricted: !0 } } }, t.updateConfigurations({ add: [zp], remove: s ? [s] : [] }) } var Pi, s5, i5, zp, Dr = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/request/common/request.js"() { "use strict"; Me(), fe(), z(), he(), Io(), oe(), hn(), Pi = se("requestService"), s5 = class { constructor(e) { this.b = e } toJSON() { if (!this.a) { const e = Object.create(null); for (const t in this.b) t.toLowerCase() === "authorization" || t.toLowerCase() === "proxy-authorization" ? e[t] = "*****" : e[t] = this.b[t]; this.a = e } return this.a } }, i5 = class extends J { constructor(e) { super(), this.b = e, this.a = 0 } async c(e, t) { const s = `[network] #${++this.a}: ${e.url}`; this.b.trace(`${s} - begin`, e.type, new s5(e.headers ?? {})); try { const i = await t(); return this.b.trace(`${s} - end`, e.type, i.res.statusCode, i.res.headers), i } catch (i) { throw this.b.error(`${s} - error`, e.type, ge(i)), i } } }, nR(1) } }), Is, zs, ps = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/environment/common/environment.js"() { "use strict"; oe(), Is = se("environmentService"), zs = Is } }); function rR(e) { return n5.test(e) } var n5, We, Wt = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/uuid.js"() { "use strict"; n5 = /^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}$/i, We = function () { if (typeof crypto == "object" && typeof crypto.randomUUID == "function") return crypto.randomUUID.bind(crypto); let e; typeof crypto == "object" && typeof crypto.getRandomValues == "function" ? e = crypto.getRandomValues.bind(crypto) : e = function (i) { for (let n = 0; n < i.length; n++)i[n] = Math.floor(Math.random() * 256); return i }; const t = new Uint8Array(16), s = []; for (let i = 0; i < 256; i++)s.push(i.toString(16).padStart(2, "0")); return function () { e(t), t[6] = t[6] & 15 | 64, t[8] = t[8] & 63 | 128; let n = 0, r = ""; return r += s[t[n++]], r += s[t[n++]], r += s[t[n++]], r += s[t[n++]], r += "-", r += s[t[n++]], r += s[t[n++]], r += "-", r += s[t[n++]], r += s[t[n++]], r += "-", r += s[t[n++]], r += s[t[n++]], r += "-", r += s[t[n++]], r += s[t[n++]], r += s[t[n++]], r += s[t[n++]], r += s[t[n++]], r += s[t[n++]], r } }() } }); function Vp(e) { return oR(e, "NFC", r5) } function oR(e, t, s) { if (!e) return e; const i = s.get(e); if (i) return i; let n; return o5.test(e) ? n = e.normalize(t) : n = e, s.set(e, n), n } var r5, aR, o5, a5 = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/normalization.js"() { "use strict"; ls(), r5 = new Fa(1e4), aR = new Fa(1e4), o5 = /[^\u0000-\u0080]/ } }); import *as Fe from "fs"; import { tmpdir as cR } from "os"; import { promisify as wc } from "util"; async function c5(e, t = Ao.UNLINK, s) { if (vD(e)) throw new Error("rimraf - will refuse to recursively delete root"); return t === Ao.UNLINK ? Wp(e) : lR(e, s) } async function lR(e, t = bD(cR())) { try { try { await Fe.promises.rename(e, t) } catch (s) { return s.code === "ENOENT" ? void 0 : Wp(e) } Wp(t).catch(s => { }) } catch (s) { if (s.code !== "ENOENT") throw s } } async function Wp(e) { return Fe.promises.rm(e, { recursive: !0, force: !0, maxRetries: 3 }) } async function Vu(e, t) { return hR(await (t ? uR(e) : Fe.promises.readdir(e))) } async function uR(e) { try { return await Fe.promises.readdir(e, { withFileTypes: !0 }) } catch (i) { console.warn("[node.js fs] readdir with filetypes failed with error: ", i) } const t = [], s = await Vu(e); for (const i of s) { let n = !1, r = !1, o = !1; try { const a = await Fe.promises.lstat(_(e, i)); n = a.isFile(), r = a.isDirectory(), o = a.isSymbolicLink() } catch (a) { console.warn("[node.js fs] unexpected error from lstat after readdir: ", a) } t.push({ name: i, isFile: () => n, isDirectory: () => r, isSymbolicLink: () => o }) } return t } function hR(e) { return => typeof t == "string" ? _s ? Vp(t) : t : ( = _s ? Vp( :, t)) } async function fR(e) { const t = await Vu(e), s = []; for (const i of t) await ms.existsDirectory(_(e, i)) && s.push(i); return s } function dR(e, t, s) { return f5.queueFor(E.file(e), () => { const i = gR(s); return new Promise((n, r) => mR(e, t, i, o => o ? r(o) : n())) }, Au) } function pR(e) { qp = e } function mR(e, t, s, i) { if (!qp) return Fe.writeFile(e, t, { mode: s.mode, flag: s.flag }, i);, s.flag, s.mode, (n, r) => { if (n) return i(n); Fe.writeFile(r, t, o => { if (o) return Fe.close(r, () => i(o)); Fe.fdatasync(r, a => (a && (console.warn("[node.js fs] fdatasync is now disabled for this session because it failed: ", a), pR(!1)), Fe.close(r, c => i(c)))) }) }) } function gR(e) { return e ? { mode: typeof e.mode == "number" ? e.mode : 438, flag: typeof e.flag == "string" ? e.flag : "w" } : { mode: 438, flag: "w" } } async function wR(e, t, s = 6e4) { if (e !== t) try { me && typeof s == "number" ? await l5(e, t,, s) : await Fe.promises.rename(e, t) } catch (i) { if (e.toLowerCase() !== t.toLowerCase() && i.code === "EXDEV" || e.endsWith(".")) await u5(e, t, { preserveSymlinks: !1 }), await c5(e, Ao.MOVE); else throw i } } async function l5(e, t, s, i, n = 0) { try { return await Fe.promises.rename(e, t) } catch (r) { if (r.code !== "EACCES" && r.code !== "EPERM" && r.code !== "EBUSY") throw r; if ( - s >= i) throw console.error(`[node.js fs] rename failed after ${n} retries with error: ${r}`), r; if (n === 0) { let o = !1; try { const { stat: a } = await ms.stat(t); a.isFile() || (o = !0) } catch { } if (o) throw r } return await Sr(Math.min(100, n * 10)), l5(e, t, s, i, n + 1) } } async function u5(e, t, s) { return h5(e, t, { root: { source: e, target: t }, options: s, handledSourcePaths: new Set }) } async function h5(e, t, s) { if (s.handledSourcePaths.has(e)) return; s.handledSourcePaths.add(e); const { stat: i, symbolicLink: n } = await ms.stat(e); if (n) { if (s.options.preserveSymlinks) try { return await yR(e, t, s) } catch { } if (n.dangling) return } return i.isDirectory() ? vR(e, t, i.mode & Gp, s) : bR(e, t, i.mode & Gp) } async function vR(e, t, s, i) { await Fe.promises.mkdir(t, { recursive: !0, mode: s }); const n = await Vu(e); for (const r of n) await h5(_(e, r), _(t, r), i) } async function bR(e, t, s) { await Fe.promises.copyFile(e, t), await Fe.promises.chmod(t, s) } async function yR(e, t, s) { let i = await Fe.promises.readlink(e); jn(i, s.root.source, !rt) && (i = _(, i.substr(s.root.source.length + 1))), await Fe.promises.symlink(i, t) } var Ao, ms, f5, qp, Gp, Pe, ss = v({ "out-build/vs/base/node/pfs.js"() { "use strict"; Ue(), ki(), a5(), de(), X(), kt(), ee(), function (e) { e[e.UNLINK = 0] = "UNLINK", e[e.MOVE = 1] = "MOVE" }(Ao || (Ao = {})), function (e) { async function t(n) { let r; try { if (r = await Fe.promises.lstat(n), !r.isSymbolicLink()) return { stat: r } } catch { } try { return { stat: await Fe.promises.stat(n), symbolicLink: r?.isSymbolicLink() ? { dangling: !1 } : void 0 } } catch (o) { if (o.code === "ENOENT" && r) return { stat: r, symbolicLink: { dangling: !0 } }; if (me && o.code === "EACCES") try { return { stat: await Fe.promises.stat(await Fe.promises.readlink(n)), symbolicLink: { dangling: !1 } } } catch (a) { if (a.code === "ENOENT" && r) return { stat: r, symbolicLink: { dangling: !0 } }; throw a } throw o } } e.stat = t; async function s(n) { try { const { stat: r, symbolicLink: o } = await e.stat(n); return r.isFile() && o?.dangling !== !0 } catch { } return !1 } e.existsFile = s; async function i(n) { try { const { stat: r, symbolicLink: o } = await e.stat(n); return r.isDirectory() && o?.dangling !== !0 } catch { } return !1 } e.existsDirectory = i }(ms || (ms = {})), f5 = new Sp, qp = !0, Gp = 511, Pe = new class { get read() { return (e, t, s, i, n) => new Promise((r, o) => {, t, s, i, n, (a, c, l) => a ? o(a) : r({ bytesRead: c, buffer: l })) }) } get write() { return (e, t, s, i, n) => new Promise((r, o) => { Fe.write(e, t, s, i, n, (a, c, l) => a ? o(a) : r({ bytesWritten: c, buffer: l })) }) } get fdatasync() { return wc(Fe.fdatasync) } get open() { return wc( } get close() { return wc(Fe.close) } get realpath() { return wc(Fe.realpath) } get ftruncate() { return wc(Fe.ftruncate) } async exists(e) { try { return await Fe.promises.access(e), !0 } catch { return !1 } } get readdir() { return Vu } get readDirsInDir() { return fR } get writeFile() { return dR } get rm() { return c5 } get rename() { return wR } get copy() { return u5 } } } }); import *as ER from "os"; function xR({ useAlternateBitness: e = !1 } = {}) { return e ? vc === 0 ? process.env["ProgramFiles(x86)"] || null : Do === 0 && process.env.ProgramW6432 || null : process.env.ProgramFiles || null } async function Wu({ useAlternateBitness: e = !1, findPreview: t = !1 } = {}) { const s = xR({ useAlternateBitness: e }); if (!s) return null; const i = _(s, "PowerShell"); if (!await ms.existsDirectory(i)) return null; let n = -1, r = null; for (const c of await Pe.readdir(i)) { let l = -1; if (t) { const h = c.indexOf("-"); if (h < 0) continue; const d = c.substring(0, h); if (!Jp.test(d) || c.substring(h + 1) !== "preview") continue; l = parseInt(d, 10) } else { if (!Jp.test(c)) continue; l = parseInt(c, 10) } if (l <= n) continue; const u = _(i, c, "pwsh.exe"); await ms.existsFile(u) && (r = u, n = l) } if (!r) return null; const o = s.includes("x86") ? " (x86)" : "", a = t ? " Preview" : ""; return new bc(r, `PowerShell${a}${o}`, !0) } async function d5({ findPreview: e } = {}) { if (!process.env.LOCALAPPDATA) return null; const t = _(process.env.LOCALAPPDATA, "Microsoft", "WindowsApps"); if (!await ms.existsDirectory(t)) return null; const { pwshMsixDirRegex: s, pwshMsixName: i } = e ? { pwshMsixDirRegex: g5, pwshMsixName: "PowerShell Preview (Store)" } : { pwshMsixDirRegex: m5, pwshMsixName: "PowerShell (Store)" }; for (const n of await Pe.readdir(t)) if (s.test(n)) { const r = _(t, n, "pwsh.exe"); return new bc(r, i) } return null } function kR() { const e = _(ER.homedir(), ".dotnet", "tools", "pwsh.exe"); return new bc(e, ".NET Core PowerShell Global Tool") } function $R() { const e = _(process.env.windir, vc === 1 && Do !== 1 ? "SysNative" : "System32", "WindowsPowerShell", "v1.0", "powershell.exe"); return new bc(e, "Windows PowerShell", !0) } async function* SR() { let e = await Wu(); e && (yield e), e = await Wu({ useAlternateBitness: !0 }), e && (yield e), e = await d5(), e && (yield e), e = kR(), e && (yield e), e = await Wu({ findPreview: !0 }), e && (yield e), e = await d5({ findPreview: !0 }), e && (yield e), e = await Wu({ useAlternateBitness: !0, findPreview: !0 }), e && (yield e), e = $R(), e && (yield e) } async function* p5() { for await (const e of SR()) await e.exists() && (yield e) } async function PR() { for await (const e of p5()) return e; return null } var Jp, m5, g5, w5, vc, Do, bc, v5 = v({ "out-build/vs/base/node/powershell.js"() { "use strict"; switch (de(), ss(), Jp = /^\d+$/, m5 = /^Microsoft.PowerShell_.*/, g5 = /^Microsoft.PowerShellPreview_.*/, function (e) { e[e.x64 = 0] = "x64", e[e.x86 = 1] = "x86", e[e.ARM = 2] = "ARM" }(w5 || (w5 = {})), process.arch) { case "ia32": vc = 1; break; case "arm": case "arm64": vc = 2; break; default: vc = 0; break }process.env.PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432 ? Do = process.env.PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432 === "ARM64" ? 2 : 0 : process.env.PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE === "ARM64" ? Do = 2 : process.env.PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE === "X86" ? Do = 1 : Do = 0, bc = class { constructor(e, t, s) { this.exePath = e, this.displayName = t, this.a = s } async exists() { return this.a === void 0 && (this.a = await ms.existsFile(this.exePath)), this.a } } } }); function IR(e, ...t) { const s = t.reduce((r, o) => (r[o] = !0, r), {}), i = [/^ELECTRON_.+$/, /^VSCODE_(?!(PORTABLE|SHELL_LOGIN|ENV_REPLACE|ENV_APPEND|ENV_PREPEND)).+$/, /^SNAP(|_.*)$/, /^GDK_PIXBUF_.+$/]; Object.keys(e).filter(r => !s[r]).forEach(r => { for (let o = 0; o < i.length; o++)if ([o]) !== -1) { delete e[r]; break } }) } function b5(e) { e && (delete e.DEBUG, rt && delete e.LD_PRELOAD) } var y5, E5, qu = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/processes.js"() { "use strict"; X(), function (e) { e[e.stdout = 0] = "stdout", e[e.stderr = 1] = "stderr" }(y5 || (y5 = {})), function (e) { e[e.Success = 0] = "Success", e[e.Unknown = 1] = "Unknown", e[e.AccessDenied = 2] = "AccessDenied", e[e.ProcessNotFound = 3] = "ProcessNotFound" }(E5 || (E5 = {})) } }); import { promises as x5 } from "fs"; function AR(e = js) { return e.comspec || "cmd.exe" } function DR(e) { let t = [], s = !1; const i = function (n) { if (s) { t.push(n); return } (!e.send(n, o => { if (o && console.error(o), s = !1, t.length > 0) { const a = t.slice(0); t = [], a.forEach(c => i(c)) } }) || me) && (s = !0) }; return { send: i } } var k5, $5 = v({ "out-build/vs/base/node/processes.js"() { "use strict"; de(), X(), ti(), qu(), $e(), ss(), function (e) { async function t(s, i, n) { if (sn(s)) return s; if (i === void 0 && (i = xi()), Ct(s) !== "." || (n === void 0 && ve(js.PATH) && (n = js.PATH.split(lo)), n === void 0 || n.length === 0)) return _(i, s); async function o(a) { if (await Pe.exists(a)) { let c; try { c = await x5.stat(a) } catch (l) { l.message.startsWith("EACCES") && (c = await x5.lstat(a)) } return c ? !c.isDirectory() : !1 } return !1 } for (const a of n) { let c; if (sn(a) ? c = _(a, s) : c = _(i, a, s), await o(c)) return c; let l = c + ".com"; if (await o(l) || (l = c + ".exe", await o(l))) return l } return _(i, s) } e.findExecutable = t }(k5 || (k5 = {})) } }); import { userInfo as RR } from "os"; async function S5(e, t) { return e === 1 ? me ? NR() : AR(t) : LR(e, t) } function LR(e, t) { if (rt && e === 2 || _s && e === 3) return "/bin/bash"; if (!Gu) { let s; if (me) s = "/bin/bash"; else { if (s = t.SHELL, !s) try { s = RR().shell } catch { } s || (s = "sh"), s === "/bin/false" && (s = "/bin/bash") } Gu = s } return Gu } async function NR() { return Ju || (Ju = (await PR()).exePath), Ju } var Gu, Ju, P5 = v({ "out-build/vs/base/node/shell.js"() { "use strict"; X(), v5(), $5(), Gu = null, Ju = null } }); function I5(e, t, s = N5) { const i = e.find(d => d.length > 0 && d[0] !== "-"), n = {}, r = ["_"], o = [], a = {}; let c; for (const d in t) { const p = t[d]; p.type === "subcommand" ? d === i && (c = p) : (p.alias && (n[d] = p.alias), p.type === "string" || p.type === "string[]" ? (r.push(d), p.deprecates && r.push(...p.deprecates)) : p.type === "boolean" && (o.push(d), p.deprecates && o.push(...p.deprecates)), && (a[d] = p)) } if (c && i) { const d = a; for (const y in c.options) d[y] = c.options[y]; const p = e.filter(y => y !== i), g = s.getSubcommandReporter ? s.getSubcommandReporter(i) : void 0, w = I5(p, d, g); return { [i]: w, _: [] } } const l = (0, R5.default)(e, { string: r, boolean: o, alias: n }), u = {}, h = l; u._ = => String(d)).filter(d => d.length > 0), delete h._; for (const d in t) { const p = t[d]; if (p.type === "subcommand") continue; p.alias && delete h[p.alias]; let g = h[d]; if (p.deprecates) for (const w of p.deprecates) h.hasOwnProperty(w) && (g || (g = h[w], g && s.onDeprecatedOption(w, p.deprecationMessage || m(1783, null, d))), delete h[w]); if (typeof g < "u") { if (p.type === "string[]") { if (Array.isArray(g) || (g = [g]), !p.allowEmptyValue) { const w = g.filter(y => y.length > 0); w.length !== g.length && (s.onEmptyValue(d), g = w.length > 0 ? w : void 0) } } else p.type === "string" && (Array.isArray(g) ? (g = g.pop(), s.onMultipleValues(d, g)) : !g && !p.allowEmptyValue && (s.onEmptyValue(d), g = void 0)); u[d] = g, p.deprecationMessage && s.onDeprecatedOption(d, p.deprecationMessage) } delete h[d] } for (const d in h) s.onUnknownOption(d); return u } function OR(e, t) { let s = ""; return t.args && (Array.isArray(t.args) ? s = ` <${t.args.join("> <")}>` : s = ` <${t.args}>`), t.alias ? `-${t.alias} --${e}${s}` : `--${e}${s}` } function CR(e, t) { const s = []; for (const i in e) { const n = e[i], r = OR(i, n); s.push([r, n.description]) } return A5(s, t) } function A5(e, t) { const i = e.reduce((o, a) => Math.max(o, a[0].length), 12) + 2 + 1; if (t - i < 25) return e.reduce((o, a) => o.concat([` ${a[0]}`, ` ${a[1]}`]), []); const n = t - i - 1, r = []; for (const o of e) { const a = o[0], c = _R(o[1], n), l = D5(i - a.length - 2); r.push(" " + a + l + c[0]); for (let u = 1; u < c.length; u++)r.push(D5(i) + c[u]) } return r } function D5(e) { return " ".repeat(e) } function _R(e, t) { const s = []; for (; e.length;) { const i = e.length < t ? e.length : e.lastIndexOf(" ", t), n = e.slice(0, i).trim(); e = e.slice(i), s.push(n) } return s } function jR(e, t, s, i, n) {
  147. const r = process.stdout.isTTY && process.stdout.columns || 80, o = n?.noInputFiles !== !0 ? `[${m(1784, null)}...]` : "", a = [`${e} ${s}`]; a.push(""), a.push(`${m(1785, null)}: ${t} [${m(1786, null)}]${o}`), a.push(""), n?.noPipe !== !0 && (me ? a.push(m(1787, null, t)) : a.push(m(1788, null, t)), a.push("")); const c = {}, l = []; for (const u in i) { const h = i[u]; if (h.type === "subcommand") h.description && l.push({ command: u, description: h.description }); else if (h.description && { let d = c[]; d || (c[] = d = {}), d[u] = h } } for (const u in c) { const h = u, d = c[h]; d && (a.push(L5[h]), a.push(...CR(d, r)), a.push("")) } return l.length && (a.push(m(1789, null)), a.push(...A5( => [u.command, u.description]), r)), a.push("")), a.join(`
  148. `)
  149. } function TR(e, t) {
  150. return `${e || m(1790, null)}
  151. ${t || m(1791, null)}
  152. ${process.arch}`
  153. } var R5, L5, Qe, N5, Yu = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/environment/node/argv.js"() { "use strict"; R5 = jv(Tv(), 1), X(), he(), L5 = { o: m(1744, null), e: m(1745, null), t: m(1746, null) }, Qe = { tunnel: { type: "subcommand", description: "Make the current machine accessible from or other machines through a secure tunnel", options: { "cli-data-dir": { type: "string", args: "dir", description: m(1747, null) }, "disable-telemetry": { type: "boolean" }, "telemetry-level": { type: "string" }, user: { type: "subcommand", options: { login: { type: "subcommand", options: { provider: { type: "string" }, "access-token": { type: "string" } } } } } } }, "serve-web": { type: "subcommand", description: "Run a server that displays the editor UI in browsers.", options: { "cli-data-dir": { type: "string", args: "dir", description: m(1748, null) }, "disable-telemetry": { type: "boolean" }, "telemetry-level": { type: "string" } } }, diff: { type: "boolean", cat: "o", alias: "d", args: ["file", "file"], description: m(1749, null) }, merge: { type: "boolean", cat: "o", alias: "m", args: ["path1", "path2", "base", "result"], description: m(1750, null) }, add: { type: "boolean", cat: "o", alias: "a", args: "folder", description: m(1751, null) }, goto: { type: "boolean", cat: "o", alias: "g", args: "file:line[:character]", description: m(1752, null) }, "new-window": { type: "boolean", cat: "o", alias: "n", description: m(1753, null) }, "reuse-window": { type: "boolean", cat: "o", alias: "r", description: m(1754, null) }, wait: { type: "boolean", cat: "o", alias: "w", description: m(1755, null) }, waitMarkerFilePath: { type: "string" }, locale: { type: "string", cat: "o", args: "locale", description: m(1756, null) }, "user-data-dir": { type: "string", cat: "o", args: "dir", description: m(1757, null) }, profile: { type: "string", cat: "o", args: "profileName", description: m(1758, null) }, help: { type: "boolean", cat: "o", alias: "h", description: m(1759, null) }, "extensions-dir": { type: "string", deprecates: ["extensionHomePath"], cat: "e", args: "dir", description: m(1760, null) }, "extensions-download-dir": { type: "string" }, "builtin-extensions-dir": { type: "string" }, "list-extensions": { type: "boolean", cat: "e", description: m(1761, null) }, "show-versions": { type: "boolean", cat: "e", description: m(1762, null) }, category: { type: "string", allowEmptyValue: !0, cat: "e", description: m(1763, null), args: "category" }, "install-extension": { type: "string[]", cat: "e", args: "ext-id | path", description: m(1764, null) }, "pre-release": { type: "boolean", cat: "e", description: m(1765, null) }, "uninstall-extension": { type: "string[]", cat: "e", args: "ext-id", description: m(1766, null) }, "update-extensions": { type: "boolean", cat: "e", description: m(1767, null) }, "enable-proposed-api": { type: "string[]", allowEmptyValue: !0, cat: "e", args: "ext-id", description: m(1768, null) }, version: { type: "boolean", cat: "t", alias: "v", description: m(1769, null) }, verbose: { type: "boolean", cat: "t", global: !0, description: m(1770, null) }, log: { type: "string[]", cat: "t", args: "level", global: !0, description: m(1771, null) }, status: { type: "boolean", alias: "s", cat: "t", description: m(1772, null) }, "prof-startup": { type: "boolean", cat: "t", description: m(1773, null) }, "prof-append-timers": { type: "string" }, "prof-duration-markers": { type: "string[]" }, "prof-duration-markers-file": { type: "string" }, "no-cached-data": { type: "boolean" }, "prof-startup-prefix": { type: "string" }, "prof-v8-extensions": { type: "boolean" }, "disable-extensions": { type: "boolean", deprecates: ["disableExtensions"], cat: "t", description: m(1774, null) }, "disable-extension": { type: "string[]", cat: "t", args: "ext-id", description: m(1775, null) }, sync: { type: "string", cat: "t", description: m(1776, null), args: ["on | off"] }, "inspect-extensions": { type: "string", allowEmptyValue: !0, deprecates: ["debugPluginHost"], args: "port", cat: "t", description: m(1777, null) }, "inspect-brk-extensions": { type: "string", allowEmptyValue: !0, deprecates: ["debugBrkPluginHost"], args: "port", cat: "t", description: m(1778, null) }, "disable-lcd-text": { type: "boolean", cat: "t", description: m(1779, null) }, "disable-gpu": { type: "boolean", cat: "t", description: m(1780, null) }, "disable-chromium-sandbox": { type: "boolean", cat: "t", description: m(1781, null) }, sandbox: { type: "boolean" }, telemetry: { type: "boolean", cat: "t", description: m(1782, null) }, remote: { type: "string", allowEmptyValue: !0 }, "folder-uri": { type: "string[]", cat: "o", args: "uri" }, "file-uri": { type: "string[]", cat: "o", args: "uri" }, "locate-extension": { type: "string[]" }, extensionDevelopmentPath: { type: "string[]" }, extensionDevelopmentKind: { type: "string[]" }, extensionTestsPath: { type: "string" }, extensionEnvironment: { type: "string" }, debugId: { type: "string" }, debugRenderer: { type: "boolean" }, "inspect-ptyhost": { type: "string", allowEmptyValue: !0 }, "inspect-brk-ptyhost": { type: "string", allowEmptyValue: !0 }, "inspect-search": { type: "string", deprecates: ["debugSearch"], allowEmptyValue: !0 }, "inspect-brk-search": { type: "string", deprecates: ["debugBrkSearch"], allowEmptyValue: !0 }, "inspect-sharedprocess": { type: "string", allowEmptyValue: !0 }, "inspect-brk-sharedprocess": { type: "string", allowEmptyValue: !0 }, "export-default-configuration": { type: "string" }, "install-source": { type: "string" }, "enable-smoke-test-driver": { type: "boolean" }, logExtensionHostCommunication: { type: "boolean" }, "skip-release-notes": { type: "boolean" }, "skip-welcome": { type: "boolean" }, "disable-telemetry": { type: "boolean" }, "disable-updates": { type: "boolean" }, "use-inmemory-secretstorage": { type: "boolean", deprecates: ["disable-keytar"] }, "password-store": { type: "string" }, "disable-workspace-trust": { type: "boolean" }, "disable-crash-reporter": { type: "boolean" }, "crash-reporter-directory": { type: "string" }, "crash-reporter-id": { type: "string" }, "skip-add-to-recently-opened": { type: "boolean" }, "open-url": { type: "boolean" }, "file-write": { type: "boolean" }, "file-chmod": { type: "boolean" }, "install-builtin-extension": { type: "string[]" }, force: { type: "boolean" }, "do-not-sync": { type: "boolean" }, trace: { type: "boolean" }, "trace-category-filter": { type: "string" }, "trace-options": { type: "string" }, "preserve-env": { type: "boolean" }, "force-user-env": { type: "boolean" }, "force-disable-user-env": { type: "boolean" }, "open-devtools": { type: "boolean" }, "disable-gpu-sandbox": { type: "boolean" }, logsPath: { type: "string" }, "__enable-file-policy": { type: "boolean" }, editSessionId: { type: "string" }, continueOn: { type: "string" }, "locate-shell-integration-path": { type: "string", args: ["bash", "pwsh", "zsh", "fish"] }, "enable-coi": { type: "boolean" }, "no-proxy-server": { type: "boolean" }, "no-sandbox": { type: "boolean", alias: "sandbox" }, "proxy-server": { type: "string" }, "proxy-bypass-list": { type: "string" }, "proxy-pac-url": { type: "string" }, "js-flags": { type: "string" }, inspect: { type: "string", allowEmptyValue: !0 }, "inspect-brk": { type: "string", allowEmptyValue: !0 }, nolazy: { type: "boolean" }, "force-device-scale-factor": { type: "string" }, "force-renderer-accessibility": { type: "boolean" }, "ignore-certificate-errors": { type: "boolean" }, "allow-insecure-localhost": { type: "boolean" }, "log-net-log": { type: "string" }, vmodule: { type: "string" }, _urls: { type: "string[]" }, "disable-dev-shm-usage": { type: "boolean" }, "profile-temp": { type: "boolean" }, "ozone-platform": { type: "string" }, "enable-tracing": { type: "string" }, "trace-startup-format": { type: "string" }, "trace-startup-file": { type: "string" }, "trace-startup-duration": { type: "string" }, _: { type: "string[]" } }, N5 = { onUnknownOption: () => { }, onMultipleValues: () => { }, onEmptyValue: () => { }, onDeprecatedOption: () => { } } } }); import "assert"; function O5(e) { return e.VSCODE_CLI === "1" } var UR = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/environment/node/argvHelper.js"() { "use strict"; he(), Yu() } }); function MR(e, t, s) { return Math.min(Math.max(e, t), s) } var FR = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/numbers.js"() { "use strict" } }); import { spawn as BR } from "child_process"; async function Yp(e, t, s, i) { return s["force-disable-user-env"] ? (t.trace("resolveShellEnv(): skipped (--force-disable-user-env)"), {}) : me ? (t.trace("resolveShellEnv(): skipped (Windows)"), {}) : O5(i) && !s["force-user-env"] ? (t.trace("resolveShellEnv(): skipped (VSCODE_CLI is set)"), {}) : (O5(i) ? t.trace("resolveShellEnv(): running (--force-user-env)") : t.trace("resolveShellEnv(): running (macOS/Linux)"), Xu || (Xu = Kt.withAsyncBody(async (n, r) => { const o = new Ei; let a = 1e4; const c = e.getValue("application.shellEnvironmentResolutionTimeout"); typeof c == "number" && (a = MR(c, 1, 120) * 1e3); const l = setTimeout(() => { o.dispose(!0), r(new Error(m(2103, null))) }, a); try { n(await HR(t, o.token)) } catch (u) { !In(u) && !o.token.isCancellationRequested ? r(new Error(m(2104, null, Cn(u)))) : n({}) } finally { clearTimeout(l), o.dispose() } })), Xu) } async function HR(e, t) { const s = process.env.ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE; e.trace("getUnixShellEnvironment#runAsNode", s); const i = process.env.ELECTRON_NO_ATTACH_CONSOLE; e.trace("getUnixShellEnvironment#noAttach", i); const n = We().replace(/-/g, "").substr(0, 12), r = new RegExp(n + "({.*})" + n), o = { ...process.env, ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE: "1", ELECTRON_NO_ATTACH_CONSOLE: "1", VSCODE_RESOLVING_ENVIRONMENT: "1" }; e.trace("getUnixShellEnvironment#env", o); const a = await S5(dr, o); return e.trace("getUnixShellEnvironment#shell", a), new Promise((c, l) => { if (t.isCancellationRequested) return l(new It); const u = at(a); let h, d; const p = ""; /^pwsh(-preview)?$/.test(u) ? (h = `& '${process.execPath}' ${p} -p '''${n}'' + JSON.stringify(process.env) + ''${n}'''`, d = ["-Login", "-Command"]) : u === "nu" ? (h = `^'${process.execPath}' ${p} -p '"${n}" + JSON.stringify(process.env) + "${n}"'`, d = ["-i", "-l", "-c"]) : u === "xonsh" ? (h = `import os, json; print("${n}", json.dumps(dict(os.environ)), "${n}")`, d = ["-i", "-l", "-c"]) : (h = `'${process.execPath}' ${p} -p '"${n}" + JSON.stringify(process.env) + "${n}"'`, u === "tcsh" || u === "csh" ? d = ["-ic"] : d = ["-i", "-l", "-c"]), e.trace("getUnixShellEnvironment#spawn", JSON.stringify(d), h); const g = BR(a, [...d, h], { detached: !0, stdio: ["ignore", "pipe", "pipe"], env: o }); t.onCancellationRequested(() => (g.kill(), l(new It))), g.on("error", x => { e.error("getUnixShellEnvironment#errorChildProcess", Cn(x)), l(x) }); const w = []; g.stdout.on("data", x => w.push(x)); const y = []; g.stderr.on("data", x => y.push(x)), g.on("close", (x, k) => { const A = Buffer.concat(w).toString("utf8"); e.trace("getUnixShellEnvironment#raw", A); const I = Buffer.concat(y).toString("utf8"); if (I.trim() && e.trace("getUnixShellEnvironment#stderr", I), x || k) return l(new Error(m(2105, null, x, k))); const L = r.exec(A), q = L ? L[1] : "{}"; try { const te = JSON.parse(q); s ? te.ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE = s : delete te.ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE, i ? te.ELECTRON_NO_ATTACH_CONSOLE = i : delete te.ELECTRON_NO_ATTACH_CONSOLE, delete te.VSCODE_RESOLVING_ENVIRONMENT, delete te.XDG_RUNTIME_DIR, e.trace("getUnixShellEnvironment#result", te), c(te) } catch (te) { e.error("getUnixShellEnvironment#errorCaught", Cn(te)), l(te) } }) }) } var Xu, Xp = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/shell/node/shellEnv.js"() { "use strict"; de(), he(), Dt(), yr(), fe(), X(), Wt(), P5(), UR(), Ue(), FR(), Xu = void 0 } }); import { parse as C5 } from "url"; function zR(e, t) { return e.protocol === "http:" ? t.HTTP_PROXY || t.http_proxy || null : e.protocol === "https:" && (t.HTTPS_PROXY || t.https_proxy || t.HTTP_PROXY || t.http_proxy) || null } async function VR(e, t, s = {}) { const i = C5(e), n = s.proxyUrl || zR(i, t); if (!n) return null; const r = C5(n); if (!/^https?:$/.test(r.protocol || "")) return null; const o = { host: r.hostname || "", port: (r.port ? +r.port : 0) || (r.protocol === "https" ? 443 : 80), auth: r.auth, rejectUnauthorized: ii(s.strictSSL) ? s.strictSSL : !0 }; if (i.protocol === "http:") { const { default: a } = await import("http-proxy-agent"); return new a.HttpProxyAgent(n, o) } else { const { default: a } = await import("https-proxy-agent"); return new a.HttpsProxyAgent(n, o) } } var WR = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/request/node/proxy.js"() { "use strict"; $e() } }); import { parse as _5 } from "url"; import { createGunzip as qR } from "zlib"; async function GR(e, t, s, i) { const n = await import("kerberos"), r = n.default || n, o = new URL(e), a = t || (process.platform === "win32" ? `HTTP/${o.hostname}` : `HTTP@${o.hostname}`); return s.debug(`${i} Kerberos authentication lookup`, `proxyURL:${o}`, `spn:${a}`), (await r.initializeClient(a)).step("") } async function JR(e) { return (_5(e.url).protocol === "https:" ? await import("https") : await import("http")).request } async function j5(e, t) { return Kt.withAsyncBody(async (s, i) => { const n = _5(e.url), r = e.getRawRequest ? e.getRawRequest(e) : await JR(e), o = { hostname: n.hostname, port: n.port ? parseInt(n.port) : n.protocol === "https:" ? 443 : 80, protocol: n.protocol, path: n.path, method: e.type || "GET", headers: e.headers, agent: e.agent, rejectUnauthorized: ii(e.strictSSL) ? e.strictSSL : !0 }; e.user && e.password && (o.auth = e.user + ":" + e.password); const a = r(o, c => { const l = On(e.followRedirects) ? e.followRedirects : 3; if (c.statusCode && c.statusCode >= 300 && c.statusCode < 400 && l > 0 && c.headers.location) j5({ ...e, url: c.headers.location, followRedirects: l - 1 }, t).then(s, i); else { let u = c; !e.isChromiumNetwork && c.headers["content-encoding"] === "gzip" && (u = c.pipe(qR())), s({ res: c, stream: uD(u) }) } }); a.on("error", i), e.timeout && a.setTimeout(e.timeout), e.isChromiumNetwork && a.removeHeader("Content-Length"), && typeof == "string" && a.write(, a.end(), t.onCancellationRequested(() => { a.abort(), i(new It) }) }) } var yc, T5 = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/request/node/requestService.js"() { "use strict"; Ue(), Me(), fe(), $e(), ds(), ps(), Xp(), Re(), Dr(), WR(), yc = class extends i5 { constructor(t, s, i) { super(i), this.m = t, this.n = s, this.r(), this.B(t.onDidChangeConfiguration(n => { n.affectsConfiguration("http") && this.r() })) } r() { const t = this.m.getValue("http"); this.f = t?.proxy, this.g = !!t?.proxyStrictSSL, this.h = t?.proxyAuthorization } async request(t, s) { const { f: i, g: n } = this; let r; try { r = await Yp(this.m, this.b, this.n.args, process.env) } catch (c) { this.j || (this.j = !0, this.b.error("resolving shell environment failed", ge(c))) } const o = { ...process.env, ...r }, a = t.agent ? t.agent : await VR(t.url || "", o, { proxyUrl: i, strictSSL: n }); return t.agent = a, t.strictSSL = n, this.h && (t.headers = { ...t.headers || {}, "Proxy-Authorization": this.h }), this.c(t, () => j5(t, s)) } async resolveProxy(t) { } async lookupAuthorization(t) { } async lookupKerberosAuthorization(t) { try { const s = this.m.getValue("http.proxyKerberosServicePrincipal"); return "Negotiate " + await GR(t, s, this.b, "RequestService#lookupKerberosAuthorization") } catch (s) { this.b.debug("RequestService#lookupKerberosAuthorization Kerberos authentication failed", s); return } } async loadCertificates() { return (await import("@vscode/proxy-agent")).loadSystemCertificates({ log: this.b }) } }, yc = __decorate([__param(0, ts), __param(1, zs), __param(2, pe)], yc) } }); function U5(e) { if (!e) return; const t = e.indexOf("+"); return t < 0 ? e : e.substr(0, t) } var Qp = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/remote/common/remoteHosts.js"() { "use strict"; De() } }); function YR(e) { if (ro === 2 && /^penguin(\.|$)/i.test(e)) return "chromebook" } function XR(e, t, s, i, n, r, o, a, c, l) { const u = Object.create(null); u["common.machineId"] = r, u["common.sqmId"] = o, u["common.devDeviceId"] = a, u.sessionID = We() +, u.commitHash = i, u.version = n, u["common.platformVersion"] = (e || "").replace(/^(\d+)(\.\d+)?(\.\d+)?(.*)/, "$1$2$3"), u["common.platform"] = Qv(ro), u["common.nodePlatform"] = q1, u["common.nodeArch"] = s, u["common.product"] = l || "desktop", c && (u["common.msftInternal"] = c); let h = 0; const d =; Object.defineProperties(u, { timestamp: { get: () => new Date, enumerable: !0 }, "common.timesincesessionstart": { get: () => - d, enumerable: !0 }, "common.sequence": { get: () => h++, enumerable: !0 } }), nb && (u["common.snap"] = "true"); const p = YR(t); return p && (u["common.platformDetail"] = p), u } function QR(e) { const t = js.USERDNSDOMAIN; if (!t) return !1; const s = t.toLowerCase(); return e.some(i => s === i) } var M5 = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/telemetry/common/commonProperties.js"() { "use strict"; X(), ti(), Wt() } }), qt, ZR, Zp, Ec, Kp, Qu, F5, B5, As = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/telemetry/common/telemetry.js"() { "use strict"; oe(), qt = se("telemetryService"), ZR = se("customEndpointTelemetryService"), Zp = "telemetry", Ec = "telemetry.telemetryLevel", Kp = "telemetry.enableCrashReporter", Qu = "telemetry.enableTelemetry", function (e) { e[e.NONE = 0] = "NONE", e[e.CRASH = 1] = "CRASH", e[e.ERROR = 2] = "ERROR", e[e.USAGE = 3] = "USAGE" }(F5 || (F5 = {})), function (e) { e.OFF = "off", e.CRASH = "crash", e.ERROR = "error", e.ON = "all" }(B5 || (B5 = {})) } }); function H5(e, t) { return !t.isBuilt && !t.disableTelemetry ? !0 : !(t.disableTelemetry || !e.enableTelemetry) } function KR(e, t) { return t.extensionTestsLocationURI ? !0 : !(t.isBuilt || t.disableTelemetry || e.enableTelemetry && e.aiConfig?.ariaKey) } function z5(e) { const t = e.getValue(Ec), s = e.getValue(Kp); if (e.getValue(Qu) === !1 || s === !1) return 0; switch (t ?? "all") { case "all": return 3; case "error": return 2; case "crash": return 1; case "off": return 0 } } function eL(e) { const t = {}, s = {}, i = {}; V5(e, i); for (let n in i) { n = n.length > 150 ? n.substr(n.length - 149) : n; const r = i[n]; typeof r == "number" ? s[n] = r : typeof r == "boolean" ? s[n] = r ? 1 : 0 : typeof r == "string" ? (r.length > 8192 && console.warn(`Telemetry property: ${n} has been trimmed to 8192, the original length is ${r.length}`), t[n] = r.substring(0, 8191)) : typeof r < "u" && r !== null && (t[n] = r) } return { properties: t, measurements: s } } function tL(e) { if (!e) return "none"; const t = U5(e); return J5.has(t) ? t : "other" } function V5(e, t, s = 0, i) { if (e) for (const n of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e)) { const r = e[n], o = i ? i + n : n; Array.isArray(r) ? t[o] = Lp(r) : r instanceof Date ? t[o] = r.toISOString() : ct(r) ? s < 2 ? V5(r, t, s + 1, o + ".") : t[o] = Lp(r) : t[o] = r } } function sL(e, t) { const s = e.msftInternalDomains || [], i = t.getValue("telemetry.internalTesting"); return QR(s) || i } function iL(e) { return [e.appRoot, e.extensionsPath, e.userHome.fsPath, e.tmpDir.fsPath, e.userDataPath] } function nL(e, t) { if (!e || !e.includes("/") && !e.includes("\\")) return e; let s = e; const i = []; for (const a of t) for (; ;) { const c = a.exec(e); if (!c) break; i.push([c.index, a.lastIndex]) } const n = /^[\\\/]?(node_modules|node_modules\.asar)[\\\/]/, r = /(file:\/\/)?([a-zA-Z]:(\\\\|\\|\/)|(\\\\|\\|\/))?([\w-\._]+(\\\\|\\|\/))+[\w-\._]*/g; let o = 0; for (s = ""; ;) { const a = r.exec(e); if (!a) break; const c = i.some(([l, u]) => a.index < u && l < r.lastIndex); !n.test(a[0]) && !c && (s += e.substring(o, a.index) + "<REDACTED: user-file-path>", o = r.lastIndex) } return o < e.length && (s += e.substr(o)), s } function rL(e) { if (!e) return e; const t = [{ label: "Google API Key", regex: /AIza[A-Za-z0-9_\\\-]{35}/ }, { label: "Slack Token", regex: /xox[pbar]\-[A-Za-z0-9]/ }, { label: "GitHub Token", regex: /(gh[psuro]_[a-zA-Z0-9]{36}|github_pat_[a-zA-Z0-9]{22}_[a-zA-Z0-9]{59})/ }, { label: "Generic Secret", regex: /(key|token|sig|secret|signature|password|passwd|pwd|android:value)[^a-zA-Z0-9]/i }, { label: "CLI Credentials", regex: /((login|psexec|(certutil|psexec)\.exe).{1,50}(\s-u(ser(name)?)?\s+.{3,100})?\s-(admin|user|vm|root)?p(ass(word)?)?\s+["']?[^$\-\/\s]|(^|[\s\r\n\\])net(\.exe)?.{1,5}(user\s+|share\s+\/user:| user -? secrets ? set) \s + [^ $\s \/])/ }, { label: "Microsoft Entra ID", regex: /eyJ(?:0eXAiOiJKV1Qi|hbGci|[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+\.)/ }, { label: "Email", regex: /@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9-]+/ }]; for (const s of t) if (s.regex.test(e)) return `<REDACTED: ${s.label}>`; return e } function em(e, t) { return un(e, s => { if (s instanceof xc ||, "isTrustedTelemetryValue")) return s.value; if (typeof s == "string") { let i = s.replaceAll("%20", " "); i = nL(i, t); for (const n of t) i = i.replace(n, ""); return i = rL(i), i } }) } var xc, tm, W5, q5, G5, J5, fn = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/telemetry/common/telemetryUtils.js"() { "use strict"; es(), $e(), Qp(), M5(), As(), xc = class { constructor(e) { this.value = e, this.isTrustedTelemetryValue = !0 } }, tm = class { constructor() { this.telemetryLevel = 0, this.sessionId = "someValue.sessionId", this.machineId = "someValue.machineId", this.sqmId = "someValue.sqmId", this.devDeviceId = "someValue.devDeviceId", this.firstSessionDate = "someValue.firstSessionDate", this.sendErrorTelemetry = !1 } publicLog() { } publicLog2() { } publicLogError() { } publicLogError2() { } setExperimentProperty() { } }, W5 = new tm, q5 = "extensionTelemetryLog", G5 = { log: () => null, flush: () => Promise.resolve(void 0) }, J5 = new Set(["ssh-remote", "dev-container", "attached-container", "wsl", "tunnel", "codespaces", "amlext"]) } }); function Y5(e) { switch (e) { case "win32-x64": return "Windows 64 bit"; case "win32-arm64": return "Windows ARM"; case "linux-x64": return "Linux 64 bit"; case "linux-arm64": return "Linux ARM 64"; case "linux-armhf": return "Linux ARM"; case "alpine-x64": return "Alpine Linux 64 bit"; case "alpine-arm64": return "Alpine ARM 64"; case "darwin-x64": return "Mac"; case "darwin-arm64": return "Mac Silicon"; case "web": return "Web"; case "universal": return "universal"; case "unknown": return "unknown"; case "undefined": return "undefined" } } function oL(e) { switch (e) { case "win32-x64": return "win32-x64"; case "win32-arm64": return "win32-arm64"; case "linux-x64": return "linux-x64"; case "linux-arm64": return "linux-arm64"; case "linux-armhf": return "linux-armhf"; case "alpine-x64": return "alpine-x64"; case "alpine-arm64": return "alpine-arm64"; case "darwin-x64": return "darwin-x64"; case "darwin-arm64": return "darwin-arm64"; case "web": return "web"; case "universal": return "universal"; default: return "unknown" } } function X5(e, t) { switch (e) { case 3: return t === "x64" ? "win32-x64" : t === "arm64" ? "win32-arm64" : "unknown"; case 2: return t === "x64" ? "linux-x64" : t === "arm64" ? "linux-arm64" : t === "arm" ? "linux-armhf" : "unknown"; case "alpine": return t === "x64" ? "alpine-x64" : t === "arm64" ? "alpine-arm64" : "unknown"; case 1: return t === "x64" ? "darwin-x64" : t === "arm64" ? "darwin-arm64" : "unknown"; case 0: return "web" } } function kc(e, t) { return t === "web" && !e.includes("web") } function sm(e, t, s) { return kc(t, s) ? !1 : e === "undefined" || e === "universal" ? !0 : e === "unknown" ? !1 : e === s } function aL(e) { return e && typeof e == "object" && typeof == "string" && (!e.uuid || typeof e.uuid == "string") } async function im(e, t) { const s = await t.resolve(e); return s.children ? (await Promise.all( => im(n.resource, t)))).reduce((n, r) => n + r, 0) : s.size ?? 0 } var Q5, Z5, K5, nm, e6, t6, s6, i6, n6, r6, o6, oi, a6, $c, c6, Lt, tt, Zu, cL, lL, dn, uL, hL, l6, Ku, Ds = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagement.js"() { "use strict"; he(), oe(), Q5 = "^([a-z0-9A-Z][a-z0-9-A-Z]*)\\.([a-z0-9A-Z][a-z0-9-A-Z]*)$", Z5 = new RegExp(Q5), K5 = "__web_extension", nm = "extensionInstallSource", e6 = "dependecyOrPackExtensionInstall", t6 = "clientTargetPlatform", function (e) { e.COMMAND = "command", e.SETTINGS_SYNC = "settingsSync" }(s6 || (s6 = {})), function (e) { e[e.NoneOrRelevance = 0] = "NoneOrRelevance", e[e.LastUpdatedDate = 1] = "LastUpdatedDate", e[e.Title = 2] = "Title", e[e.PublisherName = 3] = "PublisherName", e[e.InstallCount = 4] = "InstallCount", e[e.PublishedDate = 10] = "PublishedDate", e[e.AverageRating = 6] = "AverageRating", e[e.WeightedRating = 12] = "WeightedRating" }(i6 || (i6 = {})), function (e) { e[e.Default = 0] = "Default", e[e.Ascending = 1] = "Ascending", e[e.Descending = 2] = "Descending" }(n6 || (n6 = {})), function (e) { e.Install = "install", e.Uninstall = "uninstall" }(r6 || (r6 = {})), function (e) { e[e.None = 1] = "None", e[e.Install = 2] = "Install", e[e.Update = 3] = "Update", e[e.Migrate = 4] = "Migrate" }(o6 || (o6 = {})), oi = se("extensionGalleryService"), function (e) { e.Timeout = "Timeout", e.Cancelled = "Cancelled", e.Failed = "Failed", e.DownloadFailedWriting = "DownloadFailedWriting", e.Offline = "Offline" }(a6 || (a6 = {})), $c = class extends Error { constructor(e, t) { super(e), this.code = t, = t } }, function (e) { e.Unsupported = "Unsupported", e.Deprecated = "Deprecated", e.Malicious = "Malicious", e.Incompatible = "Incompatible", e.IncompatibleApi = "IncompatibleApi", e.IncompatibleTargetPlatform = "IncompatibleTargetPlatform", e.ReleaseVersionNotFound = "ReleaseVersionNotFound", e.Invalid = "Invalid", e.Download = "Download", e.DownloadSignature = "DownloadSignature", e.DownloadFailedWriting = "DownloadFailedWriting", e.UpdateMetadata = "UpdateMetadata", e.Extract = "Extract", e.Scanning = "Scanning", e.ScanningExtension = "ScanningExtension", e.ReadUninstalled = "ReadUninstalled", e.UnsetUninstalled = "UnsetUninstalled", e.Delete = "Delete", e.Rename = "Rename", e.IntializeDefaultProfile = "IntializeDefaultProfile", e.AddToProfile = "AddToProfile", e.InstalledExtensionNotFound = "InstalledExtensionNotFound", e.PostInstall = "PostInstall", e.CorruptZip = "CorruptZip", e.IncompleteZip = "IncompleteZip", e.PackageNotSigned = "PackageNotSigned", e.SignatureVerificationInternal = "SignatureVerificationInternal", e.SignatureVerificationFailed = "SignatureVerificationFailed", e.NotAllowed = "NotAllowed", e.Gallery = "Gallery", e.Cancelled = "Cancelled", e.Unknown = "Unknown", e.Internal = "Internal" }(c6 || (c6 = {})), function (e) { e.NotSigned = "NotSigned", e.Success = "Success", e.RequiredArgumentMissing = "RequiredArgumentMissing", e.InvalidArgument = "InvalidArgument", e.PackageIsUnreadable = "PackageIsUnreadable", e.UnhandledException = "UnhandledException", e.SignatureManifestIsMissing = "SignatureManifestIsMissing", e.SignatureManifestIsUnreadable = "SignatureManifestIsUnreadable", e.SignatureIsMissing = "SignatureIsMissing", e.SignatureIsUnreadable = "SignatureIsUnreadable", e.CertificateIsUnreadable = "CertificateIsUnreadable", e.SignatureArchiveIsUnreadable = "SignatureArchiveIsUnreadable", e.FileAlreadyExists = "FileAlreadyExists", e.SignatureArchiveIsInvalidZip = "SignatureArchiveIsInvalidZip", e.SignatureArchiveHasSameSignatureFile = "SignatureArchiveHasSameSignatureFile", e.PackageIntegrityCheckFailed = "PackageIntegrityCheckFailed", e.SignatureIsInvalid = "SignatureIsInvalid", e.SignatureManifestIsInvalid = "SignatureManifestIsInvalid", e.SignatureIntegrityCheckFailed = "SignatureIntegrityCheckFailed", e.EntryIsMissing = "EntryIsMissing", e.EntryIsTampered = "EntryIsTampered", e.Untrusted = "Untrusted", e.CertificateRevoked = "CertificateRevoked", e.SignatureIsNotValid = "SignatureIsNotValid", e.UnknownError = "UnknownError", e.PackageIsInvalidZip = "PackageIsInvalidZip", e.SignatureArchiveHasTooManyEntries = "SignatureArchiveHasTooManyEntries" }(Lt || (Lt = {})), tt = class extends Error { constructor(e, t) { super(e), this.code = t, = t } }, Zu = se("extensionManagementService"), cL = se("IGlobalExtensionEnablementService"), lL = se("IExtensionTipsService"), dn = se("IAllowedExtensionsService"), uL = Yv(1820, "Extensions"), hL = Yv(1821, "Preferences"), l6 = "", Ku = "extensions.allowed" } }); function u6(e) { return e instanceof h6 ? !0 : e instanceof Error && === eh && e.message === eh } var eh, h6, fL = v({ "out-build/vs/base/parts/request/common/request.js"() { "use strict"; eh = "Offline", h6 = class extends Error { constructor() { super(eh), = this.message } } } }); function f6(e) { return dL(e) } function dL(e) { return e.contributes && e.contributes.localizations ? e.contributes.localizations.length > 0 : !1 } function pL(e) { return => { const [s, i] = t.split("@"); return { proposalName: s, version: i ? parseInt(i) : void 0 } }) } function mL(e) { return => t.split("@")[0]) } var rm, d6, om, p6, m6, g6, Bn, am, gL, Ii = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/extensions/common/extensions.js"() { "use strict"; et(), oe(), Qp(), rm = "extensions.user.cache", d6 = "extensions.builtin.cache", om = "undefined_publisher", p6 = ["AI", "Azure", "Chat", "Data Science", "Debuggers", "Extension Packs", "Education", "Formatters", "Keymaps", "Language Packs", "Linters", "Machine Learning", "Notebooks", "Programming Languages", "SCM Providers", "Snippets", "Testing", "Themes", "Visualization", "Other"], function (e) { e[e.System = 0] = "System", e[e.User = 1] = "User" }(m6 || (m6 = {})), function (e) { e.WIN32_X64 = "win32-x64", e.WIN32_ARM64 = "win32-arm64", e.LINUX_X64 = "linux-x64", e.LINUX_ARM64 = "linux-arm64", e.LINUX_ARMHF = "linux-armhf", e.ALPINE_X64 = "alpine-x64", e.ALPINE_ARM64 = "alpine-arm64", e.DARWIN_X64 = "darwin-x64", e.DARWIN_ARM64 = "darwin-arm64", e.WEB = "web", e.UNIVERSAL = "universal", e.UNKNOWN = "unknown", e.UNDEFINED = "undefined" }(g6 || (g6 = {})), Bn = class { constructor(e) { this.value = e, this._lower = e.toLowerCase() } static equals(e, t) { if (typeof e > "u" || e === null) return typeof t > "u" || t === null; if (typeof t > "u" || t === null) return !1; if (typeof e == "string" || typeof t == "string") { const s = typeof e == "string" ? e : e.value, i = typeof t == "string" ? t : t.value; return Ln(s, i) } return e._lower === t._lower } static toKey(e) { return typeof e == "string" ? e.toLowerCase() : e._lower } }, am = class { constructor() { this.c = new Map } clear() { this.c.clear() } delete(e) { this.c.delete(Bn.toKey(e)) } get(e) { return this.c.get(Bn.toKey(e)) } has(e) { return this.c.has(Bn.toKey(e)) } set(e, t) { this.c.set(Bn.toKey(e), t) } values() { return this.c.values() } forEach(e) { this.c.forEach(e) } [Symbol.iterator]() { return this.c[Symbol.iterator]() } }, gL = se("IBuiltinExtensionsScannerService") } }); function xe(e, t) { return e.uuid && t.uuid ? e.uuid === t.uuid : === ? !0 : V1(, === 0 } function cm(e) { const t = y6.exec(e); return t && t[1] ? [th(t[1]), t[2]] : [th(e), void 0] } function lm(e, t) { return `${e}.${t}` } function th(e) { return e.toLowerCase() } function pn(e, t) { return th(lm(e ?? om, t)) } function w6(e, t) { const s = [], i = n => { for (const r of s) if (r.some(o => xe(t(o), t(n)))) return r; return null }; for (const n of e) { const r = i(n); r ? r.push(n) : s.push([n]) } return s } function wL(e) { return { id:, name:, galleryId: null, publisherId: e.publisherId, publisherName: e.manifest.publisher, publisherDisplayName: e.publisherDisplayName, dependencies: e.manifest.extensionDependencies && e.manifest.extensionDependencies.length > 0 } } function um(e) { return { id: new xc(, name: new xc(, extensionVersion: e.version, galleryId: e.identifier.uuid, publisherId: e.publisherId, publisherName: e.publisher, publisherDisplayName: e.publisherDisplayName, isPreReleaseVersion:, dependencies: !!( && > 0), isSigned: e.isSigned, ...e.telemetryData } } async function vL(e, t) { if (!rt) return !1; let s; try { s = (await e.readFile(E.file("/etc/os-release"))).value.toString() } catch { try { s = (await e.readFile(E.file("/usr/lib/os-release"))).value.toString() } catch (n) { t.debug("Error while getting the os-release file.", ge(n)) } } return !!s && (s.match(/^ID=([^\u001b\r\n]*)/m) || [])[1] === "alpine" } async function v6(e, t) { const s = await vL(e, t), i = X5(s ? "alpine" : ro, G1); return t.debug("ComputeTargetPlatform:", i), i } var b6, is, y6, bL, mn = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagementUtil.js"() { "use strict"; et(), Ds(), Ii(), X(), ee(), fe(), ti(), fn(), b6 = /^([^.]+\..+)-(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)(-(.+))?$/, is = class f1 { static create(t) { const s = t.manifest ? t.manifest.version : t.version, i = t.manifest ? t.targetPlatform :; return new f1(t.identifier, s, i) } static parse(t) { const s = b6.exec(t); return s && s[1] && s[2] ? new f1({ id: s[1] }, s[2], s[4] || void 0) : null } constructor(t, s, i = "undefined") { this.identifier = t, this.version = s, this.targetPlatform = i, = } toString() { return `${}-${this.version}${this.targetPlatform !== "undefined" ? `-${this.targetPlatform}` : ""}` } equals(t) { return t instanceof f1 ? xe(this, t) && this.version === t.version && this.targetPlatform === t.targetPlatform : !1 } }, y6 = /^([^.]+\..+)@((prerelease)|(\d+\.\d+\.\d+(-.*)?))$/, bL = new Bn("pprice.better-merge") } }), Sc, Ze, sh = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/severity.js"() { "use strict"; et(), function (e) { e[e.Ignore = 0] = "Ignore", e[e.Info = 1] = "Info", e[e.Warning = 2] = "Warning", e[e.Error = 3] = "Error" }(Sc || (Sc = {})), function (e) { const t = "error", s = "warning", i = "warn", n = "info", r = "ignore"; function o(c) { return c ? Ln(t, c) ? e.Error : Ln(s, c) || Ln(i, c) ? e.Warning : Ln(n, c) ? e.Info : e.Ignore : e.Ignore } e.fromValue = o; function a(c) { switch (c) { case e.Error: return t; case e.Warning: return s; case e.Info: return n; default: return r } } e.toString = a }(Sc || (Sc = {})), Ze = Sc } }), Pc, be, yL, EL, E6, xL, kL, $L, SL, PL, IL, AL, ih, x6, DL, RL, k6, LL, NL, OL, hm, CL, _L, jL, TL, UL, ML, FL, BL, HL, zL, VL, WL, qL, GL, JL, YL, XL, QL, Ro = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/semver/semver.js"() { "use strict"; Pc = {}, be = { exports: Pc }, function (e, t) { if (typeof Pc == "object" && typeof be == "object") be.exports = t(); else if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) define([], t); else { var s = t(); for (var i in s) (typeof Pc == "object" ? Pc : e)[i] = s[i] } }(typeof self < "u" ? self : void 0, function () { return function (e) { var t = {}; function s(i) { if (t[i]) return t[i].exports; var n = t[i] = { i, l: !1, exports: {} }; return e[i].call(n.exports, n, n.exports, s), n.l = !0, n.exports } return s.m = e, s.c = t, s.d = function (i, n, r) { s.o(i, n) || Object.defineProperty(i, n, { enumerable: !0, get: r }) }, s.r = function (i) { typeof Symbol < "u" && Symbol.toStringTag && Object.defineProperty(i, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" }), Object.defineProperty(i, "__esModule", { value: !0 }) }, s.t = function (i, n) { if (1 & n && (i = s(i)), 8 & n || 4 & n && typeof i == "object" && i && i.__esModule) return i; var r = Object.create(null); if (s.r(r), Object.defineProperty(r, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: i }), 2 & n && typeof i != "string") for (var o in i) s.d(r, o, function (a) { return i[a] }.bind(null, o)); return r }, s.n = function (i) { var n = i && i.__esModule ? function () { return i.default } : function () { return i }; return s.d(n, "a", n), n }, s.o = function (i, n) { return, n) }, s.p = "", s(s.s = 0) }([function (e, t, s) { (function (i) { var n; t = e.exports = Oe, n = typeof i == "object" && i.env && i.env.NODE_DEBUG && /\bsemver\b/i.test(i.env.NODE_DEBUG) ? function () { var b =, 0); b.unshift("SEMVER"), console.log.apply(console, b) } : function () { }, t.SEMVER_SPEC_VERSION = "2.0.0"; var r = 256, o = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || 9007199254740991, a = = [], c = t.src = [], l = 0, u = l++; c[u] = "0|[1-9]\\d*"; var h = l++; c[h] = "[0-9]+"; var d = l++; c[d] = "\\d*[a-zA-Z-][a-zA-Z0-9-]*"; var p = l++; c[p] = "(" + c[u] + ")\\.(" + c[u] + ")\\.(" + c[u] + ")"; var g = l++; c[g] = "(" + c[h] + ")\\.(" + c[h] + ")\\.(" + c[h] + ")"; var w = l++; c[w] = "(?:" + c[u] + "|" + c[d] + ")"; var y = l++; c[y] = "(?:" + c[h] + "|" + c[d] + ")"; var x = l++; c[x] = "(?:-(" + c[w] + "(?:\\." + c[w] + ")*))"; var k = l++; c[k] = "(?:-?(" + c[y] + "(?:\\." + c[y] + ")*))"; var A = l++; c[A] = "[0-9A-Za-z-]+"; var I = l++; c[I] = "(?:\\+(" + c[A] + "(?:\\." + c[A] + ")*))"; var L = l++, q = "v?" + c[p] + c[x] + "?" + c[I] + "?"; c[L] = "^" + q + "$"; var te = "[v=\\s]*" + c[g] + c[k] + "?" + c[I] + "?", V = l++; c[V] = "^" + te + "$"; var N = l++; c[N] = "((?:<|>)?=?)"; var le = l++; c[le] = c[h] + "|x|X|\\*"; var ue = l++; c[ue] = c[u] + "|x|X|\\*"; var K = l++; c[K] = "[v=\\s]*(" + c[ue] + ")(?:\\.(" + c[ue] + ")(?:\\.(" + c[ue] + ")(?:" + c[x] + ")?" + c[I] + "?)?)?"; var ht = l++; c[ht] = "[v=\\s]*(" + c[le] + ")(?:\\.(" + c[le] + ")(?:\\.(" + c[le] + ")(?:" + c[k] + ")?" + c[I] + "?)?)?"; var C = l++; c[C] = "^" + c[N] + "\\s*" + c[K] + "$"; var R = l++; c[R] = "^" + c[N] + "\\s*" + c[ht] + "$"; var M = l++; c[M] = "(?:^|[^\\d])(\\d{1,16})(?:\\.(\\d{1,16}))?(?:\\.(\\d{1,16}))?(?:$|[^\\d])"; var j = l++; c[j] = "(?:~>?)"; var G = l++; c[G] = "(\\s*)" + c[j] + "\\s+", a[G] = new RegExp(c[G], "g"); var ce = l++; c[ce] = "^" + c[j] + c[K] + "$"; var Ie = l++; c[Ie] = "^" + c[j] + c[ht] + "$"; var Je = l++; c[Je] = "(?:\\^)"; var vt = l++; c[vt] = "(\\s*)" + c[Je] + "\\s+", a[vt] = new RegExp(c[vt], "g"); var qi = l++; c[qi] = "^" + c[Je] + c[K] + "$"; var ur = l++; c[ur] = "^" + c[Je] + c[ht] + "$"; var Gi = l++; c[Gi] = "^" + c[N] + "\\s*(" + te + ")$|^$"; var Kr = l++; c[Kr] = "^" + c[N] + "\\s*(" + q + ")$|^$"; var pi = l++; c[pi] = "(\\s*)" + c[N] + "\\s*(" + te + "|" + c[K] + ")", a[pi] = new RegExp(c[pi], "g"); var Kl = l++; c[Kl] = "^\\s*(" + c[K] + ")\\s+-\\s+(" + c[K] + ")\\s*$"; var eu = l++; c[eu] = "^\\s*(" + c[ht] + ")\\s+-\\s+(" + c[ht] + ")\\s*$"; var Nv = l++; c[Nv] = "(<|>)?=?\\s*\\*"; for (var hr = 0; hr < 35; hr++)n(hr, c[hr]), a[hr] || (a[hr] = new RegExp(c[hr])); function fr(b, $) { if (b instanceof Oe) return b; if (typeof b != "string" || b.length > r || !($ ? a[V] : a[L]).test(b)) return null; try { return new Oe(b, $) } catch { return null } } function Oe(b, $) { if (b instanceof Oe) { if (b.loose === $) return b; b = b.version } else if (typeof b != "string") throw new TypeError("Invalid Version: " + b); if (b.length > r) throw new TypeError("version is longer than " + r + " characters"); if (!(this instanceof Oe)) return new Oe(b, $); n("SemVer", b, $), this.loose = $; var P = b.trim().match($ ? a[V] : a[L]); if (!P) throw new TypeError("Invalid Version: " + b); if (this.raw = b, this.major = +P[1], this.minor = +P[2], this.patch = +P[3], this.major > o || this.major < 0) throw new TypeError("Invalid major version"); if (this.minor > o || this.minor < 0) throw new TypeError("Invalid minor version"); if (this.patch > o || this.patch < 0) throw new TypeError("Invalid patch version"); P[4] ? this.prerelease = P[4].split(".").map(function (W) { if (/^[0-9]+$/.test(W)) { var ie = +W; if (ie >= 0 && ie < o) return ie } return W }) : this.prerelease = [], = P[5] ? P[5].split(".") : [], this.format() } t.parse = fr, t.valid = function (b, $) { var P = fr(b, $); return P ? P.version : null }, t.clean = function (b, $) { var P = fr(b.trim().replace(/^[=v]+/, ""), $); return P ? P.version : null }, t.SemVer = Oe, Oe.prototype.format = function () { return this.version = this.major + "." + this.minor + "." + this.patch, this.prerelease.length && (this.version += "-" + this.prerelease.join(".")), this.version }, Oe.prototype.toString = function () { return this.version }, = function (b) { return n("", this.version, this.loose, b), b instanceof Oe || (b = new Oe(b, this.loose)), this.compareMain(b) || this.comparePre(b) }, Oe.prototype.compareMain = function (b) { return b instanceof Oe || (b = new Oe(b, this.loose)), eo(this.major, b.major) || eo(this.minor, b.minor) || eo(this.patch, b.patch) }, Oe.prototype.comparePre = function (b) { if (b instanceof Oe || (b = new Oe(b, this.loose)), this.prerelease.length && !b.prerelease.length) return -1; if (!this.prerelease.length && b.prerelease.length) return 1; if (!this.prerelease.length && !b.prerelease.length) return 0; var $ = 0; do { var P = this.prerelease[$], W = b.prerelease[$]; if (n("prerelease compare", $, P, W), P === void 0 && W === void 0) return 0; if (W === void 0) return 1; if (P === void 0) return -1; if (P !== W) return eo(P, W) } while (++$) }, = function (b, $) { switch (b) { case "premajor": this.prerelease.length = 0, this.patch = 0, this.minor = 0, this.major++,"pre", $); break; case "preminor": this.prerelease.length = 0, this.patch = 0, this.minor++,"pre", $); break; case "prepatch": this.prerelease.length = 0,"patch", $),"pre", $); break; case "prerelease": this.prerelease.length === 0 &&"patch", $),"pre", $); break; case "major": this.minor === 0 && this.patch === 0 && this.prerelease.length !== 0 || this.major++, this.minor = 0, this.patch = 0, this.prerelease = []; break; case "minor": this.patch === 0 && this.prerelease.length !== 0 || this.minor++, this.patch = 0, this.prerelease = []; break; case "patch": this.prerelease.length === 0 && this.patch++, this.prerelease = []; break; case "pre": if (this.prerelease.length === 0) this.prerelease = [0]; else { for (var P = this.prerelease.length; --P >= 0;)typeof this.prerelease[P] == "number" && (this.prerelease[P]++, P = -2); P === -1 && this.prerelease.push(0) } $ && (this.prerelease[0] === $ ? isNaN(this.prerelease[1]) && (this.prerelease = [$, 0]) : this.prerelease = [$, 0]); break; default: throw new Error("invalid increment argument: " + b) }return this.format(), this.raw = this.version, this }, = function (b, $, P, W) { typeof P == "string" && (W = P, P = void 0); try { return new Oe(b, P).inc($, W).version } catch { return null } }, t.diff = function (b, $) { if (y1(b, $)) return null; var P = fr(b), W = fr($); if (P.prerelease.length || W.prerelease.length) { for (var ie in P) if ((ie === "major" || ie === "minor" || ie === "patch") && P[ie] !== W[ie]) return "pre" + ie; return "prerelease" } for (var ie in P) if ((ie === "major" || ie === "minor" || ie === "patch") && P[ie] !== W[ie]) return ie }, t.compareIdentifiers = eo; var Ov = /^[0-9]+$/; function eo(b, $) { var P = Ov.test(b), W = Ov.test($); return P && W && (b = +b, $ = +$), P && !W ? -1 : W && !P ? 1 : b < $ ? -1 : b > $ ? 1 : 0 } function Ji(b, $, P) { return new Oe(b, P).compare(new Oe($, P)) } function tu(b, $, P) { return Ji(b, $, P) > 0 } function su(b, $, P) { return Ji(b, $, P) < 0 } function y1(b, $, P) { return Ji(b, $, P) === 0 } function Cv(b, $, P) { return Ji(b, $, P) !== 0 } function E1(b, $, P) { return Ji(b, $, P) >= 0 } function x1(b, $, P) { return Ji(b, $, P) <= 0 } function iu(b, $, P, W) { var ie; switch ($) { case "===": typeof b == "object" && (b = b.version), typeof P == "object" && (P = P.version), ie = b === P; break; case "!==": typeof b == "object" && (b = b.version), typeof P == "object" && (P = P.version), ie = b !== P; break; case "": case "=": case "==": ie = y1(b, P, W); break; case "!=": ie = Cv(b, P, W); break; case ">": ie = tu(b, P, W); break; case ">=": ie = E1(b, P, W); break; case "<": ie = su(b, P, W); break; case "<=": ie = x1(b, P, W); break; default: throw new TypeError("Invalid operator: " + $) }return ie } function Bs(b, $) { if (b instanceof Bs) { if (b.loose === $) return b; b = b.value } if (!(this instanceof Bs)) return new Bs(b, $); n("comparator", b, $), this.loose = $, this.parse(b), this.semver === La ? this.value = "" : this.value = this.operator + this.semver.version, n("comp", this) } t.rcompareIdentifiers = function (b, $) { return eo($, b) }, t.major = function (b, $) { return new Oe(b, $).major }, t.minor = function (b, $) { return new Oe(b, $).minor }, t.patch = function (b, $) { return new Oe(b, $).patch }, = Ji, t.compareLoose = function (b, $) { return Ji(b, $, !0) }, t.rcompare = function (b, $, P) { return Ji($, b, P) }, t.sort = function (b, $) { return b.sort(function (P, W) { return, W, $) }) }, t.rsort = function (b, $) { return b.sort(function (P, W) { return t.rcompare(P, W, $) }) }, = tu, = su, t.eq = y1, t.neq = Cv, t.gte = E1, t.lte = x1, t.cmp = iu, t.Comparator = Bs; var La = {}; function ft(b, $) { if (b instanceof ft) return b.loose === $ ? b : new ft(b.raw, $); if (b instanceof Bs) return new ft(b.value, $); if (!(this instanceof ft)) return new ft(b, $); if (this.loose = $, this.raw = b, this.set = b.split(/\s*\|\|\s*/).map(function (P) { return this.parseRange(P.trim()) }, this).filter(function (P) { return P.length }), !this.set.length) throw new TypeError("Invalid SemVer Range: " + b); this.format() } function cs(b) { return !b || b.toLowerCase() === "x" || b === "*" } function HI(b, $, P, W, ie, Tt, Ce, Es, bt, Xt, mi, yt, Ht) { return (($ = cs(P) ? "" : cs(W) ? ">=" + P + ".0.0" : cs(ie) ? ">=" + P + "." + W + ".0" : ">=" + $) + " " + (Es = cs(bt) ? "" : cs(Xt) ? "<" + (+bt + 1) + ".0.0" : cs(mi) ? "<" + bt + "." + (+Xt + 1) + ".0" : yt ? "<=" + bt + "." + Xt + "." + mi + "-" + yt : "<=" + Es)).trim() } function zI(b, $) { for (var P = 0; P < b.length; P++)if (!b[P].test($)) return !1; if ($.prerelease.length) { for (P = 0; P < b.length; P++)if (n(b[P].semver), b[P].semver !== La && b[P].semver.prerelease.length > 0) { var W = b[P].semver; if (W.major === $.major && W.minor === $.minor && W.patch === $.patch) return !0 } return !1 } return !0 } function nu(b, $, P) { try { $ = new ft($, P) } catch { return !1 } return $.test(b) } function k1(b, $, P, W) { var ie, Tt, Ce, Es, bt; switch (b = new Oe(b, W), $ = new ft($, W), P) { case ">": ie = tu, Tt = x1, Ce = su, Es = ">", bt = ">="; break; case "<": ie = su, Tt = E1, Ce = tu, Es = "<", bt = "<="; break; default: throw new TypeError('Must provide a hilo val of "<" or ">"') }if (nu(b, $, W)) return !1; for (var Xt = 0; Xt < $.set.length; ++Xt) { var mi = $.set[Xt], yt = null, Ht = null; if (mi.forEach(function (xs) { xs.semver === La && (xs = new Bs(">=0.0.0")), yt = yt || xs, Ht = Ht || xs, ie(xs.semver, yt.semver, W) ? yt = xs : Ce(xs.semver, Ht.semver, W) && (Ht = xs) }), yt.operator === Es || yt.operator === bt || (!Ht.operator || Ht.operator === Es) && Tt(b, Ht.semver) || Ht.operator === bt && Ce(b, Ht.semver)) return !1 } return !0 } Bs.prototype.parse = function (b) { var $ = this.loose ? a[Gi] : a[Kr], P = b.match($); if (!P) throw new TypeError("Invalid comparator: " + b); this.operator = P[1], this.operator === "=" && (this.operator = ""), P[2] ? this.semver = new Oe(P[2], this.loose) : this.semver = La }, Bs.prototype.toString = function () { return this.value }, Bs.prototype.test = function (b) { return n("Comparator.test", b, this.loose), this.semver === La || (typeof b == "string" && (b = new Oe(b, this.loose)), iu(b, this.operator, this.semver, this.loose)) }, Bs.prototype.intersects = function (b, $) { if (!(b instanceof Bs)) throw new TypeError("a Comparator is required"); var P; if (this.operator === "") return P = new ft(b.value, $), nu(this.value, P, $); if (b.operator === "") return P = new ft(this.value, $), nu(b.semver, P, $); var W = !(this.operator !== ">=" && this.operator !== ">" || b.operator !== ">=" && b.operator !== ">"), ie = !(this.operator !== "<=" && this.operator !== "<" || b.operator !== "<=" && b.operator !== "<"), Tt = this.semver.version === b.semver.version, Ce = !(this.operator !== ">=" && this.operator !== "<=" || b.operator !== ">=" && b.operator !== "<="), Es = iu(this.semver, "<", b.semver, $) && (this.operator === ">=" || this.operator === ">") && (b.operator === "<=" || b.operator === "<"), bt = iu(this.semver, ">", b.semver, $) && (this.operator === "<=" || this.operator === "<") && (b.operator === ">=" || b.operator === ">"); return W || ie || Tt && Ce || Es || bt }, t.Range = ft, ft.prototype.format = function () { return this.range = (b) { return b.join(" ").trim() }).join("||").trim(), this.range }, ft.prototype.toString = function () { return this.range }, ft.prototype.parseRange = function (b) { var $ = this.loose; b = b.trim(), n("range", b, $); var P = $ ? a[eu] : a[Kl]; b = b.replace(P, HI), n("hyphen replace", b), b = b.replace(a[pi], "$1$2$3"), n("comparator trim", b, a[pi]), b = (b = (b = b.replace(a[G], "$1~")).replace(a[vt], "$1^")).split(/\s+/).join(" "); var W = $ ? a[Gi] : a[Kr], ie = b.split(" ").map(function (Tt) { return function (Ce, Es) { return n("comp", Ce), Ce = function (bt, Xt) { return bt.trim().split(/\s+/).map(function (mi) { return function (yt, Ht) { n("caret", yt, Ht); var xs = Ht ? a[ur] : a[qi]; return yt.replace(xs, function (Ks, ae, ke, Ye, nt) { var zt; return n("caret", yt, Ks, ae, ke, Ye, nt), cs(ae) ? zt = "" : cs(ke) ? zt = ">=" + ae + ".0.0 <" + (+ae + 1) + ".0.0" : cs(Ye) ? zt = ae === "0" ? ">=" + ae + "." + ke + ".0 <" + ae + "." + (+ke + 1) + ".0" : ">=" + ae + "." + ke + ".0 <" + (+ae + 1) + ".0.0" : nt ? (n("replaceCaret pr", nt), nt.charAt(0) !== "-" && (nt = "-" + nt), zt = ae === "0" ? ke === "0" ? ">=" + ae + "." + ke + "." + Ye + nt + " <" + ae + "." + ke + "." + (+Ye + 1) : ">=" + ae + "." + ke + "." + Ye + nt + " <" + ae + "." + (+ke + 1) + ".0" : ">=" + ae + "." + ke + "." + Ye + nt + " <" + (+ae + 1) + ".0.0") : (n("no pr"), zt = ae === "0" ? ke === "0" ? ">=" + ae + "." + ke + "." + Ye + " <" + ae + "." + ke + "." + (+Ye + 1) : ">=" + ae + "." + ke + "." + Ye + " <" + ae + "." + (+ke + 1) + ".0" : ">=" + ae + "." + ke + "." + Ye + " <" + (+ae + 1) + ".0.0"), n("caret return", zt), zt }) }(mi, Xt) }).join(" ") }(Ce, Es), n("caret", Ce), Ce = function (bt, Xt) { return bt.trim().split(/\s+/).map(function (mi) { return function (yt, Ht) { var xs = Ht ? a[Ie] : a[ce]; return yt.replace(xs, function (Ks, ae, ke, Ye, nt) { var zt; return n("tilde", yt, Ks, ae, ke, Ye, nt), cs(ae) ? zt = "" : cs(ke) ? zt = ">=" + ae + ".0.0 <" + (+ae + 1) + ".0.0" : cs(Ye) ? zt = ">=" + ae + "." + ke + ".0 <" + ae + "." + (+ke + 1) + ".0" : nt ? (n("replaceTilde pr", nt), nt.charAt(0) !== "-" && (nt = "-" + nt), zt = ">=" + ae + "." + ke + "." + Ye + nt + " <" + ae + "." + (+ke + 1) + ".0") : zt = ">=" + ae + "." + ke + "." + Ye + " <" + ae + "." + (+ke + 1) + ".0", n("tilde return", zt), zt }) }(mi, Xt) }).join(" ") }(Ce, Es), n("tildes", Ce), Ce = function (bt, Xt) { return n("replaceXRanges", bt, Xt), bt.split(/\s+/).map(function (mi) { return function (yt, Ht) { yt = yt.trim(); var xs = Ht ? a[R] : a[C]; return yt.replace(xs, function (Ks, ae, ke, Ye, nt, zt) { n("xRange", yt, Ks, ae, ke, Ye, nt, zt); var _v = cs(ke), Na = _v || cs(Ye), Oa = Na || cs(nt); return ae === "=" && Oa && (ae = ""), _v ? Ks = ae === ">" || ae === "<" ? "<0.0.0" : "*" : ae && Oa ? (Na && (Ye = 0), Oa && (nt = 0), ae === ">" ? (ae = ">=", Na ? (ke = +ke + 1, Ye = 0, nt = 0) : Oa && (Ye = +Ye + 1, nt = 0)) : ae === "<=" && (ae = "<", Na ? ke = +ke + 1 : Ye = +Ye + 1), Ks = ae + ke + "." + Ye + "." + nt) : Na ? Ks = ">=" + ke + ".0.0 <" + (+ke + 1) + ".0.0" : Oa && (Ks = ">=" + ke + "." + Ye + ".0 <" + ke + "." + (+Ye + 1) + ".0"), n("xRange return", Ks), Ks }) }(mi, Xt) }).join(" ") }(Ce, Es), n("xrange", Ce), Ce = function (bt, Xt) { return n("replaceStars", bt, Xt), bt.trim().replace(a[Nv], "") }(Ce, Es), n("stars", Ce), Ce }(Tt, $) }).join(" ").split(/\s+/); return this.loose && (ie = ie.filter(function (Tt) { return !!Tt.match(W) })), ie = (Tt) { return new Bs(Tt, $) }) }, ft.prototype.intersects = function (b, $) { if (!(b instanceof ft)) throw new TypeError("a Range is required"); return this.set.some(function (P) { return P.every(function (W) { return b.set.some(function (ie) { return ie.every(function (Tt) { return W.intersects(Tt, $) }) }) }) }) }, t.toComparators = function (b, $) { return new ft(b, $) (P) { return (W) { return W.value }).join(" ").trim().split(" ") }) }, ft.prototype.test = function (b) { if (!b) return !1; typeof b == "string" && (b = new Oe(b, this.loose)); for (var $ = 0; $ < this.set.length; $++)if (zI(this.set[$], b)) return !0; return !1 }, t.satisfies = nu, t.maxSatisfying = function (b, $, P) { var W = null, ie = null; try { var Tt = new ft($, P) } catch { return null } return b.forEach(function (Ce) { Tt.test(Ce) && (W && !== -1 || (ie = new Oe(W = Ce, P))) }), W }, t.minSatisfying = function (b, $, P) { var W = null, ie = null; try { var Tt = new ft($, P) } catch { return null } return b.forEach(function (Ce) { Tt.test(Ce) && (W && !== 1 || (ie = new Oe(W = Ce, P))) }), W }, t.validRange = function (b, $) { try { return new ft(b, $).range || "*" } catch { return null } }, t.ltr = function (b, $, P) { return k1(b, $, "<", P) }, t.gtr = function (b, $, P) { return k1(b, $, ">", P) }, t.outside = k1, t.prerelease = function (b, $) { var P = fr(b, $); return P && P.prerelease.length ? P.prerelease : null }, t.intersects = function (b, $, P) { return b = new ft(b, P), $ = new ft($, P), b.intersects($) }, t.coerce = function (b) { if (b instanceof Oe) return b; if (typeof b != "string") return null; var $ = b.match(a[M]); return $ == null ? null : fr(($[1] || "0") + "." + ($[2] || "0") + "." + ($[3] || "0")) } }).call(this, s(1)) }, function (e, t) { var s, i, n = e.exports = {}; function r() { throw new Error("setTimeout has not been defined") } function o() { throw new Error("clearTimeout has not been defined") } function a(y) { if (s === setTimeout) return setTimeout(y, 0); if ((s === r || !s) && setTimeout) return s = setTimeout, setTimeout(y, 0); try { return s(y, 0) } catch { try { return, y, 0) } catch { return, y, 0) } } } (function () { try { s = typeof setTimeout == "function" ? setTimeout : r } catch { s = r } try { i = typeof clearTimeout == "function" ? clearTimeout : o } catch { i = o } })(); var c, l = [], u = !1, h = -1; function d() { u && c && (u = !1, c.length ? l = c.concat(l) : h = -1, l.length && p()) } function p() { if (!u) { var y = a(d); u = !0; for (var x = l.length; x;) { for (c = l, l = []; ++h < x;)c && c[h].run(); h = -1, x = l.length } c = null, u = !1, function (k) { if (i === clearTimeout) return clearTimeout(k); if ((i === o || !i) && clearTimeout) return i = clearTimeout, clearTimeout(k); try { i(k) } catch { try { return, k) } catch { return, k) } } }(y) } } function g(y, x) { = y, this.array = x } function w() { } n.nextTick = function (y) { var x = new Array(arguments.length - 1); if (arguments.length > 1) for (var k = 1; k < arguments.length; k++)x[k - 1] = arguments[k]; l.push(new g(y, x)), l.length !== 1 || u || a(p) }, = function () {, this.array) }, n.title = "browser", n.browser = !0, n.env = {}, n.argv = [], n.version = "", n.versions = {}, n.on = w, n.addListener = w, n.once = w, = w, n.removeListener = w, n.removeAllListeners = w, n.emit = w, n.prependListener = w, n.prependOnceListener = w, n.listeners = function (y) { return [] }, n.binding = function (y) { throw new Error("process.binding is not supported") }, n.cwd = function () { return "/" }, n.chdir = function (y) { throw new Error("process.chdir is not supported") }, n.umask = function () { return 0 } }]) }), yL = be.exports.SEMVER_SPEC_VERSION, EL = be.exports.parse, E6 = be.exports.valid, xL = be.exports.coerce, kL = be.exports.clean, $L =, SL = be.exports.major, PL = be.exports.minor, IL = be.exports.patch, AL = be.exports.prerelease, ih =, x6 = be.exports.gte, DL =, RL = be.exports.lte, k6 = be.exports.eq, LL = be.exports.neq, NL = be.exports.cmp, OL =, hm = be.exports.rcompare, CL = be.exports.compareIdentifiers, _L = be.exports.rcompareIdentifiers, jL = be.exports.compareBuild, TL = be.exports.sort, UL = be.exports.rsort, ML = be.exports.diff, FL = be.exports.validRange, BL = be.exports.satisfies, HL = be.exports.maxSatisfying, zL = be.exports.minSatisfying, VL = be.exports.minVersion, WL = be.exports.gtr, qL = be.exports.ltr, GL = be.exports.outside, JL = be.exports.intersects, YL = be.exports.SemVer, XL = be.exports.Comparator, QL = be.exports.Range } }), $6, S6, ZL = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/extensions/common/extensionsApiProposals.js"() { "use strict"; $6 = { activeComment: { proposal: "" }, aiRelatedInformation: { proposal: "" }, aiTextSearchProvider: { proposal: "", version: 2 }, authLearnMore: { proposal: "" }, authSession: { proposal: "" }, canonicalUriProvider: { proposal: "" }, chatEditing: { proposal: "" }, chatParticipantAdditions: { proposal: "" }, chatParticipantPrivate: { proposal: "", version: 2 }, chatProvider: { proposal: "" }, chatReferenceBinaryData: { proposal: "" }, chatTab: { proposal: "" }, chatVariableResolver: { proposal: "" }, codeActionAI: { proposal: "" }, codeActionRanges: { proposal: "" }, codiconDecoration: { proposal: "" }, commentReactor: { proposal: "" }, commentReveal: { proposal: "" }, commentThreadApplicability: { proposal: "" }, commentingRangeHint: { proposal: "" }, commentsDraftState: { proposal: "" }, contribAccessibilityHelpContent: { proposal: "" }, contribCommentEditorActionsMenu: { proposal: "" }, contribCommentPeekContext: { proposal: "" }, contribCommentThreadAdditionalMenu: { proposal: "" }, contribCommentsViewThreadMenus: { proposal: "" }, contribDebugCreateConfiguration: { proposal: "" }, contribDiffEditorGutterToolBarMenus: { proposal: "" }, contribEditSessions: { proposal: "" }, contribEditorContentMenu: { proposal: "" }, contribLabelFormatterWorkspaceTooltip: { proposal: "" }, contribMenuBarHome: { proposal: "" }, contribMergeEditorMenus: { proposal: "" }, contribMultiDiffEditorMenus: { proposal: "" }, contribNotebookStaticPreloads: { proposal: "" }, contribRemoteHelp: { proposal: "" }, contribShareMenu: { proposal: "" }, contribSourceControlHistoryItemMenu: { proposal: "" }, contribSourceControlHistoryTitleMenu: { proposal: "" }, contribSourceControlInputBoxMenu: { proposal: "" }, contribSourceControlTitleMenu: { proposal: "" }, contribStatusBarItems: { proposal: "" }, contribViewContainerTitle: { proposal: "" }, contribViewsRemote: { proposal: "" }, contribViewsWelcome: { proposal: "" }, createFileSystemWatcher: { proposal: "" }, customEditorMove: { proposal: "" }, debugVisualization: { proposal: "" }, defaultChatParticipant: { proposal: "", version: 2 }, diffCommand: { proposal: "" }, diffContentOptions: { proposal: "" }, documentFiltersExclusive: { proposal: "" }, documentPaste: { proposal: "" }, editSessionIdentityProvider: { proposal: "" }, editorHoverVerbosityLevel: { proposal: "" }, editorInsets: { proposal: "" }, embeddings: { proposal: "" }, extensionRuntime: { proposal: "" }, extensionsAny: { proposal: "" }, externalUriOpener: { proposal: "" }, fileComments: { proposal: "" }, fileSearchProvider: { proposal: "" }, fileSearchProvider2: { proposal: "" }, findFiles2: { proposal: "", version: 2 }, findTextInFiles: { proposal: "" }, findTextInFiles2: { proposal: "" }, fsChunks: { proposal: "" }, idToken: { proposal: "" }, inlineCompletionsAdditions: { proposal: "" }, inlineEdit: { proposal: "" }, interactive: { proposal: "" }, interactiveWindow: { proposal: "" }, ipc: { proposal: "" }, languageModelSystem: { proposal: "" }, languageStatusText: { proposal: "" }, mappedEditsProvider: { proposal: "" }, multiDocumentHighlightProvider: { proposal: "" }, nativeWindowHandle: { proposal: "" }, newSymbolNamesProvider: { proposal: "" }, notebookCellExecution: { proposal: "" }, notebookCellExecutionState: { proposal: "" }, notebookControllerAffinityHidden: { proposal: "" }, notebookDeprecated: { proposal: "" }, notebookExecution: { proposal: "" }, notebookKernelSource: { proposal: "" }, notebookLiveShare: { proposal: "" }, notebookMessaging: { proposal: "" }, notebookMime: { proposal: "" }, notebookReplDocument: { proposal: "" }, notebookVariableProvider: { proposal: "" }, portsAttributes: { proposal: "" }, profileContentHandlers: { proposal: "" }, quickDiffProvider: { proposal: "" }, quickInputButtonLocation: { proposal: "" }, quickPickItemTooltip: { proposal: "" }, quickPickSortByLabel: { proposal: "" }, resolvers: { proposal: "" }, scmActionButton: { proposal: "" }, scmHistoryProvider: { proposal: "" }, scmMultiDiffEditor: { proposal: "" }, scmSelectedProvider: { proposal: "" }, scmTextDocument: { proposal: "" }, scmValidation: { proposal: "" }, shareProvider: { proposal: "" }, showLocal: { proposal: "" }, speech: { proposal: "" }, tabInputMultiDiff: { proposal: "" }, tabInputTextMerge: { proposal: "" }, taskPresentationGroup: { proposal: "" }, telemetry: { proposal: "" }, terminalCompletionProvider: { proposal: "" }, terminalDataWriteEvent: { proposal: "" }, terminalDimensions: { proposal: "" }, terminalExecuteCommandEvent: { proposal: "" }, terminalQuickFixProvider: { proposal: "" }, terminalSelection: { proposal: "" }, testObserver: { proposal: "" }, testRelatedCode: { proposal: "" }, textEditorDiffInformation: { proposal: "" }, textSearchComplete2: { proposal: "" }, textSearchProvider: { proposal: "" }, textSearchProvider2: { proposal: "" }, timeline: { proposal: "" }, tokenInformation: { proposal: "" }, treeViewActiveItem: { proposal: "" }, treeViewMarkdownMessage: { proposal: "" }, treeViewReveal: { proposal: "" }, tunnelFactory: { proposal: "" }, tunnels: { proposal: "" }, valueSelectionInQuickPick: { proposal: "" }, workspaceTrust: { proposal: "" } }, S6 = Object.freeze($6) } }); function KL(e) { return e = e.trim(), e === "*" || mm.test(e) } function fm(e) { if (!KL(e)) return null; if (e = e.trim(), e === "*") return { hasCaret: !1, hasGreaterEquals: !1, majorBase: 0, majorMustEqual: !1, minorBase: 0, minorMustEqual: !1, patchBase: 0, patchMustEqual: !1, preRelease: null }; const t = e.match(mm); return t ? { hasCaret: t[1] === "^", hasGreaterEquals: t[1] === ">=", majorBase: t[2] === "x" ? 0 : parseInt(t[2], 10), majorMustEqual: t[2] !== "x", minorBase: t[4] === "x" ? 0 : parseInt(t[4], 10), minorMustEqual: t[4] !== "x", patchBase: t[6] === "x" ? 0 : parseInt(t[6], 10), patchMustEqual: t[6] !== "x", preRelease: t[8] || null } : null } function dm(e) { if (!e) return null; const t = e.majorBase, s = e.majorMustEqual, i = e.minorBase; let n = e.minorMustEqual; const r = e.patchBase; let o = e.patchMustEqual; e.hasCaret && (t === 0 || (n = !1), o = !1); let a = 0; if (e.preRelease) { const c = A6.exec(e.preRelease); if (c) { const [, l, u, h] = c; a = Date.UTC(Number(l), Number(u) - 1, Number(h)) } } return { majorBase: t, majorMustEqual: s, minorBase: i, minorMustEqual: n, patchBase: r, patchMustEqual: o, isMinimum: e.hasGreaterEquals, notBefore: a } } function eN(e, t, s) { let i; typeof e == "string" ? i = dm(fm(e)) : i = e; let n; t instanceof Date ? n = t.getTime() : typeof t == "string" && (n = new Date(t).getTime()); let r; if (typeof s == "string" ? r = dm(fm(s)) : r = s, !i || !r) return !1; const o = i.majorBase, a = i.minorBase, c = i.patchBase; let l = r.majorBase, u = r.minorBase, h = r.patchBase; const d = r.notBefore; let p = r.majorMustEqual, g = r.minorMustEqual, w = r.patchMustEqual; return r.isMinimum ? o > l ? !0 : o < l ? !1 : a > u ? !0 : a < u || n && n < d ? !1 : c >= h : (o === 1 && l === 0 && (!p || !g || !w) && (l = 1, u = 0, h = 0, p = !0, g = !1, w = !1), o < l ? !1 : o > l ? !p : a < u ? !1 : a > u ? !g : c < h ? !1 : c > h ? !w : !(n && n < d)) } function tN(e, t, s, i, n, r) { const o = []; if (typeof i.publisher < "u" && typeof i.publisher != "string") return o.push([Ze.Error, m(1876, null)]), o; if (typeof != "string") return o.push([Ze.Error, m(1877, null, "name")]), o; if (typeof i.version != "string") return o.push([Ze.Error, m(1878, null, "version")]), o; if (!i.engines) return o.push([Ze.Error, m(1879, null, "engines")]), o; if (typeof i.engines.vscode != "string") return o.push([Ze.Error, m(1880, null, "engines.vscode")]), o; if (typeof i.extensionDependencies < "u" && !I6(i.extensionDependencies)) return o.push([Ze.Error, m(1881, null, "extensionDependencies")]), o; if (typeof i.activationEvents < "u") { if (!I6(i.activationEvents)) return o.push([Ze.Error, m(1882, null, "activationEvents")]), o; if (typeof i.main > "u" && typeof i.browser > "u") return o.push([Ze.Error, m(1883, null, "activationEvents", "main", "browser")]), o } if (typeof i.extensionKind < "u" && typeof i.main > "u" && o.push([Ze.Warning, m(1884, null, "extensionKind")]), typeof i.main < "u") { if (typeof i.main != "string") return o.push([Ze.Error, m(1885, null, "main")]), o; { const l = ne(s, i.main); dp(l, s) || o.push([Ze.Warning, m(1886, null, l.path, s.path)]) } } if (typeof i.browser < "u") { if (typeof i.browser != "string") return o.push([Ze.Error, m(1887, null, "browser")]), o; { const l = ne(s, i.browser); dp(l, s) || o.push([Ze.Warning, m(1888, null, l.path, s.path)]) } } if (!E6(i.version)) return o.push([Ze.Error, m(1889, null)]), o; const a = []; if (!sN(e, t, i, n, a)) for (const l of a) o.push([Ze.Error, l]); if (r && i.enabledApiProposals?.length) { const l = []; if (!pm([...i.enabledApiProposals], l)) for (const u of l) o.push([Ze.Error, u]) } return o } function sN(e, t, s, i, n) { return i || typeof s.main > "u" && typeof s.browser > "u" ? !0 : P6(e, t, s.engines.vscode, n) } function nh(e, t, s) { return e === "*" || P6(t, s, e) } function pm(e, t) { if (e.length === 0) return !0; const s = Array.isArray(t) ? t : void 0, i = (s ? void 0 : t) ?? S6, n = [], r = pL(e); for (const { proposalName: o, version: a } of r) { if (!a) continue; i[o]?.version !== a && n.push(o) } return n.length ? (s && (n.length === 1 ? s.push(m(1890, null, n[0])) : s.push(m(1891, null, n.slice(0, n.length - 1).map(o => `'${o}'`).join(", "), n[n.length - 1]))), !1) : !0 } function P6(e, t, s, i = []) { const n = dm(fm(s)); if (!n) return i.push(m(1892, null, s)), !1; if (n.majorBase === 0) { if (!n.majorMustEqual || !n.minorMustEqual) return i.push(m(1893, null, s)), !1 } else if (!n.majorMustEqual) return i.push(m(1894, null, s)), !1; return eN(e, t, n) ? !0 : (i.push(m(1895, null, e, s)), !1) } function I6(e) { if (!Array.isArray(e)) return !1; for (let t = 0, s = e.length; t < s; t++)if (typeof e[t] != "string") return !1; return !0 } var mm, A6, rh = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/extensions/common/extensionValidator.js"() { "use strict"; kt(), sh(), he(), Ro(), Ii(), ZL(), mm = /^(\^|>=)?((\d+)|x)\.((\d+)|x)\.((\d+)|x)(\-.*)?$/, A6 = /^-(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})$/ } }), D6, R6, gm, L6, N6, Ic, O6, Lo, oh = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/ternarySearchTree.js"() { "use strict"; Et(), et(), D6 = class { constructor() { this.b = "", this.c = 0 } reset(e) { return this.b = e, this.c = 0, this } next() { return this.c += 1, this } hasNext() { return this.c < this.b.length - 1 } cmp(e) { const t = e.charCodeAt(0), s = this.b.charCodeAt(this.c); return t - s } value() { return this.b[this.c] } }, R6 = class { constructor(e = !0) { this.e = e } reset(e) { return this.b = e, this.c = 0, this.d = 0, } hasNext() { return this.d < this.b.length } next() { this.c = this.d; let e = !0; for (; this.d < this.b.length; this.d++)if (this.b.charCodeAt(this.d) === 46) if (e) this.c++; else break; else e = !1; return this } cmp(e) { return this.e ? z1(e, this.b, 0, e.length, this.c, this.d) : Va(e, this.b, 0, e.length, this.c, this.d) } value() { return this.b.substring(this.c, this.d) } }, gm = class { constructor(e = !0, t = !0) { this.f = e, this.g = t } reset(e) { this.d = 0, this.e = 0, this.b = e, this.c = e.length; for (let t = e.length - 1; t >= 0; t--, this.c--) { const s = this.b.charCodeAt(t); if (!(s === 47 || this.f && s === 92)) break } return } hasNext() { return this.e < this.c } next() { this.d = this.e; let e = !0; for (; this.e < this.c; this.e++) { const t = this.b.charCodeAt(this.e); if (t === 47 || this.f && t === 92) if (e) this.d++; else break; else e = !1 } return this } cmp(e) { return this.g ? z1(e, this.b, 0, e.length, this.d, this.e) : Va(e, this.b, 0, e.length, this.d, this.e) } value() { return this.b.substring(this.d, this.e) } }, function (e) { e[e.Scheme = 1] = "Scheme", e[e.Authority = 2] = "Authority", e[e.Path = 3] = "Path", e[e.Query = 4] = "Query", e[e.Fragment = 5] = "Fragment" }(L6 || (L6 = {})), N6 = class { constructor(e, t) { this.f = e, this.g = t, this.d = [], this.e = 0 } reset(e) { return this.c = e, this.d = [], this.c.scheme && this.d.push(1), this.c.authority && this.d.push(2), this.c.path && (this.b = new gm(!1, !this.f(e)), this.b.reset(e.path), this.b.value() && this.d.push(3)), this.g(e) || (this.c.query && this.d.push(4), this.c.fragment && this.d.push(5)), this.e = 0, this } next() { return this.d[this.e] === 3 && this.b.hasNext() ? : this.e += 1, this } hasNext() { return this.d[this.e] === 3 && this.b.hasNext() || this.e < this.d.length - 1 } cmp(e) { if (this.d[this.e] === 1) return V1(e, this.c.scheme); if (this.d[this.e] === 2) return V1(e, this.c.authority); if (this.d[this.e] === 3) return this.b.cmp(e); if (this.d[this.e] === 4) return H1(e, this.c.query); if (this.d[this.e] === 5) return H1(e, this.c.fragment); throw new Error } value() { if (this.d[this.e] === 1) return this.c.scheme; if (this.d[this.e] === 2) return this.c.authority; if (this.d[this.e] === 3) return this.b.value(); if (this.d[this.e] === 4) return this.c.query; if (this.d[this.e] === 5) return this.c.fragment; throw new Error } }, Ic = class { constructor() { this.height = 1 } isEmpty() { return !this.left && !this.mid && !this.right && !this.value } rotateLeft() { const e = this.right; return this.right = e.left, e.left = this, this.updateHeight(), e.updateHeight(), e } rotateRight() { const e = this.left; return this.left = e.right, e.right = this, this.updateHeight(), e.updateHeight(), e } updateHeight() { this.height = 1 + Math.max(this.heightLeft, this.heightRight) } balanceFactor() { return this.heightRight - this.heightLeft } get heightLeft() { return this.left?.height ?? 0 } get heightRight() { return this.right?.height ?? 0 } }, function (e) { e[e.Left = -1] = "Left", e[e.Mid = 0] = "Mid", e[e.Right = 1] = "Right" }(O6 || (O6 = {})), Lo = class Ql { static forUris(t = () => !1, s = () => !1) { return new Ql(new N6(t, s)) } static forPaths(t = !1) { return new Ql(new gm(void 0, !t)) } static forStrings() { return new Ql(new D6) } static forConfigKeys() { return new Ql(new R6) } constructor(t) { this.b = t } clear() { this.c = void 0 } fill(t, s) { if (s) { const i = s.slice(0); bb(i); for (const n of i) this.set(n, t) } else { const i = t.slice(0); bb(i); for (const n of i) this.set(n[0], n[1]) } } set(t, s) { const i = this.b.reset(t); let n; this.c || (this.c = new Ic, this.c.segment = i.value()); const r = []; for (n = this.c; ;) { const a = i.cmp(n.segment); if (a > 0) n.left || (n.left = new Ic, n.left.segment = i.value()), r.push([-1, n]), n = n.left; else if (a < 0) n.right || (n.right = new Ic, n.right.segment = i.value()), r.push([1, n]), n = n.right; else if (i.hasNext()), n.mid || (n.mid = new Ic, n.mid.segment = i.value()), r.push([0, n]), n = n.mid; else break } const o = n.value; n.value = s, n.key = t; for (let a = r.length - 1; a >= 0; a--) { const c = r[a][1]; c.updateHeight(); const l = c.balanceFactor(); if (l < -1 || l > 1) { const u = r[a][0], h = r[a + 1][0]; if (u === 1 && h === 1) r[a][1] = c.rotateLeft(); else if (u === -1 && h === -1) r[a][1] = c.rotateRight(); else if (u === 1 && h === -1) c.right = r[a + 1][1] = r[a + 1][1].rotateRight(), r[a][1] = c.rotateLeft(); else if (u === -1 && h === 1) c.left = r[a + 1][1] = r[a + 1][1].rotateLeft(), r[a][1] = c.rotateRight(); else throw new Error; if (a > 0) switch (r[a - 1][0]) { case -1: r[a - 1][1].left = r[a][1]; break; case 1: r[a - 1][1].right = r[a][1]; break; case 0: r[a - 1][1].mid = r[a][1]; break } else this.c = r[0][1] } } return o } get(t) { return this.d(t)?.value } d(t) { const s = this.b.reset(t); let i = this.c; for (; i;) { const n = s.cmp(i.segment); if (n > 0) i = i.left; else if (n < 0) i = i.right; else if (s.hasNext()), i = i.mid; else break } return i } has(t) { const s = this.d(t); return !(s?.value === void 0 && s?.mid === void 0) } delete(t) { return this.e(t, !1) } deleteSuperstr(t) { return this.e(t, !0) } e(t, s) { const i = this.b.reset(t), n = []; let r = this.c; for (; r;) { const o = i.cmp(r.segment); if (o > 0) n.push([-1, r]), r = r.left; else if (o < 0) n.push([1, r]), r = r.right; else if (i.hasNext()), n.push([0, r]), r = r.mid; else break } if (r) { if (s ? (r.left = void 0, r.mid = void 0, r.right = void 0, r.height = 1) : (r.key = void 0, r.value = void 0), !r.mid && !r.value) if (r.left && r.right) { const o = this.f(r.right); if (o.key) { const { key: a, value: c, segment: l } = o; this.e(o.key, !1), r.key = a, r.value = c, r.segment = l } } else { const o = r.left ?? r.right; if (n.length > 0) { const [a, c] = n[n.length - 1]; switch (a) { case -1: c.left = o; break; case 0: c.mid = o; break; case 1: c.right = o; break } } else this.c = o } for (let o = n.length - 1; o >= 0; o--) { const a = n[o][1]; a.updateHeight(); const c = a.balanceFactor(); if (c > 1 ? (a.right.balanceFactor() >= 0 || (a.right = a.right.rotateRight()), n[o][1] = a.rotateLeft()) : c < -1 && (a.left.balanceFactor() <= 0 || (a.left = a.left.rotateLeft()), n[o][1] = a.rotateRight()), o > 0) switch (n[o - 1][0]) { case -1: n[o - 1][1].left = n[o][1]; break; case 1: n[o - 1][1].right = n[o][1]; break; case 0: n[o - 1][1].mid = n[o][1]; break } else this.c = n[0][1] } } } f(t) { for (; t.left;)t = t.left; return t } findSubstr(t) { const s = this.b.reset(t); let i = this.c, n; for (; i;) { const r = s.cmp(i.segment); if (r > 0) i = i.left; else if (r < 0) i = i.right; else if (s.hasNext()), n = i.value || n, i = i.mid; else break } return i && i.value || n } findSuperstr(t) { return this.g(t, !1) } g(t, s) { const i = this.b.reset(t); let n = this.c; for (; n;) { const r = i.cmp(n.segment); if (r > 0) n = n.left; else if (r < 0) n = n.right; else if (i.hasNext()), n = n.mid; else return n.mid ? this.h(n.mid) : s ? n.value : void 0 } } hasElementOrSubtree(t) { return this.g(t, !0) !== void 0 } forEach(t) { for (const [s, i] of this) t(i, s) } *[Symbol.iterator]() { yield* this.h(this.c) } h(t) { const s = []; return this.j(t, s), s[Symbol.iterator]() } j(t, s) { t && (t.left && this.j(t.left, s), t.value && s.push([t.key, t.value]), t.mid && this.j(t.mid, s), t.right && this.j(t.right, s)) } _isBalanced() { const t = s => { if (!s) return !0; const i = s.balanceFactor(); return i < -1 || i > 1 ? !1 : t(s.left) && t(s.right) }; return t(this.c) } } } }); function No(e) { return e.create === !0 } function Vs(e) { return !!(e.capabilities & 2) } function C6(e) { return !!(e.capabilities & 8) } function iN(e) { return !!(e.capabilities & 131072) } function Hn(e) { return !!(e.capabilities & 4) } function wm(e) { return !!(e.capabilities & 16) } function vm(e) { return Vs(e) ? !!(e.capabilities & 16384) : !1 } function _6(e) { return Vs(e) ? !!(e.capabilities & 32768) : !1 } function nN(e) { return !!(e.capabilities & 65536) } function gn(e, t) { return ch.create(e, t) } function Rr(e) { return e || gn(m(1910, null), Q.Unknown) } function j6(e, t) { return = t ? `${t} (FileSystemError)` : "FileSystemError", e } function ah(e) { if (!e) return Q.Unknown; if (e instanceof ch) return e.code; const t = /^(.+) \(FileSystemError\)$/.exec(; if (!t) return Q.Unknown; switch (t[1]) { case Q.FileExists: return Q.FileExists; case Q.FileIsADirectory: return Q.FileIsADirectory; case Q.FileNotADirectory: return Q.FileNotADirectory; case Q.FileNotFound: return Q.FileNotFound; case Q.FileTooLarge: return Q.FileTooLarge; case Q.FileWriteLocked: return Q.FileWriteLocked; case Q.NoPermissions: return Q.NoPermissions; case Q.Unavailable: return Q.Unavailable }return Q.Unknown } function Gt(e) { if (e instanceof Jt) return e.fileOperationResult; switch (ah(e)) { case Q.FileNotFound: return 1; case Q.FileIsADirectory: return 0; case Q.FileNotADirectory: return 9; case Q.FileWriteLocked: return 5; case Q.NoPermissions: return 6; case Q.FileExists: return 4; case Q.FileTooLarge: return 7; default: return 10 } } function rN(e, t, s) { return !e || !t || e === t || t.length > e.length ? !1 : (t.charAt(t.length - 1) !== Qt && (t += Qt), s ? W1(e, t) : e.indexOf(t) === 0) } function T6(e) { if (!(typeof e.size != "number" || typeof e.mtime != "number")) return e.mtime.toString(29) + e.size.toString(31) } var gt, Rs, Oo, U6, M6, Q, ch, F6, Lr, B6, H6, Jt, lh, uh, z6, V6, hh, Nr, st = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/files/common/files.js"() { "use strict"; oh(), de(), et(), $e(), ee(), he(), oe(), X(), De(), wu(), gt = se("fileService"), function (e) { e[e.Unknown = 0] = "Unknown", e[e.File = 1] = "File", e[e.Directory = 2] = "Directory", e[e.SymbolicLink = 64] = "SymbolicLink" }(Rs || (Rs = {})), function (e) { e[e.Readonly = 1] = "Readonly", e[e.Locked = 2] = "Locked" }(Oo || (Oo = {})), function (e) { e[e.UPDATED = 2] = "UPDATED", e[e.ADDED = 4] = "ADDED", e[e.DELETED = 8] = "DELETED" }(U6 || (U6 = {})), function (e) { e[e.None = 0] = "None", e[e.FileReadWrite = 2] = "FileReadWrite", e[e.FileOpenReadWriteClose = 4] = "FileOpenReadWriteClose", e[e.FileReadStream = 16] = "FileReadStream", e[e.FileFolderCopy = 8] = "FileFolderCopy", e[e.PathCaseSensitive = 1024] = "PathCaseSensitive", e[e.Readonly = 2048] = "Readonly", e[e.Trash = 4096] = "Trash", e[e.FileWriteUnlock = 8192] = "FileWriteUnlock", e[e.FileAtomicRead = 16384] = "FileAtomicRead", e[e.FileAtomicWrite = 32768] = "FileAtomicWrite", e[e.FileAtomicDelete = 65536] = "FileAtomicDelete", e[e.FileClone = 131072] = "FileClone" }(M6 || (M6 = {})), function (e) { e.FileExists = "EntryExists", e.FileNotFound = "EntryNotFound", e.FileNotADirectory = "EntryNotADirectory", e.FileIsADirectory = "EntryIsADirectory", e.FileExceedsStorageQuota = "EntryExceedsStorageQuota", e.FileTooLarge = "EntryTooLarge", e.FileWriteLocked = "EntryWriteLocked", e.NoPermissions = "NoPermissions", e.Unavailable = "Unavailable", e.Unknown = "Unknown" }(Q || (Q = {})), ch = class PI extends Error { static create(t, s) { const i = new PI(t.toString(), s); return j6(i, s), i } constructor(t, s) { super(t), this.code = s } }, function (e) { e[e.CREATE = 0] = "CREATE", e[e.DELETE = 1] = "DELETE", e[e.MOVE = 2] = "MOVE", e[e.COPY = 3] = "COPY", e[e.WRITE = 4] = "WRITE" }(F6 || (F6 = {})), Lr = class { constructor(e, t, s) { this.resource = e, this.operation = t, = s } isOperation(e) { return this.operation === e } }, function (e) { e[e.UPDATED = 0] = "UPDATED", e[e.ADDED = 1] = "ADDED", e[e.DELETED = 2] = "DELETED" }(B6 || (B6 = {})), H6 = class d1 { static { this.a = null } constructor(t, s) { this.c = s, this.b = void 0, this.d = new gr(() => { const i = Lo.forUris(() => this.c); return i.fill( => [n, !0])), i }), this.f = new gr(() => { const i = Lo.forUris(() => this.c); return i.fill( => [n, !0])), i }), this.g = new gr(() => { const i = Lo.forUris(() => this.c); return i.fill( => [n, !0])), i }), this.rawAdded = [], this.rawUpdated = [], this.rawDeleted = []; for (const i of t) { switch (i.type) { case 1: this.rawAdded.push(i.resource); break; case 0: this.rawUpdated.push(i.resource); break; case 2: this.rawDeleted.push(i.resource); break }this.b !== d1.a && (typeof i.cId == "number" ? this.b === void 0 ? this.b = i.cId : this.b !== i.cId && (this.b = d1.a) : this.b !== void 0 && (this.b = d1.a)) } } contains(t, ...s) { return this.h(t, { includeChildren: !1 }, ...s) } affects(t, ...s) { return this.h(t, { includeChildren: !0 }, ...s) } h(t, s, ...i) { if (!t) return !1; const n = i.length > 0; return !!((!n || i.includes(1)) && (this.d.value.get(t) || s.includeChildren && this.d.value.findSuperstr(t)) || (!n || i.includes(0)) && (this.f.value.get(t) || s.includeChildren && this.f.value.findSuperstr(t)) || (!n || i.includes(2)) && (this.g.value.findSubstr(t) || s.includeChildren && this.g.value.findSuperstr(t))) } gotAdded() { return this.rawAdded.length > 0 } gotDeleted() { return this.rawDeleted.length > 0 } gotUpdated() { return this.rawUpdated.length > 0 } correlates(t) { return this.b === t } hasCorrelation() { return typeof this.b == "number" } }, Jt = class extends Error { constructor(e, t, s) { super(e), this.fileOperationResult = t, this.options = s } }, lh = class extends Jt { constructor(e, t, s, i) { super(e, t, i), this.fileOperationResult = t, this.size = s } }, uh = class extends Jt { constructor(e, t, s) { super(e, 2, s), this.stat = t } }, function (e) { e[e.FILE_IS_DIRECTORY = 0] = "FILE_IS_DIRECTORY", e[e.FILE_NOT_FOUND = 1] = "FILE_NOT_FOUND", e[e.FILE_NOT_MODIFIED_SINCE = 2] = "FILE_NOT_MODIFIED_SINCE", e[e.FILE_MODIFIED_SINCE = 3] = "FILE_MODIFIED_SINCE", e[e.FILE_MOVE_CONFLICT = 4] = "FILE_MOVE_CONFLICT", e[e.FILE_WRITE_LOCKED = 5] = "FILE_WRITE_LOCKED", e[e.FILE_PERMISSION_DENIED = 6] = "FILE_PERMISSION_DENIED", e[e.FILE_TOO_LARGE = 7] = "FILE_TOO_LARGE", e[e.FILE_INVALID_PATH = 8] = "FILE_INVALID_PATH", e[e.FILE_NOT_DIRECTORY = 9] = "FILE_NOT_DIRECTORY", e[e.FILE_OTHER_ERROR = 10] = "FILE_OTHER_ERROR" }(z6 || (z6 = {})), function (e) { e[e.FILE = 0] = "FILE", e[e.FOLDER = 1] = "FOLDER", e[e.ROOT_FOLDER = 2] = "ROOT_FOLDER" }(V6 || (V6 = {})), hh = "", Nr = class ys { static { this.KB = 1024 } static { this.MB = ys.KB * ys.KB } static { this.GB = ys.MB * ys.KB } static { this.TB = ys.GB * ys.KB } static formatSize(t) { return On(t) || (t = 0), t < ys.KB ? m(1911, null, t.toFixed(0)) : t < ys.MB ? m(1912, null, (t / ys.KB).toFixed(2)) : t < ys.GB ? m(1913, null, (t / ys.MB).toFixed(2)) : t < ys.TB ? m(1914, null, (t / ys.GB).toFixed(2)) : m(1915, null, (t / ys.TB).toFixed(2)) } } } }), Nt, Ls = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/product/common/productService.js"() { "use strict"; oe(), Nt = se("productService") } }); async function oN(e, t, s) { let i = s && s.get("storage.serviceMachineId", -1) || null; if (i) return i; try { const r = (await t.readFile(e.serviceMachineIdResource)).value.toString(); i = rR(r) ? r : null } catch { i = null } if (!i) { i = We(); try { await t.writeFile(e.serviceMachineIdResource, O.fromString(i)) } catch { } } return s?.store("storage.serviceMachineId", i, -1, 1), i } var aN = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/externalServices/common/serviceMachineId.js"() { "use strict"; Me(), Wt() } }); async function cN(e, t, s, i, n, r, o) { const a = { "X-Market-Client-Id": `VSCode ${e}`, "User-Agent": `VSCode ${e} (${t.nameShort})` }; if (H5(t, s) && z5(i) === 3) { const c = await oN(s, n, r); a["X-Market-User-Id"] = c, a["VSCode-SessionId"] = o.machineId || c } return a } var lN = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/externalServices/common/marketplace.js"() { "use strict"; aN(), fn() } }); function uN(e) { return JSON.stringify(e, hN) } function W6(e) { let t = JSON.parse(e); return t = Ws(t), t } function hN(e, t) { return t instanceof RegExp ? { $mid: 2, source: t.source, flags: t.flags } : t } function Ws(e, t = 0) { if (!e || t > 200) return e; if (typeof e == "object") { switch (e.$mid) { case 1: return E.revive(e); case 2: return new RegExp(e.source, e.flags); case 17: return new Date(e.source) }if (e instanceof O || e instanceof Uint8Array) return e; if (Array.isArray(e)) for (let s = 0; s < e.length; ++s)e[s] = Ws(e[s], t + 1); else for (const s in e), s) && (e[s] = Ws(e[s], t + 1)) } return e } var Co = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/marshalling.js"() { "use strict"; Me(), ee() } }), Ac, ai, fN, dN = v({ "out-build/vs/base/parts/storage/common/storage.js"() { "use strict"; Ue(), re(), z(), Co(), $e(), function (e) { e[e.STORAGE_DOES_NOT_EXIST = 0] = "STORAGE_DOES_NOT_EXIST", e[e.STORAGE_IN_MEMORY = 1] = "STORAGE_IN_MEMORY" }(Ac || (Ac = {})), function (e) { e[e.None = 0] = "None", e[e.Initialized = 1] = "Initialized", e[e.Closed = 2] = "Closed" }(ai || (ai = {})), fN = class II extends J { static { this.a = 100 } constructor(t, s = Object.create(null)) { super(), this.r = t, this.s = s, this.b = this.B(new gu), this.onDidChangeStorage = this.b.event, this.c = ai.None, this.f = new Map, this.g = this.B(new Pr(II.a)), this.h = new Set, this.j = new Map, this.m = void 0, this.n = [], this.t() } t() { this.B(this.r.onDidChangeItemsExternal(t => this.u(t))) } u(t) { this.b.pause(); try { t.changed?.forEach((s, i) => this.w(i, s)), t.deleted?.forEach(s => this.w(s, void 0)) } finally { this.b.resume() } } w(t, s) { if (this.c === ai.Closed) return; let i = !1; xt(s) ? i = this.f.delete(t) : this.f.get(t) !== s && (this.f.set(t, s), i = !0), i &&{ key: t, external: !0 }) } get items() { return this.f } get size() { return this.f.size } async init() { this.c === ai.None && (this.c = ai.Initialized, this.s.hint !== Ac.STORAGE_DOES_NOT_EXIST && (this.f = await this.r.getItems())) } get(t, s) { const i = this.f.get(t); return xt(i) ? s : i } getBoolean(t, s) { const i = this.get(t); return xt(i) ? s : i === "true" } getNumber(t, s) { const i = this.get(t); return xt(i) ? s : parseInt(i, 10) } getObject(t, s) { const i = this.get(t); return xt(i) ? s : W6(i) } async set(t, s, i = !1) { if (this.c === ai.Closed) return; if (xt(s)) return this.delete(t, i); const n = ct(s) || Array.isArray(s) ? uN(s) : String(s); if (this.f.get(t) !== n) return this.f.set(t, n), this.j.set(t, n), this.h.delete(t),{ key: t, external: i }), this.D() } async delete(t, s = !1) { if (!(this.c === ai.Closed || !this.f.delete(t))) return this.h.has(t) || this.h.add(t), this.j.delete(t),{ key: t, external: s }), this.D() } async optimize() { if (this.c !== ai.Closed) return await this.flush(0), this.r.optimize() } async close() { return this.m || (this.m = this.y()), this.m } async y() { this.c = ai.Closed; try { await this.D(0) } catch { } await this.r.close(() => this.f) } get z() { return this.j.size > 0 || this.h.size > 0 } async C() { if (!this.z) return; const t = { insert: this.j, delete: this.h }; return this.h = new Set, this.j = new Map, this.r.updateItems(t).finally(() => { if (!this.z) for (; this.n.length;)this.n.pop()?.() }) } async flush(t) { if (!(this.c === ai.Closed || this.m)) return this.D(t) } async D(t) { return this.s.hint === Ac.STORAGE_IN_MEMORY ? this.C() : this.g.trigger(() => this.C(), t) } async whenFlushed() { if (this.z) return new Promise(t => this.n.push(t)) } isInMemory() { return this.s.hint === Ac.STORAGE_IN_MEMORY } } } }); function pN(e) { const t = e; return typeof t?.id == "string" && E.isUri(t.uri) } function mN(e) { const t = e; return typeof t?.id == "string" && E.isUri(t.configPath) } function gN(e) { return (typeof e == "string" ? vr(e) : Fy(e)) === J6 } var q6, G6, bm, J6, wN, ym = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/workspace/common/workspace.js"() { "use strict"; he(), de(), oh(), kt(), ee(), oe(), De(), q6 = se("contextService"), function (e) { e[e.EMPTY = 1] = "EMPTY", e[e.FOLDER = 2] = "FOLDER", e[e.WORKSPACE = 3] = "WORKSPACE" }(G6 || (G6 = {})), bm = "code-workspace", J6 = `.${bm}`, wN = [{ name: m(2536, null), extensions: [bm] }] } }), jt, qs = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/uriIdentity/common/uriIdentity.js"() { "use strict"; oe(), jt = se("IUriIdentityService") } }); function vN(e) { const t = e; return !!(t && typeof t == "object" && typeof == "string" && typeof t.isDefault == "boolean" && typeof == "string" && E.isUri(t.location) && E.isUri(t.globalStorageHome) && E.isUri(t.settingsResource) && E.isUri(t.keybindingsResource) && E.isUri(t.tasksResource) && E.isUri(t.snippetsHome) && E.isUri(t.extensionsResource)) } function Y6(e, t) { return { id:, isDefault: e.isDefault, name:, icon: e.icon, location: E.revive(e.location).with({ scheme: t }), globalStorageHome: E.revive(e.globalStorageHome).with({ scheme: t }), settingsResource: E.revive(e.settingsResource).with({ scheme: t }), keybindingsResource: E.revive(e.keybindingsResource).with({ scheme: t }), tasksResource: E.revive(e.tasksResource).with({ scheme: t }), snippetsHome: E.revive(e.snippetsHome).with({ scheme: t }), extensionsResource: E.revive(e.extensionsResource).with({ scheme: t }), cacheHome: E.revive(e.cacheHome).with({ scheme: t }), useDefaultFlags: e.useDefaultFlags, isTransient: e.isTransient, workspaces: e.workspaces?.map(s => E.revive(s)) } } function fh(e, t, s, i, n, r) { return { id: e, name: t, location: s, isDefault: !1, icon: n?.icon, globalStorageHome: r && n?.useDefaultFlags?.globalState ? r.globalStorageHome : ne(s, "globalStorage"), settingsResource: r && n?.useDefaultFlags?.settings ? r.settingsResource : ne(s, "settings.json"), keybindingsResource: r && n?.useDefaultFlags?.keybindings ? r.keybindingsResource : ne(s, "keybindings.json"), tasksResource: r && n?.useDefaultFlags?.tasks ? r.tasksResource : ne(s, "tasks.json"), snippetsHome: r && n?.useDefaultFlags?.snippets ? r.snippetsHome : ne(s, "snippets"), extensionsResource: r && n?.useDefaultFlags?.extensions ? r.extensionsResource : ne(s, "extensions.json"), cacheHome: ne(i, e), useDefaultFlags: n?.useDefaultFlags, isTransient: n?.transient, workspaces: n?.workspaces } } var X6, Gs, dh, Js = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/userDataProfile/common/userDataProfile.js"() { "use strict"; Ya(), re(), z(), kt(), ee(), he(), ps(), st(), oe(), Re(), ym(), qs(), Ue(), Wt(), et(), $e(), function (e) { e.Settings = "settings", e.Keybindings = "keybindings", e.Snippets = "snippets", e.Tasks = "tasks", e.Extensions = "extensions", e.GlobalState = "globalState" }(X6 || (X6 = {})), Gs = se("IUserDataProfilesService"), dh = class extends J { static { this.b = "userDataProfiles" } static { this.c = "profileAssociations" } get defaultProfile() { return this.profiles[0] } get profiles() { return [...this.C.profiles, ...this.r.profiles] } constructor(t, s, i, n) { super(), this.s = t, this.t = s, this.u = i, this.y = n, this.g = this.B(new D), this.onDidChangeProfiles = this.g.event, this.h = this.B(new D), this.onWillCreateProfile = this.h.event, this.j = this.B(new D), this.onWillRemoveProfile = this.j.event, this.m = this.B(new D), this.onDidResetWorkspaces = this.m.event, this.n = new Map, this.r = { profiles: [], emptyWindows: new Map }, this.profilesHome = ne(this.s.userRoamingDataHome, "profiles"), this.f = ne(this.s.cacheHome, "CachedProfilesData") } init() { this.z = void 0 } get C() { if (!this.z) { const t = this.D(), s = [t]; try { for (const n of this.N()) { if (! || !ve( || !n.location) { this.y.warn("Skipping the invalid stored profile", n.location ||; continue } s.push(fh(Tn(n.location),, n.location, this.f, { icon: n.icon, useDefaultFlags: n.useDefaultFlags }, t)) } } catch (n) { this.y.error(n) } const i = new Map; if (s.length) try { const n = this.P(); if (n.workspaces) for (const [r, o] of Object.entries(n.workspaces)) { const a = E.parse(r), c = s.find(l => === o); if (c) { const l = c.workspaces ? c.workspaces.slice(0) : []; l.push(a), c.workspaces = l } } if (n.emptyWindows) for (const [r, o] of Object.entries(n.emptyWindows)) { const a = s.find(c => === o); a && i.set(r, a) } } catch (n) { this.y.error(n) } this.z = { profiles: s, emptyWindows: i } } return this.z } D() { const t = fh("__default__profile__", m(2489, null), this.s.userRoamingDataHome, this.f); return { ...t, extensionsResource: this.R() ?? t.extensionsResource, isDefault: !0 } } async createTransientProfile(t) { const s = "Temp", i = new RegExp(`${Rn(s)}\\s(\\d+)`); let n = 0; for (const o of this.profiles) { const a = i.exec(, c = a ? parseInt(a[1]) : 0; n = c > n ? c : n } const r = `${s} ${n + 1}`; return this.createProfile(ho(We()).toString(16), r, { transient: !0 }, t) } async createNamedProfile(t, s, i) { return this.createProfile(ho(We()).toString(16), t, s, i) } async createProfile(t, s, i, n) { return await this.F(t, s, i, n) } async F(t, s, i, n) { if (!ve(s) || !s) throw new Error("Name of the profile is mandatory and must be of type `string`"); let r = this.n.get(s); return r || (r = (async () => { try { if (this.profiles.find(u => === t || !u.isTransient && !i?.transient && === s)) throw new Error(`Profile with ${s} name already exists`); const a = n ? this.G(n) : void 0; E.isUri(a) && (i = { ...i, workspaces: [a] }); const c = fh(t, s, ne(this.profilesHome, t), this.f, i, this.defaultProfile); await this.t.createFolder(c.location); const l = []; return{ profile: c, join(u) { l.push(u) } }), await Kt.settled(l), a && !E.isUri(a) && this.L(a, c, !!c.isTransient), this.I([c], [], []), c } finally { this.n.delete(s) } })(), this.n.set(s, r)), r } async updateProfile(t, s) { const i = []; for (const r of this.profiles) { let o; if ( === r.isDefault ? s.workspaces && (o = r, o.workspaces = s.workspaces) : o = fh(, ??, r.location, this.f, { icon: s.icon === null ? void 0 : s.icon ?? r.icon, transient: s.transient ?? r.isTransient, useDefaultFlags: s.useDefaultFlags ?? r.useDefaultFlags, workspaces: s.workspaces ?? r.workspaces }, this.defaultProfile); else if (s.workspaces) { const a = r.workspaces?.filter(c => !s.workspaces?.some(l => this.u.extUri.isEqual(c, l))); r.workspaces?.length !== a?.length && (o = r, o.workspaces = a) } o && i.push(o) } if (!i.length) throw t.isDefault ? new Error("Cannot update default profile") : new Error(`Profile '${}' does not exist`); this.I([], [], i); const n = this.profiles.find(r => ===; if (!n) throw new Error(`Profile '${}' was not updated`); return n } async removeProfile(t) { if (t.isDefault) throw new Error("Cannot remove default profile"); const s = this.profiles.find(n => ===; if (!s) throw new Error(`Profile '${}' does not exist`); const i = [];{ profile: s, join(n) { i.push(n) } }); try { await Promise.allSettled(i) } catch (n) { this.y.error(n) } this.I([], [s], []); try { await this.t.del(s.cacheHome, { recursive: !0 }) } catch (n) { Gt(n) !== 1 && this.y.error(n) } } async setProfileForWorkspace(t, s) { const i = this.profiles.find(r => ===; if (!i) throw new Error(`Profile '${}' does not exist`); const n = this.G(t); if (E.isUri(n)) { const r = i.workspaces ? [...i.workspaces] : []; r.some(o => this.u.extUri.isEqual(o, n)) || (r.push(n), await this.updateProfile(i, { workspaces: r })) } else this.L(n, i, !1), this.M(this.profiles) } unsetWorkspace(t, s = !1) { const i = this.G(t); if (E.isUri(i)) { const n = this.getProfileForWorkspace(t); n && this.updateProfile(n, { workspaces: n.workspaces?.filter(r => !this.u.extUri.isEqual(r, i)) }) } else this.L(i, void 0, s), this.M(this.profiles) } async resetWorkspaces() { this.r.emptyWindows.clear(), this.C.emptyWindows.clear(); for (const t of this.profiles) t.workspaces = void 0; this.I([], [], this.profiles), } async cleanUp() { if (await this.t.exists(this.profilesHome)) { const t = await this.t.resolve(this.profilesHome); await Promise.all((t.children || []).filter(s => s.isDirectory && this.profiles.every(i => !this.u.extUri.isEqual(i.location, s.resource))).map(s => this.t.del(s.resource, { recursive: !0 }))) } } async cleanUpTransientProfiles() { const t = this.r.profiles.filter(s => !this.H(s)); await Promise.allSettled( => this.removeProfile(s))) } getProfileForWorkspace(t) { const s = this.G(t); return E.isUri(s) ? this.profiles.find(i => i.workspaces?.some(n => this.u.extUri.isEqual(n, s))) : this.C.emptyWindows.get(s) ?? this.r.emptyWindows.get(s) } G(t) { return pN(t) ? t.uri : mN(t) ? t.configPath : } H(t) { return !!(t.workspaces?.length || [...this.C.emptyWindows.values()].some(s => this.u.extUri.isEqual(s.location, t.location)) || [...this.r.emptyWindows.values()].some(s => this.u.extUri.isEqual(s.location, t.location))) } I(t, s, i) { const n = [...this.profiles, ...t], r = this.r.profiles; this.r.profiles = []; const o = []; for (let a of n) { if (s.some(c => === { for (const c of [...this.C.emptyWindows.keys()]) === this.C.emptyWindows.get(c)?.id && this.C.emptyWindows.delete(c); continue } if (!a.isDefault) { a = i.find(l => === ?? a; const c = r.find(l => ===; if (a.isTransient) this.r.profiles.push(a); else if (c) { for (const [l, u] of this.r.emptyWindows.entries()) if ( === { this.r.emptyWindows.delete(l), this.C.emptyWindows.set(l, a); break } } } a.workspaces?.length === 0 && (a.workspaces = void 0), o.push(a) } this.M(o), this.J(t, s, i) } J(t, s, i) {{ added: t, removed: s, updated: i, all: this.profiles }) } L(t, s, i) { i = s?.isTransient ? !0 : i, i ? s ? this.r.emptyWindows.set(t, s) : this.r.emptyWindows.delete(t) : (this.r.emptyWindows.delete(t), s ? this.C.emptyWindows.set(t, s) : this.C.emptyWindows.delete(t)) } M(t) { const s = [], i = {}, n = {}; for (const r of t) if (!r.isTransient && (r.isDefault || s.push({ location: r.location, name:, icon: r.icon, useDefaultFlags: r.useDefaultFlags }), r.workspaces)) for (const o of r.workspaces) i[o.toString()] =; for (const [r, o] of this.C.emptyWindows.entries()) n[r.toString()] =; this.Q({ workspaces: i, emptyWindows: n }), this.O(s), this.z = void 0 } N() { return [] } O(t) { throw new Error("not implemented") } P() { return {} } Q(t) { throw new Error("not implemented") } R() { } }, dh = __decorate([__param(0, Is), __param(1, gt), __param(2, jt), __param(3, pe)], dh) } }); function bN(e) { const t = e.get(Dc); if (t) try { return JSON.parse(t) } catch { } return Object.create(null) } function Q6(e) { return e.isDefault || !!e.useDefaultFlags?.globalState } async function yN(e, t, s, i, n, r) { const o = w => { try { return JSON.parse(w) } catch { return w } }, a = new Map, c = new Map; e.forEach((w, y) => { a.set(y, w), c.set(y, o(w)) }); const l = new Map, u = new Map; t.forEach((w, y) => { l.set(y, w), u.set(y, o(w)) }); const h = new Map, d = new Map; s.forEach((w, y) => { h.set(y, w), d.set(y, o(w)) }), !== n ? `Storage: Application (path: ${i})` : `Storage: Application & Profile (path: ${i}, default profile)`); const p = []; if (a.forEach((w, y) => { p.push({ key: y, value: w }) }), console.table(p), console.groupEnd(), console.log(c), i !== n) {`Storage: Profile (path: ${n}, profile specific)`); const w = []; l.forEach((y, x) => { w.push({ key: x, value: y }) }), console.table(w), console.groupEnd(), console.log(u) }`Storage: Workspace (path: ${r})`); const g = []; h.forEach((w, y) => { g.push({ key: y, value: w }) }), console.table(g), console.groupEnd(), console.log(d) } var Z6, Dc, Em, _o, K6, e9, EN, t9 = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/storage/common/storage.js"() { "use strict"; Ue(), re(), z(), Yi(), $e(), dN(), oe(), Js(), Z6 = "__$__isNewStorageMarker", Dc = "__$__targetStorageMarker", Em = se("storageService"), function (e) { e[e.NONE = 0] = "NONE", e[e.SHUTDOWN = 1] = "SHUTDOWN" }(_o || (_o = {})), function (e) { e[e.APPLICATION = -1] = "APPLICATION", e[e.PROFILE = 0] = "PROFILE", e[e.WORKSPACE = 1] = "WORKSPACE" }(K6 || (K6 = {})), function (e) { e[e.USER = 0] = "USER", e[e.MACHINE = 1] = "MACHINE" }(e9 || (e9 = {})), EN = class AI extends J { static { this.a = 60 * 1e3 } constructor(t = { flushInterval: AI.a }) { super(), this.m = t, this.b = this.B(new gu), this.c = this.B(new gu), this.onDidChangeTarget = this.c.event, this.f = this.B(new D), this.onWillSaveState = this.f.event, this.h = this.B(new rc(() => this.n(), this.m.flushInterval)), this.j = this.B(new fu), this.C = void 0, this.F = void 0, this.H = void 0 } onDidChangeValue(t, s, i) { return H.filter(this.b.event, n => n.scope === t && (s === void 0 || n.key === s), i) } n() { this.j.value = $4(() => { this.r() && this.flush(), this.h.schedule() }) } r() { return !0 } t() { Ut([this.j, this.h]) } initialize() { return this.g || (this.g = (async () => { Pt("code/willInitStorage"); try { await this.O() } finally { Pt("code/didInitStorage") } this.h.schedule() })()), this.g } u(t, s) { const { key: i, external: n } = s; if (i === Dc) { switch (t) { case -1: this.H = void 0; break; case 0: this.F = void 0; break; case 1: this.C = void 0; break }{ scope: t }) } else{ scope: t, key: i, target: this.J(t)[i], external: n }) } w(t) {{ reason: t }) } get(t, s, i) { return this.P(s)?.get(t, i) } getBoolean(t, s, i) { return this.P(s)?.getBoolean(t, i) } getNumber(t, s, i) { return this.P(s)?.getNumber(t, i) } getObject(t, s, i) { return this.P(s)?.getObject(t, i) } storeAll(t, s) { this.y(() => { for (const i of t), i.value, i.scope,, s) }) } store(t, s, i, n, r = !1) { if (xt(s)) { this.remove(t, i, r); return } this.y(() => { this.z(t, i, n), this.P(i)?.set(t, s, r) }) } remove(t, s, i = !1) { this.y(() => { this.z(t, s, void 0), this.P(s)?.delete(t, i) }) } y(t) { this.b.pause(), this.c.pause(); try { t() } finally { this.b.resume(), this.c.resume() } } keys(t, s) { const i = [], n = this.J(t); for (const r of Object.keys(n)) n[r] === s && i.push(r); return i } z(t, s, i, n = !1) { const r = this.J(s); typeof i == "number" ? r[t] !== i && (r[t] = i, this.P(s)?.set(Dc, JSON.stringify(r), n)) : typeof r[t] == "number" && (delete r[t], this.P(s)?.set(Dc, JSON.stringify(r), n)) } get D() { return this.C || (this.C = this.L(1)), this.C } get G() { return this.F || (this.F = this.L(0)), this.F } get I() { return this.H || (this.H = this.L(-1)), this.H } J(t) { switch (t) { case -1: return this.I; case 0: return this.G; default: return this.D } } L(t) { const s = this.P(t); return s ? bN(s) : Object.create(null) } isNew(t) { return this.getBoolean(Z6, t) === !0 } async flush(t = _o.NONE) {{ reason: t }); const s = this.P(-1), i = this.P(0), n = this.P(1); switch (t) { case _o.NONE: await Kt.settled([s?.whenFlushed() ?? Promise.resolve(), i?.whenFlushed() ?? Promise.resolve(), n?.whenFlushed() ?? Promise.resolve()]); break; case _o.SHUTDOWN: await Kt.settled([s?.flush(0) ?? Promise.resolve(), i?.flush(0) ?? Promise.resolve(), n?.flush(0) ?? Promise.resolve()]); break } } async log() { const t = this.P(-1)?.items ?? new Map, s = this.P(0)?.items ?? new Map, i = this.P(1)?.items ?? new Map; return yN(t, s, i, this.Q(-1) ?? "", this.Q(0) ?? "", this.Q(1) ?? "") } async optimize(t) { return await this.flush(), this.P(t)?.optimize() } async switch(t, s) { return this.w(_o.NONE), vN(t) ? this.R(t, s) : this.S(t, s) } M(t, s) { return !( === || Q6(s) && Q6(t)) } N(t, s, i) { this.y(() => { const n = new Set; for (const [r, o] of t) n.add(r), s.get(r) !== o && this.u(i, { key: r, external: !0 }); for (const [r] of s.items) n.has(r) || this.u(i, { key: r, external: !0 }) }) } } } }); function xN(...e) { return String(e.reduce((t, s) => t | s, 0)) } function xm(e, t) { const s = (e || []).filter(i => i.statisticName === t)[0]; return s ? s.value : 0 } function kN(e) { const t = "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Code.Translation."; return e.files.filter(i => i.assetType.indexOf(t) === 0).reduce((i, n) => { const r = wn(e, n.assetType); return r && i.push([n.assetType.substring(t.length), r]), i }, []) } function $N(e) { if ( { const t = => n.key === Ft.Repository), s = new RegExp("((git|ssh|http(s)?)|(git@[\\w.]+))(:(//)?)([\\w.@:/\\-~]+)(.git)(/)?"), i = t.filter(n => s.test(n.value))[0]; return i ? { uri: i.value, fallbackUri: i.value } : null } return wn(e, Ft.Repository) } function SN(e) { return { uri: `${e.fallbackAssetUri}/${Ft.VSIX}?redirect=true${e.targetPlatform ? `&targetPlatform=${e.targetPlatform}` : ""}`, fallbackUri: `${e.fallbackAssetUri}/${Ft.VSIX}${e.targetPlatform ? `?targetPlatform=${e.targetPlatform}` : ""}` } } function wn(e, t) { return e.files.filter(i => i.assetType === t)[0] ? { uri: `${e.assetUri}/${t}${e.targetPlatform ? `?targetPlatform=${e.targetPlatform}` : ""}`, fallbackUri: `${e.fallbackAssetUri}/${t}${e.targetPlatform ? `?targetPlatform=${e.targetPlatform}` : ""}` } : null } function s9(e, t) { const s = ? => n.key === t) : [], i = s.length > 0 && s[0].value; return i ? i.split(",").map(n => th(n)) : [] } function i9(e) { const t = ? => s.key === Ai.Engine) : []; return t.length > 0 && t[0].value || "" } function Rc(e) { const t = ? => s.key === Ai.PreRelease) : []; return t.length > 0 && t[0].value === "true" } function PN(e) { const t = ? => s.key === Ai.ExecutesCode) : []; return t.length > 0 ? t[0].value === "true" : void 0 } function km(e) { const t = ? => i.key === Ai.EnabledApiProposals) : [], s = t.length > 0 && t[0].value || ""; return s ? s.split(",") : [] } function IN(e) { const t = ? => i.key === Ai.LocalizedLanguages) : [], s = t.length > 0 && t[0].value || ""; return s ? s.split(",") : [] } function AN(e) { return => t.key === Ai.SponsorLink)?.value } function DN(e) { return => t.key === Ai.SupportLink)?.value } function RN(e) { return e.indexOf("preview") !== -1 } function ph(e) { return e.targetPlatform ? oL(e.targetPlatform) : "undefined" } function $m(e) { const t = Qi(, s = !!e.tags?.includes(K5), i = t.indexOf("web"); return s ? i === -1 && t.push("web") : i !== -1 && t.splice(i, 1), t } function n9(e, t) { for (let s = 0; s < e.length; s++) { const i = e[s]; if (i.version === e[s - 1]?.version) { let n = s; if (ph(i) === t) for (; n > 0 && e[n - 1].version === i.version;)n--; n !== s && (e.splice(s, 1), e.splice(n, 0, i)) } } return e } function r9(e, t, s) { e.telemetryData = { index: t, querySource: s, queryActivityId: e.queryContext?.[jo] } } function o9(e, t, s, i) { const n = e.versions[0], r = { manifest: wn(t, Ft.Manifest), readme: wn(t, Ft.Details), changelog: wn(t, Ft.Changelog), license: wn(t, Ft.License), repository: $N(t), download: SN(t), icon: wn(t, Ft.Icon), signature: wn(t, Ft.Signature), coreTranslations: kN(t) }; return { type: "gallery", identifier: { id: pn(e.publisher.publisherName, e.extensionName), uuid: e.extensionId }, name: e.extensionName, version: t.version, displayName: e.displayName, publisherId: e.publisher.publisherId, publisher: e.publisher.publisherName, publisherDisplayName: e.publisher.displayName, publisherDomain: e.publisher.domain ? { link: e.publisher.domain, verified: !!e.publisher.isDomainVerified } : void 0, publisherSponsorLink: AN(n), description: e.shortDescription ?? "", installCount: xm(e.statistics, "install"), rating: xm(e.statistics, "averagerating"), ratingCount: xm(e.statistics, "ratingcount"), categories: e.categories || [], tags: e.tags || [], releaseDate: Date.parse(e.releaseDate), lastUpdated: Date.parse(e.lastUpdated), allTargetPlatforms: s, assets: r, properties: { dependencies: s9(t, Ai.Dependency), extensionPack: s9(t, Ai.ExtensionPack), engine: i9(t), enabledApiProposals: km(t), localizedLanguages: IN(t), targetPlatform: ph(t), isPreReleaseVersion: Rc(t), executesCode: PN(t) }, hasPreReleaseVersion: Rc(n), hasReleaseVersion: !0, preview: RN(e.flags), isSigned: !!r.signature, queryContext: i, supportLink: DN(n) } } var mh, jo, qe, ns, Ft, Ai, a9, c9, To, Lc, Sm, Nc, l9 = v({
  154. "out-build/vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/extensionGalleryService.js"() {
  155. "use strict"; Et(), Dt(), fe(), X(), ti(), $e(), ee(), fL(), ds(), ps(), Ds(), mn(), rh(), st(), Re(), Ls(), Dr(), lN(), t9(), As(), co(), et(), mh = $s ? "web" : X5(ro, G1), jo = "X-Market-Search-Activity-Id", function (e) { e[e.None = 0] = "None", e[e.IncludeVersions = 1] = "IncludeVersions", e[e.IncludeFiles = 2] = "IncludeFiles", e[e.IncludeCategoryAndTags = 4] = "IncludeCategoryAndTags", e[e.IncludeSharedAccounts = 8] = "IncludeSharedAccounts", e[e.IncludeVersionProperties = 16] = "IncludeVersionProperties", e[e.ExcludeNonValidated = 32] = "ExcludeNonValidated", e[e.IncludeInstallationTargets = 64] = "IncludeInstallationTargets", e[e.IncludeAssetUri = 128] = "IncludeAssetUri", e[e.IncludeStatistics = 256] = "IncludeStatistics", e[e.IncludeLatestVersionOnly = 512] = "IncludeLatestVersionOnly", e[e.Unpublished = 4096] = "Unpublished", e[e.IncludeNameConflictInfo = 32768] = "IncludeNameConflictInfo" }(qe || (qe = {})), function (e) { e[e.Tag = 1] = "Tag", e[e.ExtensionId = 4] = "ExtensionId", e[e.Category = 5] = "Category", e[e.ExtensionName = 7] = "ExtensionName", e[e.Target = 8] = "Target", e[e.Featured = 9] = "Featured", e[e.SearchText = 10] = "SearchText", e[e.ExcludeWithFlags = 12] = "ExcludeWithFlags" }(ns || (ns = {})), Ft = { Icon: "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Icons.Default", Details: "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Content.Details", Changelog: "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Content.Changelog", Manifest: "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Code.Manifest", VSIX: "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.VSIXPackage", License: "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Content.License", Repository: "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Links.Source", Signature: "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.VsixSignature" }, Ai = { Dependency: "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Code.ExtensionDependencies", ExtensionPack: "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Code.ExtensionPack", Engine: "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Code.Engine", PreRelease: "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Code.PreRelease", EnabledApiProposals: "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Code.EnabledApiProposals", LocalizedLanguages: "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Code.LocalizedLanguages", WebExtension: "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Code.WebExtension", SponsorLink: "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Code.SponsorLink", SupportLink: "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Links.Support", ExecutesCode: "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Code.ExecutesCode" }, a9 = 10, c9 = { pageNumber: 1, pageSize: a9, sortBy: 0, sortOrder: 0, flags: qe.None, criteria: [], assetTypes: [] }, To = class cr { constructor(t = c9) { this.d = t } get pageNumber() { return this.d.pageNumber } get pageSize() { return this.d.pageSize } get sortBy() { return this.d.sortBy } get sortOrder() { return this.d.sortOrder } get flags() { return this.d.flags } get criteria() { return this.d.criteria } withPage(t, s = this.d.pageSize) { return new cr({ ...this.d, pageNumber: t, pageSize: s }) } withFilter(t, ...s) { const i = [...this.d.criteria, ...s.length ? => ({ filterType: t, value: n })) : [{ filterType: t }]]; return new cr({ ...this.d, criteria: i }) } withSortBy(t) { return new cr({ ...this.d, sortBy: t }) } withSortOrder(t) { return new cr({ ...this.d, sortOrder: t }) } withFlags(...t) { return new cr({ ...this.d, flags: t.reduce((s, i) => s | i, 0) }) } withAssetTypes(...t) { return new cr({ ...this.d, assetTypes: t }) } withSource(t) { return new cr({ ...this.d, source: t }) } get raw() { const { criteria: t, pageNumber: s, pageSize: i, sortBy: n, sortOrder: r, flags: o, assetTypes: a } = this.d; return { filters: [{ criteria: t, pageNumber: s, pageSize: i, sortBy: n, sortOrder: r }], assetTypes: a, flags: o } } get searchText() { const t = this.d.criteria.filter(s => s.filterType === ns.SearchText)[0]; return t && t.value ? t.value : "" } get telemetryData() { return { filterTypes: => String(t.filterType)), flags: this.d.flags, sortBy: String(this.sortBy), sortOrder: String(this.sortOrder), pageNumber: String(this.pageNumber), source: this.d.source, searchTextLength: this.searchText.length } } }, Lc = class {
  156. constructor(t, s, i, n, r, o, a, c, l) { this.n = s, this.o = i, this.q = n, this.u = r, this.w = o, this.x = a, this.y = c, this.z = l; const u = a.extensionsGallery, h = u?.servicePPEUrl && c.getValue("_extensionsGallery.enablePPE"); this.d = h ? u.servicePPEUrl : u?.serviceUrl, this.g = h ? void 0 : u?.searchUrl, this.h = u?.controlUrl, this.j = u?.extensionUrlTemplate, this.l = a.extensionsEnabledWithApiProposalVersion?.map(d => d.toLowerCase()) ?? [], this.k = cN(a.version, a, this.q, this.y, this.w, t, this.u) } A(t = "") { return `${this.d}${t}` } isEnabled() { return !!this.d } async getExtensions(t, s, i) { if (!this.isEnabled()) throw new Error("No extension gallery service configured."); const n = Ne.isCancellationToken(s) ? {} : s, r = Ne.isCancellationToken(s) ? s : i, a = n.preferResourceApi && (this.y.getValue(l6) ?? !1) ? await this.C(t, n, r) : await this.B(t, n, r), c = => u.identifier.uuid), l = []; for (const u of t) u.uuid && !c.includes(u.uuid) && l.push({ ...u, uuid: void 0 }); if (l.length) { this.u.publicLog2("galleryService:additionalQueryByName", { count: l.length }); const u = await this.B(l, n, r); a.push(...u) } return a } async B(t, s, i) { const n = [], r = [], o = [], a = []; let c = !0; for (const h of t) { h.uuid ? r.push(h.uuid) : n.push(; const d = !!(h.version || h.preRelease); o.push({ id:, uuid: h.uuid, includePreRelease: d }), h.version && a.push({ id:, uuid: h.uuid, version: h.version }), c = c && !!h.hasPreRelease && !d } if (!r.length && !n.length) return []; let l = new To().withPage(1, t.length); r.length && (l = l.withFilter(ns.ExtensionId, ...r)), n.length && (l = l.withFilter(ns.ExtensionName, ...n)), (s.queryAllVersions || c) && (l = l.withFlags(l.flags, qe.IncludeVersions)), s.source && (l = l.withSource(s.source)); const { extensions: u } = await this.F(l, { targetPlatform: s.targetPlatform ?? mh, includePreRelease: o, versions: a, compatible: !!s.compatible, productVersion: s.productVersion ?? { version: this.x.version, date: } }, i); return s.source && u.forEach((h, d) => r9(h, d, s.source)), u } async C(t, s, i) { const n = [], r = []; await Promise.allSettled( a => { if (a.version) { n.push(a); return } try { const c = await this.I(, i); if (!c) { n.push(a); return } const l = await this.G(c, { targetPlatform: s.targetPlatform ?? mh, includePreRelease: !!a.preRelease, compatible: !!s.compatible, productVersion: s.productVersion ?? { version: this.x.version, date: } }, void 0, a.preRelease ? "prerelease" : "release"); l ? r.push(l) : (this.u.publicLog2("galleryService:fallbacktoquery", { extension:, preRelease: !!a.preRelease, compatible: !!s.compatible }), (!s.compatible || this.z.isAllowed({ id:, publisherDisplayName: c.publisher.displayName }) === !0) && n.push(a)) } catch (c) { this.o.error(`Error while getting the latest version for the extension ${}.`, ge(c)), n.push(a) } })); const o = await this.B(n, s, i); return r.push(...o), r } async getCompatibleExtension(t, s, i, n = { version: this.x.version, date: }) { if (kc(t.allTargetPlatforms, i)) return null; if (await this.isExtensionCompatible(t, s, i)) return t; if (this.z.isAllowed({ id:, publisherDisplayName: t.publisherDisplayName }) !== !0) return null; const r = new To().withFlags(qe.IncludeVersions).withPage(1, 1).withFilter(ns.ExtensionId, t.identifier.uuid), { extensions: o } = await this.F(r, { targetPlatform: i, compatible: !0, includePreRelease: s, productVersion: n }, Ne.None); return o[0] || null } async isExtensionCompatible(t, s, i, n = { version: this.x.version, date: }) { if (this.z.isAllowed(t) !== !0 || !sm(, t.allTargetPlatforms, i) || !s && return !1; let r =; if (!r) { const o = await this.getManifest(t, Ne.None); if (!o) throw new Error("Manifest was not found"); r = o.engines.vscode } return !(!nh(r, n.version, || !this.D(t.identifier, } D(t, s) { return !s || !this.l.includes( ? !0 : pm(s) } async E(t, s, i, n, r, o, a, c = { version: this.x.version, date: }) { const l = ph(s); if (!sm(l, o, a) || n !== "any" && Rc(s) !== (n === "prerelease")) return !1; if (r) { if (this.z.isAllowed({ id: t, publisherDisplayName: i, version: s.version, prerelease: Rc(s), targetPlatform: l }) !== !0) return !1; try { const u = await this.L(t, s); if (!nh(u, c.version, return !1 } catch (u) { return this.o.error(`Error while getting the engine for the version ${s.version}.`, ge(u)), !1 } } return !0 } async query(t, s) { let i = t.text || ""; const n = t.pageSize ?? 50; let r = new To().withPage(1, n); i ? (i = i.replace(/\bcategory:("([^"]*)"|([^"]\S*))(\s+|\b|$)/g, (u, h, d) => (r = r.withFilter(ns.Category, d || h), "")), i = i.replace(/\btag:("([^"]*)"|([^"]\S*))(\s+|\b|$)/g, (u, h, d) => (r = r.withFilter(ns.Tag, d || h), "")), i = i.replace(/\bfeatured(\s+|\b|$)/g, () => (r = r.withFilter(ns.Featured), "")), i = i.trim(), i && (i = i.length < 200 ? i : i.substring(0, 200), r = r.withFilter(ns.SearchText, i)), r = r.withSortBy(0)) : r = r.withSortBy(4), typeof t.sortBy == "number" && (r = r.withSortBy(t.sortBy)), typeof t.sortOrder == "number" && (r = r.withSortOrder(t.sortOrder)), t.source && (r = r.withSource(t.source)); const o = async (u, h) => { const { extensions: d, total: p } = await this.F(u, { targetPlatform: mh, compatible: !1, includePreRelease: !!t.includePreRelease, productVersion: t.productVersion ?? { version: this.x.version, date: } }, h); return d.forEach((g, w) => r9(g, (u.pageNumber - 1) * u.pageSize + w, t.source)), { extensions: d, total: p } }, { extensions: a, total: c } = await o(r, s), l = async (u, h) => { if (h.isCancellationRequested) throw new It; const { extensions: d } = await o(r.withPage(u + 1), h); return d }; return { firstPage: a, total: c, pageSize: r.pageSize, getPage: l } } async F(t, s, i) { const n = t.flags; t.flags & qe.IncludeLatestVersionOnly && t.flags & qe.IncludeVersions && (t = t.withFlags(t.flags & ~qe.IncludeVersions, qe.IncludeLatestVersionOnly)), !(t.flags & qe.IncludeLatestVersionOnly) && !(t.flags & qe.IncludeVersions) && (t = t.withFlags(t.flags, qe.IncludeLatestVersionOnly)), s.versions?.length && (t = t.withFlags(t.flags & ~qe.IncludeLatestVersionOnly, qe.IncludeVersions)), t = t.withFlags(t.flags, qe.IncludeAssetUri, qe.IncludeCategoryAndTags, qe.IncludeFiles, qe.IncludeStatistics, qe.IncludeVersionProperties); const { galleryExtensions: r, total: o, context: a } = await this.H(t, i); if (!(t.flags & qe.IncludeLatestVersionOnly)) { const h = []; for (const d of r) { const p = await this.G(d, s, a); p && h.push(p) } return { extensions: h, total: o } } const l = [], u = new Map; for (let h = 0; h < r.length; h++) { const d = r[h], p = { id: pn(d.publisher.publisherName, d.extensionName), uuid: d.extensionId }, g = ii(s.includePreRelease) ? s.includePreRelease : !!s.includePreRelease.find(y => xe(y, p))?.includePreRelease; if (s.compatible && (kc($m(d), s.targetPlatform) || this.z.isAllowed({ id:, publisherDisplayName: d.publisher.displayName }) !== !0)) continue; const w = await this.G(d, s, a); !w || && (!g || !w.hasReleaseVersion) || ! && !== s.targetPlatform && w.hasPreReleaseVersion ? u.set(d.extensionId, h) : l.push([h, w]) } if (u.size) { const h = new Ki, d = new To().withFlags(n & ~qe.IncludeLatestVersionOnly, qe.IncludeVersions).withPage(1, u.size).withFilter(ns.ExtensionId, ...u.keys()), { extensions: p } = await this.F(d, s, i); this.u.publicLog2("galleryService:additionalQuery", { duration: h.elapsed(), count: u.size }); for (const g of p) { const w = u.get(g.identifier.uuid); l.push([w, g]) } } return { extensions: l.sort((h, d) => h[0] - d[0]).map(([, h]) => h), total: o } } async G(t, s, i, n) { const r = { id: pn(t.publisher.publisherName, t.extensionName), uuid: t.extensionId }, o = s.versions?.find(u => xe(u, r))?.version, a = ii(s.includePreRelease) ? s.includePreRelease : !!s.includePreRelease.find(u => xe(u, r))?.includePreRelease, c = $m(t), l = n9(t.versions, s.targetPlatform); if (s.compatible && kc(c, s.targetPlatform)) return null; for (let u = 0; u < l.length; u++) { const h = l[u]; if (!(o && h.version !== o)) { if (await this.E(, h, t.publisher.displayName, n ?? (a ? "any" : "release"), s.compatible, c, s.targetPlatform, s.productVersion)) { if (s.compatible && !this.D(r, km(h))) continue; return o9(t, h, c, i) } if (o && h.version === o) return null } } return o || s.compatible ? null : o9(t, t.versions[0], c) } async H(t, s) { if (!this.isEnabled()) throw new Error("No extension gallery service configured."); t = t.withFlags(t.flags, qe.ExcludeNonValidated).withFilter(ns.Target, "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Code").withFilter(ns.ExcludeWithFlags, xN(qe.Unpublished)); const i = await this.k, n = JSON.stringify(t.raw), r = { ...i, "Content-Type": "application/json", Accept: "application/json;api-version=3.0-preview.1", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip", "Content-Length": String(n.length) }, o = new Ki; let a, c, l = 0; try { if (a = await this.n.request({ type: "POST", url: this.g && t.criteria.some(h => h.filterType === ns.SearchText) ? this.g : this.A("/extensionquery"), data: n, headers: r }, s), a.res.statusCode && a.res.statusCode >= 400 && a.res.statusCode < 500) return { galleryExtensions: [], total: l }; const u = await gc(a); if (u) { const h = u.results[0], d = h.extensions, p = h.resultMetadata && h.resultMetadata.filter(g => g.metadataType === "ResultCount")[0]; return l = p && p.metadataItems.filter(g => === "TotalCount")[0].count || 0, { galleryExtensions: d, total: l, context: a.res.headers.activityid ? { [jo]: a.res.headers.activityid } : {} } } return { galleryExtensions: [], total: l } } catch (u) { if (In(u)) throw c = "Cancelled", u; { const h = ge(u); throw c = u6(u) ? "Offline" : h.startsWith("XHR timeout") ? "Timeout" : "Failed", new $c(h, c) } } finally { this.u.publicLog2("galleryService:query", { ...t.telemetryData, requestBodySize: String(n.length), duration: o.elapsed(), success: !!a && Hp(a), responseBodySize: a?.res.headers["Content-Length"], statusCode: a ? String(a.res.statusCode) : void 0, errorCode: c, count: String(l) }) } } async I(t, s) { let i; const n = new Ki; try { const [r, o] = t.split("."); if (!r || !o) { i = "InvalidExtensionId"; return } const a = E.parse(IA(this.j, { publisher: r, name: o })), l = { ...await this.k, "Content-Type": "application/json", Accept: "application/json;api-version=7.2-preview", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip" }, u = await this.n.request({ type: "GET", url: a.toString(!0), headers: l, timeout: 1e4 }, s); if (u.res.statusCode && u.res.statusCode !== 200) { i = "GalleryServiceError:" + u.res.statusCode, this.o.warn("Error getting latest version of the extension", t, u.res.statusCode); return } const h = await gc(u); if (h) return h; i = "NoData", this.o.warn("Error getting latest version of the extension", t, i) } catch (r) { if (In(r)) i = "Cancelled"; else { const o = ge(r); i = u6(r) ? "Offline" : o.startsWith("XHR timeout") ? "Timeout" : "Failed" } } finally { this.u.publicLog2("galleryService:getLatest", { extension: t, duration: n.elapsed(), errorCode: i }) } } async reportStatistic(t, s, i, n) { if (!this.isEnabled()) return; const r = $s ? this.A(`/itemName/${t}.${s}/version/${i}/statType/${n === "install" ? "1" : "3"}/vscodewebextension`) : this.A(`/publishers/${t}/extensions/${s}/${i}/stats?statType=${n}`), o = $s ? "api-version=6.1-preview.1" : "*/*;api-version=4.0-preview.1", c = { ...await this.k, Accept: o }; try { await this.n.request({ type: "POST", url: r, headers: c }, Ne.None) } catch { } } async download(t, s, i) { this.o.trace("ExtensionGalleryService#download",; const n = um(t), r = new Date().getTime(), o = i === 2 ? "install" : i === 3 ? "update" : "", a = o ? { uri: `${}${E.parse( ? "&" : "?"}${o}=true`, fallbackUri: `${}${E.parse( ? "&" : "?"}${o}=true` } :, c = t.queryContext?.[jo] ? { [jo]: t.queryContext[jo] } : void 0, l = await this.K(, a, Ft.VSIX, c ? { headers: c } : void 0); try { await this.w.writeFile(s, } catch (u) { try { await this.w.del(s) } catch (h) { this.o.warn(`Error while deleting the file ${s.toString()}`, ge(h)) } throw new $c(ge(u), "DownloadFailedWriting") } this.u.publicLog("galleryService:downloadVSIX", { ...n, duration: new Date().getTime() - r }) } async downloadSignatureArchive(t, s) { if (!t.assets.signature) throw new Error("No signature asset found"); this.o.trace("ExtensionGalleryService#downloadSignatureArchive",; const i = await this.K(, t.assets.signature, Ft.Signature); try { await this.w.writeFile(s, } catch (n) { try { await this.w.del(s) } catch (r) { this.o.warn(`Error while deleting the file ${s.toString()}`, ge(r)) } throw new $c(ge(n), "DownloadFailedWriting") } } async getReadme(t, s) { if (t.assets.readme) { const i = await this.K(, t.assets.readme, Ft.Details, {}, s); return await Ar(i) || "" } return "" } async getManifest(t, s) { if (t.assets.manifest) { const i = await this.K(, t.assets.manifest, Ft.Manifest, {}, s), n = await Ar(i); return n ? JSON.parse(n) : null } return null } async J(t, s, i) { const n = wn(s, Ft.Manifest); if (!n) throw new Error("Manifest was not found"); const r = { "Accept-Encoding": "gzip" }, o = await this.K(t, n, Ft.Manifest, { headers: r }); return await gc(o) } async getCoreTranslation(t, s) { const i = t.assets.coreTranslations.filter(n => n[0] === s.toUpperCase())[0]; if (i) { const n = await this.K(, i[1], i[0]), r = await Ar(n); return r ? JSON.parse(r) : null } return null } async getChangelog(t, s) { if (t.assets.changelog) { const i = await this.K(, t.assets.changelog, Ft.Changelog, {}, s); return await Ar(i) || "" } return "" } async getAllCompatibleVersions(t, s, i) { let n = new To().withFlags(qe.IncludeVersions, qe.IncludeCategoryAndTags, qe.IncludeFiles, qe.IncludeVersionProperties).withPage(1, 1); t.uuid ? n = n.withFilter(ns.ExtensionId, t.uuid) : n = n.withFilter(ns.ExtensionName,; const { galleryExtensions: r } = await this.H(n, Ne.None); if (!r.length) return []; const o = $m(r[0]); if (kc(o, i)) return []; const a = []; await Promise.all(r[0] u => { try { await this.E(, u, r[0].publisher.displayName, s ? "any" : "release", !0, o, i) && this.D(t, km(u)) && a.push(u) } catch { } })); const c = [], l = new Set; for (const u of n9(a, i)) l.has(u.version) || (l.add(u.version), c.push({ version: u.version, date: u.lastUpdated, isPreReleaseVersion: Rc(u) })); return c } async K(t, s, i, n = {}, r = Ne.None) {
  157. const o = await this.k, a = { type: "GET" }, c = { ...o, ...n.headers || {} }; n = { ...n, ...a, headers: c }; const l = s.uri, u = s.fallbackUri, h = { ...n, url: l }; try {
  158. const d = await this.n.request(h, r); if (d.res.statusCode === 200) return d; const p = await Ar(d); throw new Error(`Expected 200, got back ${d.res.statusCode} instead.
  159. ${p}`)
  160. } catch (d) { if (In(d)) throw d; const p = ge(d); this.u.publicLog2("galleryService:cdnFallback", { extension: t, assetType: i, message: p }); const g = { ...n, url: u }; return this.n.request(g, r) }
  161. } async L(t, s) { let i = i9(s); if (!i) { this.u.publicLog2("galleryService:engineFallback", { extension: t, version: s.version }); const n = await this.J(t, s, Ne.None); if (!n) throw new Error("Manifest was not found"); i = n.engines.vscode } return i } async getExtensionsControlManifest() { if (!this.isEnabled()) throw new Error("No extension gallery service configured."); if (!this.h) return { malicious: [], deprecated: {}, search: [] }; const t = await this.n.request({ type: "GET", url: this.h }, Ne.None); if (t.res.statusCode !== 200) throw new Error("Could not get extensions report."); const s = await gc(t), i = [], n = {}, r = [], o = []; if (s) { for (const a of s.malicious) i.push({ id: a }); if (s.migrateToPreRelease) for (const [a, c] of Object.entries(s.migrateToPreRelease)) (!c.engine || nh(c.engine, this.x.version, && (n[a.toLowerCase()] = { disallowInstall: !0, extension: { id:, displayName: c.displayName, autoMigrate: { storage: !!c.migrateStorage }, preRelease: !0 } }); if (s.deprecated) for (const [a, c] of Object.entries(s.deprecated)) c && (n[a.toLowerCase()] = ii(c) ? {} : c); if ( for (const a of r.push(a); if (Array.isArray(s.extensionsEnabledWithPreRelease)) for (const a of s.extensionsEnabledWithPreRelease) o.push(a.toLowerCase()) } return { malicious: i, deprecated: n, search: r, extensionsEnabledWithPreRelease: o } }
  162. }, Lc = __decorate([__param(1, Pi), __param(2, pe), __param(3, Is), __param(4, qt), __param(5, gt), __param(6, Nt), __param(7, ts), __param(8, dn)], Lc), Sm = class extends Lc { constructor(t, s, i, n, r, o, a, c, l) { super(t, s, i, n, r, o, a, c, l) } }, Sm = __decorate([__param(0, Em), __param(1, Pi), __param(2, pe), __param(3, Is), __param(4, qt), __param(5, gt), __param(6, Nt), __param(7, ts), __param(8, dn)], Sm), Nc = class extends Lc { constructor(t, s, i, n, r, o, a, c) { super(void 0, t, s, i, n, r, o, a, c) } }, Nc = __decorate([__param(0, Pi), __param(1, pe), __param(2, Is), __param(3, qt), __param(4, gt), __param(5, Nt), __param(6, ts), __param(7, dn)], Nc)
  163. }
  164. }); import { createWriteStream as u9, promises as h9 } from "fs"; function LN(e) { const t = e.externalFileAttributes >> 16 || 33188; return [448, 56, 7].map(s => t & s).reduce((s, i) => s + i, t & 61440) } function f9(e) { if (e instanceof Oc) return e; let t; return g9.test(e.message) && (t = "CorruptZip"), new Oc(t, e) } function NN(e, t, s, i, n, r) { const o = Ct(t), a = _(i, o); if (!a.startsWith(i)) return Promise.reject(new Error(m(145, null, t))); const c = _(i, t); let l; return r.onCancellationRequested(() => { l?.destroy() }), Promise.resolve(h9.mkdir(a, { recursive: !0 })).then(() => new Promise((u, h) => { if (!r.isCancellationRequested) try { l = u9(c, { mode: s }), l.once("close", () => u()), l.once("error", h), e.once("error", h), e.pipe(l) } catch (d) { h(d) } })) } function ON(e, t, s, i) { let n = cn(() => Promise.resolve()), r = 0; const o = i.onCancellationRequested(() => { n.cancel(), e.close() }); return new Promise((a, c) => { const l = new b4, u = h => { h.isCancellationRequested || (r++, e.readEntry()) }; e.once("error", c), e.once("close", () => n.then(() => { i.isCancellationRequested || e.entryCount === r ? a() : c(new Oc("Incomplete", new Error(m(146, null, r, e.entryCount)))) }, c)), e.readEntry(), e.on("entry", h => { if (i.isCancellationRequested) return; if (!s.sourcePathRegex.test(h.fileName)) { u(i); return } const d = h.fileName.replace(s.sourcePathRegex, ""); if (/\/$/.test(d)) { const w = _(t, d); n = cn(y => h9.mkdir(w, { recursive: !0 }).then(() => u(y)).then(void 0, c)); return } const p = p9(e, h), g = LN(h); n = cn(w => l.queue(() => p.then(y => NN(y, d, g, t, s, w).then(() => u(w)))).then(null, c)) }) }).finally(() => o.dispose()) } async function d9(e, t = !1) { const { open: s } = await import("yauzl"); return new Promise((i, n) => { s(e, t ? { lazyEntries: !0 } : void 0, (r, o) => { r ? n(f9(r)) : i(sp(o)) }) }) } function p9(e, t) { return new Promise((s, i) => { e.openReadStream(t, (n, r) => { n ? i(f9(n)) : s(sp(r)) }) }) } async function CN(e, t) { const { ZipFile: s } = await import("yazl"); return new Promise((i, n) => { const r = new s; t.forEach(a => { a.contents ? r.addBuffer(typeof a.contents == "string" ? Buffer.from(a.contents, "utf8") : a.contents, a.path) : a.localPath && r.addFile(a.localPath, a.path) }), r.end(); const o = u9(e); r.outputStream.pipe(o), r.outputStream.once("error", n), o.once("error", n), o.once("finish", () => i(e)) }) } function _N(e, t, s = {}, i) { const n = new RegExp(s.sourcePath ? `^${s.sourcePath}` : ""); let r = d9(e, !0); return s.overwrite && (r = r.then(o => Pe.rm(t).then(() => o))), r.then(o => ON(o, t, { sourcePathRegex: n }, i)) } function jN(e, t) { return d9(e).then(s => new Promise((i, n) => { s.on("entry", r => { r.fileName === t && p9(s, r).then(o => i(o), o => n(o)) }), s.once("close", () => n(new Error(m(147, null, t)))) })) } function m9(e, t) { return jN(e, t).then(s => new Promise((i, n) => { const r = []; s.once("error", n), s.on("data", o => r.push(o)), s.on("end", () => i(Buffer.concat(r))) })) } var Pm, g9, Oc, Im = v({ "out-build/vs/base/node/zip.js"() { "use strict"; Ue(), de(), $e(), ss(), he(), Pm = "end of central directory record signature not found", g9 = new RegExp(Pm), Oc = class extends Error { constructor(e, t) { let s = t.message; switch (e) { case "CorruptZip": s = `Corrupt ZIP: ${s}`; break }super(s), this.type = e, this.cause = t } } } }), gh, Am = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/download/common/download.js"() { "use strict"; oe(), gh = se("downloadService") } }), TN, w9, v9, b9, UN, MN, FN, BN, HN = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/naturalLanguage/korean.js"() { "use strict"; TN = new Uint32Array(10), function (e) { e[e.InitialConsonant = 4352] = "InitialConsonant", e[e.Vowel = 4449] = "Vowel", e[e.FinalConsonant = 4520] = "FinalConsonant", e[e.CompatibilityJamo = 12593] = "CompatibilityJamo" }(w9 || (w9 = {})), function (e) { e[e.NUL = 0] = "NUL", e[e.A = 65] = "A", e[e.B = 66] = "B", e[e.C = 67] = "C", e[e.D = 68] = "D", e[e.E = 69] = "E", e[e.F = 70] = "F", e[e.G = 71] = "G", e[e.H = 72] = "H", e[e.I = 73] = "I", e[e.J = 74] = "J", e[e.K = 75] = "K", e[e.L = 76] = "L", e[e.M = 77] = "M", e[e.N = 78] = "N", e[e.O = 79] = "O", e[e.P = 80] = "P", e[e.Q = 81] = "Q", e[e.R = 82] = "R", e[e.S = 83] = "S", e[e.T = 84] = "T", e[e.U = 85] = "U", e[e.V = 86] = "V", e[e.W = 87] = "W", e[e.X = 88] = "X", e[e.Y = 89] = "Y", e[e.Z = 90] = "Z", e[e.a = 97] = "a", e[e.b = 98] = "b", e[e.c = 99] = "c", e[e.d = 100] = "d", e[e.e = 101] = "e", e[e.f = 102] = "f", e[e.g = 103] = "g", e[e.h = 104] = "h", e[e.i = 105] = "i", e[e.j = 106] = "j", e[e.k = 107] = "k", e[e.l = 108] = "l", e[e.m = 109] = "m", e[e.n = 110] = "n", e[e.o = 111] = "o", e[e.p = 112] = "p", e[e.q = 113] = "q", e[e.r = 114] = "r", e[e.s = 115] = "s", e[e.t = 116] = "t", e[e.u = 117] = "u", e[e.v = 118] = "v", e[e.w = 119] = "w", e[e.x = 120] = "x", e[e.y = 121] = "y", e[e.z = 122] = "z" }(v9 || (v9 = {})), function (e) { e[e.fa = 24934] = "fa", e[e.fg = 26470] = "fg", e[e.fq = 29030] = "fq", e[ = 29286] = "fr", e[e.ft = 29798] = "ft", e[e.fv = 30310] = "fv", e[e.fx = 30822] = "fx", e[ = 27496] = "hk", e[e.hl = 27752] = "hl", e[e.ho = 28520] = "ho", e[ = 27757] = "ml", e[e.nj = 27246] = "nj", e[ = 27758] = "nl", e[ = 28782] = "np", e[e.qt = 29809] = "qt", e[e.rt = 29810] = "rt", e[ = 26483] = "sg", e[e.sw = 30579] = "sw" }(b9 || (b9 = {})), UN = new Uint8Array([114, 82, 115, 101, 69, 102, 97, 113, 81, 116, 84, 100, 119, 87, 99, 122, 120, 118, 103]), MN = new Uint16Array([107, 111, 105, 79, 106, 112, 117, 80, 104, 27496, 28520, 27752, 121, 110, 27246, 28782, 27758, 98, 109, 27757, 108]), FN = new Uint16Array([114, 82, 29810, 115, 30579, 26483, 101, 102, 29286, 24934, 29030, 29798, 30822, 30310, 26470, 97, 113, 29809, 116, 84, 100, 119, 99, 122, 120, 118, 103]), BN = new Uint16Array([114, 82, 29810, 115, 30579, 26483, 101, 69, 102, 29286, 24934, 29030, 29798, 30822, 30310, 26470, 97, 113, 81, 29809, 116, 84, 100, 119, 87, 99, 122, 120, 118, 103, 107, 111, 105, 79, 106, 112, 117, 80, 104, 27496, 28520, 27752, 121, 110, 27246, 28782, 27758, 98, 109, 27757, 108]) } }); function y9(...e) { return function (t, s) { for (let i = 0, n = e.length; i < n; i++) { const r = e[i](t, s); if (r) return r } return null } } function E9(e, t, s) { if (!s || s.length < t.length) return null; let i; return e ? i = W1(s, t) : i = s.indexOf(t) === 0, i ? t.length > 0 ? [{ start: 0, end: t.length }] : [] : null } function zN(e, t) { const s = t.toLowerCase().indexOf(e.toLowerCase()); return s === -1 ? null : [{ start: s, end: s + e.length }] } function VN(e, t) { return Dm(e.toLowerCase(), t.toLowerCase(), 0, 0) } function Dm(e, t, s, i) { if (s === e.length) return []; if (i === t.length) return null; if (e[s] === t[i]) { let n = null; return (n = Dm(e, t, s + 1, i + 1)) ? k9({ start: i, end: i + 1 }, n) : null } return Dm(e, t, s, i + 1) } function Rm(e) { return 97 <= e && e <= 122 } function wh(e) { return 65 <= e && e <= 90 } function Lm(e) { return 48 <= e && e <= 57 } function WN(e) { return e === 32 || e === 9 || e === 10 || e === 13 } function x9(e) { return Rm(e) || wh(e) || Lm(e) } function k9(e, t) { return t.length === 0 ? t = [e] : e.end === t[0].start ? t[0].start = e.start : t.unshift(e), t } function $9(e, t) { for (let s = t; s < e.length; s++) { const i = e.charCodeAt(s); if (wh(i) || Lm(i) || s > 0 && !x9(e.charCodeAt(s - 1))) return s } return e.length } function Nm(e, t, s, i) { if (s === e.length) return []; if (i === t.length) return null; if (e[s] !== t[i].toLowerCase()) return null; { let n = null, r = i + 1; for (n = Nm(e, t, s + 1, i + 1); !n && (r = $9(t, r)) < t.length;)n = Nm(e, t, s + 1, r), r++; return n === null ? null : k9({ start: i, end: i + 1 }, n) } } function qN(e) { let t = 0, s = 0, i = 0, n = 0, r = 0; for (let u = 0; u < e.length; u++)r = e.charCodeAt(u), wh(r) && t++, Rm(r) && s++, x9(r) && i++, Lm(r) && n++; const o = t / e.length, a = s / e.length, c = i / e.length, l = n / e.length; return { upperPercent: o, lowerPercent: a, alphaPercent: c, numericPercent: l } } function GN(e) { const { upperPercent: t, lowerPercent: s } = e; return s === 0 && t > .6 } function JN(e) { const { upperPercent: t, lowerPercent: s, alphaPercent: i, numericPercent: n } = e; return s > .2 && t < .8 && i > .6 && n < .2 } function YN(e) { let t = 0, s = 0, i = 0, n = 0; for (let r = 0; r < e.length; r++)i = e.charCodeAt(r), wh(i) && t++, Rm(i) && s++, WN(i) && n++; return (t === 0 || s === 0) && n === 0 ? e.length <= 30 : t <= 5 } function S9(e, t) { if (!t || (t = t.trim(), t.length === 0) || !YN(e)) return null; t.length > 60 && (t = t.substring(0, 60)); const s = qN(t); if (!JN(s)) { if (!GN(s)) return null; t = t.toLowerCase() } let i = null, n = 0; for (e = e.toLowerCase(); n < t.length && (i = Nm(e, t, 0, n)) === null;)n = $9(t, n + 1); return i } function Om() { const e = [], t = []; for (let s = 0; s <= Cc; s++)t[s] = 0; for (let s = 0; s <= Cc; s++)e.push(t.slice(0)); return e } function P9(e) { const t = []; for (let s = 0; s <= e; s++)t[s] = 0; return t } var XN, Cm, I9, QN, ZN, KN, Cc, eO, tO, sO, iO, nO, A9, D9, rO, oO = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/filters.js"() { "use strict"; ls(), HN(), et(), XN = E9.bind(void 0, !1), Cm = E9.bind(void 0, !0), I9 = new Set, "()[]{}<>`'\"-/;:,.?!".split("").forEach(e => I9.add(e.charCodeAt(0))), QN = y9(Cm, S9, zN), ZN = y9(Cm, S9, VN), KN = new Fa(1e4), Cc = 128, eO = P9(2 * Cc), tO = P9(2 * Cc), sO = Om(), iO = Om(), nO = Om(), function (e) { e[e.Diag = 1] = "Diag", e[e.Left = 2] = "Left", e[e.LeftLeft = 3] = "LeftLeft" }(A9 || (A9 = {})), function (e) { e.Default = [-100, 0]; function t(s) { return !s || s.length === 2 && s[0] === -100 && s[1] === 0 } e.isDefault = t }(D9 || (D9 = {})), rO = class { static { this.default = { boostFullMatch: !0, firstMatchCanBeWeak: !1 } } constructor(e, t) { this.firstMatchCanBeWeak = e, this.boostFullMatch = t } } } }); function f(e, t) { if (ve(t)) { const s = _m[t]; if (s === void 0) throw new Error(`${e} references an unknown codicon: ${t}`); t = s } return _m[e] = t, { id: e } } var _m, R9 = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/codiconsUtil.js"() { "use strict"; $e(), _m = Object.create(null) } }), L9, aO = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/codiconsLibrary.js"() { "use strict"; R9(), L9 = { add: f("add", 6e4), plus: f("plus", 6e4), gistNew: f("gist-new", 6e4), repoCreate: f("repo-create", 6e4), lightbulb: f("lightbulb", 60001), lightBulb: f("light-bulb", 60001), repo: f("repo", 60002), repoDelete: f("repo-delete", 60002), gistFork: f("gist-fork", 60003), repoForked: f("repo-forked", 60003), gitPullRequest: f("git-pull-request", 60004), gitPullRequestAbandoned: f("git-pull-request-abandoned", 60004), recordKeys: f("record-keys", 60005), keyboard: f("keyboard", 60005), tag: f("tag", 60006), gitPullRequestLabel: f("git-pull-request-label", 60006), tagAdd: f("tag-add", 60006), tagRemove: f("tag-remove", 60006), person: f("person", 60007), personFollow: f("person-follow", 60007), personOutline: f("person-outline", 60007), personFilled: f("person-filled", 60007), gitBranch: f("git-branch", 60008), gitBranchCreate: f("git-branch-create", 60008), gitBranchDelete: f("git-branch-delete", 60008), sourceControl: f("source-control", 60008), mirror: f("mirror", 60009), mirrorPublic: f("mirror-public", 60009), star: f("star", 60010), starAdd: f("star-add", 60010), starDelete: f("star-delete", 60010), starEmpty: f("star-empty", 60010), comment: f("comment", 60011), commentAdd: f("comment-add", 60011), alert: f("alert", 60012), warning: f("warning", 60012), search: f("search", 60013), searchSave: f("search-save", 60013), logOut: f("log-out", 60014), signOut: f("sign-out", 60014), logIn: f("log-in", 60015), signIn: f("sign-in", 60015), eye: f("eye", 60016), eyeUnwatch: f("eye-unwatch", 60016), eyeWatch: f("eye-watch", 60016), circleFilled: f("circle-filled", 60017), primitiveDot: f("primitive-dot", 60017), closeDirty: f("close-dirty", 60017), debugBreakpoint: f("debug-breakpoint", 60017), debugBreakpointDisabled: f("debug-breakpoint-disabled", 60017), debugHint: f("debug-hint", 60017), terminalDecorationSuccess: f("terminal-decoration-success", 60017), primitiveSquare: f("primitive-square", 60018), edit: f("edit", 60019), pencil: f("pencil", 60019), info: f("info", 60020), issueOpened: f("issue-opened", 60020), gistPrivate: f("gist-private", 60021), gitForkPrivate: f("git-fork-private", 60021), lock: f("lock", 60021), mirrorPrivate: f("mirror-private", 60021), close: f("close", 60022), removeClose: f("remove-close", 60022), x: f("x", 60022), repoSync: f("repo-sync", 60023), sync: f("sync", 60023), clone: f("clone", 60024), desktopDownload: f("desktop-download", 60024), beaker: f("beaker", 60025), microscope: f("microscope", 60025), vm: f("vm", 60026), deviceDesktop: f("device-desktop", 60026), file: f("file", 60027), fileText: f("file-text", 60027), more: f("more", 60028), ellipsis: f("ellipsis", 60028), kebabHorizontal: f("kebab-horizontal", 60028), mailReply: f("mail-reply", 60029), reply: f("reply", 60029), organization: f("organization", 60030), organizationFilled: f("organization-filled", 60030), organizationOutline: f("organization-outline", 60030), newFile: f("new-file", 60031), fileAdd: f("file-add", 60031), newFolder: f("new-folder", 60032), fileDirectoryCreate: f("file-directory-create", 60032), trash: f("trash", 60033), trashcan: f("trashcan", 60033), history: f("history", 60034), clock: f("clock", 60034), folder: f("folder", 60035), fileDirectory: f("file-directory", 60035), symbolFolder: f("symbol-folder", 60035), logoGithub: f("logo-github", 60036), markGithub: f("mark-github", 60036), github: f("github", 60036), terminal: f("terminal", 60037), console: f("console", 60037), repl: f("repl", 60037), zap: f("zap", 60038), symbolEvent: f("symbol-event", 60038), error: f("error", 60039), stop: f("stop", 60039), variable: f("variable", 60040), symbolVariable: f("symbol-variable", 60040), array: f("array", 60042), symbolArray: f("symbol-array", 60042), symbolModule: f("symbol-module", 60043), symbolPackage: f("symbol-package", 60043), symbolNamespace: f("symbol-namespace", 60043), symbolObject: f("symbol-object", 60043), symbolMethod: f("symbol-method", 60044), symbolFunction: f("symbol-function", 60044), symbolConstructor: f("symbol-constructor", 60044), symbolBoolean: f("symbol-boolean", 60047), symbolNull: f("symbol-null", 60047), symbolNumeric: f("symbol-numeric", 60048), symbolNumber: f("symbol-number", 60048), symbolStructure: f("symbol-structure", 60049), symbolStruct: f("symbol-struct", 60049), symbolParameter: f("symbol-parameter", 60050), symbolTypeParameter: f("symbol-type-parameter", 60050), symbolKey: f("symbol-key", 60051), symbolText: f("symbol-text", 60051), symbolReference: f("symbol-reference", 60052), goToFile: f("go-to-file", 60052), symbolEnum: f("symbol-enum", 60053), symbolValue: f("symbol-value", 60053), symbolRuler: f("symbol-ruler", 60054), symbolUnit: f("symbol-unit", 60054), activateBreakpoints: f("activate-breakpoints", 60055), archive: f("archive", 60056), arrowBoth: f("arrow-both", 60057), arrowDown: f("arrow-down", 60058), arrowLeft: f("arrow-left", 60059), arrowRight: f("arrow-right", 60060), arrowSmallDown: f("arrow-small-down", 60061), arrowSmallLeft: f("arrow-small-left", 60062), arrowSmallRight: f("arrow-small-right", 60063), arrowSmallUp: f("arrow-small-up", 60064), arrowUp: f("arrow-up", 60065), bell: f("bell", 60066), bold: f("bold", 60067), book: f("book", 60068), bookmark: f("bookmark", 60069), debugBreakpointConditionalUnverified: f("debug-breakpoint-conditional-unverified", 60070), debugBreakpointConditional: f("debug-breakpoint-conditional", 60071), debugBreakpointConditionalDisabled: f("debug-breakpoint-conditional-disabled", 60071), debugBreakpointDataUnverified: f("debug-breakpoint-data-unverified", 60072), debugBreakpointData: f("debug-breakpoint-data", 60073), debugBreakpointDataDisabled: f("debug-breakpoint-data-disabled", 60073), debugBreakpointLogUnverified: f("debug-breakpoint-log-unverified", 60074), debugBreakpointLog: f("debug-breakpoint-log", 60075), debugBreakpointLogDisabled: f("debug-breakpoint-log-disabled", 60075), briefcase: f("briefcase", 60076), broadcast: f("broadcast", 60077), browser: f("browser", 60078), bug: f("bug", 60079), calendar: f("calendar", 60080), caseSensitive: f("case-sensitive", 60081), check: f("check", 60082), checklist: f("checklist", 60083), chevronDown: f("chevron-down", 60084), chevronLeft: f("chevron-left", 60085), chevronRight: f("chevron-right", 60086), chevronUp: f("chevron-up", 60087), chromeClose: f("chrome-close", 60088), chromeMaximize: f("chrome-maximize", 60089), chromeMinimize: f("chrome-minimize", 60090), chromeRestore: f("chrome-restore", 60091), circleOutline: f("circle-outline", 60092), circle: f("circle", 60092), debugBreakpointUnverified: f("debug-breakpoint-unverified", 60092), terminalDecorationIncomplete: f("terminal-decoration-incomplete", 60092), circleSlash: f("circle-slash", 60093), circuitBoard: f("circuit-board", 60094), clearAll: f("clear-all", 60095), clippy: f("clippy", 60096), closeAll: f("close-all", 60097), cloudDownload: f("cloud-download", 60098), cloudUpload: f("cloud-upload", 60099), code: f("code", 60100), collapseAll: f("collapse-all", 60101), colorMode: f("color-mode", 60102), commentDiscussion: f("comment-discussion", 60103), creditCard: f("credit-card", 60105), dash: f("dash", 60108), dashboard: f("dashboard", 60109), database: f("database", 60110), debugContinue: f("debug-continue", 60111), debugDisconnect: f("debug-disconnect", 60112), debugPause: f("debug-pause", 60113), debugRestart: f("debug-restart", 60114), debugStart: f("debug-start", 60115), debugStepInto: f("debug-step-into", 60116), debugStepOut: f("debug-step-out", 60117), debugStepOver: f("debug-step-over", 60118), debugStop: f("debug-stop", 60119), debug: f("debug", 60120), deviceCameraVideo: f("device-camera-video", 60121), deviceCamera: f("device-camera", 60122), deviceMobile: f("device-mobile", 60123), diffAdded: f("diff-added", 60124), diffIgnored: f("diff-ignored", 60125), diffModified: f("diff-modified", 60126), diffRemoved: f("diff-removed", 60127), diffRenamed: f("diff-renamed", 60128), diff: f("diff", 60129), diffSidebyside: f("diff-sidebyside", 60129), discard: f("discard", 60130), editorLayout: f("editor-layout", 60131), emptyWindow: f("empty-window", 60132), exclude: f("exclude", 60133), extensions: f("extensions", 60134), eyeClosed: f("eye-closed", 60135), fileBinary: f("file-binary", 60136), fileCode: f("file-code", 60137), fileMedia: f("file-media", 60138), filePdf: f("file-pdf", 60139), fileSubmodule: f("file-submodule", 60140), fileSymlinkDirectory: f("file-symlink-directory", 60141), fileSymlinkFile: f("file-symlink-file", 60142), fileZip: f("file-zip", 60143), files: f("files", 60144), filter: f("filter", 60145), flame: f("flame", 60146), foldDown: f("fold-down", 60147), foldUp: f("fold-up", 60148), fold: f("fold", 60149), folderActive: f("folder-active", 60150), folderOpened: f("folder-opened", 60151), gear: f("gear", 60152), gift: f("gift", 60153), gistSecret: f("gist-secret", 60154), gist: f("gist", 60155), gitCommit: f("git-commit", 60156), gitCompare: f("git-compare", 60157), compareChanges: f("compare-changes", 60157), gitMerge: f("git-merge", 60158), githubAction: f("github-action", 60159), githubAlt: f("github-alt", 60160), globe: f("globe", 60161), grabber: f("grabber", 60162), graph: f("graph", 60163), gripper: f("gripper", 60164), heart: f("heart", 60165), home: f("home", 60166), horizontalRule: f("horizontal-rule", 60167), hubot: f("hubot", 60168), inbox: f("inbox", 60169), issueReopened: f("issue-reopened", 60171), issues: f("issues", 60172), italic: f("italic", 60173), jersey: f("jersey", 60174), json: f("json", 60175), kebabVertical: f("kebab-vertical", 60176), key: f("key", 60177), law: f("law", 60178), lightbulbAutofix: f("lightbulb-autofix", 60179), linkExternal: f("link-external", 60180), link: f("link", 60181), listOrdered: f("list-ordered", 60182), listUnordered: f("list-unordered", 60183), liveShare: f("live-share", 60184), loading: f("loading", 60185), location: f("location", 60186), mailRead: f("mail-read", 60187), mail: f("mail", 60188), markdown: f("markdown", 60189), megaphone: f("megaphone", 60190), mention: f("mention", 60191), milestone: f("milestone", 60192), gitPullRequestMilestone: f("git-pull-request-milestone", 60192), mortarBoard: f("mortar-board", 60193), move: f("move", 60194), multipleWindows: f("multiple-windows", 60195), mute: f("mute", 60196), noNewline: f("no-newline", 60197), note: f("note", 60198), octoface: f("octoface", 60199), openPreview: f("open-preview", 60200), package: f("package", 60201), paintcan: f("paintcan", 60202), pin: f("pin", 60203), play: f("play", 60204), run: f("run", 60204), plug: f("plug", 60205), preserveCase: f("preserve-case", 60206), preview: f("preview", 60207), project: f("project", 60208), pulse: f("pulse", 60209), question: f("question", 60210), quote: f("quote", 60211), radioTower: f("radio-tower", 60212), reactions: f("reactions", 60213), references: f("references", 60214), refresh: f("refresh", 60215), regex: f("regex", 60216), remoteExplorer: f("remote-explorer", 60217), remote: f("remote", 60218), remove: f("remove", 60219), replaceAll: f("replace-all", 60220), replace: f("replace", 60221), repoClone: f("repo-clone", 60222), repoForcePush: f("repo-force-push", 60223), repoPull: f("repo-pull", 60224), repoPush: f("repo-push", 60225), report: f("report", 60226), requestChanges: f("request-changes", 60227), rocket: f("rocket", 60228), rootFolderOpened: f("root-folder-opened", 60229), rootFolder: f("root-folder", 60230), rss: f("rss", 60231), ruby: f("ruby", 60232), saveAll: f("save-all", 60233), saveAs: f("save-as", 60234), save: f("save", 60235), screenFull: f("screen-full", 60236), screenNormal: f("screen-normal", 60237), searchStop: f("search-stop", 60238), server: f("server", 60240), settingsGear: f("settings-gear", 60241), settings: f("settings", 60242), shield: f("shield", 60243), smiley: f("smiley", 60244), sortPrecedence: f("sort-precedence", 60245), splitHorizontal: f("split-horizontal", 60246), splitVertical: f("split-vertical", 60247), squirrel: f("squirrel", 60248), starFull: f("star-full", 60249), starHalf: f("star-half", 60250), symbolClass: f("symbol-class", 60251), symbolColor: f("symbol-color", 60252), symbolConstant: f("symbol-constant", 60253), symbolEnumMember: f("symbol-enum-member", 60254), symbolField: f("symbol-field", 60255), symbolFile: f("symbol-file", 60256), symbolInterface: f("symbol-interface", 60257), symbolKeyword: f("symbol-keyword", 60258), symbolMisc: f("symbol-misc", 60259), symbolOperator: f("symbol-operator", 60260), symbolProperty: f("symbol-property", 60261), wrench: f("wrench", 60261), wrenchSubaction: f("wrench-subaction", 60261), symbolSnippet: f("symbol-snippet", 60262), tasklist: f("tasklist", 60263), telescope: f("telescope", 60264), textSize: f("text-size", 60265), threeBars: f("three-bars", 60266), thumbsdown: f("thumbsdown", 60267), thumbsup: f("thumbsup", 60268), tools: f("tools", 60269), triangleDown: f("triangle-down", 60270), triangleLeft: f("triangle-left", 60271), triangleRight: f("triangle-right", 60272), triangleUp: f("triangle-up", 60273), twitter: f("twitter", 60274), unfold: f("unfold", 60275), unlock: f("unlock", 60276), unmute: f("unmute", 60277), unverified: f("unverified", 60278), verified: f("verified", 60279), versions: f("versions", 60280), vmActive: f("vm-active", 60281), vmOutline: f("vm-outline", 60282), vmRunning: f("vm-running", 60283), watch: f("watch", 60284), whitespace: f("whitespace", 60285), wholeWord: f("whole-word", 60286), window: f("window", 60287), wordWrap: f("word-wrap", 60288), zoomIn: f("zoom-in", 60289), zoomOut: f("zoom-out", 60290), listFilter: f("list-filter", 60291), listFlat: f("list-flat", 60292), listSelection: f("list-selection", 60293), selection: f("selection", 60293), listTree: f("list-tree", 60294), debugBreakpointFunctionUnverified: f("debug-breakpoint-function-unverified", 60295), debugBreakpointFunction: f("debug-breakpoint-function", 60296), debugBreakpointFunctionDisabled: f("debug-breakpoint-function-disabled", 60296), debugStackframeActive: f("debug-stackframe-active", 60297), circleSmallFilled: f("circle-small-filled", 60298), debugStackframeDot: f("debug-stackframe-dot", 60298), terminalDecorationMark: f("terminal-decoration-mark", 60298), debugStackframe: f("debug-stackframe", 60299), debugStackframeFocused: f("debug-stackframe-focused", 60299), debugBreakpointUnsupported: f("debug-breakpoint-unsupported", 60300), symbolString: f("symbol-string", 60301), debugReverseContinue: f("debug-reverse-continue", 60302), debugStepBack: f("debug-step-back", 60303), debugRestartFrame: f("debug-restart-frame", 60304), debugAlt: f("debug-alt", 60305), callIncoming: f("call-incoming", 60306), callOutgoing: f("call-outgoing", 60307), menu: f("menu", 60308), expandAll: f("expand-all", 60309), feedback: f("feedback", 60310), gitPullRequestReviewer: f("git-pull-request-reviewer", 60310), groupByRefType: f("group-by-ref-type", 60311), ungroupByRefType: f("ungroup-by-ref-type", 60312), account: f("account", 60313), gitPullRequestAssignee: f("git-pull-request-assignee", 60313), bellDot: f("bell-dot", 60314), debugConsole: f("debug-console", 60315), library: f("library", 60316), output: f("output", 60317), runAll: f("run-all", 60318), syncIgnored: f("sync-ignored", 60319), pinned: f("pinned", 60320), githubInverted: f("github-inverted", 60321), serverProcess: f("server-process", 60322), serverEnvironment: f("server-environment", 60323), pass: f("pass", 60324), issueClosed: f("issue-closed", 60324), stopCircle: f("stop-circle", 60325), playCircle: f("play-circle", 60326), record: f("record", 60327), debugAltSmall: f("debug-alt-small", 60328), vmConnect: f("vm-connect", 60329), cloud: f("cloud", 60330), merge: f("merge", 60331), export: f("export", 60332), graphLeft: f("graph-left", 60333), magnet: f("magnet", 60334), notebook: f("notebook", 60335), redo: f("redo", 60336), checkAll: f("check-all", 60337), pinnedDirty: f("pinned-dirty", 60338), passFilled: f("pass-filled", 60339), circleLargeFilled: f("circle-large-filled", 60340), circleLarge: f("circle-large", 60341), circleLargeOutline: f("circle-large-outline", 60341), combine: f("combine", 60342), gather: f("gather", 60342), table: f("table", 60343), variableGroup: f("variable-group", 60344), typeHierarchy: f("type-hierarchy", 60345), typeHierarchySub: f("type-hierarchy-sub", 60346), typeHierarchySuper: f("type-hierarchy-super", 60347), gitPullRequestCreate: f("git-pull-request-create", 60348), runAbove: f("run-above", 60349), runBelow: f("run-below", 60350), notebookTemplate: f("notebook-template", 60351), debugRerun: f("debug-rerun", 60352), workspaceTrusted: f("workspace-trusted", 60353), workspaceUntrusted: f("workspace-untrusted", 60354), workspaceUnknown: f("workspace-unknown", 60355), terminalCmd: f("terminal-cmd", 60356), terminalDebian: f("terminal-debian", 60357), terminalLinux: f("terminal-linux", 60358), terminalPowershell: f("terminal-powershell", 60359), terminalTmux: f("terminal-tmux", 60360), terminalUbuntu: f("terminal-ubuntu", 60361), terminalBash: f("terminal-bash", 60362), arrowSwap: f("arrow-swap", 60363), copy: f("copy", 60364), personAdd: f("person-add", 60365), filterFilled: f("filter-filled", 60366), wand: f("wand", 60367), debugLineByLine: f("debug-line-by-line", 60368), inspect: f("inspect", 60369), layers: f("layers", 60370), layersDot: f("layers-dot", 60371), layersActive: f("layers-active", 60372), compass: f("compass", 60373), compassDot: f("compass-dot", 60374), compassActive: f("compass-active", 60375), azure: f("azure", 60376), issueDraft: f("issue-draft", 60377), gitPullRequestClosed: f("git-pull-request-closed", 60378), gitPullRequestDraft: f("git-pull-request-draft", 60379), debugAll: f("debug-all", 60380), debugCoverage: f("debug-coverage", 60381), runErrors: f("run-errors", 60382), folderLibrary: f("folder-library", 60383), debugContinueSmall: f("debug-continue-small", 60384), beakerStop: f("beaker-stop", 60385), graphLine: f("graph-line", 60386), graphScatter: f("graph-scatter", 60387), pieChart: f("pie-chart", 60388), bracket: f("bracket", 60175), bracketDot: f("bracket-dot", 60389), bracketError: f("bracket-error", 60390), lockSmall: f("lock-small", 60391), azureDevops: f("azure-devops", 60392), verifiedFilled: f("verified-filled", 60393), newline: f("newline", 60394), layout: f("layout", 60395), layoutActivitybarLeft: f("layout-activitybar-left", 60396), layoutActivitybarRight: f("layout-activitybar-right", 60397), layoutPanelLeft: f("layout-panel-left", 60398), layoutPanelCenter: f("layout-panel-center", 60399), layoutPanelJustify: f("layout-panel-justify", 60400), layoutPanelRight: f("layout-panel-right", 60401), layoutPanel: f("layout-panel", 60402), layoutSidebarLeft: f("layout-sidebar-left", 60403), layoutSidebarRight: f("layout-sidebar-right", 60404), layoutStatusbar: f("layout-statusbar", 60405), layoutMenubar: f("layout-menubar", 60406), layoutCentered: f("layout-centered", 60407), target: f("target", 60408), indent: f("indent", 60409), recordSmall: f("record-small", 60410), errorSmall: f("error-small", 60411), terminalDecorationError: f("terminal-decoration-error", 60411), arrowCircleDown: f("arrow-circle-down", 60412), arrowCircleLeft: f("arrow-circle-left", 60413), arrowCircleRight: f("arrow-circle-right", 60414), arrowCircleUp: f("arrow-circle-up", 60415), layoutSidebarRightOff: f("layout-sidebar-right-off", 60416), layoutPanelOff: f("layout-panel-off", 60417), layoutSidebarLeftOff: f("layout-sidebar-left-off", 60418), blank: f("blank", 60419), heartFilled: f("heart-filled", 60420), map: f("map", 60421), mapHorizontal: f("map-horizontal", 60421), foldHorizontal: f("fold-horizontal", 60421), mapFilled: f("map-filled", 60422), mapHorizontalFilled: f("map-horizontal-filled", 60422), foldHorizontalFilled: f("fold-horizontal-filled", 60422), circleSmall: f("circle-small", 60423), bellSlash: f("bell-slash", 60424), bellSlashDot: f("bell-slash-dot", 60425), commentUnresolved: f("comment-unresolved", 60426), gitPullRequestGoToChanges: f("git-pull-request-go-to-changes", 60427), gitPullRequestNewChanges: f("git-pull-request-new-changes", 60428), searchFuzzy: f("search-fuzzy", 60429), commentDraft: f("comment-draft", 60430), send: f("send", 60431), sparkle: f("sparkle", 60432), insert: f("insert", 60433), mic: f("mic", 60434), thumbsdownFilled: f("thumbsdown-filled", 60435), thumbsupFilled: f("thumbsup-filled", 60436), coffee: f("coffee", 60437), snake: f("snake", 60438), game: f("game", 60439), vr: f("vr", 60440), chip: f("chip", 60441), piano: f("piano", 60442), music: f("music", 60443), micFilled: f("mic-filled", 60444), repoFetch: f("repo-fetch", 60445), copilot: f("copilot", 60446), lightbulbSparkle: f("lightbulb-sparkle", 60447), robot: f("robot", 60448), sparkleFilled: f("sparkle-filled", 60449), diffSingle: f("diff-single", 60450), diffMultiple: f("diff-multiple", 60451), surroundWith: f("surround-with", 60452), share: f("share", 60453), gitStash: f("git-stash", 60454), gitStashApply: f("git-stash-apply", 60455), gitStashPop: f("git-stash-pop", 60456), vscode: f("vscode", 60457), vscodeInsiders: f("vscode-insiders", 60458), codeOss: f("code-oss", 60459), runCoverage: f("run-coverage", 60460), runAllCoverage: f("run-all-coverage", 60461), coverage: f("coverage", 60462), githubProject: f("github-project", 60463), mapVertical: f("map-vertical", 60464), foldVertical: f("fold-vertical", 60464), mapVerticalFilled: f("map-vertical-filled", 60465), foldVerticalFilled: f("fold-vertical-filled", 60465), goToSearch: f("go-to-search", 60466), percentage: f("percentage", 60467), sortPercentage: f("sort-percentage", 60467), attach: f("attach", 60468), goToEditingSession: f("go-to-editing-session", 60469), editSession: f("edit-session", 60470), codeReview: f("code-review", 60471), copilotWarning: f("copilot-warning", 60472), python: f("python", 60473), copilotLarge: f("copilot-large", 60474), copilotWarningLarge: f("copilot-warning-large", 60475) } } }); function N9() { return Object.values(T) } var O9, T, _c = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/codicons.js"() { "use strict"; R9(), aO(), O9 = { dialogError: f("dialog-error", "error"), dialogWarning: f("dialog-warning", "warning"), dialogInfo: f("dialog-info", "info"), dialogClose: f("dialog-close", "close"), treeItemExpanded: f("tree-item-expanded", "chevron-down"), treeFilterOnTypeOn: f("tree-filter-on-type-on", "list-filter"), treeFilterOnTypeOff: f("tree-filter-on-type-off", "list-selection"), treeFilterClear: f("tree-filter-clear", "close"), treeItemLoading: f("tree-item-loading", "loading"), menuSelection: f("menu-selection", "check"), menuSubmenu: f("menu-submenu", "chevron-right"), menuBarMore: f("menubar-more", "more"), scrollbarButtonLeft: f("scrollbar-button-left", "triangle-left"), scrollbarButtonRight: f("scrollbar-button-right", "triangle-right"), scrollbarButtonUp: f("scrollbar-button-up", "triangle-up"), scrollbarButtonDown: f("scrollbar-button-down", "triangle-down"), toolBarMore: f("toolbar-more", "more"), quickInputBack: f("quick-input-back", "arrow-left"), dropDownButton: f("drop-down-button", 60084), symbolCustomColor: f("symbol-customcolor", 60252), exportIcon: f("export", 60332), workspaceUnspecified: f("workspace-unspecified", 60355), newLine: f("newline", 60394), thumbsDownFilled: f("thumbsdown-filled", 60435), thumbsUpFilled: f("thumbsup-filled", 60436), gitFetch: f("git-fetch", 60445), lightbulbSparkleAutofix: f("lightbulb-sparkle-autofix", 60447), debugBreakpointPending: f("debug-breakpoint-pending", 60377) }, T = { ...L9, ...O9 } } }), jm, zn, vh = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/themables.js"() { "use strict"; _c(), function (e) { function t(s) { return s && typeof s == "object" && typeof == "string" } e.isThemeColor = t }(jm || (jm = {})), function (e) { e.iconNameSegment = "[A-Za-z0-9]+", e.iconNameExpression = "[A-Za-z0-9-]+", e.iconModifierExpression = "~[A-Za-z]+", e.iconNameCharacter = "[A-Za-z0-9~-]"; const t = new RegExp(`^(${e.iconNameExpression})(${e.iconModifierExpression})?$`); function s(d) { const p = t.exec(; if (!p) return s(T.error); const [, g, w] = p, y = ["codicon", "codicon-" + g]; return w && y.push("codicon-modifier-" + w.substring(1)), y } e.asClassNameArray = s; function i(d) { return s(d).join(" ") } e.asClassName = i; function n(d) { return "." + s(d).join(".") } e.asCSSSelector = n; function r(d) { return d && typeof d == "object" && typeof == "string" && (typeof d.color > "u" || jm.isThemeColor(d.color)) } e.isThemeIcon = r; const o = new RegExp(`^\\$\\((${e.iconNameExpression}(?:${e.iconModifierExpression})?)\\)$`); function a(d) { const p = o.exec(d); if (!p) return; const [, g] = p; return { id: g } } e.fromString = a; function c(d) { return { id: d } } e.fromId = c; function l(d, p) { let g =; const w = g.lastIndexOf("~"); return w !== -1 && (g = g.substring(0, w)), p && (g = `${g}~${p}`), { id: g } } e.modify = l; function u(d) { const p ="~"); if (p !== -1) return + 1) } e.getModifier = u; function h(d, p) { return === && d.color?.id === p.color?.id } e.isEqual = h }(zn || (zn = {})) } }); function cO(e) { return e.replace(C9, (t, s) => s ? t : `\\${t}`) } var bh, C9, lO, uO, hO, fO = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/iconLabels.js"() { "use strict"; oO(), et(), vh(), bh = new RegExp(`\\$\\(${zn.iconNameExpression}(?:${zn.iconModifierExpression})?\\)`, "g"), C9 = new RegExp(`(\\\\)?${bh.source}`, "g"), lO = new RegExp(`\\\\${bh.source}`, "g"), uO = new RegExp(`(\\s)?(\\\\)?${bh.source}(\\s)?`, "g"), hO = new RegExp(`\\$\\(${zn.iconNameCharacter}+\\)`, "g") } }); function jc(e) { return e instanceof Di ? !0 : e && typeof e == "object" ? typeof e.value == "string" && (typeof e.isTrusted == "boolean" || typeof e.isTrusted == "object" || e.isTrusted === void 0) && (typeof e.supportThemeIcons == "boolean" || e.supportThemeIcons === void 0) : !1 } function dO(e) { return e.replace(/[\\`*_{}[\]()#+\-!~]/g, "\\$&") } function pO(e, t) {
  165. const s = e.match(/^`+/gm)?.reduce((n, r) => n.length > r.length ? n : r).length ?? 0, i = s >= 3 ? s + 1 : 3; return [`${"`".repeat(i)}${t}`, e, `${"`".repeat(i)}`].join(`
  166. `)
  167. } function mO(e) { const t = [], s = e.split("|").map(n => n.trim()); e = s[0]; const i = s[1]; if (i) { const n = /height=(\d+)/.exec(i), r = /width=(\d+)/.exec(i), o = n ? n[1] : "", a = r ? r[1] : "", c = isFinite(parseInt(a)), l = isFinite(parseInt(o)); c && t.push(`width="${a}"`), l && t.push(`height="${o}"`) } return { href: e, dimensions: t } } var _9, Di, Tc = v({
  168. "out-build/vs/base/common/htmlContent.js"() {
  169. "use strict"; fe(), fO(), kt(), et(), ee(), function (e) { e[e.Paragraph = 0] = "Paragraph", e[e.Break = 1] = "Break" }(_9 || (_9 = {})), Di = class {
  170. constructor(e = "", t = !1) { if (this.value = e, typeof this.value != "string") throw _e("value"); typeof t == "boolean" ? (this.isTrusted = t, this.supportThemeIcons = !1, this.supportHtml = !1) : (this.isTrusted = t.isTrusted ?? void 0, this.supportThemeIcons = t.supportThemeIcons ?? !1, this.supportHtml = t.supportHtml ?? !1) } appendText(e, t = 0) {
  171. return this.value += dO(this.supportThemeIcons ? cO(e) : e).replace(/([ \t]+)/g, (s, i) => "&nbsp;".repeat(i.length)).replace(/\>/gm, "\\>").replace(/\n/g, t === 1 ? `\\
  172. `: `
  173. `), this
  174. } appendMarkdown(e) { return this.value += e, this } appendCodeblock(e, t) {
  175. return this.value += `
  176. ${pO(t, e)}
  177. `, this
  178. } appendLink(e, t, s) { return this.value += "[", this.value += this.c(t, "]"), this.value += "](", this.value += this.c(String(e), ")"), s && (this.value += ` "${this.c(this.c(s, '"'), ")")}"`), this.value += ")", this } c(e, t) { const s = new RegExp(Rn(t), "g"); return e.replace(s, (i, n) => e.charAt(n - 1) !== "\\" ? `\\${i}` : i) }
  179. }
  180. }
  181. }); function wt(e, t) { if (e instanceof tt) return e; let s; return e instanceof $c ? s = new tt(e.message, e.code === "DownloadFailedWriting" ? "DownloadFailedWriting" : "Gallery") : s = new tt(e.message, In(e) ? "Cancelled" : t ?? "Internal"), s.stack = e.stack, s } function Tm(e, t, { extensionData: s, verificationStatus: i, duration: n, error: r, source: o, durationSinceUpdate: a }) { e.publicLog(t, { ...s, source: o, duration: n, durationSinceUpdate: a, success: !r, errorcode: r?.code, verificationStatus: i === Lt.Success ? "Verified" : i ?? "Unverified" }) } var yh, Eh, Um, xh = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/abstractExtensionManagementService.js"() { "use strict"; Et(), Ue(), Dt(), fe(), re(), z(), ls(), X(), ee(), he(), Ds(), mn(), Ii(), rh(), Re(), Ls(), As(), qs(), Js(), Tc(), yh = class extends J { constructor(t, s) { super(), this.g = t, this.h = s } async canInstall(t) { const s = this.h.isAllowed({ id:, publisherDisplayName: t.publisherDisplayName }); if (s !== !0) return new Di(m(1798, null, s.value)); if (!await this.j(t)) { const i = $s ? m(1799, null, this.g.nameLong) : this.g.nameLong, n = $s ? "" : ""; return new Di(`${m(1800, null, t.displayName ??, i, Y5(await this.getTargetPlatform()))} [${m(1801, null)}](${n})`) } return !0 } async j(t) { const s = await this.getTargetPlatform(); return t.allTargetPlatforms.some(i => sm(i, t.allTargetPlatforms, s)) } }, yh = __decorate([__param(0, Nt), __param(1, dn)], yh), Eh = class extends yh { get onInstallExtension() { return this.u.event } get onDidInstallExtensions() { return this.w.event } get onUninstallExtension() { return this.y.event } get onDidUninstallExtension() { return this.z.event } get onDidUpdateExtensionMetadata() { return this.C.event } constructor(t, s, i, n, r, o, a) { super(r, o), this.F = t, this.G = s, this.H = i, this.I = n, this.J = a, this.n = 0, this.s = new Map, this.t = new Map, this.u = this.B(new D), this.w = this.B(new D), this.y = this.B(new D), this.z = this.B(new D), this.C = this.B(new D), this.D = [], this.B(ye(() => { this.s.forEach(({ task: c }) => c.cancel()), this.t.forEach(c => c.cancel()), this.s.clear(), this.t.clear() })) } async installFromGallery(t, s = {}) { try { const n = (await this.installGalleryExtensions([{ extension: t, options: s }])).find(({ identifier: r }) => xe(r, t.identifier)); if (n?.local) return n?.local; throw n?.error ? n.error : new tt(`Unknown error while installing extension ${}`, "Unknown") } catch (i) { throw wt(i) } } async installGalleryExtensions(t) { if (!this.F.isEnabled()) throw new tt(m(1802, null), "NotAllowed"); const s = [], i = []; return await Promise.allSettled( ({ extension: n, options: r }) => { try { const o = await this.Q(n, !!r?.installGivenVersion, !!r?.installPreReleaseVersion, r.productVersion ?? { version: this.g.version, date: }); i.push({ ...o, options: r }) } catch (o) { s.push({ identifier: n.identifier, operation: 2, source: n, error: o, profileLocation: r.profileLocation ?? this.Z() }) } })), i.length && s.push(...await this.L(i)), s } async uninstall(t, s) { return this.I.trace("ExtensionManagementService#uninstall",, this.uninstallExtensions([{ extension: t, options: s }]) } async toggleAppliationScope(t, s) { if (f6(t.manifest) || t.isBuiltin) return t; if (t.isApplicationScoped) { let i = await this.updateMetadata(t, { isApplicationScoped: !1 }, this.J.defaultProfile.extensionsResource); this.H.extUri.isEqual(s, this.J.defaultProfile.extensionsResource) || (i = await, this.J.defaultProfile.extensionsResource, s)); for (const n of this.J.profiles) { const r = (await this.getInstalled(1, n.extensionsResource)).find(o => xe(o.identifier, t.identifier)); r ?{ local: r, profileLocation: n.extensionsResource }) :{ identifier: t.identifier, profileLocation: n.extensionsResource }) } return i } else { const i = this.H.extUri.isEqual(s, this.J.defaultProfile.extensionsResource) ? await this.updateMetadata(t, { isApplicationScoped: !0 }, this.J.defaultProfile.extensionsResource) : await, s, this.J.defaultProfile.extensionsResource, { isApplicationScoped: !0 }); return[{ identifier: i.identifier, operation: 2, local: i, profileLocation: this.J.defaultProfile.extensionsResource, applicationScoped: !0 }]), i } } getExtensionsControlManifest() { const t = new Date().getTime(); return (!this.m || t - this.n > 1e3 * 60 * 5) && (this.m = this.Y(), this.n = t), this.m } registerParticipant(t) { this.D.push(t) } async resetPinnedStateForAllUserExtensions(t) { try { await this.O( s => { const i = await this.getInstalled(1, s.extensionsResource); await this.O( n => { n.pinned !== t && await this.updateMetadata(n, { pinned: t }, s.extensionsResource) })) })) } catch (s) { throw this.I.error("Error while resetting pinned state for all user extensions", ge(s)), s } } async L(t) { const s = new Map, i = new Map, n = [], r = (c, l) => `${is.create(c).toString()}-${l.toString()}`, o = (c, l, u, h) => { if (!E.isUri(l)) { if (i.has(`${}-${u.profileLocation.toString()}`)) return; const g = this.s.get(r(l, u.profileLocation)); if (g) { if (h && this.N(h, g.task)) { const w = g.task.identifier;"Waiting for already requested installing extension",,, u.profileLocation.toString()), g.waitingTasks.push(h), n.push(H.toPromise(H.filter(this.onDidInstallExtensions, y => y.some(x => xe(x.identifier, w)))).then(y => { if ("Finished waiting for already requested installing extension",,, u.profileLocation.toString()), !y.find(k => xe(k.identifier, w))?.local) throw new Error(`Extension ${} is not installed`) })) } return } } const d = this.$(c, l, u), p = `${pn(c.publisher,}-${u.profileLocation.toString()}`; i.set(p, { task: d, root: h }),{ identifier: d.identifier, source: l, profileLocation: u.profileLocation }),"Installing extension:",, u), E.isUri(l) || this.s.set(r(l, u.profileLocation), { task: d, waitingTasks: [] }) }; try { for (const { manifest: l, extension: u, options: h } of t) { const d = h.isApplicationScoped || h.isBuiltin || f6(l), p = { ...h, installOnlyNewlyAddedFromExtensionPack: h.installOnlyNewlyAddedFromExtensionPack ?? !E.isUri(u), isApplicationScoped: d, profileLocation: d ? this.J.defaultProfile.extensionsResource : h.profileLocation ?? this.Z(), productVersion: h.productVersion ?? { version: this.g.version, date: } }, g = E.isUri(u) ? void 0 : this.s.get(r(u, p.profileLocation)); g ? ("Extension is already requested to install",, p.profileLocation.toString()), n.push(g.task.waitUntilTaskIsFinished())) : o(l, u, p, void 0) } await Promise.all([...i.values()].map(async ({ task: l }) => { if (l.options.donotIncludePackAndDependencies)"Installing the extension without checking dependencies and pack",; else try { const u = await this.P(l.identifier, l.manifest, !!l.options.installOnlyNewlyAddedFromExtensionPack, !!l.options.installPreReleaseVersion, l.options.profileLocation, l.options.productVersion), h = await this.getInstalled(void 0, l.options.profileLocation, l.options.productVersion), d = { ...l.options, context: { ...l.options.context, [e6]: !0 } }; for (const { gallery: p, manifest: g } of Qi(u, ({ gallery: w }) => h.some(({ identifier: w }) => xe(w, p.identifier)) || o(g, p, d, l) } catch (u) { if (E.isUri(l.source)) uu(l.manifest.extensionDependencies) && this.I.warn("Cannot install dependencies of extension:",, u.message), uu(l.manifest.extensionPack) && this.I.warn("Cannot install packed extensions of extension:",, u.message); else throw this.I.error("Error while preparing to install dependencies and extension packs of the extension:",, u } })); const c = await this.M([...i.values()].map(({ task: l }) => l)); for (const [l, u] of c) o(u.manifest, u.source, { ...u.options, profileLocation: l }, void 0); await this.O([...i.entries()].map(async ([l, { task: u }]) => { const h = new Date().getTime(); let d; try { d = await, await this.O( => p.postInstall(d, u.source, u.options, Ne.None)), "PostInstall") } catch (p) { const g = wt(p); throw E.isUri(u.source) || Tm(this.G, u.operation === 3 ? "extensionGallery:update" : "extensionGallery:install", { extensionData: um(u.source), error: g, source: u.options.context?.[nm] }), s.set(l, { error: g, identifier: u.identifier, operation: u.operation, source: u.source, context: u.options.context, profileLocation: u.options.profileLocation, applicationScoped: u.options.isApplicationScoped }), this.I.error("Error while installing the extension",, ge(g), u.options.profileLocation.toString()), g } if (!E.isUri(u.source)) { const p = u.operation === 3, g = p ? void 0 : (new Date().getTime() - u.source.lastUpdated) / 1e3; if (Tm(this.G, p ? "extensionGallery:update" : "extensionGallery:install", { extensionData: um(u.source), verificationStatus: u.verificationStatus, duration: new Date().getTime() - h, durationSinceUpdate: g, source: u.options.context?.[nm] }), $s && u.operation !== 3) try { await this.F.reportStatistic(d.manifest.publisher,, d.manifest.version, "install") } catch { } } s.set(l, { local: d, identifier: u.identifier, operation: u.operation, source: u.source, context: u.options.context, profileLocation: u.options.profileLocation, applicationScoped: d.isApplicationScoped }) })), n.length && await this.O(n) } catch (c) { const l = (d, p, g) => { const w = []; d.manifest.extensionDependencies?.length && w.push(...d.manifest.extensionDependencies), d.manifest.extensionPack?.length && w.push(...d.manifest.extensionPack); for (const y of w) { if (g.includes(y.toLowerCase())) continue; g.push(y.toLowerCase()); const x = s.get(`${y.toLowerCase()}-${p.toString()}`); x?.local && (g = l(x.local, p, g)) } return g }, u = d => ({ identifier: d.identifier, operation: 2, source: d.source, context: d.options.context, profileLocation: d.options.profileLocation, error: c }), h = []; for (const [d, { task: p, root: g }] of i) { const w = s.get(d); w ? w.local && g && !s.get(`${}-${p.options.profileLocation.toString()}`)?.local && (h.push(this.ab(w.local, { versionOnly: !0, profileLocation: p.options.profileLocation })), s.set(d, u(p))) : (p.cancel(), s.set(d, u(p))) } for (const [d, { task: p }] of i) { const g = s.get(d); if (!g?.local || p.options.donotIncludePackAndDependencies) continue; l(g.local, p.options.profileLocation, []).slice(1).some(y => i.has(`${y.toLowerCase()}-${p.options.profileLocation.toString()}`) && !s.get(`${y.toLowerCase()}-${p.options.profileLocation.toString()}`)?.local) && (h.push(this.ab(g.local, { versionOnly: !0, profileLocation: p.options.profileLocation })), s.set(d, u(p))) } h.length && await Promise.allSettled( d => { try { await,"Rollback: Uninstalled extension", } catch (p) { this.I.warn("Rollback: Error while uninstalling extension",, ge(p)) } })) } finally { for (const { task: c } of i.values()) c.source && !E.isUri(c.source) && this.s.delete(r(c.source, c.options.profileLocation)) } const a = [...s.values()]; for (const c of a) c.local &&"Extension installed successfully:",, c.profileLocation.toString()); return, a } async M(t) { const s = [], i = new At; for (const n of t) if (!(n.operation !== 3 || n.options.isApplicationScoped || n.options.pinned || n.options.installGivenVersion || E.isUri(n.source))) for (const r of this.J.profiles) { if (this.H.extUri.isEqual(r.extensionsResource, n.options.profileLocation)) continue; let o = i.get(r.extensionsResource); o || (o = await this.getInstalled(1, r.extensionsResource), i.set(r.extensionsResource, o)); const a = o.find(c => xe(c.identifier, n.identifier)); a && !a.pinned && s.push([r.extensionsResource, n]) } return s } N(t, s) { for (const [, { task: i, waitingTasks: n }] of this.s.entries()) if (i === t && (n.includes(s) || n.some(r => this.N(r, s))) || i === s && n[0] && !this.N(t, n[0])) return !1; return !0 } async O(t, s) { const i = [], n = [], r = await Promise.allSettled(t); for (const a of r) a.status === "fulfilled" ? i.push(a.value) : n.push(wt(a.reason, s)); if (!n.length) return i; if (n.length === 1) throw n[0]; let o = new tt("", "Unknown"); for (const a of n) o = new tt(o.message ? `${o.message}, ${a.message}` : a.message, a.code !== "Unknown" && a.code !== "Internal" ? a.code : o.code); throw o } async P(t, s, i, n, r, o) { if (!this.F.isEnabled()) return []; const a = await this.getInstalled(void 0, r, o), c = [], l = [], u = async (h, d) => { c.push(h); const p = d.extensionDependencies || [], g = [...p]; if (d.extensionPack) { const w = i ? a.find(y => xe(y.identifier, h)) : void 0; for (const y of d.extensionPack) w && w.manifest.extensionPack && w.manifest.extensionPack.some(x => xe({ id: x }, { id: y })) || g.every(x => !xe({ id: x }, { id: y })) && g.push(y) } if (g.length) { const w = g.filter(y => c.every(x => !xe(x, { id: y }))); if (w.length) { const y = await this.F.getExtensions( => ({ id: x, preRelease: n })), Ne.None); for (const x of y) { if (c.find(I => xe(I, x.identifier))) continue; const k = p.some(I => xe({ id: I }, x.identifier)); let A; try { A = await this.Q(x, !1, n, o) } catch (I) { if (k) throw I;"Skipping the packed extension as it cannot be installed",, ge(I)); continue } l.push({ gallery: A.extension, manifest: A.manifest }), await u(A.extension.identifier, A.manifest) } } } }; return await u(t, s), l } async Q(t, s, i, n) { let r; const o = await this.getExtensionsControlManifest(); if (o.malicious.some(l => xe(t.identifier, l))) throw new tt(m(1803, null,, "Malicious"); const a = o.deprecated[]; if (a?.extension?.autoMigrate) { if (`The '${}' extension is deprecated, fetching the compatible '${}' extension instead.`), r = (await this.F.getExtensions([{ id:, preRelease: a.extension.preRelease }], { targetPlatform: await this.getTargetPlatform(), compatible: !0, productVersion: n }, Ne.None))[0], !r) throw new tt(m(1804, null,,, "Deprecated") } else { if (await this.canInstall(t) !== !0) { const l = await this.getTargetPlatform(); throw new tt(m(1805, null,, this.g.nameLong, Y5(l)), "IncompatibleTargetPlatform") } if (r = await this.R(t, s, i, n), !r) { const l = []; throw pm( ?? [], l) ? !i && && (await this.F.getExtensions([t.identifier], Ne.None))[0] ? new tt(m(1807, null, t.displayName ??, "ReleaseVersionNotFound") : new tt(m(1808, null,, this.g.nameLong, this.g.version), "Incompatible") : new tt(m(1806, null, t.displayName ??, l[0]), "IncompatibleApi") } }"Getting Manifest...",; const c = await this.F.getManifest(r, Ne.None); if (c === null) throw new tt(`Missing manifest for extension ${}`, "Invalid"); if (c.version !== r.version) throw new tt(`Cannot install '${}' extension because of version mismatch in Marketplace`, "Invalid"); return { extension: r, manifest: c } } async R(t, s, i, n) { const r = await this.getTargetPlatform(); let o = null; return !s && t.hasPreReleaseVersion && !== i && (o = (await this.F.getExtensions([{ ...t.identifier, preRelease: i }], { targetPlatform: r, compatible: !0, productVersion: n }, Ne.None))[0] || null), !o && await this.F.isExtensionCompatible(t, i, r, n) && (o = t), o || (s ? o = (await this.F.getExtensions([{ ...t.identifier, version: t.version }], { targetPlatform: r, compatible: !0, productVersion: n }, Ne.None))[0] || null : o = await this.F.getCompatibleExtension(t, i, r, n)), o } async uninstallExtensions(t) { const s = (l, u) => `${}${u.versionOnly ? `-${l.manifest.version}` : ""}@${u.profileLocation.toString()}`, i = (l, u) => { const h = this.ab(l, u); return this.t.set(s(h.extension, u), h),"Uninstalling extension from the profile:", `${}@${l.manifest.version}`, u.profileLocation.toString()),{ identifier: l.identifier, profileLocation: u.profileLocation, applicationScoped: l.isApplicationScoped }), h }, n = (l, u, h) => { h ? this.I.error("Failed to uninstall extension from the profile:", `${}@${l.manifest.version}`, u.profileLocation.toString(), h.message) :"Successfully uninstalled extension from the profile", `${}@${l.manifest.version}`, u.profileLocation.toString()), Tm(this.G, "extensionGallery:uninstall", { extensionData: wL(l), error: h }),{ identifier: l.identifier, error: h?.code, profileLocation: u.profileLocation, applicationScoped: l.isApplicationScoped }) }, r = [], o = [], a = [], c = new At; for (const { extension: l, options: u } of t) { const h = { ...u, profileLocation: l.isApplicationScoped ? this.J.defaultProfile.extensionsResource : u?.profileLocation ?? this.Z() }, d = this.t.get(s(l, h)); d ? ("Extensions is already requested to uninstall",, a.push(d.waitUntilTaskIsFinished())) : r.push(i(l, h)) } try { for (const l of r.slice(0)) { let u = c.get(l.options.profileLocation); if (u || c.set(l.options.profileLocation, u = await this.getInstalled(1, l.options.profileLocation)), l.options.donotIncludePack)"Uninstalling the extension without including packed extension", `${}@${l.extension.manifest.version}`); else { const h = this.W(l.extension, u); for (const d of h) this.t.has(s(d, l.options)) ?"Extensions is already requested to uninstall", : r.push(i(d, l.options)) } l.options.donotCheckDependents ?"Uninstalling the extension without checking dependents", `${}@${l.extension.manifest.version}`) : this.S( => h.extension), u, l.extension) } await this.O( l => { try { if (await, await this.O( => u.postUninstall(l.extension, l.options, Ne.None))), l.extension.identifier.uuid) try { await this.F.reportStatistic(l.extension.manifest.publisher,, l.extension.manifest.version, "uninstall") } catch { } } catch (u) { const h = wt(u); throw n(l.extension, l.options, h), h } finally { o.push(l) } })), a.length && await this.O(a); for (const l of r) n(l.extension, l.options) } catch (l) { const u = wt(l); for (const h of r) { try { h.cancel() } catch { } o.includes(h) || n(h.extension, h.options, u) } throw u } finally { for (const l of r) this.t.delete(s(l.extension, l.options)) || this.I.warn("Uninstallation task is not found in the cache", } } S(t, s, i) { for (const n of t) { const r = this.X(n, s); if (r.length) { const o = r.filter(a => !t.some(c => xe(c.identifier, a.identifier))); if (o.length) throw new Error(this.U(n, o, i)) } } } U(t, s, i) { return i === t ? s.length === 1 ? m(1809, null, i.manifest.displayName ||, s[0].manifest.displayName || s[0] : s.length === 2 ? m(1810, null, i.manifest.displayName ||, s[0].manifest.displayName || s[0], s[1].manifest.displayName || s[1] : m(1811, null, i.manifest.displayName ||, s[0].manifest.displayName || s[0], s[1].manifest.displayName || s[1] : s.length === 1 ? m(1812, null, i.manifest.displayName ||, t.manifest.displayName ||, s[0].manifest.displayName || s[0] : s.length === 2 ? m(1813, null, i.manifest.displayName ||, t.manifest.displayName ||, s[0].manifest.displayName || s[0], s[1].manifest.displayName || s[1] : m(1814, null, i.manifest.displayName ||, t.manifest.displayName ||, s[0].manifest.displayName || s[0], s[1].manifest.displayName || s[1] } W(t, s, i = []) { if (i.indexOf(t) !== -1) return []; i.push(t); const n = t.manifest.extensionPack ? t.manifest.extensionPack : []; if (n.length) { const r = s.filter(a => !a.isBuiltin && n.some(c => xe({ id: c }, a.identifier))), o = []; for (const a of r) o.push(...this.W(a, s, i)); return [...r, ...o] } return [] } X(t, s) { return s.filter(i => i.manifest.extensionDependencies && i.manifest.extensionDependencies.some(n => xe({ id: n }, t.identifier))) } async Y() { try { return this.I.trace("ExtensionManagementService.updateControlCache"), await this.F.getExtensionsControlManifest() } catch (t) { return this.I.trace("ExtensionManagementService.refreshControlCache - failed to get extension control manifest", ge(t)), { malicious: [], deprecated: {}, search: [] } } } }, Eh = __decorate([__param(0, oi), __param(1, qt), __param(2, jt), __param(3, pe), __param(4, Nt), __param(5, dn), __param(6, Gs)], Eh), Um = class { constructor() { this.d = new kp } async waitUntilTaskIsFinished() { return await this.d.wait(), this.g } run() { return this.g || (this.g = cn(e => this.h(e))),, this.g } cancel() { this.g || (this.g = cn(e => new Promise((t, s) => { const i = e.onCancellationRequested(() => { i.dispose(), s(new It) }) })),, this.g.cancel() } } } }); function j9(e) { return ct(e) && aL(e.identifier) && (gO(e.location) || ve(e.location) && e.location) && (ni(e.relativeLocation) || ve(e.relativeLocation)) && e.version && ve(e.version) } function gO(e) { return e ? ve(e.path) && ve(e.scheme) : !1 } var T9, Uc, Ri, kh, Uo = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/extensionsProfileScannerService.js"() { "use strict"; Ue(), Me(), z(), re(), ls(), ee(), Ds(), mn(), st(), oe(), Re(), Js(), qs(), $e(), fe(), As(), function (e) { e.ERROR_PROFILE_NOT_FOUND = "ERROR_PROFILE_NOT_FOUND", e.ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT = "ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT" }(T9 || (T9 = {})), Uc = class extends Error { constructor(e, t) { super(e), this.code = t } }, Ri = se("IExtensionsProfileScannerService"), kh = class extends J { constructor(t, s, i, n, r, o) { super(), this.j = t, this.m = s, this.n = i, this.r = n, this.s = r, this.t = o, this.b = this.B(new D), this.onAddExtensions = this.b.event, this.c = this.B(new D), this.onDidAddExtensions = this.c.event, this.f = this.B(new D), this.onRemoveExtensions = this.f.event, this.g = this.B(new D), this.onDidRemoveExtensions = this.g.event, this.h = new At } scanProfileExtensions(t, s) { return this.u(t, void 0, s) } async addExtensionsToProfile(t, s, i) { const n = [], r = []; try { return await this.u(s, o => { const a = []; if (i) a.push(...o); else for (const c of o) t.some(([l]) => xe(l.identifier, c.identifier) && l.manifest.version !== c.version) ? n.push(c) : a.push(c); for (const [c, l] of t) { const u = a.findIndex(d => xe(d.identifier, c.identifier) && d.version === c.manifest.version), h = { identifier: c.identifier, version: c.manifest.version, location: c.location, metadata: l }; u === -1 ? (r.push(h), a.push(h)) : a.splice(u, 1, h) } return r.length &&{ extensions: r, profileLocation: s }), n.length &&{ extensions: n, profileLocation: s }), a }), r.length &&{ extensions: r, profileLocation: s }), n.length &&{ extensions: n, profileLocation: s }), r } catch (o) { throw r.length &&{ extensions: r, error: o, profileLocation: s }), n.length &&{ extensions: n, error: o, profileLocation: s }), o } } async updateMetadata(t, s) { const i = []; return await this.u(s, n => { const r = []; for (const o of n) { const a = t.find(([c]) => xe(c.identifier, o.identifier) && c.manifest.version === o.version); a && (o.metadata = { ...o.metadata, ...a[1] }, i.push(o)), r.push(o) } return r }), i } async removeExtensionFromProfile(t, s) { const i = []; try { await this.u(s, n => { const r = []; for (const o of n) xe(o.identifier, t.identifier) ? i.push(o) : r.push(o); return i.length &&{ extensions: i, profileLocation: s }), r }), i.length &&{ extensions: i, profileLocation: s }) } catch (n) { throw i.length &&{ extensions: i, error: n, profileLocation: s }), n } } async u(t, s, i) { return this.F(t).queue(async () => { let n = [], r; try { const o = await this.m.readFile(t); r = JSON.parse(o.value.toString().trim() || "[]") } catch (o) { if (Gt(o) !== 1) throw o; if (this.r.extUri.isEqual(t, this.n.defaultProfile.extensionsResource) && (r = await this.D()), !r && i?.bailOutWhenFileNotFound) throw new Uc(ge(o), "ERROR_PROFILE_NOT_FOUND") } if (r) { Array.isArray(r) || this.w(t); let o = !1; for (const a of r) { j9(a) || this.w(t); let c; if (ve(a.relativeLocation) && a.relativeLocation) c = this.z(a.relativeLocation); else if (ve(a.location)) { this.t.warn(`Extensions profile: Ignoring extension with invalid location: ${a.location}`); continue } else { c = E.revive(a.location); const l = this.y(c); l && (o = !0, a.relativeLocation = l) } ni(a.metadata?.hasPreReleaseVersion) && a.metadata?.preRelease && (o = !0, a.metadata.hasPreReleaseVersion = !0), n.push({ identifier: a.identifier, location: c, version: a.version, metadata: a.metadata }) } o && await this.m.writeFile(t, O.fromString(JSON.stringify(r))) } if (s) { n = s(n); const o = => ({ identifier: a.identifier, version: a.version, location: a.location.toJSON(), relativeLocation: this.y(a.location), metadata: a.metadata })); await this.m.writeFile(t, O.fromString(JSON.stringify(o))) } return n }) } w(t) { const s = new Uc(`Invalid extensions content in ${t.toString()}`, "ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT"); throw this.s.publicLogError2("extensionsProfileScanningError", { code: s.code }), s } y(t) { return this.r.extUri.isEqual(this.r.extUri.dirname(t), this.j) ? this.r.extUri.basename(t) : void 0 } z(t) { return this.r.extUri.joinPath(this.j, t) } async D() { return this.C || (this.C = (async () => { const t = this.r.extUri.joinPath(this.n.defaultProfile.location, "extensions.json"), s = this.r.extUri.joinPath(this.j, ".init-default-profile-extensions"); let i; try { i = (await this.m.readFile(t)).value.toString() } catch (r) { if (Gt(r) === 1) return; throw r }"Migrating extensions from old default profile location", t.toString()); let n; try { const r = JSON.parse(i); Array.isArray(r) && r.every(o => j9(o)) ? n = r : this.t.warn("Skipping migrating from old default profile locaiton: Found invalid data", r) } catch (r) { this.t.error(r) } if (n) try { await this.m.createFile(this.n.defaultProfile.extensionsResource, O.fromString(JSON.stringify(n)), { overwrite: !1 }),"Migrated extensions from old default profile location to new location", t.toString(), this.n.defaultProfile.extensionsResource.toString()) } catch (r) { if (Gt(r) === 3)"Migration from old default profile location to new location is done by another window", t.toString(), this.n.defaultProfile.extensionsResource.toString()); else throw r } try { await this.m.del(t) } catch (r) { Gt(r) !== 1 && this.t.error(r) } try { await this.m.del(s) } catch (r) { Gt(r) !== 1 && this.t.error(r) } return n })()), this.C } F(t) { let s = this.h.get(t); return s || (s = new bo, this.h.set(t, s)), s } }, kh = __decorate([__param(1, gt), __param(2, Gs), __param(3, jt), __param(4, qt), __param(5, pe)], kh) } }); function Mm(e) { switch (e) { case 1: return m(116, null); case 2: return m(117, null); case 3: return m(118, null); case 4: return m(119, null); case 5: return m(120, null); case 6: return m(121, null); case 7: return m(122, null); case 8: return m(123, null); case 9: return m(124, null); default: return "" } } var wO = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/jsonErrorMessages.js"() { "use strict"; he() } }); function vO(e, t, s, i) { try { bO(e, t, s, i) } catch (n) { e.error(n?.message ?? n) } return t } function bO(e, t, s, i) { const n = (r, o, a) => { const c = r[o]; if (ve(c)) { const l = c, u = l.length; if (u > 1 && l[0] === "%" && l[u - 1] === "%") { const h = l.substr(1, u - 2); let d = s[h]; d === void 0 && i && (d = i[h]); const p = typeof d == "string" ? d : d?.message, g = i?.[h], w = typeof g == "string" ? g : g?.message; if (!p) { w || e.warn(`[${}]: ${m(1854, null, h)}`); return } if (a && (o === "title" || o === "category") && w && w !== p) { const y = { value: p, original: w }; r[o] = y } else r[o] = p } } else if (ct(c)) for (const l in c) c.hasOwnProperty(l) && (l === "commands" ? n(c, l, !0) : n(c, l, a)); else if (Array.isArray(c)) for (let l = 0; l < c.length; l++)n(c, l, a) }; for (const r in t) t.hasOwnProperty(r) && n(t, r) } var yO = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/extensionNls.js"() { "use strict"; $e(), he() } }); function $h(e, t) { const s = lm(e.manifest.publisher,; return { id: s, identifier: new Bn(s), isBuiltin: e.type === 0, isUserBuiltin: e.type === 1 && e.isBuiltin, isUnderDevelopment: t, extensionLocation: e.location, uuid: e.identifier.uuid, targetPlatform: e.targetPlatform, publisherDisplayName: e.publisherDisplayName, preRelease: e.preRelease, ...e.manifest } } var Fm, Or, Sh, Mo, Mc, Fc, Bc = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/extensionsScannerService.js"() { "use strict"; Et(), Ue(), es(), Me(), fe(), Ir(), wO(), z(), De(), de(), X(), kt(), Ro(), sh(), $e(), ee(), he(), ps(), mn(), Ii(), rh(), st(), oe(), Re(), Ls(), re(), Co(), Uo(), Js(), qs(), yO(), function (e) { function t(s, i) { if (s === i) return !0; const n = Object.keys(s), r = new Set; for (const o of Object.keys(i)) r.add(o); if (n.length !== r.size) return !1; for (const o of n) { if (s[o] !== i[o]) return !1; r.delete(o) } return r.size === 0 } e.equals = t }(Fm || (Fm = {})), Or = se("IExtensionsScannerService"), Sh = class extends J { constructor(t, s, i, n, r, o, a, c, l, u, h, d) { super(), this.systemExtensionsLocation = t, this.userExtensionsLocation = s, this.r = i, this.s = n, this.t = r, this.u = o, this.w = a, this.y = c, this.z = l, this.C = u, this.D = h, this.F = d, this.g = this.B(new D), this.onDidChangeCache = this.g.event, this.h = ne(this.userExtensionsLocation, ".obsolete"), this.j = this.B(this.F.createInstance(Fc, this.s, this.h)), this.m = this.B(this.F.createInstance(Fc, this.s, this.h)), this.n = this.B(this.F.createInstance(Mc, this.h)), this.H = void 0, this.B(this.j.onDidChangeCache(() =>, this.B(this.m.onDidChangeCache(() => } getTargetPlatform() { return this.G || (this.G = v6(this.w, this.y)), this.G } async scanAllExtensions(t, s, i) { const [n, r] = await Promise.all([this.scanSystemExtensions(t), this.scanUserExtensions(s)]), o = i ? await this.scanExtensionsUnderDevelopment(t, [...n, ...r]) : []; return this.L(n, r, o, await this.getTargetPlatform(), !0) } async scanSystemExtensions(t) { const s = []; s.push(this.M(!!t.useCache, t.language)), s.push(this.N(t.language, !!t.checkControlFile)); const [i, n] = await Promise.all(s); return this.J([...i, ...n], 0, t, !1) } async scanUserExtensions(t) { const s = t.profileLocation ?? this.userExtensionsLocation; this.y.trace("Started scanning user extensions", s); const i = this.D.extUri.isEqual(t.profileLocation, this.t.defaultProfile.extensionsResource) ? { bailOutWhenFileNotFound: !0 } : void 0, n = await this.P(s, !!t.profileLocation, 1, !t.includeUninstalled, t.language, !0, i, t.productVersion ?? this.R()), r = t.useCache && !n.devMode && n.excludeObsolete ? this.m : this.n; let o; try { o = await r.scanExtensions(n) } catch (a) { if (a instanceof Uc && a.code === "ERROR_PROFILE_NOT_FOUND") await this.I(), o = await r.scanExtensions(n); else throw a } return o = await this.J(o, 1, t, !0), this.y.trace("Scanned user extensions:", o.length), o } async scanExtensionsUnderDevelopment(t, s) { if (this.z.isExtensionDevelopment && this.z.extensionDevelopmentLocationURI) { const i = (await Promise.all(this.z.extensionDevelopmentLocationURI.filter(n => n.scheme === Z.file).map(async n => { const r = await this.P(n, !1, 1, !0, t.language, !1, void 0, t.productVersion ?? this.R()); return (await this.n.scanOneOrMultipleExtensions(r)).map(a => (a.type = s.find(c => xe(c.identifier, a.identifier))?.type ?? a.type, this.n.validate(a, r))) }))).flat(); return this.J(i, "development", t, !0) } return [] } async scanExistingExtension(t, s, i) { const n = await this.P(t, !1, s, !0, i.language, !0, void 0, i.productVersion ?? this.R()), r = await this.n.scanExtension(n); return !r || !i.includeInvalid && !r.isValid ? null : r } async scanOneOrMultipleExtensions(t, s, i) { const n = await this.P(t, !1, s, !0, i.language, !0, void 0, i.productVersion ?? this.R()), r = await this.n.scanOneOrMultipleExtensions(n); return this.J(r, s, i, !0) } async scanMultipleExtensions(t, s, i) { const n = []; return await Promise.all( r => { const o = await this.scanOneOrMultipleExtensions(r, s, i); n.push(...o) })), this.J(n, s, i, !0) } async scanMetadata(t) { const s = ne(t, "package.json"), i = (await this.w.readFile(s)).value.toString(); return JSON.parse(i).__metadata } async updateMetadata(t, s) { const i = ne(t, "package.json"), n = (await this.w.readFile(i)).value.toString(), r = JSON.parse(n); s.isMachineScoped === !1 && delete s.isMachineScoped, s.isBuiltin === !1 && delete s.isBuiltin, r.__metadata = { ...r.__metadata, ...s }, await this.w.writeFile(ne(t, "package.json"), O.fromString(JSON.stringify(r, null, " "))) } async initializeDefaultProfileExtensions() { try { await this.u.scanProfileExtensions(this.t.defaultProfile.extensionsResource, { bailOutWhenFileNotFound: !0 }) } catch (t) { if (t instanceof Uc && t.code === "ERROR_PROFILE_NOT_FOUND") await this.I(); else throw t } } async I() { return this.H || (this.H = (async () => { try {"Started initializing default profile extensions in extensions installation folder.", this.userExtensionsLocation.toString()); const t = await this.scanUserExtensions({ includeInvalid: !0 }); if (t.length) await this.u.addExtensionsToProfile( => [s, s.metadata]), this.t.defaultProfile.extensionsResource); else try { await this.w.createFile(this.t.defaultProfile.extensionsResource, O.fromString(JSON.stringify([]))) } catch (s) { Gt(s) !== 1 && this.y.warn("Failed to create default profile extensions manifest in extensions installation folder.", this.userExtensionsLocation.toString(), ge(s)) }"Completed initializing default profile extensions in extensions installation folder.", this.userExtensionsLocation.toString()) } catch (t) { this.y.error(t) } finally { this.H = void 0 } })()), this.H } async J(t, s, i, n) { return i.includeAllVersions || (t = this.L(s === 0 ? t : void 0, s === 1 ? t : void 0, s === "development" ? t : void 0, await this.getTargetPlatform(), n)), i.includeInvalid || (t = t.filter(r => r.isValid)), t.sort((r, o) => { const a = at(r.location.fsPath), c = at(o.location.fsPath); return a < c ? -1 : a > c ? 1 : 0 }) } L(t, s, i, n, r) { const o = (c, l, u) => { if (c.isValid && !l.isValid) return !1; if (c.isValid === l.isValid) { if (r && ih(c.manifest.version, l.manifest.version)) return this.y.debug(`Skipping extension ${l.location.path} with lower version ${l.manifest.version} in favour of ${c.location.path} with version ${c.manifest.version}`), !1; if (k6(c.manifest.version, l.manifest.version)) { if (c.type === 0) return this.y.debug(`Skipping extension ${l.location.path} in favour of system extension ${c.location.path} with same version`), !1; if (c.targetPlatform === n) return this.y.debug(`Skipping extension ${l.location.path} from different target platform ${l.targetPlatform}`), !1 } } return u ? this.y.warn(`Overwriting user extension ${c.location.path} with ${l.location.path}.`) : this.y.debug(`Overwriting user extension ${c.location.path} with ${l.location.path}.`), !0 }, a = new am; return t?.forEach(c => { const l = a.get(; (!l || o(l, c, !1)) && a.set(, c) }), s?.forEach(c => { const l = a.get(; if (!l && t && c.type === 0) { this.y.debug(`Skipping obsolete system extension ${c.location.path}.`); return } (!l || o(l, c, !1)) && a.set(, c) }), i?.forEach(c => { const l = a.get(; (!l || o(l, c, !0)) && a.set(, c), a.set(, c) }), [...a.values()] } async M(t, s) { this.y.trace("Started scanning system extensions"); const i = await this.P(this.systemExtensionsLocation, !1, 0, !0, s, !0, void 0, this.R()), r = await (t && !i.devMode ? this.j : this.n).scanExtensions(i); return this.y.trace("Scanned system extensions:", r.length), r } async N(t, s) { const i = this.z.isBuilt ? [] : this.C.builtInExtensions; if (!i?.length) return []; this.y.trace("Started scanning dev system extensions"); const n = s ? await this.O() : {}, r = [], o = E.file(si(_(_t.asFileUri("").fsPath, "..", ".build", "builtInExtensions"))); for (const c of i) { const l = n[] || "marketplace"; switch (l) { case "disabled": break; case "marketplace": r.push(ne(o,; break; default: r.push(E.file(l)); break } } const a = await Promise.all( c => this.n.scanExtension(await this.P(c, !1, 0, !0, t, !0, void 0, this.R())))); return this.y.trace("Scanned dev system extensions:", a.length), yi(a) } async O() { try { const t = await this.w.readFile(this.r); return JSON.parse(t.value.toString()) } catch { return {} } } async P(t, s, i, n, r, o, a, c) { const l = await this.f(r ?? Ss), u = await this.Q(t), h = s && !this.D.extUri.isEqual(t, this.t.defaultProfile.extensionsResource) ? this.t.defaultProfile.extensionsResource : void 0, d = h ? await this.Q(h) : void 0; return new Mo(t, u, h, d, s, a, i, n, o, c.version,, this.C.commit, !this.z.isBuilt, r, l) } async Q(t) { try { const s = await this.w.stat(t); if (typeof s.mtime == "number") return s.mtime } catch { } } R() { return { version: this.C.version, date: } } }, Sh = __decorate([__param(4, Gs), __param(5, Ri), __param(6, gt), __param(7, pe), __param(8, Is), __param(9, Nt), __param(10, jt), __param(11, Er)], Sh), Mo = class { constructor(e, t, s, i, n, r, o, a, c, l, u, h, d, p, g) { this.location = e, this.mtime = t, this.applicationExtensionslocation = s, this.applicationExtensionslocationMtime = i, this.profile = n, this.profileScanOptions = r, this.type = o, this.excludeObsolete = a, this.validate = c, this.productVersion = l, this.productDate = u, this.productCommit = h, this.devMode = d, this.language = p, this.translations = g } static createNlsConfiguration(e) { return { language: e.language, pseudo: e.language === "pseudo", devMode: e.devMode, translations: e.translations } } static equals(e, t) { return fp(e.location, t.location) && e.mtime === t.mtime && fp(e.applicationExtensionslocation, t.applicationExtensionslocation) && e.applicationExtensionslocationMtime === t.applicationExtensionslocationMtime && e.profile === t.profile && $i(e.profileScanOptions, t.profileScanOptions) && e.type === t.type && e.excludeObsolete === t.excludeObsolete && e.validate === t.validate && e.productVersion === t.productVersion && e.productDate === t.productDate && e.productCommit === t.productCommit && e.devMode === t.devMode && e.language === t.language && Fm.equals(e.translations, t.translations) } }, Mc = class extends J { constructor(t, s, i, n, r, o, a) { super(), this.g = t, this.h = s, this.j = i, this.m = n, this.n = o, this.r = a, this.f = r.extensionsEnabledWithApiProposalVersion?.map(c => c.toLowerCase()) ?? [] } async scanExtensions(t) { const s = t.profile ? await this.t(t) : await this.s(t); let i = {}; if (t.excludeObsolete && t.type === 1) try { const n = (await this.m.readFile(this.g)).value.toString(); i = JSON.parse(n) } catch { } return $u(i) ? s : s.filter(n => !i[is.create(n).toString()]) } async s(t) { const s = await this.m.resolve(t.location); if (!s.children?.length) return []; const i = await Promise.all( n => { if (!n.isDirectory || t.type === 1 && Tn(n.resource).indexOf(".") === 0) return null; const r = new Mo(n.resource, t.mtime, t.applicationExtensionslocation, t.applicationExtensionslocationMtime, t.profile, t.profileScanOptions, t.type, t.excludeObsolete, t.validate, t.productVersion, t.productDate, t.productCommit, t.devMode, t.language, t.translations); return this.scanExtension(r) })); return yi(i).sort((n, r) => n.location.path < r.location.path ? -1 : 1) } async t(t) { let s = await this.u(t.location, () => !0, t); if (t.applicationExtensionslocation && !this.j.extUri.isEqual(t.location, t.applicationExtensionslocation)) { s = s.filter(n => !n.metadata?.isApplicationScoped); const i = await this.u(t.applicationExtensionslocation, n => !!n.metadata?.isBuiltin || !!n.metadata?.isApplicationScoped, t); s.push(...i) } return s } async u(t, s, i) { const n = await this.h.scanProfileExtensions(t, i.profileScanOptions); if (!n.length) return []; const r = await Promise.all( o => { if (s(o)) { const a = new Mo(o.location, i.mtime, i.applicationExtensionslocation, i.applicationExtensionslocationMtime, i.profile, i.profileScanOptions, i.type, i.excludeObsolete, i.validate, i.productVersion, i.productDate, i.productCommit, i.devMode, i.language, i.translations); return this.scanExtension(a, o.metadata) } return null })); return yi(r) } async scanOneOrMultipleExtensions(t) { try { if (await this.m.exists(ne(t.location, "package.json"))) { const s = await this.scanExtension(t); return s ? [s] : [] } else return await this.scanExtensions(t) } catch (s) { return this.r.error(`Error scanning extensions at ${t.location.path}:`, ge(s)), [] } } async scanExtension(t, s) { try { let i = await this.w(t.location); if (i) { i.publisher || (i.publisher = om), s = s ?? i.__metadata, s && !s?.size && i.__metadata?.size && (s.size = i.__metadata?.size), delete i.__metadata; const n = pn(i.publisher,, r = s?.id ? { id: n, uuid: } : { id: n }, o = s?.isSystem ? 0 : t.type, a = o === 0 || !!s?.isBuiltin; i = await this.y(t.location, i, Mo.createNlsConfiguration(t)); let c = { type: o, identifier: r, manifest: i, location: t.location, isBuiltin: a, targetPlatform: s?.targetPlatform ?? "undefined", publisherDisplayName: s?.publisherDisplayName, metadata: s, isValid: !0, validations: [], preRelease: !!s?.preRelease }; return t.validate && (c = this.validate(c, t)), i.enabledApiProposals && (!this.n.isBuilt || this.f.includes(n.toLowerCase())) && (i.originalEnabledApiProposals = i.enabledApiProposals, i.enabledApiProposals = mL([...i.enabledApiProposals])), c } } catch (i) { t.type !== 0 && this.r.error(i) } return null } validate(t, s) { let i = !0; const n = this.n.isBuilt && this.f.includes(, r = tN(s.productVersion, s.productDate, s.location, t.manifest, t.isBuiltin, n); for (const [o, a] of r) o === Ze.Error && (i = !1, this.r.error(this.F(s.location, a))); return t.isValid = i, t.validations = r, t } async w(t) { const s = ne(t, "package.json"); let i; try { i = (await this.m.readFile(s)).value.toString() } catch (r) { return Gt(r) !== 1 && this.r.error(this.F(t, m(1855, null, s.path, r.message))), null } let n; try { n = JSON.parse(i) } catch { const o = []; Eo(i, o); for (const a of o) this.r.error(this.F(t, m(1856, null, s.path, a.offset, a.length, Mm(a.error)))); return null } return xo(n) !== "object" ? (this.r.error(this.F(t, m(1857, null, s.path))), null) : n } async y(t, s, i) { const n = await this.z(t, s, i); if (n) try { const r = [], o = await this.C(n.default, r); if (r.length > 0) return r.forEach(c => { this.r.error(this.F(t, m(1858, null, n.default?.path, Mm(c.error)))) }), s; if (xo(n) !== "object") return this.r.error(this.F(t, m(1859, null, n.default?.path))), s; const a = n.values || Object.create(null); return vO(this.r, s, a, o) } catch { } return s } async z(t, s, i) { const n = ne(t, "package.nls.json"), r = (l, u) => { u.forEach(h => { this.r.error(this.F(t, m(1860, null, l?.path, Mm(h.error)))) }) }, o = l => { this.r.error(this.F(t, m(1861, null, l?.path))) }, a = `${s.publisher}.${}`, c = i.translations[a]; if (c) try { const l = E.file(c), u = (await this.m.readFile(l)).value.toString(), h = [], d = Eo(u, h); return h.length > 0 ? (r(l, h), { values: void 0, default: n }) : xo(d) !== "object" ? (o(l), { values: void 0, default: n }) : { values: d.contents ? d.contents.package : void 0, default: n } } catch { return { values: void 0, default: n } } else { if (!await this.m.exists(n)) return; let u; try { u = await this.D(t, i) } catch { return } if (!u.localized) return { values: void 0, default: u.original }; try { const h = (await this.m.readFile(u.localized)).value.toString(), d = [], p = Eo(h, d); return d.length > 0 ? (r(u.localized, d), { values: void 0, default: u.original }) : xo(p) !== "object" ? (o(u.localized), { values: void 0, default: u.original }) : { values: p, default: u.original } } catch { return { values: void 0, default: u.original } } } } async C(t, s) { if (t) try { const i = (await this.m.readFile(t)).value.toString(); return Eo(i, s) } catch { } } D(t, s) { return new Promise((i, n) => { const r = o => { const a = ne(t, `package.nls.${o}.json`); this.m.exists(a).then(c => { c && i({ localized: a, original: ne(t, "package.nls.json") }); const l = o.lastIndexOf("-"); l === -1 ? i({ localized: ne(t, "package.nls.json"), original: null }) : (o = o.substring(0, l), r(o)) }) }; if (s.devMode || s.pseudo || !s.language) return i({ localized: ne(t, "package.nls.json"), original: null }); r(s.language) }) } F(t, s) { return `[${t.path}]: ${s}` } }, Mc = __decorate([__param(1, Ri), __param(2, jt), __param(3, gt), __param(4, Nt), __param(5, Is), __param(6, pe)], Mc), Fc = class extends Mc { constructor(t, s, i, n, r, o, a, c, l) { super(s, n, r, o, a, c, l), this.J = t, this.L = i, this.H = this.B(new Pr(3e3)), this.I = this.B(new D), this.onDidChangeCache = this.I.event } async scanExtensions(t) { const s = this.P(t), i = await this.M(s); if (this.G = t, i && i.input && Mo.equals(i.input, this.G)) return this.r.debug("Using cached extensions scan result", t.type === 0 ? "system" : "user", t.location.toString()), this.H.trigger(() => this.O()), => (r.location = E.revive(r.location), r)); const n = await super.scanExtensions(t); return await this.N(s, { input: t, result: n }), n } async M(t) { try { const s = await this.m.readFile(t), i = JSON.parse(s.value.toString()); return { result: i.result, input: Ws(i.input) } } catch (s) { this.r.debug("Error while reading the extension cache file:", t.path, ge(s)) } return null } async N(t, s) { try { await this.m.writeFile(t, O.fromString(JSON.stringify(s))) } catch (i) { this.r.debug("Error while writing the extension cache file:", t.path, ge(i)) } } async O() { if (!this.G) return; const t = this.P(this.G), s = await this.M(t); if (!s) return; const i = s.result, n = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(await super.scanExtensions(this.G))); if (!$i(n, i)) try {"Invalidating Cache", i, n), await this.m.del(t), } catch (r) { this.r.error(r) } } P(t) { const s = this.Q(t); return this.j.extUri.joinPath(s.cacheHome, t.type === 0 ? d6 : rm) } Q(t) { return t.type === 0 ? this.L.defaultProfile : t.profile ? this.j.extUri.isEqual(t.location, this.J.extensionsResource) ? this.J : this.L.profiles.find(s => this.j.extUri.isEqual(t.location, s.extensionsResource)) ?? this.J : this.L.defaultProfile } }, Fc = __decorate([__param(2, Gs), __param(3, Ri), __param(4, jt), __param(5, gt), __param(6, Nt), __param(7, Is), __param(8, pe)], Fc) } }); function Bm(e) { let t = "Extract"; return e instanceof Oc && (e.type === "CorruptZip" ? t = "CorruptZip" : e.type === "Incomplete" && (t = "IncompleteZip")), wt(e, t) } async function Hm(e) { let t; try { t = await m9(e, "extension/package.json") } catch (s) { throw Bm(s) } try { return JSON.parse(t.toString("utf8")) } catch { throw new tt(m(1875, null), "Invalid") } } var U9 = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/extensionManagement/node/extensionManagementUtil.js"() { "use strict"; Im(), he(), xh(), Ds() } }), Ph, Hc, zm = v({
  182. "out-build/vs/platform/extensionManagement/node/extensionSignatureVerificationService.js"() {
  183. "use strict"; fe(), oe(), Re(), As(), Ds(), Ph = se("IExtensionSignatureVerificationService"), Hc = class {
  184. constructor(t, s) { this.b = t, this.c = s } d() { return this.a || (this.a = this.f()), this.a } async f() { return import("@vscode/vsce-sign") } async verify(t, s, i, n, r) {
  185. let o; try { o = await this.d() } catch (u) { this.b.error("Could not load vsce-sign module", ge(u)),`Extension signature verification is not done: ${t}`); return } const a = new Date().getTime(); let c; try { this.b.trace(`Verifying extension signature for ${t}...`), c = await o.verify(i, n, this.b.getLevel() === F.Trace) } catch (u) { c = { code: Lt.UnknownError, didExecute: !1, output: ge(u) } } const l = new Date().getTime() - a; return`Extension signature verification result for ${t}: ${c.code}. Executed: ${c.didExecute}. Duration: ${l}ms.`), this.b.trace(`Extension signature verification output for ${t}:
  186. ${c.output}`), this.c.publicLog2("extensionsignature:verification", { extensionId: t, extensionVersion: s, code: c.code, internalCode: c.internalCode, duration: l, didExecute: c.didExecute, clientTargetPlatform: r }), { code: c.code }
  187. }
  188. }, Hc = __decorate([__param(0, pe), __param(1, qt)], Hc)
  189. }
  190. }), Ih, Ah, EO = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/extensionManagement/node/extensionDownloader.js"() { "use strict"; Ue(), fe(), z(), De(), kt(), Ro(), Wt(), ss(), Im(), ps(), xh(), Ds(), mn(), U9(), zm(), st(), Re(), As(), qs(), Ah = class extends J { static { Ih = this } static { this.c = ".sigzip" } constructor(t, s, i, n, r, o, a) { super(), this.j = s, this.m = i, this.n = n, this.r = r, this.t = o, this.u = a, this.extensionsDownloadDir = t.extensionsDownloadLocation, this.f = o.extUri.joinPath(t.extensionsDownloadLocation, ".trash"), this.g = 20, this.h = this.F() } async download(t, s, i, n) { await this.h; const r = await this.w(t, s); if (!i) return { location: r, verificationStatus: void 0 }; if (!t.isSigned) return { location: r, verificationStatus: Lt.NotSigned }; let o; try { o = await this.y(t); const a = (await this.n.verify(, t.version, r.fsPath, o.fsPath, n))?.code; if (a === Lt.PackageIsInvalidZip || a === Lt.SignatureArchiveIsInvalidZip) { try { await this.delete(r) } catch (c) { this.u.error(c) } throw new tt(Pm, "CorruptZip") } return { location: r, verificationStatus: a } } catch (a) { try { await this.delete(r) } catch (c) { this.u.error(c) } throw a } finally { if (o) try { await this.delete(o) } catch (a) { this.u.error(a) } } } async w(t, s) { try { const i = ne(this.extensionsDownloadDir, this.G(t)), n = await this.C(t, "vsix", async () => { await this.z(t, i, r =>, r, s)); try { await this.D(i.fsPath, "extension/package.json") } catch (r) { try { await this.j.del(i) } catch (o) { this.u.warn(`Error while deleting: ${i.path}`, ge(o)) } throw r } }, 2); return n > 1 && this.r.publicLog2("extensiongallery:downloadvsix:retry", { extensionId:, attempts: n }), i } catch (i) { throw wt(i, "Download") } } async y(t) { try { const s = ne(this.extensionsDownloadDir, `${this.G(t)}${Ih.c}`), i = await this.C(t, "sigzip", async () => { await this.m.downloadSignatureArchive(t, s); try { await this.D(s.fsPath, ".signature.p7s") } catch (n) { try { await this.j.del(s) } catch (r) { this.u.warn(`Error while deleting: ${s.path}`, ge(r)) } throw n } }, 2); return i > 1 && this.r.publicLog2("extensiongallery:downloadsigzip:retry", { extensionId:, attempts: i }), s } catch (s) { throw wt(s, "DownloadSignature") } } async z(t, s, i) { if (await this.j.exists(s)) return; if (s.scheme !== Z.file) { await i(s); return } const n = ne(this.extensionsDownloadDir, `.${We()}`); try { await i(n) } catch (r) { try { await this.j.del(n) } catch { } throw r } try { await Pe.rename(n.fsPath, s.fsPath, 2 * 60 * 1e3) } catch (r) { try { await this.j.del(n) } catch { } let o = !1; try { o = await this.j.exists(s) } catch { } if (o)"Rename failed because the file was downloaded by another source. So ignoring renaming.",, s.path); else throw`Rename failed because of ${ge(r)}. Deleted the file from downloaded location`, n.path), r } } async C(t, s, i, n) { let r = 1; for (; ;)try { return await i(), r } catch (o) { if (r++ > n) throw o; this.u.warn(`Failed downloading ${s}. ${ge(o)}. Retry again...`, } } async D(t, s) { try { await m9(t, s) } catch (i) { throw Bm(i) } } async delete(t) { await this.h; const s = this.t.extUri.relativePath(this.extensionsDownloadDir, t); s ? await this.j.move(t, this.t.extUri.joinPath(this.f, s), !0) : await this.j.del(t) } async F() { try { if (!await this.j.exists(this.extensionsDownloadDir)) { this.u.trace("Extension VSIX downloads cache dir does not exist"); return } try { await this.j.del(this.f, { recursive: !0 }) } catch (s) { Gt(s) !== 1 && this.u.error(s) } const t = await this.j.resolve(this.extensionsDownloadDir, { resolveMetadata: !0 }); if (t.children) { const s = [], i = [], n = []; for (const a of t.children) if ( n.push(a.resource); else { const c = is.parse(; c && i.push([c, a]) } const r = w6(i, ([a]) => a), o = []; for (const a of r) a.sort((c, l) => hm(c[0].version, l[0].version)), s.push(...a.slice(1).map(c => c[1].resource)), o.push(a[0][1]); o.sort((a, c) => a.mtime - c.mtime), s.push(...o.slice(0, Math.max(0, o.length - this.g)).map(a => a.resource)), s.push(...n), await Kt.settled( => (this.u.trace("Deleting from cache", a.path), this.j.del(a)))) } } catch (t) { this.u.error(t) } } G(t) { return is.create(t).toString().toLowerCase() } }, Ah = Ih = __decorate([__param(0, zs), __param(1, gt), __param(2, oi), __param(3, Ph), __param(4, qt), __param(5, jt), __param(6, pe)], Ah) } }); import { fork as xO } from "child_process"; var Dh, kO = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/extensionManagement/node/extensionLifecycle.js"() { "use strict"; Ue(), yr(), re(), z(), De(), de(), ss(), Re(), Js(), Dh = class extends J { constructor(t, s) { super(), this.b = t, this.f = s, this.a = new $p(5) } async postUninstall(t) { const s = this.g(t, "uninstall"); s && (, t.manifest.version, "Running post uninstall script"), await this.a.queue(async () => { try { await this.h(s.script, "uninstall", s.args, !0, t),"Finished running post uninstall script",, t.manifest.version) } catch (i) { this.f.error("Failed to run post uninstall script",, t.manifest.version), this.f.error(i) } })); try { await Pe.rm(this.m(t)) } catch (i) { this.f.error("Error while removing extension storage path",, this.f.error(i) } } g(t, s) { const i = `vscode:${s}`; if (t.location.scheme === Z.file && t.manifest && t.manifest.scripts && typeof t.manifest.scripts[i] == "string") { const n = t.manifest.scripts[i].split(" "); return n.length < 2 || n[0] !== "node" || !n[1] ? (this.f.warn(, t.manifest.version, `${i} should be a node script`), null) : { script: _(t.location.fsPath, n[1]), args: n.slice(2) || [] } } return null } h(t, s, i, n, r) { return new Promise((o, a) => { const c = this.j(t, s, i, r); let l; const u = h => { l && (clearTimeout(l), l = null), h ? a(h) : o(void 0) }; c.on("error", h => { u(Cn(h) || "Unknown") }), c.on("exit", (h, d) => { u(h ? `post-${s} process exited with code ${h}` : void 0) }), n && (l = setTimeout(() => { l = null, c.kill(), a("timed out") }, 5e3)) }) } j(t, s, i, n) { const r = { silent: !0, execArgv: void 0 }, o = xO(t, [`--type=extension-post-${s}`, ...i], r); o.stdout.setEncoding("utf8"), o.stderr.setEncoding("utf8"); const a = H.fromNodeEventEmitter(o.stdout, "data"), c = H.fromNodeEventEmitter(o.stderr, "data"); this.B(a(h =>, n.manifest.version, `post-${s}`, h))), this.B(c(h => this.f.error(, n.manifest.version, `post-${s}`, h))); const l = H.any(, h => ({ data: `%c${h}`, format: [""] }), this.q),, h => ({ data: `%c${h}`, format: ["color: red"] }), this.q)); return H.debounce(l, (h, d) => h ? { data: +, format: [...h.format, ...d.format] } : { data:, format: d.format }, 100, void 0, void 0, void 0, this.q)(h => {, console.log(, ...h.format), console.groupEnd() }), o } m(t) { return _(this.b.defaultProfile.globalStorageHome.fsPath, } }, Dh = __decorate([__param(0, Gs), __param(1, pe)], Dh) } }), M9, $O = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/extensionManagement/node/extensionsManifestCache.js"() { "use strict"; z(), Ii(), st(), M9 = class extends J { constructor(e, t, s, i, n) { super(), this.a = e, this.b = t, this.c = s, this.f = n, this.B(i.onDidInstallExtensions(r => this.g(r))), this.B(i.onDidUninstallExtension(r => this.h(r))) } g(e) { for (const t of e) t.local && this.invalidate(t.profileLocation) } h(e) { e.error || this.invalidate(e.profileLocation) } async invalidate(e) { if (e) for (const t of this.a.profiles) this.c.extUri.isEqual(t.extensionsResource, e) && await this.j(t); else await this.j(this.a.defaultProfile) } async j(e) { try { await this.b.del(this.c.extUri.joinPath(e.cacheHome, rm)) } catch (t) { Gt(t) !== 1 && this.f.error(t) } } } } }), F9, SO = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/extensionManagement/node/extensionsWatcher.js"() { "use strict"; fe(), re(), z(), ls(), mn(), Ii(), F9 = class extends J { constructor(e, t, s, i, n, r, o) { super(), this.f = e, this.g = t, this.h = s, this.j = i, this.m = n, this.n = r, this.r = o, this.a = this.B(new D), this.onDidChangeExtensionsByAnotherSource = this.a.event, this.b = new Map, this.c = this.B(new du), this.s().then(null, a => o.error("Error while initializing Extensions Watcher", ge(a))) } async s() { await this.g.initializeDefaultProfileExtensions(), await this.u(this.h.profiles), this.t(), await this.H() } t() { this.B(this.h.onDidChangeProfiles(e => this.u(e.added))), this.B(this.j.onAddExtensions(e => this.w(e))), this.B(this.j.onDidAddExtensions(e => this.y(e))), this.B(this.j.onRemoveExtensions(e => this.z(e))), this.B(this.j.onDidRemoveExtensions(e => this.C(e))), this.B(this.n.onDidFilesChange(e => this.D(e))) } async u(e) { try { e.length && await Promise.all( => (this.c.set(, Rb(,, this.G(t.extensionsResource)))) } catch (t) { throw this.r.error(t), t } } async w(e) { for (const t of e.extensions) this.I(this.L(t.identifier, t.version), e.profileLocation) } async y(e) { for (const t of e.extensions) { const s = this.L(t.identifier, t.version); e.error ? this.J(s, e.profileLocation) : this.I(s, e.profileLocation) } } async z(e) { for (const t of e.extensions) this.J(this.L(t.identifier, t.version), e.profileLocation) } async C(e) { const t = [], s = []; for (const i of e.extensions) { const n = this.L(i.identifier, i.version); e.error ? this.I(n, e.profileLocation) : (this.J(n, e.profileLocation), this.b.has(n) || (this.r.debug("Extension is removed from all profiles",, i.version), s.push(this.f.scanInstalledExtensionAtLocation(i.location).then(r => { r ? t.push(r) :"Extension not found at the location", i.location.toString()) }, r => this.r.error(r))))) } try { await Promise.all(s), t.length && await this.H(t) } catch (i) { this.r.error(i) } } D(e) { for (const t of this.h.profiles) e.contains(t.extensionsResource, 0, 1) && this.F(t.extensionsResource) } async F(e) { const t = [], s = [], i = await this.j.scanProfileExtensions(e), n = new Set, r = new Set; for (const [o, a] of this.b) a.has(e) && r.add(o); for (const o of i) { const a = this.L(o.identifier, o.version); n.add(a), r.has(a) || (t.push(o.identifier), this.I(a, e)) } for (const o of r) if (!n.has(o)) { const a = this.M(o); a && (s.push(a.identifier), this.J(o, e)) } (t.length || s.length) &&{ added: t.length ? { extensions: t, profileLocation: e } : void 0, removed: s.length ? { extensions: s, profileLocation: e } : void 0 }) } async G(e) { const t = await this.j.scanProfileExtensions(e); for (const s of t) this.I(this.L(s.identifier, s.version), e) } async H(e) { e || (e = (await this.f.scanAllUserInstalledExtensions()).filter(s => !this.b.has(this.L(s.identifier, s.manifest.version)))), e.length && await this.f.markAsUninstalled(...e) } I(e, t) { let s = this.b.get(e); s || this.b.set(e, s = new hu(i => this.m.extUri.getComparisonKey(i))), s.add(t) } J(e, t) { const s = this.b.get(e); s && s.delete(t), s?.size || this.b.delete(e) } L(e, t) { return `${Bn.toKey(}@${t}` } M(e) { const [t, s] = cm(e); return s ? { identifier: { id: t }, version: s } : void 0 } } } }); import *as PO from "fs"; var Rh, Vm, zc, Lh, Nh, B9, H9 = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/extensionManagement/node/extensionManagementService.js"() { "use strict"; Ue(), Me(), Dt(), yr(), fe(), re(), Ya(), z(), ls(), De(), de(), kt(), Ro(), $e(), ee(), Wt(), ss(), Im(), he(), Am(), ps(), xh(), Ds(), mn(), Uo(), Bc(), EO(), kO(), U9(), $O(), SO(), rh(), st(), oe(), Re(), Ls(), As(), qs(), Js(), ds(), X(), Rh = Zu, Vm = ".vsctmp", zc = class extends Eh { constructor(t, s, i, n, r, o, a, c, l, u, h, d, p, g) { super(t, s, p, i, h, d, g), = n, this.hb = r, this.ib = o, this.jb = a, this.kb = c, = l, this.mb = u, this.fb = new Map, this.yb = new hu; const w = this.B(c.createInstance(Dh)); this.cb = this.B(c.createInstance(Lh, x => w.postUninstall(x))), this.db = this.B(new M9(g, l, p, this, this.I)), this.eb = this.B(c.createInstance(Ah)); const y = this.B(new F9(this, this.hb, g, o, p, l, i)); this.B(y.onDidChangeExtensionsByAnotherSource(x => this.xb(x))), this.zb() } getTargetPlatform() { return this.nb || (this.nb = v6(, this.I)), this.nb } async zip(t) { this.I.trace("ExtensionManagementService#zip",; const s = await this.wb(t), i = await CN(ne(this.eb.extensionsDownloadDir, We()).fsPath, s); return E.file(i) } async getManifest(t) { const { location: s, cleanup: i } = await this.pb(t), n = nn(s.fsPath); try { return await Hm(n) } finally { await i() } } getInstalled(t, s = this.J.defaultProfile.extensionsResource, i = { version: this.g.version, date: }) { return this.cb.scanExtensions(t ?? null, s, i) } scanAllUserInstalledExtensions() { return this.cb.scanAllUserExtensions(!1) } scanInstalledExtensionAtLocation(t) { return this.cb.scanUserExtensionAtLocation(t) } async install(t, s = {}) { this.I.trace("ExtensionManagementService#install", t.toString()); const { location: i, cleanup: n } = await this.pb(t); try { const r = await Hm(nn(i.fsPath)), o = pn(r.publisher,; if (r.engines && r.engines.vscode && !nh(r.engines.vscode, this.g.version, throw new Error(m(1862, null, o, this.g.version)); const a = this.h.isAllowed({ id: o, version: r.version, publisherDisplayName: void 0 }); if (a !== !0) throw new Error(m(1863, null, a.value)); const l = (await this.L([{ manifest: r, extension: i, options: s }])).find(({ identifier: u }) => xe(u, { id: o })); if (l?.local) return l.local; throw l?.error ? l.error : wt(new Error(`Unknown error while installing extension ${o}`)) } finally { await n() } } async installFromLocation(t, s) { this.I.trace("ExtensionManagementService#installFromLocation", t.toString()); const i = await this.cb.scanUserExtensionAtLocation(t); if (!i || ! || !i.manifest.version) throw new Error(`Cannot find a valid extension from the location ${t.toString()}`); return await this.Bb([[i, { source: "resource" }]], s),"Successfully installed extension",, s.toString()), i } async installExtensionsFromProfile(t, s, i) { this.I.trace("ExtensionManagementService#installExtensionsFromProfile", t, s.toString(), i.toString()); const n = (await this.getInstalled(1, s)).filter(r => t.some(o => xe(o, r.identifier))); if (n.length) { const r = await Promise.all( => this.cb.scanMetadata(o, s))); await this.Bb(, a) => [o, r[a]]), i),"Successfully installed extensions", =>, i.toString()) } return n } async updateMetadata(t, s, i) { return this.I.trace("ExtensionManagementService#updateMetadata",, s.isPreReleaseVersion && (s.preRelease = !0, s.hasPreReleaseVersion = !0), s.isMachineScoped === !1 && (s.isMachineScoped = void 0), s.isBuiltin === !1 && (s.isBuiltin = void 0), s.pinned === !1 && (s.pinned = void 0), t = await this.cb.updateMetadata(t, s, i), this.db.invalidate(i),{ local: t, profileLocation: i }), t } async reinstallFromGallery(t) { if (this.I.trace("ExtensionManagementService#reinstallFromGallery",, !this.F.isEnabled()) throw new Error(m(1864, null)); const s = await this.getTargetPlatform(), [i] = await this.F.getExtensions([{ ...t.identifier, preRelease: t.preRelease }], { targetPlatform: s, compatible: !0 }, Ne.None); if (!i) throw new Error(m(1865, null)); await this.cb.setUninstalled(t); try { await this.cb.removeUninstalledExtension(t) } catch (n) { throw new Error(m(1866, null, Cn(n))) } return this.installFromGallery(i) } bb(t, s, i, n) { return this.cb.copyExtension(t, s, i, n) } copyExtensions(t, s) { return this.cb.copyExtensions(t, s, { version: this.g.version, date: }) } markAsUninstalled(...t) { return this.cb.setUninstalled(...t) } async cleanUp() { this.I.trace("ExtensionManagementService#cleanUp"); try { await this.cb.cleanUp() } catch (t) { this.I.error(t) } } async download(t, s, i) { const { location: n } = await this.ub(t, s, !i); return n } async pb(t) { if (t.scheme === Z.file) return { location: t, async cleanup() { } }; this.I.trace("Downloading extension from", t.toString()); const s = ne(this.eb.extensionsDownloadDir, We()); return await, s),"Downloaded extension to", s.toString()), { location: s, cleanup: async () => { try { await } catch (n) { this.I.error(n) } } } } Z() { return this.J.defaultProfile.extensionsResource } $(t, s, i) { const n = s instanceof E ? new is({ id: pn(t.publisher, }, t.version) : is.create(s); return this.kb.createInstance(Nh, n, t, s, i, (r, o) => { if (s instanceof E) return this.vb(n, s, i, o); let a = this.fb.get(n.toString()); return a || (this.fb.set(n.toString(), a = this.tb(n, s, r, i, o)), a.finally(() => this.fb.delete(n.toString()))), a }, this.cb) } ab(t, s) { return new B9(t, s, this.ib) } async tb(t, s, i, n, r) { const { verificationStatus: o, location: a } = await this.ub(s, i, !n.donotVerifySignature, n.context?.[t6]); try { if (r.isCancellationRequested) throw new It; const c = await Hm(a.fsPath); if (!new is(s.identifier, s.version).equals(new is({ id: pn(c.publisher, }, c.version))) throw new tt(m(1867, null,, "Invalid"); const l = await this.cb.extractUserExtension(t, a.fsPath, { id: s.identifier.uuid, publisherId: s.publisherId, publisherDisplayName: s.publisherDisplayName, targetPlatform:, isApplicationScoped: n.isApplicationScoped, isMachineScoped: n.isMachineScoped, isBuiltin: n.isBuiltin, isPreReleaseVersion:, hasPreReleaseVersion:, installedTimestamp:, pinned: n.installGivenVersion ? !0 : !!n.pinned, preRelease: ii(n.preRelease) ? n.preRelease : n.installPreReleaseVersion ||, source: "gallery" }, !1, r); if (o !== Lt.Success && try { await this.eb.delete(a) } catch (u) { this.I.warn("Error while deleting the downloaded file", a.toString(), ge(u)) } return { local: l, verificationStatus: o } } catch (c) { try { await this.eb.delete(a) } catch (l) { this.I.warn("Error while deleting the downloaded file", a.toString(), ge(l)) } throw wt(c) } } async ub(t, s, i, n) { if (i) { const a = this.mb.getValue("extensions.verifySignature"); i = ii(a) ? a : !0 } const { location: r, verificationStatus: o } = await, s, i, n); if (o !== Lt.Success && o !== Lt.NotSigned && i && && !rt) { try { await this.eb.delete(r) } catch (a) { this.I.warn("Error while deleting the downloaded file", r.toString(), ge(a)) } if (!o) throw new tt(m(1868, null), "SignatureVerificationInternal"); switch (o) { case Lt.PackageIntegrityCheckFailed: case Lt.SignatureIsInvalid: case Lt.SignatureManifestIsInvalid: case Lt.SignatureIntegrityCheckFailed: case Lt.EntryIsMissing: case Lt.EntryIsTampered: case Lt.Untrusted: case Lt.CertificateRevoked: case Lt.SignatureIsNotValid: case Lt.SignatureArchiveHasTooManyEntries: throw new tt(m(1869, null, o), "SignatureVerificationFailed") }throw new tt(m(1870, null, o), "SignatureVerificationInternal") } return { location: r, verificationStatus: o } } async vb(t, s, i, n) { return { local: await this.cb.extractUserExtension(t, nn(s.fsPath), { isApplicationScoped: i.isApplicationScoped, isMachineScoped: i.isMachineScoped, isBuiltin: i.isBuiltin, installedTimestamp:, pinned: i.installGivenVersion ? !0 : !!i.pinned, source: "vsix" }, ii(i.keepExisting) ? !i.keepExisting : !0, n) } } async wb(t) { const s = async n => { let r = await Pe.readdir(n); r = => _(n, c)); const o = await Promise.all( => PO.promises.stat(c))); let a = Promise.resolve([]); return o.forEach((c, l) => { const u = r[l]; c.isFile() && (a = a.then(h => [...h, u])), c.isDirectory() && (a = a.then(h => s(u).then(d => [...h, ...d]))) }), a }; return (await s(t.location.fsPath)).map(n => ({ path: `extension/${Wa(t.location.fsPath, n)}`, localPath: n })) } async xb({ added: t, removed: s }) { if (s) { const i = t && this.H.extUri.isEqual(s.profileLocation, t.profileLocation) ? s.extensions.filter(n => t.extensions.every(r => !xe(r, n))) : s.extensions; for (const n of i)"Extensions removed from another source",, s.profileLocation.toString()),{ identifier: n, profileLocation: s.profileLocation }) } if (t) { const n = (await this.getInstalled(1, t.profileLocation)).filter(r => t.extensions.some(o => xe(o, r.identifier))); => ("Extensions added from another source",, t.profileLocation.toString()), { identifier: r.identifier, local: r, profileLocation: t.profileLocation, operation: 1 }))) } } async zb() { this.B(this.cb.onExtract(s => this.yb.add(s))); const t = await; for (const s of t.children ?? []) s.isDirectory && this.yb.add(s.resource); this.B(, this.B( => this.Ab(s))) } async Ab(t) { if (!t.affects(this.hb.userExtensionsLocation, 1)) return; const s = []; for (const i of t.rawAdded) { if (this.yb.has(i) || !this.H.extUri.isEqual(this.H.extUri.dirname(i), this.hb.userExtensionsLocation) || this.H.extUri.isEqual(i, this.H.extUri.joinPath(this.hb.userExtensionsLocation, ".obsolete")) || this.H.extUri.basename(i).startsWith(".") || !(await continue; const n = await this.cb.scanUserExtensionAtLocation(i); n && n.installedTimestamp === void 0 && (this.yb.add(i), s.push(n)) } s.length && (await this.Bb( => [i, void 0]), this.J.defaultProfile.extensionsResource),"Added extensions to default profile from external source", => } async Bb(t, s) { const i = => n[0]); await this.Cb(i), await this.ib.addExtensionsToProfile(t, s), => ({ local: n, identifier: n.identifier, operation: 1, profileLocation: s }))) } async Cb(t) { const s = await this.cb.getUninstalledExtensions(); for (const i of t) { const n = is.create(i); s[n.toString()] && (this.I.trace("Removing the extension from uninstalled list:",, await this.cb.setInstalled(n),"Removed the extension from uninstalled list:", } } }, zc = __decorate([__param(0, oi), __param(1, qt), __param(2, pe), __param(3, zs), __param(4, Or), __param(5, Ri), __param(6, gh), __param(7, Er), __param(8, gt), __param(9, ts), __param(10, Nt), __param(11, dn), __param(12, jt), __param(13, Gs)], zc), Lh = class extends J { constructor(t, s, i, n, r, o, a) { super(), this.n = t, this.s = s, this.t = i, this.u = n, this.w = r, this.y = o, this.z = a, this.h = this.B(new D), this.onExtract = this.h.event, this.j = new At, this.m = new At, this.c = ne(this.t.userExtensionsLocation, ".obsolete"), this.g = new bo } async cleanUp() { await this.L(), await this.J(), await this.I() } async scanExtensions(t, s, i) { try { const n = { includeInvalid: !0, profileLocation: s, productVersion: i }; let r = []; if (t === null || t === 0) { let o = this.j.get(s); o || (o = this.t.scanAllExtensions({ includeInvalid: !0, useCache: !0 }, n, !1).finally(() => this.j.delete(s)), this.j.set(s, o)), r.push(...await o) } else if (t === 1) { let o = this.m.get(s); o || (o = this.t.scanUserExtensions(n).finally(() => this.m.delete(s)), this.m.set(s, o)), r.push(...await o) } return r = t !== null ? r.filter(o => o.type === t) : r, await Promise.all( => this.H(o))) } catch (n) { throw wt(n, "Scanning") } } async scanAllUserExtensions(t) { try { const s = await this.t.scanUserExtensions({ includeAllVersions: !t, includeInvalid: !0 }); return await Promise.all( => this.H(i))) } catch (s) { throw wt(s, "Scanning") } } async scanUserExtensionAtLocation(t) { try { const s = await this.t.scanExistingExtension(t, 1, { includeInvalid: !0 }); if (s) return await this.H(s) } catch (s) { this.z.error(s) } return null } async extractUserExtension(t, s, i, n, r) { const o = t.toString(), a = E.file(_(this.t.userExtensionsLocation.fsPath, `.${We()}`)), c = E.file(_(this.t.userExtensionsLocation.fsPath, o)); if (await this.s.exists(c)) { if (!n) try { return await this.scanLocalExtension(c, 1) } catch (l) { this.z.warn(`Error while scanning the existing extension at ${c.path}. Deleting the existing extension and extracting it.`, ge(l)) } try { await this.D(, c, "removeExisting") } catch { throw new tt(m(1871, null, c.fsPath,, "Delete") } } try { if (r.isCancellationRequested) throw new It; try { this.z.trace(`Started extracting the extension from ${s} to ${c.fsPath}`), await _N(s, a.fsPath, { sourcePath: "extension", overwrite: !0 }, r),`Extracted extension to ${c}:`, } catch (l) { throw Bm(l) } try { i.size = await im(a, this.s) } catch (l) { this.z.warn(`Error while getting the size of the extracted extension : ${a.fsPath}`, ge(l)) } try { await this.t.updateMetadata(a, i) } catch (l) { throw this.y.publicLog2("extension:extract", { extensionId:, code: `${Gt(l)}` }), wt(l, "UpdateMetadata") } if (r.isCancellationRequested) throw new It; try { this.z.trace(`Started renaming the extension from ${a.fsPath} to ${c.fsPath}`), await this.G(a.fsPath, c.fsPath),"Renamed to", c.fsPath) } catch (l) { if (l.code === "ENOTEMPTY") {"Rename failed because extension was installed by another source. So ignoring renaming.",; try { await this.s.del(a, { recursive: !0 }) } catch { } } else throw`Rename failed because of ${ge(l)}. Deleted from extracted location`, a), l } } catch (l) { try { await this.s.del(a, { recursive: !0 }) } catch { } throw l } return this.scanLocalExtension(c, 1) } async scanMetadata(t, s) { return s ? (await this.C(t, s))?.metadata : this.t.scanMetadata(t.location) } async C(t, s) { return (await this.u.scanProfileExtensions(s)).find(n => xe(n.identifier, t.identifier)) } async updateMetadata(t, s, i) { try { i ? await this.u.updateMetadata([[t, s]], i) : await this.t.updateMetadata(t.location, s) } catch (n) { throw this.y.publicLog2("extension:extract", { extensionId:, code: `${Gt(n)}`, isProfile: !!i }), wt(n, "UpdateMetadata") } return this.scanLocalExtension(t.location, t.type, i) } async getUninstalledExtensions() { try { return await this.F() } catch (t) { throw wt(t, "ReadUninstalled") } } async setUninstalled(...t) { const s = => is.create(i)); await this.F(i => s.forEach(n => { i[n.toString()] = !0,"Marked extension as uninstalled", n.toString()) })) } async setInstalled(t) { try { await this.F(s => delete s[t.toString()]) } catch (s) { throw wt(s, "UnsetUninstalled") } } async removeExtension(t, s) { if (this.w.extUri.isEqualOrParent(t.location, this.t.userExtensionsLocation)) return this.D(, t.location, s) } async removeUninstalledExtension(t) { await this.removeExtension(t, "uninstalled"), await this.F(s => delete s[is.create(t).toString()]) } async copyExtension(t, s, i, n) { const r = await this.C(t, s), o = await this.C(t, i); if (n = { ...r?.metadata, ...n }, o) if (this.w.extUri.isEqual(o.location, t.location)) await this.u.updateMetadata([[t, { ...o.metadata, ...n }]], i); else { const a = await this.scanLocalExtension(o.location, t.type, i); await this.u.removeExtensionFromProfile(a, i), await this.u.addExtensionsToProfile([[t, { ...o.metadata, ...n }]], i) } else await this.u.addExtensionsToProfile([[t, n]], i); return this.scanLocalExtension(t.location, t.type, i) } async copyExtensions(t, s, i) { const n = await this.scanExtensions(1, t, i), r = await Promise.all(n.filter(o => !o.isApplicationScoped).map(async o => [o, await this.scanMetadata(o, t)])); await this.u.addExtensionsToProfile(r, s) } async D(t, s, i) { this.z.trace(`Deleting ${i} extension from disk`, t, s.fsPath); const n = this.w.extUri.joinPath(this.w.extUri.dirname(s), `${this.w.extUri.basename(s)}.${ho(We()).toString(16)}${Vm}`); await this.G(s.fsPath, n.fsPath), await this.s.del(n, { recursive: !0 }),`Deleted ${i} extension from disk`, t, s.fsPath) } F(t) { return this.g.queue(async () => { let s; try { s = (await this.s.readFile(this.c, "utf8")).value.toString() } catch (n) { if (Gt(n) !== 1) throw n } let i = {}; if (s) try { i = JSON.parse(s) } catch { } return t && (t(i), Object.keys(i).length ? await this.s.writeFile(this.c, O.fromString(JSON.stringify(i))) : await this.s.del(this.c)), i }) } async G(t, s) { try { await Pe.rename(t, s, 2 * 60 * 1e3) } catch (i) { throw wt(i, "Rename") } } async scanLocalExtension(t, s, i) { try { if (i) { const r = (await this.t.scanUserExtensions({ profileLocation: i })).find(o => this.w.extUri.isEqual(o.location, t)); if (r) return await this.H(r) } else { const n = await this.t.scanExistingExtension(t, s, { includeInvalid: !0 }); if (n) return await this.H(n) } throw new tt(m(1872, null, t.path), "ScanningExtension") } catch (n) { throw wt(n, "ScanningExtension") } } async H(t) { const s = await this.s.resolve(t.location); let i, n; return s.children && (i = s.children.find(({ name: r }) => /^readme(\.txt|\.md|)$/i.test(r))?.resource, n = s.children.find(({ name: r }) => /^changelog(\.txt|\.md|)$/i.test(r))?.resource), { identifier: t.identifier, type: t.type, isBuiltin: t.isBuiltin || !!t.metadata?.isBuiltin, location: t.location, manifest: t.manifest, targetPlatform: t.targetPlatform, validations: t.validations, isValid: t.isValid, readmeUrl: i, changelogUrl: n, publisherDisplayName: t.metadata?.publisherDisplayName, publisherId: t.metadata?.publisherId || null, isApplicationScoped: !!t.metadata?.isApplicationScoped, isMachineScoped: !!t.metadata?.isMachineScoped, isPreReleaseVersion: !!t.metadata?.isPreReleaseVersion, hasPreReleaseVersion: !!t.metadata?.hasPreReleaseVersion, preRelease: t.preRelease, installedTimestamp: t.metadata?.installedTimestamp, updated: !!t.metadata?.updated, pinned: !!t.metadata?.pinned, isWorkspaceScoped: !1, source: t.metadata?.source ?? (t.identifier.uuid ? "gallery" : "vsix"), size: t.metadata?.size ?? 0 } } async I() { const t = await this.t.scanUserExtensions({ includeInvalid: !0 }); await Promise.all( s => { if (!s.metadata?.size && s.metadata?.source !== "resource") { const i = await im(s.location, this.s); await this.t.updateMetadata(s.location, { size: i }) } })) } async J() { const t = await this.getUninstalledExtensions(); if (Object.keys(t).length === 0) { this.z.debug("No uninstalled extensions found."); return } this.z.debug("Removing uninstalled extensions:", Object.keys(t)); const s = await this.t.scanUserExtensions({ includeAllVersions: !0, includeUninstalled: !0, includeInvalid: !0 }), i = new Set; for (const r of s) t[is.create(r).toString()] || i.add(; try { const r = w6(s, o => o.identifier); await Kt.settled( o => { const a = o.sort((c, l) => hm(c.manifest.version, l.manifest.version))[0]; i.has( || await this.n(await this.H(a)) })) } catch (r) { this.z.error(r) } const n = s.filter(r => r.metadata && t[is.create(r).toString()]); await Promise.allSettled( => this.removeUninstalledExtension(r))) } async L() { this.z.trace("ExtensionManagementService#removeTempDeleteFolders"); let t; try { t = await this.s.resolve(this.t.userExtensionsLocation) } catch (s) { Gt(s) !== 1 && this.z.error(s); return } if (t?.children) try { await Promise.allSettled( s => { if (!(!s.isDirectory || ! { this.z.trace("Deleting the temporarily deleted folder", s.resource.toString()); try { await this.s.del(s.resource, { recursive: !0 }), this.z.trace("Deleted the temporarily deleted folder", s.resource.toString()) } catch (i) { Gt(i) !== 1 && this.z.error(i) } } })) } catch { } } }, Lh = __decorate([__param(1, gt), __param(2, Or), __param(3, Ri), __param(4, jt), __param(5, qt), __param(6, pe)], Lh), Nh = class extends Um { get operation() { return this.options.operation ?? this.j } get verificationStatus() { return this.k } constructor(t, s, i, n, r, o, a, c, l, u, h, d) { super(), this.l = t, this.manifest = s, this.source = i, this.options = n, this.m = r, this.n = o, this.o = a, this.p = c, this.q = l, this.s = u, this.t = h, this.u = d, this.j = 2, this.identifier = this.l.identifier } async h(t) { const i = (await this.n.scanExtensions(1, this.options.profileLocation, this.options.productVersion)).find(a => xe(a.identifier, this.identifier)); i && (this.j = 3); const n = { isApplicationScoped: this.options.isApplicationScoped || i?.isApplicationScoped, isMachineScoped: this.options.isMachineScoped || i?.isMachineScoped, isBuiltin: this.options.isBuiltin || i?.isBuiltin, isSystem: i?.type === 0 ? !0 : void 0, installedTimestamp:, pinned: this.options.installGivenVersion ? !0 : this.options.pinned ?? i?.pinned, source: this.source instanceof E ? "vsix" : "gallery" }; let r; if (this.source instanceof E) { if (i && this.l.equals(new is(i.identifier, i.manifest.version))) try { await this.n.removeExtension(i, "existing") } catch { throw new Error(m(1873, null, this.manifest.displayName || } const a = await this.w(this.l); if (a) try { await this.n.removeExtension(a, "existing") } catch { throw new Error(m(1874, null, this.manifest.displayName || } } else { if ( = this.source.identifier.uuid, n.publisherId = this.source.publisherId, n.publisherDisplayName = this.source.publisherDisplayName, n.targetPlatform =, n.updated = !!i, n.isPreReleaseVersion =, n.hasPreReleaseVersion = i?.hasPreReleaseVersion ||, n.preRelease = ii(this.options.preRelease) ? this.options.preRelease : this.options.installPreReleaseVersion || || i?.preRelease, i && i.type !== 0 && i.manifest.version === this.source.version) return this.n.updateMetadata(i, n, this.options.profileLocation); r = await this.w(this.l) } if (t.isCancellationRequested) throw wt(new It); if (!r) { const a = await this.m(this.operation, t); r = a.local, this.k = a.verificationStatus } if (this.o.extUri.isEqual(this.q.defaultProfile.extensionsResource, this.options.profileLocation)) try { await this.s.initializeDefaultProfileExtensions() } catch (a) { throw wt(a, "IntializeDefaultProfile") } if (t.isCancellationRequested) throw wt(new It); try { await this.t.addExtensionsToProfile([[r, n]], this.options.profileLocation, !r.isValid) } catch (a) { throw wt(a, "AddToProfile") } const o = await this.n.scanLocalExtension(r.location, 1, this.options.profileLocation); if (!o) throw new tt("Cannot find the installed extension", "InstalledExtensionNotFound"); return this.source instanceof E && this.x(r, t), o } async w(t) { return (await this.n.getUninstalledExtensions())[t.toString()] ? (this.u.trace("Removing the extension from uninstalled list:",, await this.n.setInstalled(t),"Removed the extension from uninstalled list:",, (await this.n.scanAllUserExtensions(!0)).find(n => is.create(n).equals(t))) : void 0 } async x(t, s) { try { let [i] = await this.p.getExtensions([{ id:, version: t.manifest.version }], s); if (i || ([i] = await this.p.getExtensions([{ id: }], s)), i) { const n = { id: i.identifier.uuid, publisherDisplayName: i.publisherDisplayName, publisherId: i.publisherId, isPreReleaseVersion:, hasPreReleaseVersion: t.hasPreReleaseVersion ||, preRelease: || this.options.installPreReleaseVersion }; await this.n.updateMetadata(t, n, this.options.profileLocation) } } catch { } } }, Nh = __decorate([__param(6, jt), __param(7, oi), __param(8, Gs), __param(9, Or), __param(10, Ri), __param(11, pe)], Nh), B9 = class extends Um { constructor(e, t, s) { super(), this.extension = e, this.options = t, this.j = s } async h(e) { await this.j.removeExtensionFromProfile(this.extension, this.options.profileLocation) } } } }), z9, Wm, IO = v({
  191. "out-build/vs/platform/instantiation/common/graph.js"() {
  192. "use strict"; z9 = class { constructor(e, t) { this.key = e, = t, this.incoming = new Map, this.outgoing = new Map } }, Wm = class {
  193. constructor(e) { this.b = e, this.a = new Map } roots() { const e = []; for (const t of this.a.values()) t.outgoing.size === 0 && e.push(t); return e } insertEdge(e, t) { const s = this.lookupOrInsertNode(e), i = this.lookupOrInsertNode(t); s.outgoing.set(i.key, i), i.incoming.set(s.key, s) } removeNode(e) { const t = this.b(e); this.a.delete(t); for (const s of this.a.values()) s.outgoing.delete(t), s.incoming.delete(t) } lookupOrInsertNode(e) { const t = this.b(e); let s = this.a.get(t); return s || (s = new z9(t, e), this.a.set(t, s)), s } lookup(e) { return this.a.get(this.b(e)) } isEmpty() { return this.a.size === 0 } toString() {
  194. const e = []; for (const [t, s] of this.a) e.push(`${t}
  195. (-> incoming)[${[...s.incoming.keys()].join(", ")}]
  196. (outgoing ->)[${[...s.outgoing.keys()].join(",")}]
  197. `); return e.join(`
  198. `)
  199. } findCycleSlow() { for (const [e, t] of this.a) { const s = new Set([e]), i = this.c(t, s); if (i) return i } } c(e, t) { for (const [s, i] of e.outgoing) { if (t.has(s)) return [...t, s].join(" -> "); t.add(s); const n = this.c(i, t); if (n) return n; t.delete(s) } }
  200. }
  201. }
  202. }), V9, qm, Gm, W9, Oh, q9 = v({
  203. "out-build/vs/platform/instantiation/common/instantiationService.js"() {
  204. "use strict"; Ue(), fe(), z(), Ou(), IO(), oe(), tp(), Nb(), V9 = !1, qm = class extends Error {
  205. constructor(e) {
  206. super("cyclic dependency between services"), this.message = e.findCycleSlow() ?? `UNABLE to detect cycle, dumping graph:
  207. ${e.toString()}`
  208. }
  209. }, Gm = class kv { constructor(t = new ku, s = !1, i, n = V9) { this.i = t, this.j = s, this.k = i, this.l = n, this.f = !1, this.g = new Set, this.h = new Set, this.t = new Set, this.i.set(Er, this), this._globalGraph = n ? i?._globalGraph ?? new Wm(r => r) : void 0 } dispose() { if (!this.f) { this.f = !0, Ut(this.h), this.h.clear(); for (const t of this.g) xA(t) && t.dispose(); this.g.clear() } } m() { if (this.f) throw new Error("InstantiationService has been disposed") } createChild(t, s) { this.m(); const i = this, n = new class extends kv { dispose() { i.h.delete(n), super.dispose() } }(t, this.j, this, this.l); return this.h.add(n), s?.add(n), n } invokeFunction(t, ...s) { this.m(); const i = Oh.traceInvocation(this.l, t); let n = !1; try { return t({ get: o => { if (n) throw Vv("service accessor is only valid during the invocation of its target method"); const a = this.s(o, i); if (!a) throw new Error(`[invokeFunction] unknown service '${o}'`); return a } }, ...s) } finally { n = !0, i.stop() } } createInstance(t, ...s) { this.m(); let i, n; return t instanceof Xe ? (i = Oh.traceCreation(this.l, t.ctor), n = this.o(t.ctor, t.staticArguments.concat(s), i)) : (i = Oh.traceCreation(this.l, t), n = this.o(t, s, i)), i.stop(), n } o(t, s = [], i) { const n = ri.getServiceDependencies(t).sort((a, c) => a.index - c.index), r = []; for (const a of n) { const c = this.s(, i); c || this.y(`[createInstance] ${} depends on UNKNOWN service ${}.`, !1), r.push(c) } const o = n.length > 0 ? n[0].index : s.length; if (s.length !== o) { console.trace(`[createInstance] First service dependency of ${} at position ${o + 1} conflicts with ${s.length} static arguments`); const a = o - s.length; a > 0 ? s = s.concat(new Array(a)) : s = s.slice(0, o) } return Reflect.construct(t, s.concat(r)) } q(t, s) { if (this.i.get(t) instanceof Xe) this.i.set(t, s); else if (this.k) this.k.q(t, s); else throw new Error("illegalState - setting UNKNOWN service instance") } r(t) { const s = this.i.get(t); return !s && this.k ? this.k.r(t) : s } s(t, s) { this._globalGraph && this.c && this._globalGraph.insertEdge(this.c, String(t)); const i = this.r(t); return i instanceof Xe ? this.u(t, i, s.branch(t, !0)) : (s.branch(t, !1), i) } u(t, s, i) { if (this.t.has(t)) throw new Error(`illegal state - RECURSIVELY instantiating service '${t}'`); this.t.add(t); try { return this.v(t, s, i) } finally { this.t.delete(t) } } v(t, s, i) { const n = new Wm(c =>; let r = 0; const o = [{ id: t, desc: s, _trace: i }], a = new Set; for (; o.length;) { const c = o.pop(); if (!a.has(String( { if (a.add(String(, n.lookupOrInsertNode(c), r++ > 1e3) throw new qm(n); for (const l of ri.getServiceDependencies(c.desc.ctor)) { const u = this.r(; if (u || this.y(`[createInstance] ${t} depends on ${} which is NOT registered.`, !0), this._globalGraph?.insertEdge(String(, String(, u instanceof Xe) { const h = { id:, desc: u, _trace: c._trace.branch(, !0) }; n.insertEdge(c, h), o.push(h) } } } } for (; ;) { const c = n.roots(); if (c.length === 0) { if (!n.isEmpty()) throw new qm(n); break } for (const { data: l } of c) { if (this.r( instanceof Xe) { const h = this.w(, l.desc.ctor, l.desc.staticArguments, l.desc.supportsDelayedInstantiation, l._trace); this.q(, h) } n.removeNode(l) } } return this.r(t) } w(t, s, i = [], n, r) { if (this.i.get(t) instanceof Xe) return this.x(t, s, i, n, r, this.g); if (this.k) return this.k.w(t, s, i, n, r); throw new Error(`illegalState - creating UNKNOWN service instance ${}`) } x(t, s, i = [], n, r, o) { if (n) { const a = new kv(void 0, this.j, this, this.l); a.c = String(t); const c = new Map, l = new P4(() => { const u = a.o(s, i, r); for (const [h, d] of c) { const p = u[h]; if (typeof p == "function") for (const g of d) g.disposable = p.apply(u, g.listener) } return c.clear(), o.add(u), u }); return new Proxy(Object.create(null), { get(u, h) { if (!l.isInitialized && typeof h == "string" && (h.startsWith("onDid") || h.startsWith("onWill"))) { let g = c.get(h); return g || (g = new T1, c.set(h, g)), (y, x, k) => { if (l.isInitialized) return l.value[h](y, x, k); { const A = { listener: [y, x, k], disposable: void 0 }, I = g.push(A); return ye(() => { I(), A.disposable?.dispose() }) } } } if (h in u) return u[h]; const d = l.value; let p = d[h]; return typeof p != "function" || (p = p.bind(d), u[h] = p), p }, set(u, h, d) { return l.value[h] = d, !0 }, getPrototypeOf(u) { return s.prototype } }) } else { const a = this.o(s, i, r); return o.add(a), a } } y(t, s) { if (s && console.warn(t), this.j) throw new Error(t) } }, function (e) { e[e.None = 0] = "None", e[e.Creation = 1] = "Creation", e[e.Invocation = 2] = "Invocation", e[e.Branch = 3] = "Branch" }(W9 || (W9 = {})), Oh = class Vi {
  210. static { this.all = new Set } static { this.c = new class extends Vi { constructor() { super(0, null) } stop() { } branch() { return this } } } static traceInvocation(t, s) {
  211. return t ? new Vi(2, || new Error().stack.split(`
  212. `).slice(3, 4).join(`
  213. `)) : Vi.c
  214. } static traceCreation(t, s) { return t ? new Vi(1, : Vi.c } static { this.f = 0 } constructor(t, s) { this.type = t, = s, this.g =, this.h = [] } branch(t, s) { const i = new Vi(3, t.toString()); return this.h.push([t, s, i]), i } stop() {
  215. const t = - this.g; Vi.f += t; let s = !1; function i(r, o) {
  216. const a = [], c = new Array(r + 1).join(" "); for (const [l, u, h] of o.h) if (u && h) { s = !0, a.push(`${c}CREATES -> ${l}`); const d = i(r + 1, h); d && a.push(d) } else a.push(`${c}uses -> ${l}`); return a.join(`
  217. `)
  218. } const n = [`${this.type === 1 ? "CREATE" : "CALL"} ${}`, `${i(1, this)}`, `DONE, took ${t.toFixed(2)}ms (grand total ${Vi.f.toFixed(2)}ms)`]; (t > 2 || s) && Vi.all.add(n.join(`
  219. `))
  220. }
  221. }
  222. }
  223. }), Ns, Ch, Bt, Vc = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/product/common/product.js"() { "use strict"; if (ti(), Ch = globalThis.vscode, typeof Ch < "u" && typeof Ch.context < "u") { const e = Ch.context.configuration(); if (e) Ns = e.product; else throw new Error("Sandbox: unable to resolve product configuration from preload script.") } else if (globalThis._VSCODE_PRODUCT_JSON && globalThis._VSCODE_PACKAGE_JSON) { if (Ns = globalThis._VSCODE_PRODUCT_JSON, js.VSCODE_DEV && Object.assign(Ns, { nameShort: `${Ns.nameShort} Dev`, nameLong: `${Ns.nameLong} Dev`, dataFolderName: `${Ns.dataFolderName}-dev`, serverDataFolderName: Ns.serverDataFolderName ? `${Ns.serverDataFolderName}-dev` : void 0 }), !Ns.version) { const e = globalThis._VSCODE_PACKAGE_JSON; Object.assign(Ns, { version: e.version }) } } else Ns = { nameShort: "OpenVSCode Server", nameLong: "OpenVSCode Server", applicationName: "openvscode-server", dataFolderName: ".openvscode-server", win32MutexName: "openvscodeserver", licenseName: "MIT", licenseUrl: "", serverLicenseUrl: "", serverGreeting: [], serverLicense: [], serverLicensePrompt: "", serverApplicationName: "openvscode-server", serverDataFolderName: ".openvscode-server", tunnelApplicationName: "openvscode-server-tunnel", win32DirName: "OpenVSCode Server", win32NameVersion: "OpenVSCode Server", win32RegValueName: "OpenVSCodeServer", win32x64AppId: "{{D77B7E06-80BA-4137-BCF4-654B95CCEBC5}", win32arm64AppId: "{{D1ACE434-89C5-48D1-88D3-E2991DF85475}", win32x64UserAppId: "{{CC6B787D-37A0-49E8-AE24-8559A032BE0C}", win32arm64UserAppId: "{{3AEBF0C8-F733-4AD4-BADE-FDB816D53D7B}", win32AppUserModelId: "OpenVSCode Server", win32ShellNameShort: "OpenVSC&ode Server", win32TunnelServiceMutex: "openvscode.server-tunnelservice", win32TunnelMutex: "openvscode.server-tunnel", darwinBundleIdentifier: "openvscode.server", linuxIconName: "openvscode.server", licenseFileName: "LICENSE.txt", twitterUrl: "", reportIssueUrl: "", requestFeatureUrl: "", reportMarketplaceIssueUrl: "", sendASmile: { reportIssueUrl: "", requestFeatureUrl: "" }, nodejsRepository: "", urlProtocol: "openvscode-server", embedderIdentifier: "openvscode-server", webviewContentExternalBaseUrlTemplate: "https://{{uuid}}", extensionRecommendations: { "muhammad-sammy.csharp": { onFileOpen: [{ pathGlob: "{**/*.cs,**/global.json,**/*.csproj,**/*.cshtml,**/*.sln}", important: !0 }, { languages: ["csharp"], important: !0 }, { pathGlob: "{**/project.json,**/appsettings.json}" }] }, "ms-python.python": { onFileOpen: [{ pathGlob: "{**/*.py}", important: !0 }, { languages: ["python"], important: !0 }, { pathGlob: "{**/*.ipynb}" }] }, "ms-toolsai.jupyter": { onFileOpen: [{ pathGlob: "{**/*.py}", contentPattern: "^#\\s*%%$", important: !0, whenInstalled: ["ms-python.python"] }, { pathGlob: "{**/*.ipynb}" }] }, "golang.Go": { onFileOpen: [{ pathGlob: "**/*.go", important: !0 }, { languages: ["go"], important: !0 }] }, "vscjava.vscode-java-pack": { onFileOpen: [{ pathGlob: 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{ name: "Autopep8", contentPattern: "^\\[pep8\\]" } } }, "tox-ini-formatter": { configPath: "tox.ini", configName: "Python Formatter", recommendations: { "ms-python.autopep8": { name: "Autopep8", contentPattern: "^\\[pep8\\]" } } }, "pyproject-linter": { configPath: "pyproject.toml", configName: "Python Linter", recommendations: { "ms-python.pylint": { name: "Pylint", contentPattern: '(^\\s*\\[\\[?\\s*"?tool"?\\s*\\.\\s*"?pylint"?\\s*[\\].])|("pylint\\s*["[(<=>!~;@])' }, "charliermarsh.ruff": { name: "Ruff", contentPattern: '(^\\s*\\[\\[?\\s*"?tool"?\\s*\\.\\s*"?ruff"?\\s*[\\].])|("ruff\\s*["[(<=>!~;@])' }, "ms-python.mypy-type-checker": { name: "Mypy Type Checker", contentPattern: '(^\\s*\\[\\[?\\s*"?tool"?\\s*\\.\\s*"?mypy"?\\s*[\\].])|("mypy\\s*["[(<=>!~;@])' }, "ms-python.flake8": { name: "Flake8", contentPattern: '(^\\s*\\[\\[?\\s*"?tool"?\\s*\\.\\s*"?flake8"?\\s*[\\].])|("flake8\\s*["[(<=>!~;@])' } } }, ".pylintrc-linter": { configPath: ".pylintrc", configName: "Python Linter", 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["cpp", "c plus plus", "c++", "c", "objective c", "objective-c"], sql: ["sql"], sh: ["bash"], bash: ["bash"], zsh: ["bash", "zshell"], cs: ["c#", "csharp"], csproj: ["c#", "csharp"], sln: ["c#", "csharp"], go: ["go"], sty: ["latex"], tex: ["latex"], ps: ["powershell"], ps1: ["powershell"], rs: ["rust"], rslib: ["rust"], hs: ["haskell"], lhs: ["haskell"], scm: ["scheme"], ss: ["scheme"], clj: ["clojure"], cljs: ["clojure"], cljc: ["clojure"], edn: ["clojure"], erl: ["erlang"], hrl: ["erlang"], scala: ["scala"], sc: ["scala"], pl: ["perl"], pm: ["perl"], t: ["perl"], pod: ["perl"], groovy: ["groovy"], swift: ["swift"], rb: ["ruby"], rbw: ["ruby"], jl: ["julia"], f: ["fortran"], for: ["fortran"], f90: ["fortran"], f95: ["fortran"], coffee: ["CoffeeScript"], litcoffee: ["CoffeeScript"], yaml: ["yaml"], yml: ["yaml"], dart: ["dart"], json: ["json"] }, extensionAllowedBadgeProviders: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], extensionAllowedBadgeProvidersRegex: ["^https:\\/\\/github\\.com\\/[^/]+\\/[^/]+\\/(actions\\/)?workflows\\/.*badge\\.svg"], extensionKind: { "Shan.code-settings-sync": ["ui"], "shalldie.background": ["ui"], "": ["ui"], "CoenraadS.bracket-pair-colorizer-2": ["ui"], "CoenraadS.bracket-pair-colorizer": ["ui", "workspace"], "hiro-sun.vscode-emacs": ["ui", "workspace"], "hnw.vscode-auto-open-markdown-preview": ["ui", "workspace"], "wayou.vscode-todo-highlight": ["ui", "workspace"], "aaron-bond.better-comments": ["ui", "workspace"], "vscodevim.vim": ["ui"], "ollyhayes.colmak-vim": ["ui"] }, extensionPointExtensionKind: { typescriptServerPlugins: ["workspace"] }, builtInExtensions: [{ name: "ms-vscode.js-debug-companion", version: "1.1.3", sha256: "7380a890787452f14b2db7835dfa94de538caf358ebc263f9d46dd68ac52de93", repo: "", metadata: { id: "99cb0b7f-7354-4278-b8da-6cc79972169d", publisherId: { publisherId: "5f5636e7-69ed-4afe-b5d6-8d231fb3d3ee", publisherName: "ms-vscode", displayName: "Microsoft", flags: "verified" }, publisherDisplayName: "Microsoft" } }, { name: "ms-vscode.js-debug", version: "1.96.0", sha256: "278cd8b129c133d834a8105d0e0699f2f940c5c159fa5c821c7b9a4f7ffd3581", repo: "", metadata: { id: "25629058-ddac-4e17-abba-74678e126c5d", publisherId: { publisherId: "5f5636e7-69ed-4afe-b5d6-8d231fb3d3ee", publisherName: "ms-vscode", displayName: "Microsoft", flags: "verified" }, publisherDisplayName: "Microsoft" } }, { name: "ms-vscode.vscode-js-profile-table", version: "1.0.10", sha256: "7361748ddf9fd09d8a2ed1f2a2d7376a2cf9aae708692820b799708385c38e08", repo: "", metadata: { id: "7e52b41b-71ad-457b-ab7e-0620f1fc4feb", publisherId: { publisherId: "5f5636e7-69ed-4afe-b5d6-8d231fb3d3ee", publisherName: "ms-vscode", displayName: "Microsoft", flags: "verified" }, publisherDisplayName: "Microsoft" } }], extensionsGallery: { serviceUrl: "", itemUrl: "", resourceUrlTemplate: "{publisher}/{name}/{version}/{path}", controlUrl: "", recommendationsUrl: "", nlsBaseUrl: "", publisherUrl: "" }, linkProtectionTrustedDomains: [""], quality: "stable", version: "1.96.4", commit: "56bdd153e7c7f853189fd6965f73b2049f6d06c9", date: "2025-01-25T12:59:50.940Z" }, Object.keys(Ns).length === 0 && Object.assign(Ns, { version: "1.95.0-dev", nameShort: "Code - OSS Dev", nameLong: "Code - OSS Dev", applicationName: "code-oss", dataFolderName: ".vscode-oss", urlProtocol: "code-oss", reportIssueUrl: "", licenseName: "MIT", licenseUrl: "", serverLicenseUrl: "" }); Bt = Ns } }); async function G9(e, t, s, i, n, r) { let o; try { await AO(e, t, s, i, n, r) } catch (a) { o = a } finally { o && n.errorTransformer && (o = n.errorTransformer(o)), typeof o < "u" && s.error(o), s.end() } } async function AO(e, t, s, i, n, r) { Jm(r); const o = await, { create: !1 }); try { Jm(r); let a = 0, c = 0, l = n && typeof n.length == "number" ? n.length : void 0, u = O.alloc(Math.min(n.bufferSize, typeof l == "number" ? l : n.bufferSize)), h = n && typeof n.position == "number" ? n.position : 0, d = 0; do c = await, h, u.buffer, d, u.byteLength - d), h += c, d += c, a += c, typeof l == "number" && (l -= c), d === u.byteLength && (await s.write(i(u)), u = O.alloc(Math.min(n.bufferSize, typeof l == "number" ? l : n.bufferSize)), d = 0); while (c > 0 && (typeof l != "number" || l > 0) && Jm(r) && DO(a, n)); if (d > 0) { let p = d; typeof l == "number" && (p = Math.min(d, l)), s.write(i(u.slice(0, p))) } } catch (a) { throw Rr(a) } finally { await e.close(o) } } function Jm(e) { if (e.isCancellationRequested) throw zv(); return !0 } function DO(e, t) { if (typeof t?.limits?.size == "number" && e > t.limits.size) throw gn(m(1943, null), Q.FileTooLarge); return !0 } var J9 = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/files/common/io.js"() { "use strict"; Me(), fe(), he(), st() } }), Ym, Wc, Y9 = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/files/common/fileService.js"() { "use strict"; Et(), Ue(), Me(), Dt(), re(), Ya(), pr(), z(), oh(), De(), Yi(), kt(), qa(), he(), st(), J9(), Re(), fe(), Wc = class extends J { static { Ym = this } constructor(t) { super(), this.b = t, this.a = 256 * 1024, this.c = this.B(new D), this.onDidChangeFileSystemProviderRegistrations = this.c.event, this.f = this.B(new D), this.onWillActivateFileSystemProvider = this.f.event, this.g = this.B(new D), this.onDidChangeFileSystemProviderCapabilities = this.g.event, this.h = new Map, this.r = this.B(new D), this.onDidRunOperation = this.r.event, this.X = this.B(new D), this.Y = this.B(new D), this.onDidFilesChange = this.Y.event, this.Z = this.B(new D), this.onDidWatchError = this.Z.event, this.$ = new Map, this.cb = this.B(new Sp) } registerProvider(t, s) { if (this.h.has(t)) throw new Error(`A filesystem provider for the scheme '${t}' is already registered.`); Pt(`code/registerFilesystem/${t}`); const i = new ut; return this.h.set(t, s),{ added: !0, scheme: t, provider: s }), i.add(s.onDidChangeFile(n => { const r = new H6(n, !this.S(s));, r.hasCorrelation() || })), typeof s.onDidWatchError == "function" && i.add(s.onDidWatchError(n => Error(n)))), i.add(s.onDidChangeCapabilities(() =>{ provider: s, scheme: t }))), ye(() => {{ added: !1, scheme: t, provider: s }), this.h.delete(t), Ut(i) }) } getProvider(t) { return this.h.get(t) } async activateProvider(t) { const s = [];{ scheme: t, join(i) { s.push(i) } }), !this.h.has(t) && await Kt.settled(s) } async canHandleResource(t) { return await this.activateProvider(t.scheme), this.hasProvider(t) } hasProvider(t) { return this.h.has(t.scheme) } hasCapability(t, s) { const i = this.h.get(t.scheme); return !!(i && i.capabilities & s) } listCapabilities() { return, ([t, s]) => ({ scheme: t, capabilities: s.capabilities })) } async j(t) { if (!zy(t)) throw new Jt(m(1916, null,, 8); await this.activateProvider(t.scheme); const s = this.h.get(t.scheme); if (!s) { const i = new Xi; throw i.message = m(1917, null, t.toString()), i } return s } async m(t) { const s = await this.j(t); if (Hn(s) || Vs(s) || wm(s)) return s; throw new Error(`Filesystem provider for scheme '${t.scheme}' neither has FileReadWrite, FileReadStream nor FileOpenReadWriteClose capability which is needed for the read operation.`) } async n(t) { const s = await this.j(t); if (Hn(s) || Vs(s)) return s; throw new Error(`Filesystem provider for scheme '${t.scheme}' neither has FileReadWrite nor FileOpenReadWriteClose capability which is needed for the write operation.`) } async resolve(t, s) { try { return await this.s(t, s) } catch (i) { throw ah(i) === Q.FileNotFound ? new Jt(m(1918, null,, 1) : Rr(i) } } async s(t, s) { const i = await this.j(t), n = this.S(i), r = s?.resolveTo, o = s?.resolveSingleChildDescendants, a = s?.resolveMetadata, c = await i.stat(t); let l; return this.t(i, t, c, void 0, !!a, (u, h) => (l || (l = Lo.forUris(() => !n), l.set(t, !0), r && l.fill(!0, r)), l.get(u.resource) || l.findSuperstr(u.resource.with({ query: null, fragment: null })) ? !0 : u.isDirectory && o ? h === 1 : !1)) } async t(t, s, i, n, r, o) { const { providerExtUri: a } = this.R(t), c = { resource: s, name: a.basename(s), isFile: (i.type & Rs.File) !== 0, isDirectory: (i.type & Rs.Directory) !== 0, isSymbolicLink: (i.type & Rs.SymbolicLink) !== 0, mtime: i.mtime, ctime: i.ctime, size: i.size, readonly: !!((i.permissions ?? 0) & Oo.Readonly) || !!(t.capabilities & 2048), locked: !!((i.permissions ?? 0) & Oo.Locked), etag: T6({ mtime: i.mtime, size: i.size }), children: void 0 }; if (c.isDirectory && o(c, n)) { try { const l = await t.readdir(s), u = await Kt.settled( ([h, d]) => { try { const p = a.joinPath(s, h), g = r ? await t.stat(p) : { type: d }; return await this.t(t, p, g, l.length, r, o) } catch (p) { return this.b.trace(p), null } })); c.children = yi(u) } catch (l) { this.b.trace(l), c.children = [] } return c } return c } async resolveAll(t) { return Kt.settled( s => { try { return { stat: await this.s(s.resource, s.options), success: !0 } } catch (i) { return this.b.trace(i), { stat: void 0, success: !1 } } })) } async stat(t) { const s = await this.j(t), i = await s.stat(t); return this.t(s, t, i, void 0, !0, () => !1) } async exists(t) { const s = await this.j(t); try { return !!await s.stat(t) } catch { return !1 } } async canCreateFile(t, s) { try { await this.u(t, s) } catch (i) { return i } return !0 } async u(t, s) { if (!s?.overwrite && await this.exists(t)) throw new Jt(m(1919, null,, 3, s) } async createFile(t, s = O.fromString(""), i) { await this.u(t, i); const n = await this.writeFile(t, s); return Lr(t, 0, n)), n } async writeFile(t, s, i) { const n = this.qb(await this.n(t), t), { providerExtUri: r } = this.R(n); let o = i; if (_6(n) && !o?.atomic) { const a = n.enforceAtomicWriteFile?.(t); a && (o = { ...i, atomic: a }) } try { await this.w(n, t, o) || await this.U(n, r.dirname(t)); let c; if (Vs(n) && !(s instanceof O)) if (Su(s)) { const l = await ZA(s, 3); l.ended ? c = O.concat(l.buffer) : c = l } else c = QA(s, l => O.concat(l), 3); else c = s; !Hn(n) || Vs(n) && c instanceof O || Vs(n) && _6(n) && o?.atomic ? await this.hb(n, t, o, c) : await this.db(n, t, o, c instanceof O ? cD(c) : c), Lr(t, 4)) } catch (a) { throw new Jt(m(1920, null,, Rr(a).toString()), Gt(a), o) } return this.resolve(t, { resolveMetadata: !0 }) } async w(t, s, i) { const n = !!i?.unlock; if (n && !(t.capabilities & 8192)) throw new Error(m(1921, null,; if (!!i?.atomic) { if (!(t.capabilities & 32768)) throw new Error(m(1922, null,; if (!(t.capabilities & 2)) throw new Error(m(1923, null,; if (n) throw new Error(m(1924, null, } let o; try { o = await t.stat(s) } catch { return } if (o.type & Rs.Directory) throw new Jt(m(1925, null,, 0, i); if (this.rb(s, o), typeof i?.mtime == "number" && typeof i.etag == "string" && i.etag !== hh && typeof o.mtime == "number" && typeof o.size == "number" && i.mtime < o.mtime && i.etag !== T6({ mtime: i.mtime, size: o.size })) throw new Jt(m(1926, null), 3, i); return o } async readFile(t, s, i) { const n = await this.m(t); return s?.atomic ? this.z(n, t, s, i) : this.C(n, t, s, i) } async z(t, s, i, n) { return new Promise((r, o) => { this.cb.queueFor(s, async () => { try { const a = await this.C(t, s, i, n); r(a) } catch (a) { o(a) } }, this.R(t).providerExtUri) }) } async C(t, s, i, n) { const r = await this.D(t, s, { ...i, preferUnbuffered: !0 }, n); return { ...r, value: await rn(r.value) } } async readFileStream(t, s, i) { const n = await this.m(t); return this.D(n, t, s, i) } async D(t, s, i, n) { const r = new Ei(n); let o = i; vm(t) && t.enforceAtomicReadFile?.(s) && (o = { ...i, atomic: !0 }); const a = this.J(s, o).then(l => l, l => { throw r.dispose(!0), l }); let c; try { return typeof o?.etag == "string" && o.etag !== hh && await a, o?.atomic && vm(t) || !(Hn(t) || wm(t)) || Vs(t) && o?.preferUnbuffered ? c = this.I(t, s, o) : wm(t) ? c = this.G(t, s, r.token, o) : c = this.H(t, s, r.token, o), c.on("end", () => r.dispose()), c.on("error", () => r.dispose()), { ...await a, value: c } } catch (l) { throw c && await $y(c), this.F(l, s, o) } } F(t, s, i) { const n = m(1927, null,, Rr(t).toString()); return t instanceof uh ? new uh(n, t.stat, i) : t instanceof lh ? new lh(n, t.fileOperationResult, t.size, t.options) : new Jt(n, Gt(t), i) } G(t, s, i, n = Object.create(null)) { const r = t.readFileStream(s, n, i); return Sy(r, { data: o => o instanceof O ? o : O.wrap(o), error: o => this.F(o, s, n) }, o => O.concat(o)) } H(t, s, i, n = Object.create(null)) { const r = hD(); return G9(t, s, r, o => o, { ...n, bufferSize: this.a, errorTransformer: o => this.F(o, s, n) }, i), r } I(t, s, i) { const n = Pu(r => O.concat(r)); return (async () => { try { let r; i?.atomic && vm(t) ? r = await t.readFile(s, { atomic: !0 }) : r = await t.readFile(s), typeof i?.position == "number" && (r = r.slice(i.position)), typeof i?.length == "number" && (r = r.slice(0, i.length)), this.L(s, r.byteLength, i), n.end(O.wrap(r)) } catch (r) { n.error(r), n.end() } })(), n } async J(t, s) { const i = await this.resolve(t, { resolveMetadata: !0 }); if (i.isDirectory) throw new Jt(m(1928, null,, 0, s); if (typeof s?.etag == "string" && s.etag !== hh && s.etag === i.etag) throw new uh(m(1929, null), i, s); return this.L(t, i.size, s), i } L(t, s, i) { if (typeof i?.limits?.size == "number" && s > i.limits.size) throw new lh(m(1930, null,, 7, s, i) } async canMove(t, s, i) { return this.M(t, s, "move", i) } async canCopy(t, s, i) { return this.M(t, s, "copy", i) } async M(t, s, i, n) { if (t.toString() !== s.toString()) try { const r = i === "move" ? this.qb(await this.n(t), t) : await this.m(t), o = this.qb(await this.n(s), s); await this.Q(r, t, o, s, i, n) } catch (r) { return r } return !0 } async move(t, s, i) { const n = this.qb(await this.n(t), t), r = this.qb(await this.n(s), s), o = await this.N(n, t, r, s, "move", !!i), a = await this.resolve(s, { resolveMetadata: !0 }); return Lr(t, o === "move" ? 2 : 3, a)), a } async copy(t, s, i) { const n = await this.m(t), r = this.qb(await this.n(s), s), o = await this.N(n, t, r, s, "copy", !!i), a = await this.resolve(s, { resolveMetadata: !0 }); return Lr(t, o === "copy" ? 3 : 2, a)), a } async N(t, s, i, n, r, o) { if (s.toString() === n.toString()) return r; const { exists: a, isSameResourceWithDifferentPathCase: c } = await this.Q(t, s, i, n, r, o); if (a && !c && o && await this.del(n, { recursive: !0 }), await this.U(i, this.R(i).providerExtUri.dirname(n)), r === "copy") { if (t === i && C6(t)) await t.copy(s, n, { overwrite: o }); else { const l = await this.resolve(s); l.isDirectory ? await this.P(t, l, i, n) : await this.O(t, s, i, n) } return r } else return t === i ? (await t.rename(s, n, { overwrite: o }), r) : (await this.N(t, s, i, n, "copy", o), await this.del(s, { recursive: !0 }), "copy") } async O(t, s, i, n) { if (Hn(t) && Hn(i)) return this.jb(t, s, i, n); if (Hn(t) && Vs(i)) return this.pb(t, s, i, n); if (Vs(t) && Hn(i)) return this.nb(t, s, i, n); if (Vs(t) && Vs(i)) return, s, i, n) } async P(t, s, i, n) { await i.mkdir(n), Array.isArray(s.children) && await Kt.settled( r => { const o = this.R(i).providerExtUri.joinPath(n,; return r.isDirectory ? this.P(t, await this.resolve(r.resource), i, o) : this.O(t, r.resource, i, o) })) } async Q(t, s, i, n, r, o) { let a = !1; if (t === i) { const { providerExtUri: l, isPathCaseSensitive: u } = this.R(t); if (u || (a = l.isEqual(s, n)), a && r === "copy") throw new Error(m(1931, null,,; if (!a && l.isEqualOrParent(n, s)) throw new Error(m(1932, null,, } const c = await this.exists(n); if (c && !a) { if (!o) throw new Jt(m(1933, null,,, 4); if (t === i) { const { providerExtUri: l } = this.R(t); if (l.isEqualOrParent(s, n)) throw new Error(m(1934, null,, } } return { exists: c, isSameResourceWithDifferentPathCase: a } } R(t) { const s = this.S(t); return { providerExtUri: s ? Se : My, isPathCaseSensitive: s } } S(t) { return !!(t.capabilities & 1024) } async createFolder(t) { const s = this.qb(await this.j(t), t); await this.U(s, t); const i = await this.resolve(t, { resolveMetadata: !0 }); return Lr(t, 0, i)), i } async U(t, s) { const i = [], { providerExtUri: n } = this.R(t); for (; !n.isEqual(s, n.dirname(s));)try { if (!((await t.stat(s)).type & Rs.Directory)) throw new Error(m(1935, null,; break } catch (r) { if (ah(r) !== Q.FileNotFound) throw r; i.push(n.basename(s)), s = n.dirname(s) } for (let r = i.length - 1; r >= 0; r--) { s = n.joinPath(s, i[r]); try { await t.mkdir(s) } catch (o) { if (ah(o) !== Q.FileExists) throw o } } } async canDelete(t, s) { try { await this.W(t, s) } catch (i) { return i } return !0 } async W(t, s) { const i = this.qb(await this.j(t), t), n = !!s?.useTrash; if (n && !(i.capabilities & 4096)) throw new Error(m(1936, null,; const r = s?.atomic; if (r && !(i.capabilities & 65536)) throw new Error(m(1937, null,; if (n && r) throw new Error(m(1938, null,; let o; try { o = await i.stat(t) } catch { } if (o) this.rb(t, o); else throw new Jt(m(1939, null,, 1); if (!!!s?.recursive) { const c = await this.resolve(t); if (c.isDirectory && Array.isArray(c.children) && c.children.length > 0) throw new Error(m(1940, null, } return i } async del(t, s) { const i = await this.W(t, s); let n = s; if (nN(i) && !n?.atomic) { const c = i.enforceAtomicDelete?.(t); c && (n = { ...s, atomic: c }) } const r = !!n?.useTrash, o = !!n?.recursive, a = n?.atomic ?? !1; await i.delete(t, { recursive: o, useTrash: r, atomic: a }), Lr(t, 1)) } async cloneFile(t, s) { const i = await this.j(t), n = this.qb(await this.n(s), s); if (!(i === n && this.R(i).providerExtUri.isEqual(t, s))) return i === n && iN(i) ? i.cloneFile(t, s) : (await this.U(n, this.R(n).providerExtUri.dirname(s)), i === n && C6(i) ? this.cb.queueFor(t, () => i.copy(t, s, { overwrite: !0 }), this.R(i).providerExtUri) : this.cb.queueFor(t, () => this.O(i, t, n, s), this.R(i).providerExtUri)) } static { this.ab = 0 } createWatcher(t, s) { return, { ...s, correlationId: Ym.ab++ }) } watch(t, s = { recursive: !1, excludes: [] }) { const i = new ut; let n = !1, r = () => { n = !0 }; i.add(ye(() => r())), (async () => { try { const a = await, s); n ? Ut(a) : r = () => Ut(a) } catch (a) { this.b.error(a) } })(); const o = s.correlationId; if (typeof o == "number") { const a = i.add(new D); return i.add(this.X.event(l => { l.correlates(o) && })), { onDidChange: a.event, dispose: () => i.dispose() } } return i } async bb(t, s) { const i = await this.j(t), n = ho([this.R(i).providerExtUri.getComparisonKey(t), s]); let r = this.$.get(n); return r || (r = { count: 0, disposable:, s) }, this.$.set(n, r)), r.count += 1, ye(() => { r && (r.count--, r.count === 0 && (Ut(r.disposable), this.$.delete(n))) }) } dispose() { super.dispose(); for (const [, t] of this.$) Ut(t.disposable); this.$.clear() } async db(t, s, i, n) { return this.cb.queueFor(s, async () => { const r = await, { create: !0, unlock: i?.unlock ?? !1 }); try { Su(n) || rp(n) ? await this.eb(t, r, n) : await this.fb(t, r, n) } catch (o) { throw Rr(o) } finally { await t.close(r) } }, this.R(t).providerExtUri) } async eb(t, s, i) { let n = 0, r; if (rp(i)) { if (i.buffer.length > 0) { const o = O.concat(i.buffer); await, s, o, o.byteLength, n, 0), n += o.byteLength } if (i.ended) return; r = } else r = i; return new Promise((o, a) => { Iu(r, { onData: async c => { r.pause(); try { await, s, c, c.byteLength, n, 0) } catch (l) { return a(l) } n += c.byteLength, setTimeout(() => r.resume()) }, onError: c => a(c), onEnd: () => o() }) }) } async fb(t, s, i) { let n = 0, r; for (; (r = !== null;)await, s, r, r.byteLength, n, 0), n += r.byteLength } async gb(t, s, i, n, r, o) { let a = 0; for (; a < n;) { const c = await t.write(s, r + a, i.buffer, o + a, n - a); a += c } } async hb(t, s, i, n) { return this.cb.queueFor(s, () => this.ib(t, s, i, n), this.R(t).providerExtUri) } async ib(t, s, i, n) { let r; n instanceof O ? r = n : Su(n) ? r = await rn(n) : rp(n) ? r = await lD(n) : r = aD(n), await t.writeFile(s, r.buffer, { create: !0, overwrite: !0, unlock: i?.unlock ?? !1, atomic: i?.atomic ?? !1 }) } async jb(t, s, i, n) { return this.cb.queueFor(n, () => this.kb(t, s, i, n), this.R(i).providerExtUri) } async kb(t, s, i, n) { let r, o; try { r = await, { create: !1 }), o = await, { create: !0, unlock: !1 }); const a = O.alloc(this.a); let c = 0, l = 0, u = 0; do u = await, c, a.buffer, l, a.byteLength - l), await, o, a, u, c, l), c += u, l += u, l === a.byteLength && (l = 0); while (u > 0) } catch (a) { throw Rr(a) } finally { await Kt.settled([typeof r == "number" ? t.close(r) : Promise.resolve(), typeof o == "number" ? i.close(o) : Promise.resolve()]) } } async lb(t, s, i, n) { return this.cb.queueFor(n, () => this.mb(t, s, i, n), this.R(i).providerExtUri) } async mb(t, s, i, n) { return i.writeFile(n, await t.readFile(s), { create: !0, overwrite: !0, unlock: !1, atomic: !1 }) } async nb(t, s, i, n) { return this.cb.queueFor(n, () => this.ob(t, s, i, n), this.R(i).providerExtUri) } async ob(t, s, i, n) { const r = await, { create: !0, unlock: !1 }); try { const o = await t.readFile(s); await, r, O.wrap(o), o.byteLength, 0, 0) } catch (o) { throw Rr(o) } finally { await i.close(r) } } async pb(t, s, i, n) { const r = await rn(this.H(t, s, Ne.None)); await this.hb(i, n, void 0, r) } qb(t, s) { if (t.capabilities & 2048) throw new Jt(m(1941, null,, 6); return t } rb(t, s) { if ((s.permissions ?? 0) & Oo.Readonly) throw new Jt(m(1942, null,, 6) } sb(t) { return t.scheme === Z.file ? t.fsPath : t.toString(!0) } }, Wc = Ym = __decorate([__param(0, pe)], Wc) } }); function X9(e, t) { switch (e) { case 0: return ""; case 1: return `${Gc}*?`; default: return `(?:${qc}|${Gc}+${qc}${t ? `|${qc}${Gc}+` : ""})*?` } } function Q9(e, t) { if (!e) return []; const s = []; let i = !1, n = !1, r = ""; for (const o of e) { switch (o) { case t: if (!i && !n) { s.push(r), r = ""; continue } break; case "{": i = !0; break; case "}": i = !1; break; case "[": n = !0; break; case "]": n = !1; break }r += o } return r && s.push(r), s } function Z9(e) { if (!e) return ""; let t = ""; const s = Q9(e, Zm); if (s.every(i => i === Fo)) t = ".*"; else { let i = !1; s.forEach((n, r) => { if (n === Fo) { if (i) return; t += X9(2, r === s.length - 1) } else { let o = !1, a = "", c = !1, l = ""; for (const u of n) { if (u !== "}" && o) { a += u; continue } if (c && (u !== "]" || !l)) { let h; u === "-" ? h = u : (u === "^" || u === "!") && !l ? h = "^" : u === Zm ? h = "" : h = Rn(u), l += h; continue } switch (u) { case "{": o = !0; continue; case "[": c = !0; continue; case "}": { const d = `(?:${Q9(a, ",").map(p => Z9(p)).join("|")})`; t += d, o = !1, a = ""; break } case "]": { t += "[" + l + "]", c = !1, l = ""; break } case "?": t += Gc; continue; case "*": t += X9(1); continue; default: t += Rn(u) } } r < s.length - 1 && (s[r + 1] !== Fo || r + 2 < s.length) && (t += qc) } i = n === Fo }) } return t } function Xm(e, t) { if (!e) return ci; let s; typeof e != "string" ? s = e.pattern : s = e, s = s.trim(); const i = `${s}_${!!t.trimForExclusions}`; let n = Km.get(i); if (n) return K9(n, e); let r; return n7.test(s) ? n = RO(s.substr(4), s) : (r = r7.exec(Qm(s, t))) ? n = LO(r[1], s) : (t.trimForExclusions ? a7 : o7).test(s) ? n = NO(s, t) : (r = c7.exec(Qm(s, t))) ? n = e7(r[1].substr(1), s, !0) : (r = l7.exec(Qm(s, t))) ? n = e7(r[1], s, !1) : n = OO(s), Km.set(i, n), K9(n, e) } function K9(e, t) { if (typeof t == "string") return e; const s = function (i, n) { return jn(i, t.base, !rt) ? e(AA(i.substr(t.base.length), Qt), n) : null }; return s.allBasenames = e.allBasenames, s.allPaths = e.allPaths, s.basenames = e.basenames, s.patterns = e.patterns, s } function Qm(e, t) { return t.trimForExclusions && e.endsWith("/**") ? e.substr(0, e.length - 2) : e } function RO(e, t) { return function (s, i) { return typeof s == "string" && s.endsWith(e) ? t : null } } function LO(e, t) { const s = `/${e}`, i = `\\${e}`, n = function (o, a) { return typeof o != "string" ? null : a ? a === e ? t : null : o === e || o.endsWith(s) || o.endsWith(i) ? t : null }, r = [e]; return n.basenames = r, n.patterns = [t], n.allBasenames = r, n } function NO(e, t) { const s = t7(e.slice(1, -1).split(",").map(a => Xm(a, t)).filter(a => a !== ci), e), i = s.length; if (!i) return ci; if (i === 1) return s[0]; const n = function (a, c) { for (let l = 0, u = s.length; l < u; l++)if (s[l](a, c)) return e; return null }, r = s.find(a => !!a.allBasenames); r && (n.allBasenames = r.allBasenames); const o = s.reduce((a, c) => c.allPaths ? a.concat(c.allPaths) : a, []); return o.length && (n.allPaths = o), n } function e7(e, t, s) { const i = Qt === Ae.sep, n = i ? e : e.replace(i7, Qt), r = Qt + n, o = Ae.sep + e; let a; return s ? a = function (c, l) { return typeof c == "string" && (c === n || c.endsWith(r) || !i && (c === e || c.endsWith(o))) ? t : null } : a = function (c, l) { return typeof c == "string" && (c === n || !i && c === e) ? t : null }, a.allPaths = [(s ? "*/" : "./") + e], a } function OO(e) { try { const t = new RegExp(`^${Z9(e)}$`); return function (s) { return t.lastIndex = 0, typeof s == "string" && t.test(s) ? e : null } } catch { return ci } } function CO(e, t = {}) { if (!e) return eg; if (typeof e == "string" || _O(e)) { const s = Xm(e, t); if (s === ci) return eg; const i = function (n, r) { return !!s(n, r) }; return s.allBasenames && (i.allBasenames = s.allBasenames), s.allPaths && (i.allPaths = s.allPaths), i } return jO(e, t) } function _O(e) { const t = e; return t ? typeof t.base == "string" && typeof t.pattern == "string" : !1 } function jO(e, t) { const s = t7(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e).map(a => TO(a, e[a], t)).filter(a => a !== ci)), i = s.length; if (!i) return ci; if (!s.some(a => !!a.requiresSiblings)) { if (i === 1) return s[0]; const a = function (u, h) { let d; for (let p = 0, g = s.length; p < g; p++) { const w = s[p](u, h); if (typeof w == "string") return w; Ep(w) && (d || (d = []), d.push(w)) } return d ? (async () => { for (const p of d) { const g = await p; if (typeof g == "string") return g } return null })() : null }, c = s.find(u => !!u.allBasenames); c && (a.allBasenames = c.allBasenames); const l = s.reduce((u, h) => h.allPaths ? u.concat(h.allPaths) : u, []); return l.length && (a.allPaths = l), a } const n = function (a, c, l) { let u, h; for (let d = 0, p = s.length; d < p; d++) { const g = s[d]; g.requiresSiblings && l && (c || (c = at(a)), u || (u = c.substr(0, c.length - vr(a).length))); const w = g(a, c, u, l); if (typeof w == "string") return w; Ep(w) && (h || (h = []), h.push(w)) } return h ? (async () => { for (const d of h) { const p = await d; if (typeof p == "string") return p } return null })() : null }, r = s.find(a => !!a.allBasenames); r && (n.allBasenames = r.allBasenames); const o = s.reduce((a, c) => c.allPaths ? a.concat(c.allPaths) : a, []); return o.length && (n.allPaths = o), n } function TO(e, t, s) { if (t === !1) return ci; const i = Xm(e, s); if (i === ci) return ci; if (typeof t == "boolean") return i; if (t) { const n = t.when; if (typeof n == "string") { const r = (o, a, c, l) => { if (!l || !i(o, a)) return null; const u = n.replace("$(basename)", () => c), h = l(u); return Ep(h) ? h.then(d => d ? e : null) : h ? e : null }; return r.requiresSiblings = !0, r } } return i } function t7(e, t) { const s = e.filter(a => !!a.basenames); if (s.length < 2) return e; const i = s.reduce((a, c) => { const l = c.basenames; return l ? a.concat(l) : a }, []); let n; if (t) { n = []; for (let a = 0, c = i.length; a < c; a++)n.push(t) } else n = s.reduce((a, c) => { const l = c.patterns; return l ? a.concat(l) : a }, []); const r = function (a, c) { if (typeof a != "string") return null; if (!c) { let u; for (u = a.length; u > 0; u--) { const h = a.charCodeAt(u - 1); if (h === 47 || h === 92) break } c = a.substr(u) } const l = i.indexOf(c); return l !== -1 ? n[l] : null }; r.basenames = i, r.patterns = n, r.allBasenames = i; const o = e.filter(a => !a.basenames); return o.push(r), o } function s7(e, t) { return Dn(e, t, (s, i) => typeof s == "string" && typeof i == "string" ? s === i : typeof s != "string" && typeof i != "string" ? s.base === i.base && s.pattern === i.pattern : !1) } var Fo, Zm, qc, Gc, i7, n7, r7, o7, a7, c7, l7, Km, eg, ci, tg = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/glob.js"() { "use strict"; Et(), Ue(), ki(), ls(), de(), X(), et(), Fo = "**", Zm = "/", qc = "[/\\\\]", Gc = "[^/\\\\]", i7 = /\//g, n7 = /^\*\*\/\*\.[\w\.-]+$/, r7 = /^\*\*\/([\w\.-]+)\/?$/, o7 = /^{\*\*\/\*?[\w\.-]+\/?(,\*\*\/\*?[\w\.-]+\/?)*}$/, a7 = /^{\*\*\/\*?[\w\.-]+(\/(\*\*)?)?(,\*\*\/\*?[\w\.-]+(\/(\*\*)?)?)*}$/, c7 = /^\*\*((\/[\w\.-]+)+)\/?$/, l7 = /^([\w\.-]+(\/[\w\.-]+)*)\/?$/, Km = new Fa(1e4), eg = function () { return !1 }, ci = function () { return null } } }); function u7(e) { return typeof e.correlationId == "number" } function UO(e) { return e.recursive === !0 } function h7(e) { return => ({ type: t.type, resource: E.revive(t.resource), cId: t.cId })) } function MO(e) { const t = new m7; for (const s of e) t.processEvent(s); return t.coalesce() } function FO(e, t) { return typeof t == "string" && !t.startsWith(Fo) && !sn(t) ? { base: e, pattern: t } : t } function f7(e, t) { const s = []; for (const i of t) s.push(CO(FO(e, i))); return s } function BO(e, t) { if (typeof t == "number") switch (e.type) { case 1: return (t & 4) === 0; case 2: return (t & 8) === 0; case 0: return (t & 2) === 0 }return !1 } function HO(e) { if (typeof e == "number") { const t = []; return e & 4 && t.push("Added"), e & 8 && t.push("Deleted"), e & 2 && t.push("Updated"), t.length === 0 ? "<all>" : `[${t.join(", ")}]` } return "<none>" } var sg, d7, p7, m7, Bo = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/files/common/watcher.js"() { "use strict"; tg(), z(), de(), X(), ee(), st(), sg = class DI extends J { static { this.a = 5 } constructor(t, s, i, n) { super(), this.h = t, this.j = s, this.m = i, this.n = n, this.c = this.B(new fu), this.f = void 0, this.g = 0 } s() { const t = new ut; this.c.value = t, this.b = this.r(t), this.b.setVerboseLogging(this.m), t.add(this.b.onDidChangeFile(s => this.h(s))), t.add(this.b.onDidLogMessage(s => this.j(s))), t.add(this.b.onDidError(s => this.t(s.error, s.request))) } t(t, s) { this.u(t, s) ? this.g < DI.a && this.f ? (this.y(`restarting watcher after unexpected error: ${t}`), this.w(this.f)) : this.y(`gave up attempting to restart watcher after unexpected error: ${t}`) : this.y(t) } u(t, s) { return !(!this.n.restartOnError || s || t.indexOf("No space left on device") !== -1 || t.indexOf("EMFILE") !== -1) } w(t) { this.g++, this.s(), } async watch(t) { this.f = t, await this.b?.watch(t) } async setVerboseLogging(t) { this.m = t, await this.b?.setVerboseLogging(t) } y(t) { this.j({ type: "error", message: `[File Watcher (${this.n.type})] ${t}` }) } z(t) { this.j({ type: "trace", message: `[File Watcher (${this.n.type})] ${t}` }) } dispose() { return this.b = void 0, super.dispose() } }, d7 = class extends sg { constructor(e, t, s) { super(e, t, s, { type: "node.js", restartOnError: !1 }) } }, p7 = class extends sg { constructor(e, t, s) { super(e, t, s, { type: "universal", restartOnError: !0 }) } }, m7 = class { constructor() { this.a = new Set, this.b = new Map } c(e) { return rt ? e.resource.fsPath : e.resource.fsPath.toLowerCase() } processEvent(e) { const t = this.b.get(this.c(e)); let s = !1; if (t) { const i = t.type, n = e.type; t.resource.fsPath !== e.resource.fsPath && (e.type === 2 || e.type === 1) ? s = !0 : i === 1 && n === 2 ? (this.b.delete(this.c(e)), this.a.delete(t)) : i === 2 && n === 1 ? t.type = 0 : i === 1 && n === 0 || (t.type = n) } else s = !0; s && (this.a.add(e), this.b.set(this.c(e), e)) } coalesce() { const e = [], t = []; return Array.from(this.a).filter(s => s.type !== 2 ? (e.push(s), !1) : !0).sort((s, i) => s.resource.fsPath.length - i.resource.fsPath.length).filter(s => t.some(i => rN(s.resource.fsPath, i, !rt)) ? !1 : (t.push(s.resource.fsPath), !0)).concat(e) } } } }), g7, zO = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/files/common/diskFileSystemProvider.js"() { "use strict"; Et(), Ue(), fe(), re(), ki(), z(), de(), Bo(), Re(), g7 = class extends J { constructor(e, t) { super(), this.a = e, this.b = t, this.c = this.B(new D), this.onDidChangeFile = this.c.event, this.g = this.B(new D), this.onDidWatchError = this.g.event, this.j = [], this.m = this.B(new Pr(0)), this.y = [], this.z = this.B(new Pr(0)) } watch(e, t) { return t.recursive || this.b?.watcher?.forceUniversal ? this.n(e, t) : this.C(e, t) } n(e, t) { const s = this.r(e, t), i = vb(this.j, s); return this.s(), ye(() => { i(), this.s() }) } r(e, t) { const s = { path: this.L(e), excludes: t.excludes, includes: t.includes, recursive: t.recursive, filter: t.filter, correlationId: t.correlationId }; if (UO(s)) { const i = this.b?.watcher?.recursive?.usePolling; i === !0 ? s.pollingInterval = this.b?.watcher?.recursive?.pollingInterval ?? 5e3 : Array.isArray(i) && i.includes(s.path) && (s.pollingInterval = this.b?.watcher?.recursive?.pollingInterval ?? 5e3) } return s } s() { this.m.trigger(() => this.t()).catch(e => Vt(e)) } t() { return this.h || (this.h = this.B(this.u(e =>, e => this.H(e), this.a.getLevel() === F.Trace)), this.B(this.a.onDidChangeLogLevel(() => { this.h?.setVerboseLogging(this.a.getLevel() === F.Trace) }))), } C(e, t) { const s = { path: this.L(e), excludes: t.excludes, includes: t.includes, recursive: !1, filter: t.filter, correlationId: t.correlationId }, i = vb(this.y, s); return this.D(), ye(() => { i(), this.D() }) } D() { this.z.trigger(() => this.F()).catch(e => Vt(e)) } F() { return this.w || (this.w = this.B(this.G(e =>, e => this.H(e), this.a.getLevel() === F.Trace)), this.B(this.a.onDidChangeLogLevel(() => { this.w?.setVerboseLogging(this.a.getLevel() === F.Trace) }))), } H(e) { e.type === "error" &&, this.I(e) } I(e) { this.a[e.type](e.message) } J(e) { return si(e.fsPath) } L(e) { const t = this.J(e); return wD(t) } } } }); function je(e, t, s) { let i = null, n = null; if (typeof s.value == "function" ? (i = "value", n = s.value, n.length !== 0 && console.warn("Memoize should only be used in functions with zero parameters")) : typeof s.get == "function" && (i = "get", n = s.get), !n) throw new Error("not supported"); const r = `$memoize$${t}`; s[i] = function (...o) { return this.hasOwnProperty(r) || Object.defineProperty(this, r, { configurable: !1, enumerable: !1, writable: !1, value: n.apply(this, o) }), this[r] } } var ig = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/decorators.js"() { "use strict" } }); function Ho(e) { switch (e) { case 100: return "req"; case 101: return "cancel"; case 102: return "subscribe"; case 103: return "unsubscribe" } } function _h(e) { switch (e) { case 200: return "init"; case 201: return "reply:"; case 202: case 203: return "replyErr:"; case 204: return "event:" } } function zo(e) { let t = 0; for (let s = 0; ; s += 7) { const i =; if (t |= (i.buffer[0] & 127) << s, !(i.buffer[0] & 128)) return t } } function Vo(e, t) { if (t === 0) { e.write(y7); return } let s = 0; for (let n = t; n !== 0; n = n >>> 7)s++; const i = O.alloc(s); for (let n = 0; t !== 0; n++)i.buffer[n] = t & 127, t = t >>> 7, t > 0 && (i.buffer[n] |= 128); e.write(i) } function Vn(e) { const t = O.alloc(1); return t.writeUInt8(e, 0), t } function Jc(e, t) { if (typeof t > "u") e.write(Wn.Undefined); else if (typeof t == "string") { const s = O.fromString(t); e.write(Wn.String), Vo(e, s.byteLength), e.write(s) } else if (E7 && Buffer.isBuffer(t)) { const s = O.wrap(t); e.write(Wn.Buffer), Vo(e, s.byteLength), e.write(s) } else if (t instanceof O) e.write(Wn.VSBuffer), Vo(e, t.byteLength), e.write(t); else if (Array.isArray(t)) { e.write(Wn.Array), Vo(e, t.length); for (const s of t) Jc(e, s) } else if (typeof t == "number" && (t | 0) === t) e.write(Wn.Uint), Vo(e, t); else { const s = O.fromString(JSON.stringify(t)); e.write(Wn.Object), Vo(e, s.byteLength), e.write(s) } } function Wo(e) { switch ( { case rs.Undefined: return; case rs.String: return; case rs.Buffer: return; case rs.VSBuffer: return; case rs.Array: { const s = zo(e), i = []; for (let n = 0; n < s; n++)i.push(Wo(e)); return i } case rs.Object: return JSON.parse(; case rs.Int: return zo(e) } } function w7(e) { return { call(t, s, i) { return e.then(n =>, s, i)) }, listen(t, s) { const i = new F1; return e.then(n => i.input = n.listen(t, s)), i.event } } } function VO(e) { let t = !1; return { call(s, i, n) { return t ?, i, n) : Sr(0).then(() => t = !0).then(() =>, i, n)) }, listen(s, i) { if (t) return e.listen(s, i); const n = new F1; return Sr(0).then(() => t = !0).then(() => n.input = e.listen(s, i)), n.event } } } var v7, b7, Cr, y7, jh, ng, rs, Wn, E7, x7, k7, Th, $7, S7, Yc, qo = v({
  224. "out-build/vs/base/parts/ipc/common/ipc.js"() {
  225. "use strict"; Et(), Ue(), Me(), Dt(), ig(), fe(), re(), lu(), z(), Co(), et(), $e(), function (e) { e[e.Promise = 100] = "Promise", e[e.PromiseCancel = 101] = "PromiseCancel", e[e.EventListen = 102] = "EventListen", e[e.EventDispose = 103] = "EventDispose" }(v7 || (v7 = {})), function (e) { e[e.Initialize = 200] = "Initialize", e[e.PromiseSuccess = 201] = "PromiseSuccess", e[e.PromiseError = 202] = "PromiseError", e[e.PromiseErrorObj = 203] = "PromiseErrorObj", e[e.EventFire = 204] = "EventFire" }(b7 || (b7 = {})), function (e) { e[e.Uninitialized = 0] = "Uninitialized", e[e.Idle = 1] = "Idle" }(Cr || (Cr = {})), y7 = Vn(0), jh = class { constructor(e) { this.b = e, this.a = 0 } read(e) { const t = this.b.slice(this.a, this.a + e); return this.a += t.byteLength, t } }, ng = class { constructor() { this.a = [] } get buffer() { return O.concat(this.a) } write(e) { this.a.push(e) } }, function (e) { e[e.Undefined = 0] = "Undefined", e[e.String = 1] = "String", e[e.Buffer = 2] = "Buffer", e[e.VSBuffer = 3] = "VSBuffer", e[e.Array = 4] = "Array", e[e.Object = 5] = "Object", e[e.Int = 6] = "Int" }(rs || (rs = {})), Wn = { Undefined: Vn(rs.Undefined), String: Vn(rs.String), Buffer: Vn(rs.Buffer), VSBuffer: Vn(rs.VSBuffer), Array: Vn(rs.Array), Object: Vn(rs.Object), Uint: Vn(rs.Int) }, E7 = typeof Buffer < "u", x7 = class {
  226. constructor(e, t, s = null, i = 1e3) { this.h = e, this.j = t, this.k = s, this.l = i, this.b = new Map, this.d = new Map, this.g = new Map, this.f = this.h.onMessage(n => this.q(n)), this.m({ type: 200 }) } registerChannel(e, t) { this.b.set(e, t), setTimeout(() => this.w(e), 0) } m(e) { switch (e.type) { case 200: { const t = this.o([e.type]); this.k?.logOutgoing(t, 0, 1, _h(e.type)); return } case 201: case 202: case 204: case 203: { const t = this.o([e.type,],; this.k?.logOutgoing(t,, 1, _h(e.type),; return } } } o(e, t = void 0) { const s = new ng; return Jc(s, e), Jc(s, t), this.p(s.buffer) } p(e) { try { return this.h.send(e), e.byteLength } catch { return 0 } } q(e) { const t = new jh(e), s = Wo(t), i = Wo(t), n = s[0]; switch (n) { case 100: return this.k?.logIncoming(e.byteLength, s[1], 1, `${Ho(n)}: ${s[2]}.${s[3]}`, i), this.s({ type: n, id: s[1], channelName: s[2], name: s[3], arg: i }); case 102: return this.k?.logIncoming(e.byteLength, s[1], 1, `${Ho(n)}: ${s[2]}.${s[3]}`, i), this.t({ type: n, id: s[1], channelName: s[2], name: s[3], arg: i }); case 101: return this.k?.logIncoming(e.byteLength, s[1], 1, `${Ho(n)}`), this.u({ type: n, id: s[1] }); case 103: return this.k?.logIncoming(e.byteLength, s[1], 1, `${Ho(n)}`), this.u({ type: n, id: s[1] }) } } s(e) {
  227. const t = this.b.get(e.channelName); if (!t) { this.v(e); return } const s = new Ei; let i; try { i =,, e.arg, s.token) } catch (o) { i = Promise.reject(o) } const n =; i.then(o => { this.m({ id: n, data: o, type: 201 }) }, o => {
  228. o instanceof Error ? this.m({
  229. id: n, data: {
  230. message: o.message, name:, stack: o.stack ? o.stack.split(`
  231. `) : void 0
  232. }, type: 202
  233. }) : this.m({ id: n, data: o, type: 203 })
  234. }).finally(() => { r.dispose(), this.d.delete( }); const r = ye(() => s.cancel()); this.d.set(, r)
  235. } t(e) { const t = this.b.get(e.channelName); if (!t) { this.v(e); return } const s =, n = t.listen(this.j,, e.arg)(r => this.m({ id: s, data: r, type: 204 })); this.d.set(, n) } u(e) { const t = this.d.get(; t && (t.dispose(), this.d.delete( } v(e) { let t = this.g.get(e.channelName); t || (t = [], this.g.set(e.channelName, t)); const s = setTimeout(() => { console.error(`Unknown channel: ${e.channelName}`), e.type === 100 && this.m({ id:, data: { name: "Unknown channel", message: `Channel name '${e.channelName}' timed out after ${this.l}ms`, stack: void 0 }, type: 202 }) }, this.l); t.push({ request: e, timeoutTimer: s }) } w(e) { const t = this.g.get(e); if (t) { for (const s of t) switch (clearTimeout(s.timeoutTimer), s.request.type) { case 100: this.s(s.request); break; case 102: this.t(s.request); break }this.g.delete(e) } } dispose() { this.f && (this.f.dispose(), this.f = null), Ut(this.d.values()), this.d.clear() }
  236. }, function (e) { e[e.LocalSide = 0] = "LocalSide", e[e.OtherSide = 1] = "OtherSide" }(k7 || (k7 = {})), Th = class {
  237. constructor(e, t = null) { this.l = e, this.a = !1, this.b = Cr.Uninitialized, this.d = new Set, this.f = new Map, this.g = 0, this.k = new D, this.onDidInitialize = this.k.event, this.h = this.l.onMessage(s => this.s(s)), this.j = t } getChannel(e) { const t = this; return { call(s, i, n) { return t.a ? Promise.reject(new It) : t.m(e, s, i, n) }, listen(s, i) { return t.a ? H.None : t.o(e, s, i) } } } m(e, t, s, i = Ne.None) {
  238. const n = this.g++, o = { id: n, type: 100, channelName: e, name: t, arg: s }; if (i.isCancellationRequested) return Promise.reject(new It); let a, c; return new Promise((u, h) => {
  239. if (i.isCancellationRequested) return h(new It); const d = () => {
  240. const w = y => {
  241. switch (y.type) {
  242. case 201: this.f.delete(n), u(; break; case 202: {
  243. this.f.delete(n); const x = new Error(; x.stack = Array.isArray( ?`
  244. `) :, =, h(x); break
  245. } case 203: this.f.delete(n), h(; break
  246. }
  247. }; this.f.set(n, w), this.p(o)
  248. }; let p = null; this.b === Cr.Idle ? d() : (p = cn(w => this.u()), p.then(() => { p = null, d() })); const g = () => { p ? (p.cancel(), p = null) : this.p({ id: n, type: 101 }), h(new It) }; a = i.onCancellationRequested(g), c = { dispose: cu(() => { g(), a.dispose() }) }, this.d.add(c)
  249. }).finally(() => { a.dispose(), this.d.delete(c) })
  250. } o(e, t, s) { const i = this.g++, r = { id: i, type: 102, channelName: e, name: t, arg: s }; let o = null; const a = new D({ onWillAddFirstListener: () => { const l = () => { this.d.add(a), this.p(r) }; this.b === Cr.Idle ? l() : (o = cn(u => this.u()), o.then(() => { o = null, l() })) }, onDidRemoveLastListener: () => { o ? (o.cancel(), o = null) : (this.d.delete(a), this.p({ id: i, type: 103 })) } }), c = l =>; return this.f.set(i, c), a.event } p(e) { switch (e.type) { case 100: case 102: { const t = this.q([e.type,, e.channelName,], e.arg); this.j?.logOutgoing(t,, 0, `${Ho(e.type)}: ${e.channelName}.${}`, e.arg); return } case 101: case 103: { const t = this.q([e.type,]); this.j?.logOutgoing(t,, 0, Ho(e.type)); return } } } q(e, t = void 0) { const s = new ng; return Jc(s, e), Jc(s, t), this.r(s.buffer) } r(e) { try { return this.l.send(e), e.byteLength } catch { return 0 } } s(e) { const t = new jh(e), s = Wo(t), i = Wo(t), n = s[0]; switch (n) { case 200: return this.j?.logIncoming(e.byteLength, 0, 0, _h(n)), this.t({ type: s[0] }); case 201: case 202: case 204: case 203: return this.j?.logIncoming(e.byteLength, s[1], 0, _h(n), i), this.t({ type: s[0], id: s[1], data: i }) } } t(e) { if (e.type === 200) { this.b = Cr.Idle,; return } this.f.get( } get onDidInitializePromise() { return H.toPromise(this.onDidInitialize) } u() { return this.b === Cr.Idle ? Promise.resolve() : this.onDidInitializePromise } dispose() { this.a = !0, this.h && (this.h.dispose(), this.h = null), Ut(this.d.values()), this.d.clear() }
  251. }, __decorate([je], Th.prototype, "onDidInitializePromise", null), $7 = class { get connections() { const e = []; return this.f.forEach(t => e.push(t)), e } constructor(e, t, s) { this.a = new Map, this.f = new Set, this.g = new D, this.onDidAddConnection = this.g.event, this.h = new D, this.onDidRemoveConnection = this.h.event, this.j = new ut, this.j.add(e(({ protocol: i, onDidClientDisconnect: n }) => { const r = H.once(i.onMessage); this.j.add(r(o => { const a = new jh(o), c = Wo(a), l = new x7(i, c, t, s), u = new Th(i, t); this.a.forEach((d, p) => l.registerChannel(p, d)); const h = { channelServer: l, channelClient: u, ctx: c }; this.f.add(h),, this.j.add(n(() => { l.dispose(), u.dispose(), this.f.delete(h), })) })) })) } getChannel(e, t) { const s = this; return { call(i, n, r) { let o; if (ip(t)) { const c = gA(s.connections.filter(t)); o = c ? Promise.resolve(c) : H.toPromise(H.filter(s.onDidAddConnection, t)) } else o = t.routeCall(s, i, n); const a = o.then(c => c.channelClient.getChannel(e)); return w7(a).call(i, n, r) }, listen(i, n) { if (ip(t)) return s.k(e, t, i, n); const r = t.routeEvent(s, i, n).then(o => o.channelClient.getChannel(e)); return w7(r).listen(i, n) } } } k(e, t, s, i) { const n = this; let r; const o = new D({ onWillAddFirstListener: () => { r = new ut; const a = new Vb, c = new Map, l = h => { const p = h.channelClient.getChannel(e).listen(s, i), g = a.add(p); c.set(h, g) }, u = h => { const d = c.get(h); d && (d.dispose(), c.delete(h)) }; n.connections.filter(t).forEach(l), H.filter(n.onDidAddConnection, t)(l, void 0, r), n.onDidRemoveConnection(u, void 0, r), a.event(, o, r), r.add(a) }, onDidRemoveLastListener: () => { r?.dispose(), r = void 0 } }); return n.j.add(o), o.event } registerChannel(e, t) { this.a.set(e, t); for (const s of this.f) s.channelServer.registerChannel(e, t) } dispose() { this.j.dispose(); for (const e of this.f) e.channelClient.dispose(), e.channelServer.dispose(); this.f.clear(), this.a.clear(), this.g.dispose(), this.h.dispose() } }, S7 = class { constructor(e) { this.a = e } routeCall(e) { return this.b(e) } routeEvent(e) { return this.b(e) } async b(e) { for (const t of e.connections) if (await Promise.resolve(this.a(t.ctx))) return Promise.resolve(t); return await H.toPromise(e.onDidAddConnection), await this.b(e) } }, function (e) { function t(r, o, a) { const c = r, l = a && a.disableMarshalling, u = new Map; for (const h in c) i(h) && u.set(h, H.buffer(c[h], !0, void 0, o)); return new class { listen(h, d, p) { const g = u.get(d); if (g) return g; const w = c[d]; if (typeof w == "function") { if (n(d)) return, p); if (i(d)) return u.set(d, H.buffer(c[d], !0, void 0, o)), u.get(d) } throw new Xi(`Event not found: ${d}`) } call(h, d, p) { const g = c[d]; if (typeof g == "function") { if (!l && Array.isArray(p)) for (let y = 0; y < p.length; y++)p[y] = Ws(p[y]); let w = g.apply(c, p); return w instanceof Promise || (w = Promise.resolve(w)), w } throw new Xi(`Method not found: ${d}`) } } } e.fromService = t; function s(r, o) { const a = o && o.disableMarshalling; return new Proxy({}, { get(c, l) { if (typeof l == "string") return o?.properties?.has(l) ? : n(l) ? function (u) { return r.listen(l, u) } : i(l) ? r.listen(l) : async function (...u) { let h; o && !xt(o.context) ? h = [o.context, ...u] : h = u; const d = await, h); return a ? d : Ws(d) }; throw new Xi(`Property not found: ${String(l)}`) } }) } e.toService = s; function i(r) { return r[0] === "o" && r[1] === "n" && Jb(r.charCodeAt(2)) } function n(r) { return /^onDynamic/.test(r) && Jb(r.charCodeAt(9)) } }(Yc || (Yc = {}))
  252. }
  253. }); function WO(e) { const t = e; return t && typeof t.type == "string" && typeof t.severity == "string" } function qO(e) { const t = []; let s; try { const i = JSON.parse(e.arguments), n = i[i.length - 1]; n && n.__$stack && (i.pop(), s = n.__$stack), t.push(...i) } catch { t.push("Unable to log remote console arguments", e.arguments) } return { args: t, stack: s } } function GO(e) {
  254. if (!e) return e; const t = e.indexOf(`
  255. `); return t === -1 ? e : e.substring(0, t)
  256. } function JO(e, t) { const { args: s, stack: i } = qO(e), n = typeof s[0] == "string" && s.length === 1; let r = GO(i); r && (r = `(${r.trim()})`); let o = []; if (typeof s[0] == "string" ? r && n ? o = [`%c[${t}] %c${s[0]} %c${r}`, Go("blue"), Go(""), Go("grey")] : o = [`%c[${t}] %c${s[0]}`, Go("blue"), Go(""), ...s.slice(1)] : o = [`%c[${t}]%`, Go("blue"), ...s], r && !n && o.push(r), typeof console[e.severity] != "function") throw new Error("Unknown console method"); console[e.severity].apply(console, o) } function Go(e) { return `color: ${e}` } var YO = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/console.js"() { "use strict"; ee() } }); import { fork as XO } from "child_process"; var rg, P7 = v({ "out-build/vs/base/parts/ipc/node/ipc.cp.js"() { "use strict"; Ue(), Me(), Dt(), YO(), fe(), re(), z(), es(), $5(), qu(), qo(), rg = class { constructor(e, t) { this.i = e, this.j = t, this.c = new Set, this.g = new Map, this.h = new D, this.onDidProcessExit = this.h.event; const s = t && t.timeout ? t.timeout : 6e4; this.b = new xp(s), this.d = null, this.f = null } getChannel(e) { const t = this; return { call(s, i, n) { return t.k(e, s, i, n) }, listen(s, i) { return t.l(e, s, i) } } } k(e, t, s, i = Ne.None) { if (!this.b) return Promise.reject(new Error("disposed")); if (i.isCancellationRequested) return Promise.reject(zv()); this.b.cancel(); const n = this.n(e), r = cn(c =>, s, c)), o = i.onCancellationRequested(() => r.cancel()), a = ye(() => r.cancel()); return this.c.add(a), r.finally(() => { o.dispose(), this.c.delete(a), this.c.size === 0 && this.b && this.b.trigger(() => this.o()) }), r } l(e, t, s) { if (!this.b) return H.None; this.b.cancel(); let i; const n = new D({ onWillAddFirstListener: () => { i = this.n(e).listen(t, s)(, n), this.c.add(i) }, onDidRemoveLastListener: () => { this.c.delete(i), i.dispose(), this.c.size === 0 && this.b && this.b.trigger(() => this.o()) } }); return n.event } get m() { if (!this.f) { const e = this.j && this.j.args ? this.j.args : [], t = Object.create(null); t.env = { ...ln(process.env), VSCODE_PARENT_PID: String( }, this.j && this.j.env && (t.env = { ...t.env, ...this.j.env }), this.j && this.j.freshExecArgv && (t.execArgv = []), this.j && typeof this.j.debug == "number" && (t.execArgv = ["--nolazy", "--inspect=" + this.j.debug]), this.j && typeof this.j.debugBrk == "number" && (t.execArgv = ["--nolazy", "--inspect-brk=" + this.j.debugBrk]), t.execArgv === void 0 && (t.execArgv = process.execArgv.filter(u => !/^--inspect(-brk)?=/.test(u)).filter(u => !u.startsWith("--vscode-"))), b5(t.env), this.d = XO(this.i, e, t); const s = new D, n = H.fromNodeEventEmitter(this.d, "message", u => u)(u => { if (WO(u)) { JO(u, `IPC Library: ${this.j.serverName}`); return }, "base64"))) }), r = this.j.useQueue ? DR(this.d) : this.d, o = u => this.d && this.d.connected && r.send(u.buffer.toString("base64")), a = s.event, c = { send: o, onMessage: a }; this.f = new Th(c); const l = () => this.o(); process.once("exit", l), this.d.on("error", u => console.warn('IPC "' + this.j.serverName + '" errored with ' + u)), this.d.on("exit", (u, h) => { process.removeListener("exit", l), n.dispose(), this.c.forEach(d => Ut(d)), this.c.clear(), u !== 0 && h !== "SIGTERM" && console.warn('IPC "' + this.j.serverName + '" crashed with exit code ' + u + " and signal " + h), this.b?.cancel(), this.o(),{ code: u, signal: h }) }) } return this.f } n(e) { let t = this.g.get(e); return t || (t = this.m.getChannel(e), this.g.set(e, t)), t } o() { this.f && (this.d && (this.d.kill(), this.d = null), this.f = null, this.g.clear()) } dispose() { this.h.dispose(), this.b?.cancel(), this.b = void 0, this.o(), this.c.clear() } } } }), I7, QO = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/files/node/watcher/watcherClient.js"() { "use strict"; De(), qo(), P7(), Bo(), I7 = class extends p7 { constructor(e, t, s) { super(e, t, s), this.s() } r(e) { const t = e.add(new rg(_t.asFileUri("bootstrap-fork").fsPath, { serverName: "File Watcher", args: ["--type=fileWatcher"], env: { VSCODE_ESM_ENTRYPOINT: "vs/platform/files/node/watcher/watcherMain", VSCODE_PIPE_LOGGING: "true", VSCODE_VERBOSE_LOGGING: "true" } })); return e.add(t.onDidProcessExit(({ code: s, signal: i }) => this.t(`terminated by itself with code ${s}, signal: ${i} (ETERM)`))), Yc.toService(VO(t.getChannel("watcher"))) } } } }); import { watchFile as ZO, unwatchFile as KO } from "fs"; var A7, eC = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/files/node/watcher/baseWatcher.js"() { "use strict"; z(), Bo(), re(), ee(), Ue(), Ya(), fe(), A7 = class extends J { constructor() { super(), this.a = this.B(new D), this.onDidChangeFile = this.a.event, this.b = this.B(new D), this.onDidLogMessage = this.b.event, this.c = this.B(new D), this.f = this.c.event, this.g = new Map, this.h = new Map, this.j = this.B(new du), this.m = new Set, this.n = this.B(new Pr(this.y())), this.r = 5007, this.s = new _u, this.R = !1, this.B(this.f(e => this.z({ id: this.u(e), correlationId: this.t(e) ? e.correlationId : void 0, path: e.path }))) } t(e) { return u7(e) } u(e) { return this.t(e) ? e.correlationId : ho(e) } async watch(e) { this.s.isSettled || this.s.complete(), this.s = new _u; try { this.g.clear(), this.h.clear(); for (const t of e) this.t(t) ? this.g.set(t.correlationId, t) : this.h.set(this.u(t), t); for (const [t] of this.j) !this.h.has(t) && !this.g.has(t) && (this.j.deleteAndDispose(t), this.m.delete(t)); return await this.w(!1) } finally { this.s.complete() } } w(e) { const t = []; for (const [s, i] of [...this.h, ...this.g]) this.j.has(s) || t.push(i); return this.n.trigger(() => this.N(t), e ? this.y() : 0).catch(s => Vt(s)) } y() { return 800 } isSuspended(e) { const t = this.u(e); return this.m.has(t) ? "polling" : this.j.has(t) } async z(e) { if (this.j.has( return; const t = new ut; this.j.set(, t), await this.s.p, !t.isDisposed && (this.D(e, t), this.w(!0)) } C(e) { this.j.deleteAndDispose(, this.m.delete(, this.w(!1) } D(e, t) { this.F(e, t) ? (this.P(`reusing an existing recursive watcher to monitor ${e.path}`), this.m.delete( : (this.G(e, t), this.m.add( } F(e, t) { const s = this.O?.subscribe(e.path, (i, n) => { t.isDisposed || (i ? this.D(e, t) : n?.type === 1 && this.H(e)) }); return s ? (t.add(s), !0) : !1 } G(e, t) { let s = !1; const i = (n, r) => { if (t.isDisposed) return; const o = this.I(n), a = this.I(r), c = s; s = o, !o && (a || c) && this.H(e) }; this.P(`starting fs.watchFile() on ${e.path} (correlationId: ${e.correlationId})`); try { ZO(e.path, { persistent: !1, interval: this.r }, i) } catch (n) { this.Q(`fs.watchFile() failed with error ${n} on path ${e.path} (correlationId: ${e.correlationId})`) } t.add(ye(() => { this.P(`stopping fs.watchFile() on ${e.path} (correlationId: ${e.correlationId})`); try { KO(e.path, i) } catch (n) { this.Q(`fs.unwatchFile() failed with error ${n} on path ${e.path} (correlationId: ${e.correlationId})`) } })) } H(e) { this.P(`detected ${e.path} exists again, resuming watcher (correlationId: ${e.correlationId})`); const t = { resource: E.file(e.path), type: 1, cId: e.correlationId };[t]), this.J(t, e), this.C(e) } I(e) { return e.ctimeMs === 0 && e.ino === 0 } async stop() { this.j.clearAndDisposeAll(), this.m.clear() } J(e, t) { if (this.R) { const s = ` >> normalized ${e.type === 1 ? "[ADDED]" : e.type === 2 ? "[DELETED]" : "[CHANGED]"} ${e.resource.fsPath}`; this.L(s, t) } } L(e, t) { this.R && this.P(`${e}${typeof t.correlationId == "number" ? ` <${t.correlationId}> ` : ""}`) } M(e) { return `${e.path} (excludes: ${e.excludes.length > 0 ? e.excludes : "<none>"}, includes: ${e.includes && e.includes.length > 0 ? JSON.stringify(e.includes) : "<all>"}, filter: ${HO(e.filter)}, correlationId: ${typeof e.correlationId == "number" ? e.correlationId : "<none>"})` } async setVerboseLogging(e) { this.R = e } } } }); import "fs"; async function og(e, t) { if (rt) return e; const s = Ct(e); if (e === s) return e; const i = (at(e) || e).toLowerCase(); try { if (t?.isCancellationRequested) return null; const r = (await Pe.readdir(s)).filter(o => o.toLowerCase() === i); if (r.length === 1) { const o = await og(s, t); if (o) return _(o, r[0]) } else if (r.length > 1) { const o = r.indexOf(i); if (o >= 0) { const a = await og(s, t); if (a) return _(a, r[o]) } } } catch { } return null } var tC = v({ "out-build/vs/base/node/extpath.js"() { "use strict"; de(), X(), et(), ss() } }); import { watch as sC, promises as iC } from "fs"; var D7, nC = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/files/node/watcher/nodejs/nodejsWatcherLib.js"() { "use strict"; Ue(), Dt(), ki(), z(), a5(), de(), X(), kt(), ee(), tC(), ss(), Bo(), D7 = class p1 extends J { static { this.a = 100 } static { this.b = 75 } get isReusingRecursiveWatcher() { return this.n } get failed() { return this.r } constructor(t, s, i, n, r, o) { super(), this.s = t, this.t = s, this.u = i, this.w = n, this.y = r, this.z = o, this.c = this.B(new k4({ maxWorkChunkSize: 100, throttleDelay: 200, maxBufferedWork: 1e4 }, a => this.u(a))), this.f = this.B(new x4(a => this.M(a), p1.b)), this.g = f7(this.s.path, this.s.excludes), this.h = this.s.includes ? f7(this.s.path, this.s.includes) : void 0, this.j = u7(this.s) ? this.s.filter : void 0, this.m = new Ei, this.ready = this.C(), this.n = !1, this.r = !1 } async C() { try { const t = await this.F(this.s); if (this.m.token.isCancellationRequested) return; const s = await iC.stat(t); if (this.m.token.isCancellationRequested) return; this.B(await this.G(t, s.isDirectory())) } catch (t) { t.code !== "ENOENT" ? this.O(t) : this.Q(`ignoring a path for watching who's stat info failed to resolve: ${this.s.path} (error: ${t})`), this.D() } } D() { this.r = !0, this.w?.() } async F(t) { let s = t.path; try { s = await Pe.realpath(t.path), t.path === s && (s = await og(t.path, this.m.token) ?? t.path), t.path !== s && this.Q(`correcting a path to watch that seems to be a symbolic link or wrong casing (original: ${t.path}, real: ${s})`) } catch { } return s } async G(t, s) { const i = new ut; return this.H(t, s, i) ? (this.Q(`reusing an existing recursive watcher for ${this.s.path}`), this.n = !0) : (this.n = !1, await this.I(t, s, i)), i } H(t, s, i) { if (s) return !1; const n = E.file(this.s.path), r = this.t?.subscribe(this.s.path, async (o, a) => { if (!i.isDisposed) if (o) { const c = await this.G(t, s); i.isDisposed ? c.dispose() : i.add(c) } else a && (typeof a.cId == "number" || typeof this.s.correlationId == "number") && this.L({ resource: n, type: a.type, cId: this.s.correlationId }, !0) }); return r ? (i.add(r), !0) : !1 } async I(t, s, i) { if (_s && jn(t, "/Volumes/", !0)) { this.O(`Refusing to watch ${t} for changes using for possibly being a network share where watching is unreliable and unstable.`); return } const n = new Ei(this.m.token); i.add(ye(() => n.dispose(!0))); const r = new ut; i.add(r); try { const o = E.file(this.s.path), a = at(t), c = sC(t); r.add(ye(() => { c.removeAllListeners(), c.close() })), this.Q(`Started watching: '${t}'`); const l = new Set; if (s) try { for (const h of await Pe.readdir(t)) l.add(h) } catch (h) { this.O(h) } if (n.token.isCancellationRequested) return; const u = new Map; r.add(ye(() => { for (const [, h] of u) h.dispose(); u.clear() })), c.on("error", (h, d) => { n.token.isCancellationRequested || (this.O(`Failed to watch ${t} for changes using (${h}, ${d})`), this.D()) }), c.on("change", (h, d) => { if (n.token.isCancellationRequested) return; this.z && this.R(`[raw] ["${h}"] ${d}`); let p = ""; if (d && (p = d.toString(), _s && (p = Vp(p))), !(!p || h !== "change" && h !== "rename")) if (s) if (h === "rename") { u.get(p)?.dispose(); const g = setTimeout(async () => { if (u.delete(p), p === a && !await Pe.exists(t)) { this.J(o); return } if (n.token.isCancellationRequested) return; const w = await this.N(_(t, p)); if (n.token.isCancellationRequested) return; let y; w ? l.has(p) ? y = 0 : (y = 1, l.add(p)) : (l.delete(p), y = 2), this.L({ resource: ne(o, p), type: y, cId: this.s.correlationId }) }, p1.a); u.set(p, ye(() => clearTimeout(g))) } else { let g; l.has(p) ? g = 0 : (g = 1, l.add(p)), this.L({ resource: ne(o, p), type: g, cId: this.s.correlationId }) } else if (h === "rename" || p !== a) { const g = setTimeout(async () => { const w = await Pe.exists(t); n.token.isCancellationRequested || (w ? (this.L({ resource: o, type: 0, cId: this.s.correlationId }, !0), r.add(await this.G(t, !1))) : this.J(o)) }, p1.a); r.clear(), r.add(ye(() => clearTimeout(g))) } else this.L({ resource: o, type: 0, cId: this.s.correlationId }, !0) }) } catch (o) { n.token.isCancellationRequested || this.O(`Failed to watch ${t} for changes using (${o.toString()})`), this.D() } } J(t) { this.P("Watcher shutdown because watched path got deleted"), this.L({ resource: t, type: 2, cId: this.s.correlationId }, !0), this.f.flush(), this.D() } L(t, s = !1) { this.m.token.isCancellationRequested || (this.z && this.R(`${t.type === 1 ? "[ADDED]" : t.type === 2 ? "[DELETED]" : "[CHANGED]"} ${t.resource.fsPath}`), !s && this.g.some(i => i(t.resource.fsPath)) ? this.z && this.R(` >> ignored (excluded) ${t.resource.fsPath}`) : !s && this.h && this.h.length > 0 && !this.h.some(i => i(t.resource.fsPath)) ? this.z && this.R(` >> ignored (not included) ${t.resource.fsPath}`) : } M(t) { const s = MO(t), i = []; for (const r of s) { if (BO(r, this.j)) { this.z && this.R(` >> ignored (filtered) ${r.resource.fsPath}`); continue } i.push(r) } if (i.length === 0) return; if (this.z) for (const r of i) this.R(` >> normalized ${r.type === 1 ? "[ADDED]" : r.type === 2 ? "[DELETED]" : "[CHANGED]"} ${r.resource.fsPath}`); ? this.c.pending > 0 && this.Q(`started throttling events due to large amount of file change events at once (pending: ${this.c.pending}, most recent change: ${i[0].resource.fsPath}). Use 'files.watcherExclude' setting to exclude folders with lots of changing files (e.g. compilation output).`) : this.P(`started ignoring events due to too many file change events at once (incoming: ${i.length}, most recent change: ${i[0].resource.fsPath}). Use 'files.watcherExclude' setting to exclude folders with lots of changing files (e.g. compilation output).`) } async N(t) { if (rt) return Pe.exists(t); try { const s = at(t); return (await Pe.readdir(Ct(t))).some(n => n === s) } catch (s) { return this.Q(s), !1 } } setVerboseLogging(t) { this.z = t } O(t) { this.m.token.isCancellationRequested || this.y?.({ type: "error", message: `[File Watcher (node.js)] ${t}` }) } P(t) { this.m.token.isCancellationRequested || this.y?.({ type: "warn", message: `[File Watcher (node.js)] ${t}` }) } Q(t) { !this.m.token.isCancellationRequested && this.z && this.y?.({ type: "trace", message: `[File Watcher (node.js)] ${t}` }) } R(t) { !this.m.token.isCancellationRequested && this.z && this.Q(`${t}${typeof this.s.correlationId == "number" ? ` <${this.s.correlationId}> ` : ""}`) } dispose() { this.m.dispose(!0), super.dispose() } } } }), R7, rC = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/files/node/watcher/nodejs/nodejsWatcher.js"() { "use strict"; re(), tg(), eC(), X(), nC(), ki(), R7 = class extends A7 { constructor(e) { super(), this.O = e, this.onDidError = H.None, this.watchers = new Set } async N(e) { e = this.Z(e); const t = [], s = new Set(Array.from(this.watchers)); for (const i of e) { const n = this.W(i); n && s7(n.request.excludes, i.excludes) && s7(n.request.includes, i.includes) ? s.delete(n) : t.push(i) } t.length && this.P(`Request to start watching: ${ => this.M(i)).join(",")}`), s.size && this.P(`Request to stop watching: ${Array.from(s).map(i => this.M(i.request)).join(",")}`); for (const i of s) this.Y(i); for (const i of t) this.X(i) } W(e) { for (const t of this.watchers) if (typeof e.correlationId == "number" || typeof t.request.correlationId == "number") { if (t.request.correlationId === e.correlationId) return t } else if (hp(t.request.path, e.path, !rt)) return t } X(e) { const t = new D7(e, this.O, i =>, () =>, i =>, this.R), s = { request: e, instance: t }; this.watchers.add(s) } async stop() { await super.stop(); for (const e of this.watchers) this.Y(e) } Y(e) { this.P("stopping file watcher", e), this.watchers.delete(e), e.instance.dispose() } Z(e) { const t = new Map; for (const s of e) { const i = rt ? s.path : s.path.toLowerCase(); let n = t.get(s.correlationId); n || (n = new Map, t.set(s.correlationId, n)), n.has(i) && this.P(`ignoring a request for watching who's path is already watched: ${this.M(s)}`), n.set(i, s) } return Array.from(t.values()).map(s => Array.from(s.values())).flat() } async setVerboseLogging(e) { super.setVerboseLogging(e); for (const t of this.watchers) t.instance.setVerboseLogging(e) } P(e, t) { this.R &&{ type: "trace", message:, t) }) } Q(e) {{ type: "warn", message: }) } bb(e, t) { return t ? `[File Watcher (node.js)] ${e} (${this.M(t.request)})` : `[File Watcher (node.js)] ${e}` } } } }), L7, oC = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/files/node/watcher/nodejs/nodejsClient.js"() { "use strict"; Bo(), rC(), L7 = class extends d7 { constructor(e, t, s) { super(e, t, s), this.s() } r(e) { return e.add(new R7(void 0)) } } } }); import { promises as _r } from "fs"; var Xc, Uh = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/files/node/diskFileSystemProvider.js"() { "use strict"; Ue(), ls(), Me(), re(), ki(), z(), de(), X(), kt(), qa(), ss(), he(), st(), J9(), zO(), QO(), oC(), Xc = class Zl extends g7 { static { this.M = !1 } constructor(t, s) { super(t, s), this.onDidChangeCapabilities = H.None, this.Q = new At(i => Au.getComparisonKey(i)), this.Y = new Map, this.Z = new Map, this.$ = new Map } get capabilities() { return this.N || (this.N = 253982, rt && (this.N |= 1024)), this.N } async stat(t) { try { const { stat: s, symbolicLink: i } = await ms.stat(this.J(t)); return { type: this.P(s, i), ctime: s.birthtime.getTime(), mtime: s.mtime.getTime(), size: s.size, permissions: s.mode & 128 ? void 0 : Oo.Locked } } catch (s) { throw this.ib(s) } } async O(t) { try { return await this.stat(t) } catch { return } } async readdir(t) { try { const s = await Pe.readdir(this.J(t), { withFileTypes: !0 }), i = []; return await Promise.all( n => { try { let r; n.isSymbolicLink() ? r = (await this.stat(ne(t, : r = this.P(n), i.push([, r]) } catch (r) { this.a.trace(r) } })), i } catch (s) { throw this.ib(s) } } P(t, s) { let i; return s?.dangling ? i = Rs.Unknown : t.isFile() ? i = Rs.File : t.isDirectory() ? i = Rs.Directory : i = Rs.Unknown, s && (i |= Rs.SymbolicLink), i } async R(t) { const s = this.J(t); this.S(`[Disk FileSystemProvider]: createResourceLock() - request to acquire resource lock (${s})`); let i; for (; i = this.Q.get(t);)this.S(`[Disk FileSystemProvider]: createResourceLock() - waiting for resource lock to be released (${s})`), await i.wait(); const n = new kp; return this.Q.set(t, n), this.S(`[Disk FileSystemProvider]: createResourceLock() - new resource lock created (${s})`), ye(() => { this.S(`[Disk FileSystemProvider]: createResourceLock() - resource lock dispose() (${s})`), this.Q.get(t) === n && (this.S(`[Disk FileSystemProvider]: createResourceLock() - resource lock removed from resource-lock map (${s})`), this.Q.delete(t)), this.S(`[Disk FileSystemProvider]: createResourceLock() - resource lock barrier open() (${s})`), }) } async readFile(t, s) { let i; try { s?.atomic && (this.S(`[Disk FileSystemProvider]: atomic read operation started (${this.J(t)})`), i = await this.R(t)); const n = this.J(t); return await _r.readFile(n) } catch (n) { throw this.ib(n) } finally { i?.dispose() } } S(t) { Zl.M && this.a.trace(t) } readFileStream(t, s, i) { const n = Pu(r => O.concat( => O.wrap(o))).buffer); return G9(this, t, n, r => r.buffer, { ...s, bufferSize: 256 * 1024 }, i), n } async writeFile(t, s, i) { return i?.atomic !== !1 && i?.atomic?.postfix && await this.U(t) ? this.W(t, ne(By(t), `${Tn(t)}${i.atomic.postfix}`), s, i) : this.X(t, s, i) } async U(t) { try { const s = this.J(t), { symbolicLink: i } = await ms.stat(s); if (i) return !1 } catch { } return !0 } async W(t, s, i, n) { const r = new ut; try { r.add(await this.R(t)), r.add(await this.R(s)), await this.X(s, i, n, !0); try { await this.rename(s, t, { overwrite: !0 }) } catch (o) { try { await this.delete(s, { recursive: !1, useTrash: !1, atomic: !1 }) } catch { } throw o } } finally { r.dispose() } } async X(t, s, i, n) { let r; try { const o = this.J(t); if (!i.create || !i.overwrite) { if (await Pe.exists(o)) { if (!i.overwrite) throw gn(m(1946, null), Q.FileExists) } else if (!i.create) throw gn(m(1947, null), Q.FileNotFound) } r = await, { create: !0, unlock: i.unlock }, n), await this.write(r, 0, s, 0, s.byteLength) } catch (o) { throw await this.jb(t, o) } finally { typeof r == "number" && await this.close(r) } } static { this.ab = !0 } static configureFlushOnWrite(t) { Zl.ab = t } async open(t, s, i) { const n = this.J(t); let r; No(s) && !i && (r = await this.R(t)); let o; try { if (No(s) && s.unlock) try { const { stat: a } = await ms.stat(n); a.mode & 128 || await _r.chmod(n, a.mode | 128) } catch (a) { a.code !== "ENOENT" && this.a.trace(a) } if (me && No(s)) try { o = await, "r+"), await Pe.ftruncate(o, 0) } catch (a) { if (a.code !== "ENOENT" && this.a.trace(a), typeof o == "number") { try { await Pe.close(o) } catch (c) { this.a.trace(c) } o = void 0 } } typeof o != "number" && (o = await, No(s) ? "w" : "r")) } catch (a) { throw r?.dispose(), No(s) ? await this.jb(t, a) : this.ib(a) } if (this.Y.set(o, 0), No(s) && this.$.set(o, t), r) { const a = this.Z.get(o); this.S(`[Disk FileSystemProvider]: open() - storing lock for handle ${o} (${n})`), this.Z.set(o, r), a && (this.S(`[Disk FileSystemProvider]: open() - disposing a previous lock that was still stored on same handle ${o} (${n})`), a.dispose()) } return o } async close(t) { const s = this.Z.get(t); try { if (this.Y.delete(t), this.$.delete(t) && Zl.ab) try { await Pe.fdatasync(t) } catch (i) { Zl.configureFlushOnWrite(!1), this.a.error(i) } return await Pe.close(t) } catch (i) { throw this.ib(i) } finally { s && (this.Z.get(t) === s && (this.S(`[Disk FileSystemProvider]: close() - resource lock removed from handle-lock map ${t}`), this.Z.delete(t)), this.S(`[Disk FileSystemProvider]: close() - disposing lock for handle ${t}`), s.dispose()) } } async read(t, s, i, n, r) { const o =, s); let a = null; try { a = (await, i, n, r, o)).bytesRead } catch (c) { throw this.ib(c) } finally { this.cb(t, o, a) } return a } bb(t, s) { return s === this.Y.get(t) ? null : s } cb(t, s, i) { const n = this.Y.get(t); typeof n == "number" && (typeof s == "number" || (typeof i == "number" ? this.Y.set(t, n + i) : this.Y.delete(t))) } async write(t, s, i, n, r) { return OD(() => this.db(t, s, i, n, r), 100, 3) } async db(t, s, i, n, r) { const o =, s); let a = null; try { a = (await Pe.write(t, i, n, r, o)).bytesWritten } catch (c) { throw await this.jb(this.$.get(t), c) } finally { this.cb(t, o, a) } return a } async mkdir(t) { try { await _r.mkdir(this.J(t)) } catch (s) { throw this.ib(s) } } async delete(t, s) { try { const i = this.J(t); if (s.recursive) { let n; s?.atomic !== !1 && s.atomic.postfix && (n = _(Ct(i), `${at(i)}${s.atomic.postfix}`)), await Pe.rm(i, Ao.MOVE, n) } else try { await _r.unlink(i) } catch (n) { if (n.code === "EPERM" || n.code === "EISDIR") { let r = !1; try { const { stat: o, symbolicLink: a } = await ms.stat(i); r = o.isDirectory() && !a } catch { } if (r) await _r.rmdir(i); else throw n } else throw n } } catch (i) { throw this.ib(i) } } async rename(t, s, i) { const n = this.J(t), r = this.J(s); if (n !== r) try { await this.eb(t, s, "move", i.overwrite), await Pe.rename(n, r) } catch (o) { throw (o.code === "EINVAL" || o.code === "EBUSY" || o.code === "ENAMETOOLONG") && (o = new Error(m(1948, null, at(n), at(Ct(r)), o.toString()))), this.ib(o) } } async copy(t, s, i) { const n = this.J(t), r = this.J(s); if (n !== r) try { await this.eb(t, s, "copy", i.overwrite), await Pe.copy(n, r, { preserveSymlinks: !0 }) } catch (o) { throw (o.code === "EINVAL" || o.code === "EBUSY" || o.code === "ENAMETOOLONG") && (o = new Error(m(1949, null, at(n), at(Ct(r)), o.toString()))), this.ib(o) } } async eb(t, s, i, n) { const r = this.J(t), o = this.J(s); let a = !1; if (!!(this.capabilities & 1024) || (a = hp(r, o, !0)), a) { if (i === "copy") throw gn(m(1950, null), Q.FileExists); if (i === "move") return } const l = await this.O(t); if (!l) throw gn(m(1951, null), Q.FileNotFound); const u = await this.O(s); if (u) { if (!n) throw gn(m(1952, null), Q.FileExists); l.type & Rs.File && u.type & Rs.File || await this.delete(s, { recursive: !0, useTrash: !1, atomic: !1 }) } } async cloneFile(t, s) { return this.fb(t, s, !1) } async fb(t, s, i) { const n = this.J(t), r = this.J(s), o = !!(this.capabilities & 1024); if (hp(n, r, !o)) return; const a = new ut; try { a.add(await this.R(t)), a.add(await this.R(s)), i && await _r.mkdir(Ct(r), { recursive: !0 }), await _r.copyFile(n, r) } catch (c) { if (c.code === "ENOENT" && !i) return this.fb(t, s, !0); throw this.ib(c) } finally { a.dispose() } } u(t, s, i) { return new I7(n => t(n), n => s(n), i) } G(t, s, i) { return new L7(n => t(n), n => s(n), i) } ib(t) { if (t instanceof ch) return t; let s = t, i; switch (t.code) { case "ENOENT": i = Q.FileNotFound; break; case "EISDIR": i = Q.FileIsADirectory; break; case "ENOTDIR": i = Q.FileNotADirectory; break; case "EEXIST": i = Q.FileExists; break; case "EPERM": case "EACCES": i = Q.NoPermissions; break; case "ERR_UNC_HOST_NOT_ALLOWED": s = `${t.message}. Please update the 'security.allowedUNCHosts' setting if you want to allow this host.`, i = Q.Unknown; break; default: i = Q.Unknown }return gn(s, i) } async jb(t, s) { let i = this.ib(s); if (t && i.code === Q.NoPermissions) try { const { stat: n } = await ms.stat(this.J(t)); n.mode & 128 || (i = gn(s, Q.FileWriteLocked)) } catch (n) { this.a.trace(n) } return i } } } }); function aC(e) { return e.getFullYear() + "-" + String(e.getMonth() + 1).padStart(2, "0") + "-" + String(e.getDate()).padStart(2, "0") + "T" + String(e.getHours()).padStart(2, "0") + ":" + String(e.getMinutes()).padStart(2, "0") + ":" + String(e.getSeconds()).padStart(2, "0") + "." + (e.getMilliseconds() / 1e3).toFixed(3).slice(2, 5) + "Z" } var N7, O7, Mh, cC, lC, uC, hC = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/date.js"() { "use strict"; he(), X(), N7 = 60, O7 = N7 * 60, Mh = O7 * 24, cC = Mh * 7, lC = Mh * 30, uC = Mh * 365 } }); function fC(e, t) { return C7(e["inspect-extensions"], e["inspect-brk-extensions"], 5870, t, e.debugId, e.extensionEnvironment) } function C7(e, t, s, i, n, r) { const a = Number(t || e) || (i ? null : s), c = a ? !!t : !1; let l; if (r) try { l = JSON.parse(r) } catch { } return { port: a, break: c, debugId: n, env: l } } var ag, Te, dC = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/environment/common/environmentService.js"() { "use strict"; hC(), ig(), De(), de(), ti(), kt(), ee(), ag = /^([^.]+\..+)[:=](.+)$/, Te = class { get appRoot() { return Ct(_t.asFileUri("").fsPath) } get userHome() { return E.file(this.b.homeDir) } get userDataPath() { return this.b.userDataDir } get appSettingsHome() { return E.file(_(this.userDataPath, "User")) } get tmpDir() { return E.file(this.b.tmpDir) } get cacheHome() { return E.file(this.userDataPath) } get stateResource() { return ne(this.appSettingsHome, "globalStorage", "storage.json") } get userRoamingDataHome() { return this.appSettingsHome.with({ scheme: Z.vscodeUserData }) } get userDataSyncHome() { return ne(this.appSettingsHome, "sync") } get logsHome() { if (!this.args.logsPath) { const e = aC(new Date).replace(/-|:|\.\d+Z$/g, ""); this.args.logsPath = _(this.userDataPath, "logs", e) } return E.file(this.args.logsPath) } get sync() { return this.args.sync } get machineSettingsResource() { return ne(E.file(_(this.userDataPath, "Machine")), "settings.json") } get workspaceStorageHome() { return ne(this.appSettingsHome, "workspaceStorage") } get localHistoryHome() { return ne(this.appSettingsHome, "History") } get keyboardLayoutResource() { return ne(this.userRoamingDataHome, "keyboardLayout.json") } get argvResource() { const e = js.VSCODE_PORTABLE; return e ? E.file(_(e, "argv.json")) : ne(this.userHome, this.c.dataFolderName, "argv.json") } get isExtensionDevelopment() { return !!this.args.extensionDevelopmentPath } get untitledWorkspacesHome() { return E.file(_(this.userDataPath, "Workspaces")) } get builtinExtensionsPath() { const e = this.args["builtin-extensions-dir"]; return e ? nn(e) : si(_(_t.asFileUri("").fsPath, "..", "extensions")) } get extensionsDownloadLocation() { const e = this.args["extensions-download-dir"]; return e ? E.file(nn(e)) : E.file(_(this.userDataPath, "CachedExtensionVSIXs")) } get extensionsPath() { const e = this.args["extensions-dir"]; if (e) return nn(e); const t = js.VSCODE_EXTENSIONS; if (t) return t; const s = js.VSCODE_PORTABLE; return s ? _(s, "extensions") : ne(this.userHome, this.c.dataFolderName, "extensions").fsPath } get extensionDevelopmentLocationURI() { const e = this.args.extensionDevelopmentPath; if (Array.isArray(e)) return => /^[^:/?#]+?:\/\//.test(t) ? E.parse(t) : E.file(si(t))) } get extensionDevelopmentKind() { return this.args.extensionDevelopmentKind?.map(e => e === "ui" || e === "workspace" || e === "web" ? e : "workspace") } get extensionTestsLocationURI() { const e = this.args.extensionTestsPath; if (e) return /^[^:/?#]+?:\/\//.test(e) ? E.parse(e) : E.file(si(e)) } get disableExtensions() { if (this.args["disable-extensions"]) return !0; const e = this.args["disable-extension"]; if (e) { if (typeof e == "string") return [e]; if (Array.isArray(e) && e.length > 0) return e } return !1 } get debugExtensionHost() { return fC(this.args, this.isBuilt) } get debugRenderer() { return !!this.args.debugRenderer } get isBuilt() { return !js.VSCODE_DEV } get verbose() { return !!this.args.verbose } get logLevel() { return this.args.log?.find(e => !ag.test(e)) } get extensionLogLevel() { const e = []; for (const t of this.args.log || []) { const s = ag.exec(t); s && s[1] && s[2] && e.push([s[1], s[2]]) } return e.length ? e : void 0 } get serviceMachineIdResource() { return ne(E.file(this.userDataPath), "machineid") } get crashReporterId() { return this.args["crash-reporter-id"] } get crashReporterDirectory() { return this.args["crash-reporter-directory"] } get disableTelemetry() { return !!this.args["disable-telemetry"] } get disableWorkspaceTrust() { return !!this.args["disable-workspace-trust"] } get useInMemorySecretStorage() { return !!this.args["use-inmemory-secretstorage"] } get policyFile() { if (this.args["__enable-file-policy"]) { const e = js.VSCODE_PORTABLE; return e ? E.file(_(e, "policy.json")) : ne(this.userHome, this.c.dataFolderName, "policy.json") } } get continueOn() { return this.args.continueOn } set continueOn(e) { this.args.continueOn = e } get args() { return this.a } constructor(e, t, s) { this.a = e, this.b = t, this.c = s, this.editSessionId = this.args.editSessionId } }, __decorate([je], Te.prototype, "appRoot", null), __decorate([je], Te.prototype, "userHome", null), __decorate([je], Te.prototype, "userDataPath", null), __decorate([je], Te.prototype, "appSettingsHome", null), __decorate([je], Te.prototype, "tmpDir", null), __decorate([je], Te.prototype, "cacheHome", null), __decorate([je], Te.prototype, "stateResource", null), __decorate([je], Te.prototype, "userRoamingDataHome", null), __decorate([je], Te.prototype, "userDataSyncHome", null), __decorate([je], Te.prototype, "sync", null), __decorate([je], Te.prototype, "machineSettingsResource", null), __decorate([je], Te.prototype, "workspaceStorageHome", null), __decorate([je], Te.prototype, "localHistoryHome", null), __decorate([je], Te.prototype, "keyboardLayoutResource", null), __decorate([je], Te.prototype, "argvResource", null), __decorate([je], Te.prototype, "isExtensionDevelopment", null), __decorate([je], Te.prototype, "untitledWorkspacesHome", null), __decorate([je], Te.prototype, "builtinExtensionsPath", null), __decorate([je], Te.prototype, "extensionsPath", null), __decorate([je], Te.prototype, "extensionDevelopmentLocationURI", null), __decorate([je], Te.prototype, "extensionDevelopmentKind", null), __decorate([je], Te.prototype, "extensionTestsLocationURI", null), __decorate([je], Te.prototype, "debugExtensionHost", null), __decorate([je], Te.prototype, "logLevel", null), __decorate([je], Te.prototype, "extensionLogLevel", null), __decorate([je], Te.prototype, "serviceMachineIdResource", null), __decorate([je], Te.prototype, "disableTelemetry", null), __decorate([je], Te.prototype, "disableWorkspaceTrust", null), __decorate([je], Te.prototype, "useInMemorySecretStorage", null), __decorate([je], Te.prototype, "policyFile", null) } }); import *as _7 from "os"; import *as qn from "path"; function pC(e, t) { const s = mC(e, t), i = [s]; return qn.isAbsolute(s) || i.unshift(j7), qn.resolve(...i) } function mC(e, t) { process.env.VSCODE_DEV && (t = "code-oss-dev"); const s = process.env.VSCODE_PORTABLE; if (s) return qn.join(s, "user-data"); let i = process.env.VSCODE_APPDATA; if (i) return qn.join(i, t); const n = e["user-data-dir"]; if (n) return n; switch (process.platform) { case "win32": if (i = process.env.APPDATA, !i) { const r = process.env.USERPROFILE; if (typeof r != "string") throw new Error("Windows: Unexpected undefined %USERPROFILE% environment variable"); i = qn.join(r, "AppData", "Roaming") } break; case "darwin": i = qn.join(_7.homedir(), "Library", "Application Support"); break; case "linux": i = process.env.XDG_CONFIG_HOME || qn.join(_7.homedir(), ".config"); break; default: throw new Error("Platform not supported") }return qn.join(i, t) } var j7, gC = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/environment/node/userDataPath.js"() { "use strict"; j7 = process.env.VSCODE_CWD || process.cwd() } }); import { homedir as wC, tmpdir as vC } from "os"; function bC(e, t) { return C7(e["inspect-ptyhost"], e["inspect-brk-ptyhost"], 5877, t, e.extensionEnvironment) } var T7, U7 = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/environment/node/environmentService.js"() { "use strict"; dC(), gC(), T7 = class extends Te { constructor(e, t) { super(e, { homeDir: wC(), tmpDir: vC(), userDataDir: pC(e, t.nameShort) }, t) } } } }), cg, Qc, Fh, Jo = v({ "out-build/vs/server/node/serverEnvironmentService.js"() { "use strict"; he(), U7(), Yu(), oe(), ps(), ig(), cg = { host: { type: "string", cat: "o", args: "ip-address", description: m(2551, null) }, port: { type: "string", cat: "o", args: "port | port range", description: m(2552, null) }, "socket-path": { type: "string", cat: "o", args: "path", description: m(2553, null) }, "server-base-path": { type: "string", cat: "o", args: "path", description: m(2554, null) }, "connection-token": { type: "string", cat: "o", args: "token", deprecates: ["connectionToken"], description: m(2555, null) }, "connection-token-file": { type: "string", cat: "o", args: "path", deprecates: ["connection-secret", "connectionTokenFile"], description: m(2556, null) }, "without-connection-token": { type: "boolean", cat: "o", description: m(2557, null) }, "disable-websocket-compression": { type: "boolean" }, "print-startup-performance": { type: "boolean" }, "print-ip-address": { type: "boolean" }, "accept-server-license-terms": { type: "boolean", cat: "o", description: m(2558, null) }, "server-data-dir": { type: "string", cat: "o", description: m(2559, null) }, "telemetry-level": { type: "string", cat: "o", args: "level", description: m(2560, null) }, "user-data-dir": Qe["user-data-dir"], "enable-smoke-test-driver": Qe["enable-smoke-test-driver"], "disable-telemetry": Qe["disable-telemetry"], "disable-workspace-trust": Qe["disable-workspace-trust"], "file-watcher-polling": { type: "string", deprecates: ["fileWatcherPolling"] }, log: Qe.log, logsPath: Qe.logsPath, "force-disable-user-env": Qe["force-disable-user-env"], folder: { type: "string", deprecationMessage: "No longer supported. Folder needs to be provided in the browser URL or with `default-folder`." }, workspace: { type: "string", deprecationMessage: "No longer supported. Workspace needs to be provided in the browser URL or with `default-workspace`." }, "default-folder": { type: "string", description: m(2561, null) }, "default-workspace": { type: "string", description: m(2562, null) }, "enable-sync": { type: "boolean" }, "github-auth": { type: "string" }, "use-test-resolver": { type: "boolean" }, "extensions-dir": Qe["extensions-dir"], "extensions-download-dir": Qe["extensions-download-dir"], "builtin-extensions-dir": Qe["builtin-extensions-dir"], "install-extension": Qe["install-extension"], "install-builtin-extension": Qe["install-builtin-extension"], "update-extensions": Qe["update-extensions"], "uninstall-extension": Qe["uninstall-extension"], "list-extensions": Qe["list-extensions"], "locate-extension": Qe["locate-extension"], "show-versions": Qe["show-versions"], category: Qe.category, force: Qe.force, "do-not-sync": Qe["do-not-sync"], "pre-release": Qe["pre-release"], "start-server": { type: "boolean", cat: "e", description: m(2563, null) }, "enable-remote-auto-shutdown": { type: "boolean" }, "remote-auto-shutdown-without-delay": { type: "boolean" }, "use-host-proxy": { type: "boolean" }, "without-browser-env-var": { type: "boolean" }, help:, version: Qe.version, "locate-shell-integration-path": Qe["locate-shell-integration-path"], compatibility: { type: "string" }, _: Qe._ }, Qc = Is, Fh = class extends T7 { get userRoamingDataHome() { return this.appSettingsHome } get args() { return super.args } }, __decorate([je], Fh.prototype, "userRoamingDataHome", null) } }), M7, lg, Zc, F7 = v({
  257. "out-build/vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagementCLI.js"() {
  258. "use strict"; Dt(), fe(), De(), kt(), Ro(), ee(), he(), Ds(), mn(), Ii(), M7 = e => m(1822, null, e), lg = m(1823, null, "ms-dotnettools.csharp"), Zc = class {
  259. constructor(t, s, i) { this.a = t, this.b = s, this.d = i } get f() { } async listExtensions(t, s, i) { let n = await this.b.getInstalled(1, i); const r = => a.toLowerCase()); if (s && s !== "") { if (r.indexOf(s.toLowerCase()) < 0) {"Invalid category please enter a valid category. To list valid categories run --category without a category specified"); return } n = n.filter(a => a.manifest.categories ? => l.toLowerCase()).indexOf(s.toLowerCase()) > -1 : !1) } else if (s === "") {"Possible Categories: "), r.forEach(a => { }); return } this.f &&, null, this.f)), n = n.sort((a, c) =>; let o; for (const a of n) o !== && (o =, ? `${o}@${a.manifest.version}` : o)) } async installExtensions(t, s, i, n) { const r = []; try { t.length && ? m(1825, null, this.f) : m(1826, null)); const o = [], a = [], c = (u, h, d) => { a.push({ id: u, version: h !== "prerelease" ? h : void 0, installOptions: { ...i, isBuiltin: d, installPreReleaseVersion: h === "prerelease" || i.installPreReleaseVersion } }) }; for (const u of t) if (u instanceof E) o.push({ vsix: u, installOptions: i }); else { const [h, d] = cm(u); c(h, d, !1) } for (const u of s) if (u instanceof E) o.push({ vsix: u, installOptions: { ...i, isBuiltin: !0, donotIncludePackAndDependencies: !0 } }); else { const [h, d] = cm(u); c(h, d, !0) } const l = await this.b.getInstalled(void 0, i.profileLocation); if (o.length && await Promise.all( ({ vsix: u, installOptions: h }) => { try { await this.h(u, h, n, l) } catch (d) { this.a.error(d), r.push(u.toString()) } })), a.length) { const u = await this.g(a, l, n); r.push(...u) } } catch (o) { throw this.a.error(m(1827, null, ge(o))), o } if (r.length) throw new Error(m(1828, null, r.join(", "))) } async updateExtensions(t) { const s = await this.b.getInstalled(1, t), i = []; for (const a of s) a.identifier.uuid && i.push({ ...a.identifier, preRelease: a.preRelease }); this.a.trace(m(1829, null, i.length)); const n = await this.d.getExtensions(i, { compatible: !0 }, Ne.None), r = []; for (const a of n) for (const c of s) xe(c.identifier, a.identifier) && ih(a.version, c.manifest.version) && r.push({ extension: a, options: { operation: 3, installPreReleaseVersion: c.preRelease, profileLocation: t, isApplicationScoped: c.isApplicationScoped } }); if (!r.length) {, null)); return }, null, =>", "))); const o = await this.b.installGalleryExtensions(r); for (const a of o) a.error ? this.a.error(m(1832, null,, ge(a.error))) :, null,, a.local?.manifest.version)) } async g(t, s, i) {
  260. if (t = t.filter(({ id: a, version: c }) => { const l = s.find(u => xe(u.identifier, { id: a })); if (l) { if (!i && (!c || c === "prerelease" && l.preRelease)) return, null, a, l.manifest.version, a)), !1; if (c && l.manifest.version === c) return, null, `${a}@${c}`)), !1 } return !0 }), !t.length) return []; const n = [], r = [], o = await this.j(t); if (await Promise.all( ({ id: a, version: c, installOptions: l }) => {
  261. const u = o.get(a.toLowerCase()); if (!u) {
  262. this.a.error(`${M7(c ? `${a}@${c}` : a)}
  263. ${lg}`), n.push(a); return
  264. } try { const d = await this.d.getManifest(u, Ne.None); if (d && !this.k(d)) return } catch (d) { this.a.error(d.message || d.stack || d), n.push(a); return } const h = s.find(d => xe(d.identifier, u.identifier)); if (h) { if (u.version === h.manifest.version) {, null, c ? `${a}@${c}` : a)); return }, null, a, u.version)) } l.isBuiltin ? ? m(1838, null, a, c) : m(1839, null, a)) : ? m(1840, null, a, c) : m(1841, null, a)), r.push({ extension: u, options: { ...l, installGivenVersion: !!c, isApplicationScoped: l.isApplicationScoped || h?.isApplicationScoped } })
  265. })), r.length) { const a = await this.b.installGalleryExtensions(r); for (const c of a) c.error ? (this.a.error(m(1842, null,, ge(c.error))), n.push( :, null,, c.local?.manifest.version)) } return n
  266. } async h(t, s, i, n) { const r = await this.b.getManifest(t); if (!r) throw new Error("Invalid vsix"); if (await this.l(r, i, s.profileLocation, n)) try { await this.b.install(t, { ...s, installGivenVersion: !0 }),, null, Tn(t))) } catch (a) { if (In(a)), null, Tn(t))); else throw a } } async j(t) { const s = new Map, i = t.some(o => o.installOptions.installPreReleaseVersion), n = await this.b.getTargetPlatform(), r = []; for (const o of t) Z5.test( && r.push({ ...o, preRelease: i }); if (r.length) { const o = await this.d.getExtensions(r, { targetPlatform: n }, Ne.None); for (const a of o) s.set(, a) } return s } k(t) { return !0 } async l(t, s, i, n) { if (!s) { const r = { id: pn(t.publisher, }, o = n.find(a => xe(r, a.identifier) && ih(a.manifest.version, t.version)); if (o) return, null,, o.manifest.version, t.version)), !1 } return this.k(t) } async uninstallExtensions(t, s, i) {
  267. const n = async o => { if (o instanceof E) { const a = await this.b.getManifest(o); return lm(a.publisher, } return o }, r = []; for (const o of t) {
  268. const a = await n(o), l = (await this.b.getInstalled(void 0, i)).filter(u => xe(u.identifier, { id: a })); if (!l.length) throw new Error(`${this.m(a)}
  269. ${lg}`); if (l.some(u => u.type === 0)) {, null, a)); return } if (!s && l.some(u => u.isBuiltin)) {, null, a)); return }, null, a)); for (const u of l) await this.b.uninstall(u, { profileLocation: i }), r.push(u); this.f ?, null, a, this.f)) :, null, a))
  270. }
  271. } async locateExtension(t) { const s = await this.b.getInstalled(); t.forEach(i => { s.forEach(n => { if ( === i && n.location.scheme === Z.file) {; return } }) }) } m(t) { return this.f ? m(1852, null, t, this.f) : m(1853, null, t) }
  272. }, Zc = __decorate([__param(1, Zu), __param(2, oi)], Zc)
  273. }
  274. }); function yC(e) { return e.tags.find(t => t.startsWith("lp-"))?.split("lp-")[1] } var Bh, Hh, ug = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/languagePacks/common/languagePacks.js"() { "use strict"; Dt(), z(), X(), he(), Ds(), oe(), Bh = se("languagePackService"), Hh = class extends J { constructor(t) { super(), this.c = t } async getAvailableLanguages() { const t = new Ei; setTimeout(() => t.cancel(), 1e3); let s; try { s = await this.c.query({ text: 'category:"language packs"', pageSize: 20 }, t.token) } catch { return [] } const n = s.firstPage.filter(r => && r.tags.some(o => o.startsWith("lp-"))).map(r => { const o =[0], a = yC(r); return { ...this.f(a, o, r), extensionId:, galleryExtension: r } }); return n.push(this.f("en", "English")), n } f(t, s, i) { const n = s ?? t; let r; if (n !== t && (r = `(${t})`), t.toLowerCase() === Ss.toLowerCase() && (r ??= "", r += m(1961, null)), i?.installCount) { r ??= ""; const o = i.installCount; let a; o > 1e6 ? a = `${Math.floor(o / 1e5) / 10}M` : o > 1e3 ? a = `${Math.floor(o / 1e3)}K` : a = String(o), r += ` $(cloud-download) ${a}` } return { id: t, label: n, description: r } } }, Hh = __decorate([__param(0, oi)], Hh) } }); import *as EC from "fs"; import { createHash as xC } from "crypto"; function kC(e) { if (typeof e.languageId != "string" || !Array.isArray(e.translations) || e.translations.length === 0) return !1; for (const t of e.translations) if (typeof != "string" || typeof t.path != "string") return !1; return !(e.languageName && typeof e.languageName != "string" || e.localizedLanguageName && typeof e.localizedLanguageName != "string") } var Kc, zh, B7 = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/languagePacks/node/languagePacks.js"() { "use strict"; Et(), Ue(), z(), De(), de(), ss(), ps(), Ds(), mn(), Re(), ug(), ee(), Kc = class extends Hh { constructor(t, s, i, n) { super(i), this.h = t, this.j = n, this.g = this.B(new zh(s, n)), this.h.registerParticipant({ postInstall: async r => this.m(r), postUninstall: async r => this.n(r) }) } async getBuiltInExtensionTranslationsUri(t, s) { const n = (await this.g.getLanguagePacks())[s]; if (!n) { this.j.warn(`No language pack found for ${s}`); return } const r = n.translations[t]; return r ? E.file(r) : void 0 } async getInstalledLanguages() { const t = await this.g.getLanguagePacks(), s = Object.keys(t).map(i => { const n = t[i]; return { ...this.f(i, n.label), extensionId: n.extensions[0] } }); return s.push(this.f("en", "English")), s.sort((i, n) => i.label.localeCompare(n.label)), s } async m(t) { t && t.manifest && t.manifest.contributes && t.manifest.contributes.localizations && t.manifest.contributes.localizations.length && ("Adding language packs from the extension",, await this.update()) } async n(t) { const s = await this.g.getLanguagePacks(); Object.keys(s).some(i => s[i] && s[i].extensions.some(n => xe(n.extensionIdentifier, t.identifier))) && ("Removing language packs from the extension",, await this.update()) } async update() { const [t, s] = await Promise.all([this.g.getLanguagePacks(), this.h.getInstalled()]), i = await this.g.update(s); return !Dn(Object.keys(t), Object.keys(i)) } }, Kc = __decorate([__param(0, Zu), __param(1, zs), __param(2, oi), __param(3, pe)], Kc), zh = class extends J { constructor(t, s) { super(), this.j = s, this.c = {}, this.f = _(t.userDataPath, "languagepacks.json"), this.g = new bo } getLanguagePacks() { return this.g.size || !this.h ? this.s().then(() => this.c) : Promise.resolve(this.c) } update(t) { return this.s(s => { Object.keys(s).forEach(i => delete s[i]), this.m(s, ...t) }).then(() => this.c) } m(t, ...s) { for (const i of s) i && i.manifest && i.manifest.contributes && i.manifest.contributes.localizations && i.manifest.contributes.localizations.length && this.n(t, i); Object.keys(t).forEach(i => this.r(t[i])) } n(t, s) { const i = s.identifier, n = s.manifest.contributes && s.manifest.contributes.localizations ? s.manifest.contributes.localizations : []; for (const r of n) if (s.location.scheme === Z.file && kC(r)) { let o = t[r.languageId]; o || (o = { hash: "", extensions: [], translations: {}, label: r.localizedLanguageName ?? r.languageName }, t[r.languageId] = o); const a = o.extensions.filter(c => xe(c.extensionIdentifier, i))[0]; a ? a.version = s.manifest.version : o.extensions.push({ extensionIdentifier: i, version: s.manifest.version }); for (const c of r.translations) o.translations[] = _(s.location.fsPath, c.path) } } r(t) { if (t) { const s = xC("md5"); for (const i of t.extensions) s.update(i.extensionIdentifier.uuid ||; t.hash = s.digest("hex") } } s(t = () => null) { return this.g.queue(() => { let s = null; return EC.promises.readFile(this.f, "utf8").then(void 0, i => i.code === "ENOENT" ? Promise.resolve("{}") : Promise.reject(i)).then(i => { try { return JSON.parse(i) } catch { return {} } }).then(i => (s = t(i), i)).then(i => { for (const r of Object.keys(i)) i[r] || delete i[r]; this.c = i, this.h = !0; const n = JSON.stringify(this.c); return this.j.debug("Writing language packs", n), Pe.writeFile(this.f, n) }).then(() => s, i => this.j.error(i)) }) } }, zh = __decorate([__param(0, zs), __param(1, pe)], zh) } }), Vh, $C = v({
  275. "out-build/vs/platform/download/common/downloadService.js"() {
  276. "use strict"; Dt(), De(), st(), Dr(), Vh = class {
  277. constructor(t, s) { this.a = t, this.b = s } async download(t, s, i = Ne.None) {
  278. if (t.scheme === Z.file || t.scheme === Z.vscodeRemote) { await this.b.copy(t, s); return } const n = { type: "GET", url: t.toString(!0) }, r = await this.a.request(n, i); if (r.res.statusCode === 200) await this.b.writeFile(s,; else {
  279. const o = await Ar(r); throw new Error(`Expected 200, got back ${r.res.statusCode} instead.
  280. ${o}`)
  281. }
  282. }
  283. }, Vh = __decorate([__param(0, Pi), __param(1, gt)], Vh)
  284. }
  285. }); function H7(e, t, s) { t instanceof Xe || (t = new Xe(t, [], !!s)), z7.push([e, t]) } var z7, V7, W7 = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/instantiation/common/extensions.js"() { "use strict"; Ou(), z7 = [], function (e) { e[e.Eager = 0] = "Eager", e[e.Delayed = 1] = "Delayed" }(V7 || (V7 = {})) } }), q7, Wh, Yo, G7, SC = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/skipList.js"() { "use strict"; Wh = class { constructor(e, t, s) { this.level = e, this.key = t, this.value = s, this.forward = [] } }, Yo = void 0, G7 = class Ra { constructor(t, s = 2 ** 16) { this.comparator = t, this[q7] = "SkipList", this.d = 0, this.f = 0, this.c = Math.max(1, Math.log2(s) | 0), this.e = new Wh(this.c, Yo, Yo) } get size() { return this.f } clear() { this.e = new Wh(this.c, Yo, Yo), this.f = 0 } has(t) { return !!Ra.g(this, t, this.comparator) } get(t) { return Ra.g(this, t, this.comparator)?.value } set(t, s) { return Ra.h(this, t, s, this.comparator) && (this.f += 1), this } delete(t) { const s = Ra.k(this, t, this.comparator); return s && (this.f -= 1), s } forEach(t, s) { let i = this.e.forward[0]; for (; i;), i.value, i.key, this), i = i.forward[0] } [(q7 = Symbol.toStringTag, Symbol.iterator)]() { return this.entries() } *entries() { let t = this.e.forward[0]; for (; t;)yield [t.key, t.value], t = t.forward[0] } *keys() { let t = this.e.forward[0]; for (; t;)yield t.key, t = t.forward[0] } *values() { let t = this.e.forward[0]; for (; t;)yield t.value, t = t.forward[0] } toString() { let t = "[SkipList]:", s = this.e.forward[0]; for (; s;)t += `node(${s.key}, ${s.value}, lvl:${s.level})`, s = s.forward[0]; return t } static g(t, s, i) { let n = t.e; for (let r = t.d - 1; r >= 0; r--)for (; n.forward[r] && i(n.forward[r].key, s) < 0;)n = n.forward[r]; if (n = n.forward[0], n && i(n.key, s) === 0) return n } static h(t, s, i, n) { const r = []; let o = t.e; for (let a = t.d - 1; a >= 0; a--) { for (; o.forward[a] && n(o.forward[a].key, s) < 0;)o = o.forward[a]; r[a] = o } if (o = o.forward[0], o && n(o.key, s) === 0) return o.value = i, !1; { const a = Ra.j(t); if (a > t.d) { for (let c = t.d; c < a; c++)r[c] = t.e; t.d = a } o = new Wh(a, s, i); for (let c = 0; c < a; c++)o.forward[c] = r[c].forward[c], r[c].forward[c] = o; return !0 } } static j(t, s = .5) { let i = 1; for (; Math.random() < s && i < t.c;)i += 1; return i } static k(t, s, i) { const n = []; let r = t.e; for (let o = t.d - 1; o >= 0; o--) { for (; r.forward[o] && i(r.forward[o].key, s) < 0;)r = r.forward[o]; n[o] = r } if (r = r.forward[0], !r || i(r.key, s) !== 0) return !1; for (let o = 0; o < t.d && n[o].forward[o] === r; o++)n[o].forward[o] = r.forward[o]; for (; t.d > 0 && t.e.forward[t.d - 1] === Yo;)t.d -= 1; return !0 } } } }), hg, Xo, J7 = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/uriIdentity/common/uriIdentityService.js"() { "use strict"; qs(), W7(), st(), kt(), SC(), re(), z(), hg = class $v { static { this._clock = 0 } constructor(t) { this.uri = t, this.time = $v._clock++ } touch() { return this.time = $v._clock++, this } }, Xo = class { constructor(t) { this.g = t, this.c = new ut, this.f = 2 ** 16; const s = new Map, i = n => { let r = s.get(n.scheme); return r === void 0 && (r = t.hasProvider(n) && !this.g.hasCapability(n, 1024), s.set(n.scheme, r)), r }; this.c.add(H.any(t.onDidChangeFileSystemProviderRegistrations, t.onDidChangeFileSystemProviderCapabilities)(n => { s.delete(n.scheme) })), this.extUri = new Xa(i), this.d = new G7((n, r) =>, r, !0), this.f) } dispose() { this.c.dispose(), this.d.clear() } asCanonicalUri(t) { this.g.hasProvider(t) && (t = Hy(t)); const s = this.d.get(t); return s ? s.touch().uri.with({ fragment: t.fragment }) : (this.d.set(t, new hg(t)), this.h(), t) } h() { if (this.d.size < this.f) return; const t = [...this.d.entries()].sort((i, n) => i[1].time < n[1].time ? 1 : i[1].time > n[1].time ? -1 : 0); hg._clock = 0, this.d.clear(); const s = this.f * .5; for (let i = 0; i < s; i++)this.d.set(t[i][0], t[i][1].touch()) } }, Xo = __decorate([__param(0, gt)], Xo), H7(jt, Xo, 1) } }); async function Y7(e, t) { if (!Bt.commit || !await Pe.exists(dg)) return { userLocale: "en", osLocale: "en", resolvedLanguage: "en", defaultMessagesFile: dg, locale: "en", availableLanguages: {} }; const s = `${e}||${t}`; let i = pg.get(s); return i || (i = Mv({ userLocale: e, osLocale: e, commit: Bt.commit, userDataPath: t, nlsMetadataPath: fg }), pg.set(s, i)), i } var fg, dg, pg, X7 = v({ "out-build/vs/server/node/remoteLanguagePacks.js"() { "use strict"; De(), de(), Fv(), ss(), Vc(), fg = _(_t.asFileUri("").fsPath), dg = _(fg, "nls.messages.json"), pg = new Map } }), el, Q7 = v({ "out-build/vs/server/node/extensionsScannerService.js"() { "use strict"; kt(), ee(), ps(), Uo(), Bc(), st(), oe(), Re(), Ls(), qs(), Js(), X7(), el = class extends Sh { constructor(t, s, i, n, r, o, a, c) { super(E.file(r.builtinExtensionsPath), E.file(r.extensionsPath), ne(r.userHome, ".vscode-oss-dev", "extensions", "control.json"), t.defaultProfile, t, s, i, n, r, o, a, c), this.S = r } async f(t) { const s = await Y7(t, this.S.userDataPath); if (s.languagePack) try { const i = await this.w.readFile(E.file(s.languagePack.translationsConfigFile)); return JSON.parse(i.value.toString()) } catch { } return Object.create(null) } }, el = __decorate([__param(0, Gs), __param(1, Ri), __param(2, gt), __param(3, pe), __param(4, zs), __param(5, Nt), __param(6, jt), __param(7, Er)], el) } }), Z7, K7, PC = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/state/node/state.js"() { "use strict"; oe(), Z7 = se("stateReadService"), K7 = se("stateService") } }), e8, t8, qh, s8, IC = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/state/node/stateService.js"() { "use strict"; Ue(), Me(), z(), $e(), ps(), st(), Re(), function (e) { e[e.IMMEDIATE = 0] = "IMMEDIATE", e[e.DELAYED = 1] = "DELAYED" }(e8 || (e8 = {})), t8 = class extends J { constructor(e, t, s, i) { super(), this.h = e, this.j = t, this.m = s, this.n = i, this.a = Object.create(null), this.b = "", this.c = this.B(new Pr(this.j === 0 ? 0 : 100)), this.f = void 0, this.g = void 0 } init() { return this.f || (this.f = this.r()), this.f } async r() { try { this.b = (await this.n.readFile(this.h)).value.toString(), this.a = JSON.parse(this.b) } catch (e) { e.fileOperationResult !== 1 && this.m.error(e) } } getItem(e, t) { const s = this.a[e]; return xt(s) ? t : s } setItem(e, t) { this.setItems([{ key: e, data: t }]) } setItems(e) { let t = !1; for (const { key: s, data: i } of e) this.a[s] !== i && (xt(i) ? ni(this.a[s]) || (this.a[s] = void 0, t = !0) : (this.a[s] = i, t = !0)); t && this.s() } removeItem(e) { ni(this.a[e]) || (this.a[e] = void 0, this.s()) } async s() { if (!this.g) return this.c.trigger(() => this.t()) } async t() { if (!this.f) return; await this.f; const e = JSON.stringify(this.a, null, 4); if (e !== this.b) try { await this.n.writeFile(this.h, O.fromString(e), { atomic: { postfix: ".vsctmp" } }), this.b = e } catch (t) { this.m.error(t) } } async close() { return this.g || (this.g = this.c.trigger(() => this.t(), 0)), this.g } }, qh = class extends J { constructor(t, s, i, n) { super(), this.a = this.B(new t8(s.stateResource, t, i, n)) } async init() { await this.a.init() } getItem(t, s) { return this.a.getItem(t, s) } }, qh = __decorate([__param(1, Is), __param(2, pe), __param(3, gt)], qh), s8 = class extends qh { setItem(e, t) { this.a.setItem(e, t) } setItems(e) { this.a.setItems(e) } removeItem(e) { this.a.removeItem(e) } close() { return this.a.close() } } } }), Gh, Qo, Jh, Yh, tl, i8 = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/userDataProfile/node/userDataProfile.js"() { "use strict"; ee(), ps(), st(), Re(), PC(), qs(), Js(), $e(), IC(), Jh = Gh = class extends dh { constructor(t, s, i, n, r) { super(i, n, s, r), this.a = t, this.S = i } N() { return this.a.getItem(Gh.b, []).map(s => ({ ...s, location: ve(s.location) ? this.u.extUri.joinPath(this.profilesHome, s.location) : E.revive(s.location) })) } P() { return this.a.getItem(Gh.c, {}) } R() { return this.u.extUri.joinPath(E.file(this.S.extensionsPath).with({ scheme: this.profilesHome.scheme }), "extensions.json") } }, Jh = Gh = __decorate([__param(0, Z7), __param(1, jt), __param(2, zs), __param(3, gt), __param(4, pe)], Jh), Yh = Qo = class extends Jh { constructor(t, s, i, n, r) { super(t, s, i, n, r), this.Y = t } O(t) { t.length ? this.Y.setItem(Qo.b, => ({ ...s, location: this.u.extUri.basename(s.location) }))) : this.Y.removeItem(Qo.b) } Q(t) { t.emptyWindows || t.workspaces ? this.Y.setItem(Qo.c, t) : this.Y.removeItem(Qo.c) } }, Yh = Qo = __decorate([__param(0, K7), __param(1, jt), __param(2, zs), __param(3, gt), __param(4, pe)], Yh), tl = class extends Yh { constructor(t, s, i, n) { super(new s8(0, s, n, i), t, s, i, n) } async init() { return await this.Y.init(), super.init() } }, tl = __decorate([__param(0, jt), __param(1, zs), __param(2, gt), __param(3, pe)], tl) } }), sl, n8 = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/extensionManagement/node/extensionsProfileScannerService.js"() { "use strict"; Re(), Js(), qs(), As(), Uo(), st(), ps(), ee(), sl = class extends kh { constructor(t, s, i, n, r, o) { super(E.file(t.extensionsPath), s, i, n, r, o) } }, sl = __decorate([__param(0, zs), __param(1, gt), __param(2, Gs), __param(3, jt), __param(4, qt), __param(5, pe)], sl) } }), mg, r8 = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/log/common/logService.js"() { "use strict"; z(), Re(), mg = class extends J { constructor(e, t = []) { super(), this.a = new d4([e, ...t]), this.B(e.onDidChangeLogLevel(s => this.setLevel(s))) } get onDidChangeLogLevel() { return this.a.onDidChangeLogLevel } setLevel(e) { this.a.setLevel(e) } getLevel() { return this.a.getLevel() } trace(e, ...t) { this.a.trace(e, ...t) } debug(e, ...t) { this.a.debug(e, ...t) } info(e, ...t) {, ...t) } warn(e, ...t) { this.a.warn(e, ...t) } error(e, ...t) { this.a.error(e, ...t) } flush() { this.a.flush() } } } }); async function AC(e, t, s, i, n) { try { const r = await import("@vscode/spdlog"); r.setFlushOn(vn.Trace); const o = await r.createAsyncRotatingLogger(e, t, s, i); return n ? o.clearFormatters() : o.setPattern("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%e [%l] %v"), o } catch (r) { console.error(r) } return null } function o8(e, t, s) { switch (t) { case F.Trace: e.trace(s); break; case F.Debug: e.debug(s); break; case F.Info:; break; case F.Warning: e.warn(s); break; case F.Error: e.error(s); break; case F.Off: break; default: throw new Error(`Invalid log level ${t}`) } } function a8(e, t) { switch (t) { case F.Trace: e.setLevel(vn.Trace); break; case F.Debug: e.setLevel(vn.Debug); break; case F.Info: e.setLevel(vn.Info); break; case F.Warning: e.setLevel(vn.Warning); break; case F.Error: e.setLevel(vn.Error); break; case F.Off: e.setLevel(vn.Off); break; default: throw new Error(`Invalid log level ${t}`) } } var vn, c8, DC = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/log/node/spdlogLog.js"() { "use strict"; st(), Re(), function (e) { e[e.Trace = 0] = "Trace", e[e.Debug = 1] = "Debug", e[e.Info = 2] = "Info", e[e.Warning = 3] = "Warning", e[e.Error = 4] = "Error", e[e.Critical = 5] = "Critical", e[e.Off = 6] = "Off" }(vn || (vn = {})), c8 = class extends h4 { constructor(e, t, s, i, n) { super(), this.n = [], this.setLevel(n), this.r = this.t(e, t, s, i), this.B(this.onDidChangeLogLevel(r => { this.s && a8(this.s, r) })) } async t(e, t, s, i) { const n = s ? 6 : 1, r = 30 / n * Nr.MB, o = await AC(e, t, r, n, i); if (o) { this.s = o, a8(this.s, this.getLevel()); for (const { level: a, message: c } of this.n) o8(this.s, a, c); this.n = [] } } m(e, t) { this.s ? o8(this.s, e, t) : this.getLevel() <= e && this.n.push({ level: e, message: t }) } flush() { this.s ? this.w() : this.r.then(() => this.w()) } dispose() { this.s ? this.y() : this.r.then(() => this.y()), super.dispose() } w() { this.s && this.s.flush() } y() { this.s && (this.s.drop(), this.s = void 0) } } } }), gg, l8 = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/log/node/loggerService.js"() { "use strict"; Wt(), Re(), DC(), gg = class extends p4 { s(e, t, s) { return new c8(We(), e.fsPath, !s?.donotRotate, !!s?.donotUseFormatters, t) } } } }); function RC() { return process.uncHostAllowlist } function wg(e) { if (process.platform !== "win32") return; const t = RC(); if (t) if (typeof e == "string") t.add(e.toLowerCase()); else for (const s of LC(e)) wg(s) } function LC(e) { const t = new Set; if (Array.isArray(e)) for (const s of e) typeof s == "string" && t.add(s); return Array.from(t) } function u8() { process.platform === "win32" && (process.restrictUNCAccess = !1) } var h8 = v({ "out-build/vs/base/node/unc.js"() { "use strict" } }); function NC(e) { return e.type === "gallery" } function OC(e) { return e.type === 1 || e.type === 0 } var f8, il, d8 = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/allowedExtensionsService.js"() { "use strict"; z(), ee(), he(), Ds(), Ls(), Tc(), ds(), $e(), re(), f8 = /^(?<version>\d+\.\d+\.\d+(-.*)?)(@(?<platform>.+))?$/, il = class extends J { constructor(t, s) { super(), this.f = s, this.c = this.B(new D), this.onDidChangeAllowedExtensions = this.c.event, this.b = t.extensionPublisherOrgs?.map(i => i.toLowerCase()) ?? [], this.a = this.g(), this.B(this.f.onDidChangeConfiguration(i => { i.affectsConfiguration(Ku) && (this.a = this.g(), })) } g() { const t = this.f.inspect(Ku), s = t.policyValue ?? t.userValue ?? t.defaultValue; if (!ct(s) || Array.isArray(s)) return; const i = Object.entries(s).map(([n, r]) => [n.toLowerCase(), r]); if (!(i.length === 1 && i[0][0] === "*" && i[0][1] === !0)) return Object.fromEntries(i) } isAllowed(t) { if (!this.a) return !0; let s, i, n, r, o, a; NC(t) ? (s =, i = t.version, r =, o = t.publisher.toLowerCase(), a = t.publisherDisplayName.toLowerCase(), n = : OC(t) ? (s =, i = t.manifest.version, r = t.preRelease, o = t.manifest.publisher.toLowerCase(), a = t.publisherDisplayName?.toLowerCase(), n = t.targetPlatform) : (s =, i = t.version ?? "*", n = t.targetPlatform ?? "universal", r = t.prerelease ?? !1, o =,".")).toLowerCase(), a = t.publisherDisplayName?.toLowerCase()); const c = E.parse(`command:workbench.action.openSettings?${encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify({ query: `@id:${Ku}` }))}`).toString(), l = this.a[s], u = new Di(m(1815, null, c)); if (!ni(l)) return ii(l) ? l ? !0 : u : l === "stable" && r ? new Di(m(1816, null, c)) : i !== "*" && Array.isArray(l) && !l.some(p => { const g = f8.exec(p); if (g && g.groups) { const { platform: w, version: y } = g.groups; return !(y !== i || n !== "universal" && w && n !== w) } return !1 }) ? new Di(m(1817, null, i, c)) : !0; const h = a && this.b.includes(a) ? a : o, d = this.a[h]; return ni(d) ? this.a["*"] === !0 ? !0 : u : ii(d) ? d ? !0 : new Di(m(1818, null, h, c)) : d === "stable" && r ? new Di(m(1819, null, h, c)) : !0 } }, il = __decorate([__param(0, Nt), __param(1, ts)], il) } }); function p8(e) { setTimeout(() => process.exit(e), 0) } async function CC(e, t, s) { if ( { const n = Bt.serverApplicationName + (me ? ".cmd" : ""); console.log(jR(Bt.nameLong, n, Bt.version, s, { noInputFiles: !0, noPipe: !0 })); return } if (e.version) { console.log(TR(Bt.version, Bt.commit)); return } const i = new m8(e, t); try { await, p8(0) } catch { p8(1) } finally { i.dispose() } } var m8, _C = v({ "out-build/vs/server/node/remoteExtensionHostAgentCli.js"() { "use strict"; tp(), Re(), Ou(), e5(), ds(), Dr(), T5(), fn(), As(), Ds(), l9(), H9(), zm(), q9(), Vc(), z(), Y9(), Uh(), De(), st(), Ls(), Jo(), F7(), ug(), B7(), fe(), ee(), de(), ti(), $C(), Am(), qs(), J7(), Yu(), X(), Bc(), Q7(), Js(), Uo(), Hu(), i8(), n8(), r8(), l8(), he(), h8(), d8(), m8 = class extends J { constructor(e, t) { super(), this.a = e, this.b = t, this.c() } c() { process.once("exit", () => this.dispose()) } async run() { const e = await this.f(); await e.invokeFunction(async t => { const s = t.get(ts), i = t.get(pe); me && (s.getValue("security.restrictUNCAccess") === !1 ? u8() : wg(s.getValue("security.allowedUNCHosts"))); try { await this.g(e.createInstance(Zc, new f4(i.getLevel(), !1))) } catch (n) { throw i.error(n), console.error(ge(n)), n } }) } async f() { const e = new ku, t = { _serviceBrand: void 0, ...Bt }; e.set(Nt, t); const s = new Fh(this.a, t); e.set(Qc, s); const i = new gg(yp(s), s.logsHome); e.set(sc, i); const n = new mg(this.B(i.createLogger("remoteCLI", { name: m(2550, null) }))); e.set(pe, n), n.trace(`Remote configuration data at ${this.b}`), n.trace("process arguments:", this.a); const r = this.B(new Wc(n)); e.set(gt, r), r.registerProvider(Z.file, this.B(new Xc(n))); const o = new Xo(r); e.set(jt, o); const a = this.B(new tl(o, s, r, n)); e.set(Gs, a); const c = this.B(new Bp(a.defaultProfile.settingsResource, r, new Bu, n)); return e.set(ts, c), await Promise.all([c.initialize(), a.init()]), e.set(Pi, new Xe(yc)), e.set(gh, new Xe(Vh)), e.set(qt, W5), e.set(oi, new Xe(Nc)), e.set(Ri, new Xe(sl)), e.set(Or, new Xe(el)), e.set(Ph, new Xe(Hc)), e.set(dn, new Xe(il)), e.set(Rh, new Xe(zc)), e.set(Bh, new Xe(Kc)), new Gm(e) } async g(e) { if (this.a["list-extensions"]) return e.listExtensions(!!this.a["show-versions"], this.a.category); if (this.a["install-extension"] || this.a["install-builtin-extension"]) { const t = { isMachineScoped: !!this.a["do-not-sync"], installPreReleaseVersion: !!this.a["pre-release"] }; return e.installExtensions(this.h(this.a["install-extension"] || []), this.h(this.a["install-builtin-extension"] || []), t, !!this.a.force) } else { if (this.a["uninstall-extension"]) return e.uninstallExtensions(this.h(this.a["uninstall-extension"]), !!this.a.force); if (this.a["update-extensions"]) return e.updateExtensions(); if (this.a["locate-extension"]) return e.locateExtension(this.a["locate-extension"]) } } h(e) { return => /\.vsix$/i.test(t) ? E.file(sn(t) ? t : _(xi(), t)) : t) } } } }); import { constants as jC, promises as TC } from "fs"; import { createInterface as UC } from "readline"; async function MC(e) { if (_s || me) return; let t; for (const s of ["/etc/os-release", "/usr/lib/os-release", "/etc/lsb-release"]) try { t = await, jC.R_OK); break } catch { } if (!t) { e("Unable to retrieve release information from known identifier paths."); return } try { const s = new Set(["ID", "DISTRIB_ID", "ID_LIKE", "VERSION_ID", "DISTRIB_RELEASE"]), i = { id: "unknown" }; for await (const n of UC({ input: t.createReadStream(), crlfDelay: 1 / 0 })) { if (!n.includes("=")) continue; const r = n.split("=")[0].toUpperCase().trim(); if (s.has(r)) { const o = n.split("=")[1].replace(/"/g, "").toLowerCase().trim(); r === "ID" || r === "DISTRIB_ID" ? = o : r === "ID_LIKE" ? i.id_like = o : (r === "VERSION_ID" || r === "DISTRIB_RELEASE") && (i.version_id = o) } } return i } catch (s) { e(s) } } var FC = v({ "out-build/vs/base/node/osReleaseInfo.js"() { "use strict"; X() } }); import *as BC from "net"; function HC(e, t, s, i = 1) { let n = !1; return new Promise(r => { const o = setTimeout(() => { if (!n) return n = !0, r(0) }, s); vg(e, t, i, a => { if (!n) return n = !0, clearTimeout(o), r(a) }) }) } function vg(e, t, s, i) { if (t === 0) return i(0); const n = new BC.Socket; n.once("connect", () => (g8(n), vg(e + s, t - 1, s, i))), n.once("data", () => { }), n.once("error", r => (g8(n), r.code !== "ECONNREFUSED" ? vg(e + s, t - 1, s, i) : i(e))), n.connect(e, "") } function g8(e) { try { e.removeAllListeners("connect"), e.removeAllListeners("error"), e.end(), e.destroy(), e.unref() } catch (t) { console.error(t) } } var zC = v({ "out-build/vs/base/node/ports.js"() { "use strict" } }); function Gn() { return Xh || (Xh = O.alloc(0)), Xh } function w8(e) { switch (e) { case 0: return "None"; case 1: return "Regular"; case 2: return "Control"; case 3: return "Ack"; case 5: return "Disconnect"; case 6: return "ReplayRequest"; case 7: return "PauseWriting"; case 8: return "ResumeWriting"; case 9: return "KeepAlive" } } var v8, bg, b8, Xh, yg, y8, E8, li, Eg, xg, Zo, x8, k8, $8, S8, P8 = v({ "out-build/vs/base/parts/ipc/common/"() { "use strict"; Me(), re(), z(), qo(), function (e) { e.Created = "created", e.Read = "read", e.Write = "write", e.Open = "open", e.Error = "error", e.Close = "close", e.BrowserWebSocketBlobReceived = "browserWebSocketBlobReceived", e.NodeEndReceived = "nodeEndReceived", e.NodeEndSent = "nodeEndSent", e.NodeDrainBegin = "nodeDrainBegin", e.NodeDrainEnd = "nodeDrainEnd", e.zlibInflateError = "zlibInflateError", e.zlibInflateData = "zlibInflateData", e.zlibInflateInitialWrite = "zlibInflateInitialWrite", e.zlibInflateInitialFlushFired = "zlibInflateInitialFlushFired", e.zlibInflateWrite = "zlibInflateWrite", e.zlibInflateFlushFired = "zlibInflateFlushFired", e.zlibDeflateError = "zlibDeflateError", e.zlibDeflateData = "zlibDeflateData", e.zlibDeflateWrite = "zlibDeflateWrite", e.zlibDeflateFlushFired = "zlibDeflateFlushFired", e.WebSocketNodeSocketWrite = "webSocketNodeSocketWrite", e.WebSocketNodeSocketPeekedHeader = "webSocketNodeSocketPeekedHeader", e.WebSocketNodeSocketReadHeader = "webSocketNodeSocketReadHeader", e.WebSocketNodeSocketReadData = "webSocketNodeSocketReadData", e.WebSocketNodeSocketUnmaskedData = "webSocketNodeSocketUnmaskedData", e.WebSocketNodeSocketDrainBegin = "webSocketNodeSocketDrainBegin", e.WebSocketNodeSocketDrainEnd = "webSocketNodeSocketDrainEnd", e.ProtocolHeaderRead = "protocolHeaderRead", e.ProtocolMessageRead = "protocolMessageRead", e.ProtocolHeaderWrite = "protocolHeaderWrite", e.ProtocolMessageWrite = "protocolMessageWrite", e.ProtocolWrite = "protocolWrite" }(v8 || (v8 = {})), function (e) { e.enableDiagnostics = !1, e.records = []; const t = new WeakMap; let s = 0; function i(r, o) { if (!t.has(r)) { const a = String(++s); t.set(r, a) } return t.get(r) } function n(r, o, a, c) { if (!e.enableDiagnostics) return; const l = i(r, o); if (c instanceof O || c instanceof Uint8Array || c instanceof ArrayBuffer || ArrayBuffer.isView(c)) { const u = O.alloc(c.byteLength); u.set(c), e.records.push({ timestamp:, id: l, label: o, type: a, buff: u }) } else e.records.push({ timestamp:, id: l, label: o, type: a, data: c }) } e.traceSocketEvent = n }(bg || (bg = {})), function (e) { e[e.NodeSocketCloseEvent = 0] = "NodeSocketCloseEvent", e[e.WebSocketCloseEvent = 1] = "WebSocketCloseEvent" }(b8 || (b8 = {})), Xh = null, yg = class { get byteLength() { return this.b } constructor() { this.a = [], this.b = 0 } acceptChunk(e) { this.a.push(e), this.b += e.byteLength } read(e) { return this.c(e, !0) } peek(e) { return this.c(e, !1) } c(e, t) { if (e === 0) return Gn(); if (e > this.b) throw new Error("Cannot read so many bytes!"); if (this.a[0].byteLength === e) { const r = this.a[0]; return t && (this.a.shift(), this.b -= e), r } if (this.a[0].byteLength > e) { const r = this.a[0].slice(0, e); return t && (this.a[0] = this.a[0].slice(e), this.b -= e), r } const s = O.alloc(e); let i = 0, n = 0; for (; e > 0;) { const r = this.a[n]; if (r.byteLength > e) { const o = r.slice(0, e); s.set(o, i), i += e, t && (this.a[n] = r.slice(e), this.b -= e), e -= e } else s.set(r, i), i += r.byteLength, t ? (this.a.shift(), this.b -= r.byteLength) : n++, e -= r.byteLength } return s } }, function (e) { e[e.None = 0] = "None", e[e.Regular = 1] = "Regular", e[e.Control = 2] = "Control", e[e.Ack = 3] = "Ack", e[e.Disconnect = 5] = "Disconnect", e[e.ReplayRequest = 6] = "ReplayRequest", e[e.Pause = 7] = "Pause", e[e.Resume = 8] = "Resume", e[e.KeepAlive = 9] = "KeepAlive" }(y8 || (y8 = {})), function (e) { e[e.HeaderLength = 13] = "HeaderLength", e[e.AcknowledgeTime = 2e3] = "AcknowledgeTime", e[e.TimeoutTime = 2e4] = "TimeoutTime", e[e.ReconnectionGraceTime = 108e5] = "ReconnectionGraceTime", e[e.ReconnectionShortGraceTime = 3e5] = "ReconnectionShortGraceTime", e[e.KeepAliveSendTime = 5e3] = "KeepAliveSendTime" }(E8 || (E8 = {})), li = class { constructor(e, t, s, i) { this.type = e, = t, this.ack = s, = i, this.writtenTime = 0 } get size() { return } }, Eg = class extends J { constructor(e) { super(), this.f = this.B(new D), this.onMessage = this.f.event, this.g = { readHead: !0, readLen: 13, messageType: 0, id: 0, ack: 0 }, this.a = e, this.b = !1, this.c = new yg, this.B(this.a.onData(t => this.acceptChunk(t))), this.lastReadTime = } acceptChunk(e) { if (!(!e || e.byteLength === 0)) for (this.lastReadTime =, this.c.acceptChunk(e); this.c.byteLength >= this.g.readLen;) { const t =; if (this.g.readHead) this.g.readHead = !1, this.g.readLen = t.readUInt32BE(9), this.g.messageType = t.readUInt8(0), = t.readUInt32BE(1), this.g.ack = t.readUInt32BE(5), this.a.traceSocketEvent("protocolHeaderRead", { messageType: w8(this.g.messageType), id:, ack: this.g.ack, messageSize: this.g.readLen }); else { const s = this.g.messageType, i =, n = this.g.ack; if (this.g.readHead = !0, this.g.readLen = 13, this.g.messageType = 0, = 0, this.g.ack = 0, this.a.traceSocketEvent("protocolMessageRead", t), li(s, i, n, t)), this.b) break } } } readEntireBuffer() { return } dispose() { this.b = !0, super.dispose() } }, xg = class { constructor(e) { this.k = null, this.a = !1, this.b = !1, this.c = e, this.d = [], this.f = 0, this.lastWriteTime = 0 } dispose() { try { this.flush() } catch { } this.a = !0 } drain() { return this.flush(), this.c.drain() } flush() { this.m() } pause() { this.b = !0 } resume() { this.b = !1, this.l() } write(e) { if (this.a) return; e.writtenTime =, this.lastWriteTime =; const t = O.alloc(13); t.writeUInt8(e.type, 0), t.writeUInt32BE(, 1), t.writeUInt32BE(e.ack, 5), t.writeUInt32BE(, 9), this.c.traceSocketEvent("protocolHeaderWrite", { messageType: w8(e.type), id:, ack: e.ack, messageSize: }), this.c.traceSocketEvent("protocolMessageWrite",, this.j(t, } g(e, t) { const s = this.f === 0; return this.d.push(e, t), this.f += e.byteLength + t.byteLength, s } h() { const e = O.concat(this.d, this.f); return this.d.length = 0, this.f = 0, e } j(e, t) { this.g(e, t) && this.l() } l() { this.k || (this.k = setTimeout(() => { this.k = null, this.m() })) } m() { if (this.f === 0 || this.b) return; const e = this.h(); this.c.traceSocketEvent("protocolWrite", { byteLength: e.byteLength }), this.c.write(e) } }, Zo = class { constructor() { this.b = !1, this.c = !1, this.d = [], this.a = new D({ onWillAddFirstListener: () => { this.b = !0, queueMicrotask(() => this.f()) }, onDidRemoveLastListener: () => { this.b = !1 } }), this.event = this.a.event } f() { if (!this.c) { for (this.c = !0; this.b && this.d.length > 0;); this.c = !1 } } fire(e) { this.b ? this.d.length > 0 ? this.d.push(e) : : this.d.push(e) } flushBuffer() { this.d = [] } }, x8 = class { constructor(e) { = e, = null } }, k8 = class { constructor() { this.a = null, this.b = null } length() { let e = 0, t = this.a; for (; t;)t =, e++; return e } peek() { return this.a ? : null } toArray() { const e = []; let t = 0, s = this.a; for (; s;)e[t++] =, s =; return e } pop() { if (this.a) { if (this.a === this.b) { this.a = null, this.b = null; return } this.a = } } push(e) { const t = new x8(e); if (!this.a) { this.a = t, this.b = t; return } = t, this.b = t } }, $8 = class Wi { static { this.a = 10 } static { this.b = null } static getInstance() { return Wi.b || (Wi.b = new Wi), Wi.b } constructor() { this.c = []; const t =; for (let s = 0; s < Wi.a; s++)this.c[s] = t - 1e3 * s; setInterval(() => { for (let s = Wi.a; s >= 1; s--)this.c[s] = this.c[s - 1]; this.c[0] = }, 1e3) } d() { const t =, s = (1 + Wi.a) * 1e3; let i = 0; for (let n = 0; n < Wi.a; n++)t - this.c[n] <= s && i++; return 1 - i / Wi.a } hasHighLoad() { return this.d() >= .5 } }, S8 = class { get unacknowledgedCount() { return this.d - this.f } constructor(e) { this.v = new Zo, this.onControlMessage = this.v.event, this.w = new Zo, this.onMessage = this.w.event, this.x = new Zo, this.onDidDispose = this.x.event, this.y = new Zo, this.onSocketClose = this.y.event, this.z = new Zo, this.onSocketTimeout = this.z.event, this.t = e.loadEstimator ?? $8.getInstance(), this.u = e.sendKeepAlive ?? !0, this.a = !1, this.c = new k8, this.d = 0, this.f = 0, this.g = null, this.h = 0, this.j = 0, this.k = 0, this.l = null, this.n = 0, this.o =, this.s = new ut, this.p = e.socket, this.q = this.s.add(new xg(this.p)), this.r = this.s.add(new Eg(this.p)), this.s.add(this.r.onMessage(t => this.A(t))), this.s.add(this.p.onClose(t =>, e.initialChunk && this.r.acceptChunk(e.initialChunk), this.u ? this.m = setInterval(() => { this.E() }, 5e3) : this.m = null } dispose() { this.g && (clearTimeout(this.g), this.g = null), this.l && (clearTimeout(this.l), this.l = null), this.m && (clearInterval(this.m), this.m = null), this.s.dispose() } drain() { return this.q.drain() } sendDisconnect() { if (!this.b) { this.b = !0; const e = new li(5, 0, 0, Gn()); this.q.write(e), this.q.flush() } } sendPause() { const e = new li(7, 0, 0, Gn()); this.q.write(e) } sendResume() { const e = new li(8, 0, 0, Gn()); this.q.write(e) } pauseSocketWriting() { this.q.pause() } getSocket() { return this.p } getMillisSinceLastIncomingData() { return - this.r.lastReadTime } beginAcceptReconnection(e, t) { this.a = !0, this.s.dispose(), this.s = new ut, this.v.flushBuffer(), this.y.flushBuffer(), this.z.flushBuffer(), this.p.dispose(), this.n = 0, this.o =, this.p = e, this.q = this.s.add(new xg(this.p)), this.r = this.s.add(new Eg(this.p)), this.s.add(this.r.onMessage(s => this.A(s))), this.s.add(this.p.onClose(s =>, this.r.acceptChunk(t) } endAcceptReconnection() { this.a = !1, this.j = this.h; const e = new li(3, 0, this.j, Gn()); this.q.write(e); const t = this.c.toArray(); for (let s = 0, i = t.length; s < i; s++)this.q.write(t[s]); this.C() } acceptDisconnect() { } A(e) { if (e.ack > this.f) { this.f = e.ack; do { const t = this.c.peek(); if (t && <= e.ack) this.c.pop(); else break } while (!0) } switch (e.type) { case 0: break; case 1: { if ( > this.h) if ( !== this.h + 1) { const t =; t - this.n > 1e4 && (this.n = t, this.q.write(new li(6, 0, 0, Gn()))) } else this.h =, this.k =, this.B(),; break } case 2: {; break } case 3: break; case 5: {; break } case 6: { const t = this.c.toArray(); for (let s = 0, i = t.length; s < i; s++)this.q.write(t[s]); this.C(); break } case 7: { this.q.pause(); break } case 8: { this.q.resume(); break } case 9: break } } readEntireBuffer() { return this.r.readEntireBuffer() } flush() { this.q.flush() } send(e) { const t = ++this.d; this.j = this.h; const s = new li(1, t, this.j, e); this.c.push(s), this.a || (this.q.write(s), this.C()) } sendControl(e) { const t = new li(2, 0, 0, e); this.q.write(t) } B() { if (this.h <= this.j || this.l) return; const e = - this.k; if (e >= 2e3) { this.D(); return } this.l = setTimeout(() => { this.l = null, this.B() }, 2e3 - e + 5) } C() { if (this.d <= this.f || this.g || this.a) return; const e = this.c.peek(), t = - e.writtenTime, s = - this.r.lastReadTime, i = - this.o; if (t >= 2e4 && s >= 2e4 && i >= 2e4 && !this.t.hasHighLoad()) { this.o =,{ unacknowledgedMsgCount: this.c.length(), timeSinceOldestUnacknowledgedMsg: t, timeSinceLastReceivedSomeData: s }); return } const n = Math.max(2e4 - t, 2e4 - s, 2e4 - i, 500); this.g = setTimeout(() => { this.g = null, this.C() }, n) } D() { if (this.h <= this.j) return; this.j = this.h; const e = new li(3, 0, this.j, Gn()); this.q.write(e) } E() { this.j = this.h; const e = new li(9, 0, this.j, Gn()); this.q.write(e) } } } }); import "crypto"; import "net"; import { tmpdir as VC } from "os"; import { createDeflateRaw as WC, createInflateRaw as qC } from "zlib"; function GC(e, t) { if (t === 0) return; const s = e.byteLength >>> 2; for (let c = 0; c < s; c++) { const l = e.readUInt32BE(c * 4); e.writeUInt32BE(l ^ t, c * 4) } const i = s * 4, n = e.byteLength - i, r = t >>> 24 & 255, o = t >>> 16 & 255, a = t >>> 8 & 255; n >= 1 && e.writeUInt8(e.readUInt8(i) ^ r, i), n >= 2 && e.writeUInt8(e.readUInt8(i + 1) ^ o, i + 1), n >= 3 && e.writeUInt8(e.readUInt8(i + 2) ^ a, i + 2) } function kg() { const e = We(); if (process.platform === "win32") return `\\\\.\\pipe\\vscode-ipc-${e}-sock`; const t = process.platform !== "darwin" && $g ? $g : VC(), s = _(t, `vscode-ipc-${e}.sock`); return JC(s), s } function JC(e) { const t = C8[ro]; typeof t == "number" && e.length >= t && console.warn(`WARNING: IPC handle "${e}" is longer than ${t} chars, try a shorter --user-data-dir`) } var I8, Ko, A8, D8, R8, L8, N8, O8, $g, C8, Qh = v({ "out-build/vs/base/parts/ipc/node/"() { "use strict"; Me(), fe(), re(), z(), de(), X(), Wt(), qo(), P8(), I8 = 3e4, Ko = class { traceSocketEvent(e, t) { bg.traceSocketEvent(this.socket, this.debugLabel, e, t) } constructor(e, t = "") { this.f = !0, this.debugLabel = t, this.socket = e, this.traceSocketEvent("created", { type: "NodeSocket" }), this.a = i => { if (this.traceSocketEvent("error", { code: i?.code, message: i?.message }), i) { if (i.code === "EPIPE") return; Vt(i) } }, this.socket.on("error", this.a); let s; this.b = i => { this.traceSocketEvent("close", { hadError: i }), this.f = !1, s && clearTimeout(s) }, this.socket.on("close", this.b), this.d = () => { this.traceSocketEvent("nodeEndReceived"), this.f = !1, s = setTimeout(() => e.destroy(), I8) }, this.socket.on("end", this.d) } dispose() {"error", this.a),"close", this.b),"end", this.d), this.socket.destroy() } onData(e) { const t = s => { this.traceSocketEvent("read", s), e(O.wrap(s)) }; return this.socket.on("data", t), { dispose: () =>"data", t) } } onClose(e) { const t = s => { e({ type: 0, hadError: s, error: void 0 }) }; return this.socket.on("close", t), { dispose: () =>"close", t) } } onEnd(e) { const t = () => { e() }; return this.socket.on("end", t), { dispose: () =>"end", t) } } write(e) { if (!(this.socket.destroyed || !this.f)) try { this.traceSocketEvent("write", e), this.socket.write(e.buffer, t => { if (t) { if (t.code === "EPIPE") return; Vt(t) } }) } catch (t) { if (t.code === "EPIPE") return; Vt(t) } } end() { this.traceSocketEvent("nodeEndSent"), this.socket.end() } drain() { return this.traceSocketEvent("nodeDrainBegin"), new Promise((e, t) => { if (this.socket.bufferSize === 0) { this.traceSocketEvent("nodeDrainEnd"), e(); return } const s = () => {"close", s),"end", s),"error", s),"timeout", s),"drain", s), this.traceSocketEvent("nodeDrainEnd"), e() }; this.socket.on("close", s), this.socket.on("end", s), this.socket.on("error", s), this.socket.on("timeout", s), this.socket.on("drain", s) }) } }, function (e) { e[e.MinHeaderByteSize = 2] = "MinHeaderByteSize", e[e.MaxWebSocketMessageLength = 262144] = "MaxWebSocketMessageLength" }(A8 || (A8 = {})), function (e) { e[e.PeekHeader = 1] = "PeekHeader", e[e.ReadHeader = 2] = "ReadHeader", e[e.ReadBody = 3] = "ReadBody", e[e.Fin = 4] = "Fin" }(D8 || (D8 = {})), R8 = class extends J { get permessageDeflate() { return this.a.permessageDeflate } get recordedInflateBytes() { return this.a.recordedInflateBytes } traceSocketEvent(e, t) { this.socket.traceSocketEvent(e, t) } constructor(e, t, s, i) { super(), this.f = this.B(new D), this.g = this.B(new D), this.h = !1, this.j = { state: 1, readLen: 2, fin: 0, compressed: !1, firstFrameOfMessage: !0, mask: 0, opcode: 0 }, this.socket = e, this.traceSocketEvent("created", { type: "WebSocketNodeSocket", permessageDeflate: t, inflateBytesLength: s?.byteLength || 0, recordInflateBytes: i }), this.a = this.B(new L8(this, t, s, i, this.f, (n, r) => this.m(n, r))), this.B(this.a.onError(n => { console.error(n), Vt(n),{ type: 0, hadError: !0, error: n }) })), this.b = new yg, this.B(this.socket.onData(n => this.n(n))), this.B(this.socket.onClose(async n => { this.a.isProcessingReadQueue() && await H.toPromise(this.a.onDidFinishProcessingReadQueue), })) } dispose() { this.a.isProcessingWriteQueue() ? this.B(this.a.onDidFinishProcessingWriteQueue(() => { this.dispose() })) : (this.socket.dispose(), super.dispose()) } onData(e) { return this.f.event(e) } onClose(e) { return this.g.event(e) } onEnd(e) { return this.socket.onEnd(e) } write(e) { let t = 0; for (; t < e.byteLength;)this.a.writeMessage(e.slice(t, Math.min(t + 262144, e.byteLength)), { compressed: !0, opcode: 2 }), t += 262144 } m(e, { compressed: t, opcode: s }) { if (this.h) return; this.traceSocketEvent("webSocketNodeSocketWrite", e); let i = 2; e.byteLength < 126 ? i += 0 : e.byteLength < 2 ** 16 ? i += 2 : i += 8; const n = O.alloc(i), r = t ? 64 : 0, o = s & 15; if (n.writeUInt8(128 | r | o, 0), e.byteLength < 126) n.writeUInt8(e.byteLength, 1); else if (e.byteLength < 2 ** 16) { n.writeUInt8(126, 1); let a = 1; n.writeUInt8(e.byteLength >>> 8 & 255, ++a), n.writeUInt8(e.byteLength >>> 0 & 255, ++a) } else { n.writeUInt8(127, 1); let a = 1; n.writeUInt8(0, ++a), n.writeUInt8(0, ++a), n.writeUInt8(0, ++a), n.writeUInt8(0, ++a), n.writeUInt8(e.byteLength >>> 24 & 255, ++a), n.writeUInt8(e.byteLength >>> 16 & 255, ++a), n.writeUInt8(e.byteLength >>> 8 & 255, ++a), n.writeUInt8(e.byteLength >>> 0 & 255, ++a) } this.socket.write(O.concat([n, e])) } end() { this.h = !0, this.socket.end() } n(e) { if (e.byteLength !== 0) { for (this.b.acceptChunk(e); this.b.byteLength >= this.j.readLen;)if (this.j.state === 1) { const t = this.b.peek(this.j.readLen), s = t.readUInt8(0), i = (s & 128) >>> 7, n = (s & 64) >>> 6, r = s & 15, o = t.readUInt8(1), a = (o & 128) >>> 7, c = o & 127; this.j.state = 2, this.j.readLen = 2 + (a ? 4 : 0) + (c === 126 ? 2 : 0) + (c === 127 ? 8 : 0), this.j.fin = i, this.j.firstFrameOfMessage && (this.j.compressed = !!n), this.j.firstFrameOfMessage = !!i, this.j.mask = 0, this.j.opcode = r, this.traceSocketEvent("webSocketNodeSocketPeekedHeader", { headerSize: this.j.readLen, compressed: this.j.compressed, fin: this.j.fin, opcode: this.j.opcode }) } else if (this.j.state === 2) { const t =, s = t.readUInt8(1), i = (s & 128) >>> 7; let n = s & 127, r = 1; n === 126 ? n = t.readUInt8(++r) * 2 ** 8 + t.readUInt8(++r) : n === 127 && (n = t.readUInt8(++r) * 0 + t.readUInt8(++r) * 0 + t.readUInt8(++r) * 0 + t.readUInt8(++r) * 0 + t.readUInt8(++r) * 2 ** 24 + t.readUInt8(++r) * 2 ** 16 + t.readUInt8(++r) * 2 ** 8 + t.readUInt8(++r)); let o = 0; i && (o = t.readUInt8(++r) * 2 ** 24 + t.readUInt8(++r) * 2 ** 16 + t.readUInt8(++r) * 2 ** 8 + t.readUInt8(++r)), this.j.state = 3, this.j.readLen = n, this.j.mask = o, this.traceSocketEvent("webSocketNodeSocketPeekedHeader", { bodySize: this.j.readLen, compressed: this.j.compressed, fin: this.j.fin, mask: this.j.mask, opcode: this.j.opcode }) } else if (this.j.state === 3) { const t =; this.traceSocketEvent("webSocketNodeSocketReadData", t), GC(t, this.j.mask), this.traceSocketEvent("webSocketNodeSocketUnmaskedData", t), this.j.state = 1, this.j.readLen = 2, this.j.mask = 0, this.j.opcode <= 2 ? this.a.acceptFrame(t, this.j.compressed, !!this.j.fin) : this.j.opcode === 9 && this.a.writeMessage(t, { compressed: !1, opcode: 10 }) } } } async drain() { this.traceSocketEvent("webSocketNodeSocketDrainBegin"), this.a.isProcessingWriteQueue() && await H.toPromise(this.a.onDidFinishProcessingWriteQueue), await this.socket.drain(), this.traceSocketEvent("webSocketNodeSocketDrainEnd") } }, L8 = class extends J { get permessageDeflate() { return !!(this.b && this.f) } get recordedInflateBytes() { return this.b ? this.b.recordedInflateBytes : O.alloc(0) } constructor(e, t, s, i, n, r) { super(), this.n = e, this.r = n, this.s = r, this.a = this.B(new D), this.onError = this.a.event, this.g = [], this.h = [], this.j = this.B(new D), this.onDidFinishProcessingReadQueue = this.j.event, this.m = this.B(new D), this.onDidFinishProcessingWriteQueue = this.m.event, this.t = !1, this.y = !1, t ? (this.b = this.B(new N8(this.n, i, s, { windowBits: 15 })), this.f = this.B(new O8(this.n, { windowBits: 15 })), this.B(this.b.onError(o =>, this.B(this.f.onError(o => : (this.b = null, this.f = null) } writeMessage(e, t) { this.g.push({ data: e, options: t }), this.u() } async u() { if (!this.t) { for (this.t = !0; this.g.length > 0;) { const { data: e, options: t } = this.g.shift(); if (this.f && t.compressed) { const s = await this.w(this.f, e); this.s(s, t) } else this.s(e, { ...t, compressed: !1 }) } this.t = !1, } } isProcessingWriteQueue() { return this.t } w(e, t) { return new Promise((s, i) => { e.write(t), e.flush(n => s(n)) }) } acceptFrame(e, t, s) { this.h.push({ data: e, isCompressed: t, isLastFrameOfMessage: s }), this.z() } async z() { if (!this.y) { for (this.y = !0; this.h.length > 0;) { const e = this.h.shift(); if (this.b && e.isCompressed) { const t = await this.C(this.b,, e.isLastFrameOfMessage); } else } this.y = !1, } } isProcessingReadQueue() { return this.y } C(e, t, s) { return new Promise((i, n) => { e.write(t), s && e.write(O.fromByteArray([0, 0, 255, 255])), e.flush(r => i(r)) }) } }, N8 = class extends J { get recordedInflateBytes() { return this.j ? O.concat(this.f) : O.alloc(0) } constructor(e, t, s, i) { super(), this.h = e, this.j = t, this.a = this.B(new D), this.onError = this.a.event, this.f = [], this.g = [], this.b = qC(i), this.b.on("error", n => { this.h.traceSocketEvent("zlibInflateError", { message: n?.message, code: n?.code }), }), this.b.on("data", n => { this.h.traceSocketEvent("zlibInflateData", n), this.g.push(O.wrap(n)) }), s && (this.h.traceSocketEvent("zlibInflateInitialWrite", s.buffer), this.b.write(s.buffer), this.b.flush(() => { this.h.traceSocketEvent("zlibInflateInitialFlushFired"), this.g.length = 0 })) } write(e) { this.j && this.f.push(e.clone()), this.h.traceSocketEvent("zlibInflateWrite", e), this.b.write(e.buffer) } flush(e) { this.b.flush(() => { this.h.traceSocketEvent("zlibInflateFlushFired"); const t = O.concat(this.g); this.g.length = 0, e(t) }) } }, O8 = class extends J { constructor(e, t) { super(), this.g = e, this.a = this.B(new D), this.onError = this.a.event, this.f = [], this.b = WC({ windowBits: 15 }), this.b.on("error", s => { this.g.traceSocketEvent("zlibDeflateError", { message: s?.message, code: s?.code }), }), this.b.on("data", s => { this.g.traceSocketEvent("zlibDeflateData", s), this.f.push(O.wrap(s)) }) } write(e) { this.g.traceSocketEvent("zlibDeflateWrite", e.buffer), this.b.write(e.buffer) } flush(e) { this.b.flush(2, () => { this.g.traceSocketEvent("zlibDeflateFlushFired"); let t = O.concat(this.f); this.f.length = 0, t = t.slice(0, t.byteLength - 4), e(t) }) } }, $g = process.env.XDG_RUNTIME_DIR, C8 = { 2: 107, 1: 103 } } }), Sg, _8, j8 = v({ "out-build/vs/server/node/extensionHostStatusService.js"() { "use strict"; oe(), Sg = se("extensionHostStatusService"), _8 = class { constructor() { this.a = new Map } setExitInfo(e, t) { this.a.set(e, t) } getExitInfo(e) { return this.a.get(e) || null } } } }); function YC(e) { delete e[Pg.ENV_KEY], delete e[Ig.ENV_KEY], delete e[M8.ENV_KEY] } function T8(e, t) { YC(t), e.serialize(t) } var U8, Pg, Ig, M8, XC = v({ "out-build/vs/workbench/services/extensions/common/extensionHostEnv.js"() { "use strict"; (function (e) { e[e.IPC = 1] = "IPC", e[e.Socket = 2] = "Socket", e[e.MessagePort = 3] = "MessagePort" })(U8 || (U8 = {})), Pg = class RI { static { this.ENV_KEY = "VSCODE_EXTHOST_IPC_HOOK" } constructor(t) { this.pipeName = t, this.type = 1 } serialize(t) { t[RI.ENV_KEY] = this.pipeName } }, Ig = class LI { constructor() { this.type = 2 } static { this.ENV_KEY = "VSCODE_EXTHOST_WILL_SEND_SOCKET" } serialize(t) { t[LI.ENV_KEY] = "1" } }, M8 = class NI { constructor() { this.type = 3 } static { this.ENV_KEY = "VSCODE_WILL_SEND_MESSAGE_PORT" } serialize(t) { t[NI.ENV_KEY] = "1" } } } }); import *as QC from "child_process"; import *as ZC from "net"; async function F8(e = {}, t, s, i, n, r) { const o = await Y7(s, i.userDataPath); let a = {}; if (t) try { a = await Yp(r, n, i.args, process.env) } catch (p) { n.error("ExtensionHostConnection#buildUserEnvironment resolving shell environment failed", p) } const l = { ...process.env, ...a, VSCODE_ESM_ENTRYPOINT: "vs/workbench/api/node/extensionHostProcess", VSCODE_HANDLES_UNCAUGHT_ERRORS: "true", VSCODE_NLS_CONFIG: JSON.stringify(o), ...e }, u = i.isBuilt ? _(i.appRoot, "bin") : _(i.appRoot, "resources", "server", "bin-dev"), h = _(u, "remote-cli"); let d = KC(l, "PATH"); return d ? d = h + lo + d : d = h, e_(l, "PATH", d), i.args["without-browser-env-var"] || (l.BROWSER = _(u, "helpers", me ? "browser.cmd" : "")), t_(l), l } function KC(e, t) { const s = Object.keys(e).filter(n => n.toLowerCase() === t.toLowerCase()), i = s.length > 0 ? s[0] : t; return e[i] } function e_(e, t, s) { const i = Object.keys(e).filter(r => r.toLowerCase() === t.toLowerCase()), n = i.length > 0 ? i[0] : t; e[n] = s } function t_(e) { for (const t of Object.keys(e)) e[t] === null && delete e[t] } var Ag, Zh, B8 = v({ "out-build/vs/server/node/extensionHostConnection.js"() { "use strict"; Me(), re(), z(), De(), de(), X(), qu(), Qh(), ds(), Re(), Xp(), j8(), X7(), Jo(), XC(), Ag = class { constructor(e, t) { this.socket = e, this.initialDataChunk = t } socketDrain() { return this.socket.drain() } toIExtHostSocketMessage() { let e, t, s; return this.socket instanceof Ko ? (e = !0, t = !1, s = O.alloc(0)) : (e = !1, t = this.socket.permessageDeflate, s = this.socket.recordedInflateBytes), { type: "VSCODE_EXTHOST_IPC_SOCKET", initialDataChunk: this.initialDataChunk.buffer.toString("base64"), skipWebSocketFrames: e, permessageDeflate: t, inflateBytes: s.buffer.toString("base64") } } }, Zh = class extends J { constructor(t, s, i, n, r, o, a, c) { super(), this.m = t, this.n = r, this.r = o, this.s = a, this.t = c, this.b = new D, this.onClose = this.b.event, this.c = !me || !this.n.args["socket-path"], this.f = !1, this.g = s, this.h = null, this.j = new Ag(i, n), this.w("New connection established.") } dispose() { this.D(), super.dispose() } get u() { return `[${this.g}][${this.m.substr(0, 8)}][ExtensionHostConnection] ` } w(t) {`${this.u}${t}`) } y(t) { this.r.error(`${this.u}${t}`) } async z(t, s) { const i = new ut; i.add(s.socket), i.add(ye(() => { t.destroy() })); const n = () => { i.dispose() }; i.add(s.socket.onEnd(n)), i.add(s.socket.onClose(n)), i.add(H.fromNodeEventEmitter(t, "end")(n)), i.add(H.fromNodeEventEmitter(t, "close")(n)), i.add(H.fromNodeEventEmitter(t, "error")(n)), i.add(s.socket.onData(r => t.write(r.buffer))), i.add(H.fromNodeEventEmitter(t, "data")(r => { s.socket.write(O.wrap(r)) })), s.initialDataChunk.byteLength > 0 && t.write(s.initialDataChunk.buffer) } async C(t, s) { await s.socketDrain(); const i = s.toIExtHostSocketMessage(); let n; s.socket instanceof Ko ? n = s.socket.socket : n = s.socket.socket.socket, t.send(i, n) } shortenReconnectionGraceTimeIfNecessary() { if (!this.h) return; const t = { type: "VSCODE_EXTHOST_IPC_REDUCE_GRACE_TIME" }; this.h.send(t) } acceptReconnection(t, s, i) { this.g = t, this.w("The client has reconnected."); const n = new Ag(s, i); if (!this.h) { this.j = n; return } this.C(this.h, n) } D() { this.f || (this.f = !0, this.j && (this.j.socket.end(), this.j = null), this.h && (this.h.kill(), this.h = null), 0)) } async start(t) { try { let s = process.execArgv ? process.execArgv.filter(h => !/^--inspect(-brk)?=/.test(h)) : []; t.port && !process.pkg && (s = [`--inspect${t.break ? "-brk" : ""}=${t.port}`]); const i = await F8(t.env, !0, t.language, this.n, this.r, this.t); b5(i); let n; if (this.c) T8(new Ig, i), n = null; else { const { namedPipeServer: h, pipeName: d } = await this.F(); T8(new Pg(d), i), n = h } const r = { env: i, execArgv: s, silent: !0 }; r.execArgv.unshift("--dns-result-order=ipv4first"); const o = ["--type=extensionHost", "--transformURIs"], a = this.n.args["use-host-proxy"]; o.push(`--useHostProxy=${a ? "true" : "false"}`), this.h = QC.fork(_t.asFileUri("bootstrap-fork").fsPath, o, r); const c =; this.w(`<${c}> Launched Extension Host Process.`), this.h.stdout.setEncoding("utf8"), this.h.stderr.setEncoding("utf8"); const l = H.fromNodeEventEmitter(this.h.stdout, "data"), u = H.fromNodeEventEmitter(this.h.stderr, "data"); if (this.B(l(h => this.w(`<${c}> ${h}`))), this.B(u(h => this.w(`<${c}><stderr> ${h}`))), this.h.on("error", h => { this.y(`<${c}> Extension Host Process had an error`), this.r.error(h), this.D() }), this.h.on("exit", (h, d) => { this.s.setExitInfo(this.m, { code: h, signal: d }), this.w(`<${c}> Extension Host Process exited with code: ${h}, signal: ${d}.`), this.D() }), n) n.on("connection", h => { n.close(), this.z(h, this.j) }); else { const h = d => { d.type === "VSCODE_EXTHOST_IPC_READY" && (this.h.removeListener("message", h), this.C(this.h, this.j), this.j = null) }; this.h.on("message", h) } } catch (s) { console.error("ExtensionHostConnection errored"), s && console.error(s) } } F() { return new Promise((t, s) => { const i = kg(), n = ZC.createServer(); n.on("error", s), n.listen(i, () => { n?.removeListener("error", s), t({ pipeName: i, namedPipeServer: n }) }) }) } }, Zh = __decorate([__param(4, Qc), __param(5, pe), __param(6, Sg), __param(7, ts)], Zh) } }); function Kh(e) { let t = 0, s = 0, i = 0; e >= 1e3 && (i = Math.floor(e / 1e3), e -= i * 1e3), i >= 60 && (s = Math.floor(i / 60), i -= s * 60), s >= 60 && (t = Math.floor(s / 60), s -= t * 60); const n = t ? `${t}h` : "", r = s ? `${s}m` : "", o = i ? `${i}s` : "", a = e ? `${e}ms` : ""; return `${n}${r}${o}${a}` } var H8, s_ = v({ "out-build/vs/server/node/remoteExtensionManagement.js"() { "use strict"; re(), Ue(), H8 = class { constructor(e, t, s, i) { this.i = e, this.j = t, this.a = new D, this.onClose = this.a.event, this.b = 108e5, this.c = 3e5, this.d = s, this.protocol = i, this.e = !1, this.f = new Pp(() => { this.k(`The reconnection grace time of ${Kh(this.b)} has expired, so the connection will be disposed.`), this.l() }, this.b), this.g = new Pp(() => { this.k(`The reconnection short grace time of ${Kh(this.c)} has expired, so the connection will be disposed.`), this.l() }, this.c), this.protocol.onDidDispose(() => { this.k("The client has disconnected gracefully, so the connection will be disposed."), this.l() }), this.protocol.onSocketClose(() => { this.k(`The client has disconnected, will wait for reconnection ${Kh(this.b)} before disposing...`), this.f.schedule() }), this.k("New connection established.") } k(e) {`[${this.d}][${this.j.substr(0, 8)}][ManagementConnection] ${e}`) } shortenReconnectionGraceTimeIfNecessary() { this.g.isScheduled() || this.f.isScheduled() && (this.k(`Another client has connected, will shorten the wait for reconnection ${Kh(this.c)} before disposing...`), this.g.schedule()) } l() { if (this.e) return; this.e = !0, this.f.dispose(), this.g.dispose(); const e = this.protocol.getSocket(); this.protocol.sendDisconnect(), this.protocol.dispose(), e.end(), 0) } acceptReconnection(e, t, s) { this.d = e, this.k("The client has reconnected."), this.f.cancel(), this.g.cancel(), this.protocol.beginAcceptReconnection(t, s), this.protocol.endAcceptReconnection() } } } }); import *as i_ from "cookie"; import *as z8 from "fs"; async function n_(e, t) { const s = e["without-connection-token"], i = e["connection-token"], n = e["connection-token-file"]; if (s) return typeof i < "u" || typeof n < "u" ? new jr("Please do not use the argument '--connection-token' or '--connection-token-file' at the same time as '--without-connection-token'.") : new W8; if (typeof n < "u") { if (typeof i < "u") return new jr("Please do not use the argument '--connection-token' at the same time as '--connection-token-file'."); let r; try { r = z8.readFileSync(n).toString().replace(/\r?\n$/, "") } catch { return new jr(`Unable to read the connection token file at '${n}'.`) } return ef.test(r) ? new tf(r) : new jr(`The connection token defined in '${n} does not adhere to the characters 0-9, a-z, A-Z, _, or -.`) } return typeof i < "u" ? ef.test(i) ? new tf(i) : new jr(`The connection token '${i} does not adhere to the characters 0-9, a-z, A-Z or -.`) : new tf(await t()) } async function r_(e) { return n_(e, async () => { if (!e["user-data-dir"]) return We(); const s = _(e["user-data-dir"], "token"); try { const r = (await z8.promises.readFile(s)).toString().replace(/\r?\n$/, ""); if (ef.test(r)) return r } catch { } const i = We(); try { await Pe.writeFile(s, i, { mode: 384 }) } catch { } return i }) } function o_(e, t, s) { console.log('hi', e.validate,s.query); if (e.validate(s.query[uo])) return !0; const i = i_.parse(t.headers.cookie || ""); return e.validate(i[xu]) } var ef, V8, W8, tf, jr, a_ = v({ "out-build/vs/server/node/serverConnectionToken.js"() { "use strict"; de(), Wt(), De(), ss(), ef = /^[0-9A-Za-z_-]+$/, function (e) { e[e.None = 0] = "None", e[e.Optional = 1] = "Optional", e[e.Mandatory = 2] = "Mandatory" }(V8 || (V8 = {})), W8 = class { constructor() { this.type = 0 } validate(e) { return !0 } }, tf = class { constructor(e) { this.value = e, this.type = 2 } validate(e) { return e === this.value } }, jr = class { constructor(e) { this.message = e } } } }); import { networkInterfaces as c_ } from "os"; function l_(e) { const t = e.replace(/\-/g, ":").toLowerCase(); return !q8.has(t) } function u_() { const e = c_(); for (const t in e) { const s = e[t]; if (s) { for (const { mac: i } of s) if (l_(i)) return i } } throw new Error("Unable to retrieve mac address (unexpected format)") } var q8, h_ = v({ "out-build/vs/base/node/macAddress.js"() { "use strict"; q8 = new Set(["00:00:00:00:00:00", "ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff", "ac:de:48:00:11:22"]) } }); import { networkInterfaces as f_ } from "os"; async function d_(e) { return Rg || (Rg = (async () => await p_(e) || We())()), Rg } async function p_(e) { try { const t = await import("crypto"), s = u_(); return t.createHash("sha256").update(s, "utf8").digest("hex") } catch (t) { e(t); return } } async function m_(e) { if (me) { const t = await import("@vscode/windows-registry"); try { return t.GetStringRegKey("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE", G8, "MachineId") || "" } catch (s) { return e(s), "" } } return "" } async function g_(e) { try { return await (await import("@vscode/deviceid")).getDeviceId() } catch (t) { return e(t), We() } } var Dg, Rg, G8, J8 = v({ "out-build/vs/base/node/id.js"() { "use strict"; oh(), Wt(), h_(), X(), Dg = new class { c(e) { return this.a || (this.a = Lo.forStrings(), this.a.set("00-50-56", !0), this.a.set("00-0C-29", !0), this.a.set("00-05-69", !0), this.a.set("00-03-FF", !0), this.a.set("00-1C-42", !0), this.a.set("00-16-3E", !0), this.a.set("08-00-27", !0), this.a.set("00:50:56", !0), this.a.set("00:0C:29", !0), this.a.set("00:05:69", !0), this.a.set("00:03:FF", !0), this.a.set("00:1C:42", !0), this.a.set("00:16:3E", !0), this.a.set("08:00:27", !0)), !!this.a.findSubstr(e) } value() { if (this.b === void 0) { let e = 0, t = 0; const s = f_(); for (const i in s) { const n = s[i]; if (n) for (const { mac: r, internal: o } of n) o || (t += 1, this.c(r.toUpperCase()) && (e += 1)) } this.b = t > 0 ? e / t : 0 } return this.b } }, G8 = "Software\\Microsoft\\SQMClient" } }), Lg, w_ = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/debug/common/extensionHostDebugIpc.js"() { "use strict"; re(), z(), Lg = class { constructor() { this.a = new D, this.b = new D, this.c = new D, this.d = new D } static { this.ChannelName = "extensionhostdebugservice" } call(e, t, s) { switch (t) { case "close": return Promise.resolve({ sessionId: s[0] })); case "reload": return Promise.resolve({ sessionId: s[0] })); case "terminate": return Promise.resolve({ sessionId: s[0] })); case "attach": return Promise.resolve({ sessionId: s[0], port: s[1], subId: s[2] })) }throw new Error("Method not implemented.") } listen(e, t, s) { switch (t) { case "close": return this.a.event; case "reload": return this.b.event; case "terminate": return this.c.event; case "attach": return this.d.event }throw new Error("Method not implemented.") } } } }), Y8, v_ = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/download/common/downloadIpc.js"() { "use strict"; ee(), Y8 = class { constructor(e, t) { this.a = e, this.b = t } async download(e, t) { const s = this.b(); s && (e = s.transformOutgoingURI(e), t = s.transformOutgoingURI(t)), await"download", [e, t]) } } } }); function X8(e) { return e.toJSON() } function Q8(e, t, s) { if (!e || s > 200) return null; if (typeof e == "object") { if (e instanceof E) return t.transformOutgoing(e); for (const i in e) if (, i)) { const n = Q8(e[i], t, s + 1); n !== null && (e[i] = n) } } return null } function Jn(e, t) { const s = Q8(e, t, 0); return s === null ? e : s } function Ng(e, t, s, i) { if (!e || i > 200) return null; if (typeof e == "object") { if (e.$mid === 1) return s ? E.revive(t.transformIncoming(e)) : t.transformIncoming(e); if (e instanceof O) return null; for (const n in e) if (, n)) { const r = Ng(e[n], t, s, i + 1); r !== null && (e[n] = r) } } return null } function Z8(e, t) { const s = Ng(e, t, !1, 0); return s === null ? e : s } function K8(e, t) { const s = Ng(e, t, !0, 0); return s === null ? e : s } var e2, Og, nl = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/uriIpc.js"() { "use strict"; Me(), ee(), e2 = class { constructor(e) { this.a = e } transformIncoming(e) { const t = this.a.transformIncoming(e); return t === e ? e : X8(E.from(t)) } transformOutgoing(e) { const t = this.a.transformOutgoing(e); return t === e ? e : X8(E.from(t)) } transformOutgoingURI(e) { const t = this.a.transformOutgoing(e); return t === e ? e : E.from(t) } transformOutgoingScheme(e) { return this.a.transformOutgoingScheme(e) } }, Og = new class { transformIncoming(e) { return e } transformOutgoing(e) { return e } transformOutgoingURI(e) { return e } transformOutgoingScheme(e) { return e } } } }); function ui(e, t) { return e ? E.revive(t ? t.transformIncoming(e) : e) : void 0 } function ea(e, t) { return t ? t.transformOutgoingURI(e) : e } function ta(e, t) { t = t || Og; const s = e.manifest; return { ...K8({ ...e, manifest: void 0 }, t), manifest: s } } function rl(e, t) { return e?.profileLocation ? K8(e, t ?? Og) : e } function ol(e, t) { return t ? un(e, s => s instanceof E ? t.transformOutgoingURI(s) : void 0) : e } var t2, b_ = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagementIpc.js"() { "use strict"; re(), es(), ee(), nl(), xh(), t2 = class { constructor(e, t) { this.a = e, this.b = t, this.onInstallExtension = H.buffer(e.onInstallExtension, !0), this.onDidInstallExtensions = H.buffer(e.onDidInstallExtensions, !0), this.onUninstallExtension = H.buffer(e.onUninstallExtension, !0), this.onDidUninstallExtension = H.buffer(e.onDidUninstallExtension, !0), this.onDidUpdateExtensionMetadata = H.buffer(e.onDidUpdateExtensionMetadata, !0) } listen(e, t) { const s = this.b(e); switch (t) { case "onInstallExtension": return, i => ({ ...i, profileLocation: i.profileLocation ? ea(i.profileLocation, s) : i.profileLocation })); case "onDidInstallExtensions": return, i => => ({ ...n, local: n.local ? ol(n.local, s) : n.local, profileLocation: n.profileLocation ? ea(n.profileLocation, s) : n.profileLocation }))); case "onUninstallExtension": return, i => ({ ...i, profileLocation: i.profileLocation ? ea(i.profileLocation, s) : i.profileLocation })); case "onDidUninstallExtension": return, i => ({ ...i, profileLocation: i.profileLocation ? ea(i.profileLocation, s) : i.profileLocation })); case "onDidUpdateExtensionMetadata": return, i => ({ local: ol(i.local, s), profileLocation: ea(i.profileLocation, s) })) }throw new Error("Invalid listen") } async call(e, t, s) { const i = this.b(e); switch (t) { case "zip": { const n = ta(s[0], i), r = await; return ea(r, i) } case "install": return this.a.install(ui(s[0], i), rl(s[1], i)); case "installFromLocation": return this.a.installFromLocation(ui(s[0], i), ui(s[1], i)); case "installExtensionsFromProfile": return this.a.installExtensionsFromProfile(s[0], ui(s[1], i), ui(s[2], i)); case "getManifest": return this.a.getManifest(ui(s[0], i)); case "getTargetPlatform": return this.a.getTargetPlatform(); case "installFromGallery": return this.a.installFromGallery(s[0], rl(s[1], i)); case "installGalleryExtensions": { const n = s[0]; return this.a.installGalleryExtensions({ extension: r, options: o }) => ({ extension: r, options: rl(o, i) ?? {} }))) } case "uninstall": return this.a.uninstall(ta(s[0], i), rl(s[1], i)); case "uninstallExtensions": { const n = s[0]; return this.a.uninstallExtensions({ extension: r, options: o }) => ({ extension: ta(r, i), options: rl(o, i) }))) } case "reinstallFromGallery": return this.a.reinstallFromGallery(ta(s[0], i)); case "getInstalled": return (await this.a.getInstalled(s[0], ui(s[1], i), s[2])).map(r => ol(r, i)); case "toggleAppliationScope": { const n = await this.a.toggleAppliationScope(ta(s[0], i), ui(s[1], i)); return ol(n, i) } case "copyExtensions": return this.a.copyExtensions(ui(s[0], i), ui(s[1], i)); case "updateMetadata": { const n = await this.a.updateMetadata(ta(s[0], i), s[1], ui(s[2], i)); return ol(n, i) } case "resetPinnedStateForAllUserExtensions": return this.a.resetPinnedStateForAllUserExtensions(s[0]); case "getExtensionsControlManifest": return this.a.getExtensionsControlManifest(); case "download": return[0], s[1], s[2]); case "cleanUp": return this.a.cleanUp() }throw new Error("Invalid call") } } } }), s2, y_ = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/request/common/requestIpc.js"() { "use strict"; Me(), Dt(), s2 = class { constructor(e) { this.a = e } listen(e, t) { throw new Error("Invalid listen") } call(e, t, s, i = Ne.None) { switch (t) { case "request": return this.a.request(s[0], i).then(async ({ res: n, stream: r }) => { const o = await rn(r); return [{ statusCode: n.statusCode, headers: n.headers }, o] }); case "resolveProxy": return this.a.resolveProxy(s[0]); case "lookupAuthorization": return this.a.lookupAuthorization(s[0]); case "lookupKerberosAuthorization": return this.a.lookupKerberosAuthorization(s[0]); case "loadCertificates": return this.a.loadCertificates() }throw new Error("Invalid call") } } } }), Cg, i2, E_ = v({
  286. "out-build/vs/platform/telemetry/common/errorTelemetry.js"() {
  287. "use strict"; Et(), fe(), z(), es(), st(), function (e) { function t(s, i) { return s.callstack < i.callstack ? -1 : s.callstack > i.callstack ? 1 : 0 } = t }(Cg || (Cg = {})), i2 = class OI {
  288. static { this.ERROR_FLUSH_TIMEOUT = 5 * 1e3 } constructor(t, s = OI.ERROR_FLUSH_TIMEOUT) { this.f = -1, this.g = [], this.h = new ut, this.c = t, this.d = s; const i = _a.addListener(n => this.j(n)); this.h.add(ye(i)), this.i() } dispose() { clearTimeout(this.f), this.l(), this.h.dispose() } i() { } j(t) {
  289. if (!t || t.code || (t.detail && t.detail.stack && (t = t.detail), Xi.isErrorNoTelemetry(t) || t instanceof Jt || typeof t?.message == "string" && t.message.includes("Unable to read file"))) return; const s = Array.isArray(t.stack) ? t.stack.join(`
  290. `) : t.stack, i = t.message ? t.message : Lp(t); s && this.k({ msg: i, callstack: s })
  291. } k(t) { const s = fA(this.g, t,; s < 0 ? (t.count = 1, this.g.splice(~s, 0, t)) : (this.g[s].count || (this.g[s].count = 0), this.g[s].count += 1), this.f === -1 && (this.f = setTimeout(() => { this.l(), this.f = -1 }, this.d)) } l() { for (const t of this.g) this.c.publicLogError2("UnhandledError", t); this.g.length = 0 }
  292. }
  293. }
  294. }), n2, x_ = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/telemetry/node/errorTelemetry.js"() { "use strict"; fe(), E_(), n2 = class extends i2 { i() { Bv(t => console.error(t)); const e = []; process.on("unhandledRejection", (t, s) => { e.push(s), setTimeout(() => { const i = e.indexOf(s); i >= 0 && s.catch(n => { e.splice(i, 1), In(n) || (console.warn(`rejected promise not handled within 1 second: ${n}`), n.stack && console.warn(`stack trace: ${n.stack}`), t && Vt(t)) }) }, 1e3) }), process.on("rejectionHandled", t => { const s = e.indexOf(t); s >= 0 && e.splice(s, 1) }), process.on("uncaughtException", t => { Hv(t) || Vt(t) }) } } } }), k_, r2, o2, a2, c2, l2, u2, al, h2, f2, gs, d2, p2, m2, g2, w2, v2, b2, y2, E2, $_, x2, _g = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/terminal/common/terminal.js"() { "use strict"; oe(), wo(), hn(), k_ = new Ee("terminalTabFocusMode", !1, !0), function (e) { e.AutomationProfile = "terminal.integrated.automationProfile.", e.DefaultProfile = "terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.", e.Profiles = "terminal.integrated.profiles." }(r2 || (r2 = {})), function (e) { e.SendKeybindingsToShell = "terminal.integrated.sendKeybindingsToShell", e.AutomationProfileLinux = "terminal.integrated.automationProfile.linux", e.AutomationProfileMacOs = "terminal.integrated.automationProfile.osx", e.AutomationProfileWindows = "", e.ProfilesWindows = "", e.ProfilesMacOs = "terminal.integrated.profiles.osx", e.ProfilesLinux = "terminal.integrated.profiles.linux", e.DefaultProfileLinux = "terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.linux", e.DefaultProfileMacOs = "terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.osx", e.DefaultProfileWindows = "", e.UseWslProfiles = "terminal.integrated.useWslProfiles", e.TabsDefaultColor = "terminal.integrated.tabs.defaultColor", e.TabsDefaultIcon = "terminal.integrated.tabs.defaultIcon", e.TabsEnabled = "terminal.integrated.tabs.enabled", e.TabsEnableAnimation = "terminal.integrated.tabs.enableAnimation", e.TabsHideCondition = "terminal.integrated.tabs.hideCondition", e.TabsShowActiveTerminal = "terminal.integrated.tabs.showActiveTerminal", e.TabsShowActions = "terminal.integrated.tabs.showActions", e.TabsLocation = "terminal.integrated.tabs.location", e.TabsFocusMode = "terminal.integrated.tabs.focusMode", e.MacOptionIsMeta = "terminal.integrated.macOptionIsMeta", e.MacOptionClickForcesSelection = "terminal.integrated.macOptionClickForcesSelection", e.AltClickMovesCursor = "terminal.integrated.altClickMovesCursor", e.CopyOnSelection = "terminal.integrated.copyOnSelection", e.EnableMultiLinePasteWarning = "terminal.integrated.enableMultiLinePasteWarning", e.DrawBoldTextInBrightColors = "terminal.integrated.drawBoldTextInBrightColors", e.FontFamily = "terminal.integrated.fontFamily", e.FontSize = "terminal.integrated.fontSize", e.LetterSpacing = "terminal.integrated.letterSpacing", e.LineHeight = "terminal.integrated.lineHeight", e.MinimumContrastRatio = "terminal.integrated.minimumContrastRatio", e.TabStopWidth = "terminal.integrated.tabStopWidth", e.FastScrollSensitivity = "terminal.integrated.fastScrollSensitivity", e.MouseWheelScrollSensitivity = "terminal.integrated.mouseWheelScrollSensitivity", e.BellDuration = "terminal.integrated.bellDuration", e.FontWeight = "terminal.integrated.fontWeight", e.FontWeightBold = "terminal.integrated.fontWeightBold", e.CursorBlinking = "terminal.integrated.cursorBlinking", e.CursorStyle = "terminal.integrated.cursorStyle", e.CursorStyleInactive = "terminal.integrated.cursorStyleInactive", e.CursorWidth = "terminal.integrated.cursorWidth", e.Scrollback = "terminal.integrated.scrollback", e.DetectLocale = "terminal.integrated.detectLocale", e.DefaultLocation = "terminal.integrated.defaultLocation", e.GpuAcceleration = "terminal.integrated.gpuAcceleration", e.TerminalTitleSeparator = "terminal.integrated.tabs.separator", e.TerminalTitle = "terminal.integrated.tabs.title", e.TerminalDescription = "terminal.integrated.tabs.description", e.RightClickBehavior = "terminal.integrated.rightClickBehavior", e.MiddleClickBehavior = "terminal.integrated.middleClickBehavior", e.Cwd = "terminal.integrated.cwd", e.ConfirmOnExit = "terminal.integrated.confirmOnExit", e.ConfirmOnKill = "terminal.integrated.confirmOnKill", e.EnableBell = "terminal.integrated.enableBell", e.EnableVisualBell = "terminal.integrated.enableVisualBell", e.CommandsToSkipShell = "terminal.integrated.commandsToSkipShell", e.AllowChords = "terminal.integrated.allowChords", e.AllowMnemonics = "terminal.integrated.allowMnemonics", e.TabFocusMode = "terminal.integrated.tabFocusMode", e.EnvMacOs = "terminal.integrated.env.osx", e.EnvLinux = "terminal.integrated.env.linux", e.EnvWindows = "", e.EnvironmentChangesIndicator = "terminal.integrated.environmentChangesIndicator", e.EnvironmentChangesRelaunch = "terminal.integrated.environmentChangesRelaunch", e.ExperimentalWindowsUseConptyDll = "terminal.integrated.experimental.windowsUseConptyDll", e.ShowExitAlert = "terminal.integrated.showExitAlert", e.SplitCwd = "terminal.integrated.splitCwd", e.WindowsEnableConpty = "terminal.integrated.windowsEnableConpty", e.WordSeparators = "terminal.integrated.wordSeparators", e.EnableFileLinks = "terminal.integrated.enableFileLinks", e.AllowedLinkSchemes = "terminal.integrated.allowedLinkSchemes", e.UnicodeVersion = "terminal.integrated.unicodeVersion", e.EnablePersistentSessions = "terminal.integrated.enablePersistentSessions", e.PersistentSessionReviveProcess = "terminal.integrated.persistentSessionReviveProcess", e.HideOnStartup = "terminal.integrated.hideOnStartup", e.CustomGlyphs = "terminal.integrated.customGlyphs", e.RescaleOverlappingGlyphs = "terminal.integrated.rescaleOverlappingGlyphs", e.PersistentSessionScrollback = "terminal.integrated.persistentSessionScrollback", e.InheritEnv = "terminal.integrated.inheritEnv", e.ShowLinkHover = "terminal.integrated.showLinkHover", e.IgnoreProcessNames = "terminal.integrated.ignoreProcessNames", e.ShellIntegrationEnabled = "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.enabled", e.ShellIntegrationShowWelcome = "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.showWelcome", e.ShellIntegrationDecorationsEnabled = "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.decorationsEnabled", e.EnableImages = "terminal.integrated.enableImages", e.SmoothScrolling = "terminal.integrated.smoothScrolling", e.IgnoreBracketedPasteMode = "terminal.integrated.ignoreBracketedPasteMode", e.FocusAfterRun = "terminal.integrated.focusAfterRun", e.FontLigatures = "terminal.integrated.fontLigatures", e.DeveloperPtyHostLatency = "terminal.integrated.developer.ptyHost.latency", e.DeveloperPtyHostStartupDelay = "terminal.integrated.developer.ptyHost.startupDelay", e.DevMode = "terminal.integrated.developer.devMode" }(o2 || (o2 = {})), function (e) { e.Bash = "bash", e.Fish = "fish", e.Sh = "sh", e.Csh = "csh", e.Ksh = "ksh", e.Zsh = "zsh" }(a2 || (a2 = {})), function (e) { e.CommandPrompt = "cmd", e.Wsl = "wsl", e.GitBash = "gitbash" }(c2 || (c2 = {})), function (e) { e.PowerShell = "pwsh", e.Python = "python", e.Julia = "julia", e.NuShell = "nu" }(l2 || (l2 = {})), function (e) { e[e.Api = 0] = "Api", e[e.Process = 1] = "Process", e[e.Sequence = 2] = "Sequence", e[e.Config = 3] = "Config" }(u2 || (u2 = {})), function (e) { e.LocalPty = "localPty", e.PtyHost = "ptyHost", e.PtyHostWindow = "ptyHostWindow", e.Logger = "logger", e.Heartbeat = "heartbeat" }(al || (al = {})), function (e) { e.Cwd = "cwd", e.InitialCwd = "initialCwd", e.FixedDimensions = "fixedDimensions", e.Title = "title", e.ShellType = "shellType", e.HasChildProcesses = "hasChildProcesses", e.ResolvedShellLaunchConfig = "resolvedShellLaunchConfig", e.OverrideDimensions = "overrideDimensions", e.FailedShellIntegrationActivation = "failedShellIntegrationActivation", e.UsedShellIntegrationInjection = "usedShellIntegrationInjection" }(h2 || (h2 = {})), f2 = se("ptyService"), function (e) { e[e.BeatInterval = 5e3] = "BeatInterval", e[e.ConnectingBeatInterval = 2e4] = "ConnectingBeatInterval", e[e.FirstWaitMultiplier = 1.2] = "FirstWaitMultiplier", e[e.SecondWaitMultiplier = 1] = "SecondWaitMultiplier", e[e.CreateProcessTimeout = 5e3] = "CreateProcessTimeout" }(gs || (gs = {})), function (e) { e[e.Panel = 1] = "Panel", e[e.Editor = 2] = "Editor" }(d2 || (d2 = {})), function (e) { e.TerminalView = "view", e.Editor = "editor" }(p2 || (p2 = {})), function (e) { e[e.GraceTime = 6e4] = "GraceTime", e[e.ShortGraceTime = 6e3] = "ShortGraceTime" }(m2 || (m2 = {})), function (e) { e[e.HighWatermarkChars = 1e5] = "HighWatermarkChars", e[e.LowWatermarkChars = 5e3] = "LowWatermarkChars", e[e.CharCountAckSize = 5e3] = "CharCountAckSize" }(g2 || (g2 = {})), function (e) { e.GitBash = "Git Bash", e.Pwsh = "PowerShell" }(w2 || (w2 = {})), function (e) { e[e.Off = 0] = "Off", e[e.FinalTerm = 1] = "FinalTerm", e[e.VSCode = 2] = "VSCode" }(v2 || (v2 = {})), function (e) { e[e.Unknown = 0] = "Unknown", e[e.Shutdown = 1] = "Shutdown", e[e.Process = 2] = "Process", e[e.User = 3] = "User", e[e.Extension = 4] = "Extension" }(b2 || (b2 = {})), y2 = { Backend: "workbench.contributions.terminal.processBackend" }, E2 = class { constructor() { this.a = new Map } get backends() { return this.a } registerTerminalBackend(e) { const t = this.b(e.remoteAuthority); if (this.a.has(t)) throw new Error(`A terminal backend with remote authority '${t}' was already registered.`); this.a.set(t, e) } getTerminalBackend(e) { return this.a.get(this.b(e)) } b(e) { return e?.toLowerCase() ?? "" } }, Mt.add(y2.Backend, new E2), $_ = se("localPtyService"), x2 = se("terminalLogService") } }), k2, $2, S2 = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/log/common/logIpc.js"() { "use strict"; ee(), re(), Re(), z(), k2 = class { constructor(e, t) { this.a = e, this.b = t } listen(e, t) { const s = this.b(e); switch (t) { case "onDidChangeLoggers": return, i => ({ added: [...i.added].map(n => this.c(n, s)), removed: [...i.removed].map(n => this.c(n, s)) })); case "onDidChangeVisibility": return, i => [s.transformOutgoingURI(i[0]), i[1]]); case "onDidChangeLogLevel": return, i => bp(i) ? i : [s.transformOutgoingURI(i[0]), i[1]]) }throw new Error(`Event not found: ${t}`) } async call(e, t, s) { const i = this.b(e); switch (t) { case "setLogLevel": return bp(s[0]) ? this.a.setLogLevel(s[0]) : this.a.setLogLevel(E.revive(i.transformIncoming(s[0][0])), s[0][1]); case "getRegisteredLoggers": return Promise.resolve([...this.a.getRegisteredLoggers()].map(n => this.c(n, i))) }throw new Error(`Call not found: ${t}`) } c(e, t) { return { ...e, resource: t.transformOutgoingURI(e.resource) } } }, $2 = class extends J { constructor(e, t) { super(),"setLogLevel", [e.getLogLevel()]), this.B(e.onDidChangeLogLevel(s =>"setLogLevel", [s]))),"getRegisteredLoggers").then(s => { for (const i of s) e.registerLogger({ ...i, resource: E.revive(i.resource) }) }), this.B(t.listen("onDidChangeVisibility")(([s, i]) => e.setVisibility(E.revive(s), i))), this.B(t.listen("onDidChangeLoggers")(({ added: s, removed: i }) => { for (const n of s) e.registerLogger({ ...n, resource: E.revive(n.resource) }); for (const n of i) e.deregisterLogger(n.resource) })) } } } }), sf, S_ = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/terminal/common/requestStore.js"() { "use strict"; Ue(), Dt(), re(), z(), Re(), sf = class extends J { constructor(t, s) { super(), this.h = s, this.a = 0, this.c = new Map, this.f = new Map, this.g = this.B(new D), this.onCreateRequest = this.g.event, this.b = t === void 0 ? 15e3 : t, this.B(ye(() => { for (const i of this.f.values()) Ut(i) })) } createRequest(t) { return new Promise((s, i) => { const n = ++this.a; this.c.set(n, s),{ requestId: n, ...t }); const r = new Ei; Sr(this.b, r.token).then(() => i(`Request ${n} timed out (${this.b}ms)`)), this.f.set(n, [ye(() => r.cancel())]) }) } acceptReply(t, s) { const i = this.c.get(t); i ? (this.c.delete(t), Ut(this.f.get(t) || []), this.f.delete(t), i(s)) : this.h.warn(`RequestStore#acceptReply was called without receiving a matching request ${t}`) } }, sf = __decorate([__param(1, pe)], sf) } }); function P_(e, t) { const s = [{ name: null, description: m(2157, null) }]; return s.push( => ({ name: i.profileName, description: I_(i) }))), t && s.push( => ({ name: i.title, description: A_(i) }))), { values: =>, markdownDescriptions: => i.description) } } function I_(e) {
  295. let t = `$(${zn.isThemeIcon(e.icon) ? : e.icon ? e.icon :}) ${e.profileName}
  296. - path: ${e.path}`; return e.args && (typeof e.args == "string" ? t += `
  297. - args: "${e.args}"` : t += `
  298. - args: [${e.args.length === 0 ? "" : `'${e.args.join("','")}'`}]`), e.overrideName !== void 0 && (t += `
  299. - overrideName: ${e.overrideName}`), e.color && (t += `
  300. - color: ${e.color}`), e.env && (t += `
  301. - env: ${JSON.stringify(e.env)}`), t
  302. } function A_(e) {
  303. return `$(${zn.isThemeIcon(e.icon) ? : e.icon ? e.icon :}) ${e.title}
  304. - extensionIdentifier: ${e.extensionIdentifier}`
  305. } var D_ = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/terminal/common/terminalProfiles.js"() { "use strict"; _c(), ee(), he(), vh() } }); function jg(e) { const t = e === 2 ? "linux" : e === 1 ? "osx" : "windows"; return m(2133, null, Qv(e), '```json\n"terminal.integrated.profile.' + t + '": {\n "bash": null\n}\n```', "[", "](") } function R_() {, L_() } function L_(e, t) { const s =; let i; e && (i = P_(e?.profiles, t)); const n = Tg; Tg = { id: "terminal", order: 100, title: m(2153, null), type: "object", properties: { "terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.linux": { restricted: !0, markdownDescription: m(2154, null), type: ["string", "null"], default: null, enum: e?.os === 3 ? i?.values : void 0, markdownEnumDescriptions: e?.os === 3 ? i?.markdownDescriptions : void 0 }, "terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.osx": { restricted: !0, markdownDescription: m(2155, null), type: ["string", "null"], default: null, enum: e?.os === 2 ? i?.values : void 0, markdownEnumDescriptions: e?.os === 2 ? i?.markdownDescriptions : void 0 }, "": { restricted: !0, markdownDescription: m(2156, null), type: ["string", "null"], default: null, enum: e?.os === 1 ? i?.values : void 0, markdownEnumDescriptions: e?.os === 1 ? i?.markdownDescriptions : void 0 } } }, s.updateConfigurations({ add: [Tg], remove: n ? [n] : [] }) } var P2, I2, Tr, nf, rf, A2, Tg, N_ = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/terminal/common/terminalPlatformConfiguration.js"() { "use strict"; _c(), X(), he(), Io(), hn(), D_(), P2 = { type: ["string", "null"], enum: ["terminal.ansiBlack", "terminal.ansiRed", "terminal.ansiGreen", "terminal.ansiYellow", "terminal.ansiBlue", "terminal.ansiMagenta", "terminal.ansiCyan", "terminal.ansiWhite"], default: null }, I2 = { type: "string", enum: Array.from(N9(), e =>, markdownEnumDescriptions: Array.from(N9(), e => `$(${})`) }, Tr = { args: { description: m(2126, null), type: "array", items: { type: "string" } }, overrideName: { description: m(2127, null), type: "boolean" }, icon: { description: m(2128, null), ...I2 }, color: { description: m(2129, null), ...P2 }, env: { markdownDescription: m(2130, null), type: "object", additionalProperties: { type: ["string", "null"] }, default: {} } }, nf = { type: "object", required: ["path"], properties: { path: { description: m(2131, null), type: ["string", "array"], items: { type: "string" } }, ...Tr } }, rf = { type: "object", required: ["path"], properties: { path: { description: m(2132, null), type: ["string"], items: { type: "string" } }, ...Tr } }, A2 = { id: "terminal", order: 100, title: m(2134, null), type: "object", properties: { "terminal.integrated.automationProfile.linux": { restricted: !0, markdownDescription: m(2135, null), type: ["object", "null"], default: null, anyOf: [{ type: "null" }, rf], defaultSnippets: [{ body: { path: "${1}", icon: "${2}" } }] }, "terminal.integrated.automationProfile.osx": { restricted: !0, markdownDescription: m(2136, null), type: ["object", "null"], default: null, anyOf: [{ type: "null" }, rf], defaultSnippets: [{ body: { path: "${1}", icon: "${2}" } }] }, "": { restricted: !0, markdownDescription: m(2137, null, "``"), type: ["object", "null"], default: null, anyOf: [{ type: "null" }, rf], defaultSnippets: [{ body: { path: "${1}", icon: "${2}" } }] }, "": { restricted: !0, markdownDescription: jg(3), type: "object", default: { PowerShell: { source: "PowerShell", icon: "terminal-powershell" }, "Command Prompt": { path: ["${env:windir}\\Sysnative\\cmd.exe", "${env:windir}\\System32\\cmd.exe"], args: [], icon: "terminal-cmd" }, "Git Bash": { source: "Git Bash" } }, additionalProperties: { anyOf: [{ type: "object", required: ["source"], properties: { source: { description: m(2138, null), enum: ["PowerShell", "Git Bash"] }, ...Tr } }, { type: "object", required: ["extensionIdentifier", "id", "title"], properties: { extensionIdentifier: { description: m(2139, null), type: "string" }, id: { description: m(2140, null), type: "string" }, title: { description: m(2141, null), type: "string" }, ...Tr } }, { type: "null" }, nf] } }, "terminal.integrated.profiles.osx": { restricted: !0, markdownDescription: jg(1), type: "object", default: { bash: { path: "bash", args: ["-l"], icon: "terminal-bash" }, zsh: { path: "zsh", args: ["-l"] }, fish: { path: "fish", args: ["-l"] }, tmux: { path: "tmux", icon: "terminal-tmux" }, pwsh: { path: "pwsh", icon: "terminal-powershell" } }, additionalProperties: { anyOf: [{ type: "object", required: ["extensionIdentifier", "id", "title"], properties: { extensionIdentifier: { description: m(2142, null), type: "string" }, id: { description: m(2143, null), type: "string" }, title: { description: m(2144, null), type: "string" }, ...Tr } }, { type: "null" }, nf] } }, "terminal.integrated.profiles.linux": { restricted: !0, markdownDescription: jg(2), type: "object", default: { bash: { path: "bash", icon: "terminal-bash" }, zsh: { path: "zsh" }, fish: { path: "fish" }, tmux: { path: "tmux", icon: "terminal-tmux" }, pwsh: { path: "pwsh", icon: "terminal-powershell" } }, additionalProperties: { anyOf: [{ type: "object", required: ["extensionIdentifier", "id", "title"], properties: { extensionIdentifier: { description: m(2145, null), type: "string" }, id: { description: m(2146, null), type: "string" }, title: { description: m(2147, null), type: "string" }, ...Tr } }, { type: "null" }, nf] } }, "terminal.integrated.useWslProfiles": { description: m(2148, null), type: "boolean", default: !0 }, "terminal.integrated.inheritEnv": { scope: 1, description: m(2149, null), type: "boolean", default: !0 }, "terminal.integrated.persistentSessionScrollback": { scope: 1, markdownDescription: m(2150, null), type: "number", default: 100 }, "terminal.integrated.showLinkHover": { scope: 1, description: m(2151, null), type: "boolean", default: !0 }, "terminal.integrated.ignoreProcessNames": { markdownDescription: m(2152, null, "`#terminal.integrated.confirmOnKill#`"), type: "array", items: { type: "string", uniqueItems: !0 }, default: ["starship", "oh-my-posh", "bash", "zsh"] } } } } }), bn, D2 = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/terminal/common/environmentVariable.js"() { "use strict"; (function (e) { e[e.Replace = 1] = "Replace", e[e.Append = 2] = "Append", e[e.Prepend = 3] = "Prepend" })(bn || (bn = {})) } }); function O_(e) { return [...e.entries()] } function C_(e) { return e ? [...e.entries()] : [] } function __(e) { return new Map(e) } function j_(e) { return new Map(e ?? []) } var Ug = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/terminal/common/environmentVariableShared.js"() { "use strict" } }); function R2(e, t, s = !1) { return e.scope ? !!(e.scope.workspaceFolder && t?.workspaceFolder && e.scope.workspaceFolder.index === t.workspaceFolder.index) : s ? t === e.scope : !0 } function L2(e, t) { if (!t) return e; const s = new Set; t.forEach(n => s.add(n.extensionIdentifier)); const i = []; return e.forEach(n => { s.has(n.extensionIdentifier) || i.push(n) }), i.length === 0 ? void 0 : i } function T_(e, t) { if (!t) return; const s = new Map; t.forEach(n => s.set(n.extensionIdentifier, n)); const i = []; return e.forEach(n => { const r = s.get(n.extensionIdentifier); r && (n.type !== r.type || n.value !== r.value || n.scope?.workspaceFolder?.index !== r.scope?.workspaceFolder?.index) && i.push(r) }), i.length === 0 ? void 0 : i } var N2, O2, C2 = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/terminal/common/environmentVariableCollection.js"() { "use strict"; X(), D2(), N2 = new Map([[bn.Append, "APPEND"], [bn.Prepend, "PREPEND"], [bn.Replace, "REPLACE"]]), O2 = class { constructor(e) { this.collections = e, this.a = new Map, this.b = new Map, e.forEach((t, s) => { this.d(t, s); const i =; let n =; for (; !n.done;) { const r = n.value[1], o = n.value[0]; let a = this.a.get(o); if (a || (a = [], this.a.set(o, a)), a.length > 0 && a[0].type === bn.Replace) { n =; continue } const c = { extensionIdentifier: s, value: r.value, type: r.type, scope: r.scope, variable: r.variable, options: r.options }; c.scope || delete c.scope, a.unshift(c), n = } }) } async applyToProcessEnvironment(e, t, s) { let i; me && (i = {}, Object.keys(e).forEach(n => i[n.toLowerCase()] = n)); for (const [n, r] of this.getVariableMap(t)) { const o = me && i[n.toLowerCase()] || n; for (const a of r) { const c = s ? await s(a.value) : a.value; if (a.options?.applyAtProcessCreation ?? !0) switch (a.type) { case bn.Append: e[o] = (e[o] || "") + c; break; case bn.Prepend: e[o] = c + (e[o] || ""); break; case bn.Replace: e[o] = c; break }if (a.options?.applyAtShellIntegration ?? !1) { const l = `VSCODE_ENV_${N2.get(a.type)}`; e[l] = (e[l] ? e[l] + ":" : "") + n + "=" + this.c(c) } } } } c(e) { return e.replaceAll(":", "\\x3a") } diff(e, t) { const s = new Map, i = new Map, n = new Map; if (e.getVariableMap(t).forEach((r, o) => { const a = this.getVariableMap(t).get(o), c = L2(r, a); c && s.set(o, c) }), this.getVariableMap(t).forEach((r, o) => { const a = e.getVariableMap(t).get(o), c = L2(r, a); c && n.set(o, c) }), this.getVariableMap(t).forEach((r, o) => { const a = e.getVariableMap(t).get(o), c = T_(r, a); c && i.set(o, c) }), !(s.size === 0 && i.size === 0 && n.size === 0)) return { added: s, changed: i, removed: n } } getVariableMap(e) { const t = new Map; for (const s of this.a.values()) { const i = s.filter(n => R2(n, e)); i.length > 0 && t.set(i[0].variable, i) } return t } getDescriptionMap(e) { const t = new Map; for (const s of this.b.values()) { const i = s.filter(n => R2(n, e, !0)); for (const n of i) t.set(n.extensionIdentifier, n.description) } return t } d(e, t) { if (!e.descriptionMap) return; const s = e.descriptionMap.entries(); let i =; for (; !i.done;) { const n = i.value[1], r = i.value[0]; let o = this.b.get(r); o || (o = [], this.b.set(r, o)); const a = { extensionIdentifier: t, scope: n.scope, description: n.description }; a.scope || delete a.scope, o.push(a), i = } } } } }); import *as U_ from "os"; function M_() { const e = /(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/g.exec(U_.release()); let t = 0; return e && e.length === 4 && (t = parseInt(e[3])), t } async function _2(e, t, s, i = js, n = Pe.exists) { if (sn(e)) return await n(e) ? e : void 0; if (t === void 0 && (t = xi()), Ct(e) !== ".") { const c = _(t, e); return await n(c) ? c : void 0 } const o = VD(i, "PATH"); if (s === void 0 && ve(o) && (s = o.split(lo)), s === void 0 || s.length === 0) { const c = _(t, e); return await n(c) ? c : void 0 } for (const c of s) { let l; if (sn(c) ? l = _(c, e) : l = _(t, c, e), await n(l)) return l; if (me) { let u = l + ".com"; if (await n(u) || (u = l + ".exe", await n(u))) return u } } const a = _(t, e); return await n(a) ? a : void 0 } var hi, Li, F_ = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/terminal/node/terminalEnvironment.js"() { "use strict"; De(), es(), de(), X(), ti(), et(), $e(), ss(), D2(), Ug(), C2(), function (e) { e.WindowsPwsh = "windows-pwsh", e.WindowsPwshLogin = "windows-pwsh-login", e.Pwsh = "pwsh", e.PwshLogin = "pwsh-login", e.Zsh = "zsh", e.ZshLogin = "zsh-login", e.Bash = "bash", e.Fish = "fish", e.FishLogin = "fish-login" }(hi || (hi = {})), Li = new Map, Li.set(hi.WindowsPwsh, ["-noexit", "-command", 'try { . "{0}\\out\\vs\\workbench\\contrib\\terminal\\common\\scripts\\shellIntegration.ps1" } catch {}{1}']), Li.set(hi.WindowsPwshLogin, ["-l", "-noexit", "-command", 'try { . "{0}\\out\\vs\\workbench\\contrib\\terminal\\common\\scripts\\shellIntegration.ps1" } catch {}{1}']), Li.set(hi.Pwsh, ["-noexit", "-command", '. "{0}/out/vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/common/scripts/shellIntegration.ps1"{1}']), Li.set(hi.PwshLogin, ["-l", "-noexit", "-command", '. "{0}/out/vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/common/scripts/shellIntegration.ps1"']), Li.set(hi.Zsh, ["-i"]), Li.set(hi.ZshLogin, ["-il"]), Li.set(hi.Bash, ["--init-file", "{0}/out/vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/common/scripts/"]), Li.set(hi.Fish, ["--init-command", 'source "{0}/out/vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/common/scripts/"']), Li.set(hi.FishLogin, ["-l", "--init-command", 'source "{0}/out/vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/common/scripts/"']) } }); import *as B_ from "fs"; import *as H_ from "child_process"; import { dirname as z_, resolve as V_ } from "path"; function W_(e, t, s, i, n = process.env, r, o, a, c) { return r = r || { existsFile: ms.existsFile, readFile: B_.promises.readFile }, me ? q_(s, r, n, o, i.getValue("terminal.integrated.useWslProfiles") !== !1, e && typeof e == "object" ? { ...e } : i.getValue(""), typeof t == "string" ? t : i.getValue(""), c, a) : K_(r, o, s, e && typeof e == "object" ? { ...e } : i.getValue(rt ? "terminal.integrated.profiles.linux" : "terminal.integrated.profiles.osx"), typeof t == "string" ? t : i.getValue(rt ? "terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.linux" : "terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.osx"), c, a, n) } async function q_(e, t, s, i, n, r, o, a, c) { const l = process.env.hasOwnProperty("PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432"), u = `${process.env.windir}\\${l ? "Sysnative" : "System32"}`; let h = !1; M_() >= 16299 && (h = !0), await J_(a); const d = new Map; if (e) { d.set("PowerShell", { source: "PowerShell", icon: T.terminalPowershell, isAutoDetected: !0 }), d.set("Windows PowerShell", { path: `${u}\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe`, icon: T.terminalPowershell, isAutoDetected: !0 }), d.set("Git Bash", { source: "Git Bash", isAutoDetected: !0 }), d.set("Command Prompt", { path: `${u}\\cmd.exe`, icon: T.terminalCmd, isAutoDetected: !0 }), d.set("Cygwin", { path: [{ path: `${process.env.HOMEDRIVE}\\cygwin64\\bin\\bash.exe`, isUnsafe: !0 }, { path: `${process.env.HOMEDRIVE}\\cygwin\\bin\\bash.exe`, isUnsafe: !0 }], args: ["--login"], isAutoDetected: !0 }), d.set("bash (MSYS2)", { path: [{ path: `${process.env.HOMEDRIVE}\\msys64\\usr\\bin\\bash.exe`, isUnsafe: !0 }], args: ["--login", "-i"], env: { CHERE_INVOKING: "1" }, icon: T.terminalBash, isAutoDetected: !0 }); const g = `${process.env.CMDER_ROOT || `${process.env.HOMEDRIVE}\\cmder`}\\vendor\\bin\\vscode_init.cmd`; d.set("Cmder", { path: `${u}\\cmd.exe`, args: ["/K", g], requiresPath: process.env.CMDER_ROOT ? g : { path: g, isUnsafe: !0 }, isAutoDetected: !0 }) } U2(r, d); const p = await j2(d.entries(), o, t, s, i, c); if (e && n) try { const g = await Q_(`${u}\\${h ? "wsl" : "bash"}.exe`, o); for (const w of g) (!r || !(w.profileName in r)) && p.push(w) } catch { Mg && (i?.trace("WSL is not installed, so could not detect WSL profiles"), Mg = !1) } return p } async function j2(e, t, s, i = process.env, n, r) { const o = []; for (const [a, c] of e) o.push(G_(a, c, t, s, i, n, r)); return (await Promise.all(o)).filter(a => !!a) } async function G_(e, t, s, i, n = process.env, r, o) { if (t === null) return; let a, c, l; if ("source" in t && !("path" in t)) { const p = cl?.get(t.source); if (!p) return; a = p.paths, c = t.args || p.args, t.icon ? l = T2(t.icon) : p.icon && (l = p.icon) } else a = Array.isArray(t.path) ? t.path : [t.path], c = me || Array.isArray(t.args) ? t.args : void 0, l = T2(t.icon); let u; if (o) { const p = => typeof w == "string" ? w : w.path), g = await o(p); u = new Array(a.length); for (let w = 0; w < a.length; w++)typeof a[w] == "string" ? u[w] = g[w] : u[w] = { path: g[w], isUnsafe: !0 } } else u = a.slice(); let h; if (t.requiresPath) { let p; if (ve(t.requiresPath) ? p = t.requiresPath : (p = t.requiresPath.path, t.requiresPath.isUnsafe && (h = p)), !await i.existsFile(p)) return } const d = await of(e, s, u, i, n, c, t.env, t.overrideName, t.isAutoDetected, h); if (!d) { r?.debug("Terminal profile not validated", e, a); return } return d.isAutoDetected = t.isAutoDetected, d.icon = l, d.color = t.color, d } function T2(e) { return typeof e == "string" ? { id: e } : e } async function J_(e) { if (cl && !e) return; const [t, s] = await Promise.all([Y_(), e || X_()]); cl = new Map, cl.set("Git Bash", { profileName: "Git Bash", paths: t, args: ["--login", "-i"] }), cl.set("PowerShell", { profileName: "PowerShell", paths: s, icon: T.terminalPowershell }) } async function Y_() { const e = new Set, t = await _2("git.exe"); if (t) { const n = z_(t); e.add(V_(n, "../..")) } function s(n, r) { r && n.add(r) } s(e, process.env.ProgramW6432), s(e, process.env.ProgramFiles), s(e, process.env["ProgramFiles(X86)"]), s(e, `${process.env.LocalAppData}\\Program`); const i = []; for (const n of e) i.push(`${n}\\Git\\bin\\bash.exe`, `${n}\\Git\\usr\\bin\\bash.exe`, `${n}\\usr\\bin\\bash.exe`); return i.push(`${process.env.UserProfile}\\scoop\\apps\\git\\current\\bin\\bash.exe`), i.push(`${process.env.UserProfile}\\scoop\\apps\\git-with-openssh\\current\\bin\\bash.exe`), i } async function X_() { const e = []; for await (const t of p5()) e.push(t.exePath); return e } async function Q_(e, t) { const s = [], i = await new Promise((o, a) => { H_.exec("wsl.exe -l -q", { encoding: "utf16le", timeout: 1e3 }, (c, l) => { if (c) return a("Problem occurred when getting wsl distros"); o(l) }) }); if (!i) return []; const n = new RegExp(/[\r?\n]/), r = i.split(n).filter(o => o.trim().length > 0 && o !== ""); for (const o of r) { if (o === "" || o.startsWith("docker-desktop")) continue; const a = `${o} (WSL)`, c = { profileName: a, path: e, args: ["-d", `${o}`], isDefault: a === t, icon: Z_(o), isAutoDetected: !1 }; s.push(c) } return s } function Z_(e) { return e.includes("Ubuntu") ? T.terminalUbuntu : e.includes("Debian") ? T.terminalDebian : T.terminalLinux } async function K_(e, t, s, i, n, r, o, a) {
  306. const c = new Map; if (s && await e.existsFile("/etc/shells")) {
  307. const l = (await e.readFile("/etc/shells")).toString(), u = (r || l.split(`
  308. `)).map(d => { const p = d.indexOf("#"); return p === -1 ? d : d.substring(0, p) }).filter(d => d.trim().length > 0), h = new Map; for (const d of u) { let p = at(d), g = h.get(p) || 0; g++, g > 1 && (p = `${p} (${g})`), h.set(p, g), c.set(p, { path: d, isAutoDetected: !0 }) }
  309. } return U2(i, c), await j2(c.entries(), n, e, a, t, o)
  310. } function U2(e, t) { if (e) for (const [s, i] of Object.entries(e)) i === null || typeof i != "object" || !("path" in i) && !("source" in i) ? t.delete(s) : (i.icon = i.icon || t.get(s)?.icon, t.set(s, i)) } async function of(e, t, s, i, n, r, o, a, c, l) { if (s.length === 0) return Promise.resolve(void 0); const u = s.shift(); if (u === "") return of(e, t, s, i, n, r, o, a, c); const h = typeof u != "string" && u.isUnsafe, d = typeof u == "string" ? u : u.path, p = { profileName: e, path: d, args: r, env: o, overrideName: a, isAutoDetected: c, isDefault: e === t, isUnsafePath: h, requiresUnsafePath: l }; if (at(d) === d) { const w = n.PATH ? n.PATH.split(lo) : void 0, y = await _2(d, void 0, w, void 0, i.existsFile); return y ? (p.path = y, p.isFromPath = !0, p) : of(e, t, s, i, n, r) } return await i.existsFile(si(d)) ? p : of(e, t, s, i, n, r, o, a, c) } var M2, cl, Mg, ej = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/terminal/node/terminalProfiles.js"() { "use strict"; _c(), de(), X(), $e(), ss(), v5(), F_(), function (e) { e.UnixShellsPath = "/etc/shells" }(M2 || (M2 = {})), Mg = !0 } }), Fg, af, tj = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/terminal/node/ptyHostService.js"() { "use strict"; re(), z(), X(), qo(), ds(), Re(), S2(), Xp(), S_(), _g(), N_(), ej(), P5(), co(), function (e) { e[e.MaxRestarts = 5] = "MaxRestarts" }(Fg || (Fg = {})), af = class extends J { get c() { return this.h(), this.a } get f() { return this.h(), this.b } get g() { return this.b } h() { this.a || this.U() } constructor(t, s, i, n) { super(), this.M = t, this.N = s, this.O = i, this.P = n, this.m = !1, this.n = 0, this.r = !0, this.u = this.B(new D), this.onPtyHostExit = this.u.event, this.w = this.B(new D), this.onPtyHostStart = this.w.event, this.y = this.B(new D), this.onPtyHostUnresponsive = this.y.event, this.z = this.B(new D), this.onPtyHostResponsive = this.z.event, this.C = this.B(new D), this.onPtyHostRequestResolveVariables = this.C.event, this.D = this.B(new D), this.onProcessData = this.D.event, this.F = this.B(new D), this.onProcessReady = this.F.event, this.G = this.B(new D), this.onProcessReplay = this.G.event, this.H = this.B(new D), this.onProcessOrphanQuestion = this.H.event, this.I = this.B(new D), this.onDidRequestDetach = this.I.event, this.J = this.B(new D), this.onDidChangeProperty = this.J.event, this.L = this.B(new D), this.onProcessExit = this.L.event, R_(), this.B(this.M), this.B(ye(() => this.W())), this.j = this.B(new sf(void 0, this.O)), this.B(this.j.onCreateRequest(, this.C)), this.M.onRequestConnection && this.B(H.once(this.M.onRequestConnection)(() => this.h())), this.M.onWillShutdown && this.B(this.M.onWillShutdown(() => this.m = !0)) } get Q() { return this.N.getValue("terminal.integrated.ignoreProcessNames") } async R() { return this.g?.refreshIgnoreProcessNames?.(this.Q) } async S() { if (me) return process.env; try { return await Yp(this.N, this.O, { _: [] }, process.env) } catch (t) { return this.O.error("ptyHost was unable to resolve shell environment", t), {} } } U() { const t = this.M.start(), s = t.client; this.O.getLevel() === F.Trace && this.O.trace("PtyHostService#_startPtyHost", new Error().stack?.replace(/^Error/, "")), Yc.toService(s.getChannel(al.Heartbeat)).onBeat(() => this.X()), this.X(!0), this.B(t.onDidProcessExit(r => {, !this.m && !this.q.isDisposed && (this.n <= Fg.MaxRestarts ? (this.O.error(`ptyHost terminated unexpectedly with code ${r.code}`), this.n++, this.restartPtyHost()) : this.O.error(`ptyHost terminated unexpectedly with code ${r.code}, giving up`)) })); const n = Yc.toService(s.getChannel(al.PtyHost)); return this.B(n.onProcessData(r =>, this.B(n.onProcessReady(r =>, this.B(n.onProcessExit(r =>, this.B(n.onDidChangeProperty(r =>, this.B(n.onProcessReplay(r =>, this.B(n.onProcessOrphanQuestion(r =>, this.B(n.onDidRequestDetach(r =>, this.B(new $2(this.P, s.getChannel(al.Logger))), this.a = t, this.b = n,, this.B(this.N.onDidChangeConfiguration(async r => { r.affectsConfiguration("terminal.integrated.ignoreProcessNames") && await this.R() })), this.R(), [t, n] } async createProcess(t, s, i, n, r, o, a, c, l, u, h) { const d = setTimeout(() => this.$(), gs.CreateProcessTimeout), p = await this.f.createProcess(t, s, i, n, r, o, a, c, l, u, h); return clearTimeout(d), p } updateTitle(t, s, i) { return this.f.updateTitle(t, s, i) } updateIcon(t, s, i, n) { return this.f.updateIcon(t, s, i, n) } attachToProcess(t) { return this.f.attachToProcess(t) } detachFromProcess(t, s) { return this.f.detachFromProcess(t, s) } shutdownAll() { return this.f.shutdownAll() } listProcesses() { return this.f.listProcesses() } async getPerformanceMarks() { return this.g?.getPerformanceMarks() ?? [] } async reduceConnectionGraceTime() { return this.g?.reduceConnectionGraceTime() } start(t) { return this.f.start(t) } shutdown(t, s) { return this.f.shutdown(t, s) } input(t, s) { return this.f.input(t, s) } processBinary(t, s) { return this.f.processBinary(t, s) } resize(t, s, i) { return this.f.resize(t, s, i) } clearBuffer(t) { return this.f.clearBuffer(t) } acknowledgeDataEvent(t, s) { return this.f.acknowledgeDataEvent(t, s) } setUnicodeVersion(t, s) { return this.f.setUnicodeVersion(t, s) } getInitialCwd(t) { return this.f.getInitialCwd(t) } getCwd(t) { return this.f.getCwd(t) } async getLatency() { const t = new Ki, s = await this.f.getLatency(); return t.stop(), [{ label: "ptyhostservice<->ptyhost", latency: t.elapsed() }, ...s] } orphanQuestionReply(t) { return this.f.orphanQuestionReply(t) } installAutoReply(t, s) { return this.f.installAutoReply(t, s) } uninstallAllAutoReplies() { return this.f.uninstallAllAutoReplies() } getDefaultSystemShell(t) { return this.g?.getDefaultSystemShell(t) ?? S5(t ?? dr, process.env) } async getProfiles(t, s, i, n = !1) { const r = await this.S(); return W_(s, i, n, this.N, r, void 0, this.O,, t)) } async getEnvironment() { return this.b ? this.f.getEnvironment() : { ...process.env } } getWslPath(t, s) { return this.f.getWslPath(t, s) } getRevivedPtyNewId(t, s) { return this.f.getRevivedPtyNewId(t, s) } setTerminalLayoutInfo(t) { return this.f.setTerminalLayoutInfo(t) } async getTerminalLayoutInfo(t) { return this.g?.getTerminalLayoutInfo(t) } async requestDetachInstance(t, s) { return this.f.requestDetachInstance(t, s) } async acceptDetachInstanceReply(t, s) { return this.f.acceptDetachInstanceReply(t, s) } async freePortKillProcess(t) { if (!this.f.freePortKillProcess) throw new Error("freePortKillProcess does not exist on the pty proxy"); return this.f.freePortKillProcess(t) } async serializeTerminalState(t) { return this.f.serializeTerminalState(t) } async reviveTerminalProcesses(t, s, i) { return this.f.reviveTerminalProcesses(t, s, i) } async refreshProperty(t, s) { return this.f.refreshProperty(t, s) } async updateProperty(t, s, i) { return this.f.updateProperty(t, s, i) } async restartPtyHost() { this.W(), this.r = !0, this.U() } W() { this.f.shutdownAll(), } X(t) { this.ab(), this.s = setTimeout(() => this.Y(), t ? gs.ConnectingBeatInterval : gs.BeatInterval * gs.FirstWaitMultiplier), this.r || (this.r = !0, } Y() { this.O.warn(`No ptyHost heartbeat after ${gs.BeatInterval * gs.FirstWaitMultiplier / 1e3} seconds`), this.s = void 0, this.t = setTimeout(() => this.Z(), gs.BeatInterval * gs.SecondWaitMultiplier) } Z() { this.O.error(`No ptyHost heartbeat after ${(gs.BeatInterval * gs.FirstWaitMultiplier + gs.BeatInterval * gs.FirstWaitMultiplier) / 1e3} seconds`), this.t = void 0, this.r && (this.r = !1, } $() { this.ab(), this.O.error(`No ptyHost response to createProcess after ${gs.CreateProcessTimeout / 1e3} seconds`), this.r && (this.r = !1, } ab() { this.s && (clearTimeout(this.s), this.s = void 0), this.t && (clearTimeout(this.t), this.t = void 0) } bb(t, s) { return this.j.createRequest({ workspaceId: t, originalText: s }) } async acceptPtyHostResolvedVariables(t, s) { this.j.acceptReply(t, s) } }, af = __decorate([__param(1, ts), __param(2, pe), __param(3, sc)], af) } }); function sj(e) { return { transformIncoming: t => t.scheme === "vscode-remote" ? { scheme: "file", path: t.path, query: t.query, fragment: t.fragment } : t.scheme === "file" ? { scheme: "vscode-local", path: t.path, query: t.query, fragment: t.fragment } : t, transformOutgoing: t => t.scheme === "file" ? { scheme: "vscode-remote", authority: e, path: t.path, query: t.query, fragment: t.fragment } : t.scheme === "vscode-local" ? { scheme: "file", path: t.path, query: t.query, fragment: t.fragment } : t, transformOutgoingScheme: t => t === "file" ? "vscode-remote" : t === "vscode-local" ? "file" : t } } function ll(e) { return new e2(sj(e)) } var cf = v({ "out-build/vs/workbench/api/node/uriTransformer.js"() { "use strict"; nl() } }); import { exec as lf } from "child_process"; function Bg(e) {
  311. return new Promise((t, s) => {
  312. let i; const n = new Map; function r(c, l, u, h, d) { const p = n.get(l); if (c === e || p) { const g = { name: o(u), cmd: u, pid: c, ppid: l, load: h, mem: d }; n.set(c, g), c === e && (i = g), p && (p.children || (p.children = []), p.children.push(g), p.children.length > 1 && (p.children = p.children.sort((w, y) => - } } function o(c) { const l = /--utility-sub-type=network/i, u = /--crashes-directory/i, h = /\\pipe\\winpty-control/i, d = /conhost\.exe.+--headless/i, p = /--type=([a-zA-Z-]+)/; if (u.exec(c)) return "electron-crash-reporter"; if (h.exec(c)) return "winpty-agent"; if (d.exec(c)) return "conpty-agent"; let g = p.exec(c); if (g && g.length === 2) return g[1] === "renderer" ? "window" : g[1] === "utility" ? l.exec(c) ? "utility-network-service" : "utility-process" : g[1] === "extensionHost" ? "extension-host" : g[1]; const w = /[a-zA-Z-]+\.js/g; let y = ""; do g = w.exec(c), g && (y += g + " "); while (g); return y && c.indexOf("node ") < 0 && c.indexOf("node.exe") < 0 ? `electron-nodejs (${y})` : c } if (process.platform === "win32") { const c = l => l.indexOf("\\\\?\\") === 0 || l.indexOf("\\??\\") === 0 ? l.substring(4) : l.indexOf('"\\\\?\\') === 0 || l.indexOf('"\\??\\') === 0 ? '"' + l.substring(5) : l; import("@vscode/windows-process-tree").then(l => { l.getProcessList(e, u => { if (!u) { s(new Error(`Root process ${e} not found`)); return } l.getProcessCpuUsage(u, h => { const d = new Map; h.forEach(p => { const g = c(p.commandLine || ""); d.set(, { name: o(g), cmd: g, pid:, ppid: p.ppid, load: p.cpu || 0, mem: p.memory || 0 }) }), i = d.get(e), i ? (d.forEach(p => { const g = d.get(p.ppid); g && (g.children || (g.children = []), g.children.push(p)) }), d.forEach(p => { p.children && (p.children = p.children.sort((g, w) => - }), t(i)) : s(new Error(`Root process ${e} not found`)) }) }, l.ProcessDataFlag.CommandLine | l.ProcessDataFlag.Memory) }) } else {
  313. let c = function () {
  314. let l = [i]; const u = []; for (; l.length;) { const d = l.shift(); d && (u.push(, d.children && (l = l.concat(d.children))) } let h = JSON.stringify(_t.asFileUri("vs/base/node/").fsPath); h += " " + u.join(" "), lf(h, {}, (d, p, g) => {
  315. if (d || g) s(d || new Error(g.toString())); else {
  316. const w = p.toString().split(`
  317. `); for (let y = 0; y < u.length; y++) { const x = n.get(u[y]); x.load = parseFloat(w[y]) } if (!i) { s(new Error(`Root process ${e} not found`)); return } t(i)
  318. }
  319. })
  320. }; var a = c; lf("which ps", {}, (l, u, h) => { if (l || h) if (process.platform !== "linux") s(l || new Error(h.toString())); else { const d = JSON.stringify(_t.asFileUri("vs/base/node/").fsPath); lf(d, {}, (p, g, w) => { p || w ? s(p || new Error(w.toString())) : (F2(g, r), c()) }) } else { const d = u.toString().trim(); lf(`${d} -ax -o pid=,ppid=,pcpu=,pmem=,command=`, { maxBuffer: 1e3 * 1024, env: { LC_NUMERIC: "en_US.UTF-8" } }, (g, w, y) => { g || y && !y.includes("screen size is bogus") ? s(g || new Error(y.toString())) : (F2(w, r), process.platform === "linux" ? c() : i ? t(i) : s(new Error(`Root process ${e} not found`))) }) } })
  321. }
  322. })
  323. } function F2(e, t) {
  324. const s = /^\s*([0-9]+)\s+([0-9]+)\s+([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)\s+([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)\s+(.+)$/, i = e.toString().split(`
  325. `); for (const n of i) { const r = s.exec(n.trim()); r && r.length === 6 && t(parseInt(r[1]), parseInt(r[2]), r[5], parseFloat(r[3]), parseFloat(r[4])) }
  326. } var B2 = v({ "out-build/vs/base/node/ps.js"() { "use strict"; De() } }); function H2(e) { return !!e.hostName && !!e.errorMessage } var z2, ij, nj = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/diagnostics/common/diagnostics.js"() { "use strict"; oe(), z2 = "diagnosticsService", ij = se(z2) } }); import *as rj from "fs"; import *as ws from "os"; async function uf(e, t) { const s = `${e}::${t.join(":")}`, i = zg.get(s); if (i) return i; const n = [{ tag: "grunt.js", filePattern: /^gruntfile\.js$/i }, { tag: "gulp.js", filePattern: /^gulpfile\.js$/i }, { tag: "tsconfig.json", filePattern: /^tsconfig\.json$/i }, { tag: "package.json", filePattern: /^package\.json$/i }, { tag: "jsconfig.json", filePattern: /^jsconfig\.json$/i }, { tag: "tslint.json", filePattern: /^tslint\.json$/i }, { tag: "eslint.json", filePattern: /^eslint\.json$/i }, { tag: "tasks.json", filePattern: /^tasks\.json$/i }, { tag: "launch.json", filePattern: /^launch\.json$/i }, { tag: "settings.json", filePattern: /^settings\.json$/i }, { tag: "webpack.config.js", filePattern: /^webpack\.config\.js$/i }, { tag: "project.json", filePattern: /^project\.json$/i }, { tag: "makefile", filePattern: /^makefile$/i }, { tag: "sln", filePattern: /^.+\.sln$/i }, { tag: "csproj", filePattern: /^.+\.csproj$/i }, { tag: "cmake", filePattern: /^.+\.cmake$/i }, { tag: "github-actions", filePattern: /^.+\.ya?ml$/i, relativePathPattern: /^\.github(?:\/|\\)workflows$/i }, { tag: "devcontainer.json", filePattern: /^devcontainer\.json$/i }, { tag: "dockerfile", filePattern: /^(dockerfile|docker\-compose\.ya?ml)$/i }, { tag: "cursorrules", filePattern: /^\.cursorrules$/i }], r = new Map, o = new Map, a = 2e4; function c(u, h, d, p) { const g = h.substring(u.length + 1); return Kt.withAsyncBody(async w => { let y; p.readdirCount++; try { y = await Pe.readdir(h, { withFileTypes: !0 }) } catch { w(); return } if (p.count >= a) { p.count += y.length, p.maxReached = !0, w(); return } let x = y.length; if (x === 0) { w(); return } let k = y; p.count + y.length > a && (p.maxReached = !0, x = a - p.count, k = y.slice(0, x)), p.count += y.length; for (const A of k) if (A.isDirectory()) { if (d.includes( || await c(u, _(h,, d, p), --x === 0) { w(); return } } else { const I ="."); if (I >= 0) { const L = + 1); L && r.set(L, (r.get(L) ?? 0) + 1) } for (const L of n) L.relativePathPattern?.test(g) !== !1 && L.filePattern.test( && o.set(L.tag, (o.get(L.tag) ?? 0) + 1); if (--x === 0) { w(); return } } }) } const l = Kt.withAsyncBody(async u => { const h = { count: 0, maxReached: !1, readdirCount: 0 }, d = new Ki(!0); await c(e, e, t, h); const p = await oj(e); u({ configFiles: Hg(o), fileTypes: Hg(r), fileCount: h.count, maxFilesReached: h.maxReached, launchConfigFiles: p, totalScanTime: d.elapsed(), totalReaddirCount: h.readdirCount }) }); return zg.set(s, l), l } function Hg(e) { return Array.from(e.entries(), ([t, s]) => ({ name: t, count: s })).sort((t, s) => s.count - t.count) } function V2() { const e = { os: `${ws.type()} ${ws.arch()} ${ws.release()}`, memory: `${(ws.totalmem() / Nr.GB).toFixed(2)}GB (${(ws.freemem() / Nr.GB).toFixed(2)}GB free)`, vmHint: `${Math.round(Dg.value() * 100)}%` }, t = ws.cpus(); return t && t.length > 0 && (e.cpus = `${t[0].model} (${t.length} x ${t[0].speed})`), e } async function oj(e) { try { const t = new Map, s = _(e, ".vscode", "launch.json"), i = await rj.promises.readFile(s), n = [], r = Eo(i.toString(), n); if (n.length) return console.log(`Unable to parse ${s}`), []; if (xo(r) === "object" && r.configurations) for (const o of r.configurations) { const a = o.type; a && (t.has(a) ? t.set(a, t.get(a) + 1) : t.set(a, 1)) } return Hg(t) } catch { return [] } } var zg, Vg, aj = v({
  327. "out-build/vs/platform/diagnostics/node/diagnosticsService.js"() {
  328. "use strict"; Ue(), Ir(), De(), de(), X(), co(), ee(), J8(), ss(), B2(), nj(), st(), Ls(), As(), zg = new Map, Vg = class {
  329. constructor(t, s) { this.c = t, this.d = s } f(t) {
  330. const s = []; return s.push(`OS Version: ${t.os}`), s.push(`CPUs: ${t.cpus}`), s.push(`Memory (System): ${t.memory}`), s.push(`VM: ${t.vmHint}`), s.join(`
  331. `)
  332. } g(t) {
  333. const s = []; s.push(`Version: ${this.d.nameShort} ${this.d.version} (${this.d.commit || "Commit unknown"}, ${ || "Date unknown"})`), s.push(`OS Version: ${ws.type()} ${ws.arch()} ${ws.release()}`); const i = ws.cpus(); return i && i.length > 0 && s.push(`CPUs: ${i[0].model} (${i.length} x ${i[0].speed})`), s.push(`Memory (System): ${(ws.totalmem() / Nr.GB).toFixed(2)}GB (${(ws.freemem() / Nr.GB).toFixed(2)}GB free)`), me || s.push(`Load (avg): ${ws.loadavg().map(n => Math.round(n)).join(", ")}`), s.push(`VM: ${Math.round(Dg.value() * 100)}%`), s.push(`Screen Reader: ${t.screenReader ? "yes" : "no"}`), s.push(`Process Argv: ${t.mainArguments.join(" ")}`), s.push(`GPU Status: ${this.j(t.gpuFeatureStatus)}`), s.join(`
  334. `)
  335. } async getPerformanceInfo(t, s) {
  336. return Promise.all([Bg(t.mainPID), this.k(t)]).then(async i => {
  337. let [n, r] = i, o = this.m(t, n); return s.forEach(a => {
  338. if (H2(a)) o += `
  339. ${a.errorMessage}`, r += `
  340. ${a.errorMessage}`; else if (o += `
  341. Remote: ${a.hostName}`, a.processes && (o += `
  342. ${this.m(t, a.processes)}`), a.workspaceMetadata) {
  343. r += `
  344. | Remote: ${a.hostName}`; for (const c of Object.keys(a.workspaceMetadata)) { const l = a.workspaceMetadata[c]; let u = `${l.fileCount} files`; l.maxFilesReached && (u = `more than ${u}`), r += `| Folder (${c}): ${u}`, r += this.h(l) }
  345. }
  346. }), { processInfo: o, workspaceInfo: r }
  347. })
  348. } async getSystemInfo(t, s) { const { memory: i, vmHint: n, os: r, cpus: o } = V2(), a = { os: r, memory: i, cpus: o, vmHint: n, processArgs: `${t.mainArguments.join(" ")}`, gpuStatus: t.gpuFeatureStatus, screenReader: `${t.screenReader ? "yes" : "no"}`, remoteData: s }; return me || (a.load = `${ws.loadavg().map(c => Math.round(c)).join(", ")}`), rt && (a.linuxEnv = { desktopSession: process.env.DESKTOP_SESSION, xdgSessionDesktop: process.env.XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP, xdgCurrentDesktop: process.env.XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP, xdgSessionType: process.env.XDG_SESSION_TYPE }), Promise.resolve(a) } async getDiagnostics(t, s) {
  349. const i = []; return Bg(t.mainPID).then(async n => (i.push(""), i.push(this.g(t)), i.push(""), i.push(this.m(t, n)), => r.folderURIs && r.folderURIs.length > 0 && !r.remoteAuthority) && (i.push(""), i.push("Workspace Stats: "), i.push(await this.k(t))), s.forEach(r => {
  350. if (H2(r)) i.push(`
  351. ${r.errorMessage}`); else if (i.push(`
  352. `), i.push(`Remote: ${r.hostName}`), i.push(this.f(r.machineInfo)), r.processes && i.push(this.m(t, r.processes)), r.workspaceMetadata) for (const o of Object.keys(r.workspaceMetadata)) { const a = r.workspaceMetadata[o]; let c = `${a.fileCount} files`; a.maxFilesReached && (c = `more than ${c}`), i.push(`Folder (${o}): ${c}`), i.push(this.h(a)) }
  353. }), i.push(""), i.push(""), i.join(`
  354. `)))
  355. } h(t) {
  356. const s = []; let n = 0; const r = (l, u) => { const h = ` ${l}(${u})`; n + h.length > 60 ? (s.push(o), o = "| ", n = o.length) : n += h.length, o += h }; let o = "| File types:"; const a = 10, c = t.fileTypes.length > a ? a : t.fileTypes.length; for (let l = 0; l < c; l++) { const u = t.fileTypes[l]; r(, u.count) } if (s.push(o), t.configFiles.length >= 0 && (o = "| Conf files:", n = 0, t.configFiles.forEach(l => { r(, l.count) }), s.push(o)), t.launchConfigFiles.length > 0) { let l = "| Launch Configs:"; t.launchConfigFiles.forEach(u => { const h = u.count > 1 ? ` ${}(${u.count})` : ` ${}`; l += h }), s.push(l) } return s.join(`
  357. `)
  358. } j(t) {
  359. const s = Math.max(...Object.keys(t).map(i => i.length)); return Object.keys(t).map(i => `${i}: ${" ".repeat(s - i.length)} ${t[i]}`).join(`
  360. `)
  361. } k(t) {
  362. const s = [], i = []; return => { n.folderURIs.length === 0 || n.remoteAuthority || (s.push(`| Window (${n.title})`), n.folderURIs.forEach(r => { const o = E.revive(r); if (o.scheme === Z.file) { const a = o.fsPath; i.push(uf(a, ["node_modules", ".git"]).then(c => { let l = `${c.fileCount} files`; c.maxFilesReached && (l = `more than ${l}`), s.push(`| Folder (${at(a)}): ${l}`), s.push(this.h(c)) }).catch(c => { s.push(`| Error: Unable to collect workspace stats for folder ${a} (${c.toString()})`) })) } else s.push(`| Folder (${o.toString()}): Workspace stats not available.`) })) }), Promise.all(i).then(n => s.join(`
  363. `)).catch(n => `Unable to collect workspace stats: ${n}`)
  364. } m(t, s) {
  365. const i = new Map; => i.set(, `window [${}] (${r.title})`)), t.pidToNames.forEach(({ pid: r, name: o }) => i.set(r, o)); const n = []; return n.push("CPU % Mem MB PID Process"), s && this.n(t.mainPID, i, n, s, 0), n.join(`
  366. `)
  367. } n(t, s, i, n, r) { const o = r === 0; let a; o ? a = === t ? `${this.d.applicationName} main` : "remote agent" : s.has( ? a = s.get( : a = `${" ".repeat(r)} ${}`; const c = process.platform === "win32" ? n.mem : ws.totalmem() * (n.mem / 100); i.push(`${n.load.toFixed(0).padStart(5, " ")} ${(c / Nr.MB).toFixed(0).padStart(6, " ")} ${, " ")} ${a}`), Array.isArray(n.children) && n.children.forEach(l => this.n(t, s, i, l, r + 1)) } async getWorkspaceFileExtensions(t) { const s = new Set; for (const { uri: i } of t.folders) { const n = E.revive(i); if (n.scheme !== Z.file) continue; const r = n.fsPath; try { (await uf(r, ["node_modules", ".git"])).fileTypes.forEach(a => s.add( } catch { } } return { extensions: [...s] } } async reportWorkspaceStats(t) { for (const { uri: s } of t.folders) { const i = E.revive(s); if (i.scheme !== Z.file) continue; const n = i.fsPath; try { const r = await uf(n, ["node_modules", ".git"]); this.c.publicLog2("workspace.stats", { "": t.telemetryId, rendererSessionId: t.rendererSessionId }), r.fileTypes.forEach(o => { this.c.publicLog2("workspace.stats.file", { rendererSessionId: t.rendererSessionId, type:, count: o.count }) }), r.launchConfigFiles.forEach(o => { this.c.publicLog2("workspace.stats.launchConfigFile", { rendererSessionId: t.rendererSessionId, type:, count: o.count }) }), r.configFiles.forEach(o => { this.c.publicLog2("workspace.stats.configFiles", { rendererSessionId: t.rendererSessionId, type:, count: o.count }) }), this.c.publicLog2("workspace.stats.metadata", { duration: r.totalScanTime, reachedLimit: r.maxFilesReached, fileCount: r.fileCount, readdirCount: r.totalReaddirCount }) } catch { } } }
  368. }, Vg = __decorate([__param(0, qt), __param(1, Nt)], Vg)
  369. }
  370. }), W2, cj = v({ "out-build/vs/server/node/remoteAgentEnvironmentImpl.js"() { "use strict"; X(), Yi(), ee(), cf(), nl(), B2(), aj(), de(), kt(), W2 = class CI { static { this.a = 1 } constructor(t, s, i, n) { this.b = t, this.c = s, this.d = i, this.e = n } async call(t, s, i) { switch (s) { case "getEnvironmentData": { const n = i, r = ll(n.remoteAuthority); let o = await this.f(n.profile); return o = Jn(o, r), o } case "getExtensionHostExitInfo": { const n = i; return this.e.getExitInfo(n.reconnectionToken) } case "getDiagnosticInfo": { const n = i, r = { machineInfo: V2() }, o = n.includeProcesses ? Bg( : Promise.resolve(); let a = []; const c = {}; if (n.folders) { const l = ll(""); a = => E.revive(l.transformIncoming(h))).filter(h => h.scheme === "file").map(h => uf(h.fsPath, ["node_modules", ".git"]).then(d => { c[at(h.fsPath)] = d })) } return Promise.all([o, ...a]).then(([l, u]) => (r.processes = l || void 0, r.workspaceMetadata = n.folders ? c : void 0, r)) } }throw new Error(`IPC Command ${s} not found`) } listen(t, s, i) { throw new Error("Not supported") } async f(t) { t && !this.d.profiles.some(i => === t) && await this.d.createProfile(t, t); let s = !1; if (process.platform === "linux") { const i = process.glibcVersion; s = (i ? parseInt(i.split(".")[1]) : 28) <= 27 } return { pid:, connectionToken: this.b.type !== 0 ? this.b.value : "", appRoot: E.file(this.c.appRoot), settingsPath: this.c.machineSettingsResource, logsPath: this.c.logsHome, extensionHostLogsPath: ne(this.c.logsHome, `exthost${CI.a++}`), globalStorageHome: this.d.defaultProfile.globalStorageHome, workspaceStorageHome: this.c.workspaceStorageHome, localHistoryHome: this.c.localHistoryHome, userHome: this.c.userHome, os: dr, arch: process.arch, marks: Uv(), useHostProxy: !!this.c.args["use-host-proxy"], profiles: { home: this.d.profilesHome, all: [...this.d.profiles].map(i => ({ ...i })) }, isUnsupportedGlibc: s } } } } }), q2, G2, lj = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/files/node/diskFileSystemProviderServer.js"() { "use strict"; re(), Uh(), z(), Me(), qa(), Dt(), q2 = class extends J { constructor(e, t) { super(), this.a = e, this.b = t, this.F = new Map, this.G = new Map } call(e, t, s) { const i = this.c(e); switch (t) { case "stat": return this.g(i, s[0]); case "readdir": return this.h(i, s[0]); case "open": return this.r(i, s[0], s[1]); case "close": return this.s(s[0]); case "read": return this.t(s[0], s[1], s[2]); case "readFile": return this.j(i, s[0], s[1]); case "write": return this.u(s[0], s[1], s[2], s[3], s[4]); case "writeFile": return this.n(i, s[0], s[1], s[2]); case "rename": return this.z(i, s[0], s[1], s[2]); case "copy": return this.C(i, s[0], s[1], s[2]); case "cloneFile": return this.D(i, s[0], s[1]); case "mkdir": return this.w(i, s[0]); case "delete": return this.y(i, s[0], s[1]); case "watch": return this.I(i, s[0], s[1], s[2], s[3]); case "unwatch": return this.J(s[0], s[1]) }throw new Error(`IPC Command ${t} not found`) } listen(e, t, s) { const i = this.c(e); switch (t) { case "fileChange": return this.H(i, s[0]); case "readFileStream": return this.m(i, s[0], s[1]) }throw new Error(`Unknown event ${t}`) } g(e, t) { const s = this.f(e, t, !0); return this.a.stat(s) } h(e, t) { const s = this.f(e, t); return this.a.readdir(s) } async j(e, t, s) { const i = this.f(e, t, !0), n = await this.a.readFile(i, s); return O.wrap(n) } m(e, t, s) { const i = this.f(e, t, !0), n = new Ei, r = new D({ onDidRemoveLastListener: () => { n.cancel() } }), o = this.a.readFileStream(i, s, n.token); return Iu(o, { onData: a =>, onError: a =>, onEnd: () => {"end"), r.dispose(), n.dispose() } }), r.event } n(e, t, s, i) { const n = this.f(e, t); return this.a.writeFile(n, s.buffer, i) } r(e, t, s) { const i = this.f(e, t, !0); return, s) } s(e) { return this.a.close(e) } async t(e, t, s) { const i = O.alloc(s), r = await, t, i.buffer, 0, s); return [i, r] } u(e, t, s, i, n) { return this.a.write(e, t, s.buffer, i, n) } w(e, t) { const s = this.f(e, t); return this.a.mkdir(s) } y(e, t, s) { const i = this.f(e, t); return this.a.delete(i, s) } z(e, t, s, i) { const n = this.f(e, t), r = this.f(e, s); return this.a.rename(n, r, i) } C(e, t, s, i) { const n = this.f(e, t), r = this.f(e, s); return this.a.copy(n, r, i) } D(e, t, s) { const i = this.f(e, t), n = this.f(e, s); return this.a.cloneFile(i, n) } H(e, t) { const s = new D({ onWillAddFirstListener: () => { this.F.set(t, this.L(e, s)) }, onDidRemoveLastListener: () => { Ut(this.F.get(t)), this.F.delete(t) } }); return s.event } async I(e, t, s, i, n) { const r = this.F.get(t); if (r) { const o = this.f(e, i), a =, o, n); this.G.set(t + s, a) } } async J(e, t) { const s = e + t, i = this.G.get(s); i && (Ut(i), this.G.delete(s)) } dispose() { super.dispose(); for (const [, e] of this.G) e.dispose(); this.G.clear(); for (const [, e] of this.F) e.dispose(); this.F.clear() } }, G2 = class extends J { constructor(e, t, s, i) { super(), this.c = e, this.f = s, this.g = i, this.a = new Map, this.b = this.B(new Xc(this.f)), this.h(t) } h(e) { const t = this.B(new D); this.B(t.event(s => { => ({ resource: this.c.transformOutgoingURI(i.resource), type: i.type, cId: i.cId }))) })), this.B(this.b.onDidChangeFile(s =>, this.B(this.b.onDidWatchError(s => } j(e) { } m(e) { } watch(e, t, s) { const i = this.m(this.g); return Array.isArray(i) && (s.excludes = [...s.excludes, ...i]), this.a.set(e,, s)), ye(() => { Ut(this.a.get(e)), this.a.delete(e) }) } dispose() { for (const [, e] of this.a) e.dispose(); this.a.clear(), super.dispose() } } } }), J2, Y2, uj = v({ "out-build/vs/server/node/remoteFileSystemProviderServer.js"() { "use strict"; ee(), cf(), Uh(), de(), lj(), J2 = class extends q2 { constructor(e, t, s) { super(new Xc(e), e), this.N = t, this.O = s, this.M = new Map, this.B(this.a) } c(e) { let t = this.M.get(e.remoteAuthority); return t || (t = ll(e.remoteAuthority), this.M.set(e.remoteAuthority, t)), t } f(e, t, s = !1) { if (s && t.path === "/vscode-resource" && t.query) { const i = JSON.parse(t.query).requestResourcePath; return E.from({ scheme: "file", path: i }) } return E.revive(e.transformIncoming(t)) } L(e, t) { return new Y2(e, t, this.b, this.N, this.O) } }, Y2 = class extends G2 { constructor(e, t, s, i, n) { super(e, t, s, i) } j(e) { const t = e.args["file-watcher-polling"]; if (t) { const s = t.split(lo), i = Number(s[0]); if (i > 0) return { usePolling: s.length > 1 ? s.slice(1) : !0, pollingInterval: i } } } m(e) { if (e.extensionsPath) return [Ae.join(e.extensionsPath, "**")] } } } }), X2, hj = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/telemetry/common/remoteTelemetryChannel.js"() { "use strict"; z(), X2 = class extends J { constructor(e, t) { super(), this.a = e, this.b = t } async call(e, t, s) { switch (t) { case "updateTelemetryLevel": { const { telemetryLevel: i } = s; return this.a.updateInjectedTelemetryLevel(i) } case "logTelemetry": { const { eventName: i, data: n } = s; return this.b ? this.b.log(i, n) : Promise.resolve() } case "flushTelemetry": return this.b ? this.b.flush() : Promise.resolve(); case "ping": return }throw new Error(`IPC Command ${t} not found`) } listen(e, t, s) { throw new Error("Not supported") } dispose() { this.a.updateInjectedTelemetryLevel(0), super.dispose() } } } }); function fj() {
  371. const e = m(2107, null, Bt.nameLong), t = Bt.privacyStatementUrl ? m(2109, null, "", Bt.privacyStatementUrl) : m(2108, null, ""), s = $s ? "" : m(2110, null), i = m(2111, null), n = m(2112, null), r = m(2113, null), o = m(2114, null), a = `
  372. | | ${i} | ${n} | ${r} |
  373. |:------|:---------------------:|:---------------:|:--------------:|
  374. | all | \u2713 | \u2713 | \u2713 |
  375. | error | \u2713 | \u2713 | - |
  376. | crash | \u2713 | - | - |
  377. | off | - | - | - |
  378. `, c = m(2115, null); return `
  379. ${e} ${t} ${s}
  380. &nbsp;
  381. ${o}
  382. ${a}
  383. &nbsp;
  384. ${c}
  385. `} var hf, dj = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/telemetry/common/telemetryService.js"() { "use strict"; z(), es(), X(), et(), he(), ds(), Io(), Vc(), Ls(), hn(), As(), fn(), hf = class { static { this.IDLE_START_EVENT_NAME = "UserIdleStart" } static { this.IDLE_STOP_EVENT_NAME = "UserIdleStop" } constructor(t, s, i) { this.k = s, this.l = i, this.d = {}, this.i = new ut, this.j = [], this.b = t.appenders, this.c = t.commonProperties ?? Object.create(null), this.sessionId = this.c.sessionID, this.machineId = this.c["common.machineId"], this.sqmId = this.c["common.sqmId"], this.devDeviceId = this.c["common.devDeviceId"], this.firstSessionDate = this.c["common.firstSessionDate"], this.msftInternal = this.c["common.msftInternal"], this.f = t.piiPaths || [], this.g = 3, this.h = !!t.sendErrorTelemetry, this.j = [/(vscode-)?file:\/\/\/.*?\/resources\/app\//gi]; for (const n of this.f) this.j.push(new RegExp(Rn(n), "gi")), n.indexOf("\\") >= 0 && this.j.push(new RegExp(Rn(n.replace(/\\/g, "/")), "gi")); this.m(), this.i.add(this.k.onDidChangeConfiguration(n => { (n.affectsConfiguration(Ec) || n.affectsConfiguration(Qu) || n.affectsConfiguration(Kp)) && this.m() })) } setExperimentProperty(t, s) { this.d[t] = s } m() { let t = z5(this.k); const s = this.l.enabledTelemetryLevels; if (s) { this.h = this.sendErrorTelemetry ? s.error : !1; const i = s.usage ? 3 : s.error ? 2 : 0; t = Math.min(t, i) } this.g = t } get sendErrorTelemetry() { return this.h } get telemetryLevel() { return this.g } dispose() { this.i.dispose() } n(t, s, i) { this.g < s || (i = $o(i, this.d), i = em(i, this.j), i = $o(i, this.c), this.b.forEach(n => n.log(t, i))) } publicLog(t, s) { this.n(t, 3, s) } publicLog2(t, s) { this.publicLog(t, s) } publicLogError(t, s) { this.h && this.n(t, 2, s) } publicLogError2(t, s) { this.publicLogError(t, s) } }, hf = __decorate([__param(1, ts), __param(2, Nt)], hf),{ id: Zp, order: 1, type: "object", title: m(2116, null), properties: { [Ec]: { type: "string", enum: ["all", "error", "crash", "off"], enumDescriptions: [m(2117, null), m(2118, null), m(2119, null), m(2120, null)], markdownDescription: fj(), default: "all", restricted: !0, scope: 1, tags: ["usesOnlineServices", "telemetry"] } } }),{ id: Zp, order: 110, type: "object", title: m(2121, null), properties: { [Qu]: { type: "boolean", markdownDescription: Bt.privacyStatementUrl ? m(2123, null, Bt.nameLong, Bt.privacyStatementUrl) : m(2122, null, Bt.nameLong), default: !0, restricted: !0, markdownDeprecationMessage: m(2124, null, `\`#${Ec}#\``), scope: 1, tags: ["usesOnlineServices", "telemetry"] } } }) } }), ff, Q2, df, pj = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/telemetry/common/serverTelemetryService.js"() { "use strict"; ds(), oe(), Ls(), As(), dj(), fn(), ff = class extends hf { constructor(t, s, i, n) { super(t, i, n), this.o = s } publicLog(t, s) { if (!(this.o < 3)) return super.publicLog(t, s) } publicLog2(t, s) { return this.publicLog(t, s) } publicLogError(t, s) { return this.o < 2 ? Promise.resolve(void 0) : super.publicLogError(t, s) } publicLogError2(t, s) { return this.publicLogError(t, s) } async updateInjectedTelemetryLevel(t) { if (t === void 0) throw this.o = 0, new Error("Telemetry level cannot be undefined. This will cause infinite looping!"); this.o = this.o ? Math.min(this.o, t) : t, this.o === 0 && this.dispose() } }, ff = __decorate([__param(2, ts), __param(3, Nt)], ff), Q2 = new class extends tm { async updateInjectedTelemetryLevel() { } }, df = qt } }); function mj(e) { const t = vr(e); return K2[t.toLowerCase()] } function Z2(e, t) { const s = eE.exec(e); return s ? `${s[1].toLowerCase()}/${s[2].toLowerCase()}${s[3] ?? ""}` : t ? void 0 : e } var Ni, K2, eE, pf = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/mime.js"() { "use strict"; de(), Ni = Object.freeze({ text: "text/plain", binary: "application/octet-stream", unknown: "application/unknown", markdown: "text/markdown", latex: "text/latex", uriList: "text/uri-list" }), K2 = { ".aac": "audio/x-aac", ".avi": "video/x-msvideo", ".bmp": "image/bmp", ".flv": "video/x-flv", ".gif": "image/gif", ".ico": "image/x-icon", ".jpe": "image/jpg", ".jpeg": "image/jpg", ".jpg": "image/jpg", ".m1v": "video/mpeg", ".m2a": "audio/mpeg", ".m2v": "video/mpeg", ".m3a": "audio/mpeg", ".mid": "audio/midi", ".midi": "audio/midi", ".mk3d": "video/x-matroska", ".mks": "video/x-matroska", ".mkv": "video/x-matroska", ".mov": "video/quicktime", ".movie": "video/x-sgi-movie", ".mp2": "audio/mpeg", ".mp2a": "audio/mpeg", ".mp3": "audio/mpeg", ".mp4": "video/mp4", ".mp4a": "audio/mp4", ".mp4v": "video/mp4", ".mpe": "video/mpeg", ".mpeg": "video/mpeg", ".mpg": "video/mpeg", ".mpg4": "video/mp4", ".mpga": "audio/mpeg", ".oga": "audio/ogg", ".ogg": "audio/ogg", ".opus": "audio/opus", ".ogv": "video/ogg", ".png": "image/png", ".psd": "image/vnd.adobe.photoshop", ".qt": "video/quicktime", ".spx": "audio/ogg", ".svg": "image/svg+xml", ".tga": "image/x-tga", ".tif": "image/tiff", ".tiff": "image/tiff", ".wav": "audio/x-wav", ".webm": "video/webm", ".webp": "image/webp", ".wma": "audio/x-ms-wma", ".wmv": "video/x-ms-wmv", ".woff": "application/font-woff" }, eE = /^(.+)\/(.+?)(;.+)?$/ } }), tE, sE, iE, nE = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/remote/common/remoteAuthorityResolver.js"() { "use strict"; fe(), oe(), tE = se("remoteAuthorityResolverService"), function (e) { e[e.WebSocket = 0] = "WebSocket", e[e.Managed = 1] = "Managed" }(sE || (sE = {})), function (e) { e.Unknown = "Unknown", e.NotAvailable = "NotAvailable", e.TemporarilyNotAvailable = "TemporarilyNotAvailable", e.NoResolverFound = "NoResolverFound", e.InvalidAuthority = "InvalidAuthority" }(iE || (iE = {})) } }); function rE(e) { if (e.scheme !== Z.vscodeNotebookCell) return; const t = e.fragment.indexOf("s"); if (t < 0) return; const s = parseInt(e.fragment.substring(0, t).replace(aE, ""), Wg), i = Iy(e.fragment.substring(t + 1)).toString(); if (!isNaN(s)) return { handle: s, notebook: e.with({ scheme: i, fragment: null }) } } function gj(e, t) { const s = t.toString(Wg), n = `${s.length < mf.length ? mf[s.length - 1] : "z"}${s}s${op(O.fromString(e.scheme), !0, !0)}`; return e.with({ scheme: Z.vscodeNotebookCell, fragment: n }) } function wj(e) { if (e.scheme !== Z.vscodeNotebookMetadata) return; const t = Iy(e.fragment).toString(); return e.with({ scheme: t, fragment: null }) } function vj(e) { const t = `${op(O.fromString(e.scheme), !0, !0)}`; return e.with({ scheme: Z.vscodeNotebookMetadata, fragment: t }) } var oE, mf, aE, Wg, cE, bj = v({ "out-build/vs/workbench/services/notebook/common/notebookDocumentService.js"() { "use strict"; Me(), ls(), De(), W7(), oe(), oE = se("notebookDocumentService"), mf = ["W", "X", "Y", "Z", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"], aE = new RegExp(`^[${mf.join("")}]+`), Wg = 7, cE = class { constructor() { this.a = new At } getNotebook(e) { if (e.scheme === Z.vscodeNotebookCell) { const t = rE(e); if (t) { const s = this.a.get(t.notebook); if (s) return s } } return this.a.get(e) } addNotebookDocument(e) { this.a.set(e.uri, e) } removeNotebookDocument(e) { this.a.delete(e.uri) } }, H7(oE, cE, 1) } }); function yj(e) { return ["application/vnd.code.notebook.stdout", "application/vnd.code.notebook.stderr"].includes(e) } var sa, Ej, xj, lE, ul, uE, hE, fE, dE, pE, mE, gE, wE, kj, $j, vE, bE, yE, Sj, Pj, EE, Ij, Aj, Dj, xE = v({ "out-build/vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/common/notebookCommon.js"() { "use strict"; Me(), tg(), pr(), pf(), De(), de(), X(), wo(), bj(), function (e) { e[e.Markup = 1] = "Markup", e[e.Code = 2] = "Code" }(sa || (sa = {})), Ej = ["application/json", "application/javascript", "text/html", "image/svg+xml", Ni.latex, Ni.markdown, "image/png", "image/jpeg", Ni.text], xj = [Ni.latex, Ni.markdown, "application/json", "text/html", "image/svg+xml", "image/png", "image/jpeg", Ni.text], function (e) { e[e.Running = 1] = "Running", e[e.Idle = 2] = "Idle" }(lE || (lE = {})), function (e) { e[e.Unconfirmed = 1] = "Unconfirmed", e[e.Pending = 2] = "Pending", e[e.Executing = 3] = "Executing" }(ul || (ul = {})), function (e) { e[e.Unconfirmed = 1] = "Unconfirmed", e[e.Pending = 2] = "Pending", e[e.Executing = 3] = "Executing" }(uE || (uE = {})), function (e) { e[e.WithHardKernelDependency = 0] = "WithHardKernelDependency", e[e.WithOptionalKernelDependency = 1] = "WithOptionalKernelDependency", e[e.Pure = 2] = "Pure", e[e.Never = 3] = "Never" }(hE || (hE = {})), function (e) { e.Always = "always", e.Never = "never", e.Optional = "optional" }(fE || (fE = {})), function (e) { e[e.ModelChange = 1] = "ModelChange", e[e.Move = 2] = "Move", e[e.ChangeCellLanguage = 5] = "ChangeCellLanguage", e[e.Initialize = 6] = "Initialize", e[e.ChangeCellMetadata = 7] = "ChangeCellMetadata", e[e.Output = 8] = "Output", e[e.OutputItem = 9] = "OutputItem", e[e.ChangeCellContent = 10] = "ChangeCellContent", e[e.ChangeDocumentMetadata = 11] = "ChangeDocumentMetadata", e[e.ChangeCellInternalMetadata = 12] = "ChangeCellInternalMetadata", e[e.ChangeCellMime = 13] = "ChangeCellMime", e[e.Unknown = 100] = "Unknown" }(dE || (dE = {})), function (e) { e[e.Handle = 0] = "Handle", e[e.Index = 1] = "Index" }(pE || (pE = {})), function (e) { e[e.Replace = 1] = "Replace", e[e.Output = 2] = "Output", e[e.Metadata = 3] = "Metadata", e[e.CellLanguage = 4] = "CellLanguage", e[e.DocumentMetadata = 5] = "DocumentMetadata", e[e.Move = 6] = "Move", e[e.OutputItems = 7] = "OutputItems", e[e.PartialMetadata = 8] = "PartialMetadata", e[e.PartialInternalMetadata = 9] = "PartialInternalMetadata" }(mE || (mE = {})), function (e) { e.scheme = Z.vscodeNotebookMetadata; function t(i) { return vj(i) } e.generate = t; function s(i) { return wj(i) } e.parse = s }(gE || (gE = {})), function (e) { e.scheme = Z.vscodeNotebookCell; function t(a, c) { return gj(a, c) } e.generate = t; function s(a) { return rE(a) } e.parse = s; function i(a, c) { return a.with({ scheme: Z.vscodeNotebookCellOutput, fragment: `op${c ?? ""},${a.scheme !== Z.file ? a.scheme : ""}` }) } e.generateCellOutputUri = i; function n(a) { if (a.scheme !== Z.vscodeNotebookCellOutput) return; const c = /^op([0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12})?\,(.*)$/i.exec(a.fragment); if (!c) return; const l = c[1] && c[1] !== "" ? c[1] : void 0, u = c[2]; return { outputId: l, notebook: a.with({ scheme: u || Z.file, fragment: null }) } } e.parseCellOutputUri = n; function r(a, c, l) { return e.generate(a, c).with({ scheme: l }) } e.generateCellPropertyUri = r; function o(a, c) { if (a.scheme === c) return e.parse(a.with({ scheme: e.scheme })) } e.parseCellPropertyUri = o }(wE || (wE = {})), kj = new Ee("notebookEditorCursorAtBoundary", "none"), $j = new Ee("notebookEditorCursorAtLineBoundary", "none"), function (e) { e.default = "default", e.option = "option" }(vE || (vE = {})), function (e) { e.Cells = "cells", e.Text = "text", e.None = "none" }(bE || (bE = {})), function (e) { e[e.Left = 1] = "Left", e[e.Right = 2] = "Right" }(yE || (yE = {})), Sj = class m1 { static { this.d = "notebook/" } static create(t, s) { return `${m1.d}${t}/${s ?? t}` } static parse(t) { if (t.startsWith(m1.d)) { const s = t.substring(m1.d.length).split("/"); if (s.length === 2) return { notebookType: s[0], viewType: s[1] } } } }, Pj = new TextDecoder, EE = "\x1B[A", Ij = EE.split("").map(e => e.charCodeAt(0)), Aj = 8, Dj = 13 } }); function B(e) { return Object.assign(e, { apply: function (...s) { if (s.length === 0) return Reflect.construct(e, []); { const i = s.length === 1 ? [] : s[1]; return Reflect.construct(e, i, s[0].constructor) } }, call: function (...s) { if (s.length === 0) return Reflect.construct(e, []); { const [i, ...n] = s; return Reflect.construct(e, n, i.constructor) } } }) } function kE(e) { return e.isEmpty ? `[${e.start.line}:${e.start.character})` : `[${e.start.line}:${e.start.character} -> ${e.end.line}:${e.end.character})` } function Rj(e) { let t = kE(e); return e.isEmpty || ( ? t = `|${t}` : t = `${t}|`), t } function $E(e) { let t = ""; for (let s = 0; s < e.length; s++)t += e[s].replace(/,/g, ",,") + ","; return t } function gf(e) { if (e) { if (e.covered > throw new Error(`The total number of covered items (${e.covered}) cannot be greater than the total (${})`); if ( < 0) throw new Error(`The number of covered items (${}) cannot be negative`) } } var qg, Ur, yn, Gg, Mr, Yn, Fr, Jg, Yg, wf, hl, Xg, Oi, Ci, Qg, vs, Zg, SE, PE, fl, Le, Ke, dl, ia, IE, Br, vf, Kg, AE, pl, na, ra, Ts, En, ml, bf, yf, Ef, DE, xf, kf, $f, Be, Sf, Pf, If, Af, e0, it, Df, t0, RE, LE, NE, s0, xn, i0, n0, r0, OE, CE, Rf, Lf, gl, Y, Nf, Of, o0, a0, c0, oa, Cf, _E, _i, wl, jE, _f, TE, UE, aa, jf, Tf, vl, l0, Uf, ME, FE, BE, HE, zE, VE, WE, qE, u0, Mf, Ff, GE, Bf, JE, h0, bl, YE, f0, yl, Hf, zf, Vf, XE, QE, Wf, d0, ZE, El, Xn, p0, KE, ca, e3, la, m0, g0, w0, v0, b0, y0, E0, qf, t3, Gf, Jf, Yf, Xf, s3, i3, n3, x0, k0, Qn, r3, o3, a3, c3, l3, u3, h3, f3, $0, d3, p3, m3, S0, g3, Hr, P0, w3, v3, b3, ua, Qf, I0, y3, E3, x3, k3, $3, A0, S3, P3, ha, I3, xl, A3, D0, Zf, kl, Kf, D3, R3, L3, N3, O3, C3, _3, R0, j3, T3, U3, fa, M3, F3, L0, N0, O0, B3, C0, _0, j0, T0, U0, M0, F0, H3, B0, H0, Ys, z3, V3, ji, z0, W3, V0, Xs, da, W0, q3, G3, J3, Y3, X3, Q3, q0 = v({ "out-build/vs/workbench/api/common/extHostTypes.js"() { "use strict"; Et(), fe(), Tc(), ls(), pf(), et(), $e(), ee(), Wt(), Ii(), st(), nE(), xE(), function (e) { e[e.Top = 0] = "Top", e[e.Bottom = 1] = "Bottom" }(SE || (SE = {})), function (e) { e[e.TerminalCommand = 0] = "TerminalCommand", e[e.Opener = 1] = "Opener", e[e.Command = 3] = "Command" }(PE || (PE = {})), fl = qg = class { static from(...t) { let s = t; return new qg(function () { if (s) { for (const i of s) i && typeof i.dispose == "function" && i.dispose(); s = void 0 } }) } #e; constructor(t) { this.#e = t } dispose() { typeof this.#e == "function" && (this.#e(), this.#e = void 0) } }, fl = qg = __decorate([B], fl), Le = Ur = class { static Min(...t) { if (t.length === 0) throw new TypeError; let s = t[0]; for (let i = 1; i < t.length; i++) { const n = t[i]; n.isBefore(s) && (s = n) } return s } static Max(...t) { if (t.length === 0) throw new TypeError; let s = t[0]; for (let i = 1; i < t.length; i++) { const n = t[i]; n.isAfter(s) && (s = n) } return s } static isPosition(t) { if (!t) return !1; if (t instanceof Ur) return !0; const { line: s, character: i } = t; return typeof s == "number" && typeof i == "number" } static of(t) { if (t instanceof Ur) return t; if (this.isPosition(t)) return new Ur(t.line, t.character); throw new Error("Invalid argument, is NOT a position-like object") } get line() { return this.c } get character() { return this.e } constructor(t, s) { if (t < 0) throw _e("line must be non-negative"); if (s < 0) throw _e("character must be non-negative"); this.c = t, this.e = s } isBefore(t) { return this.c < t.c ? !0 : t.c < this.c ? !1 : this.e < t.e } isBeforeOrEqual(t) { return this.c < t.c ? !0 : t.c < this.c ? !1 : this.e <= t.e } isAfter(t) { return !this.isBeforeOrEqual(t) } isAfterOrEqual(t) { return !this.isBefore(t) } isEqual(t) { return this.c === t.c && this.e === t.e } compareTo(t) { return this.c < t.c ? -1 : this.c > t.line ? 1 : this.e < t.e ? -1 : this.e > t.e ? 1 : 0 } translate(t, s = 0) { if (t === null || s === null) throw _e(); let i; return typeof t > "u" ? i = 0 : typeof t == "number" ? i = t : (i = typeof t.lineDelta == "number" ? t.lineDelta : 0, s = typeof t.characterDelta == "number" ? t.characterDelta : 0), i === 0 && s === 0 ? this : new Ur(this.line + i, this.character + s) } with(t, s = this.character) { if (t === null || s === null) throw _e(); let i; return typeof t > "u" ? i = this.line : typeof t == "number" ? i = t : (i = typeof t.line == "number" ? t.line : this.line, s = typeof t.character == "number" ? t.character : this.character), i === this.line && s === this.character ? this : new Ur(i, s) } toJSON() { return { line: this.line, character: this.character } } [Symbol.for("debug.description")]() { return `(${this.line}:${this.character})` } }, Le = Ur = __decorate([B], Le), Ke = yn = class { static isRange(t) { return t instanceof yn ? !0 : t ? Le.isPosition(t.start) && Le.isPosition(t.end) : !1 } static of(t) { if (t instanceof yn) return t; if (this.isRange(t)) return new yn(t.start, t.end); throw new Error("Invalid argument, is NOT a range-like object") } get start() { return this.c } get end() { return this.e } constructor(t, s, i, n) { let r, o; if (typeof t == "number" && typeof s == "number" && typeof i == "number" && typeof n == "number" ? (r = new Le(t, s), o = new Le(i, n)) : Le.isPosition(t) && Le.isPosition(s) && (r = Le.of(t), o = Le.of(s)), !r || !o) throw new Error("Invalid arguments"); r.isBefore(o) ? (this.c = r, this.e = o) : (this.c = o, this.e = r) } contains(t) { return yn.isRange(t) ? this.contains(t.start) && this.contains(t.end) : Le.isPosition(t) ? !(Le.of(t).isBefore(this.c) || this.e.isBefore(t)) : !1 } isEqual(t) { return this.c.isEqual(t.c) && this.e.isEqual(t.e) } intersection(t) { const s = Le.Max(t.start, this.c), i = Le.Min(t.end, this.e); if (!s.isAfter(i)) return new yn(s, i) } union(t) { if (this.contains(t)) return this; if (t.contains(this)) return t; const s = Le.Min(t.start, this.c), i = Le.Max(t.end, this.end); return new yn(s, i) } get isEmpty() { return this.c.isEqual(this.e) } get isSingleLine() { return this.c.line === this.e.line } with(t, s = this.end) { if (t === null || s === null) throw _e(); let i; return t ? Le.isPosition(t) ? i = t : (i = t.start || this.start, s = t.end || this.end) : i = this.start, i.isEqual(this.c) && s.isEqual(this.end) ? this : new yn(i, s) } toJSON() { return [this.start, this.end] } [Symbol.for("debug.description")]() { return kE(this) } }, Ke = yn = __decorate([B], Ke), dl = Gg = class extends Ke { static isSelection(t) { return t instanceof Gg ? !0 : t ? Ke.isRange(t) && Le.isPosition(t.anchor) && Le.isPosition( && typeof t.isReversed == "boolean" : !1 } get anchor() { return this.f } get active() { return this.g } constructor(t, s, i, n) { let r, o; if (typeof t == "number" && typeof s == "number" && typeof i == "number" && typeof n == "number" ? (r = new Le(t, s), o = new Le(i, n)) : Le.isPosition(t) && Le.isPosition(s) && (r = Le.of(t), o = Le.of(s)), !r || !o) throw new Error("Invalid arguments"); super(r, o), this.f = r, this.g = o } get isReversed() { return this.f === this.e } toJSON() { return { start: this.start, end: this.end, active:, anchor: this.anchor } } [Symbol.for("debug.description")]() { return Rj(this) } }, dl = Gg = __decorate([B], dl), function (e) { e[e.LF = 1] = "LF", e[e.CRLF = 2] = "CRLF" }(ia || (ia = {})), function (e) { e[e.Replace = 1] = "Replace", e[e.Append = 2] = "Append", e[e.Prepend = 3] = "Prepend" }(IE || (IE = {})), Br = Mr = class { static isTextEdit(t) { return t instanceof Mr ? !0 : t ? Ke.isRange(t) && typeof t.newText == "string" : !1 } static replace(t, s) { return new Mr(t, s) } static insert(t, s) { return Mr.replace(new Ke(t, t), s) } static delete(t) { return Mr.replace(t, "") } static setEndOfLine(t) { const s = new Mr(new Ke(new Le(0, 0), new Le(0, 0)), ""); return s.newEol = t, s } get range() { return this.c } set range(t) { if (t && !Ke.isRange(t)) throw _e("range"); this.c = t } get newText() { return this.e || "" } set newText(t) { if (t && typeof t != "string") throw _e("newText"); this.e = t } get newEol() { return this.f } set newEol(t) { if (t && typeof t != "number") throw _e("newEol"); this.f = t } constructor(t, s) { this.c = t, this.e = s } toJSON() { return { range: this.range, newText: this.newText, newEol: this.f } } }, Br = Mr = __decorate([B], Br), vf = Yn = class { static isNotebookCellEdit(t) { return t instanceof Yn ? !0 : t ? Hr.isNotebookRange(t) && Array.isArray(t.newCells) : !1 } static replaceCells(t, s) { return new Yn(t, s) } static insertCells(t, s) { return new Yn(new Hr(t, t), s) } static deleteCells(t) { return new Yn(t, []) } static updateCellMetadata(t, s) { const i = new Yn(new Hr(t, t), []); return i.newCellMetadata = s, i } static updateNotebookMetadata(t) { const s = new Yn(new Hr(0, 0), []); return s.newNotebookMetadata = t, s } constructor(t, s) { this.range = t, this.newCells = s } }, vf = Yn = __decorate([B], vf), Kg = class g1 { static isSnippetTextEdit(t) { return t instanceof g1 ? !0 : t ? Ke.isRange(t.range) && na.isSnippetString(t.snippet) : !1 } static replace(t, s) { return new g1(t, s) } static insert(t, s) { return g1.replace(new Ke(t, t), s) } constructor(t, s) { this.range = t, this.snippet = s } }, function (e) { e[e.File = 1] = "File", e[e.Text = 2] = "Text", e[e.Cell = 3] = "Cell", e[e.CellReplace = 5] = "CellReplace", e[e.Snippet = 6] = "Snippet" }(AE || (AE = {})), pl = class { constructor() { this.c = [] } _allEntries() { return this.c } renameFile(t, s, i, n) { this.c.push({ _type: 1, from: t, to: s, options: i, metadata: n }) } createFile(t, s, i) { this.c.push({ _type: 1, from: void 0, to: t, options: s, metadata: i }) } deleteFile(t, s, i) { this.c.push({ _type: 1, from: t, to: void 0, options: s, metadata: i }) } e(t, s, i) { this.c.push({ _type: 3, metadata: i, uri: t, edit: { editType: 5, metadata: s } }) } f(t, s, i, n) { const r = s.start, o = s.end; (r !== o || i.length > 0) && this.c.push({ _type: 5, uri: t, index: r, count: o - r, cells: i, metadata: n }) } g(t, s, i, n) { this.c.push({ _type: 3, metadata: n, uri: t, edit: { editType: 3, index: s, metadata: i } }) } replace(t, s, i, n) { this.c.push({ _type: 2, uri: t, edit: new Br(s, i), metadata: n }) } insert(t, s, i, n) { this.replace(t, new Ke(s, s), i, n) } delete(t, s, i) { this.replace(t, s, "", i) } has(t) { return this.c.some(s => s._type === 2 && s.uri.toString() === t.toString()) } set(t, s) { if (s) for (const i of s) { if (!i) continue; let n, r; Array.isArray(i) ? (n = i[0], r = i[1]) : n = i, vf.isNotebookCellEdit(n) ? n.newCellMetadata ? this.g(t, n.range.start, n.newCellMetadata, r) : n.newNotebookMetadata ? this.e(t, n.newNotebookMetadata, r) : this.f(t, n.range, n.newCells, r) : Kg.isSnippetTextEdit(n) ? this.c.push({ _type: 6, uri: t, range: n.range, edit: n.snippet, metadata: r }) : this.c.push({ _type: 2, uri: t, edit: n, metadata: r }) } else { for (let i = 0; i < this.c.length; i++) { const n = this.c[i]; switch (n._type) { case 2: case 6: case 3: case 5: n.uri.toString() === t.toString() && (this.c[i] = void 0); break } } pA(this.c) } } get(t) { const s = []; for (const i of this.c) i._type === 2 && i.uri.toString() === t.toString() && s.push(i.edit); return s } entries() { const t = new At; for (const s of this.c) if (s._type === 2) { let i = t.get(s.uri); i || (i = [s.uri, []], t.set(s.uri, i)), i[1].push(s.edit) } return [...t.values()] } get size() { return this.entries().length } toJSON() { return this.entries() } }, pl = __decorate([B], pl), na = Fr = class { static isSnippetString(t) { return t instanceof Fr ? !0 : t ? typeof t.value == "string" : !1 } static c(t) { return t.replace(/\$|}|\\/g, "\\$&") } constructor(t) { this.e = 1, this.value = t || "" } appendText(t) { return this.value += Fr.c(t), this } appendTabstop(t = this.e++) { return this.value += "$", this.value += t, this } appendPlaceholder(t, s = this.e++) { if (typeof t == "function") { const i = new Fr; i.e = this.e, t(i), this.e = i.e, t = i.value } else t = Fr.c(t); return this.value += "${", this.value += s, this.value += ":", this.value += t, this.value += "}", this } appendChoice(t, s = this.e++) { const i = => n.replaceAll(/[|\\,]/g, "\\$&")).join(","); return this.value += "${", this.value += s, this.value += "|", this.value += i, this.value += "|}", this } appendVariable(t, s) { if (typeof s == "function") { const i = new Fr; i.e = this.e, s(i), this.e = i.e, s = i.value } else typeof s == "string" && (s = s.replace(/\$|}/g, "\\$&")); return this.value += "${", this.value += t, s && (this.value += ":", this.value += s), this.value += "}", this } }, na = Fr = __decorate([B], na), function (e) { e[e.Unnecessary = 1] = "Unnecessary", e[e.Deprecated = 2] = "Deprecated" }(ra || (ra = {})), function (e) { e[e.Hint = 3] = "Hint", e[e.Information = 2] = "Information", e[e.Warning = 1] = "Warning", e[e.Error = 0] = "Error" }(Ts || (Ts = {})), En = Jg = class { static isLocation(t) { return t instanceof Jg ? !0 : t ? Ke.isRange(t.range) && E.isUri(t.uri) : !1 } constructor(t, s) { if (this.uri = t, s) if (Ke.isRange(s)) this.range = Ke.of(s); else if (Le.isPosition(s)) this.range = new Ke(s, s); else throw new Error("Illegal argument") } toJSON() { return { uri: this.uri, range: this.range } } }, En = Jg = __decorate([B], En), ml = class { static is(t) { return t ? typeof t.message == "string" && t.location && Ke.isRange(t.location.range) && E.isUri(t.location.uri) : !1 } constructor(t, s) { this.location = t, this.message = s } static isEqual(t, s) { return t === s ? !0 : !t || !s ? !1 : t.message === s.message && t.location.range.isEqual(s.location.range) && t.location.uri.toString() === s.location.uri.toString() } }, ml = __decorate([B], ml), bf = class { constructor(t, s, i = Ts.Error) { if (!Ke.isRange(t)) throw new TypeError("range must be set"); if (!s) throw new TypeError("message must be set"); this.range = t, this.message = s, this.severity = i } toJSON() { return { severity: Ts[this.severity], message: this.message, range: this.range, source: this.source, code: this.code } } static isEqual(t, s) { return t === s ? !0 : !t || !s ? !1 : t.message === s.message && t.severity === s.severity && t.code === s.code && t.severity === s.severity && t.source === s.source && t.range.isEqual(s.range) && Dn(t.tags, s.tags) && Dn(t.relatedInformation, s.relatedInformation, ml.isEqual) } }, bf = __decorate([B], bf), yf = class { constructor(t, s) { if (!t) throw new Error("Illegal argument, contents must be defined"); Array.isArray(t) ? this.contents = t : this.contents = [t], this.range = s } }, yf = __decorate([B], yf), Ef = class extends yf { constructor(t, s, i, n) { super(t, s), this.canIncreaseVerbosity = i, this.canDecreaseVerbosity = n } }, Ef = __decorate([B], Ef), function (e) { e[e.Increase = 0] = "Increase", e[e.Decrease = 1] = "Decrease" }(DE || (DE = {})), function (e) { e[e.Text = 0] = "Text", e[e.Read = 1] = "Read", e[e.Write = 2] = "Write" }(xf || (xf = {})), kf = class { constructor(t, s = xf.Text) { this.range = t, this.kind = s } toJSON() { return { range: this.range, kind: xf[this.kind] } } }, kf = __decorate([B], kf), $f = class { constructor(t, s) { this.uri = t, this.highlights = s } toJSON() { return { uri: this.uri, highlights: => t.toJSON()) } } }, $f = __decorate([B], $f), function (e) { e[e.File = 0] = "File", e[e.Module = 1] = "Module", e[e.Namespace = 2] = "Namespace", e[e.Package = 3] = "Package", e[e.Class = 4] = "Class", e[e.Method = 5] = "Method", e[e.Property = 6] = "Property", e[e.Field = 7] = "Field", e[e.Constructor = 8] = "Constructor", e[e.Enum = 9] = "Enum", e[e.Interface = 10] = "Interface", e[e.Function = 11] = "Function", e[e.Variable = 12] = "Variable", e[e.Constant = 13] = "Constant", e[e.String = 14] = "String", e[e.Number = 15] = "Number", e[e.Boolean = 16] = "Boolean", e[e.Array = 17] = "Array", e[e.Object = 18] = "Object", e[e.Key = 19] = "Key", e[e.Null = 20] = "Null", e[e.EnumMember = 21] = "EnumMember", e[e.Struct = 22] = "Struct", e[e.Event = 23] = "Event", e[e.Operator = 24] = "Operator", e[e.TypeParameter = 25] = "TypeParameter" }(Be || (Be = {})), function (e) { e[e.Deprecated = 1] = "Deprecated" }(Sf || (Sf = {})), Pf = Yg = class { static validate(t) { if (! throw new Error("name must not be falsy") } constructor(t, s, i, n, r) { = t, this.kind = s, this.containerName = r, typeof i == "string" && (this.containerName = i), n instanceof En ? this.location = n : i instanceof Ke && (this.location = new En(n, i)), Yg.validate(this) } toJSON() { return { name:, kind: Be[this.kind], location: this.location, containerName: this.containerName } } }, Pf = Yg = __decorate([B], Pf), If = wf = class { static validate(t) { if (! throw new Error("name must not be falsy"); if (!t.range.contains(t.selectionRange)) throw new Error("selectionRange must be contained in fullRange"); t.children?.forEach(wf.validate) } constructor(t, s, i, n, r) { = t, this.detail = s, this.kind = i, this.range = n, this.selectionRange = r, this.children = [], wf.validate(this) } }, If = wf = __decorate([B], If), function (e) { e[e.Invoke = 1] = "Invoke", e[e.Automatic = 2] = "Automatic" }(Af || (Af = {})), e0 = class { constructor(t, s) { this.title = t, this.kind = s } }, e0 = __decorate([B], e0), it = class { static { hl = this } static { this.c = "." } constructor(t) { this.value = t } append(t) { return new hl(this.value ? this.value + hl.c + t : t) } intersects(t) { return this.contains(t) || t.contains(this) } contains(t) { return this.value === t.value || t.value.startsWith(this.value + hl.c) } }, it = hl = __decorate([B], it), it.Empty = new it(""), it.QuickFix = it.Empty.append("quickfix"), it.Refactor = it.Empty.append("refactor"), it.RefactorExtract = it.Refactor.append("extract"), it.RefactorInline = it.Refactor.append("inline"), it.RefactorMove = it.Refactor.append("move"), it.RefactorRewrite = it.Refactor.append("rewrite"), it.Source = it.Empty.append("source"), it.SourceOrganizeImports = it.Source.append("organizeImports"), it.SourceFixAll = it.Source.append("fixAll"), it.Notebook = it.Empty.append("notebook"), Df = class { constructor(t, s) { if (this.range = t, this.parent = s, s && !s.range.contains(this.range)) throw new Error("Invalid argument: parent must contain this range") } }, Df = __decorate([B], Df), t0 = class { constructor(e, t, s, i, n, r) { this.kind = e, = t, this.detail = s, this.uri = i, this.range = n, this.selectionRange = r } }, RE = class { constructor(e, t) { this.fromRanges = t, this.from = e } }, LE = class { constructor(e, t) { this.fromRanges = t, = e } }, function (e) { e[e.Information = 0] = "Information", e[e.Warning = 1] = "Warning", e[e.Error = 2] = "Error" }(NE || (NE = {})), s0 = class { constructor(t, s) { this.range = t, this.command = s } get isResolved() { return !!this.command } }, s0 = __decorate([B], s0), xn = Xg = class { #e; static isMarkdownString(t) { return t instanceof Xg ? !0 : t && t.appendCodeblock && t.appendMarkdown && t.appendText && t.value !== void 0 } constructor(t, s = !1) { this.#e = new Di(t, { supportThemeIcons: s }) } get value() { return this.#e.value } set value(t) { this.#e.value = t } get isTrusted() { return this.#e.isTrusted } set isTrusted(t) { this.#e.isTrusted = t } get supportThemeIcons() { return this.#e.supportThemeIcons } set supportThemeIcons(t) { this.#e.supportThemeIcons = t } get supportHtml() { return this.#e.supportHtml } set supportHtml(t) { this.#e.supportHtml = t } get baseUri() { return this.#e.baseUri } set baseUri(t) { this.#e.baseUri = t } appendText(t) { return this.#e.appendText(t), this } appendMarkdown(t) { return this.#e.appendMarkdown(t), this } appendCodeblock(t, s) { return this.#e.appendCodeblock(s ?? "", t), this } }, xn = Xg = __decorate([B], xn), i0 = class { constructor(t, s) { this.label = t, this.documentation = s } }, i0 = __decorate([B], i0), n0 = class { constructor(t, s) { this.label = t, this.documentation = s, this.parameters = [] } }, n0 = __decorate([B], n0), r0 = class { constructor() { this.activeSignature = 0, this.activeParameter = 0, this.signatures = [] } }, r0 = __decorate([B], r0), function (e) { e[e.Invoke = 1] = "Invoke", e[e.TriggerCharacter = 2] = "TriggerCharacter", e[e.ContentChange = 3] = "ContentChange" }(OE || (OE = {})), function (e) { e[e.Type = 1] = "Type", e[e.Parameter = 2] = "Parameter" }(CE || (CE = {})), Rf = class { constructor(t) { this.value = t } }, Rf = __decorate([B], Rf), Lf = class { constructor(t, s, i) { this.position = t, this.label = s, this.kind = i } }, Lf = __decorate([B], Lf), function (e) { e[e.Invoke = 0] = "Invoke", e[e.TriggerCharacter = 1] = "TriggerCharacter", e[e.TriggerForIncompleteCompletions = 2] = "TriggerForIncompleteCompletions" }(gl || (gl = {})), function (e) { e[e.Text = 0] = "Text", e[e.Method = 1] = "Method", e[e.Function = 2] = "Function", e[e.Constructor = 3] = "Constructor", e[e.Field = 4] = "Field", e[e.Variable = 5] = "Variable", e[e.Class = 6] = "Class", e[e.Interface = 7] = "Interface", e[e.Module = 8] = "Module", e[e.Property = 9] = "Property", e[e.Unit = 10] = "Unit", e[e.Value = 11] = "Value", e[e.Enum = 12] = "Enum", e[e.Keyword = 13] = "Keyword", e[e.Snippet = 14] = "Snippet", e[e.Color = 15] = "Color", e[e.File = 16] = "File", e[e.Reference = 17] = "Reference", e[e.Folder = 18] = "Folder", e[e.EnumMember = 19] = "EnumMember", e[e.Constant = 20] = "Constant", e[e.Struct = 21] = "Struct", e[e.Event = 22] = "Event", e[e.Operator = 23] = "Operator", e[e.TypeParameter = 24] = "TypeParameter", e[e.User = 25] = "User", e[e.Issue = 26] = "Issue" }(Y || (Y = {})), function (e) { e[e.Deprecated = 1] = "Deprecated" }(Nf || (Nf = {})), Of = class { constructor(t, s) { this.label = t, this.kind = s } toJSON() { return { label: this.label, kind: this.kind && Y[this.kind], detail: this.detail, documentation: this.documentation, sortText: this.sortText, filterText: this.filterText, preselect: this.preselect, insertText: this.insertText, textEdit: this.textEdit } } }, Of = __decorate([B], Of), o0 = class { constructor(t = [], s = !1) { this.items = t, this.isIncomplete = s } }, o0 = __decorate([B], o0), a0 = class { constructor(t, s, i) { this.insertText = t, this.range = s, this.command = i } }, a0 = __decorate([B], a0), c0 = class { constructor(t) { this.commands = void 0, this.suppressSuggestions = void 0, this.items = t } }, c0 = __decorate([B], c0), function (e) { e[e.Unknown = 0] = "Unknown", e[e.Word = 1] = "Word", e[e.Line = 2] = "Line", e[e.Suggest = 3] = "Suggest" }(oa || (oa = {})), function (e) { e[e.Active = -1] = "Active", e[e.Beside = -2] = "Beside", e[e.One = 1] = "One", e[e.Two = 2] = "Two", e[e.Three = 3] = "Three", e[e.Four = 4] = "Four", e[e.Five = 5] = "Five", e[e.Six = 6] = "Six", e[e.Seven = 7] = "Seven", e[e.Eight = 8] = "Eight", e[e.Nine = 9] = "Nine" }(Cf || (Cf = {})), function (e) { e[e.Left = 1] = "Left", e[e.Right = 2] = "Right" }(_E || (_E = {})), function (e) { e[e.Off = 0] = "Off", e[e.On = 1] = "On", e[e.Relative = 2] = "Relative", e[e.Interval = 3] = "Interval" }(_i || (_i = {})), function (e) { e[e.Manual = 1] = "Manual", e[e.AfterDelay = 2] = "AfterDelay", e[e.FocusOut = 3] = "FocusOut" }(wl || (wl = {})), function (e) { e[e.Default = 0] = "Default", e[e.InCenter = 1] = "InCenter", e[e.InCenterIfOutsideViewport = 2] = "InCenterIfOutsideViewport", e[e.AtTop = 3] = "AtTop" }(jE || (jE = {})), function (e) { e[e.Keyboard = 1] = "Keyboard", e[e.Mouse = 2] = "Mouse", e[e.Command = 3] = "Command" }(_f || (_f = {})), function (e) { e[e.Addition = 1] = "Addition", e[e.Deletion = 2] = "Deletion", e[e.Modification = 3] = "Modification" }(TE || (TE = {})), function (e) { e[e.Undo = 1] = "Undo", e[e.Redo = 2] = "Redo" }(UE || (UE = {})), function (e) { e[e.OpenOpen = 0] = "OpenOpen", e[e.ClosedClosed = 1] = "ClosedClosed", e[e.OpenClosed = 2] = "OpenClosed", e[e.ClosedOpen = 3] = "ClosedOpen" }(aa || (aa = {})), function (e) { function t(s) { switch (s) { case "keyboard": return e.Keyboard; case "mouse": return e.Mouse; case "api": return e.Command } } e.fromValue = t }(_f || (_f = {})), function (e) { e[e.Other = 0] = "Other", e[e.Comment = 1] = "Comment", e[e.String = 2] = "String", e[e.RegEx = 3] = "RegEx" }(jf || (jf = {})), function (e) { function t(s) { switch (s) { case e.Other: return "other"; case e.Comment: return "comment"; case e.String: return "string"; case e.RegEx: return "regex" }return "other" } e.toString = t }(jf || (jf = {})), Tf = class { constructor(t, s) { if (s && !E.isUri(s)) throw _e("target"); if (!Ke.isRange(t) || t.isEmpty) throw _e("range"); this.range = t, = s } }, Tf = __decorate([B], Tf), vl = class { constructor(t, s, i, n) { = t, = s, = i, this.alpha = n } }, vl = __decorate([B], vl), l0 = class { constructor(t, s) { if (s && !(s instanceof vl)) throw _e("color"); if (!Ke.isRange(t) || t.isEmpty) throw _e("range"); this.range = t, this.color = s } }, l0 = __decorate([B], l0), Uf = class { constructor(t) { if (!t || typeof t != "string") throw _e("label"); this.label = t } }, Uf = __decorate([B], Uf), function (e) { e[e.RGB = 0] = "RGB", e[e.HEX = 1] = "HEX", e[e.HSL = 2] = "HSL" }(ME || (ME = {})), function (e) { e[e.Error = 0] = "Error", e[e.Warning = 1] = "Warning", e[e.Information = 2] = "Information" }(FE || (FE = {})), function (e) { e[e.Unknown = 0] = "Unknown", e[e.Shutdown = 1] = "Shutdown", e[e.Process = 2] = "Process", e[e.User = 3] = "User", e[e.Extension = 4] = "Extension" }(BE || (BE = {})), function (e) { e[e.Low = 0] = "Low", e[e.Medium = 1] = "Medium", e[e.High = 2] = "High" }(HE || (HE = {})), function (e) { e[e.Panel = 1] = "Panel", e[e.Editor = 2] = "Editor" }(zE || (zE = {})), function (e) { e[e.File = 0] = "File", e[e.Folder = 1] = "Folder", e[e.Flag = 2] = "Flag", e[e.Method = 3] = "Method", e[e.Argument = 4] = "Argument" }(VE || (VE = {})), function (e) { e[e.Always = 1] = "Always", e[e.Silent = 2] = "Silent", e[e.Never = 3] = "Never" }(WE || (WE = {})), function (e) { e[e.Shared = 1] = "Shared", e[e.Dedicated = 2] = "Dedicated", e[e.New = 3] = "New" }(qE || (qE = {})), u0 = class { static { Oi = this } static { this.Clean = new Oi("clean", "Clean") } static { this.Build = new Oi("build", "Build") } static { this.Rebuild = new Oi("rebuild", "Rebuild") } static { this.Test = new Oi("test", "Test") } static from(t) { switch (t) { case "clean": return Oi.Clean; case "build": return Oi.Build; case "rebuild": return Oi.Rebuild; case "test": return Oi.Test; default: return } } constructor(t, s) { if (this.label = s, typeof t != "string" || typeof s != "string") throw _e("name"); this.c = t } get id() { return this.c } }, u0 = Oi = __decorate([B], u0), Mf = class { constructor(t, s, i) { if (typeof t != "string") throw _e("process"); this.e = [], this.c = t, s !== void 0 && (Array.isArray(s) ? (this.e = s, this.f = i) : this.f = s) } get process() { return this.c } set process(t) { if (typeof t != "string") throw _e("process"); this.c = t } get args() { return this.e } set args(t) { Array.isArray(t) || (t = []), this.e = t } get options() { return this.f } set options(t) { this.f = t } computeId() { const t = []; if (t.push("process"), this.c !== void 0 && t.push(this.c), this.e && this.e.length > 0) for (const s of this.e) t.push(s); return $E(t) } }, Mf = __decorate([B], Mf), Ff = class { constructor(t, s, i) { if (this.f = [], Array.isArray(s)) { if (!t) throw _e("command can't be undefined or null"); if (typeof t != "string" && typeof t.value != "string") throw _e("command"); this.e = t, this.f = s, this.g = i } else { if (typeof t != "string") throw _e("commandLine"); this.c = t, this.g = s } } get commandLine() { return this.c } set commandLine(t) { if (typeof t != "string") throw _e("commandLine"); this.c = t } get command() { return this.e ? this.e : "" } set command(t) { if (typeof t != "string" && typeof t.value != "string") throw _e("command"); this.e = t } get args() { return this.f } set args(t) { this.f = t || [] } get options() { return this.g } set options(t) { this.g = t } computeId() { const t = []; if (t.push("shell"), this.c !== void 0 && t.push(this.c), this.e !== void 0 && t.push(typeof this.e == "string" ? this.e : this.e.value), this.f && this.f.length > 0) for (const s of this.f) t.push(typeof s == "string" ? s : s.value); return $E(t) } }, Ff = __decorate([B], Ff), function (e) { e[e.Escape = 1] = "Escape", e[e.Strong = 2] = "Strong", e[e.Weak = 3] = "Weak" }(GE || (GE = {})), function (e) { e[e.Global = 1] = "Global", e[e.Workspace = 2] = "Workspace" }(Bf || (Bf = {})), JE = class { constructor(e) { this.c = e } computeId() { return "customExecution" + We() } set callback(e) { this.c = e } get callback() { return this.c } }, h0 = class { static { Ci = this } static { this.c = "customExecution" } static { this.e = "process" } static { this.f = "shell" } static { this.g = "$empty" } constructor(t, s, i, n, r, o) { this.k = !1, this.l = this.definition = t; let a; typeof s == "string" ? (this.o = = s, this.w = this.source = i, this.execution = n, a = r, this.k = !0) : s === Bf.Global || s === Bf.Workspace ? ( = s, this.o = = i, this.w = this.source = n, this.execution = r, a = o) : ( = s, this.o = = i, this.w = this.source = n, this.execution = r, a = o), typeof a == "string" ? (this.r = [a], this.t = !0) : Array.isArray(a) ? (this.r = a, this.t = !0) : (this.r = [], this.t = !1), this.u = !1, this.y = Object.create(null), this.z = Object.create(null) } get _id() { return this.j } set _id(t) { this.j = t } get _deprecated() { return this.k } B() { this.j !== void 0 && (this.j = void 0, this.m = void 0, this.C()) } C() { this.q instanceof Mf ? this.l = { type: Ci.e, id: this.q.computeId() } : this.q instanceof Ff ? this.l = { type: Ci.f, id: this.q.computeId() } : this.q instanceof JE ? this.l = { type: Ci.c, id: this.q.computeId() } : this.l = { type: Ci.g, id: We() } } get definition() { return this.l } set definition(t) { if (t == null) throw _e("Kind can't be undefined or null"); this.B(), this.l = t } get scope() { return this.m } set target(t) { this.B(), this.m = t } get name() { return this.o } set name(t) { if (typeof t != "string") throw _e("name"); this.B(), this.o = t } get execution() { return this.q } set execution(t) { t === null && (t = void 0), this.B(), this.q = t; const s = this.l.type; (Ci.g === s || Ci.e === s || Ci.f === s || Ci.c === s) && this.C() } get problemMatchers() { return this.r } set problemMatchers(t) { if (Array.isArray(t)) this.B(), this.r = t, this.t = !0; else { this.B(), this.r = [], this.t = !1; return } } get hasDefinedMatchers() { return this.t } get isBackground() { return this.u } set isBackground(t) { t !== !0 && t !== !1 && (t = !1), this.B(), this.u = t } get source() { return this.w } set source(t) { if (typeof t != "string" || t.length === 0) throw _e("source must be a string of length > 0"); this.B(), this.w = t } get group() { return this.x } set group(t) { t === null && (t = void 0), this.B(), this.x = t } get detail() { return this.A } set detail(t) { t === null && (t = void 0), this.A = t } get presentationOptions() { return this.y } set presentationOptions(t) { t == null && (t = Object.create(null)), this.B(), this.y = t } get runOptions() { return this.z } set runOptions(t) { t == null && (t = Object.create(null)), this.B(), this.z = t } }, h0 = Ci = __decorate([B], h0), function (e) { e[e.SourceControl = 1] = "SourceControl", e[e.Window = 10] = "Window", e[e.Notification = 15] = "Notification" }(bl || (bl = {})), function (e) { function t(s) { const i = s; return On(i.value) ? i.tooltip && !ve(i.tooltip) ? (console.log("INVALID view badge, invalid tooltip", i.tooltip), !1) : !0 : (console.log("INVALID view badge, invalid value", i.value), !1) } e.isViewBadge = t }(YE || (YE = {})), f0 = Qg = class { static isTreeItem(t, s) { const i = t; if (i.checkboxState !== void 0) { const n = On(i.checkboxState) ? i.checkboxState : ct(i.checkboxState) && On(i.checkboxState.state) ? i.checkboxState.state : void 0, r = !On(i.checkboxState) && ct(i.checkboxState) ? i.checkboxState.tooltip : void 0; if (n === void 0 || n !== Hf.Checked && n !== Hf.Unchecked || r !== void 0 && !ve(r)) return console.log("INVALID tree item, invalid checkboxState", i.checkboxState), !1 } if (t instanceof Qg) return !0; if (i.label !== void 0 && !ve(i.label) && !i.label?.label) return console.log("INVALID tree item, invalid label", i.label), !1; if ( !== void 0 && !ve( return console.log("INVALID tree item, invalid id",, !1; if (i.iconPath !== void 0 && !ve(i.iconPath) && !E.isUri(i.iconPath) && (!i.iconPath || !ve( { const n = i.iconPath; if (!n || !ve(n.light) && !E.isUri(n.light) && !ve(n.dark) && !E.isUri(n.dark)) return console.log("INVALID tree item, invalid iconPath", i.iconPath), !1 } return i.description !== void 0 && !ve(i.description) && typeof i.description != "boolean" ? (console.log("INVALID tree item, invalid description", i.description), !1) : i.resourceUri !== void 0 && !E.isUri(i.resourceUri) ? (console.log("INVALID tree item, invalid resourceUri", i.resourceUri), !1) : i.tooltip !== void 0 && !ve(i.tooltip) && !(i.tooltip instanceof xn) ? (console.log("INVALID tree item, invalid tooltip", i.tooltip), !1) : i.command !== void 0 && !i.command.command ? (console.log("INVALID tree item, invalid command", i.command), !1) : i.collapsibleState !== void 0 && i.collapsibleState < yl.None && i.collapsibleState > yl.Expanded ? (console.log("INVALID tree item, invalid collapsibleState", i.collapsibleState), !1) : i.contextValue !== void 0 && !ve(i.contextValue) ? (console.log("INVALID tree item, invalid contextValue", i.contextValue), !1) : i.accessibilityInformation !== void 0 && !i.accessibilityInformation?.label ? (console.log("INVALID tree item, invalid accessibilityInformation", i.accessibilityInformation), !1) : !0 } constructor(t, s = yl.None) { this.collapsibleState = s, E.isUri(t) ? this.resourceUri = t : this.label = t } }, f0 = Qg = __decorate([B], f0), function (e) { e[e.None = 0] = "None", e[e.Collapsed = 1] = "Collapsed", e[e.Expanded = 2] = "Expanded" }(yl || (yl = {})), function (e) { e[e.Unchecked = 0] = "Unchecked", e[e.Checked = 1] = "Checked" }(Hf || (Hf = {})), zf = class { async asString() { return typeof this.value == "string" ? this.value : JSON.stringify(this.value) } asFile() { } constructor(t) { this.value = t } }, zf = __decorate([B], zf), Vf = class extends zf { }, XE = class extends Vf { #e; constructor(e) { super(""), this.#e = e } asFile() { return this.#e } }, QE = class { constructor(e, t, s, i) { = e, this.uri = t, this._itemId = s, this.c = i } data() { return this.c() } }, Wf = class { #e = new Map; constructor(t) { for (const [s, i] of t ?? []) { const n = this.#e.get(this.#t(s)); n ? n.push(i) : this.#e.set(this.#t(s), [i]) } } get(t) { return this.#e.get(this.#t(t))?.[0] } set(t, s) { this.#e.set(this.#t(t), [s]) } forEach(t, s) { for (const [i, n] of this.#e) for (const r of n), r, i, this) } *[Symbol.iterator]() { for (const [t, s] of this.#e) for (const i of s) yield [t, i] } #t(t) { return t.toLowerCase() } }, Wf = __decorate([B], Wf), d0 = class { constructor(t, s, i) { this.insertText = t, this.title = s, this.kind = i } }, d0 = __decorate([B], d0), function (e) { e[e.Automatic = 0] = "Automatic", e[e.PasteAs = 1] = "PasteAs" }(ZE || (ZE = {})), El = class w1 { static { this.c = "." } constructor(t) { this.value = t } append(...t) { return new w1((this.value ? [this.value, ...t] : t).join(w1.c)) } intersects(t) { return this.contains(t) || t.contains(this) } contains(t) { return this.value === t.value || t.value.startsWith(this.value + w1.c) } }, El.Empty = new El(""), El.Text = new El("text"), Xn = class { constructor(t, s) { = t, this.color = s } static isThemeIcon(t) { return typeof != "string" ? (console.log("INVALID ThemeIcon, invalid id",, !1) : !0 } }, Xn = __decorate([B], Xn), Xn.File = new Xn("file"), Xn.Folder = new Xn("folder"), p0 = class { constructor(t) { = t } }, p0 = __decorate([B], p0), function (e) { e[e.Global = 1] = "Global", e[e.Workspace = 2] = "Workspace", e[e.WorkspaceFolder = 3] = "WorkspaceFolder" }(KE || (KE = {})), ca = class { get base() { return this.c } set base(t) { this.c = t, this.e = E.file(t) } get baseUri() { return this.e } set baseUri(t) { this.e = t, this.c = t.fsPath } constructor(t, s) { if (typeof t != "string" && (!t || !E.isUri(t) && !E.isUri(t.uri))) throw _e("base"); if (typeof s != "string") throw _e("pattern"); typeof t == "string" ? this.baseUri = E.file(t) : E.isUri(t) ? this.baseUri = t : this.baseUri = t.uri, this.pattern = s } toJSON() { return { pattern: this.pattern, base: this.base, baseUri: this.baseUri.toJSON() } } }, ca = __decorate([B], ca), e3 = new WeakMap, la = class { constructor(t, s, i, n, r) { this.enabled = typeof t == "boolean" ? t : !0, typeof s == "string" && (this.condition = s), typeof i == "string" && (this.hitCondition = i), typeof n == "string" && (this.logMessage = n), typeof r == "string" && (this.mode = r) } get id() { return this.c || (this.c = e3.get(this) ?? We()), this.c } }, la = __decorate([B], la), m0 = class extends la { constructor(t, s, i, n, r, o) { if (super(s, i, n, r, o), t === null) throw _e("location"); this.location = t } }, m0 = __decorate([B], m0), g0 = class extends la { constructor(t, s, i, n, r, o) { super(s, i, n, r, o), this.functionName = t } }, g0 = __decorate([B], g0), w0 = class extends la { constructor(t, s, i, n, r, o, a, c) { if (super(n, r, o, a, c), !s) throw _e("dataId"); this.label = t, this.dataId = s, this.canPersist = i } }, w0 = __decorate([B], w0), v0 = class { constructor(t, s, i) { this.command = t, this.args = s || [], this.options = i } }, v0 = __decorate([B], v0), b0 = class { constructor(t, s) { this.port = t, = s } }, b0 = __decorate([B], b0), y0 = class { constructor(t) { this.path = t } }, y0 = __decorate([B], y0), E0 = class { constructor(t) { this.implementation = t } }, E0 = __decorate([B], E0), qf = class { constructor(t, s) { this.range = t, this.expression = s } }, qf = __decorate([B], qf), function (e) { e[e.Invoke = 0] = "Invoke", e[e.Automatic = 1] = "Automatic" }(t3 || (t3 = {})), Gf = class { constructor(t, s) { this.range = t, this.text = s } }, Gf = __decorate([B], Gf), Jf = class { constructor(t, s, i = !0) { this.range = t, this.variableName = s, this.caseSensitiveLookup = i } }, Jf = __decorate([B], Jf), Yf = class { constructor(t, s) { this.range = t, this.expression = s } }, Yf = __decorate([B], Yf), Xf = class { constructor(t, s) { this.frameId = t, this.stoppedLocation = s } }, Xf = __decorate([B], Xf), function (e) { e[e.AIGenerated = 1] = "AIGenerated" }(s3 || (s3 = {})), function (e) { e[e.Invoke = 0] = "Invoke", e[e.Automatic = 1] = "Automatic" }(i3 || (i3 = {})), function (e) { e[e.Changed = 1] = "Changed", e[e.Created = 2] = "Created", e[e.Deleted = 3] = "Deleted" }(n3 || (n3 = {})), x0 = vs = class extends Error { static FileExists(t) { return new vs(t, Q.FileExists, vs.FileExists) } static FileNotFound(t) { return new vs(t, Q.FileNotFound, vs.FileNotFound) } static FileNotADirectory(t) { return new vs(t, Q.FileNotADirectory, vs.FileNotADirectory) } static FileIsADirectory(t) { return new vs(t, Q.FileIsADirectory, vs.FileIsADirectory) } static NoPermissions(t) { return new vs(t, Q.NoPermissions, vs.NoPermissions) } static Unavailable(t) { return new vs(t, Q.Unavailable, vs.Unavailable) } constructor(t, s = Q.Unknown, i) { super(E.isUri(t) ? t.toString(!0) : t), this.code = i?.name ?? "Unknown", j6(this, s), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, vs.prototype), typeof Error.captureStackTrace == "function" && typeof i == "function" && Error.captureStackTrace(this, i) } }, x0 = vs = __decorate([B], x0), k0 = class { constructor(t, s, i) { this.start = t, this.end = s, this.kind = i } }, k0 = __decorate([B], k0), function (e) { e[e.Comment = 1] = "Comment", e[e.Imports = 2] = "Imports", e[e.Region = 3] = "Region" }(Qn || (Qn = {})), function (e) { e[e.Collapsed = 0] = "Collapsed", e[e.Expanded = 1] = "Expanded" }(r3 || (r3 = {})), function (e) { e[e.Editing = 0] = "Editing", e[e.Preview = 1] = "Preview" }(o3 || (o3 = {})), function (e) { e[e.Published = 0] = "Published", e[e.Draft = 1] = "Draft" }(a3 || (a3 = {})), function (e) { e[e.Unresolved = 0] = "Unresolved", e[e.Resolved = 1] = "Resolved" }(c3 || (c3 = {})), function (e) { e[e.Current = 0] = "Current", e[e.Outdated = 1] = "Outdated" }(l3 || (l3 = {})), function (e) { e[e.Reply = 1] = "Reply", e[e.Comment = 2] = "Comment" }(u3 || (u3 = {})), function (e) { e[e.Separate = 0] = "Separate", e[e.MergeWithParent = 1] = "MergeWithParent" }(h3 || (h3 = {})), function (e) { e[e.Title = 1] = "Title", e[e.Inline = 2] = "Inline" }(f3 || (f3 = {})), $0 = class { static { this.Back = { iconPath: new Xn("arrow-left") } } constructor() { } }, $0 = __decorate([B], $0), function (e) { e[e.Separator = -1] = "Separator", e[e.Default = 0] = "Default" }(d3 || (d3 = {})), function (e) { e[e.Info = 1] = "Info", e[e.Warning = 2] = "Warning", e[e.Error = 3] = "Error" }(p3 || (p3 = {})), function (e) { e[e.UI = 1] = "UI", e[e.Workspace = 2] = "Workspace" }(m3 || (m3 = {})), S0 = class { constructor(t) { this.kind = t } }, S0 = __decorate([B], S0), function (e) { e[e.Light = 1] = "Light", e[e.Dark = 2] = "Dark", e[e.HighContrast = 3] = "HighContrast", e[e.HighContrastLight = 4] = "HighContrastLight" }(g3 || (g3 = {})), Hr = class Sv { static isNotebookRange(t) { return t instanceof Sv ? !0 : t ? typeof t.start == "number" && typeof t.end == "number" : !1 } get start() { return this.c } get end() { return this.e } get isEmpty() { return this.c === this.e } constructor(t, s) { if (t < 0) throw _e("start must be positive"); if (s < 0) throw _e("end must be positive"); t <= s ? (this.c = t, this.e = s) : (this.c = s, this.e = t) } with(t) { let s = this.c, i = this.e; return t.start !== void 0 && (s = t.start), t.end !== void 0 && (i = t.end), s === this.c && i === this.e ? this : new Sv(s, i) } }, P0 = class Pv { static validate(t) { if (typeof t.kind != "number") throw new Error("NotebookCellData MUST have 'kind' property"); if (typeof t.value != "string") throw new Error("NotebookCellData MUST have 'value' property"); if (typeof t.languageId != "string") throw new Error("NotebookCellData MUST have 'languageId' property") } static isNotebookCellDataArray(t) { return Array.isArray(t) && t.every(s => Pv.isNotebookCellData(s)) } static isNotebookCellData(t) { return !0 } constructor(t, s, i, n, r, o, a) { this.kind = t, this.value = s, this.languageId = i, this.mime = n, this.outputs = r ?? [], this.metadata = o, this.executionSummary = a, Pv.validate(this) } }, w3 = class { constructor(e) { this.cells = e } }, v3 = class Pn { static isNotebookCellOutputItem(t) { return t instanceof Pn ? !0 : t ? typeof t.mime == "string" && instanceof Uint8Array : !1 } static error(t) { const s = { name:, message: t.message, stack: t.stack }; return Pn.json(s, "application/vnd.code.notebook.error") } static stdout(t) { return Pn.text(t, "application/vnd.code.notebook.stdout") } static stderr(t) { return Pn.text(t, "application/vnd.code.notebook.stderr") } static bytes(t, s = "application/octet-stream") { return new Pn(t, s) } static #e = new TextEncoder; static text(t, s = Ni.text) { const i = Pn.#e.encode(String(t)); return new Pn(i, s) } static json(t, s = "text/x-json") { const i = JSON.stringify(t, void 0, " "); return Pn.text(i, s) } constructor(t, s) { = t, this.mime = s; const i = Z2(s, !0); if (!i) throw new Error(`INVALID mime type: ${s}. Must be in the format "type/subtype[;optionalparameter]"`); this.mime = i } }, b3 = class Iv { static isNotebookCellOutput(t) { return t instanceof Iv ? !0 : !t || typeof t != "object" ? !1 : typeof == "string" && Array.isArray(t.items) } static ensureUniqueMimeTypes(t, s = !1) { const i = new Set, n = new Set; for (let r = 0; r < t.length; r++) { const o = t[r], a = Z2(o.mime); if (!i.has(a) || yj(a)) { i.add(a); continue } n.add(r), s && console.warn(`DUPLICATED mime type '${o.mime}' will be dropped`) } return n.size === 0 ? t : t.filter((r, o) => !n.has(o)) } constructor(t, s, i) { this.items = Iv.ensureUniqueMimeTypes(t, !0), typeof s == "string" ? ( = s, this.metadata = i) : ( = We(), this.metadata = s ?? i) } }, function (e) { e[e.Markup = 1] = "Markup", e[e.Code = 2] = "Code" }(ua || (ua = {})), function (e) { e[e.Idle = 1] = "Idle", e[e.Pending = 2] = "Pending", e[e.Executing = 3] = "Executing" }(Qf || (Qf = {})), function (e) { e[e.Left = 1] = "Left", e[e.Right = 2] = "Right" }(I0 || (I0 = {})), function (e) { e[e.Default = 0] = "Default", e[e.InCenter = 1] = "InCenter", e[e.InCenterIfOutsideViewport = 2] = "InCenterIfOutsideViewport", e[e.AtTop = 3] = "AtTop" }(y3 || (y3 = {})), function (e) { e[e.Default = 1] = "Default", e[e.Preferred = 2] = "Preferred" }(E3 || (E3 = {})), function (e) { e[e.Default = 1] = "Default", e[e.Preferred = 2] = "Preferred", e[e.Hidden = -1] = "Hidden" }(x3 || (x3 = {})), k3 = class { constructor(e, t = []) { this.uri = e, this.provides = yb(t) } }, function (e) { e[e.Named = 1] = "Named", e[e.Indexed = 2] = "Indexed" }($3 || ($3 = {})), A0 = class { constructor(t, s) { this.label = t, this.timestamp = s } }, A0 = __decorate([B], A0), function (e) { e[e.Production = 1] = "Production", e[e.Development = 2] = "Development", e[e.Test = 3] = "Test" }(S3 || (S3 = {})), function (e) { e[e.Node = 1] = "Node", e[e.Webworker = 2] = "Webworker" }(P3 || (P3 = {})), function (e) { e[e.Other = 0] = "Other", e[e.Comment = 1] = "Comment", e[e.String = 2] = "String", e[e.RegEx = 3] = "RegEx" }(ha || (ha = {})), function (e) { e[e.Queued = 1] = "Queued", e[e.Running = 2] = "Running", e[e.Passed = 3] = "Passed", e[e.Failed = 4] = "Failed", e[e.Skipped = 5] = "Skipped", e[e.Errored = 6] = "Errored" }(I3 || (I3 = {})), function (e) { e[e.Run = 1] = "Run", e[e.Debug = 2] = "Debug", e[e.Coverage = 3] = "Coverage" }(xl || (xl = {})), A3 = class { constructor(e, t, s) { this.controllerId = e, this.profileId = t, this.kind = s } }, D0 = class { constructor(t = void 0, s = void 0, i = void 0, n = !1, r = !0) { this.include = t, this.exclude = s, this.profile = i, this.continuous = n, this.preserveFocus = r } }, D0 = __decorate([B], D0), Zf = Zg = class { static diff(t, s, i) { const n = new Zg(t); return n.expectedOutput = s, n.actualOutput = i, n } constructor(t) { this.message = t } }, Zf = Zg = __decorate([B], Zf), kl = class { constructor(t) { = t } }, kl = __decorate([B], kl), Kf = class { constructor(e, t) { this.covered = e, = t, gf(this) } }, D3 = class _I { static fromDetails(t, s) { const i = new Kf(0, 0), n = new Kf(0, 0), r = new Kf(0, 0); for (const a of s) if ("branches" in a) { += 1, i.covered += a.executed ? 1 : 0; for (const c of a.branches) += 1, n.covered += c.executed ? 1 : 0 } else += 1, r.covered += a.executed ? 1 : 0; const o = new _I(t, i, > 0 ? n : void 0, > 0 ? r : void 0); return o.detailedCoverage = s, o } constructor(t, s, i, n, r = []) { this.uri = t, this.statementCoverage = s, this.branchCoverage = i, this.declarationCoverage = n, this.includesTests = r } }, R3 = class { get executionCount() { return +this.executed } set executionCount(e) { this.executed = e } constructor(e, t, s = []) { this.executed = e, this.location = t, this.branches = s } }, L3 = class { get executionCount() { return +this.executed } set executionCount(e) { this.executed = e } constructor(e, t, s) { this.executed = e, this.location = t, this.label = s } }, N3 = class { get executionCount() { return +this.executed } set executionCount(e) { this.executed = e } constructor(e, t, s) { = e, this.executed = t, this.location = s } }, function (e) { e[e.None = 0] = "None", e[e.Option = 1] = "Option", e[e.Default = 2] = "Default", e[e.Preferred = 3] = "Preferred" }(O3 || (O3 = {})), function (e) { e[e.Untrusted = 0] = "Untrusted", e[e.Trusted = 1] = "Trusted", e[e.Unspecified = 2] = "Unspecified" }(C3 || (C3 = {})), function (e) { e[e.Notify = 1] = "Notify", e[e.OpenBrowser = 2] = "OpenBrowser", e[e.OpenPreview = 3] = "OpenPreview", e[e.Silent = 4] = "Silent", e[e.Ignore = 5] = "Ignore", e[e.OpenBrowserOnce = 6] = "OpenBrowserOnce" }(_3 || (_3 = {})), R0 = class { constructor(e, t, s, i, n, r) { this.kind = e, = t, this.detail = s, this.uri = i, this.range = n, this.selectionRange = r } }, function (e) { e[e.Down = 0] = "Down", e[e.Up = 1] = "Up" }(j3 || (j3 = {})), function (e) { e[e.Action = 1] = "Action", e[e.Toolbar = 2] = "Toolbar" }(T3 || (T3 = {})), function (e) { e[e.Short = 1] = "Short", e[e.Medium = 2] = "Medium", e[e.Full = 3] = "Full" }(U3 || (U3 = {})), function (e) { e[e.Accepted = 1] = "Accepted", e[e.Rejected = 2] = "Rejected", e[e.Saved = 3] = "Saved" }(fa || (fa = {})), function (e) { e[e.Unhelpful = 0] = "Unhelpful", e[e.Helpful = 1] = "Helpful", e[e.Undone = 2] = "Undone", e[e.Accepted = 3] = "Accepted", e[e.Bug = 4] = "Bug" }(M3 || (M3 = {})), function (e) { e[e.Unhelpful = 0] = "Unhelpful", e[e.Helpful = 1] = "Helpful" }(F3 || (F3 = {})), L0 = class { constructor(e) { if (typeof e != "string" && e.isTrusted === !0) throw new Error("The boolean form of MarkdownString.isTrusted is NOT supported for chat participants."); this.value = typeof e == "string" ? new xn(e) : e } }, N0 = class { constructor(e, t) { if (typeof e != "string" && e.isTrusted === !0) throw new Error("The boolean form of MarkdownString.isTrusted is NOT supported for chat participants."); this.value = typeof e == "string" ? new xn(e) : e, this.vulnerabilities = t } }, O0 = class { constructor(e, t) { this.participant = e, this.command = t } }, B3 = class { constructor(e, t, s, i) { this.title = e, this.message = t, = s, this.buttons = i } }, C0 = class { constructor(e, t) { this.value = e, this.baseUri = t } }, _0 = class { constructor(e, t) { this.value = e, this.value2 = e, this.title = t } }, j0 = class { constructor(e) { this.value = e } }, T0 = class { constructor(e) { if (typeof e != "string" && e.isTrusted === !0) throw new Error("The boolean form of MarkdownString.isTrusted is NOT supported for chat participants."); this.value = typeof e == "string" ? new xn(e) : e } }, U0 = class { constructor(e) { this.value = e } }, M0 = class { constructor(e, t, s) { this.value = e, this.iconPath = t, this.options = s } }, F0 = class { constructor(e) { this.value = e } }, H3 = class { constructor(e, t, s) { this.value = e, this.license = t, this.snippet = s } }, B0 = class { constructor(e, t) { this.uri = e, this.range = t } }, H0 = class { constructor(e, t) { this.uri = e, t === !0 ? (this.isDone = !0, this.edits = []) : this.edits = Array.isArray(t) ? t : [t] } }, function (e) { e[e.Panel = 1] = "Panel", e[e.Terminal = 2] = "Terminal", e[e.Notebook = 3] = "Notebook", e[e.Editor = 4] = "Editor", e[e.EditingSession = 5] = "EditingSession" }(Ys || (Ys = {})), function (e) { e[e.Complete = 1] = "Complete", e[e.Partial = 2] = "Partial", e[e.Omitted = 3] = "Omitted" }(z3 || (z3 = {})), V3 = class { constructor(e, t) { this.mimeType = e, = t } }, function (e) { e[e.User = 1] = "User", e[e.Assistant = 2] = "Assistant", e[e.System = 3] = "System" }(ji || (ji = {})), z0 = class { constructor(e, t, s) { this.callId = e, this.content = t, this.isError = s ?? !1 } }, W3 = class Av { static User(t, s) { return new Av(ji.User, t, s) } static Assistant(t, s) { return new Av(ji.Assistant, t, s) } set content(t) { typeof t == "string" ? this.c = [new Xs(t)] : this.c = t } get content() { return this.c } set content2(t) { t && (this.content = => typeof s == "string" ? new Xs(s) : s)) } get content2() { return => t instanceof Xs ? t.value : t) } constructor(t, s, i) { this.c = [], this.role = t, this.content = s, = i } }, V0 = class { constructor(e, t, s) { this.callId = e, = t, this.input = s } }, Xs = class { constructor(e) { this.value = e } toJSON() { return { $mid: 21, value: this.value } } }, da = class { constructor(e) { this.value = e } toJSON() { return { $mid: 22, value: this.value } } }, W0 = class { constructor(e) { this.content = e } toJSON() { return { $mid: 20, content: this.content } } }, function (e) { e[e.Auto = 1] = "Auto", e[e.Required = 2] = "Required" }(q3 || (q3 = {})), function (e) { e[e.SymbolInformation = 1] = "SymbolInformation", e[e.CommandInformation = 2] = "CommandInformation", e[e.SearchInformation = 3] = "SearchInformation", e[e.SettingInformation = 4] = "SettingInformation" }(G3 || (G3 = {})), function (e) { e[e.Started = 1] = "Started", e[e.Recognizing = 2] = "Recognizing", e[e.Recognized = 3] = "Recognized", e[e.Stopped = 4] = "Stopped", e[e.Error = 5] = "Error" }(J3 || (J3 = {})), function (e) { e[e.Started = 1] = "Started", e[e.Stopped = 2] = "Stopped", e[e.Error = 3] = "Error" }(Y3 || (Y3 = {})), function (e) { e[e.Recognized = 1] = "Recognized", e[e.Stopped = 2] = "Stopped" }(X3 || (X3 = {})), function (e) { e[e.Invoke = 0] = "Invoke", e[e.Automatic = 1] = "Automatic" }(Q3 || (Q3 = {})) } }), ed, Lj = v({
  386. "out-build/vs/base/common/dataTransfer.js"() {
  387. "use strict"; Et(), pr(), Wt(), ed = Object.freeze({
  388. create: e => Qi( => t.toString())).join(`\r
  389. `), split: e => e.split(`\r
  390. `), parse: e => ed.split(e).filter(t => !t.startsWith("#"))
  391. })
  392. }
  393. }); function G0() { return { async: !1, breaks: !1, extensions: null, gfm: !0, hooks: null, pedantic: !1, renderer: null, silent: !1, tokenizer: null, walkTokens: null } } function Z3(e) { Zn = e } function Us(e, t) { if (t) { if (J0.test(e)) return e.replace(sx, X0) } else if (Y0.test(e)) return e.replace(ix, X0); return e } function Ge(e, t) { let s = typeof e == "string" ? e : e.source; t = t || ""; const i = { replace: (n, r) => { let o = typeof r == "string" ? r : r.source; return o = o.replace(rx, "$1"), s = s.replace(n, o), i }, getRegex: () => new RegExp(s, t) }; return i } function K3(e) { try { e = encodeURI(e).replace(/%25/g, "%") } catch { return null } return e } function ex(e, t) { const s = e.replace(/\|/g, (r, o, a) => { let c = !1, l = o; for (; --l >= 0 && a[l] === "\\";)c = !c; return c ? "|" : " |" }), i = s.split(/ \|/); let n = 0; if (i[0].trim() || i.shift(), i.length > 0 && !i[i.length - 1].trim() && i.pop(), t) if (i.length > t) i.splice(t); else for (; i.length < t;)i.push(""); for (; n < i.length; n++)i[n] = i[n].trim().replace(/\\\|/g, "|"); return i } function $l(e, t, s) { const i = e.length; if (i === 0) return ""; let n = 0; for (; n < i;) { const r = e.charAt(i - n - 1); if (r === t && !s) n++; else if (r !== t && s) n++; else break } return e.slice(0, i - n) } function Nj(e, t) { if (e.indexOf(t[1]) === -1) return -1; let s = 0; for (let i = 0; i < e.length; i++)if (e[i] === "\\") i++; else if (e[i] === t[0]) s++; else if (e[i] === t[1] && (s--, s < 0)) return i; return -1 } function tx(e, t, s, i) { const n = t.href, r = t.title ? Us(t.title) : null, o = e[1].replace(/\\([\[\]])/g, "$1"); if (e[0].charAt(0) !== "!") { i.state.inLink = !0; const a = { type: "link", raw: s, href: n, title: r, text: o, tokens: i.inlineTokens(o) }; return i.state.inLink = !1, a } return { type: "image", raw: s, href: n, title: r, text: Us(o) } } function Oj(e, t) {
  394. const s = e.match(/^(\s+)(?:```)/); if (s === null) return t; const i = s[1]; return t.split(`
  395. `).map(n => { const r = n.match(/^\s+/); if (r === null) return n; const [o] = r; return o.length >= i.length ? n.slice(i.length) : n }).join(`
  396. `)
  397. } function He(e, t) { return tr.parse(e, t) } var Zn, J0, sx, Y0, ix, nx, X0, rx, pa, Sl, ox, ax, cx, ma, lx, Q0, Z0, td, ux, sd, hx, fx, Pl, id, dx, K0, px, nd, ew, mx, gx, tw, wx, sw, vx, ga, bx, yx, Ex, xx, kx, $x, Sx, Px, Ix, Il, Ax, iw, nw, Dx, rd, Rx, od, Lx, Al, wa, Kn, Dl, ad, er, Rl, Nx, tr, Cj, _j, jj, Tj, Uj, Mj, Fj, Bj = v({
  398. "out-build/vs/base/common/marked/marked.js"() {
  399. "use strict"; Zn = G0(), J0 = /[&<>"']/, sx = new RegExp(J0.source, "g"), Y0 = /[<>"']|&(?!(#\d{1,7}|#[Xx][a-fA-F0-9]{1,6}|\w+);)/, ix = new RegExp(Y0.source, "g"), nx = { "&": "&amp;", "<": "&lt;", ">": "&gt;", '"': "&quot;", "'": "&#39;" }, X0 = e => nx[e], rx = /(^|[^\[])\^/g, pa = { exec: () => null }, Sl = class {
  400. options; rules; lexer; constructor(e) { this.options = e || Zn } space(e) { const t = this.rules.block.newline.exec(e); if (t && t[0].length > 0) return { type: "space", raw: t[0] } } code(e) {
  401. const t = this.rules.block.code.exec(e); if (t) {
  402. const s = t[0].replace(/^ {1,4}/gm, ""); return {
  403. type: "code", raw: t[0], codeBlockStyle: "indented", text: this.options.pedantic ? s : $l(s, `
  404. `)
  405. }
  406. }
  407. } fences(e) { const t = this.rules.block.fences.exec(e); if (t) { const s = t[0], i = Oj(s, t[3] || ""); return { type: "code", raw: s, lang: t[2] ? t[2].trim().replace(this.rules.inline.anyPunctuation, "$1") : t[2], text: i } } } heading(e) { const t = this.rules.block.heading.exec(e); if (t) { let s = t[2].trim(); if (/#$/.test(s)) { const i = $l(s, "#"); (this.options.pedantic || !i || / $/.test(i)) && (s = i.trim()) } return { type: "heading", raw: t[0], depth: t[1].length, text: s, tokens: this.lexer.inline(s) } } } hr(e) {
  408. const t =; if (t) return {
  409. type: "hr", raw: $l(t[0], `
  410. `)
  411. }
  412. } blockquote(e) {
  413. const t = this.rules.block.blockquote.exec(e); if (t) {
  414. let s = $l(t[0], `
  415. `).split(`
  416. `), i = "", n = ""; const r = []; for (; s.length > 0;) {
  417. let o = !1; const a = []; let c; for (c = 0; c < s.length; c++)if (/^ {0,3}>/.test(s[c])) a.push(s[c]), o = !0; else if (!o) a.push(s[c]); else break; s = s.slice(c); const l = a.join(`
  418. `), u = l.replace(/\n {0,3}((?:=+|-+) *)(?=\n|$)/g, `
  419. $1`).replace(/^ {0,3}>[ \t]?/gm, ""); i = i ? `${i}
  420. ${l}` : l, n = n ? `${n}
  421. ${u}` : u; const h =; if ( = !0, this.lexer.blockTokens(u, r, !0), = h, s.length === 0) break; const d = r[r.length - 1]; if (d?.type === "code") break; if (d?.type === "blockquote") {
  422. const p = d, g = p.raw + `
  423. `+ s.join(`
  424. `), w = this.blockquote(g); r[r.length - 1] = w, i = i.substring(0, i.length - p.raw.length) + w.raw, n = n.substring(0, n.length - p.text.length) + w.text; break
  425. } else if (d?.type === "list") {
  426. const p = d, g = p.raw + `
  427. `+ s.join(`
  428. `), w = this.list(g); r[r.length - 1] = w, i = i.substring(0, i.length - d.raw.length) + w.raw, n = n.substring(0, n.length - p.raw.length) + w.raw, s = g.substring(r[r.length - 1].raw.length).split(`
  429. `); continue
  430. }
  431. } return { type: "blockquote", raw: i, tokens: r, text: n }
  432. }
  433. } list(e) {
  434. let t = this.rules.block.list.exec(e); if (t) {
  435. let s = t[1].trim(); const i = s.length > 1, n = { type: "list", raw: "", ordered: i, start: i ? +s.slice(0, -1) : "", loose: !1, items: [] }; s = i ? `\\d{1,9}\\${s.slice(-1)}` : `\\${s}`, this.options.pedantic && (s = i ? s : "[*+-]"); const r = new RegExp(`^( {0,3}${s})((?:[ ][^\\n]*)?(?:\\n|$))`); let o = !1; for (; e;) {
  436. let a = !1, c = "", l = ""; if (!(t = r.exec(e)) || break; c = t[0], e = e.substring(c.length); let u = t[2].split(`
  437. `, 1)[0].replace(/^\t+/, y => " ".repeat(3 * y.length)), h = e.split(`
  438. `, 1)[0], d = !u.trim(), p = 0; if (this.options.pedantic ? (p = 2, l = u.trimStart()) : d ? p = t[1].length + 1 : (p = t[2].search(/[^ ]/), p = p > 4 ? 1 : p, l = u.slice(p), p += t[1].length), d && /^ *$/.test(h) && (c += h + `
  439. `, e = e.substring(h.length + 1), a = !0), !a) {
  440. const y = new RegExp(`^ {0,${Math.min(3, p - 1)}}(?:[*+-]|\\d{1,9}[.)])((?:[ ][^\\n]*)?(?:\\n|$))`), x = new RegExp(`^ {0,${Math.min(3, p - 1)}}((?:- *){3,}|(?:_ *){3,}|(?:\\* *){3,})(?:\\n+|$)`), k = new RegExp(`^ {0,${Math.min(3, p - 1)}}(?:\`\`\`|~~~)`), A = new RegExp(`^ {0,${Math.min(3, p - 1)}}#`); for (; e;) {
  441. const I = e.split(`
  442. `, 1)[0]; if (h = I, this.options.pedantic && (h = h.replace(/^ {1,4}(?=( {4})*[^ ])/g, " ")), k.test(h) || A.test(h) || y.test(h) || x.test(e)) break; if ([^ ]/) >= p || !h.trim()) l += `
  443. `+ h.slice(p); else {
  444. if (d ||[^ ]/) >= 4 || k.test(u) || A.test(u) || x.test(u)) break; l += `
  445. `+ h
  446. } !d && !h.trim() && (d = !0), c += I + `
  447. `, e = e.substring(I.length + 1), u = h.slice(p)
  448. }
  449. } n.loose || (o ? n.loose = !0 : /\n *\n *$/.test(c) && (o = !0)); let g = null, w; this.options.gfm && (g = /^\[[ xX]\] /.exec(l), g && (w = g[0] !== "[ ] ", l = l.replace(/^\[[ xX]\] +/, ""))), n.items.push({ type: "list_item", raw: c, task: !!g, checked: w, loose: !1, text: l, tokens: [] }), n.raw += c
  450. } n.items[n.items.length - 1].raw = n.items[n.items.length - 1].raw.trimEnd(), n.items[n.items.length - 1].text = n.items[n.items.length - 1].text.trimEnd(), n.raw = n.raw.trimEnd(); for (let a = 0; a < n.items.length; a++)if ( = !1, n.items[a].tokens = this.lexer.blockTokens(n.items[a].text, []), !n.loose) { const c = n.items[a].tokens.filter(u => u.type === "space"), l = c.length > 0 && c.some(u => /\n.*\n/.test(u.raw)); n.loose = l } if (n.loose) for (let a = 0; a < n.items.length; a++)n.items[a].loose = !0; return n
  451. }
  452. } html(e) { const t = this.rules.block.html.exec(e); if (t) return { type: "html", block: !0, raw: t[0], pre: t[1] === "pre" || t[1] === "script" || t[1] === "style", text: t[0] } } def(e) { const t = this.rules.block.def.exec(e); if (t) { const s = t[1].toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/g, " "), i = t[2] ? t[2].replace(/^<(.*)>$/, "$1").replace(this.rules.inline.anyPunctuation, "$1") : "", n = t[3] ? t[3].substring(1, t[3].length - 1).replace(this.rules.inline.anyPunctuation, "$1") : t[3]; return { type: "def", tag: s, raw: t[0], href: i, title: n } } } table(e) {
  453. const t = this.rules.block.table.exec(e); if (!t || !/[:|]/.test(t[2])) return; const s = ex(t[1]), i = t[2].replace(/^\||\| *$/g, "").split("|"), n = t[3] && t[3].trim() ? t[3].replace(/\n[ \t]*$/, "").split(`
  454. `) : [], r = { type: "table", raw: t[0], header: [], align: [], rows: [] }; if (s.length === i.length) { for (const o of i) /^ *-+: *$/.test(o) ? r.align.push("right") : /^ *:-+: *$/.test(o) ? r.align.push("center") : /^ *:-+ *$/.test(o) ? r.align.push("left") : r.align.push(null); for (let o = 0; o < s.length; o++)r.header.push({ text: s[o], tokens: this.lexer.inline(s[o]), header: !0, align: r.align[o] }); for (const o of n) r.rows.push(ex(o, r.header.length).map((a, c) => ({ text: a, tokens: this.lexer.inline(a), header: !1, align: r.align[c] }))); return r }
  455. } lheading(e) { const t = this.rules.block.lheading.exec(e); if (t) return { type: "heading", raw: t[0], depth: t[2].charAt(0) === "=" ? 1 : 2, text: t[1], tokens: this.lexer.inline(t[1]) } } paragraph(e) {
  456. const t = this.rules.block.paragraph.exec(e); if (t) {
  457. const s = t[1].charAt(t[1].length - 1) === `
  458. `? t[1].slice(0, -1) : t[1]; return { type: "paragraph", raw: t[0], text: s, tokens: this.lexer.inline(s) }
  459. }
  460. } text(e) { const t = this.rules.block.text.exec(e); if (t) return { type: "text", raw: t[0], text: t[0], tokens: this.lexer.inline(t[0]) } } escape(e) { const t = this.rules.inline.escape.exec(e); if (t) return { type: "escape", raw: t[0], text: Us(t[1]) } } tag(e) { const t = this.rules.inline.tag.exec(e); if (t) return !this.lexer.state.inLink && /^<a /i.test(t[0]) ? this.lexer.state.inLink = !0 : this.lexer.state.inLink && /^<\/a>/i.test(t[0]) && (this.lexer.state.inLink = !1), !this.lexer.state.inRawBlock && /^<(pre|code|kbd|script)(\s|>)/i.test(t[0]) ? this.lexer.state.inRawBlock = !0 : this.lexer.state.inRawBlock && /^<\/(pre|code|kbd|script)(\s|>)/i.test(t[0]) && (this.lexer.state.inRawBlock = !1), { type: "html", raw: t[0], inLink: this.lexer.state.inLink, inRawBlock: this.lexer.state.inRawBlock, block: !1, text: t[0] } } link(e) { const t =; if (t) { const s = t[2].trim(); if (!this.options.pedantic && /^</.test(s)) { if (!/>$/.test(s)) return; const r = $l(s.slice(0, -1), "\\"); if ((s.length - r.length) % 2 === 0) return } else { const r = Nj(t[2], "()"); if (r > -1) { const a = (t[0].indexOf("!") === 0 ? 5 : 4) + t[1].length + r; t[2] = t[2].substring(0, r), t[0] = t[0].substring(0, a).trim(), t[3] = "" } } let i = t[2], n = ""; if (this.options.pedantic) { const r = /^([^'"]*[^\s])\s+(['"])(.*)\2/.exec(i); r && (i = r[1], n = r[3]) } else n = t[3] ? t[3].slice(1, -1) : ""; return i = i.trim(), /^</.test(i) && (this.options.pedantic && !/>$/.test(s) ? i = i.slice(1) : i = i.slice(1, -1)), tx(t, { href: i && i.replace(this.rules.inline.anyPunctuation, "$1"), title: n && n.replace(this.rules.inline.anyPunctuation, "$1") }, t[0], this.lexer) } } reflink(e, t) { let s; if ((s = this.rules.inline.reflink.exec(e)) || (s = this.rules.inline.nolink.exec(e))) { const i = (s[2] || s[1]).replace(/\s+/g, " "), n = t[i.toLowerCase()]; if (!n) { const r = s[0].charAt(0); return { type: "text", raw: r, text: r } } return tx(s, n, s[0], this.lexer) } } emStrong(e, t, s = "") { let i = this.rules.inline.emStrongLDelim.exec(e); if (!i || i[3] && s.match(/[\p{L}\p{N}]/u)) return; if (!(i[1] || i[2] || "") || !s || this.rules.inline.punctuation.exec(s)) { const r = [...i[0]].length - 1; let o, a, c = r, l = 0; const u = i[0][0] === "*" ? this.rules.inline.emStrongRDelimAst : this.rules.inline.emStrongRDelimUnd; for (u.lastIndex = 0, t = t.slice(-1 * e.length + r); (i = u.exec(t)) != null;) { if (o = i[1] || i[2] || i[3] || i[4] || i[5] || i[6], !o) continue; if (a = [...o].length, i[3] || i[4]) { c += a; continue } else if ((i[5] || i[6]) && r % 3 && !((r + a) % 3)) { l += a; continue } if (c -= a, c > 0) continue; a = Math.min(a, a + c + l); const h = [...i[0]][0].length, d = e.slice(0, r + i.index + h + a); if (Math.min(r, a) % 2) { const g = d.slice(1, -1); return { type: "em", raw: d, text: g, tokens: this.lexer.inlineTokens(g) } } const p = d.slice(2, -2); return { type: "strong", raw: d, text: p, tokens: this.lexer.inlineTokens(p) } } } } codespan(e) { const t = this.rules.inline.code.exec(e); if (t) { let s = t[2].replace(/\n/g, " "); const i = /[^ ]/.test(s), n = /^ /.test(s) && / $/.test(s); return i && n && (s = s.substring(1, s.length - 1)), s = Us(s, !0), { type: "codespan", raw: t[0], text: s } } } br(e) { const t =; if (t) return { type: "br", raw: t[0] } } del(e) { const t = this.rules.inline.del.exec(e); if (t) return { type: "del", raw: t[0], text: t[2], tokens: this.lexer.inlineTokens(t[2]) } } autolink(e) { const t = this.rules.inline.autolink.exec(e); if (t) { let s, i; return t[2] === "@" ? (s = Us(t[1]), i = "mailto:" + s) : (s = Us(t[1]), i = s), { type: "link", raw: t[0], text: s, href: i, tokens: [{ type: "text", raw: s, text: s }] } } } url(e) { let t; if (t = this.rules.inline.url.exec(e)) { let s, i; if (t[2] === "@") s = Us(t[0]), i = "mailto:" + s; else { let n; do n = t[0], t[0] = this.rules.inline._backpedal.exec(t[0])?.[0] ?? ""; while (n !== t[0]); s = Us(t[0]), t[1] === "www." ? i = "http://" + t[0] : i = t[0] } return { type: "link", raw: t[0], text: s, href: i, tokens: [{ type: "text", raw: s, text: s }] } } } inlineText(e) { const t = this.rules.inline.text.exec(e); if (t) { let s; return this.lexer.state.inRawBlock ? s = t[0] : s = Us(t[0]), { type: "text", raw: t[0], text: s } } }
  461. }, ox = /^(?: *(?:\n|$))+/, ax = /^( {4}[^\n]+(?:\n(?: *(?:\n|$))*)?)+/, cx = /^ {0,3}(`{3,}(?=[^`\n]*(?:\n|$))|~{3,})([^\n]*)(?:\n|$)(?:|([\s\S]*?)(?:\n|$))(?: {0,3}\1[~`]* *(?=\n|$)|$)/, ma = /^ {0,3}((?:-[\t ]*){3,}|(?:_[ \t]*){3,}|(?:\*[ \t]*){3,})(?:\n+|$)/, lx = /^ {0,3}(#{1,6})(?=\s|$)(.*)(?:\n+|$)/, Q0 = /(?:[*+-]|\d{1,9}[.)])/, Z0 = Ge(/^(?!bull |blockCode|fences|blockquote|heading|html)((?:.|\n(?!\s*?\n|bull |blockCode|fences|blockquote|heading|html))+?)\n {0,3}(=+|-+) *(?:\n+|$)/).replace(/bull/g, Q0).replace(/blockCode/g, / {4}/).replace(/fences/g, / {0,3}(?:`{3,}|~{3,})/).replace(/blockquote/g, / {0,3}>/).replace(/heading/g, / {0,3}#{1,6}/).replace(/html/g, / {0,3}<[^\n>]+>\n/).getRegex(), td = /^([^\n]+(?:\n(?!hr|heading|lheading|blockquote|fences|list|html|table| +\n)[^\n]+)*)/, ux = /^[^\n]+/, sd = /(?!\s*\])(?:\\.|[^\[\]\\])+/, hx = Ge(/^ {0,3}\[(label)\]: *(?:\n *)?([^<\s][^\s]*|<.*?>)(?:(?: +(?:\n *)?| *\n *)(title))? *(?:\n+|$)/).replace("label", sd).replace("title", /(?:"(?:\\"?|[^"\\])*"|'[^'\n]*(?:\n[^'\n]+)*\n?'|\([^()]*\))/).getRegex(), fx = Ge(/^( {0,3}bull)([ \t][^\n]+?)?(?:\n|$)/).replace(/bull/g, Q0).getRegex(), Pl = "address|article|aside|base|basefont|blockquote|body|caption|center|col|colgroup|dd|details|dialog|dir|div|dl|dt|fieldset|figcaption|figure|footer|form|frame|frameset|h[1-6]|head|header|hr|html|iframe|legend|li|link|main|menu|menuitem|meta|nav|noframes|ol|optgroup|option|p|param|search|section|summary|table|tbody|td|tfoot|th|thead|title|tr|track|ul", id = /<!--(?:-?>|[\s\S]*?(?:-->|$))/, dx = Ge("^ {0,3}(?:<(script|pre|style|textarea)[\\s>][\\s\\S]*?(?:</\\1>[^\\n]*\\n+|$)|comment[^\\n]*(\\n+|$)|<\\?[\\s\\S]*?(?:\\?>\\n*|$)|<![A-Z][\\s\\S]*?(?:>\\n*|$)|<!\\[CDATA\\[[\\s\\S]*?(?:\\]\\]>\\n*|$)|</?(tag)(?: +|\\n|/?>)[\\s\\S]*?(?:(?:\\n *)+\\n|$)|<(?!script|pre|style|textarea)([a-z][\\w-]*)(?:attribute)*? */?>(?=[ \\t]*(?:\\n|$))[\\s\\S]*?(?:(?:\\n *)+\\n|$)|</(?!script|pre|style|textarea)[a-z][\\w-]*\\s*>(?=[ \\t]*(?:\\n|$))[\\s\\S]*?(?:(?:\\n *)+\\n|$))", "i").replace("comment", id).replace("tag", Pl).replace("attribute", / +[a-zA-Z:_][\w.:-]*(?: *= *"[^"\n]*"| *= *'[^'\n]*'| *= *[^\s"'=<>`]+)?/).getRegex(), K0 = Ge(td).replace("hr", ma).replace("heading", " {0,3}#{1,6}(?:\\s|$)").replace("|lheading", "").replace("|table", "").replace("blockquote", " {0,3}>").replace("fences", " {0,3}(?:`{3,}(?=[^`\\n]*\\n)|~{3,})[^\\n]*\\n").replace("list", " {0,3}(?:[*+-]|1[.)]) ").replace("html", "</?(?:tag)(?: +|\\n|/?>)|<(?:script|pre|style|textarea|!--)").replace("tag", Pl).getRegex(), px = Ge(/^( {0,3}> ?(paragraph|[^\n]*)(?:\n|$))+/).replace("paragraph", K0).getRegex(), nd = { blockquote: px, code: ax, def: hx, fences: cx, heading: lx, hr: ma, html: dx, lheading: Z0, list: fx, newline: ox, paragraph: K0, table: pa, text: ux }, ew = Ge("^ *([^\\n ].*)\\n {0,3}((?:\\| *)?:?-+:? *(?:\\| *:?-+:? *)*(?:\\| *)?)(?:\\n((?:(?! *\\n|hr|heading|blockquote|code|fences|list|html).*(?:\\n|$))*)\\n*|$)").replace("hr", ma).replace("heading", " {0,3}#{1,6}(?:\\s|$)").replace("blockquote", " {0,3}>").replace("code", " {4}[^\\n]").replace("fences", " {0,3}(?:`{3,}(?=[^`\\n]*\\n)|~{3,})[^\\n]*\\n").replace("list", " {0,3}(?:[*+-]|1[.)]) ").replace("html", "</?(?:tag)(?: +|\\n|/?>)|<(?:script|pre|style|textarea|!--)").replace("tag", Pl).getRegex(), mx = { ...nd, table: ew, paragraph: Ge(td).replace("hr", ma).replace("heading", " {0,3}#{1,6}(?:\\s|$)").replace("|lheading", "").replace("table", ew).replace("blockquote", " {0,3}>").replace("fences", " {0,3}(?:`{3,}(?=[^`\\n]*\\n)|~{3,})[^\\n]*\\n").replace("list", " {0,3}(?:[*+-]|1[.)]) ").replace("html", "</?(?:tag)(?: +|\\n|/?>)|<(?:script|pre|style|textarea|!--)").replace("tag", Pl).getRegex() }, gx = {
  462. ...nd, html: Ge(`^ *(?:comment *(?:\\n|\\s*$)|<(tag)[\\s\\S]+?</\\1> *(?:\\n{2,}|\\s*$)|<tag(?:"[^"]*"|'[^']*'|\\s[^'"/>\\s]*)*?/?> *(?:\\n{2,}|\\s*$))`).replace("comment", id).replace(/tag/g, "(?!(?:a|em|strong|small|s|cite|q|dfn|abbr|data|time|code|var|samp|kbd|sub|sup|i|b|u|mark|ruby|rt|rp|bdi|bdo|span|br|wbr|ins|del|img)\\b)\\w+(?!:|[^\\w\\s@]*@)\\b").getRegex(), def: /^ *\[([^\]]+)\]: *<?([^\s>]+)>?(?: +(["(][^\n]+[")]))? *(?:\n+|$)/, heading: /^(#{1,6})(.*)(?:\n+|$)/, fences: pa, lheading: /^(.+?)\n {0,3}(=+|-+) *(?:\n+|$)/, paragraph: Ge(td).replace("hr", ma).replace("heading", ` *#{1,6} *[^
  463. ]`).replace("lheading", Z0).replace("|table", "").replace("blockquote", " {0,3}>").replace("|fences", "").replace("|list", "").replace("|html", "").replace("|tag", "").getRegex()
  464. }, tw = /^\\([!"#$%&'()*+,\-./:;<=>?@\[\]\\^_`{|}~])/, wx = /^(`+)([^`]|[^`][\s\S]*?[^`])\1(?!`)/, sw = /^( {2,}|\\)\n(?!\s*$)/, vx = /^(`+|[^`])(?:(?= {2,}\n)|[\s\S]*?(?:(?=[\\<!\[`*_]|\b_|$)|[^ ](?= {2,}\n)))/, ga = "\\p{P}\\p{S}", bx = Ge(/^((?![*_])[\spunctuation])/, "u").replace(/punctuation/g, ga).getRegex(), yx = /\[[^[\]]*?\]\([^\(\)]*?\)|`[^`]*?`|<[^<>]*?>/g, Ex = Ge(/^(?:\*+(?:((?!\*)[punct])|[^\s*]))|^_+(?:((?!_)[punct])|([^\s_]))/, "u").replace(/punct/g, ga).getRegex(), xx = Ge("^[^_*]*?__[^_*]*?\\*[^_*]*?(?=__)|[^*]+(?=[^*])|(?!\\*)[punct](\\*+)(?=[\\s]|$)|[^punct\\s](\\*+)(?!\\*)(?=[punct\\s]|$)|(?!\\*)[punct\\s](\\*+)(?=[^punct\\s])|[\\s](\\*+)(?!\\*)(?=[punct])|(?!\\*)[punct](\\*+)(?!\\*)(?=[punct])|[^punct\\s](\\*+)(?=[^punct\\s])", "gu").replace(/punct/g, ga).getRegex(), kx = Ge("^[^_*]*?\\*\\*[^_*]*?_[^_*]*?(?=\\*\\*)|[^_]+(?=[^_])|(?!_)[punct](_+)(?=[\\s]|$)|[^punct\\s](_+)(?!_)(?=[punct\\s]|$)|(?!_)[punct\\s](_+)(?=[^punct\\s])|[\\s](_+)(?!_)(?=[punct])|(?!_)[punct](_+)(?!_)(?=[punct])", "gu").replace(/punct/g, ga).getRegex(), $x = Ge(/\\([punct])/, "gu").replace(/punct/g, ga).getRegex(), Sx = Ge(/^<(scheme:[^\s\x00-\x1f<>]*|email)>/).replace("scheme", /[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9+.-]{1,31}/).replace("email", /[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(@)[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)+(?![-_])/).getRegex(), Px = Ge(id).replace("(?:-->|$)", "-->").getRegex(), Ix = Ge("^comment|^</[a-zA-Z][\\w:-]*\\s*>|^<[a-zA-Z][\\w-]*(?:attribute)*?\\s*/?>|^<\\?[\\s\\S]*?\\?>|^<![a-zA-Z]+\\s[\\s\\S]*?>|^<!\\[CDATA\\[[\\s\\S]*?\\]\\]>").replace("comment", Px).replace("attribute", /\s+[a-zA-Z:_][\w.:-]*(?:\s*=\s*"[^"]*"|\s*=\s*'[^']*'|\s*=\s*[^\s"'=<>`]+)?/).getRegex(), Il = /(?:\[(?:\\.|[^\[\]\\])*\]|\\.|`[^`]*`|[^\[\]\\`])*?/, Ax = Ge(/^!?\[(label)\]\(\s*(href)(?:\s+(title))?\s*\)/).replace("label", Il).replace("href", /<(?:\\.|[^\n<>\\])+>|[^\s\x00-\x1f]*/).replace("title", /"(?:\\"?|[^"\\])*"|'(?:\\'?|[^'\\])*'|\((?:\\\)?|[^)\\])*\)/).getRegex(), iw = Ge(/^!?\[(label)\]\[(ref)\]/).replace("label", Il).replace("ref", sd).getRegex(), nw = Ge(/^!?\[(ref)\](?:\[\])?/).replace("ref", sd).getRegex(), Dx = Ge("reflink|nolink(?!\\()", "g").replace("reflink", iw).replace("nolink", nw).getRegex(), rd = { _backpedal: pa, anyPunctuation: $x, autolink: Sx, blockSkip: yx, br: sw, code: wx, del: pa, emStrongLDelim: Ex, emStrongRDelimAst: xx, emStrongRDelimUnd: kx, escape: tw, link: Ax, nolink: nw, punctuation: bx, reflink: iw, reflinkSearch: Dx, tag: Ix, text: vx, url: pa }, Rx = { ...rd, link: Ge(/^!?\[(label)\]\((.*?)\)/).replace("label", Il).getRegex(), reflink: Ge(/^!?\[(label)\]\s*\[([^\]]*)\]/).replace("label", Il).getRegex() }, od = { ...rd, escape: Ge(tw).replace("])", "~|])").getRegex(), url: Ge(/^((?:ftp|https?):\/\/|www\.)(?:[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.?)+[^\s<]*|^email/, "i").replace("email", /[A-Za-z0-9._+-]+(@)[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9-_]*[a-zA-Z0-9])+(?![-_])/).getRegex(), _backpedal: /(?:[^?!.,:;*_'"~()&]+|\([^)]*\)|&(?![a-zA-Z0-9]+;$)|[?!.,:;*_'"~)]+(?!$))+/, del: /^(~~?)(?=[^\s~])([\s\S]*?[^\s~])\1(?=[^~]|$)/, text: /^([`~]+|[^`~])(?:(?= {2,}\n)|(?=[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?_`{\|}~-]+@)|[\s\S]*?(?:(?=[\\<!\[`*~_]|\b_|https?:\/\/|ftp:\/\/|www\.|$)|[^ ](?= {2,}\n)|[^a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?_`{\|}~-](?=[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?_`{\|}~-]+@)))/ }, Lx = { ...od, br: Ge(sw).replace("{2,}", "*").getRegex(), text: Ge(od.text).replace("\\b_", "\\b_| {2,}\\n").replace(/\{2,\}/g, "*").getRegex() }, Al = { normal: nd, gfm: mx, pedantic: gx }, wa = { normal: rd, gfm: od, breaks: Lx, pedantic: Rx }, Kn = class Dv {
  465. tokens; options; state; tokenizer; inlineQueue; constructor(t) { this.tokens = [], this.tokens.links = Object.create(null), this.options = t || Zn, this.options.tokenizer = this.options.tokenizer || new Sl, this.tokenizer = this.options.tokenizer, this.tokenizer.options = this.options, this.tokenizer.lexer = this, this.inlineQueue = [], this.state = { inLink: !1, inRawBlock: !1, top: !0 }; const s = { block: Al.normal, inline: wa.normal }; this.options.pedantic ? (s.block = Al.pedantic, s.inline = wa.pedantic) : this.options.gfm && (s.block = Al.gfm, this.options.breaks ? s.inline = wa.breaks : s.inline = wa.gfm), this.tokenizer.rules = s } static get rules() { return { block: Al, inline: wa } } static lex(t, s) { return new Dv(s).lex(t) } static lexInline(t, s) { return new Dv(s).inlineTokens(t) } lex(t) {
  466. t = t.replace(/\r\n|\r/g, `
  467. `), this.blockTokens(t, this.tokens); for (let s = 0; s < this.inlineQueue.length; s++) { const i = this.inlineQueue[s]; this.inlineTokens(i.src, i.tokens) } return this.inlineQueue = [], this.tokens
  468. } blockTokens(t, s = [], i = !1) {
  469. this.options.pedantic ? t = t.replace(/\t/g, " ").replace(/^ +$/gm, "") : t = t.replace(/^( *)(\t+)/gm, (a, c, l) => c + " ".repeat(l.length)); let n, r, o; for (; t;)if (!(this.options.extensions && this.options.extensions.block && this.options.extensions.block.some(a => (n ={ lexer: this }, t, s)) ? (t = t.substring(n.raw.length), s.push(n), !0) : !1))) {
  470. if (n = {
  471. t = t.substring(n.raw.length), n.raw.length === 1 && s.length > 0 ? s[s.length - 1].raw += `
  472. `: s.push(n); continue
  473. } if (n = this.tokenizer.code(t)) {
  474. t = t.substring(n.raw.length), r = s[s.length - 1], r && (r.type === "paragraph" || r.type === "text") ? (r.raw += `
  475. `+ n.raw, r.text += `
  476. `+ n.text, this.inlineQueue[this.inlineQueue.length - 1].src = r.text) : s.push(n); continue
  477. } if (n = this.tokenizer.fences(t)) { t = t.substring(n.raw.length), s.push(n); continue } if (n = this.tokenizer.heading(t)) { t = t.substring(n.raw.length), s.push(n); continue } if (n = { t = t.substring(n.raw.length), s.push(n); continue } if (n = this.tokenizer.blockquote(t)) { t = t.substring(n.raw.length), s.push(n); continue } if (n = this.tokenizer.list(t)) { t = t.substring(n.raw.length), s.push(n); continue } if (n = this.tokenizer.html(t)) { t = t.substring(n.raw.length), s.push(n); continue } if (n = this.tokenizer.def(t)) {
  478. t = t.substring(n.raw.length), r = s[s.length - 1], r && (r.type === "paragraph" || r.type === "text") ? (r.raw += `
  479. `+ n.raw, r.text += `
  480. `+ n.raw, this.inlineQueue[this.inlineQueue.length - 1].src = r.text) : this.tokens.links[n.tag] || (this.tokens.links[n.tag] = { href: n.href, title: n.title }); continue
  481. } if (n = this.tokenizer.table(t)) { t = t.substring(n.raw.length), s.push(n); continue } if (n = this.tokenizer.lheading(t)) { t = t.substring(n.raw.length), s.push(n); continue } if (o = t, this.options.extensions && this.options.extensions.startBlock) { let a = 1 / 0; const c = t.slice(1); let l; this.options.extensions.startBlock.forEach(u => { l ={ lexer: this }, c), typeof l == "number" && l >= 0 && (a = Math.min(a, l)) }), a < 1 / 0 && a >= 0 && (o = t.substring(0, a + 1)) } if ( && (n = this.tokenizer.paragraph(o))) {
  482. r = s[s.length - 1], i && r?.type === "paragraph" ? (r.raw += `
  483. `+ n.raw, r.text += `
  484. `+ n.text, this.inlineQueue.pop(), this.inlineQueue[this.inlineQueue.length - 1].src = r.text) : s.push(n), i = o.length !== t.length, t = t.substring(n.raw.length); continue
  485. } if (n = this.tokenizer.text(t)) {
  486. t = t.substring(n.raw.length), r = s[s.length - 1], r && r.type === "text" ? (r.raw += `
  487. `+ n.raw, r.text += `
  488. `+ n.text, this.inlineQueue.pop(), this.inlineQueue[this.inlineQueue.length - 1].src = r.text) : s.push(n); continue
  489. } if (t) { const a = "Infinite loop on byte: " + t.charCodeAt(0); if (this.options.silent) { console.error(a); break } else throw new Error(a) }
  490. } return = !0, s
  491. } inline(t, s = []) { return this.inlineQueue.push({ src: t, tokens: s }), s } inlineTokens(t, s = []) { let i, n, r, o = t, a, c, l; if (this.tokens.links) { const u = Object.keys(this.tokens.links); if (u.length > 0) for (; (a = this.tokenizer.rules.inline.reflinkSearch.exec(o)) != null;)u.includes(a[0].slice(a[0].lastIndexOf("[") + 1, -1)) && (o = o.slice(0, a.index) + "[" + "a".repeat(a[0].length - 2) + "]" + o.slice(this.tokenizer.rules.inline.reflinkSearch.lastIndex)) } for (; (a = this.tokenizer.rules.inline.blockSkip.exec(o)) != null;)o = o.slice(0, a.index) + "[" + "a".repeat(a[0].length - 2) + "]" + o.slice(this.tokenizer.rules.inline.blockSkip.lastIndex); for (; (a = this.tokenizer.rules.inline.anyPunctuation.exec(o)) != null;)o = o.slice(0, a.index) + "++" + o.slice(this.tokenizer.rules.inline.anyPunctuation.lastIndex); for (; t;)if (c || (l = ""), c = !1, !(this.options.extensions && this.options.extensions.inline && this.options.extensions.inline.some(u => (i ={ lexer: this }, t, s)) ? (t = t.substring(i.raw.length), s.push(i), !0) : !1))) { if (i = this.tokenizer.escape(t)) { t = t.substring(i.raw.length), s.push(i); continue } if (i = this.tokenizer.tag(t)) { t = t.substring(i.raw.length), n = s[s.length - 1], n && i.type === "text" && n.type === "text" ? (n.raw += i.raw, n.text += i.text) : s.push(i); continue } if (i = { t = t.substring(i.raw.length), s.push(i); continue } if (i = this.tokenizer.reflink(t, this.tokens.links)) { t = t.substring(i.raw.length), n = s[s.length - 1], n && i.type === "text" && n.type === "text" ? (n.raw += i.raw, n.text += i.text) : s.push(i); continue } if (i = this.tokenizer.emStrong(t, o, l)) { t = t.substring(i.raw.length), s.push(i); continue } if (i = this.tokenizer.codespan(t)) { t = t.substring(i.raw.length), s.push(i); continue } if (i = { t = t.substring(i.raw.length), s.push(i); continue } if (i = this.tokenizer.del(t)) { t = t.substring(i.raw.length), s.push(i); continue } if (i = this.tokenizer.autolink(t)) { t = t.substring(i.raw.length), s.push(i); continue } if (!this.state.inLink && (i = this.tokenizer.url(t))) { t = t.substring(i.raw.length), s.push(i); continue } if (r = t, this.options.extensions && this.options.extensions.startInline) { let u = 1 / 0; const h = t.slice(1); let d; this.options.extensions.startInline.forEach(p => { d ={ lexer: this }, h), typeof d == "number" && d >= 0 && (u = Math.min(u, d)) }), u < 1 / 0 && u >= 0 && (r = t.substring(0, u + 1)) } if (i = this.tokenizer.inlineText(r)) { t = t.substring(i.raw.length), i.raw.slice(-1) !== "_" && (l = i.raw.slice(-1)), c = !0, n = s[s.length - 1], n && n.type === "text" ? (n.raw += i.raw, n.text += i.text) : s.push(i); continue } if (t) { const u = "Infinite loop on byte: " + t.charCodeAt(0); if (this.options.silent) { console.error(u); break } else throw new Error(u) } } return s }
  492. }, Dl = class {
  493. options; parser; constructor(e) { this.options = e || Zn } space(e) { return "" } code({ text: e, lang: t, escaped: s }) {
  494. const i = (t || "").match(/^\S*/)?.[0], n = e.replace(/\n$/, "") + `
  495. `; return i ? '<pre><code class="language-' + Us(i) + '">' + (s ? n : Us(n, !0)) + `</code></pre>
  496. `: "<pre><code>" + (s ? n : Us(n, !0)) + `</code></pre>
  497. `} blockquote({ tokens: e }) {
  498. return `<blockquote>
  499. ${this.parser.parse(e)}</blockquote>
  500. `} html({ text: e }) { return e } heading({ tokens: e, depth: t }) {
  501. return `<h${t}>${this.parser.parseInline(e)}</h${t}>
  502. `} hr(e) {
  503. return `<hr>
  504. `} list(e) {
  505. const t = e.ordered, s = e.start; let i = ""; for (let o = 0; o < e.items.length; o++) { const a = e.items[o]; i += this.listitem(a) } const n = t ? "ol" : "ul", r = t && s !== 1 ? ' start="' + s + '"' : ""; return "<" + n + r + `>
  506. `+ i + "</" + n + `>
  507. `} listitem(e) {
  508. let t = ""; if (e.task) { const s = this.checkbox({ checked: !!e.checked }); e.loose ? e.tokens.length > 0 && e.tokens[0].type === "paragraph" ? (e.tokens[0].text = s + " " + e.tokens[0].text, e.tokens[0].tokens && e.tokens[0].tokens.length > 0 && e.tokens[0].tokens[0].type === "text" && (e.tokens[0].tokens[0].text = s + " " + e.tokens[0].tokens[0].text)) : e.tokens.unshift({ type: "text", raw: s + " ", text: s + " " }) : t += s + " " } return t += this.parser.parse(e.tokens, !!e.loose), `<li>${t}</li>
  509. `} checkbox({ checked: e }) { return "<input " + (e ? 'checked="" ' : "") + 'disabled="" type="checkbox">' } paragraph({ tokens: e }) {
  510. return `<p>${this.parser.parseInline(e)}</p>
  511. `} table(e) {
  512. let t = "", s = ""; for (let n = 0; n < e.header.length; n++)s += this.tablecell(e.header[n]); t += this.tablerow({ text: s }); let i = ""; for (let n = 0; n < e.rows.length; n++) { const r = e.rows[n]; s = ""; for (let o = 0; o < r.length; o++)s += this.tablecell(r[o]); i += this.tablerow({ text: s }) } return i && (i = `<tbody>${i}</tbody>`), `<table>
  513. <thead>
  514. `+ t + `</thead>
  515. `+ i + `</table>
  516. `} tablerow({ text: e }) {
  517. return `<tr>
  518. ${e}</tr>
  519. `} tablecell(e) {
  520. const t = this.parser.parseInline(e.tokens), s = e.header ? "th" : "td"; return (e.align ? `<${s} align="${e.align}">` : `<${s}>`) + t + `</${s}>
  521. `} strong({ tokens: e }) { return `<strong>${this.parser.parseInline(e)}</strong>` } em({ tokens: e }) { return `<em>${this.parser.parseInline(e)}</em>` } codespan({ text: e }) { return `<code>${e}</code>` } br(e) { return "<br>" } del({ tokens: e }) { return `<del>${this.parser.parseInline(e)}</del>` } link({ href: e, title: t, tokens: s }) { const i = this.parser.parseInline(s), n = K3(e); if (n === null) return i; e = n; let r = '<a href="' + e + '"'; return t && (r += ' title="' + t + '"'), r += ">" + i + "</a>", r } image({ href: e, title: t, text: s }) { const i = K3(e); if (i === null) return s; e = i; let n = `<img src="${e}" alt="${s}"`; return t && (n += ` title="${t}"`), n += ">", n } text(e) { return "tokens" in e && e.tokens ? this.parser.parseInline(e.tokens) : e.text }
  522. }, ad = class { strong({ text: e }) { return e } em({ text: e }) { return e } codespan({ text: e }) { return e } del({ text: e }) { return e } html({ text: e }) { return e } text({ text: e }) { return e } link({ text: e }) { return "" + e } image({ text: e }) { return "" + e } br() { return "" } }, er = class Rv {
  523. options; renderer; textRenderer; constructor(t) { this.options = t || Zn, this.options.renderer = this.options.renderer || new Dl, this.renderer = this.options.renderer, this.renderer.options = this.options, this.renderer.parser = this, this.textRenderer = new ad } static parse(t, s) { return new Rv(s).parse(t) } static parseInline(t, s) { return new Rv(s).parseInline(t) } parse(t, s = !0) {
  524. let i = ""; for (let n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
  525. const r = t[n]; if (this.options.extensions && this.options.extensions.renderers && this.options.extensions.renderers[r.type]) { const a = r, c = this.options.extensions.renderers[a.type].call({ parser: this }, a); if (c !== !1 || !["space", "hr", "heading", "code", "table", "blockquote", "list", "html", "paragraph", "text"].includes(a.type)) { i += c || ""; continue } } const o = r; switch (o.type) {
  526. case "space": { i +=; continue } case "hr": { i +=; continue } case "heading": { i += this.renderer.heading(o); continue } case "code": { i += this.renderer.code(o); continue } case "table": { i += this.renderer.table(o); continue } case "blockquote": { i += this.renderer.blockquote(o); continue } case "list": { i += this.renderer.list(o); continue } case "html": { i += this.renderer.html(o); continue } case "paragraph": { i += this.renderer.paragraph(o); continue } case "text": {
  527. let a = o, c = this.renderer.text(a); for (; n + 1 < t.length && t[n + 1].type === "text";)a = t[++n], c += `
  528. `+ this.renderer.text(a); s ? i += this.renderer.paragraph({ type: "paragraph", raw: c, text: c, tokens: [{ type: "text", raw: c, text: c }] }) : i += c; continue
  529. } default: { const a = 'Token with "' + o.type + '" type was not found.'; if (this.options.silent) return console.error(a), ""; throw new Error(a) }
  530. }
  531. } return i
  532. } parseInline(t, s) { s = s || this.renderer; let i = ""; for (let n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { const r = t[n]; if (this.options.extensions && this.options.extensions.renderers && this.options.extensions.renderers[r.type]) { const a = this.options.extensions.renderers[r.type].call({ parser: this }, r); if (a !== !1 || !["escape", "html", "link", "image", "strong", "em", "codespan", "br", "del", "text"].includes(r.type)) { i += a || ""; continue } } const o = r; switch (o.type) { case "escape": { i += s.text(o); break } case "html": { i += s.html(o); break } case "link": { i +=; break } case "image": { i += s.image(o); break } case "strong": { i += s.strong(o); break } case "em": { i += s.em(o); break } case "codespan": { i += s.codespan(o); break } case "br": { i +=; break } case "del": { i += s.del(o); break } case "text": { i += s.text(o); break } default: { const a = 'Token with "' + o.type + '" type was not found.'; if (this.options.silent) return console.error(a), ""; throw new Error(a) } } } return i }
  533. }, Rl = class { options; constructor(e) { this.options = e || Zn } static passThroughHooks = new Set(["preprocess", "postprocess", "processAllTokens"]); preprocess(e) { return e } postprocess(e) { return e } processAllTokens(e) { return e } }, Nx = class {
  534. defaults = G0(); options = this.setOptions; parse = this.parseMarkdown(Kn.lex, er.parse); parseInline = this.parseMarkdown(Kn.lexInline, er.parseInline); Parser = er; Renderer = Dl; TextRenderer = ad; Lexer = Kn; Tokenizer = Sl; Hooks = Rl; constructor(...e) { this.use(...e) } walkTokens(e, t) { let s = []; for (const i of e) switch (s = s.concat(, i)), i.type) { case "table": { const n = i; for (const r of n.header) s = s.concat(this.walkTokens(r.tokens, t)); for (const r of n.rows) for (const o of r) s = s.concat(this.walkTokens(o.tokens, t)); break } case "list": { const n = i; s = s.concat(this.walkTokens(n.items, t)); break } default: { const n = i; this.defaults.extensions?.childTokens?.[n.type] ? this.defaults.extensions.childTokens[n.type].forEach(r => { const o = n[r].flat(1 / 0); s = s.concat(this.walkTokens(o, t)) }) : n.tokens && (s = s.concat(this.walkTokens(n.tokens, t))) } }return s } use(...e) { const t = this.defaults.extensions || { renderers: {}, childTokens: {} }; return e.forEach(s => { const i = { ...s }; if (i.async = this.defaults.async || i.async || !1, s.extensions && (s.extensions.forEach(n => { if (! throw new Error("extension name required"); if ("renderer" in n) { const r = t.renderers[]; r ? t.renderers[] = function (...o) { let a = n.renderer.apply(this, o); return a === !1 && (a = r.apply(this, o)), a } : t.renderers[] = n.renderer } if ("tokenizer" in n) { if (!n.level || n.level !== "block" && n.level !== "inline") throw new Error("extension level must be 'block' or 'inline'"); const r = t[n.level]; r ? r.unshift(n.tokenizer) : t[n.level] = [n.tokenizer], n.start && (n.level === "block" ? t.startBlock ? t.startBlock.push(n.start) : t.startBlock = [n.start] : n.level === "inline" && (t.startInline ? t.startInline.push(n.start) : t.startInline = [n.start])) } "childTokens" in n && n.childTokens && (t.childTokens[] = n.childTokens) }), i.extensions = t), s.renderer) { const n = this.defaults.renderer || new Dl(this.defaults); for (const r in s.renderer) { if (!(r in n)) throw new Error(`renderer '${r}' does not exist`); if (["options", "parser"].includes(r)) continue; const o = r, a = s.renderer[o], c = n[o]; n[o] = (...l) => { let u = a.apply(n, l); return u === !1 && (u = c.apply(n, l)), u || "" } } i.renderer = n } if (s.tokenizer) { const n = this.defaults.tokenizer || new Sl(this.defaults); for (const r in s.tokenizer) { if (!(r in n)) throw new Error(`tokenizer '${r}' does not exist`); if (["options", "rules", "lexer"].includes(r)) continue; const o = r, a = s.tokenizer[o], c = n[o]; n[o] = (...l) => { let u = a.apply(n, l); return u === !1 && (u = c.apply(n, l)), u } } i.tokenizer = n } if (s.hooks) { const n = this.defaults.hooks || new Rl; for (const r in s.hooks) { if (!(r in n)) throw new Error(`hook '${r}' does not exist`); if (r === "options") continue; const o = r, a = s.hooks[o], c = n[o]; Rl.passThroughHooks.has(r) ? n[o] = l => { if (this.defaults.async) return Promise.resolve(, l)).then(h =>, h)); const u =, l); return, u) } : n[o] = (...l) => { let u = a.apply(n, l); return u === !1 && (u = c.apply(n, l)), u } } i.hooks = n } if (s.walkTokens) { const n = this.defaults.walkTokens, r = s.walkTokens; i.walkTokens = function (o) { let a = []; return a.push(, o)), n && (a = a.concat(, o))), a } } this.defaults = { ...this.defaults, ...i } }), this } setOptions(e) { return this.defaults = { ...this.defaults, ...e }, this } lexer(e, t) { return Kn.lex(e, t ?? this.defaults) } parser(e, t) { return er.parse(e, t ?? this.defaults) } parseMarkdown(e, t) { return (i, n) => { const r = { ...n }, o = { ...this.defaults, ...r }, a = this.onError(!!o.silent, !!o.async); if (this.defaults.async === !0 && r.async === !1) return a(new Error("marked(): The async option was set to true by an extension. Remove async: false from the parse options object to return a Promise.")); if (typeof i > "u" || i === null) return a(new Error("marked(): input parameter is undefined or null")); if (typeof i != "string") return a(new Error("marked(): input parameter is of type " + + ", string expected")); if (o.hooks && (o.hooks.options = o), o.async) return Promise.resolve(o.hooks ? o.hooks.preprocess(i) : i).then(c => e(c, o)).then(c => o.hooks ? o.hooks.processAllTokens(c) : c).then(c => o.walkTokens ? Promise.all(this.walkTokens(c, o.walkTokens)).then(() => c) : c).then(c => t(c, o)).then(c => o.hooks ? o.hooks.postprocess(c) : c).catch(a); try { o.hooks && (i = o.hooks.preprocess(i)); let c = e(i, o); o.hooks && (c = o.hooks.processAllTokens(c)), o.walkTokens && this.walkTokens(c, o.walkTokens); let l = t(c, o); return o.hooks && (l = o.hooks.postprocess(l)), l } catch (c) { return a(c) } } } onError(e, t) {
  535. return s => {
  536. if (s.message += `
  537. Please report this to`, e) { const i = "<p>An error occurred:</p><pre>" + Us(s.message + "", !0) + "</pre>"; return t ? Promise.resolve(i) : i } if (t) return Promise.reject(s); throw s
  538. }
  539. }
  540. }, tr = new Nx, He.options = He.setOptions = function (e) { return tr.setOptions(e), He.defaults = tr.defaults, Z3(He.defaults), He }, He.getDefaults = G0, He.defaults = Zn, He.use = function (...e) { return tr.use(...e), He.defaults = tr.defaults, Z3(He.defaults), He }, He.walkTokens = function (e, t) { return tr.walkTokens(e, t) }, He.parseInline = tr.parseInline, He.Parser = er, He.parser = er.parse, He.Renderer = Dl, He.TextRenderer = ad, He.Lexer = Kn, He.lexer = Kn.lex, He.Tokenizer = Sl, He.Hooks = Rl, He.parse = He, Cj = He.options, _j = He.setOptions, jj = He.use, Tj = He.walkTokens, Uj = He.parseInline, Mj = er.parse, Fj = Kn.lex
  541. }
  542. }); function* Ox(e) { const t = [e]; for (; t.length > 0;) { const s = t.pop(); if (yield s, s.children) for (const i of s.children.values()) t.push(i) } } var Yt, Cx, cd, Hj = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/prefixTree.js"() { "use strict"; pr(), Yt = Symbol("unset"), Cx = class { constructor() { this.root = new cd, this.a = 0 } get size() { return this.a } get nodes() { return this.root.children?.values() || Zi.empty() } get entries() { return this.root.children?.entries() || Zi.empty() } insert(e, t, s) { this.c(e, i => i._value = t, s) } mutate(e, t) { this.c(e, s => s._value = t(s._value === Yt ? void 0 : s._value)) } mutatePath(e, t) { this.c(e, () => { }, s => t(s)) } delete(e) { const t = this.b(e); if (!t) return; let s = t.length - 1; const i = t[s].node._value; if (i !== Yt) { for (this.a--, t[s].node._value = Yt; s > 0; s--) { const { node: n, part: r } = t[s]; if (n.children?.size || n._value !== Yt) break; t[s - 1].node.children.delete(r) } return i } } *deleteRecursive(e) { const t = this.b(e); if (!t) return; const s = t[t.length - 1].node; for (let i = t.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { const n = t[i - 1]; if (n.node.children.delete(t[i].part), n.node.children.size > 0 || n.node._value !== Yt) break } for (const i of Ox(s)) i._value !== Yt && (this.a--, yield i._value); s === this.root && (this.root._value = Yt, this.root.children = void 0) } find(e) { let t = this.root; for (const s of e) { const i = t.children?.get(s); if (!i) return; t = i } return t._value === Yt ? void 0 : t._value } hasKeyOrParent(e) { let t = this.root; for (const s of e) { const i = t.children?.get(s); if (!i) return !1; if (i._value !== Yt) return !0; t = i } return !1 } hasKeyOrChildren(e) { let t = this.root; for (const s of e) { const i = t.children?.get(s); if (!i) return !1; t = i } return !0 } hasKey(e) { let t = this.root; for (const s of e) { const i = t.children?.get(s); if (!i) return !1; t = i } return t._value !== Yt } b(e) { const t = [{ part: "", node: this.root }]; let s = 0; for (const i of e) { const n = t[s].node.children?.get(i); if (!n) return; t.push({ part: i, node: n }), s++ } return t } c(e, t, s) { let i = this.root; for (const o of e) { if (i.children) if (i.children.has(o)) i = i.children.get(o); else { const a = new cd; i.children.set(o, a), i = a } else { const a = new cd; i.children = new Map([[o, a]]), i = a } s?.(i) } const n = i._value === Yt ? 0 : 1; t(i); const r = i._value === Yt ? 0 : 1; this.a += r - n } *values() { for (const { _value: e } of Ox(this.root)) e !== Yt && (yield e) } }, cd = class { constructor() { this._value = Yt } get value() { return this._value === Yt ? void 0 : this._value } set value(e) { this._value = e === void 0 ? Yt : e } } } }), zr, rw = v({ "out-build/vs/editor/common/core/position.js"() { "use strict"; zr = class Zr { constructor(t, s) { this.lineNumber = t, this.column = s } with(t = this.lineNumber, s = this.column) { return t === this.lineNumber && s === this.column ? this : new Zr(t, s) } delta(t = 0, s = 0) { return this.with(this.lineNumber + t, this.column + s) } equals(t) { return Zr.equals(this, t) } static equals(t, s) { return !t && !s ? !0 : !!t && !!s && t.lineNumber === s.lineNumber && t.column === s.column } isBefore(t) { return Zr.isBefore(this, t) } static isBefore(t, s) { return t.lineNumber < s.lineNumber ? !0 : s.lineNumber < t.lineNumber ? !1 : t.column < s.column } isBeforeOrEqual(t) { return Zr.isBeforeOrEqual(this, t) } static isBeforeOrEqual(t, s) { return t.lineNumber < s.lineNumber ? !0 : s.lineNumber < t.lineNumber ? !1 : t.column <= s.column } static compare(t, s) { const i = t.lineNumber | 0, n = s.lineNumber | 0; if (i === n) { const r = t.column | 0, o = s.column | 0; return r - o } return i - n } clone() { return new Zr(this.lineNumber, this.column) } toString() { return "(" + this.lineNumber + "," + this.column + ")" } static lift(t) { return new Zr(t.lineNumber, t.column) } static isIPosition(t) { return t && typeof t.lineNumber == "number" && typeof t.column == "number" } toJSON() { return { lineNumber: this.lineNumber, column: this.column } } } } }), Ti, va = v({ "out-build/vs/editor/common/core/range.js"() { "use strict"; rw(), Ti = class St { constructor(t, s, i, n) { t > i || t === i && s > n ? (this.startLineNumber = i, this.startColumn = n, this.endLineNumber = t, this.endColumn = s) : (this.startLineNumber = t, this.startColumn = s, this.endLineNumber = i, this.endColumn = n) } isEmpty() { return St.isEmpty(this) } static isEmpty(t) { return t.startLineNumber === t.endLineNumber && t.startColumn === t.endColumn } containsPosition(t) { return St.containsPosition(this, t) } static containsPosition(t, s) { return !(s.lineNumber < t.startLineNumber || s.lineNumber > t.endLineNumber || s.lineNumber === t.startLineNumber && s.column < t.startColumn || s.lineNumber === t.endLineNumber && s.column > t.endColumn) } static strictContainsPosition(t, s) { return !(s.lineNumber < t.startLineNumber || s.lineNumber > t.endLineNumber || s.lineNumber === t.startLineNumber && s.column <= t.startColumn || s.lineNumber === t.endLineNumber && s.column >= t.endColumn) } containsRange(t) { return St.containsRange(this, t) } static containsRange(t, s) { return !(s.startLineNumber < t.startLineNumber || s.endLineNumber < t.startLineNumber || s.startLineNumber > t.endLineNumber || s.endLineNumber > t.endLineNumber || s.startLineNumber === t.startLineNumber && s.startColumn < t.startColumn || s.endLineNumber === t.endLineNumber && s.endColumn > t.endColumn) } strictContainsRange(t) { return St.strictContainsRange(this, t) } static strictContainsRange(t, s) { return !(s.startLineNumber < t.startLineNumber || s.endLineNumber < t.startLineNumber || s.startLineNumber > t.endLineNumber || s.endLineNumber > t.endLineNumber || s.startLineNumber === t.startLineNumber && s.startColumn <= t.startColumn || s.endLineNumber === t.endLineNumber && s.endColumn >= t.endColumn) } plusRange(t) { return St.plusRange(this, t) } static plusRange(t, s) { let i, n, r, o; return s.startLineNumber < t.startLineNumber ? (i = s.startLineNumber, n = s.startColumn) : s.startLineNumber === t.startLineNumber ? (i = s.startLineNumber, n = Math.min(s.startColumn, t.startColumn)) : (i = t.startLineNumber, n = t.startColumn), s.endLineNumber > t.endLineNumber ? (r = s.endLineNumber, o = s.endColumn) : s.endLineNumber === t.endLineNumber ? (r = s.endLineNumber, o = Math.max(s.endColumn, t.endColumn)) : (r = t.endLineNumber, o = t.endColumn), new St(i, n, r, o) } intersectRanges(t) { return St.intersectRanges(this, t) } static intersectRanges(t, s) { let i = t.startLineNumber, n = t.startColumn, r = t.endLineNumber, o = t.endColumn; const a = s.startLineNumber, c = s.startColumn, l = s.endLineNumber, u = s.endColumn; return i < a ? (i = a, n = c) : i === a && (n = Math.max(n, c)), r > l ? (r = l, o = u) : r === l && (o = Math.min(o, u)), i > r || i === r && n > o ? null : new St(i, n, r, o) } equalsRange(t) { return St.equalsRange(this, t) } static equalsRange(t, s) { return !t && !s ? !0 : !!t && !!s && t.startLineNumber === s.startLineNumber && t.startColumn === s.startColumn && t.endLineNumber === s.endLineNumber && t.endColumn === s.endColumn } getEndPosition() { return St.getEndPosition(this) } static getEndPosition(t) { return new zr(t.endLineNumber, t.endColumn) } getStartPosition() { return St.getStartPosition(this) } static getStartPosition(t) { return new zr(t.startLineNumber, t.startColumn) } toString() { return "[" + this.startLineNumber + "," + this.startColumn + " -> " + this.endLineNumber + "," + this.endColumn + "]" } setEndPosition(t, s) { return new St(this.startLineNumber, this.startColumn, t, s) } setStartPosition(t, s) { return new St(t, s, this.endLineNumber, this.endColumn) } collapseToStart() { return St.collapseToStart(this) } static collapseToStart(t) { return new St(t.startLineNumber, t.startColumn, t.startLineNumber, t.startColumn) } collapseToEnd() { return St.collapseToEnd(this) } static collapseToEnd(t) { return new St(t.endLineNumber, t.endColumn, t.endLineNumber, t.endColumn) } delta(t) { return new St(this.startLineNumber + t, this.startColumn, this.endLineNumber + t, this.endColumn) } static fromPositions(t, s = t) { return new St(t.lineNumber, t.column, s.lineNumber, s.column) } static lift(t) { return t ? new St(t.startLineNumber, t.startColumn, t.endLineNumber, t.endColumn) : null } static isIRange(t) { return t && typeof t.startLineNumber == "number" && typeof t.startColumn == "number" && typeof t.endLineNumber == "number" && typeof t.endColumn == "number" } static areIntersectingOrTouching(t, s) { return !(t.endLineNumber < s.startLineNumber || t.endLineNumber === s.startLineNumber && t.endColumn < s.startColumn || s.endLineNumber < t.startLineNumber || s.endLineNumber === t.startLineNumber && s.endColumn < t.startColumn) } static areIntersecting(t, s) { return !(t.endLineNumber < s.startLineNumber || t.endLineNumber === s.startLineNumber && t.endColumn <= s.startColumn || s.endLineNumber < t.startLineNumber || s.endLineNumber === t.startLineNumber && s.endColumn <= t.startColumn) } static compareRangesUsingStarts(t, s) { if (t && s) { const r = t.startLineNumber | 0, o = s.startLineNumber | 0; if (r === o) { const a = t.startColumn | 0, c = s.startColumn | 0; if (a === c) { const l = t.endLineNumber | 0, u = s.endLineNumber | 0; if (l === u) { const h = t.endColumn | 0, d = s.endColumn | 0; return h - d } return l - u } return a - c } return r - o } return (t ? 1 : 0) - (s ? 1 : 0) } static compareRangesUsingEnds(t, s) { return t.endLineNumber === s.endLineNumber ? t.endColumn === s.endColumn ? t.startLineNumber === s.startLineNumber ? t.startColumn - s.startColumn : t.startLineNumber - s.startLineNumber : t.endColumn - s.endColumn : t.endLineNumber - s.endLineNumber } static spansMultipleLines(t) { return t.endLineNumber > t.startLineNumber } toJSON() { return this } } } }), zj = v({ "out-build/vs/editor/common/core/editOperation.js"() { "use strict"; va() } }), ow, _x, Vj = v({ "out-build/vs/editor/common/tokenizationRegistry.js"() { "use strict"; re(), z(), ow = class { constructor() { this.a = new Map, this.b = new Map, this.c = new D, this.onDidChange = this.c.event, this.d = null } handleChange(e) {{ changedLanguages: e, changedColorMap: !1 }) } register(e, t) { return this.a.set(e, t), this.handleChange([e]), ye(() => { this.a.get(e) === t && (this.a.delete(e), this.handleChange([e])) }) } get(e) { return this.a.get(e) || null } registerFactory(e, t) { this.b.get(e)?.dispose(); const s = new _x(this, e, t); return this.b.set(e, s), ye(() => { const i = this.b.get(e); !i || i !== s || (this.b.delete(e), i.dispose()) }) } async getOrCreate(e) { const t = this.get(e); if (t) return t; const s = this.b.get(e); return !s || s.isResolved ? null : (await s.resolve(), this.get(e)) } isResolved(e) { if (this.get(e)) return !0; const s = this.b.get(e); return !!(!s || s.isResolved) } setColorMap(e) { this.d = e,{ changedLanguages: Array.from(this.a.keys()), changedColorMap: !0 }) } getColorMap() { return this.d } getDefaultBackground() { return this.d && this.d.length > 2 ? this.d[2] : null } }, _x = class extends J { get isResolved() { return this.c } constructor(e, t, s) { super(), this.f = e, this.g = t, this.h = s, this.a = !1, this.b = null, this.c = !1 } dispose() { this.a = !0, super.dispose() } async resolve() { return this.b || (this.b = this.j()), this.b } async j() { const e = await this.h.tokenizationSupport; this.c = !0, e && !this.a && this.B(this.f.register(this.g, e)) } } } }), jx, Tx, Ux, Mx, Fx, Bx, Hx, zx, Vx, Wx, qx, Gx, Jx, Wj, Yx, Xx, Vr, Qx, Zx, aw, Kx, ek, tk, sk, ik, nk, qj, Gj, rk, ok, Jj = v({ "out-build/vs/editor/common/languages.js"() { "use strict"; _c(), ee(), zj(), va(), Vj(), he(), function (e) { e[e.Increase = 0] = "Increase", e[e.Decrease = 1] = "Decrease" }(jx || (jx = {})), function (e) { e[e.Method = 0] = "Method", e[e.Function = 1] = "Function", e[e.Constructor = 2] = "Constructor", e[e.Field = 3] = "Field", e[e.Variable = 4] = "Variable", e[e.Class = 5] = "Class", e[e.Struct = 6] = "Struct", e[e.Interface = 7] = "Interface", e[e.Module = 8] = "Module", e[e.Property = 9] = "Property", e[e.Event = 10] = "Event", e[e.Operator = 11] = "Operator", e[e.Unit = 12] = "Unit", e[e.Value = 13] = "Value", e[e.Constant = 14] = "Constant", e[e.Enum = 15] = "Enum", e[e.EnumMember = 16] = "EnumMember", e[e.Keyword = 17] = "Keyword", e[e.Text = 18] = "Text", e[e.Color = 19] = "Color", e[e.File = 20] = "File", e[e.Reference = 21] = "Reference", e[e.Customcolor = 22] = "Customcolor", e[e.Folder = 23] = "Folder", e[e.TypeParameter = 24] = "TypeParameter", e[e.User = 25] = "User", e[e.Issue = 26] = "Issue", e[e.Snippet = 27] = "Snippet" }(Tx || (Tx = {})), function (e) { const t = new Map; t.set(0, T.symbolMethod), t.set(1, T.symbolFunction), t.set(2, T.symbolConstructor), t.set(3, T.symbolField), t.set(4, T.symbolVariable), t.set(5, T.symbolClass), t.set(6, T.symbolStruct), t.set(7, T.symbolInterface), t.set(8, T.symbolModule), t.set(9, T.symbolProperty), t.set(10, T.symbolEvent), t.set(11, T.symbolOperator), t.set(12, T.symbolUnit), t.set(13, T.symbolValue), t.set(15, T.symbolEnum), t.set(14, T.symbolConstant), t.set(15, T.symbolEnum), t.set(16, T.symbolEnumMember), t.set(17, T.symbolKeyword), t.set(27, T.symbolSnippet), t.set(18, T.symbolText), t.set(19, T.symbolColor), t.set(20, T.symbolFile), t.set(21, T.symbolReference), t.set(22, T.symbolCustomColor), t.set(23, T.symbolFolder), t.set(24, T.symbolTypeParameter), t.set(25, T.account), t.set(26, T.issues); function s(r) { let o = t.get(r); return o || ("No codicon found for CompletionItemKind " + r), o = T.symbolProperty), o } e.toIcon = s; const i = new Map; i.set("method", 0), i.set("function", 1), i.set("constructor", 2), i.set("field", 3), i.set("variable", 4), i.set("class", 5), i.set("struct", 6), i.set("interface", 7), i.set("module", 8), i.set("property", 9), i.set("event", 10), i.set("operator", 11), i.set("unit", 12), i.set("value", 13), i.set("constant", 14), i.set("enum", 15), i.set("enum-member", 16), i.set("enumMember", 16), i.set("keyword", 17), i.set("snippet", 27), i.set("text", 18), i.set("color", 19), i.set("file", 20), i.set("reference", 21), i.set("customcolor", 22), i.set("folder", 23), i.set("type-parameter", 24), i.set("typeParameter", 24), i.set("account", 25), i.set("issue", 26); function n(r, o) { let a = i.get(r); return typeof a > "u" && !o && (a = 9), a } e.fromString = n }(Ux || (Ux = {})), function (e) { e[e.Deprecated = 1] = "Deprecated" }(Mx || (Mx = {})), function (e) { e[e.None = 0] = "None", e[e.KeepWhitespace = 1] = "KeepWhitespace", e[e.InsertAsSnippet = 4] = "InsertAsSnippet" }(Fx || (Fx = {})), function (e) { e[e.Word = 0] = "Word", e[e.Line = 1] = "Line", e[e.Suggest = 2] = "Suggest" }(Bx || (Bx = {})), function (e) { e[e.Invoke = 0] = "Invoke", e[e.TriggerCharacter = 1] = "TriggerCharacter", e[e.TriggerForIncompleteCompletions = 2] = "TriggerForIncompleteCompletions" }(Hx || (Hx = {})), function (e) { e[e.Automatic = 0] = "Automatic", e[e.Explicit = 1] = "Explicit" }(zx || (zx = {})), function (e) { e[e.Invoke = 1] = "Invoke", e[e.Auto = 2] = "Auto" }(Vx || (Vx = {})), function (e) { e[e.Automatic = 0] = "Automatic", e[e.PasteAs = 1] = "PasteAs" }(Wx || (Wx = {})), function (e) { e[e.Invoke = 1] = "Invoke", e[e.TriggerCharacter = 2] = "TriggerCharacter", e[e.ContentChange = 3] = "ContentChange" }(qx || (qx = {})), function (e) { e[e.Text = 0] = "Text", e[e.Read = 1] = "Read", e[e.Write = 2] = "Write" }(Gx || (Gx = {})), function (e) { e[e.File = 0] = "File", e[e.Module = 1] = "Module", e[e.Namespace = 2] = "Namespace", e[e.Package = 3] = "Package", e[e.Class = 4] = "Class", e[e.Method = 5] = "Method", e[e.Property = 6] = "Property", e[e.Field = 7] = "Field", e[e.Constructor = 8] = "Constructor", e[e.Enum = 9] = "Enum", e[e.Interface = 10] = "Interface", e[e.Function = 11] = "Function", e[e.Variable = 12] = "Variable", e[e.Constant = 13] = "Constant", e[e.String = 14] = "String", e[e.Number = 15] = "Number", e[e.Boolean = 16] = "Boolean", e[e.Array = 17] = "Array", e[e.Object = 18] = "Object", e[e.Key = 19] = "Key", e[e.Null = 20] = "Null", e[e.EnumMember = 21] = "EnumMember", e[e.Struct = 22] = "Struct", e[e.Event = 23] = "Event", e[e.Operator = 24] = "Operator", e[e.TypeParameter = 25] = "TypeParameter" }(Jx || (Jx = {})), Wj = { 17: m(804, null), 16: m(805, null), 4: m(806, null), 13: m(807, null), 8: m(808, null), 9: m(809, null), 21: m(810, null), 23: m(811, null), 7: m(812, null), 0: m(813, null), 11: m(814, null), 10: m(815, null), 19: m(816, null), 5: m(817, null), 1: m(818, null), 2: m(819, null), 20: m(820, null), 15: m(821, null), 18: m(822, null), 24: m(823, null), 3: m(824, null), 6: m(825, null), 14: m(826, null), 22: m(827, null), 25: m(828, null), 12: m(829, null) }, function (e) { e[e.Deprecated = 1] = "Deprecated" }(Yx || (Yx = {})), function (e) { const t = new Map; t.set(0, T.symbolFile), t.set(1, T.symbolModule), t.set(2, T.symbolNamespace), t.set(3, T.symbolPackage), t.set(4, T.symbolClass), t.set(5, T.symbolMethod), t.set(6, T.symbolProperty), t.set(7, T.symbolField), t.set(8, T.symbolConstructor), t.set(9, T.symbolEnum), t.set(10, T.symbolInterface), t.set(11, T.symbolFunction), t.set(12, T.symbolVariable), t.set(13, T.symbolConstant), t.set(14, T.symbolString), t.set(15, T.symbolNumber), t.set(16, T.symbolBoolean), t.set(17, T.symbolArray), t.set(18, T.symbolObject), t.set(19, T.symbolKey), t.set(20, T.symbolNull), t.set(21, T.symbolEnumMember), t.set(22, T.symbolStruct), t.set(23, T.symbolEvent), t.set(24, T.symbolOperator), t.set(25, T.symbolTypeParameter); function s(r) { let o = t.get(r); return o || ("No codicon found for SymbolKind " + r), o = T.symbolProperty), o } e.toIcon = s; const i = new Map; i.set(0, 20), i.set(1, 8), i.set(2, 8), i.set(3, 8), i.set(4, 5), i.set(5, 0), i.set(6, 9), i.set(7, 3), i.set(8, 2), i.set(9, 15), i.set(10, 7), i.set(11, 1), i.set(12, 4), i.set(13, 14), i.set(14, 18), i.set(15, 13), i.set(16, 13), i.set(17, 13), i.set(18, 13), i.set(19, 17), i.set(20, 13), i.set(21, 16), i.set(22, 6), i.set(23, 10), i.set(24, 11), i.set(25, 24); function n(r) { let o = i.get(r); return o === void 0 && ("No completion kind found for SymbolKind " + r), o = 20), o } e.toCompletionKind = n }(Xx || (Xx = {})), Vr = class lr { static { this.Comment = new lr("comment") } static { this.Imports = new lr("imports") } static { this.Region = new lr("region") } static fromValue(t) { switch (t) { case "comment": return lr.Comment; case "imports": return lr.Imports; case "region": return lr.Region }return new lr(t) } constructor(t) { this.value = t } }, function (e) { e[e.AIGenerated = 1] = "AIGenerated" }(Qx || (Qx = {})), function (e) { e[e.Invoke = 0] = "Invoke", e[e.Automatic = 1] = "Automatic" }(Zx || (Zx = {})), function (e) { function t(s) { return !s || typeof s != "object" ? !1 : typeof == "string" && typeof s.title == "string" } = t }(aw || (aw = {})), function (e) { e[e.Collapsed = 0] = "Collapsed", e[e.Expanded = 1] = "Expanded" }(Kx || (Kx = {})), function (e) { e[e.Unresolved = 0] = "Unresolved", e[e.Resolved = 1] = "Resolved" }(ek || (ek = {})), function (e) { e[e.Current = 0] = "Current", e[e.Outdated = 1] = "Outdated" }(tk || (tk = {})), function (e) { e[e.Editing = 0] = "Editing", e[e.Preview = 1] = "Preview" }(sk || (sk = {})), function (e) { e[e.Published = 0] = "Published", e[e.Draft = 1] = "Draft" }(ik || (ik = {})), function (e) { e[e.Type = 1] = "Type", e[e.Parameter = 2] = "Parameter" }(nk || (nk = {})), qj = new ow, Gj = new ow, function (e) { e[e.None = 0] = "None", e[e.Option = 1] = "Option", e[e.Default = 2] = "Default", e[e.Preferred = 3] = "Preferred" }(rk || (rk = {})), function (e) { e[e.Invoke = 0] = "Invoke", e[e.Automatic = 1] = "Automatic" }(ok || (ok = {})) } }), ak, Os, ck, Yj, Xj = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/markers/common/markers.js"() { "use strict"; sh(), he(), oe(), function (e) { e[e.Unnecessary = 1] = "Unnecessary", e[e.Deprecated = 2] = "Deprecated" }(ak || (ak = {})), function (e) { e[e.Hint = 1] = "Hint", e[e.Info = 2] = "Info", e[e.Warning = 4] = "Warning", e[e.Error = 8] = "Error" }(Os || (Os = {})), function (e) { function t(o, a) { return a - o } = t; const s = Object.create(null); s[e.Error] = m(1998, null), s[e.Warning] = m(1999, null), s[e.Info] = m(2e3, null); function i(o) { return s[o] || "" } e.toString = i; function n(o) { switch (o) { case Ze.Error: return e.Error; case Ze.Warning: return e.Warning; case Ze.Info: return e.Info; case Ze.Ignore: return e.Hint } } e.fromSeverity = n; function r(o) { switch (o) { case e.Error: return Ze.Error; case e.Warning: return Ze.Warning; case e.Info: return Ze.Info; case e.Hint: return Ze.Ignore } } e.toSeverity = r }(Os || (Os = {})), function (e) { const t = ""; function s(n) { return i(n, !0) } e.makeKey = s; function i(n, r) { const o = [t]; return n.source ? o.push(n.source.replace("\xA6", "\\\xA6")) : o.push(t), n.code ? typeof n.code == "string" ? o.push(n.code.replace("\xA6", "\\\xA6")) : o.push(n.code.value.replace("\xA6", "\\\xA6")) : o.push(t), n.severity !== void 0 && n.severity !== null ? o.push(Os.toString(n.severity)) : o.push(t), n.message && r ? o.push(n.message.replace("\xA6", "\\\xA6")) : o.push(t), n.startLineNumber !== void 0 && n.startLineNumber !== null ? o.push(n.startLineNumber.toString()) : o.push(t), n.startColumn !== void 0 && n.startColumn !== null ? o.push(n.startColumn.toString()) : o.push(t), n.endLineNumber !== void 0 && n.endLineNumber !== null ? o.push(n.endLineNumber.toString()) : o.push(t), n.endColumn !== void 0 && n.endColumn !== null ? o.push(n.endColumn.toString()) : o.push(t), o.push(t), o.join("\xA6") } e.makeKeyOptionalMessage = i }(ck || (ck = {})), Yj = se("markerService") } }), lk, Qj, Zj, Kj = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/actions.js"() { "use strict"; re(), z(), he(), lk = class extends J { constructor(e, t = "", s = "", i = !0, n) { super(), this.j = this.B(new D), this.onDidChange = this.j.event, this.z = !0, this.m = e, this.n = t, this.w = s, this.z = i, this.D = n } get id() { return this.m } get label() { return this.n } set label(e) { this.F(e) } F(e) { this.n !== e && (this.n = e,{ label: e })) } get tooltip() { return this.u || "" } set tooltip(e) { this.G(e) } G(e) { this.u !== e && (this.u = e,{ tooltip: e })) } get class() { return this.w } set class(e) { this.H(e) } H(e) { this.w !== e && (this.w = e,{ class: e })) } get enabled() { return this.z } set enabled(e) { this.I(e) } I(e) { this.z !== e && (this.z = e,{ enabled: e })) } get checked() { return this.C } set checked(e) { this.J(e) } J(e) { this.C !== e && (this.C = e,{ checked: e })) } async run(e, t) { this.D && await this.D(e) } }, Qj = class Lv { constructor() { = Lv.ID, this.label = "", this.tooltip = "", this.class = "separator", this.enabled = !1, this.checked = !1 } static join(...t) { let s = []; for (const i of t) i.length && (s.length ? s = [...s, new Lv, ...i] : s = i); return s } static { this.ID = "vs.actions.separator" } async run() { } }, Zj = class jI extends lk { static { this.ID = "vs.actions.empty" } constructor() { super(jI.ID, m(44, null), void 0, !1) } } } }); function ld(e) { if (sr(e)) return !1; const t = e; return t?.original !== void 0 && t.modified !== void 0 } function uk(e) { if (sr(e)) return !1; const t = e; return !t || t.resources && !Array.isArray(t.resources) ? !1 : !!t.resources || !!t.multiDiffSource } function cw(e) { if (sr(e) || ld(e)) return !1; const t = e; return t?.primary !== void 0 && t.secondary !== void 0 } function ud(e) { if (sr(e)) return !1; const t = e; return E.isUri(t?.base?.resource) && E.isUri(t?.input1?.resource) && E.isUri(t?.input2?.resource) && E.isUri(t?.result?.resource) } function sr(e) { return e instanceof bk } function eT(e) { const t = e; return E.isUri(t?.preferredResource) } function tT(e) { const t = e; return sr(t?.primary) && sr(t?.secondary) } function sT(e) { const t = e; return sr(t?.modified) && sr(t?.original) } var hk, fk, dk, pk, mk, gk, wk, iT, vk, bk, yk, Ek, kn, xk, kk, hd, $k, Sk, Pk, lw = v({ "out-build/vs/workbench/common/editor.js"() { "use strict"; he(), $e(), ee(), z(), oe(), hn(), st(), De(), yr(), Kj(), sh(), hk = { EditorPane: "workbench.contributions.editors", EditorFactory: "workbench.contributions.editor.inputFactories" }, fk = { id: "default", displayName: m(4129, null), providerDisplayName: m(4130, null) }, function (e) { e[e.PROGRAMMATIC = 1] = "PROGRAMMATIC", e[e.USER = 2] = "USER", e[e.EDIT = 3] = "EDIT", e[e.NAVIGATION = 4] = "NAVIGATION", e[e.JUMP = 5] = "JUMP" }(dk || (dk = {})), function (e) { e[e.IDENTICAL = 1] = "IDENTICAL", e[e.SIMILAR = 2] = "SIMILAR", e[e.DIFFERENT = 3] = "DIFFERENT" }(pk || (pk = {})), function (e) { e[e.SHORT = 0] = "SHORT", e[e.MEDIUM = 1] = "MEDIUM", e[e.LONG = 2] = "LONG" }(mk || (mk = {})), function (e) { e[e.EXPLICIT = 1] = "EXPLICIT", e[e.AUTO = 2] = "AUTO", e[e.FOCUS_CHANGE = 3] = "FOCUS_CHANGE", e[e.WINDOW_CHANGE = 4] = "WINDOW_CHANGE" }(gk || (gk = {})), wk = class { constructor() { this.a = new Map } registerSource(e, t) { let s = this.a.get(e); return s || (s = { source: e, label: t }, this.a.set(e, s)), s.source } getSourceLabel(e) { return this.a.get(e)?.label ?? e } }, iT = new wk, function (e) { e[e.None = 0] = "None", e[e.Readonly = 2] = "Readonly", e[e.Untitled = 4] = "Untitled", e[e.Singleton = 8] = "Singleton", e[e.RequiresTrust = 16] = "RequiresTrust", e[e.CanSplitInGroup = 32] = "CanSplitInGroup", e[e.ForceDescription = 64] = "ForceDescription", e[e.CanDropIntoEditor = 128] = "CanDropIntoEditor", e[e.MultipleEditors = 256] = "MultipleEditors", e[e.Scratchpad = 512] = "Scratchpad" }(vk || (vk = {})), bk = class extends J { }, function (e) { e[e.UNKNOWN = 0] = "UNKNOWN", e[e.REPLACE = 1] = "REPLACE", e[e.MOVE = 2] = "MOVE", e[e.UNPIN = 3] = "UNPIN" }(yk || (yk = {})), function (e) { e[e.GROUP_ACTIVE = 0] = "GROUP_ACTIVE", e[e.GROUP_INDEX = 1] = "GROUP_INDEX", e[e.GROUP_LABEL = 2] = "GROUP_LABEL", e[e.GROUP_LOCKED = 3] = "GROUP_LOCKED", e[e.EDITORS_SELECTION = 4] = "EDITORS_SELECTION", e[e.EDITOR_OPEN = 5] = "EDITOR_OPEN", e[e.EDITOR_CLOSE = 6] = "EDITOR_CLOSE", e[e.EDITOR_MOVE = 7] = "EDITOR_MOVE", e[e.EDITOR_ACTIVE = 8] = "EDITOR_ACTIVE", e[e.EDITOR_LABEL = 9] = "EDITOR_LABEL", e[e.EDITOR_CAPABILITIES = 10] = "EDITOR_CAPABILITIES", e[e.EDITOR_PIN = 11] = "EDITOR_PIN", e[e.EDITOR_TRANSIENT = 12] = "EDITOR_TRANSIENT", e[e.EDITOR_STICKY = 13] = "EDITOR_STICKY", e[e.EDITOR_DIRTY = 14] = "EDITOR_DIRTY", e[e.EDITOR_WILL_DISPOSE = 15] = "EDITOR_WILL_DISPOSE" }(Ek || (Ek = {})), function (e) { e[e.PRIMARY = 1] = "PRIMARY", e[e.SECONDARY = 2] = "SECONDARY", e[e.BOTH = 3] = "BOTH", e[e.ANY = 4] = "ANY" }(kn || (kn = {})), xk = class { getOriginalUri(e, t) { if (!e) return; if (ud(e)) return hd.getOriginalUri(e.result, t); if (t?.supportSideBySide) { const { primary: i, secondary: n } = this.a(e); if (i && n) { if (t?.supportSideBySide === kn.BOTH) return { primary: this.getOriginalUri(i, { filterByScheme: t.filterByScheme }), secondary: this.getOriginalUri(n, { filterByScheme: t.filterByScheme }) }; if (t?.supportSideBySide === kn.ANY) return this.getOriginalUri(i, { filterByScheme: t.filterByScheme }) ?? this.getOriginalUri(n, { filterByScheme: t.filterByScheme }); e = t.supportSideBySide === kn.PRIMARY ? i : n } } if (ld(e) || uk(e) || cw(e) || ud(e)) return; const s = eT(e) ? e.preferredResource : e.resource; return !s || !t || !t.filterByScheme ? s : this.b(s, t.filterByScheme) } a(e) { return tT(e) || cw(e) ? { primary: e.primary, secondary: e.secondary } : sT(e) || ld(e) ? { primary: e.modified, secondary: e.original } : { primary: void 0, secondary: void 0 } } getCanonicalUri(e, t) { if (!e) return; if (ud(e)) return hd.getCanonicalUri(e.result, t); if (t?.supportSideBySide) { const { primary: i, secondary: n } = this.a(e); if (i && n) { if (t?.supportSideBySide === kn.BOTH) return { primary: this.getCanonicalUri(i, { filterByScheme: t.filterByScheme }), secondary: this.getCanonicalUri(n, { filterByScheme: t.filterByScheme }) }; if (t?.supportSideBySide === kn.ANY) return this.getCanonicalUri(i, { filterByScheme: t.filterByScheme }) ?? this.getCanonicalUri(n, { filterByScheme: t.filterByScheme }); e = t.supportSideBySide === kn.PRIMARY ? i : n } } if (ld(e) || uk(e) || cw(e) || ud(e)) return; const s = e.resource; return !s || !t || !t.filterByScheme ? s : this.b(s, t.filterByScheme) } b(e, t) { if (Array.isArray(t)) { if (t.some(s => e.scheme === s)) return e } else if (t === e.scheme) return e } }, function (e) { e[e.UNKNOWN = 0] = "UNKNOWN", e[e.KEYBOARD = 1] = "KEYBOARD", e[e.MOUSE = 2] = "MOUSE" }(kk || (kk = {})), hd = new xk, function (e) { e[e.LEFT = 0] = "LEFT", e[e.RIGHT = 1] = "RIGHT" }($k || ($k = {})), Sk = class { constructor() { this.c = new Map, this.d = new Map } start(e) { const t = this.a = e.get(Er); for (const [s, i] of this.c) this.e(s, i, t); this.c.clear() } e(e, t, s) { const i = s.createInstance(t); this.d.set(e, i) } registerFileEditorFactory(e) { if (this.b) throw new Error("Can only register one file editor factory."); this.b = e } getFileEditorFactory() { return sp(this.b) } registerEditorSerializer(e, t) { if (this.c.has(e) || this.d.has(e)) throw new Error(`A editor serializer with type ID '${e}' was already registered.`); return this.a ? this.e(e, t, this.a) : this.c.set(e, t), ye(() => { this.c.delete(e), this.d.delete(e) }) } getEditorSerializer(e) { return this.d.get(typeof e == "string" ? e : e.typeId) } }, Mt.add(hk.EditorFactory, new Sk), function (e) { e[e.MOST_RECENTLY_ACTIVE = 0] = "MOST_RECENTLY_ACTIVE", e[e.SEQUENTIAL = 1] = "SEQUENTIAL" }(Pk || (Pk = {})) } }); function nT(e, t) { const s = fd.get(e); if (s) return s; const i = rT(e, t); if (i) { let n = hw.get(i) ?? 0; n++, hw.set(i, n); const r = n === 1 ? i : `${i}#${n}`; return fd.set(e, r), r } } function rT(e, t) { const s = fd.get(e); if (s) return s; const i = t.owner ? aT(t.owner) + "." : ""; let n; const r = t.debugNameSource; if (r !== void 0) if (typeof r == "function") { if (n = r(), n !== void 0) return i + n } else return i + r; const o = t.referenceFn; if (o !== void 0 && (n = uw(o), n !== void 0)) return i + n; if (t.owner !== void 0) { const a = oT(t.owner, e); if (a !== void 0) return i + a } } function oT(e, t) { for (const s in e) if (e[s] === t) return s } function aT(e) { const t = dw.get(e); if (t) return t; const s = cT(e); let i = fw.get(s) ?? 0; i++, fw.set(s, i); const n = i === 1 ? s : `${s}#${i}`; return dw.set(e, n), n } function cT(e) { const t = e.constructor; return t ? : "Object" } function uw(e) { const t = e.toString(), i = /\/\*\*\s*@description\s*([^*]*)\*\//.exec(t); return (i ? i[1] : void 0)?.trim() } var ba, hw, fd, fw, dw, ya = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/observableInternal/debugName.js"() { "use strict"; ba = class { constructor(e, t, s) { this.owner = e, this.debugNameSource = t, this.referenceFn = s } getDebugName(e) { return nT(e, this) } }, hw = new Map, fd = new WeakMap, fw = new Map, dw = new WeakMap } }), dd, lT = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/equals.js"() { "use strict"; Et(), dd = (e, t) => e === t } }), Ea = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/observableInternal/commonFacade/deps.js"() { "use strict"; jp(), lT(), fe(), re(), z() } }); function uT(e) { Ik = e } function Ui() { return Ik } function hT(e) { const t = new Array, s = []; let i = ""; function n(o) { if ("length" in o) for (const a of o) a && n(a); else "text" in o ? (i += `%c${o.text}`, t.push(, && s.push( : "data" in o && s.push( } n(e); const r = [i, ...t]; return r.push(...s), r } function xa(e) { return fi(e, { color: "black" }) } function Ll(e) { return fi(mT(`${e}: `, 10), { color: "black", bold: !0 }) } function fi(e, t = { color: "black" }) { function s(n) { return Object.entries(n).reduce((r, [o, a]) => `${r}${o}:${a};`, "") } const i = { color: t.color }; return t.strikeThrough && (i["text-decoration"] = "line-through"), t.bold && (i["font-weight"] = "bold"), { text: e, style: s(i) } } function Nl(e, t) { switch (typeof e) { case "number": return "" + e; case "string": return e.length + 2 <= t ? `"${e}"` : `"${e.substr(0, t - 7)}"+...`; case "boolean": return e ? "true" : "false"; case "undefined": return "undefined"; case "object": return e === null ? "null" : Array.isArray(e) ? fT(e, t) : dT(e, t); case "symbol": return e.toString(); case "function": return `[[Function${ ? " " + : ""}]]`; default: return "" + e } } function fT(e, t) { let s = "[ ", i = !0; for (const n of e) { if (i || (s += ", "), s.length - 5 > t) { s += "..."; break } i = !1, s += `${Nl(n, t - s.length)}` } return s += " ]", s } function dT(e, t) { let s = "{ ", i = !0; for (const [n, r] of Object.entries(e)) { if (i || (s += ", "), s.length - 5 > t) { s += "..."; break } i = !1, s += `${n}: ${Nl(r, t - s.length)}` } return s += " }", s } function pT(e, t) { let s = ""; for (let i = 1; i <= t; i++)s += e; return s } function mT(e, t) { for (; e.length < t;)e += " "; return e } var Ik, Ak, Ol = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/observableInternal/logging.js"() { "use strict"; Ak = class { constructor() { this.a = 0, this.d = new WeakMap } b(e) { return hT([xa(pT("| ", this.a)), e]) } c(e) { return e.hadValue ? e.didChange ? [xa(" "), fi(Nl(e.oldValue, 70), { color: "red", strikeThrough: !0 }), xa(" "), fi(Nl(e.newValue, 60), { color: "green" })] : [xa(" (unchanged)")] : [xa(" "), fi(Nl(e.newValue, 60), { color: "green" }), xa(" (initial)")] } handleObservableChanged(e, t) { console.log(...this.b([Ll("observable value changed"), fi(e.debugName, { color: "BlueViolet" }), ...this.c(t)])) } formatChanges(e) { if (e.size !== 0) return fi(" (changed deps: " + [...e].map(t => t.debugName).join(", ") + ")", { color: "gray" }) } handleDerivedCreated(e) { const t = e.handleChange; this.d.set(e, new Set), e.handleChange = (s, i) => (this.d.get(e).add(s), t.apply(e, [s, i])) } handleDerivedRecomputed(e, t) { const s = this.d.get(e); console.log(...this.b([Ll("derived recomputed"), fi(e.debugName, { color: "BlueViolet" }), ...this.c(t), this.formatChanges(s), { data: [{ fn: e._debugNameData.referenceFn ?? e._computeFn }] }])), s.clear() } handleFromEventObservableTriggered(e, t) { console.log(...this.b([Ll("observable from event triggered"), fi(e.debugName, { color: "BlueViolet" }), ...this.c(t), { data: [{ fn: e._getValue }] }])) } handleAutorunCreated(e) { const t = e.handleChange; this.d.set(e, new Set), e.handleChange = (s, i) => (this.d.get(e).add(s), t.apply(e, [s, i])) } handleAutorunTriggered(e) { const t = this.d.get(e); console.log(...this.b([Ll("autorun"), fi(e.debugName, { color: "BlueViolet" }), this.formatChanges(t), { data: [{ fn: e._debugNameData.referenceFn ?? e._runFn }] }])), t.clear(), this.a++ } handleAutorunFinished(e) { this.a-- } handleBeginTransaction(e) { let t = e.getDebugName(); t === void 0 && (t = ""), console.log(...this.b([Ll("transaction"), fi(t, { color: "BlueViolet" }), { data: [{ fn: e._fn }] }])), this.a++ } handleEndTransaction() { this.a-- } } } }); function gT(e) { Dk = e } function wT(e) { Rk = e } function vT(e) { pw = e } function bT(e, t) { const s = new mw(e, t); try { e(s) } finally { s.finish() } } function yT(e, t, s) { e ? t(e) : bT(t, s) } function ET(e, t) { let s; return typeof e == "string" ? s = new ba(void 0, e, void 0) : s = new ba(e, void 0, void 0), new Nk(s, t, dd) } var Dk, Rk, pw, Lk, pd, mw, Nk, ka = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/observableInternal/base.js"() { "use strict"; ya(), Ea(), Ol(), Lk = class { get TChange() { return null } reportChanges() { this.get() } read(e) { return e ? e.readObservable(this) : this.get() } map(e, t) { const s = t === void 0 ? void 0 : e, i = t === void 0 ? e : t; return pw({ owner: s, debugName: () => { const n = uw(i); if (n !== void 0) return n; const o = /^\s*\(?\s*([a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z_$0-9]*)\s*\)?\s*=>\s*\1(?:\??)\.([a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z_$0-9]*)\s*$/.exec(i.toString()); if (o) return `${this.debugName}.${o[2]}`; if (!s) return `${this.debugName} (mapped)` }, debugReferenceFn: i }, n => i(, n)) } flatten() { return pw({ owner: void 0, debugName: () => `${this.debugName} (flattened)` }, e => } recomputeInitiallyAndOnChange(e, t) { return e.add(Dk(this, t)), this } keepObserved(e) { return e.add(Rk(this)), this } get a() { return this.get() } }, pd = class extends Lk { constructor() { super(...arguments), this.b = new Set } addObserver(e) { const t = this.b.size; this.b.add(e), t === 0 && this.c() } removeObserver(e) { this.b.delete(e) && this.b.size === 0 && this.f() } c() { } f() { } }, mw = class { constructor(e, t) { this._fn = e, this.b = t, this.a = [], Ui()?.handleBeginTransaction(this) } getDebugName() { return this.b ? this.b() : uw(this._fn) } updateObserver(e, t) { this.a.push({ observer: e, observable: t }), e.beginUpdate(t) } finish() { const e = this.a; for (let t = 0; t < e.length; t++) { const { observer: s, observable: i } = e[t]; s.endUpdate(i) } this.a = null, Ui()?.handleEndTransaction() } }, Nk = class extends pd { get debugName() { return this.e.getDebugName(this) ?? "ObservableValue" } constructor(e, t, s) { super(), this.e = e, this.g = s, this.d = t } get() { return this.d } set(e, t, s) { if (s === void 0 && this.g(this.d, e)) return; let i; t || (t = i = new mw(() => { }, () => `Setting ${this.debugName}`)); try { const n = this.d; this.h(e), Ui()?.handleObservableChanged(this, { oldValue: n, newValue: e, change: s, didChange: !0, hadValue: !0 }); for (const r of this.b) t.updateObserver(r, this), r.handleChange(this, s) } finally { i && i.finish() } } toString() { return `${this.debugName}: ${this.d}` } h(e) { this.d = e } } } }), xT = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/observableInternal/lazyObservableValue.js"() { "use strict"; ka() } }), kT = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/observableInternal/api.js"() { "use strict"; ka(), ya(), Ea(), xT() } }); function Ok(e) { return new gw(new ba(void 0, void 0, e), e, void 0, void 0) } var Ck, gw, ww = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/observableInternal/autorun.js"() { "use strict"; ya(), Ea(), Ol(), function (e) { e[e.dependenciesMightHaveChanged = 1] = "dependenciesMightHaveChanged", e[e.stale = 2] = "stale", e[e.upToDate = 3] = "upToDate" }(Ck || (Ck = {})), gw = class { get debugName() { return this._debugNameData.getDebugName(this) ?? "(anonymous)" } constructor(e, t, s, i) { this._debugNameData = e, this._runFn = t, this.i = s, this.j = i, this.a = 2, this.b = 0, this.c = !1, this.f = new Set, this.g = new Set, this.l = !1, this.h = this.i?.(), Ui()?.handleAutorunCreated(this), this.k(), oo(this) } dispose() { this.c = !0; for (const e of this.f) e.removeObserver(this); this.f.clear(), ao(this) } k() { if (this.a === 3) return; const e = this.g; this.g = this.f, this.f = e, this.a = 3; const t = this.c; try { if (!t) { Ui()?.handleAutorunTriggered(this); const s = this.h; try { this.h = this.i?.(), this.l = !0, this._runFn(this, s) } catch (i) { ru(i) } finally { this.l = !1 } } } finally { t || Ui()?.handleAutorunFinished(this); for (const s of this.g) s.removeObserver(this); this.g.clear() } } toString() { return `Autorun<${this.debugName}>` } beginUpdate() { this.a === 3 && (this.a = 1), this.b++ } endUpdate() { try { if (this.b === 1) do { if (this.a === 1) { this.a = 3; for (const e of this.f) if (e.reportChanges(), this.a === 2) break } this.k() } while (this.a !== 3) } finally { this.b-- } U4(() => this.b >= 0) } handlePossibleChange(e) { this.a === 3 && this.f.has(e) && !this.g.has(e) && (this.a = 1) } handleChange(e, t) { if (this.f.has(e) && !this.g.has(e)) try { (this.j ? this.j({ changedObservable: e, change: t, didChange: i => i === e }, this.h) : !0) && (this.a = 2) } catch (s) { ru(s) } } readObservable(e) { if (!this.l) throw new to("The reader object cannot be used outside its compute function!"); if (this.c) return e.get(); e.addObserver(this); const t = e.get(); return this.f.add(e), this.g.delete(e), t } }, function (e) { e.Observer = gw }(Ok || (Ok = {})) } }); function $T(e, t) { return new jk(new ba(e.owner, e.debugName, e.debugReferenceFn), t, void 0, void 0, e.onLastObserverRemoved, e.equalsFn ?? dd) } var _k, jk, md = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/observableInternal/derived.js"() { "use strict"; ka(), ya(), Ea(), Ol(), vT($T), function (e) { e[e.initial = 0] = "initial", e[e.dependenciesMightHaveChanged = 1] = "dependenciesMightHaveChanged", e[e.stale = 2] = "stale", e[e.upToDate = 3] = "upToDate" }(_k || (_k = {})), jk = class extends pd { get debugName() { return this._debugNameData.getDebugName(this) ?? "(anonymous)" } constructor(e, t, s, i, n = void 0, r) { super(), this._debugNameData = e, this._computeFn = t, this.q = s, this.s = i, this.t = n, this.u = r, this.g = 0, this.h = void 0, this.j = 0, this.k = new Set, this.l = new Set, this.m = void 0, this.n = !1, this.p = !1, this.x = !1, this.m = this.q?.(), Ui()?.handleDerivedCreated(this) } f() { this.g = 0, this.h = void 0; for (const e of this.k) e.removeObserver(this); this.k.clear(), this.t?.() } get() { if (this.p) throw new to("Cyclic deriveds are not supported yet!"); if (this.b.size === 0) { let e; try { this.x = !0, e = this._computeFn(this, this.q?.()) } finally { this.x = !1 } return this.f(), e } else { do { if (this.g === 1) { for (const e of this.k) if (e.reportChanges(), this.g === 2) break } this.g === 1 && (this.g = 3), this.w() } while (this.g !== 3); return this.h } } w() { if (this.g === 3) return; const e = this.l; this.l = this.k, this.k = e; const t = this.g !== 0, s = this.h; this.g = 3; let i = !1; this.p = !1; try { const n = this.m; this.m = this.q?.(); try { this.x = !0, this.h = this._computeFn(this, n) } finally { this.x = !1; for (const r of this.l) r.removeObserver(this); this.l.clear() } i = t && !this.u(s, this.h), Ui()?.handleDerivedRecomputed(this, { oldValue: s, newValue: this.h, change: void 0, didChange: i, hadValue: t }) } catch (n) { ru(n) } if (this.p = !1, i) for (const n of this.b) n.handleChange(this, void 0) } toString() { return `LazyDerived<${this.debugName}>` } beginUpdate(e) { if (this.n) throw new to("Cyclic deriveds are not supported yet!"); this.j++, this.n = !0; try { const t = this.j === 1; if (this.g === 3 && (this.g = 1, !t)) for (const s of this.b) s.handlePossibleChange(this); if (t) for (const s of this.b) s.beginUpdate(this) } finally { this.n = !1 } } endUpdate(e) { if (this.j--, this.j === 0) { const t = [...this.b]; for (const s of t) s.endUpdate(this) } U4(() => this.j >= 0) } handlePossibleChange(e) { if (this.g === 3 && this.k.has(e) && !this.l.has(e)) { this.g = 1; for (const t of this.b) t.handlePossibleChange(this) } } handleChange(e, t) { if (this.k.has(e) && !this.l.has(e)) { let s = !1; try { s = this.s ? this.s({ changedObservable: e, change: t, didChange: n => n === e }, this.m) : !0 } catch (n) { ru(n) } const i = this.g === 3; if (s && (this.g === 1 || i) && (this.g = 2, i)) for (const n of this.b) n.handlePossibleChange(this) } } readObservable(e) { if (!this.x) throw new to("The reader object cannot be used outside its compute function!"); e.addObserver(this); const t = e.get(); return this.k.add(e), this.l.delete(e), t } addObserver(e) { const t = !this.b.has(e) && this.j > 0; super.addObserver(e), t && e.beginUpdate(this) } removeObserver(e) { const t = this.b.has(e) && this.j > 0; super.removeObserver(e), t && e.endUpdate(this) } } } }), ST = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/observableInternal/promise.js"() { "use strict"; ka(), md() } }), PT = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/observableInternal/commonFacade/cancellation.js"() { "use strict"; fe(), Dt() } }), IT = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/observableInternal/utilsCancellation.js"() { "use strict"; ya(), PT(), md(), Ea(), ww() } }); function Tk(...e) { let t, s, i; return e.length === 3 ? [t, s, i] = e : [s, i] = e, new Wr(new ba(t, void 0, i), s, i, () => Wr.globalTransaction, dd) } function AT(e) { const t = new vw(!1, void 0); return e.addObserver(t), ye(() => { e.removeObserver(t) }) } function DT(e, t) { const s = new vw(!0, t); return e.addObserver(s), t ? t(e.get()) : e.reportChanges(), ye(() => { e.removeObserver(s) }) } var Wr, vw, RT = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/observableInternal/utils.js"() { "use strict"; ww(), ka(), ya(), Ea(), md(), Ol(), Wr = class extends pd { constructor(e, t, s, i, n) { super(), this.k = e, this.l = t, this._getValue = s, this.n = i, this.p = n, this.h = !1, this.s = r => { const o = this._getValue(r), a = this.g, c = !this.h || !this.p(a, o); let l = !1; c && (this.g = o, this.h && (l = !0, yT(this.n(), u => { Ui()?.handleFromEventObservableTriggered(this, { oldValue: a, newValue: o, change: void 0, didChange: c, hadValue: this.h }); for (const h of this.b) u.updateObserver(h, this), h.handleChange(this, void 0) }, () => { const u = this.q(); return "Event fired" + (u ? `: ${u}` : "") })), this.h = !0), l || Ui()?.handleFromEventObservableTriggered(this, { oldValue: a, newValue: o, change: void 0, didChange: c, hadValue: this.h }) } } q() { return this.k.getDebugName(this) } get debugName() { const e = this.q(); return "From Event" + (e ? `: ${e}` : "") } c() { this.j = this.l(this.s) } f() { this.j.dispose(), this.j = void 0, this.h = !1, this.g = void 0 } get() { return this.j ? (this.h || this.s(void 0), this.g) : this._getValue(void 0) } }, function (e) { e.Observer = Wr; function t(s, i) { let n = !1; Wr.globalTransaction === void 0 && (Wr.globalTransaction = s, n = !0); try { i() } finally { n && (Wr.globalTransaction = void 0) } } e.batchEventsGlobally = t }(Tk || (Tk = {})), wT(AT), gT(DT), vw = class { constructor(e, t) { this.b = e, this.c = t, this.a = 0 } beginUpdate(e) { this.a++ } endUpdate(e) { this.a--, this.a === 0 && this.b && (this.c ? this.c(e.get()) : e.reportChanges()) } handlePossibleChange(e) { } handleChange(e, t) { } } } }), Uk, LT = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/observableInternal/index.js"() { "use strict"; kT(), ww(), ka(), md(), ST(), IT(), RT(), Ol(), Uk = !1, Uk && uT(new Ak) } }), NT = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/observable.js"() { "use strict"; LT() } }), Cl, OT = v({ "out-build/vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatContextKeys.js"() { "use strict"; he(), wo(), function (e) { e.responseVote = new Ee("chatSessionResponseVote", "", { type: "string", description: m(5079, null) }), e.responseDetectedAgentCommand = new Ee("chatSessionResponseDetectedAgentOrCommand", !1, { type: "boolean", description: m(5080, null) }), e.responseSupportsIssueReporting = new Ee("chatResponseSupportsIssueReporting", !1, { type: "boolean", description: m(5081, null) }), e.responseIsFiltered = new Ee("chatSessionResponseFiltered", !1, { type: "boolean", description: m(5082, null) }), e.responseHasError = new Ee("chatSessionResponseError", !1, { type: "boolean", description: m(5083, null) }), e.requestInProgress = new Ee("chatSessionRequestInProgress", !1, { type: "boolean", description: m(5084, null) }), e.isResponse = new Ee("chatResponse", !1, { type: "boolean", description: m(5085, null) }), e.isRequest = new Ee("chatRequest", !1, { type: "boolean", description: m(5086, null) }), e.itemId = new Ee("chatItemId", "", { type: "string", description: m(5087, null) }), e.lastItemId = new Ee("chatLastItemId", [], { type: "string", description: m(5088, null) }), e.editApplied = new Ee("chatEditApplied", !1, { type: "boolean", description: m(5089, null) }), e.inputHasText = new Ee("chatInputHasText", !1, { type: "boolean", description: m(5090, null) }), e.inputHasFocus = new Ee("chatInputHasFocus", !1, { type: "boolean", description: m(5091, null) }), e.inChatInput = new Ee("inChatInput", !1, { type: "boolean", description: m(5092, null) }), e.inChatSession = new Ee("inChat", !1, { type: "boolean", description: m(5093, null) }), e.enabled = new Ee("chatIsEnabled", !1, { type: "boolean", description: m(5094, null) }), e.panelParticipantRegistered = new Ee("chatPanelParticipantRegistered", !1, { type: "boolean", description: m(5095, null) }), e.editingParticipantRegistered = new Ee("chatEditingParticipantRegistered", !1, { type: "boolean", description: m(5096, null) }), e.chatEditingCanUndo = new Ee("chatEditingCanUndo", !1, { type: "boolean", description: m(5097, null) }), e.chatEditingCanRedo = new Ee("chatEditingCanRedo", !1, { type: "boolean", description: m(5098, null) }), e.extensionInvalid = new Ee("chatExtensionInvalid", !1, { type: "boolean", description: m(5099, null) }), e.inputCursorAtTop = new Ee("chatCursorAtTop", !1), e.inputHasAgent = new Ee("chatInputHasAgent", !1), e.location = new Ee("chatLocation", void 0), e.inQuickChat = new Ee("quickChatHasFocus", !1, { type: "boolean", description: m(5100, null) }), e.hasFileAttachments = new Ee("chatHasFileAttachments", !1, { type: "boolean", description: m(5101, null) }), e.languageModelsAreUserSelectable = new Ee("chatModelsAreUserSelectable", !1, { type: "boolean", description: m(5102, null) }), e.Setup = { canSignUp: new Ee("chatSetupCanSignUp", !1, !0), signedOut: new Ee("chatSetupSignedOut", !1, !0), limited: new Ee("chatSetupLimited", !1, !0), triggered: new Ee("chatSetupTriggered", !1, !0), installed: new Ee("chatSetupInstalled", !1, !0) }, e.chatQuotaExceeded = new Ee("chatQuotaExceeded", !1, !0), e.completionsQuotaExceeded = new Ee("completionsQuotaExceeded", !1, !0) }(Cl || (Cl = {})) } }); function CT(e) { return `${e.extensionId.value}.${}` } var _l, bs, _T, bw, jl, jT, yw, TT = v({ "out-build/vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatAgents.js"() { "use strict"; wb(), Ue(), Dt(), re(), Tc(), pr(), z(), Co(), NT(), et(), vh(), wo(), Ii(), oe(), Re(), Ls(), Dr(), t9(), OT(), function (e) { e.Panel = "panel", e.Terminal = "terminal", e.Notebook = "notebook", e.Editor = "editor", e.EditingSession = "editing-session" }(bs || (bs = {})), function (e) { function t(s) { switch (s) { case "panel": return e.Panel; case "terminal": return e.Terminal; case "notebook": return e.Notebook; case "editor": return e.Editor; case "editing-session": return e.EditingSession }return e.Panel } e.fromRaw = t }(bs || (bs = {})), _T = se("chatAgentService"), bw = class extends J { static { this.AGENT_LEADER = "@" } constructor(t) { super(), this.r = t, this.b = new Map, this.f = new D, this.onDidChangeAgents = this.f.event, this.g = new Set, this.n = new Map, this.u = new Map, this.h = Cl.enabled.bindTo(this.r), this.j = Cl.panelParticipantRegistered.bindTo(this.r), this.m = Cl.editingParticipantRegistered.bindTo(this.r), this.B(t.onDidChangeContext(s => { s.affectsSome(this.g) && this.t() })) } registerAgent(t, s) { if (this.getAgent(t)) throw new Error(`Agent already registered: ${JSON.stringify(t)}`); const n = this, r = s.slashCommands; s = { ...s, get slashCommands() { return r.filter(a => !a.when || n.r.contextMatchesRules($t.deserialize(a.when))) } }; const o = { data: s }; return this.b.set(t, o), this.s(), this.t(), 0), ye(() => { this.b.delete(t), this.s(), this.t(), 0) }) } s() { this.g.clear(); for (const t of this.b.values()) if ( { const s = $t.deserialize(; for (const i of s?.keys() || []) this.g.add(i) } } t() { let t = !1, s = !1; for (const i of this.getAgents()) i.isDefault && i.locations.includes(bs.EditingSession) ? t = !0 : i.isDefault && (s = !0); this.m.set(t), this.j.set(s) } registerAgentImplementation(t, s) { const i = this.b.get(t); if (!i) throw new Error(`Unknown agent: ${JSON.stringify(t)}`); if (i.impl) throw new Error(`Agent already has implementation: ${JSON.stringify(t)}`); return && this.h.set(!0), i.impl = s, jl(, s)), ye(() => { i.impl = void 0, 0), && this.h.set(!1) }) } registerDynamicAgent(t, s) { t.isDynamic = !0; const i = { data: t, impl: s }; return this.b.set(, i), jl(t, s)), ye(() => { this.b.delete(, 0) }) } registerAgentCompletionProvider(t, s) { return this.u.set(t, s), { dispose: () => { this.u.delete(t) } } } async getAgentCompletionItems(t, s, i) { return await this.u.get(t)?.(s, i) ?? [] } updateAgent(t, s) { const i = this.b.get(t); if (!i?.impl) throw new Error(`No activated agent with id ${JSON.stringify(t)} registered`); = {, ...s }, jl(, i.impl)) } getDefaultAgent(t) { return cA(this.getActivatedAgents(), s => !!s.isDefault && s.locations.includes(t)) } getContributedDefaultAgent(t) { return this.getAgents().find(s => !!s.isDefault && s.locations.includes(t)) } getSecondaryAgent() { return Zi.find(this.b.values(), t => !! } getAgent(t, s = !1) { if (!(!this.w(t) && !s)) return this.b.get(t)?.data } w(t) { const s = this.b.get(t); return !s?.data.when || this.r.contextMatchesRules($t.deserialize( } getAgentByFullyQualifiedId(t) { const s = Zi.find(this.b.values(), i => CT( === t)?.data; if (!(s && !this.w( return s } getAgents() { return Array.from(this.b.values()).map(t => => this.w( } getActivatedAgents() { return Array.from(this.b.values()).filter(t => !!t.impl).filter(t => this.w( => new jl(, t.impl)) } getAgentsByName(t) { return this.getAgents().filter(s => === t) } agentHasDupeName(t) { const s = this.getAgent(t); return s ? this.getAgentsByName( => i.extensionId.value !== s.extensionId.value).length > 0 : !1 } async invokeAgent(t, s, i, n, r) { const o = this.b.get(t); if (!o?.impl) throw new Error(`No activated agent with id "${t}"`); return await o.impl.invoke(s, i, n, r) } async getFollowups(t, s, i, n, r) { const o = this.b.get(t); if (!o?.impl) throw new Error(`No activated agent with id "${t}"`); return o.impl?.provideFollowups ? o.impl.provideFollowups(s, i, n, r) : [] } async getChatTitle(t, s, i) { const n = this.b.get(t); if (!n?.impl) throw new Error(`No activated agent with id "${t}"`); if (n.impl?.provideChatTitle) return n.impl.provideChatTitle(s, i) } registerChatParticipantDetectionProvider(t, s) { return this.n.set(t, s), ye(() => { this.n.delete(t) }) } hasChatParticipantDetectionProviders() { return this.n.size > 0 } async detectAgentOrCommand(t, s, i, n) { const r = Zi.first(this.n.values()); if (!r) return; const o = this.getAgents().reduce((u, h) => { if (h.locations.includes(i.location)) { u.push({ participant:, disambiguation: h.disambiguation ?? [] }); for (const d of h.slashCommands) u.push({ participant:, command:, disambiguation: d.disambiguation ?? [] }) } return u }, []), a = await r.provideParticipantDetection(t, s, { ...i, participants: o }, n); if (!a) return; const c = this.getAgent(a.participant); if (!c) return; if (!a.command) return { agent: c }; const l = c?.slashCommands.find(u => === a.command); if (l) return { agent: c, command: l } } }, bw = __decorate([__param(0, l4)], bw), jl = class { constructor(e, t) { this.b = e, this.d = t } get id() { return } get name() { return ?? "" } get fullName() { return this.b.fullName ?? "" } get description() { return this.b.description ?? "" } get extensionId() { return this.b.extensionId } get extensionPublisherId() { return this.b.extensionPublisherId } get extensionPublisherDisplayName() { return this.b.publisherDisplayName } get extensionDisplayName() { return this.b.extensionDisplayName } get isDefault() { return this.b.isDefault } get metadata() { return this.b.metadata } get slashCommands() { return this.b.slashCommands } get locations() { return this.b.locations } get disambiguation() { return this.b.disambiguation } async invoke(e, t, s, i) { return this.d.invoke(e, t, s, i) } async provideFollowups(e, t, s, i) { return this.d.provideFollowups ? this.d.provideFollowups(e, t, s, i) : [] } provideWelcomeMessage(e) { if (this.d.provideWelcomeMessage) return this.d.provideWelcomeMessage(e) } provideSampleQuestions(e, t) { if (this.d.provideSampleQuestions) return this.d.provideSampleQuestions(e, t) } toJSON() { return this.b } }, jT = se("chatAgentNameService"), yw = class { static { _l = this } static { this.b = "chat.participantNameRegistry" } constructor(t, s, i, n) { if (this.h = s, this.i = i, this.j = n, this.f = ET(this, Object.create(null)), this.g = !1, !t.chatParticipantRegistry) return; this.d = t.chatParticipantRegistry; const r = n.get(_l.b, -1); try { this.f.set(JSON.parse(r ?? "{}"), void 0) } catch { n.remove(_l.b, -1) } this.k() } k() { this.g || this.l().catch(t => this.i.warn("Failed to fetch chat participant registry", t)).then(() => Sr(5 * 60 * 1e3)).then(() => this.k()) } async l() { const t = await this.h.request({ type: "GET", url: this.d }, Ne.None); if (t.res.statusCode !== 200) throw new Error("Could not get extensions report."); const s = await gc(t); if (!s || s.version !== 1) throw new Error("Unexpected chat participant registry response."); const i = s.restrictedChatParticipants; this.f.set(i, void 0),, JSON.stringify(i), -1, 1) } getAgentNameRestriction(t) { const s = this.m(, t).get(), i = !t.fullName || this.m(t.fullName.replace(/\s/g, ""), t).get(); return s && i } m(t, s) { return => n[t.toLowerCase()]).map(n => n ? n.some(r => Ln(r, r.includes(".") ? s.extensionId.value : s.extensionPublisherId)) : !0) } dispose() { this.g = !0 } }, yw = _l = __decorate([__param(0, Nt), __param(1, Pi), __param(2, pe), __param(3, Em)], yw) } }), Mk, Fk, $a, gd = v({ "out-build/vs/workbench/contrib/testing/common/testId.js"() { "use strict"; (function (e) { e.Delimiter = "\0" })(Mk || (Mk = {})), function (e) { e[e.IsSame = 0] = "IsSame", e[e.Disconnected = 1] = "Disconnected", e[e.IsChild = 2] = "IsChild", e[e.IsParent = 3] = "IsParent" }(Fk || (Fk = {})), $a = class Zs { static fromExtHostTestItem(t, s, i = t.parent) { if (t._isRoot) return new Zs([s]); const n = []; for (let r = i; r && !== s; r = r.parent)n.push(; return n.push(s), new Zs(n.reverse()) } static isRoot(t) { return !t.includes("\0") } static root(t) { const s = t.indexOf("\0"); return s === -1 ? t : t.slice(0, s) } static fromString(t) { return new Zs(t.split("\0")) } static join(t, s) { return new Zs([...t.path, s]) } static joinToString(t, s) { return t.toString() + "\0" + s } static parentId(t) { const s = t.lastIndexOf("\0"); return s === -1 ? void 0 : t.slice(0, s) } static localId(t) { const s = t.lastIndexOf("\0"); return s === -1 ? t : t.slice(s + 1) } static isChild(t, s) { return s[t.length] === "\0" && s.startsWith(t) } static compare(t, s) { return t === s ? 0 : Zs.isChild(t, s) ? 2 : Zs.isChild(s, t) ? 3 : 1 } static getLengthOfCommonPrefix(t, s) { if (t === 0) return 0; let i = 0; for (; i < t - 1;) { for (let n = 1; n < t; n++) { const r = s(n - 1), o = s(n); if (r.path[i] !== o.path[i]) return i } i++ } return i } constructor(t, s = t.length) { if (this.path = t, this.d = s, t.length === 0 || s < 1) throw new Error("cannot create test with empty path") } get rootId() { return new Zs(this.path, 1) } get parentId() { return this.d > 1 ? new Zs(this.path, this.d - 1) : void 0 } get localId() { return this.path[this.d - 1] } get controllerId() { return this.path[0] } get isRoot() { return this.d === 1 } *idsFromRoot() { for (let t = 1; t <= this.d; t++)yield new Zs(this.path, t) } *idsToRoot() { for (let t = this.d; t > 0; t--)yield new Zs(this.path, t) } compare(t) { if (typeof t == "string") return, t); for (let s = 0; s < t.d && s < this.d; s++)if (t.path[s] !== this.path[s]) return 1; return t.d > this.d ? 2 : t.d < this.d ? 3 : 0 } toJSON() { return this.toString() } toString() { if (!this.c) { this.c = this.path[0]; for (let t = 1; t < this.d; t++)this.c += "\0", this.c += this.path[t] } return this.c } } } }); function Ew(e) { return { ...e, location: e.location?.toJSON() } } function xw(e) { return e.location = e.location ? zr.isIPosition(e.location) ? zr.lift(e.location) : Ti.lift(e.location) : void 0, e } var Bk, Hk, zk, Vk, UT, Sa, Wk, wd, vd, bd, yd, Tl, kw, qk, Gk, Ed, Jk, qr, xd, Yk, $w, Xk, Qk, Zk, kd, $d, Sd, Kk, e$, Sw = v({ "out-build/vs/workbench/contrib/testing/common/testTypes.js"() { "use strict"; ee(), rw(), va(), he(), gd(), function (e) { e[e.Unset = 0] = "Unset", e[e.Queued = 1] = "Queued", e[e.Running = 2] = "Running", e[e.Passed = 3] = "Passed", e[e.Failed = 4] = "Failed", e[e.Skipped = 5] = "Skipped", e[e.Errored = 6] = "Errored" }(Bk || (Bk = {})), function (e) { e[e.Run = 1] = "Run", e[e.Debug = 2] = "Debug", e[e.Coverage = 3] = "Coverage" }(Hk || (Hk = {})), function (e) { e[e.Refresh = 2] = "Refresh", e[e.CodeRelatedToTest = 4] = "CodeRelatedToTest", e[e.TestRelatedToCode = 8] = "TestRelatedToCode" }(zk || (zk = {})), function (e) { e[e.Run = 2] = "Run", e[e.Debug = 4] = "Debug", e[e.Coverage = 8] = "Coverage", e[e.HasNonDefaultProfile = 16] = "HasNonDefaultProfile", e[e.HasConfigurable = 32] = "HasConfigurable", e[e.SupportsContinuousRun = 64] = "SupportsContinuousRun" }(Vk || (Vk = {})), UT = { 2: m(11362, null), 4: m(11363, null), 8: m(11364, null) }, function (e) { e.serialize = t => ({ range: t.range.toJSON(), uri: t.uri.toJSON() }), e.deserialize = (t, s) => ({ range: Ti.lift(s.range), uri: t.asCanonicalUri(E.revive(s.uri)) }) }(Sa || (Sa = {})), function (e) { e[e.Error = 0] = "Error", e[e.Output = 1] = "Output" }(Wk || (Wk = {})), function (e) { e.serialize = t => ({ label: t.label, uri: t.uri?.toJSON(), position: t.position?.toJSON() }), e.deserialize = (t, s) => ({ label: s.label, uri: s.uri ? t.asCanonicalUri(E.revive(s.uri)) : void 0, position: s.position ? zr.lift(s.position) : void 0 }) }(wd || (wd = {})), function (e) { e.serialize = t => ({ message: t.message, type: 0, expected: t.expected, actual: t.actual, contextValue: t.contextValue, location: t.location && Sa.serialize(t.location), stackTrace: t.stackTrace?.map(wd.serialize) }), e.deserialize = (t, s) => ({ message: s.message, type: 0, expected: s.expected, actual: s.actual, contextValue: s.contextValue, location: s.location && Sa.deserialize(t, s.location), stackTrace: s.stackTrace && => wd.deserialize(t, i)) }) }(vd || (vd = {})), function (e) { e.serialize = t => ({ message: t.message, type: 1, offset: t.offset, length: t.length, location: t.location && Sa.serialize(t.location) }), e.deserialize = (t, s) => ({ message: s.message, type: 1, offset: s.offset, length: s.length, location: s.location && Sa.deserialize(t, s.location) }) }(bd || (bd = {})), function (e) { e.serialize = t => t.type === 0 ? vd.serialize(t) : bd.serialize(t), e.deserialize = (t, s) => s.type === 0 ? vd.deserialize(t, s) : bd.deserialize(t, s), e.isDiffable = t => t.type === 0 && t.actual !== void 0 && t.expected !== void 0 }(yd || (yd = {})), function (e) { e.serializeWithoutMessages = t => ({ state: t.state, duration: t.duration, messages: [] }), e.serialize = t => ({ state: t.state, duration: t.duration, messages: }), e.deserialize = (t, s) => ({ state: s.state, duration: s.duration, messages: => yd.deserialize(t, i)) }) }(Tl || (Tl = {})), kw = "\0", qk = (e, t) => e + kw + t, Gk = e => { const t = e.indexOf(kw); return { ctrlId: e.slice(0, t), tagId: e.slice(t + 1) } }, function (e) { e.serialize = t => ({ extId: t.extId, label: t.label, tags: t.tags, busy: t.busy, children: void 0, uri: t.uri?.toJSON(), range: t.range?.toJSON() || null, description: t.description, error: t.error, sortText: t.sortText }), e.deserialize = (t, s) => ({ extId: s.extId, label: s.label, tags: s.tags, busy: s.busy, children: void 0, uri: s.uri ? t.asCanonicalUri(E.revive(s.uri)) : void 0, range: s.range ? Ti.lift(s.range) : null, description: s.description, error: s.error, sortText: s.sortText }) }(Ed || (Ed = {})), function (e) { e[e.NotExpandable = 0] = "NotExpandable", e[e.Expandable = 1] = "Expandable", e[e.BusyExpanding = 2] = "BusyExpanding", e[e.Expanded = 3] = "Expanded" }(Jk || (Jk = {})), function (e) { e.serialize = t => ({ expand: t.expand, item: Ed.serialize(t.item) }), e.deserialize = (t, s) => ({ controllerId: $a.root(s.item.extId), expand: s.expand, item: Ed.deserialize(t, s.item) }) }(qr || (qr = {})), function (e) { e.serialize = t => { let s; return t.item && (s = {}, t.item.label !== void 0 && (s.label = t.item.label), t.item.tags !== void 0 && (s.tags = t.item.tags), t.item.busy !== void 0 && (s.busy = t.item.busy), t.item.uri !== void 0 && (s.uri = t.item.uri?.toJSON()), t.item.range !== void 0 && (s.range = t.item.range?.toJSON()), t.item.description !== void 0 && (s.description = t.item.description), t.item.error !== void 0 && (s.error = t.item.error), t.item.sortText !== void 0 && (s.sortText = t.item.sortText)), { extId: t.extId, expand: t.expand, item: s } }, e.deserialize = t => { let s; return t.item && (s = {}, t.item.label !== void 0 && (s.label = t.item.label), t.item.tags !== void 0 && (s.tags = t.item.tags), t.item.busy !== void 0 && (s.busy = t.item.busy), t.item.range !== void 0 && (s.range = t.item.range ? Ti.lift(t.item.range) : null), t.item.description !== void 0 && (s.description = t.item.description), t.item.error !== void 0 && (s.error = t.item.error), t.item.sortText !== void 0 && (s.sortText = t.item.sortText)), { extId: t.extId, expand: t.expand, item: s } } }(xd || (xd = {})), function (e) { e.serializeWithoutMessages = t => ({ ...qr.serialize(t), ownComputedState: t.ownComputedState, computedState: t.computedState, tasks: }), e.serialize = t => ({ ...qr.serialize(t), ownComputedState: t.ownComputedState, computedState: t.computedState, tasks: }), e.deserialize = (t, s) => ({ ...qr.deserialize(t, s), ownComputedState: s.ownComputedState, computedState: s.computedState, tasks: => Tl.deserialize(t, i)), retired: !0 }) }(Yk || (Yk = {})), function (e) { e.empty = () => ({ covered: 0, total: 0 }), e.sum = (t, s) => { t.covered += s.covered, += } }($w || ($w = {})), function (e) { e.serialize = t => ({ id:, statement: t.statement, branch: t.branch, declaration: t.declaration, testIds: t.testIds, uri: t.uri.toJSON() }), e.deserialize = (t, s) => ({ id:, statement: s.statement, branch: s.branch, declaration: s.declaration, testIds: s.testIds, uri: t.asCanonicalUri(E.revive(s.uri)) }), e.empty = (t, s) => ({ id: t, uri: s, statement: $w.empty() }) }(Xk || (Xk = {})), function (e) { e[e.Declaration = 0] = "Declaration", e[e.Statement = 1] = "Statement", e[e.Branch = 2] = "Branch" }(Qk || (Qk = {})), function (e) { e.serialize = t => t.type === 0 ? $d.serialize(t) : Sd.serialize(t), e.deserialize = t => t.type === 0 ? $d.deserialize(t) : Sd.deserialize(t) }(Zk || (Zk = {})), function (e) { e.serialize = Ew, e.deserialize = xw }(kd || (kd = {})), function (e) { e.serialize = Ew, e.deserialize = xw }($d || ($d = {})), function (e) { e.serialize = t => ({ ...Ew(t), branches: t.branches?.map(kd.serialize) }), e.deserialize = t => ({ ...xw(t), branches: t.branches?.map(kd.deserialize) }) }(Sd || (Sd = {})), function (e) { e[e.Add = 0] = "Add", e[e.Update = 1] = "Update", e[e.DocumentSynced = 2] = "DocumentSynced", e[e.Remove = 3] = "Remove", e[e.IncrementPendingExtHosts = 4] = "IncrementPendingExtHosts", e[e.Retire = 5] = "Retire", e[e.AddTag = 6] = "AddTag", e[e.RemoveTag = 7] = "RemoveTag" }(Kk || (Kk = {})), function (e) { e.deserialize = (t, s) => s.op === 0 ? { op: s.op, item: qr.deserialize(t, s.item) } : s.op === 1 ? { op: s.op, item: xd.deserialize(s.item) } : s.op === 2 ? { op: s.op, uri: t.asCanonicalUri(E.revive(s.uri)), docv: s.docv } : s, e.serialize = t => t.op === 0 ? { op: t.op, item: qr.serialize(t.item) } : t.op === 1 ? { op: t.op, item: xd.serialize(t.item) } : t }(e$ || (e$ = {})) } }), MT, t$, s$, i$, n$, r$, o$, a$, FT = v({ "out-build/vs/workbench/services/editor/common/editorGroupsService.js"() { "use strict"; oe(), lw(), MT = se("editorGroupsService"), function (e) { e[e.UP = 0] = "UP", e[e.DOWN = 1] = "DOWN", e[e.LEFT = 2] = "LEFT", e[e.RIGHT = 3] = "RIGHT" }(t$ || (t$ = {})), function (e) { e[e.HORIZONTAL = 0] = "HORIZONTAL", e[e.VERTICAL = 1] = "VERTICAL" }(s$ || (s$ = {})), function (e) { e[e.FIRST = 0] = "FIRST", e[e.LAST = 1] = "LAST", e[e.NEXT = 2] = "NEXT", e[e.PREVIOUS = 3] = "PREVIOUS" }(i$ || (i$ = {})), function (e) { e[e.MAXIMIZE = 0] = "MAXIMIZE", e[e.EXPAND = 1] = "EXPAND", e[e.EVEN = 2] = "EVEN" }(n$ || (n$ = {})), function (e) { e[e.COPY_EDITORS = 0] = "COPY_EDITORS", e[e.MOVE_EDITORS = 1] = "MOVE_EDITORS" }(r$ || (r$ = {})), function (e) { e[e.CREATION_TIME = 0] = "CREATION_TIME", e[e.MOST_RECENTLY_ACTIVE = 1] = "MOST_RECENTLY_ACTIVE", e[e.GRID_APPEARANCE = 2] = "GRID_APPEARANCE" }(o$ || (o$ = {})), function (e) { e[e.NEW_EDITOR = 1] = "NEW_EDITOR", e[e.MOVE_EDITOR = 2] = "MOVE_EDITOR", e[e.COPY_EDITOR = 3] = "COPY_EDITOR" }(a$ || (a$ = {})) } }), c$, l$, u$, h$ = v({ "out-build/vs/workbench/services/editor/common/editorService.js"() { "use strict"; oe(), FT(), c$ = se("editorService"), l$ = -1, u$ = -2 } }), f$, Pa, d$, BT, p$, Pd, m$, g$, w$ = v({ "out-build/vs/workbench/contrib/testing/common/testItemCollection.js"() { "use strict"; Ue(), re(), z(), jp(), Sw(), gd(), function (e) { e[e.Upsert = 0] = "Upsert", e[e.SetTags = 1] = "SetTags", e[e.UpdateCanResolveChildren = 2] = "UpdateCanResolveChildren", e[e.RemoveChild = 3] = "RemoveChild", e[e.SetProp = 4] = "SetProp", e[e.Bulk = 5] = "Bulk", e[e.DocumentSynced = 6] = "DocumentSynced" }(f$ || (f$ = {})), Pa = (e, t) => e === t, d$ = { range: (e, t) => e === t ? !0 : !e || !t ? !1 : e.equalsRange(t), busy: Pa, label: Pa, description: Pa, error: Pa, sortText: Pa, tags: (e, t) => !(e.length !== t.length || e.some(s => !t.includes(s))) }, BT = Object.entries(d$), p$ = class extends Error { constructor(e) { super(`Attempted to insert a duplicate test item ID ${e}`) } }, Pd = class extends Error { constructor(e) { super(`TestItem with ID "${e}" is invalid. Make sure to create it from the createTestItem method.`) } }, m$ = class extends Error { constructor(e, t, s) { super(`TestItem with ID "${e}" is from controller "${t}" and cannot be added as a child of an item from controller "${s}".`) } }, g$ = (e, t, s) => { let i = new Map; return { get size() { return i.size }, forEach(n, r) { for (const o of i.values()), o, this) }, [Symbol.iterator]() { return i.entries() }, replace(n) { const r = new Map, o = new Set(i.keys()), a = { op: 5, ops: [] }; for (const c of n) { if (!(c instanceof s)) throw new Pd(; const l = t(c).controllerId; if (l !== e.controllerId) throw new m$(, l, e.controllerId); if (r.has( throw new p$(; r.set(, c), o.delete(, a.ops.push({ op: 0, item: c }) } for (const c of o.keys()) a.ops.push({ op: 3, id: c }); e.listener?.(a), i = r }, add(n) { if (!(n instanceof s)) throw new Pd(; i.set(, n), e.listener?.({ op: 0, item: n }) }, delete(n) { i.delete(n) && e.listener?.({ op: 3, id: n }) }, get(n) { return i.get(n) }, toJSON() { return Array.from(i.values()) } } } } }), Pw, v$, Iw, b$ = v({ "out-build/vs/workbench/api/common/extHostTestingPrivateApi.js"() { "use strict"; w$(), Pw = new WeakMap, v$ = (e, t) => { const s = { controllerId: t }; return Pw.set(e, s), s }, Iw = e => { const t = Pw.get(e); if (!t) throw new Pd(e?.id || "<unknown>"); return t } } }); function Aw(e) { return typeof e > "u" ? e : typeof e == "string" ? E.file(e) : e } var Dw, U, ir, y$, $n, E$, Id, x$, Ad, Dd, k$, lt, Ia, Rd, Rw, $$, di, S$, Mi, nr, Ld, P$, Ul, I$, A$, rr, D$, R$, L$, N$, O$, Nd, C$, Lw, _$, Nw, Ow, j$, Od, Cd, T$, U$, Cw, _w, M$, F$, B$, H$, z$, V$, _d, W$, q$, jd, G$, Fi, J$, Y$, Ml, jw, Td, X$, Ud, Q$, Fl, Md, Fd, Z$, K$, eS, tS, sS, Tw, or, Uw, Mw, Bd, iS, nS, rS, Fw, oS, Hd, aS, Bw, zd, cS, Vd, Hw, zw, Vw, Ww, Wd, qd, qw, Gw, Jw, lS, uS, Gd, Yw, Jd, Xw, hS, fS, dS, Qw, Zw, Kw, pS, Yd, mS, gS, wS, ev, vS, bS, yS, ES = v({
  543. "out-build/vs/workbench/api/common/extHostTypeConverters.js"() {
  544. "use strict"; Et(), Me(), Lj(), lu(), Tc(), ls(), Bj(), Co(), pf(), es(), Hj(), kt(), vh(), $e(), ee(), va(), Jj(), Xj(), lw(), TT(), xE(), gd(), Sw(), h$(), b$(), q0(), q0(), function (e) { function t(i) { const { selectionStartLineNumber: n, selectionStartColumn: r, positionLineNumber: o, positionColumn: a } = i, c = new Le(n - 1, r - 1), l = new Le(o - 1, a - 1); return new dl(c, l) } = t; function s(i) { const { anchor: n, active: r } = i; return { selectionStartLineNumber: n.line + 1, selectionStartColumn: n.character + 1, positionLineNumber: r.line + 1, positionColumn: r.character + 1 } } e.from = s }(Dw || (Dw = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { if (!i) return; const { start: n, end: r } = i; return { startLineNumber: n.line + 1, startColumn: n.character + 1, endLineNumber: r.line + 1, endColumn: r.character + 1 } } e.from = t; function s(i) { if (!i) return; const { startLineNumber: n, startColumn: r, endLineNumber: o, endColumn: a } = i; return new Ke(n - 1, r - 1, o - 1, a - 1) } = s }(U || (U = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { return { uri: i.uri, range: U.from(i.range) } } e.from = t; function s(i) { return new En(E.revive(i.uri), } = s }(ir || (ir = {})), function (e) { function t(s) { switch (s) { case 1: return ha.Comment; case 0: return ha.Other; case 3: return ha.RegEx; case 2: return ha.String } } = t }(y$ || (y$ = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { return new Le(i.lineNumber - 1, i.column - 1) } = t; function s(i) { return { lineNumber: i.line + 1, column: i.character + 1 } } e.from = s }($n || ($n = {})), function (e) { function t(n, r, o) { return yi(yb(n).map(a => s(a, r, o))) } e.from = t; function s(n, r, o) { if (typeof n == "string") return { $serialized: !0, language: n, isBuiltin: o?.isBuiltin }; if (n) return { $serialized: !0, language: n.language, scheme: i(n.scheme, r), pattern: Fi.from(n.pattern) ?? void 0, exclusive: n.exclusive, notebookType: n.notebookType, isBuiltin: o?.isBuiltin } } function i(n, r) { return r && typeof n == "string" ? r.transformOutgoingScheme(n) : n } }(E$ || (E$ = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { switch (i) { case ra.Unnecessary: return 1; case ra.Deprecated: return 2 } } e.from = t; function s(i) { switch (i) { case 1: return ra.Unnecessary; case 2: return ra.Deprecated; default: return } } = s }(Id || (Id = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { let n; return i.code && (ve(i.code) || On(i.code) ? n = String(i.code) : n = { value: String(i.code.value), target: }), { ...U.from(i.range), message: i.message, source: i.source, code: n, severity: Dd.from(i.severity), relatedInformation: i.relatedInformation &&, tags: Array.isArray(i.tags) ? yi( : void 0 } } e.from = t; function s(i) { const n = new bf(, i.message,; return n.source = i.source, n.code = ve(i.code) ? i.code : i.code?.value, n.relatedInformation = i.relatedInformation &&, n.tags = i.tags && yi(, n } = s }(x$ || (x$ = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { return { ...U.from(i.location.range), message: i.message, resource: i.location.uri } } e.from = t; function s(i) { return new ml(new En(i.resource,, i.message) } = s }(Ad || (Ad = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { switch (i) { case Ts.Error: return Os.Error; case Ts.Warning: return Os.Warning; case Ts.Information: return Os.Info; case Ts.Hint: return Os.Hint }return Os.Error } e.from = t; function s(i) { switch (i) { case Os.Info: return Ts.Information; case Os.Warning: return Ts.Warning; case Os.Error: return Ts.Error; case Os.Hint: return Ts.Hint; default: return Ts.Error } } = s }(Dd || (Dd = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { return typeof i == "number" && i >= Cf.One ? i - 1 : i === Cf.Beside ? u$ : l$ } e.from = t; function s(i) { if (typeof i == "number" && i >= 0) return i + 1; throw new Error("invalid 'EditorGroupColumn'") } = s }(k$ || (k$ = {})), function (e) {
  545. function t(a) { return } e.fromMany = t; function s(a) { return a && typeof a == "object" && typeof a.language == "string" && typeof a.value == "string" } function i(a) {
  546. let c; if (s(a)) {
  547. const { language: h, value: d } = a; c = {
  548. value: "```" + h + `
  549. `+ d + "\n```\n"
  550. }
  551. } else xn.isMarkdownString(a) ? c = { value: a.value, isTrusted: a.isTrusted, supportThemeIcons: a.supportThemeIcons, supportHtml: a.supportHtml, baseUri: a.baseUri } : typeof a == "string" ? c = { value: a } : c = { value: "" }; const l = Object.create(null); c.uris = l; const u = ({ href: h }) => { try { let d = E.parse(h, !0); d = d.with({ query: n(d.query, l) }), l[h] = d } catch { } return "" }; return He.walkTokens(He.lexer(c.value), h => { h.type === "link" ? u({ href: h.href }) : h.type === "image" && typeof h.href == "string" && u(mO(h.href)) }), c
  552. } e.from = i; function n(a, c) { if (!a) return a; let l; try { l = W6(a) } catch { } if (!l) return a; let u = !1; return l = un(l, h => { if (E.isUri(h)) { const d = `__uri_${Math.random().toString(16).slice(2, 8)}`; return c[d] = h, u = !0, d } else return }), u ? JSON.stringify(l) : a } function r(a) { const c = new xn(a.value, a.supportThemeIcons); return c.isTrusted = a.isTrusted, c.supportHtml = a.supportHtml, c.baseUri = a.baseUri ? E.from(a.baseUri) : void 0, c } = r; function o(a) { if (a) return typeof a == "string" ? a : e.from(a) } e.fromStrict = o
  553. }(lt || (lt = {})), function (e) { function t(s) { return typeof s > "u" ? s : { contentText: s.contentText, contentIconPath: s.contentIconPath ? Aw(s.contentIconPath) : void 0, border: s.border, borderColor: s.borderColor, fontStyle: s.fontStyle, fontWeight: s.fontWeight, textDecoration: s.textDecoration, color: s.color, backgroundColor: s.backgroundColor, margin: s.margin, width: s.width, height: s.height } } e.from = t }(Ia || (Ia = {})), function (e) { function t(s) { return typeof s > "u" ? s : { backgroundColor: s.backgroundColor, outline: s.outline, outlineColor: s.outlineColor, outlineStyle: s.outlineStyle, outlineWidth: s.outlineWidth, border: s.border, borderColor: s.borderColor, borderRadius: s.borderRadius, borderSpacing: s.borderSpacing, borderStyle: s.borderStyle, borderWidth: s.borderWidth, fontStyle: s.fontStyle, fontWeight: s.fontWeight, textDecoration: s.textDecoration, cursor: s.cursor, color: s.color, opacity: s.opacity, letterSpacing: s.letterSpacing, gutterIconPath: s.gutterIconPath ? Aw(s.gutterIconPath) : void 0, gutterIconSize: s.gutterIconSize, overviewRulerColor: s.overviewRulerColor, before: s.before ? Ia.from(s.before) : void 0, after: s.after ? Ia.from(s.after) : void 0 } } e.from = t }(Rd || (Rd = {})), function (e) { function t(s) { if (typeof s > "u") return s; switch (s) { case aa.OpenOpen: return 0; case aa.ClosedClosed: return 1; case aa.OpenClosed: return 2; case aa.ClosedOpen: return 3 } } e.from = t }(Rw || (Rw = {})), function (e) { function t(s) { return { isWholeLine: s.isWholeLine, rangeBehavior: s.rangeBehavior ? Rw.from(s.rangeBehavior) : void 0, overviewRulerLane: s.overviewRulerLane, light: s.light ? Rd.from(s.light) : void 0, dark: s.dark ? Rd.from(s.dark) : void 0, backgroundColor: s.backgroundColor, outline: s.outline, outlineColor: s.outlineColor, outlineStyle: s.outlineStyle, outlineWidth: s.outlineWidth, border: s.border, borderColor: s.borderColor, borderRadius: s.borderRadius, borderSpacing: s.borderSpacing, borderStyle: s.borderStyle, borderWidth: s.borderWidth, fontStyle: s.fontStyle, fontWeight: s.fontWeight, textDecoration: s.textDecoration, cursor: s.cursor, color: s.color, opacity: s.opacity, letterSpacing: s.letterSpacing, gutterIconPath: s.gutterIconPath ? Aw(s.gutterIconPath) : void 0, gutterIconSize: s.gutterIconSize, overviewRulerColor: s.overviewRulerColor, before: s.before ? Ia.from(s.before) : void 0, after: s.after ? Ia.from(s.after) : void 0 } } e.from = t }($$ || ($$ = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { return { text: i.newText, eol: i.newEol && _d.from(i.newEol), range: U.from(i.range) } } e.from = t; function s(i) { const n = new Br(, i.text); return n.newEol = typeof i.eol > "u" ? void 0 :, n } = s }(di || (di = {})), function (e) { function t(i, n) { const r = { edits: [] }; if (i instanceof pl) { const o = new hu; for (const a of i._allEntries()) a._type === 1 && E.isUri( && a.from === void 0 && o.add(; for (const a of i._allEntries()) if (a._type === 1) { let c; a.options?.contents && (ArrayBuffer.isView(a.options.contents) ? c = { type: "base64", value: op(O.wrap(a.options.contents)) } : c = { type: "dataTransferItem", id: a.options.contents._itemId }), r.edits.push({ oldResource: a.from, newResource:, options: { ...a.options, contents: c }, metadata: a.metadata }) } else a._type === 2 ? r.edits.push({ resource: a.uri, textEdit: di.from(a.edit), versionId: o.has(a.uri) ? void 0 : n?.getTextDocumentVersion(a.uri), metadata: a.metadata }) : a._type === 6 ? r.edits.push({ resource: a.uri, textEdit: { range: U.from(a.range), text: a.edit.value, insertAsSnippet: !0 }, versionId: o.has(a.uri) ? void 0 : n?.getTextDocumentVersion(a.uri), metadata: a.metadata }) : a._type === 3 ? r.edits.push({ metadata: a.metadata, resource: a.uri, cellEdit: a.edit, notebookVersionId: n?.getNotebookDocumentVersion(a.uri) }) : a._type === 5 && r.edits.push({ metadata: a.metadata, resource: a.uri, notebookVersionId: n?.getNotebookDocumentVersion(a.uri), cellEdit: { editType: 1, index: a.index, count: a.count, cells: } }) } return r } e.from = t; function s(i) { const n = new pl, r = new At; for (const o of i.edits) if (o.textEdit) { const a = o, c = E.revive(a.resource), l =, u = a.textEdit.text, h = a.textEdit.insertAsSnippet; let d; h ? d = Kg.replace(l, new na(u)) : d = Br.replace(l, u); const p = r.get(c); p ? p.push(d) : r.set(c, [d]) } else n.renameFile(E.revive(o.oldResource), E.revive(o.newResource), o.options); for (const [o, a] of r) n.set(o, a); return n } = s }(S$ || (S$ = {})), function (e) { const t = Object.create(null); t[Be.File] = 0, t[Be.Module] = 1, t[Be.Namespace] = 2, t[Be.Package] = 3, t[Be.Class] = 4, t[Be.Method] = 5, t[Be.Property] = 6, t[Be.Field] = 7, t[Be.Constructor] = 8, t[Be.Enum] = 9, t[Be.Interface] = 10, t[Be.Function] = 11, t[Be.Variable] = 12, t[Be.Constant] = 13, t[Be.String] = 14, t[Be.Number] = 15, t[Be.Boolean] = 16, t[Be.Array] = 17, t[Be.Object] = 18, t[Be.Key] = 19, t[Be.Null] = 20, t[Be.EnumMember] = 21, t[Be.Struct] = 22, t[Be.Event] = 23, t[Be.Operator] = 24, t[Be.TypeParameter] = 25; function s(n) { return typeof t[n] == "number" ? t[n] : 6 } e.from = s; function i(n) { for (const r in t) if (t[r] === n) return Number(r); return Be.Property } = i }(Mi || (Mi = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { switch (i) { case Sf.Deprecated: return 1 } } e.from = t; function s(i) { switch (i) { case 1: return Sf.Deprecated } } = s }(nr || (nr = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { return { name:, kind: Mi.from(i.kind), tags: i.tags &&, containerName: i.containerName, location: rr.from(i.location) } } e.from = t; function s(i) { const n = new Pf(,, i.containerName,; return n.tags = i.tags &&, n } = s }(Ld || (Ld = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { const n = { name: || "!!MISSING: name!!", detail: i.detail, range: U.from(i.range), selectionRange: U.from(i.selectionRange), kind: Mi.from(i.kind), tags: i.tags?.map(nr.from) ?? [] }; return i.children && (n.children =, n } e.from = t; function s(i) { const n = new If(, i.detail,,,; return uu(i.tags) && (n.tags =, i.children && (n.children =, n } = s }(P$ || (P$ = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { const n = new t0(,, i.detail || "", E.revive(i.uri),,; return n._sessionId = i._sessionId, n._itemId = i._itemId, n } = t; function s(i, n, r) { if (n = n ?? i._sessionId, r = r ?? i._itemId, n === void 0 || r === void 0) throw new Error("invalid item"); return { _sessionId: n, _itemId: r, name:, detail: i.detail, kind: Mi.from(i.kind), uri: i.uri, range: U.from(i.range), selectionRange: U.from(i.selectionRange), tags: i.tags?.map(nr.from) } } e.from = s }(Ul || (Ul = {})), function (e) { function t(s) { return new RE(, => } = t }(I$ || (I$ = {})), function (e) { function t(s) { return new LE(, => } = t }(A$ || (A$ = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { return { range: i.range && U.from(i.range), uri: i.uri } } e.from = t; function s(i) { return new En(E.revive(i.uri), } = s }(rr || (rr = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { const n = i, r = i; return { originSelectionRange: n.originSelectionRange ? U.from(n.originSelectionRange) : void 0, uri: n.targetUri ? n.targetUri : r.uri, range: U.from(n.targetRange ? n.targetRange : r.range), targetSelectionRange: n.targetSelectionRange ? U.from(n.targetSelectionRange) : void 0 } } e.from = t; function s(i) { return { targetUri: E.revive(i.uri), targetRange:, targetSelectionRange: i.targetSelectionRange ? : void 0, originSelectionRange: i.originSelectionRange ? : void 0 } } = s }(D$ || (D$ = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { return { range: U.from(i.range), contents: lt.fromMany(i.contents), canIncreaseVerbosity: i.canIncreaseVerbosity, canDecreaseVerbosity: i.canDecreaseVerbosity } } e.from = t; function s(i) { const n =, r =, o = i.canIncreaseVerbosity, a = i.canDecreaseVerbosity; return new Ef(n, r, o, a) } = s }(R$ || (R$ = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { return { range: U.from(i.range), expression: i.expression } } e.from = t; function s(i) { return new qf(, i.expression) } = s }(L$ || (L$ = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { if (i instanceof Gf) return { type: "text", range: U.from(i.range), text: i.text }; if (i instanceof Jf) return { type: "variable", range: U.from(i.range), variableName: i.variableName, caseSensitiveLookup: i.caseSensitiveLookup }; if (i instanceof Yf) return { type: "expression", range: U.from(i.range), expression: i.expression }; throw new Error("Unknown 'InlineValue' type") } e.from = t; function s(i) { switch (i.type) { case "text": return { range:, text: i.text }; case "variable": return { range:, variableName: i.variableName, caseSensitiveLookup: i.caseSensitiveLookup }; case "expression": return { range:, expression: i.expression } } } = s }(N$ || (N$ = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { return { frameId: i.frameId, stoppedLocation: U.from(i.stoppedLocation) } } e.from = t; function s(i) { return new Xf(i.frameId, } = s }(O$ || (O$ = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { return { range: U.from(i.range), kind: i.kind } } e.from = t; function s(i) { return new kf(, i.kind) } = s }(Nd || (Nd = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { return { uri: i.uri, highlights: } } e.from = t; function s(i) { return new $f(E.revive(i.uri), } = s }(C$ || (C$ = {})), function (e) { function t(s) { switch (s) { case 1: return gl.TriggerCharacter; case 2: return gl.TriggerForIncompleteCompletions; case 0: default: return gl.Invoke } } = t }(Lw || (Lw = {})), function (e) { function t(s) { return { triggerKind:, triggerCharacter: s.triggerCharacter } } = t }(_$ || (_$ = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { switch (i) { case Nf.Deprecated: return 1 } } e.from = t; function s(i) { switch (i) { case 1: return Nf.Deprecated } } = s }(Nw || (Nw = {})), function (e) { const t = new Map([[Y.Method, 0], [Y.Function, 1], [Y.Constructor, 2], [Y.Field, 3], [Y.Variable, 4], [Y.Class, 5], [Y.Interface, 7], [Y.Struct, 6], [Y.Module, 8], [Y.Property, 9], [Y.Unit, 12], [Y.Value, 13], [Y.Constant, 14], [Y.Enum, 15], [Y.EnumMember, 16], [Y.Keyword, 17], [Y.Snippet, 27], [Y.Text, 18], [Y.Color, 19], [Y.File, 20], [Y.Reference, 21], [Y.Folder, 23], [Y.Event, 10], [Y.Operator, 11], [Y.TypeParameter, 24], [Y.Issue, 26], [Y.User, 25]]); function s(r) { return t.get(r) ?? 9 } e.from = s; const i = new Map([[0, Y.Method], [1, Y.Function], [2, Y.Constructor], [3, Y.Field], [4, Y.Variable], [5, Y.Class], [7, Y.Interface], [6, Y.Struct], [8, Y.Module], [9, Y.Property], [12, Y.Unit], [13, Y.Value], [14, Y.Constant], [15, Y.Enum], [16, Y.EnumMember], [17, Y.Keyword], [27, Y.Snippet], [18, Y.Text], [19, Y.Color], [20, Y.File], [21, Y.Reference], [23, Y.Folder], [10, Y.Event], [11, Y.Operator], [24, Y.TypeParameter], [25, Y.User], [26, Y.Issue]]); function n(r) { return i.get(r) ?? Y.Property } = n }(Ow || (Ow = {})), function (e) { function t(s, i) { const n = new Of(s.label); return n.insertText = s.insertText, n.kind =, n.tags = s.tags?.map(, n.detail = s.detail, n.documentation = jc(s.documentation) ? : s.documentation, n.sortText = s.sortText, n.filterText = s.filterText, n.preselect = s.preselect, n.commitCharacters = s.commitCharacters, Ti.isIRange(s.range) ? n.range = : typeof s.range == "object" && (n.range = { inserting:, replacing: }), n.keepWhitespace = typeof s.insertTextRules > "u" ? !1 : !!(s.insertTextRules & 1), typeof s.insertTextRules < "u" && s.insertTextRules & 4 ? n.insertText = new na(s.insertText) : (n.insertText = s.insertText, n.textEdit = n.range instanceof Ke ? new Br(n.range, n.insertText) : void 0), s.additionalTextEdits && s.additionalTextEdits.length > 0 && (n.additionalTextEdits = =>, n.command = i && s.command ? i.fromInternal(s.command) : void 0, n } = t }(j$ || (j$ = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { if (typeof i.label != "string" && !Array.isArray(i.label)) throw new TypeError("Invalid label"); return { label: i.label, documentation: lt.fromStrict(i.documentation) } } e.from = t; function s(i) { return { label: i.label, documentation: jc(i.documentation) ? : i.documentation } } = s }(Od || (Od = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { return { label: i.label, documentation: lt.fromStrict(i.documentation), parameters: Array.isArray(i.parameters) ? : [], activeParameter: i.activeParameter } } e.from = t; function s(i) { return { label: i.label, documentation: jc(i.documentation) ? : i.documentation, parameters: Array.isArray(i.parameters) ? : [], activeParameter: i.activeParameter } } = s }(Cd || (Cd = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { return { activeSignature: i.activeSignature, activeParameter: i.activeParameter, signatures: Array.isArray(i.signatures) ? : [] } } e.from = t; function s(i) { return { activeSignature: i.activeSignature, activeParameter: i.activeParameter, signatures: Array.isArray(i.signatures) ? : [] } } = s }(T$ || (T$ = {})), function (e) { function t(s, i) { const n = new Lf($, typeof i.label == "string" ? i.label : 0, s)), i.kind &&; return n.textEdits = i.textEdits &&, n.tooltip = jc(i.tooltip) ? : i.tooltip, n.paddingLeft = i.paddingLeft, n.paddingRight = i.paddingRight, n } = t }(U$ || (U$ = {})), function (e) { function t(s, i) { const n = new Rf(i.label); return n.tooltip = jc(i.tooltip) ? : i.tooltip, && (n.command = s.fromInternal(i.command)), i.location && (n.location =, n } = t }(Cw || (Cw = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { return i } e.from = t; function s(i) { return i } = s }(_w || (_w = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { return { range: U.from(i.range), url:, tooltip: i.tooltip } } e.from = t; function s(i) { let n; if (i.url) try { n = typeof i.url == "string" ? E.parse(i.url, !0) : E.revive(i.url) } catch { } const r = new Tf(, n); return r.tooltip = i.tooltip, r } = s }(M$ || (M$ = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { const n = new Uf(i.label); return i.textEdit && (n.textEdit =, i.additionalTextEdits && (n.additionalTextEdits = =>, n } = t; function s(i) { return { label: i.label, textEdit: i.textEdit ? di.from(i.textEdit) : void 0, additionalTextEdits: i.additionalTextEdits ? => di.from(n)) : void 0 } } e.from = s }(F$ || (F$ = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { return new vl(i[0], i[1], i[2], i[3]) } = t; function s(i) { return [,,, i.alpha] } e.from = s }(B$ || (B$ = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { return { range: U.from(i.range) } } e.from = t; function s(i) { return new Df( } = s }(H$ || (H$ = {})), function (e) { function t(s) { switch (s) { case 2: return wl.AfterDelay; case 1: return wl.Manual; case 3: case 4: return wl.FocusOut } } = t }(z$ || (z$ = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { switch (i) { case _i.Off: return 0; case _i.Relative: return 2; case _i.Interval: return 3; case _i.On: default: return 1 } } e.from = t; function s(i) { switch (i) { case 0: return _i.Off; case 2: return _i.Relative; case 3: return _i.Interval; case 1: default: return _i.On } } = s }(V$ || (V$ = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { if (i === ia.CRLF) return 1; if (i === ia.LF) return 0 } e.from = t; function s(i) { if (i === 1) return ia.CRLF; if (i === 0) return ia.LF } = s }(_d || (_d = {})), function (e) { function t(s) { if (typeof s == "object") return s.viewId; switch (s) { case bl.SourceControl: return 3; case bl.Window: return 10; case bl.Notification: return 15 }throw new Error("Unknown 'ProgressLocation'") } e.from = t }(W$ || (W$ = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { const n = { start: i.start + 1, end: i.end + 1 }; return i.kind && (n.kind = jd.from(i.kind)), n } e.from = t; function s(i) { const n = { start: i.start - 1, end: i.end - 1 }; return i.kind && (n.kind =, n } = s }(q$ || (q$ = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { if (i) switch (i) { case Qn.Comment: return Vr.Comment; case Qn.Imports: return Vr.Imports; case Qn.Region: return Vr.Region } } e.from = t; function s(i) { if (i) switch (i.value) { case Vr.Comment.value: return Qn.Comment; case Vr.Imports.value: return Qn.Imports; case Vr.Region.value: return Qn.Region } } = s }(jd || (jd = {})), function (e) { function t(s) { if (s) return { pinned: typeof s.preview == "boolean" ? !s.preview : void 0, inactive: s.background, preserveFocus: s.preserveFocus, selection: typeof s.selection == "object" ? U.from(s.selection) : void 0, override: typeof s.override == "boolean" ? : void 0 } } e.from = t }(G$ || (G$ = {})), function (e) { function t(r) { return r instanceof ca ? r.toJSON() : typeof r == "string" ? r : s(r) || i(r) ? new ca(r.baseUri ?? r.base, r.pattern).toJSON() : r } e.from = t; function s(r) { const o = r; return o ? E.isUri(o.baseUri) && typeof o.pattern == "string" : !1 } function i(r) { const o = r; return o ? typeof o.base == "string" && typeof o.pattern == "string" : !1 } function n(r) { return typeof r == "string" ? r : new ca(E.revive(r.baseUri), r.pattern) } = n }(Fi || (Fi = {})), function (e) { function t(s) { if (s) { if (Array.isArray(s)) return; if (typeof s == "string") return s; { const i = s; return { language: i.language, scheme: i.scheme, pattern: Fi.from(i.pattern) ?? void 0, exclusive: i.exclusive, notebookType: i.notebookType } } } else return } e.from = t }(J$ || (J$ = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { return !!i && typeof i == "object" && "documents" in i && Array.isArray(i.documents) && i.documents.every(n => Array.isArray(n) && n.every( } = t; function s(i) { return { documents: =>, conversation: i.conversation?.map(n => n.type === "request" ? { type: "request", message: n.message } : { type: "response", message: n.message, result: n.result ? Yd.from(n.result) : void 0, references: n.references?.map(Ml.from) }) } } e.from = s }(Y$ || (Y$ = {})), function (e) { function t(n) { return typeof n == "object" && n !== null && "uri" in n && E.isUri(n.uri) && "version" in n && typeof n.version == "number" && "ranges" in n && Array.isArray(n.ranges) && n.ranges.every(r => r instanceof Ke) } = t; function s(n) { return { uri: n.uri, version: n.version, ranges: => U.from(r)) } } e.from = s; function i(n) { return { uri: E.revive(n.uri), version: n.version, ranges: => } } = i }(Ml || (Ml = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { return { start: i.start, end: i.end } } e.from = t; function s(i) { return new Hr(i.start, i.end) } = s }(jw || (jw = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { return { timing: typeof i.runStartTime == "number" && typeof i.runEndTime == "number" ? { startTime: i.runStartTime, endTime: i.runEndTime } : void 0, executionOrder: i.executionOrder, success: i.lastRunSuccess } } = t; function s(i) { return { lastRunSuccess: i.success, runStartTime: i.timing?.startTime, runEndTime: i.timing?.endTime, executionOrder: i.executionOrder } } e.from = s }(Td || (Td = {})), function (e) { function t(s) { if (s === ul.Unconfirmed) return Qf.Pending; if (s === ul.Pending) return; if (s === ul.Executing) return Qf.Executing; throw new Error(`Unknown state: ${s}`) } = t }(X$ || (X$ = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { switch (i) { case ua.Markup: return sa.Markup; case ua.Code: default: return sa.Code } } e.from = t; function s(i) { switch (i) { case sa.Markup: return ua.Markup; case sa.Code: default: return ua.Code } } = s }(Ud || (Ud = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { const n = { metadata: i.metadata ?? Object.create(null), cells: [] }; for (const r of i.cells) P0.validate(r), n.cells.push(Fl.from(r)); return n } e.from = t; function s(i) { const n = new w3(; return $u(i.metadata) || (n.metadata = i.metadata), n } = s }(Q$ || (Q$ = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { return { cellKind: Ud.from(i.kind), language: i.languageId, mime: i.mime, source: i.value, metadata: i.metadata, internalMetadata: Td.from(i.executionSummary ?? {}), outputs: i.outputs ? : [] } } e.from = t; function s(i) { return new P0(, i.source, i.language, i.mime, i.outputs ? : void 0, i.metadata, i.internalMetadata ? : void 0) } = s }(Fl || (Fl = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { return { mime: i.mime, valueBytes: O.wrap( } } e.from = t; function s(i) { return new v3(i.valueBytes.buffer, i.mime) } = s }(Md || (Md = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { return { outputId:, items:, metadata: i.metadata } } e.from = t; function s(i) { const n =; return new b3(n, i.outputId, i.metadata) } = s }(Fd || (Fd = {})), function (e) { function t(n) { return i(n) ? { include: Fi.from(n.include) ?? void 0, exclude: Fi.from(n.exclude) ?? void 0 } : Fi.from(n) ?? void 0 } e.from = t; function s(n) { return i(n) ? { include:, exclude: } : } = s; function i(n) { const r = n; return r ? !xt(r.include) && !xt(r.exclude) : !1 } }(Z$ || (Z$ = {})), function (e) { function t(s, i, n) { const r = typeof s.command == "string" ? { title: "", command: s.command } : s.command; return { alignment: s.alignment === I0.Left ? 1 : 2, command: i.toInternal(r, n), text: s.text, tooltip: s.tooltip, accessibilityInformation: s.accessibilityInformation, priority: s.priority } } e.from = t }(K$ || (K$ = {})), function (e) { function t(s, i, n) { const r = typeof s.command == "string" ? { title: "", command: s.command } : s.command; return { command: i.toInternal(r, n), label: s.label, description: s.description, detail: s.detail, documentation: s.documentation } } e.from = t }(eS || (eS = {})), function (e) { function t(s) { return { transientOutputs: s?.transientOutputs ?? !1, transientCellMetadata: s?.transientCellMetadata ?? {}, transientDocumentMetadata: s?.transientDocumentMetadata ?? {}, cellContentMetadata: s?.cellContentMetadata ?? {} } } e.from = t }(tS || (tS = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { return { uri: i.uri, provides: i.provides } } e.from = t; function s(i) { return new k3(E.revive(i.uri), i.provides) } = s }(sS || (sS = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { return { message: lt.fromStrict(i.message) || "", type: 0, expected: i.expectedOutput, actual: i.actualOutput, contextValue: i.contextValue, location: i.location && { range: U.from(i.location.range), uri: i.location.uri }, stackTrace: i.stackTrace?.map(n => ({ label: n.label, position: n.position && $n.from(n.position), uri: n.uri && E.revive(n.uri).toJSON() })) } } e.from = t; function s(i) { const n = new Zf(typeof i.message == "string" ? i.message :; return n.actualOutput = i.actual, n.expectedOutput = i.expected, n.contextValue = i.contextValue, n.location = i.location ? : void 0, n } = s }(Tw || (Tw = {})), function (e) { e.namespace = qk, e.denamespace = Gk }(or || (or = {})), function (e) { function t(s) { return { controllerId: s.controllerId, profileId: s.profileId, group: Mw.from(s.kind) } } e.from = t }(Uw || (Uw = {})), function (e) { const t = { [xl.Coverage]: 8, [xl.Debug]: 4, [xl.Run]: 2 }; function s(i) { return t.hasOwnProperty(i) ? t[i] : 2 } e.from = s }(Mw || (Mw = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { const n = Iw(i).controllerId; return { extId: $a.fromExtHostTestItem(i, n).toString(), label: i.label, uri: E.revive(i.uri), busy: i.busy, tags: => or.namespace(n,, range: Ti.lift(U.from(i.range)), description: i.description || null, sortText: i.sortText || null, error: i.error && lt.fromStrict(i.error) || null } } e.from = t; function s(i) { return { parent: void 0, error: void 0, id: $a.fromString(i.extId).localId, label: i.label, uri: E.revive(i.uri), tags: (i.tags || []).map(n => { const { tagId: r } = or.denamespace(n); return new kl(r) }), children: { add: () => { }, delete: () => { }, forEach: () => { }, *[Symbol.iterator]() { }, get: () => { }, replace: () => { }, size: 0 }, range: || void 0), canResolveChildren: !1, busy: i.busy, description: i.description || void 0, sortText: i.sortText || void 0 } } e.toPlain = s }(Bd || (Bd = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { return { id: } } e.from = t; function s(i) { return new kl( } = s }(or || (or = {})), function (e) { const t = (i, n) => { const r = i.value; if (!r) return; const o = { ...Bd.toPlain(r.item), parent: n, taskStates: => ({ state: a.state, duration: a.duration, messages: a.messages.filter(c => c.type === 0).map( })), children: [] }; if (i.children) for (const a of i.children.values()) { const c = t(a, o); c && o.children.push(c) } return o }; function s(i) { const n = new Cx; for (const a of i.items) n.insert($a.fromString(a.item.extId).path, a); const r = [n.nodes], o = []; for (; r.length;)for (const a of r.pop()) a.value ? o.push(a) : a.children && r.push(a.children.values()); return { completedAt: i.completedAt, results: => t(a)).filter(JA) } } = s }(iS || (iS = {})), function (e) { function t(a) { return { covered: a.covered, total: } } function s(a) { return "line" in a ? $n.from(a) : U.from(a) } function i(a) { if (a) return "endLineNumber" in a ? : $ } function n(a) { if (a.type === 1) { const c = []; if (a.branches) for (const l of a.branches) c.push({ executed: l.count, location: i(l.location), label: l.label }); return new R3(a.count, i(a.location), a.branches?.map(l => new L3(l.count, i(l.location), l.label))) } else return new N3(, a.count, i(a.location)) } = n; function r(a) { if (typeof a.executed == "number" && a.executed < 0) throw new Error(`Invalid coverage count ${a.executed}`); return "branches" in a ? { count: a.executed, location: s(a.location), type: 1, branches: a.branches.length ? => ({ count: c.executed, location: c.location && s(c.location), label: c.label })) : void 0 } : { type: 0, name:, count: a.executed, location: s(a.location) } } e.fromDetails = r; function o(a, c, l) { return gf(l.statementCoverage), gf(l.branchCoverage), gf(l.declarationCoverage), { id: c, uri: l.uri, statement: t(l.statementCoverage), branch: l.branchCoverage && t(l.branchCoverage), declaration: l.declarationCoverage && t(l.declarationCoverage), testIds: l instanceof D3 && l.includesTests.length ? => $a.fromExtHostTestItem(u, a).toString()) : void 0 } } e.fromFile = o }(nS || (nS = {})), function (e) { function t(s) { switch (s) { case 1: return Af.Invoke; case 2: return Af.Automatic } } = t }(rS || (rS = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { const n = new R0(,, i.detail || "", E.revive(i.uri),,; return n._sessionId = i._sessionId, n._itemId = i._itemId, n } = t; function s(i, n, r) { if (n = n ?? i._sessionId, r = r ?? i._itemId, n === void 0 || r === void 0) throw new Error("invalid item"); return { _sessionId: n, _itemId: r, kind: Mi.from(i.kind), name:, detail: i.detail ?? "", uri: i.uri, range: U.from(i.range), selectionRange: U.from(i.selectionRange), tags: i.tags?.map(nr.from) } } e.from = s }(Fw || (Fw = {})), function (e) { function t(s) { if (s) return { value: s.value, tooltip: s.tooltip } } e.from = t }(oS || (oS = {})), function (e) { function t(r, o, a) { const c = o.fileData; return c ? new XE(new QE(, E.revive(c.uri),, cu(() => a( : r === Ni.uriList && o.uriListData ? new Vf(n(o.uriListData)) : new Vf(o.asString) } = t; async function s(r, o) { const a = await o.asString(); if (r === Ni.uriList) return { asString: a, fileData: void 0, uriListData: i(a) }; const c = o.asFile(); return { asString: a, fileData: c ? { name:, uri: c.uri, id: c._itemId ?? } : void 0 } } e.from = s; function i(r) { return ed.split(r).map(o => { if (o.startsWith("#")) return o; try { return E.parse(o) } catch { } return o }) } function n(r) { return ed.create( => typeof o == "string" ? o : E.revive(o))) } }(Hd || (Hd = {})), function (e) { function t(i, n) { const r =[o, a]) => [o,, a, n)]); return new Wf(r) } e.toDataTransfer = t; async function s(i) { const n = { items: [] }, r = []; for (const [o, a] of i) r.push((async () => { n.items.push([o, await Hd.from(o, a)]) })()); return await Promise.all(r), n } e.from = s }(aS || (aS = {})), function (e) { function t(i, n) { return { kind: "reply", agentId: i.participant ?? n?.agentId ?? "", subCommand: i.command ?? n?.command, message: i.prompt, title: i.label } } e.from = t; function s(i) { return { prompt: i.message, label: i.title, participant: i.agentId, command: i.subCommand } } = s }(Bw || (Bw = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { switch (i) { case 0: return ji.System; case 1: return ji.User; case 2: return ji.Assistant } } = t; function s(i) { switch (i) { case ji.System: return 0; case ji.User: return 1; case ji.Assistant: return 2 }return 1 } e.from = s }(zd || (zd = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { const n = => { if (a.type === "text") return new Xs(a.value); if (a.type === "tool_result") { const c = => l.type === "text" ? new Xs(l.value) : new da(l.value)); return new z0(a.toolCallId, c, a.isError) } else return new V0(a.toolCallId,, a.parameters) }), r =; return new W3(r, n, } = t; function s(i) { const n = zd.from(i.role), r =; let o = i.content; typeof o == "string" && (o = [new Xs(o)]); const a = => { if (c instanceof z0) return { type: "tool_result", toolCallId: c.callId, value: yi( => l instanceof Xs ? { type: "text", value: l.value } : l instanceof da ? { type: "prompt_tsx", value: l.value } : void 0)), isError: c.isError }; if (c instanceof V0) return { type: "tool_use", toolCallId: c.callId, name:, parameters: c.input }; if (c instanceof Xs) return { type: "text", value: c.value }; if (typeof c != "string") throw new Error("Unexpected chat message content type"); return { type: "text", value: c } }); return { role: n, name: r, content: a } } e.from = s }(cS || (cS = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { return { kind: "markdownContent", content: lt.from(i.value) } } e.from = t; function s(i) { return new L0( } = s }(Vd || (Vd = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { return { kind: "codeblockUri", uri: i.value } } e.from = t; function s(i) { return new F0(E.revive(i.uri)) } = s }(Hw || (Hw = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { return { kind: "markdownVuln", content: lt.from(i.value), vulnerabilities: i.vulnerabilities } } e.from = t; function s(i) { return new N0(, i.vulnerabilities) } = s }(zw || (zw = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { return { kind: "agentDetection", agentId: i.participant, command: i.command } } e.from = t; function s(i) { return new O0(i.agentId, i.command) } = s }(Vw || (Vw = {})), function (e) { function t(s) { return { kind: "confirmation", title: s.title, message: s.message, data:, buttons: s.buttons } } e.from = t }(Ww || (Ww = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { const { value: n, baseUri: r } = i; function o(a, c) { return => { const u = E.joinPath(c,; return { label:, uri: u, children: l.children && o(l.children, u) } }) } return { kind: "treeData", treeData: { label: Tn(r), uri: r, children: o(n, r) } } } e.from = t; function s(i) { const n = Ws(i.treeData); function r(c) { return => ({ name: l.label, children: l.children && r(l.children) })) } const o = n.uri, a = n.children ? r(n.children) : []; return new C0(a, o) } = s }(Wd || (Wd = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { const n = o => E.isUri(o), r = o => "name" in o; return { kind: "inlineReference", name: i.title, inlineReference: n(i.value) ? i.value : r(i.value) ? Ld.from(i.value) : ir.from(i.value) } } e.from = t; function s(i) { const n = Ws(i); return new _0(E.isUri(n.inlineReference) ? n.inlineReference : "location" in n.inlineReference ? :, } = s }(qd || (qd = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { return { kind: "progressMessage", content: lt.from(i.value) } } e.from = t; function s(i) { return new j0(i.content.value) } = s }(qw || (qw = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { return { kind: "warning", content: lt.from(i.value) } } e.from = t; function s(i) { return new T0(i.content.value) } = s }(Gw || (Gw = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { return { kind: "move", uri: i.uri, range: U.from(i.range) } } e.from = t; function s(i) { return new B0(E.revive(i.uri), } = s }(Jw || (Jw = {})), function (e) { function t(s) { return { kind: "progressTask", content: lt.from(s.value) } } e.from = t }(lS || (lS = {})), function (e) { function t(s) { return { kind: "progressTaskResult", content: typeof s == "string" ? lt.from(s) : void 0 } } e.from = t }(uS || (uS = {})), function (e) { function t(i, n, r) { return { kind: "command", command: n.toInternal(i.value, r) ?? { command: i.value.command, title: i.value.title } } } e.from = t; function s(i, n) { return new U0(n.fromInternal(i.command) ?? { command:, title: i.command.title }) } = s }(Gd || (Gd = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { return { kind: "textEdit", uri: i.uri, edits: => di.from(n)), done: i.isDone } } e.from = t; function s(i) { const n = new H0(E.revive(i.uri), =>; return n.isDone = i.done, n } = s }(Yw || (Yw = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { const n = zn.isThemeIcon(i.iconPath) ? i.iconPath : E.isUri(i.iconPath) ? { light: E.revive(i.iconPath) } : i.iconPath && "light" in i.iconPath && "dark" in i.iconPath && E.isUri(i.iconPath.light) && E.isUri(i.iconPath.dark) ? { light: E.revive(i.iconPath.light), dark: E.revive(i.iconPath.dark) } : void 0; return typeof i.value == "object" && "variableName" in i.value ? { kind: "reference", reference: { variableName: i.value.variableName, value: E.isUri(i.value.value) || !i.value.value ? i.value.value : ir.from(i.value.value) }, iconPath: n, options: i.options } : { kind: "reference", reference: E.isUri(i.value) || typeof i.value == "string" ? i.value : ir.from(i.value), iconPath: n, options: i.options } } e.from = t; function s(i) { const n = Ws(i), r = o => E.isUri(o) ? o :; return new M0(typeof n.reference == "string" ? n.reference : "variableName" in n.reference ? { variableName: n.reference.variableName, value: n.reference.value && r(n.reference.value) } : r(n.reference)) } = s }(Jd || (Jd = {})), function (e) { function t(s) { return { kind: "codeCitation", value: s.value, license: s.license, snippet: s.snippet } } e.from = t }(Xw || (Xw = {})), function (e) { function t(n, r, o) { return n instanceof L0 ? Vd.from(n) : n instanceof _0 ? qd.from(n) : n instanceof M0 ? Jd.from(n) : n instanceof j0 ? qw.from(n) : n instanceof C0 ? Wd.from(n) : n instanceof U0 ? Gd.from(n, r, o) : n instanceof H0 ? Yw.from(n) : n instanceof N0 ? zw.from(n) : n instanceof F0 ? Hw.from(n) : n instanceof O0 ? Vw.from(n) : n instanceof T0 ? Gw.from(n) : n instanceof B3 ? Ww.from(n) : n instanceof H3 ? Xw.from(n) : n instanceof B0 ? Jw.from(n) : { kind: "markdownContent", content: lt.from("") } } e.from = t; function s(n, r) { switch (n.kind) { case "reference": return; case "markdownContent": case "inlineReference": case "progressMessage": case "treeData": case "command": return i(n, r) } } = s; function i(n, r) { switch (n.kind) { case "markdownContent": return; case "inlineReference": return; case "progressMessage": return; case "treeData": return; case "command": return, r) } } e.toContent = i }(hS || (hS = {})), function (e) { function t(s, i, n) { const r = s.variables.variables.filter(a => a.isTool), o = s.variables.variables.filter(a => !a.isTool); return { prompt: s.message, command: s.command, attempt: s.attempt ?? 0, enableCommandDetection: s.enableCommandDetection ?? !0, isParticipantDetected: s.isParticipantDetected ?? !1, references:, toolReferences:, location:, acceptedConfirmationData: s.acceptedConfirmationData, rejectedConfirmationData: s.rejectedConfirmationData, location2: i, toolInvocationToken: Object.freeze({ sessionId: s.sessionId }), model: n } } = t }(fS || (fS = {})), function (e) { function t(s) { return { prompt: s.prompt, files: => E.revive(i)) } } = t }(dS || (dS = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { switch (i) { case bs.Notebook: return Ys.Notebook; case bs.Terminal: return Ys.Terminal; case bs.Panel: return Ys.Panel; case bs.Editor: return Ys.Editor; case bs.EditingSession: return Ys.EditingSession } } = t; function s(i) { switch (i) { case Ys.Notebook: return bs.Notebook; case Ys.Terminal: return bs.Terminal; case Ys.Panel: return bs.Panel; case Ys.Editor: return bs.Editor; case Ys.EditingSession: return bs.EditingSession } } e.from = s }(Qw || (Qw = {})), function (e) { function t(s) { const i = s.value; if (!i) throw new Error("Invalid value reference"); return { id:, name:, range: s.range && [s.range.start, s.range.endExclusive], value: oy(i) ? E.revive(i) : i && typeof i == "object" && "uri" in i && "range" in i && oy(i.uri) ? : s.isImage ? new V3(s.mimeType ?? "image/png", () => Promise.resolve(new Uint8Array(Object.values(i)))) : i, modelDescription: s.modelDescription } } = t }(Zw || (Zw = {})), function (e) { function t(s) { if (s.value) throw new Error("Invalid tool reference"); return { name:, range: s.range && [s.range.start, s.range.endExclusive] } } = t }(Kw || (Kw = {})), function (e) { function t(s, i, n) { return { id:, label: s.label, fullName: s.fullName, icon: s.icon?.id, value: s.values[0].value, insertText: s.insertText, detail: s.detail, documentation: s.documentation, command: i.toInternal(s.command, n) } } e.from = t }(pS || (pS = {})), function (e) { function t(n) { return { errorDetails: n.errorDetails, metadata: i(n.metadata), nextQuestion: n.nextQuestion } } = t; function s(n) { return { errorDetails: n.errorDetails, metadata: n.metadata, nextQuestion: n.nextQuestion } } e.from = s; function i(n) { return un(n, r => { if (r.$mid === 20) return new W0(un(r.content, i)); if (r.$mid === 21) return new Xs(r.value); if (r.$mid === 22) return new da(r.value) }) } }(Yd || (Yd = {})), function (e) { function t(s, i, n) { if (i.action.kind === "vote") return; const r =; if (i.action.kind === "command") { const o = i.action.commandButton.command; return { action: { kind: "command", commandButton: { command: n.fromInternal(o) ?? { command:, title: o.title } } }, result: r } } else return i.action.kind === "followUp" ? { action: { kind: "followUp", followup: }, result: r } : i.action.kind === "inlineChat" ? { action: { kind: "editor", accepted: i.action.action === "accepted" }, result: r } : i.action.kind === "chatEditingSessionAction" ? { action: { kind: "chatEditingSessionAction", outcome: new Map([["accepted", fa.Accepted], ["rejected", fa.Rejected], ["saved", fa.Saved]]).get(i.action.outcome) ?? fa.Rejected, uri: E.revive(i.action.uri), hasRemainingEdits: i.action.hasRemainingEdits }, result: r } : { action: i.action, result: r } } = t }(mS || (mS = {})), function (e) { function t(s, i, n) { return "terminalCommand" in s ? { terminalCommand: s.terminalCommand, shouldExecute: s.shouldExecute } : "uri" in s ? { uri: s.uri } : i.toInternal(s, n) } e.from = t }(gS || (gS = {})), function (e) { function t(s) { return { kind: } } = t }(wS || (wS = {})), function (e) { function t(s) { switch (s) { case 0: return oa.Word; case 1: return oa.Line; case 2: return oa.Suggest; default: return oa.Unknown } } = t }(ev || (ev = {})), function (e) { function t(s, i) { return { id: i, label: s.label, description: s.description, canEdit: s.canEdit, collapsibleState: s.collapsibleState || 0, contextValue: s.contextValue } } e.from = t }(vS || (vS = {})), function (e) { function t(s) { return { name:, description: s.modelDescription, inputSchema: s.inputSchema, tags: s.tags ?? [] } } = t }(bS || (bS = {})), function (e) { function t(i) { return new W0( => n.kind === "text" ? new Xs(n.value) : new da(n.value))) } = t; function s(i) { return { content: => { if (n instanceof Xs) return { kind: "text", value: n.value }; if (n instanceof da) return { kind: "promptTsx", value: n.value }; throw new Error("Unknown LanguageModelToolResult part type") }) } } e.from = s }(yS || (yS = {}))
  554. }
  555. }); function S(e) { const t = new xS(e); return kS[t.nid] = t, t } var xS, kS, $S, SS = v({ "out-build/vs/workbench/services/extensions/common/proxyIdentifier.js"() { "use strict"; xS = class TI { static { this.count = 0 } constructor(t) { this._proxyIdentifierBrand = void 0, this.sid = t, this.nid = ++TI.count } }, kS = [], $S = class { constructor(e) { this.value = e } } } }), PS, IS, AS, DS, RS, LS, NS, OS, HT, CS, _S, jS, tv, zT, VT = v({ "out-build/vs/workbench/api/common/extHost.protocol.js"() { "use strict"; SS(), function (e) { e[e.Default = 0] = "Default", e[e.InCenter = 1] = "InCenter", e[e.InCenterIfOutsideViewport = 2] = "InCenterIfOutsideViewport", e[e.AtTop = 3] = "AtTop" }(PS || (PS = {})), function (e) { e[e.UnknownInput = 0] = "UnknownInput", e[e.TextInput = 1] = "TextInput", e[e.TextDiffInput = 2] = "TextDiffInput", e[e.TextMergeInput = 3] = "TextMergeInput", e[e.NotebookInput = 4] = "NotebookInput", e[e.NotebookDiffInput = 5] = "NotebookDiffInput", e[e.CustomEditorInput = 6] = "CustomEditorInput", e[e.WebviewEditorInput = 7] = "WebviewEditorInput", e[e.TerminalEditorInput = 8] = "TerminalEditorInput", e[e.InteractiveEditorInput = 9] = "InteractiveEditorInput", e[e.ChatEditorInput = 10] = "ChatEditorInput", e[e.MultiDiffEditorInput = 11] = "MultiDiffEditorInput" }(IS || (IS = {})), function (e) { e[e.TAB_OPEN = 0] = "TAB_OPEN", e[e.TAB_CLOSE = 1] = "TAB_CLOSE", e[e.TAB_UPDATE = 2] = "TAB_UPDATE", e[e.TAB_MOVE = 3] = "TAB_MOVE" }(AS || (AS = {})), function (e) { e[e.Editable = 0] = "Editable", e[e.SupportsHotExit = 1] = "SupportsHotExit" }(DS || (DS = {})), function (e) { e[e.Int8Array = 1] = "Int8Array", e[e.Uint8Array = 2] = "Uint8Array", e[e.Uint8ClampedArray = 3] = "Uint8ClampedArray", e[e.Int16Array = 4] = "Int16Array", e[e.Uint16Array = 5] = "Uint16Array", e[e.Int32Array = 6] = "Int32Array", e[e.Uint32Array = 7] = "Uint32Array", e[e.Float32Array = 8] = "Float32Array", e[e.Float64Array = 9] = "Float64Array", e[e.BigInt64Array = 10] = "BigInt64Array", e[e.BigUint64Array = 11] = "BigUint64Array" }(RS || (RS = {})), function (e) { e[e.Text = 1] = "Text", e[e.Error = 2] = "Error", e[e.Rich = 3] = "Rich" }(LS || (LS = {})), function (e) { e[e.Default = 0] = "Default", e[e.InCenter = 1] = "InCenter", e[e.InCenterIfOutsideViewport = 2] = "InCenterIfOutsideViewport", e[e.AtTop = 3] = "AtTop" }(NS || (NS = {})), function (e) { e[e.None = 0] = "None", e[e.Process = 1] = "Process", e[e.Output = 2] = "Output", e[e.Hybrid = 3] = "Hybrid" }(OS || (OS = {})), HT = class UI { static { this.a = 0 } static mixin(t) { return t._id = UI.a++, t } }, function (e) { e.label = "a", e.kind = "b", e.detail = "c", e.documentation = "d", e.sortText = "e", e.filterText = "f", e.preselect = "g", e.insertText = "h", e.insertTextRules = "i", e.range = "j", e.commitCharacters = "k", e.additionalTextEdits = "l", e.kindModifier = "m", e.commandIdent = "n", e.commandId = "o", e.commandArguments = "p" }(CS || (CS = {})), function (e) { e.defaultRanges = "a", e.completions = "b", e.isIncomplete = "c", e.duration = "d" }(_S || (_S = {})), function (e) { e[e.Workspace = 0] = "Workspace", e[e.TextDocument = 1] = "TextDocument" }(jS || (jS = {})), tv = { MainThreadAuthentication: S("MainThreadAuthentication"), MainThreadBulkEdits: S("MainThreadBulkEdits"), MainThreadLanguageModels: S("MainThreadLanguageModels"), MainThreadEmbeddings: S("MainThreadEmbeddings"), MainThreadChatAgents2: S("MainThreadChatAgents2"), MainThreadCodeMapper: S("MainThreadCodeMapper"), MainThreadChatVariables: S("MainThreadChatVariables"), MainThreadLanguageModelTools: S("MainThreadChatSkills"), MainThreadClipboard: S("MainThreadClipboard"), MainThreadCommands: S("MainThreadCommands"), MainThreadComments: S("MainThreadComments"), MainThreadConfiguration: S("MainThreadConfiguration"), MainThreadConsole: S("MainThreadConsole"), MainThreadDebugService: S("MainThreadDebugService"), MainThreadDecorations: S("MainThreadDecorations"), MainThreadDiagnostics: S("MainThreadDiagnostics"), MainThreadDialogs: S("MainThreadDiaglogs"), MainThreadDocuments: S("MainThreadDocuments"), MainThreadDocumentContentProviders: S("MainThreadDocumentContentProviders"), MainThreadTextEditors: S("MainThreadTextEditors"), MainThreadEditorInsets: S("MainThreadEditorInsets"), MainThreadEditorTabs: S("MainThreadEditorTabs"), MainThreadErrors: S("MainThreadErrors"), MainThreadTreeViews: S("MainThreadTreeViews"), MainThreadDownloadService: S("MainThreadDownloadService"), MainThreadLanguageFeatures: S("MainThreadLanguageFeatures"), MainThreadLanguages: S("MainThreadLanguages"), MainThreadLogger: S("MainThreadLogger"), MainThreadMessageService: S("MainThreadMessageService"), MainThreadOutputService: S("MainThreadOutputService"), MainThreadProgress: S("MainThreadProgress"), MainThreadQuickDiff: S("MainThreadQuickDiff"), MainThreadQuickOpen: S("MainThreadQuickOpen"), MainThreadStatusBar: S("MainThreadStatusBar"), MainThreadSecretState: S("MainThreadSecretState"), MainThreadStorage: S("MainThreadStorage"), MainThreadSpeech: S("MainThreadSpeechProvider"), MainThreadTelemetry: S("MainThreadTelemetry"), MainThreadTerminalService: S("MainThreadTerminalService"), MainThreadTerminalShellIntegration: S("MainThreadTerminalShellIntegration"), MainThreadWebviews: S("MainThreadWebviews"), MainThreadWebviewPanels: S("MainThreadWebviewPanels"), MainThreadWebviewViews: S("MainThreadWebviewViews"), MainThreadCustomEditors: S("MainThreadCustomEditors"), MainThreadUrls: S("MainThreadUrls"), MainThreadUriOpeners: S("MainThreadUriOpeners"), MainThreadProfileContentHandlers: S("MainThreadProfileContentHandlers"), MainThreadWorkspace: S("MainThreadWorkspace"), MainThreadFileSystem: S("MainThreadFileSystem"), MainThreadFileSystemEventService: S("MainThreadFileSystemEventService"), MainThreadExtensionService: S("MainThreadExtensionService"), MainThreadSCM: S("MainThreadSCM"), MainThreadSearch: S("MainThreadSearch"), MainThreadShare: S("MainThreadShare"), MainThreadTask: S("MainThreadTask"), MainThreadWindow: S("MainThreadWindow"), MainThreadLabelService: S("MainThreadLabelService"), MainThreadNotebook: S("MainThreadNotebook"), MainThreadNotebookDocuments: S("MainThreadNotebookDocumentsShape"), MainThreadNotebookEditors: S("MainThreadNotebookEditorsShape"), MainThreadNotebookKernels: S("MainThreadNotebookKernels"), MainThreadNotebookRenderers: S("MainThreadNotebookRenderers"), MainThreadInteractive: S("MainThreadInteractive"), MainThreadTheming: S("MainThreadTheming"), MainThreadTunnelService: S("MainThreadTunnelService"), MainThreadManagedSockets: S("MainThreadManagedSockets"), MainThreadTimeline: S("MainThreadTimeline"), MainThreadTesting: S("MainThreadTesting"), MainThreadLocalization: S("MainThreadLocalizationShape"), MainThreadAiRelatedInformation: S("MainThreadAiRelatedInformation"), MainThreadAiEmbeddingVector: S("MainThreadAiEmbeddingVector") }, zT = { ExtHostCodeMapper: S("ExtHostCodeMapper"), ExtHostCommands: S("ExtHostCommands"), ExtHostConfiguration: S("ExtHostConfiguration"), ExtHostDiagnostics: S("ExtHostDiagnostics"), ExtHostDebugService: S("ExtHostDebugService"), ExtHostDecorations: S("ExtHostDecorations"), ExtHostDocumentsAndEditors: S("ExtHostDocumentsAndEditors"), ExtHostDocuments: S("ExtHostDocuments"), ExtHostDocumentContentProviders: S("ExtHostDocumentContentProviders"), ExtHostDocumentSaveParticipant: S("ExtHostDocumentSaveParticipant"), ExtHostEditors: S("ExtHostEditors"), ExtHostTreeViews: S("ExtHostTreeViews"), ExtHostFileSystem: S("ExtHostFileSystem"), ExtHostFileSystemInfo: S("ExtHostFileSystemInfo"), ExtHostFileSystemEventService: S("ExtHostFileSystemEventService"), ExtHostLanguages: S("ExtHostLanguages"), ExtHostLanguageFeatures: S("ExtHostLanguageFeatures"), ExtHostQuickOpen: S("ExtHostQuickOpen"), ExtHostQuickDiff: S("ExtHostQuickDiff"), ExtHostStatusBar: S("ExtHostStatusBar"), ExtHostShare: S("ExtHostShare"), ExtHostExtensionService: S("ExtHostExtensionService"), ExtHostLogLevelServiceShape: S("ExtHostLogLevelServiceShape"), ExtHostTerminalService: S("ExtHostTerminalService"), ExtHostTerminalShellIntegration: S("ExtHostTerminalShellIntegration"), ExtHostSCM: S("ExtHostSCM"), ExtHostSearch: S("ExtHostSearch"), ExtHostTask: S("ExtHostTask"), ExtHostWorkspace: S("ExtHostWorkspace"), ExtHostWindow: S("ExtHostWindow"), ExtHostWebviews: S("ExtHostWebviews"), ExtHostWebviewPanels: S("ExtHostWebviewPanels"), ExtHostCustomEditors: S("ExtHostCustomEditors"), ExtHostWebviewViews: S("ExtHostWebviewViews"), ExtHostEditorInsets: S("ExtHostEditorInsets"), ExtHostEditorTabs: S("ExtHostEditorTabs"), ExtHostProgress: S("ExtHostProgress"), ExtHostComments: S("ExtHostComments"), ExtHostSecretState: S("ExtHostSecretState"), ExtHostStorage: S("ExtHostStorage"), ExtHostUrls: S("ExtHostUrls"), ExtHostUriOpeners: S("ExtHostUriOpeners"), ExtHostProfileContentHandlers: S("ExtHostProfileContentHandlers"), ExtHostOutputService: S("ExtHostOutputService"), ExtHostLabelService: S("ExtHostLabelService"), ExtHostNotebook: S("ExtHostNotebook"), ExtHostNotebookDocuments: S("ExtHostNotebookDocuments"), ExtHostNotebookEditors: S("ExtHostNotebookEditors"), ExtHostNotebookKernels: S("ExtHostNotebookKernels"), ExtHostNotebookRenderers: S("ExtHostNotebookRenderers"), ExtHostNotebookDocumentSaveParticipant: S("ExtHostNotebookDocumentSaveParticipant"), ExtHostInteractive: S("ExtHostInteractive"), ExtHostChatAgents2: S("ExtHostChatAgents"), ExtHostChatVariables: S("ExtHostChatVariables"), ExtHostLanguageModelTools: S("ExtHostChatSkills"), ExtHostChatProvider: S("ExtHostChatProvider"), ExtHostSpeech: S("ExtHostSpeech"), ExtHostEmbeddings: S("ExtHostEmbeddings"), ExtHostAiRelatedInformation: S("ExtHostAiRelatedInformation"), ExtHostAiEmbeddingVector: S("ExtHostAiEmbeddingVector"), ExtHostTheming: S("ExtHostTheming"), ExtHostTunnelService: S("ExtHostTunnelService"), ExtHostManagedSockets: S("ExtHostManagedSockets"), ExtHostAuthentication: S("ExtHostAuthentication"), ExtHostTimeline: S("ExtHostTimeline"), ExtHostTesting: S("ExtHostTesting"), ExtHostTelemetry: S("ExtHostTelemetry"), ExtHostLocalization: S("ExtHostLocalization") } } }), TS, WT = v({ "out-build/vs/workbench/api/common/extHostRpcService.js"() { "use strict"; oe(), TS = se("IExtHostRpcService") } }), ar, Gr, Sn, Jr, US, sv, MS, qT = v({ "out-build/vs/workbench/api/common/extHostTestItem.js"() { "use strict"; ee(), va(), gd(), w$(), Sw(), b$(), ES(), ar = (e, t, s, i) => { let n = t; return { enumerable: !0, configurable: !1, get() { return n }, set(r) { if (!s(n, r)) { const o = n; n = r, e.listener?.(i(r, o)) } } } }, Gr = (e, t) => e === t, Sn = { range: (e, t) => e === t ? !0 : !e || !t ? !1 : e.isEqual(t), label: Gr, description: Gr, sortText: Gr, busy: Gr, error: Gr, canResolveChildren: Gr, tags: (e, t) => !(e.length !== t.length || e.some(s => !t.find(i => === }, Jr = e => t => ({ op: 4, update: e(t) }), US = (e, t) => ({ range: (() => { let s; const i = Jr(n => ({ range: Ti.lift(U.from(n)) })); return { enumerable: !0, configurable: !1, get() { return s }, set(n) { e.listener?.({ op: 6 }), Sn.range(s, n) || (s = n, e.listener?.(i(n))) } } })(), label: ar(e, t, Sn.label, Jr(s => ({ label: s }))), description: ar(e, void 0, Sn.description, Jr(s => ({ description: s }))), sortText: ar(e, void 0, Sn.sortText, Jr(s => ({ sortText: s }))), canResolveChildren: ar(e, !1, Sn.canResolveChildren, s => ({ op: 2, state: s })), busy: ar(e, !1, Sn.busy, Jr(s => ({ busy: s }))), error: ar(e, void 0, Sn.error, Jr(s => ({ error: lt.fromStrict(s) || null }))), tags: ar(e, [], Sn.tags, (s, i) => ({ op: 1, new:, old: })) }), sv = class MI { constructor(t, s, i, n) { if (s.includes("\0")) throw new Error(`Test IDs may not include the ${JSON.stringify(s)} symbol`); const r = v$(this, t); Object.defineProperties(this, { id: { value: s, enumerable: !0, writable: !1 }, uri: { value: n, enumerable: !0, writable: !1 }, parent: { enumerable: !1, get() { return r.parent instanceof MS ? void 0 : r.parent } }, children: { value: g$(r, Iw, MI), enumerable: !0, writable: !1 }, ...US(r, i) }) } }, MS = class extends sv { constructor(e, t) { super(e, e, t, void 0), this._isRoot = !0 } } } }), FS, GT = v({ "out-build/vs/workbench/api/common/extHostInitDataService.js"() { "use strict"; oe(), FS = se("IExtHostInitDataService") } }), Xd, BS, HS, zS, JT = v({ "out-build/vs/workbench/services/extensions/common/extensionHostProtocol.js"() { "use strict"; Me(), function (e) { e[e.Desktop = 1] = "Desktop", e[e.Web = 2] = "Web" }(Xd || (Xd = {})), function (e) { e[e.VersionMismatch = 55] = "VersionMismatch", e[e.UnexpectedError = 81] = "UnexpectedError" }(BS || (BS = {})), function (e) { e[e.Initialized = 0] = "Initialized", e[e.Ready = 1] = "Ready", e[e.Terminate = 2] = "Terminate" }(HS || (HS = {})), function (e) { e.Start = "START_NATIVE_LOG", e.End = "END_NATIVE_LOG" }(zS || (zS = {})) } }); function YT(e) { const t = - new Date(e).getTime(); return isNaN(t) ? !1 : t < 1e3 * 60 * 60 * 24 } var iv, VS, WS, XT = v({ "out-build/vs/workbench/api/common/extHostTelemetry.js"() { "use strict"; oe(), re(), Re(), GT(), JT(), Qp(), fn(), es(), ee(), z(), he(), iv = class extends J { constructor(t, s) { super(), this.s = t, this.t = s, this.a = this.B(new D), this.onDidChangeTelemetryEnabled = this.a.event, this.b = this.B(new D), this.onDidChangeTelemetryConfiguration = this.b.event, this.c = { usage: !0, error: !0 }, this.f = 0, this.g = !1, this.j = !1, this.r = new Map, this.m = E.revive(this.s.environment.extensionTelemetryLogResource), this.j = this.s.environment.isExtensionTelemetryLoggingOnly, this.n = s.createLogger(this.m, { id: q5, name: m(2763, null, this.j ? " (Not Sent)" : ""), hidden: !0 }), this.B(this.n), this.B(s.onDidChangeLogLevel(i => { bp(i) && this.u() })),"Below are logs for extension telemetry events sent to the telemetry output channel API once the log level is set to trace."),"===========================================================") } u() { this.t.setVisibility(this.m, this.g && this.t.getLogLevel() === F.Trace) } getTelemetryConfiguration() { return this.f === 3 } getTelemetryDetails() { return { isCrashEnabled: this.f >= 1, isErrorsEnabled: this.c.error ? this.f >= 2 : !1, isUsageEnabled: this.c.usage ? this.f >= 3 : !1 } } instantiateLogger(t, s, i) { const n = this.getTelemetryDetails(), r = new VS(s, i, t, this.n, this.j, this.getBuiltInCommonProperties(t), { isUsageEnabled: n.isUsageEnabled, isErrorsEnabled: n.isErrorsEnabled }), o = this.r.get(t.identifier.value) ?? []; return this.r.set(t.identifier.value, [...o, r]), r.apiTelemetryLogger } $initializeTelemetryLevel(t, s, i) { this.f = t, this.g = s, this.c = i ?? { usage: !0, error: !0 }, this.u() } getBuiltInCommonProperties(t) { const s = Object.create(null); switch (s["common.extname"] = `${t.publisher}.${}`, s["common.extversion"] = t.version, s["common.vscodemachineid"] = this.s.telemetryInfo.machineId, s["common.vscodesessionid"] = this.s.telemetryInfo.sessionId, s["common.sqmid"] = this.s.telemetryInfo.sqmId, s["common.devDeviceId"] = this.s.telemetryInfo.devDeviceId, s["common.vscodeversion"] = this.s.version, s["common.isnewappinstall"] = YT(this.s.telemetryInfo.firstSessionDate), s["common.product"] = this.s.environment.appHost, this.s.uiKind) { case Xd.Web: s["common.uikind"] = "web"; break; case Xd.Desktop: s["common.uikind"] = "desktop"; break; default: s["common.uikind"] = "unknown" }return s["common.remotename"] = U5(tL(this.s.remote.authority)), s } $onDidChangeTelemetryLevel(t) { this.h = this.getTelemetryConfiguration(), this.f = t; const s = this.getTelemetryDetails(); this.r.forEach((i, n) => { const r = i.filter(o => !o.isDisposed); r.length === 0 ? this.r.delete(n) : this.r.set(n, r) }), this.r.forEach(i => { for (const n of i) n.updateTelemetryEnablements(s.isUsageEnabled, s.isErrorsEnabled) }), this.h !== this.getTelemetryConfiguration() &&,, this.u() } onExtensionError(t, s) { const n = this.r.get(t.value)?.filter(o => !o.isDisposed); if (!n) return this.r.delete(t.value), !1; let r = !1; for (const o of n) o.ignoreUnhandledExtHostErrors || (o.logError(s), r = !0); return r } }, iv = __decorate([__param(0, FS), __param(1, sc)], iv), VS = class { static validateSender(e) { if (typeof e != "object") throw new TypeError("TelemetrySender argument is invalid"); if (typeof e.sendEventData != "function") throw new TypeError("TelemetrySender.sendEventData must be a function"); if (typeof e.sendErrorData != "function") throw new TypeError("TelemetrySender.sendErrorData must be a function"); if (typeof e.flush < "u" && typeof e.flush != "function") throw new TypeError("TelemetrySender.flush must be a function or undefined") } constructor(e, t, s, i, n, r, o) { this.g = s, this.h = i, this.i = n, this.j = r, this.a = new D, this.ignoreUnhandledExtHostErrors = t?.ignoreUnhandledErrors ?? !1, this.b = t?.ignoreBuiltInCommonProperties ?? !1, this.c = t?.additionalCommonProperties, this.f = e, this.d = { isUsageEnabled: o.isUsageEnabled, isErrorsEnabled: o.isErrorsEnabled } } updateTelemetryEnablements(e, t) { this.e && (this.d = { isUsageEnabled: e, isErrorsEnabled: t }, } mixInCommonPropsAndCleanData(e) { let t = "properties" in e ? ?? {} : e; return t = em(t, []), this.c && (t = $o(t, this.c)), this.b || (t = $o(t, this.j)), "properties" in e ? = t : e = t, e } k(e, t) { this.f && (this.g.publisher === "vscode" ? e = + "/" + e : e = this.g.identifier.value + "/" + e, t = this.mixInCommonPropsAndCleanData(t || {}), this.i || this.f?.sendEventData(e, t), this.h.trace(e, t)) } logUsage(e, t) { this.d.isUsageEnabled && this.k(e, t) } logError(e, t) { if (!(!this.d.isErrorsEnabled || !this.f)) if (typeof e == "string") this.k(e, t); else { const s = { name:, message: e.message, stack: e.stack, cause: e.cause }, i = em(s, []), n = new Error(i.message, { cause: i.cause }); n.stack = i.stack, =, t = this.mixInCommonPropsAndCleanData(t || {}), this.i || this.f.sendErrorData(n, t), this.h.trace("exception", t) } } get apiTelemetryLogger() { if (!this.e) { const e = this, t = { logUsage: e.logUsage.bind(e), get isUsageEnabled() { return e.d.isUsageEnabled }, get isErrorsEnabled() { return e.d.isErrorsEnabled }, logError: e.logError.bind(e), dispose: e.dispose.bind(e), onDidChangeEnableStates: e.a.event.bind(e) }; this.e = Object.freeze(t) } return this.e } get isDisposed() { return !this.f } dispose() { if (this.f?.flush) { let e = this.f; this.f = void 0, Promise.resolve(e.flush()).then(e = void 0), this.e = void 0 } else this.f = void 0 } }, WS = se("IExtHostTelemetry") } }), nv, qS, GS, QT, JS, ZT = v({ "out-build/vs/workbench/api/common/extHostCommands.js"() { "use strict"; $e(), q0(), ES(), es(), VT(), Et(), Re(), Co(), va(), rw(), ee(), z(), oe(), WT(), qT(), Me(), SS(), yr(), co(), fn(), XT(), Wt(), nv = class { #e; #t; #s; constructor(t, s, i) { this.b = new Map, this.c = new Map, this.#e = t.getProxy(tv.MainThreadCommands), this.d = s, this.#s = i, this.#t = t.getProxy(tv.MainThreadTelemetry), this.converter = new GS(this, n => { const r = this.c.get(n); return r?.result === JS.Void ? r : void 0 }, s), this.f = [{ processArgument(n) { return Ws(n) } }, { processArgument(n) { return un(n, function (r) { if (Ti.isIRange(r)) return; if (zr.isIPosition(r)) return $; if (Ti.isIRange(r.range) && E.isUri(r.uri)) return; if (r instanceof O) return r.buffer.buffer; if (!Array.isArray(r)) return r }) } }] } registerArgumentProcessor(t) { this.f.push(t) } registerApiCommand(t) { const s = this.registerCommand(!1,, async (...i) => { const n =, a) => { if (!o.validate(i[a])) throw new Error(`Invalid argument '${}' when running '${}', received: ${typeof i[a] == "object" ? JSON.stringify(i[a], null, " ") : i[a]} `); return o.convert(i[a]) }), r = await this.executeCommand(t.internalId, ...n); return t.result.convert(r, i, this.converter) }, void 0, { description: t.description, args: t.args, returns: t.result.description }); return this.c.set(, t), new fl(() => { s.dispose(), this.c.delete( }) } registerCommand(t, s, i, n, r, o) { if (this.d.trace("ExtHostCommands#registerCommand", s), !s.trim().length) throw new Error("invalid id"); if (this.b.has(s)) throw new Error(`command '${s}' already exists`); return this.b.set(s, { callback: i, thisArg: n, metadata: r, extension: o }), t && this.#e.$registerCommand(s), new fl(() => { this.b.delete(s) && t && this.#e.$unregisterCommand(s) }) } executeCommand(t, ...s) { return this.d.trace("ExtHostCommands#executeCommand", t), this.g(t, s, !0) } async g(t, s, i) { if (this.b.has(t)) return this.#e.$fireCommandActivationEvent(t), this.h(t, s, !1); { let n = !1; const r = un(s, function (o) { if (o instanceof Le) return $n.from(o); if (o instanceof Ke) return U.from(o); if (o instanceof En) return rr.from(o); if (Hr.isNotebookRange(o)) return jw.from(o); if (o instanceof ArrayBuffer) return n = !0, O.wrap(new Uint8Array(o)); if (o instanceof Uint8Array) return n = !0, O.wrap(o); if (o instanceof O) return n = !0, o; if (!Array.isArray(o)) return o }); try { const o = await this.#e.$executeCommand(t, n ? new $S(r) : r, i); return Ws(o) } catch (o) { if (o instanceof Error && o.message === "$executeCommand:retry") return this.g(t, s, !1); throw o } } } async h(t, s, i) { const n = this.b.get(t); if (!n) throw new Error("Unknown command"); const { callback: r, thisArg: o, metadata: a } = n; if (a?.args) for (let l = 0; l < a.args.length; l++)try { YA(s[l], a.args[l].constraint) } catch { throw new Error(`Running the contributed command: '${t}' failed. Illegal argument '${a.args[l].name}' - ${a.args[l].description}`) } const c = Ki.create(); try { return await r.apply(o, s) } catch (l) { if (t === this.converter.delegatingCommandId) { const u = this.converter.getActualCommand(...s); u && (t = u.command) } if (this.d.error(l, t, n.extension?.identifier), !i) throw l; if (n.extension?.identifier) { const u = this.#s.onExtensionError(n.extension.identifier, l); this.d.trace("forwarded error to extension?", u, n.extension?.identifier) } throw new class extends Error { constructor() { super(Cn(l)), = t, this.source = n.extension?.displayName ?? n.extension?.name } } } finally { this.j(n, t, c.elapsed()) } } j(t, s, i) { t.extension && this.#t.$publicLog2("Extension:ActionExecuted", { extensionId: t.extension.identifier.value, id: new xc(s), duration: i }) } $executeContributedCommand(t, ...s) { this.d.trace("ExtHostCommands#$executeContributedCommand", t); const i = this.b.get(t); return i ? (s = => this.f.reduce((r, o) => o.processArgument(r, i.extension?.identifier), n)), this.h(t, s, !0)) : Promise.reject(new Error(`Contributed command '${t}' does not exist.`)) } getCommands(t = !1) { return this.d.trace("ExtHostCommands#getCommands", t), this.#e.$getCommands().then(s => (t && (s = s.filter(i => i[0] !== "_")), s)) } $getContributedCommandMetadata() { const t = Object.create(null); for (const [s, i] of this.b) { const { metadata: n } = i; n && (t[s] = n) } return Promise.resolve(t) } }, nv = __decorate([__param(0, TS), __param(1, pe), __param(2, WS)], nv), qS = se("IExtHostCommands"), GS = class { constructor(e, t, s) { this.d = e, this.f = t, this.g = s, this.delegatingCommandId = `__vsc${We()}`, this.b = new Map, this.c = 0, this.d.registerCommand(!0, this.delegatingCommandId, this.h, this) } toInternal(e, t) { if (!e) return; const s = { $ident: void 0, id: e.command, title: e.title, tooltip: e.tooltip }; if (!e.command) return s; const i = this.f(e.command); if (i) = i.internalId, s.arguments =, r) => n.convert(e.arguments && e.arguments[r])); else if (uu(e.arguments)) { const n = `${e.command} /${++this.c}`; this.b.set(n, e), t.add(ye(() => { this.b.delete(n), this.g.trace("CommandsConverter#DISPOSE", n) })), s.$ident = n, = this.delegatingCommandId, s.arguments = [n], this.g.trace("CommandsConverter#CREATE", e.command, n) } return s } fromInternal(e) { return typeof e.$ident == "string" ? this.b.get(e.$ident) : { command:, title: e.title, arguments: e.arguments } } getActualCommand(...e) { return this.b.get(e[0]) } h(...e) { const t = this.getActualCommand(...e); return this.g.trace("CommandsConverter#EXECUTE", e[0], t ? t.command : "MISSING"), t ? this.d.executeCommand(t.command, ...t.arguments || []) : Promise.reject(`Actual command not found, wanted to execute ${e[0]}`) } }, QT = class as { static { this.Uri = new as("uri", "Uri of a text document", t => E.isUri(t), t => t) } static { this.Position = new as("position", "A position in a text document", t => Le.isPosition(t), $n.from) } static { this.Range = new as("range", "A range in a text document", t => Ke.isRange(t), U.from) } static { this.Selection = new as("selection", "A selection in a text document", t => dl.isSelection(t), Dw.from) } static { this.Number = new as("number", "", t => typeof t == "number", t => t) } static { this.String = new as("string", "", t => typeof t == "string", t => t) } static { this.StringArray = as.Arr(as.String) } static Arr(t) { return new as(`${}_array`, `Array of ${}, ${t.description}`, s => Array.isArray(s) && s.every(i => t.validate(i)), s => => t.convert(i))) } static { this.CallHierarchyItem = new as("item", "A call hierarchy item", t => t instanceof t0, Ul.from) } static { this.TypeHierarchyItem = new as("item", "A type hierarchy item", t => t instanceof R0, Fw.from) } static { this.TestItem = new as("testItem", "A VS Code TestItem", t => t instanceof sv, Bd.from) } static { this.TestProfile = new as("testProfile", "A VS Code test profile", t => t instanceof A3, Uw.from) } constructor(t, s, i, n) { = t, this.description = s, this.validate = i, this.convert = n } optional() { return new as(, `(optional) ${this.description}`, t => t == null || this.validate(t), t => t === void 0 ? void 0 : t === null ? null : this.convert(t)) } with(t, s) { return new as(t ??, s ?? this.description, this.validate, this.convert) } }, JS = class FI { static { this.Void = new FI("no result", t => t) } constructor(t, s) { this.description = t, this.convert = s } } } }); import *as KT from "http"; import *as YS from "fs"; var rv, ov, eU = v({ "out-build/vs/workbench/api/node/extHostCLIServer.js"() { "use strict"; Qh(), ZT(), ee(), Re(), ym(), rv = class { constructor(e, t, s) { this.b = e, this.c = t, this.f = s, this.a = KT.createServer((i, n) => this.h(i, n)), this.g().catch(i => (t.error(i), "")) } get ipcHandlePath() { return this.f } async g() { try { this.a.listen(this.ipcHandlePath), this.a.on("error", e => this.c.error(e)) } catch { this.c.error("Could not start open from terminal server.") } return this.f } h(e, t) { const s = (n, r) => { t.writeHead(n, { "content-type": "application/json" }), t.end(JSON.stringify(r || null), o => o && this.c.error(o)) }, i = []; e.setEncoding("utf8"), e.on("data", n => i.push(n)), e.on("end", async () => { try { const n = JSON.parse(i.join("")); let r; switch (n.type) { case "open": r = await this.i(n); break; case "openExternal": r = await this.j(n); break; case "status": r = await this.l(n); break; case "extensionManagement": r = await this.k(n); break; default: s(404, `Unknown message type: ${n.type}`); break }s(200, r) } catch (n) { const r = n instanceof Error ? n.message : JSON.stringify(n); s(500, r), this.c.error("Error while processing pipe request", n) } }) } async i(e) { const { fileURIs: t, folderURIs: s, forceNewWindow: i, diffMode: n, mergeMode: r, addMode: o, forceReuseWindow: a, gotoLineMode: c, waitMarkerFilePath: l, remoteAuthority: u } = e, h = []; if (Array.isArray(s)) for (const w of s) try { h.push({ folderUri: E.parse(w) }) } catch { } if (Array.isArray(t)) for (const w of t) try { gN(w) ? h.push({ workspaceUri: E.parse(w) }) : h.push({ fileUri: E.parse(w) }) } catch { } const d = l ? E.file(l) : void 0, g = { forceNewWindow: i, diffMode: n, mergeMode: r, addMode: o, gotoLineMode: c, forceReuseWindow: a, preferNewWindow: !a && !d && !o, waitMarkerFileURI: d, remoteAuthority: u }; this.b.executeCommand("_remoteCLI.windowOpen", h, g) } async j(e) { for (const t of e.uris) { const s = E.parse(t), i = s.scheme === "file" ? s : t; await this.b.executeCommand("_remoteCLI.openExternal", i) } } async k(e) { const t = i => i?.map(n => /\.vsix$/i.test(n) ? E.parse(n) : n), s = { list: e.list, install: t(e.install), uninstall: t(e.uninstall), force: e.force }; return await this.b.executeCommand("_remoteCLI.manageExtensions", s) } async l(e) { return await this.b.executeCommand("_remoteCLI.getSystemStatus") } dispose() { this.a.close(), this.f && process.platform !== "win32" && YS.existsSync(this.f) && YS.unlinkSync(this.f) } }, ov = class extends rv { constructor(t, s) { super(t, s, kg()) } }, ov = __decorate([__param(0, qS), __param(1, pe)], ov) } }); function XS(e) { return e.match(/^['"].*['"]$/) && (e = e.substring(1, e.length - 1)), dr === 1 && e && e[1] === ":" ? e[0].toUpperCase() + e.substring(1) : e } function tU(e) { return !e.strictEnv } var QS = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/terminal/common/terminalEnvironment.js"() { "use strict"; X() } }); function ZS(e, t) { if (t) if (me) for (const s in t) { let i = s; for (const r in e) if (s.toLowerCase() === r.toLowerCase()) { i = r; break } const n = t[s]; n !== void 0 && KS(e, i, n) } else Object.keys(t).forEach(s => { const i = t[s]; i !== void 0 && KS(e, s, i) }) } function KS(e, t, s) { typeof s == "string" ? e[t] = s : delete e[t] } function sU(e, t, s, i) { e.TERM_PROGRAM = "vscode", t && (e.TERM_PROGRAM_VERSION = t), iU(e, i) && (e.LANG = nU(s)), e.COLORTERM = "truecolor" } function eP(e, t) { if (t) for (const s of Object.keys(t)) { const i = t[s]; i != null && (e[s] = i) } } async function tP(e, t) { return await Promise.all(Object.entries(t).map(async ([s, i]) => { if (typeof i == "string") try { t[s] = await e(i) } catch { t[s] = i } })), t } function iU(e, t) { if (t === "on") return !0; if (t === "auto") { const s = e.LANG; return !s ||\.UTF\-8$/) === -1 &&\.utf8$/) === -1 &&\.euc.+/) === -1 } return !1 } function nU(e) { const t = e ? e.split("-") : [], s = t.length; if (s === 0) return "en_US.UTF-8"; if (s === 1) { const i = { af: "ZA", am: "ET", be: "BY", bg: "BG", ca: "ES", cs: "CZ", da: "DK", de: "DE", el: "GR", en: "US", es: "ES", et: "EE", eu: "ES", fi: "FI", fr: "FR", he: "IL", hr: "HR", hu: "HU", hy: "AM", is: "IS", it: "IT", ja: "JP", kk: "KZ", ko: "KR", lt: "LT", nl: "NL", no: "NO", pl: "PL", pt: "BR", ro: "RO", ru: "RU", sk: "SK", sl: "SI", sr: "YU", sv: "SE", tr: "TR", uk: "UA", zh: "CN" }; t[0] in i && t.push(i[t[0]]) } else t[1] = t[1].toUpperCase(); return t.join("_") + ".UTF-8" } async function rU(e, t, s, i, n, r) { if (e.cwd) { const a = typeof e.cwd == "object" ? e.cwd.fsPath : e.cwd, c = await sP(a, s); return XS(c || a) } let o; return !e.ignoreConfigurationCwd && n && (s && (n = await sP(n, s, r)), n && (sn(n) ? o = n : i && (o = _(i.fsPath, n)))), o || (o = i ? i.fsPath : t || ""), XS(o) } async function sP(e, t, s) { if (t) try { return await t(e) } catch (i) { s?.error("Could not resolve terminal cwd", i); return } return e } function oU(e, t, s) { if (s) return i => s.resolveWithEnvironment(t, e, i) } async function aU(e, t, s, i, n, r) { const o = {}; if (e.strictEnv) eP(o, e.env); else { eP(o, r); const a = { ...t }; s && (a && await tP(s, a), e.env && await tP(s, e.env)), _s && (o.VSCODE_NODE_OPTIONS && (o.NODE_OPTIONS = o.VSCODE_NODE_OPTIONS, delete o.VSCODE_NODE_OPTIONS), o.VSCODE_NODE_REPL_EXTERNAL_MODULE && (o.NODE_REPL_EXTERNAL_MODULE = o.VSCODE_NODE_REPL_EXTERNAL_MODULE, delete o.VSCODE_NODE_REPL_EXTERNAL_MODULE)), IR(o, "VSCODE_IPC_HOOK_CLI"), ZS(o, a), ZS(o, e.env), sU(o, i, Ss, n) } return o } var cU = v({ "out-build/vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/common/terminalEnvironment.js"() { "use strict"; de(), ee(), qu(), X(), QS(), $e() } }); function Bl(e, t = me) { return jy(e, t) ? e.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + e.slice(1) : e } var iP, lU = v({ "out-build/vs/base/common/labels.js"() { "use strict"; ki(), de(), X(), kt(), et(), function (e) { e[e.TEXT = 0] = "TEXT", e[e.VARIABLE = 1] = "VARIABLE", e[e.SEPARATOR = 2] = "SEPARATOR" }(iP || (iP = {})) } }), nP, ze, os, rP = v({ "out-build/vs/workbench/services/configurationResolver/common/configurationResolver.js"() { "use strict"; oe(), fe(), nP = se("configurationResolverService"), function (e) { e.Unknown = "unknown", e.Env = "env", e.Config = "config", e.Command = "command", e.Input = "input", e.ExtensionInstallFolder = "extensionInstallFolder", e.WorkspaceFolder = "workspaceFolder", e.Cwd = "cwd", e.WorkspaceFolderBasename = "workspaceFolderBasename", e.UserHome = "userHome", e.LineNumber = "lineNumber", e.SelectedText = "selectedText", e.File = "file", e.FileWorkspaceFolder = "fileWorkspaceFolder", e.FileWorkspaceFolderBasename = "fileWorkspaceFolderBasename", e.RelativeFile = "relativeFile", e.RelativeFileDirname = "relativeFileDirname", e.FileDirname = "fileDirname", e.FileExtname = "fileExtname", e.FileBasename = "fileBasename", e.FileBasenameNoExtension = "fileBasenameNoExtension", e.FileDirnameBasename = "fileDirnameBasename", e.ExecPath = "execPath", e.ExecInstallFolder = "execInstallFolder", e.PathSeparator = "pathSeparator", e.PathSeparatorAlias = "/" }(ze || (ze = {})), os = class extends Xi { constructor(e, t) { super(t), this.variable = e } } } }), oP, uU = v({ "out-build/vs/workbench/services/configurationResolver/common/variableResolver.js"() { "use strict"; de(), ti(), $e(), es(), X(), lU(), he(), rP(), et(), oP = class v1 { static { this.VARIABLE_LHS = "${" } static { this.VARIABLE_REGEXP = /\$\{(.*?)\}/g } constructor(t, s, i, n) { this.h = new Map, this.a = t, this.b = s, this.g = i, n && (this.c = n.then(r => this.i(r))) } i(t) { if (me) { const s = Object.create(null); return Object.keys(t).forEach(i => { s[i.toLowerCase()] = t[i] }), s } return t } resolveWithEnvironment(t, s, i) { return this.l({ env: this.i(t), userHome: void 0 }, s ? s.uri : void 0, i) } async resolveAsync(t, s) { const i = { env: await this.c, userHome: await this.g }; return this.l(i, t ? t.uri : void 0, s) } async j(t, s, i, n) { const r = ln(s); me && ? Object.keys( => r[a] =[a]) : _s && r.osx ? Object.keys(r.osx).forEach(a => r[a] = r.osx[a]) : rt && r.linux && Object.keys(r.linux).forEach(a => r[a] = r.linux[a]), delete, delete r.osx, delete r.linux; const o = { env: await this.c, userHome: await this.g }; return this.l(o, t ? t.uri : void 0, r, i, n) } async resolveAnyAsync(t, s, i) { return this.j(t, s, i) } async resolveAnyMap(t, s, i) { const n = new Map; return { newConfig: await this.j(t, s, i, n), resolvedVariables: n } } resolveWithInteractionReplace(t, s, i, n) { throw new Error("resolveWithInteractionReplace not implemented.") } resolveWithInteraction(t, s, i, n) { throw new Error("resolveWithInteraction not implemented.") } contributeVariable(t, s) { if (this.h.has(t)) throw new Error("Variable " + t + " is contributed twice."); this.h.set(t, s) } async l(t, s, i, n, r) { if (ve(i)) return this.m(t, s, i, n, r); if (Array.isArray(i)) return Promise.all( => this.l(t, s, o, n, r))); if (ct(i)) { const o = Object.create(null), a = await Promise.all(Object.keys(i).map(async c => [await this.m(t, s, c, n, r), await this.l(t, s, i[c], n, r)])); for (const [c, l] of a) o[c] = l; return o } return i } m(t, s, i, n, r) { return RA(i, v1.VARIABLE_REGEXP, async (o, a) => { if (a.includes(v1.VARIABLE_LHS)) return o; let c = await this.o(t, o, a, s, n); return r?.set(a, c), c !== o && ve(c) && c.match(v1.VARIABLE_REGEXP) && (c = await this.m(t, s, c, n, r)), c }) } n(t) { return this.b ? this.b.getUriLabel(t, { noPrefix: !0 }) : t.fsPath } async o(t, s, i, n, r) { let o; const a = i.split(":"); a.length > 1 && (i = a[0], o = a[1]); const c = h => { const d = this.a.getFilePath(); if (d) return Bl(d); throw new os(h, m(12637, null, s)) }, l = h => { const d = c(h); if (this.a.getWorkspaceFolderPathForFile) { const p = this.a.getWorkspaceFolderPathForFile(); if (p) return Bl(p) } throw new os(h, m(12638, null, s, at(d))) }, u = h => { if (o) { const d = this.a.getFolderUri(o); if (d) return d; throw new os(h, m(12639, null, s, o)) } if (n) return n; throw this.a.getWorkspaceFolderCount() > 1 ? new os(h, m(12640, null, s)) : new os(h, m(12641, null, s)) }; switch (i) { case "env": if (o) { if (t.env) { const h = t.env[me ? o.toLowerCase() : o]; if (ve(h)) return h } return "" } throw new os(ze.Env, m(12642, null, s)); case "config": if (o) { const h = this.a.getConfigurationValue(n, o); if (xt(h)) throw new os(ze.Config, m(12643, null, s, o)); if (ct(h)) throw new os(ze.Config, m(12644, null, s, o)); return h } throw new os(ze.Config, m(12645, null, s)); case "command": return this.p(ze.Command, s, o, r, "command"); case "input": return this.p(ze.Input, s, o, r, "input"); case "extensionInstallFolder": if (o) { const h = await this.a.getExtension(o); if (!h) throw new os(ze.ExtensionInstallFolder, m(12646, null, s, o)); return this.n(h.extensionLocation) } throw new os(ze.ExtensionInstallFolder, m(12647, null, s)); default: switch (i) { case "workspaceRoot": case "workspaceFolder": return Bl(this.n(u(ze.WorkspaceFolder))); case "cwd": return n || o ? Bl(this.n(u(ze.Cwd))) : xi(); case "workspaceRootFolderName": case "workspaceFolderBasename": return Bl(at(this.n(u(ze.WorkspaceFolderBasename)))); case "userHome": { if (t.userHome) return t.userHome; throw new os(ze.UserHome, m(12648, null, s)) } case "lineNumber": { const h = this.a.getLineNumber(); if (h) return h; throw new os(ze.LineNumber, m(12649, null, s)) } case "selectedText": { const h = this.a.getSelectedText(); if (h) return h; throw new os(ze.SelectedText, m(12650, null, s)) } case "file": return c(ze.File); case "fileWorkspaceFolder": return l(ze.FileWorkspaceFolder); case "fileWorkspaceFolderBasename": return at(l(ze.FileWorkspaceFolderBasename)); case "relativeFile": return n || o ? Wa(this.n(u(ze.RelativeFile)), c(ze.RelativeFile)) : c(ze.RelativeFile); case "relativeFileDirname": { const h = Ct(c(ze.RelativeFileDirname)); if (n || o) { const d = Wa(this.n(u(ze.RelativeFileDirname)), h); return d.length === 0 ? "." : d } return h } case "fileDirname": return Ct(c(ze.FileDirname)); case "fileExtname": return vr(c(ze.FileExtname)); case "fileBasename": return at(c(ze.FileBasename)); case "fileBasenameNoExtension": { const h = at(c(ze.FileBasenameNoExtension)); return h.slice(0, h.length - vr(h).length) } case "fileDirnameBasename": return at(Ct(c(ze.FileDirnameBasename))); case "execPath": { const h = this.a.getExecPath(); return h || s } case "execInstallFolder": { const h = this.a.getAppRoot(); return h || s } case "pathSeparator": case "/": return Qt; default: try { const h = o ? `${i}:${o}` : i; return this.p(ze.Unknown, s, h, r, void 0) } catch { return s } } } } p(t, s, i, n, r) { if (i && n) { const o = r === void 0 ? n[i] : n[r + ":" + i]; if (typeof o == "string") return o; throw new os(t, m(12651, null, s)) } return s } } } }); import *as aP from "os"; var cP, lP, hU = v({ "out-build/vs/server/node/remoteTerminalChannel.js"() { "use strict"; re(), es(), z(), de(), X(), ee(), Qh(), cf(), eU(), C2(), Ug(), cU(), uU(), B8(), Ue(), QS(), cP = class extends oP { constructor(e, t, s, i, n) { super({ getFolderUri: r => { const o = t.filter(a => === r); if (o && o.length > 0) return o[0].uri }, getWorkspaceFolderCount: () => t.length, getConfigurationValue: (r, o) => i[`config:${o}`], getExecPath: () => e.VSCODE_EXEC_PATH, getAppRoot: () => e.VSCODE_CWD, getFilePath: () => { if (s) return si(s.fsPath) }, getSelectedText: () => i.selectedText, getLineNumber: () => i.lineNumber, getExtension: async r => { const a = (await n.getInstalled()).find(c => === r); return a && { extensionLocation: a.location } } }, void 0, Promise.resolve(aP.homedir()), Promise.resolve(e)) } }, lP = class extends J { constructor(e, t, s, i, n, r) { super(), this.g = e, this.h = t, this.j = s, this.m = i, this.n = n, this.r = r, this.a = 0, this.b = new Map, this.c = this.B(new D), this.onExecuteCommand = this.c.event } async call(e, t, s) { switch (t) { case "$restartPtyHost": return this.j.restartPtyHost.apply(this.j, s); case "$createProcess": { const i = ll(e.remoteAuthority); return this.s(i, s) } case "$attachToProcess": return this.j.attachToProcess.apply(this.j, s); case "$detachFromProcess": return this.j.detachFromProcess.apply(this.j, s); case "$listProcesses": return this.j.listProcesses.apply(this.j, s); case "$getLatency": return this.j.getLatency.apply(this.j, s); case "$getPerformanceMarks": return this.j.getPerformanceMarks.apply(this.j, s); case "$orphanQuestionReply": return this.j.orphanQuestionReply.apply(this.j, s); case "$acceptPtyHostResolvedVariables": return this.j.acceptPtyHostResolvedVariables.apply(this.j, s); case "$start": return this.j.start.apply(this.j, s); case "$input": return this.j.input.apply(this.j, s); case "$acknowledgeDataEvent": return this.j.acknowledgeDataEvent.apply(this.j, s); case "$shutdown": return this.j.shutdown.apply(this.j, s); case "$resize": return this.j.resize.apply(this.j, s); case "$clearBuffer": return this.j.clearBuffer.apply(this.j, s); case "$getInitialCwd": return this.j.getInitialCwd.apply(this.j, s); case "$getCwd": return this.j.getCwd.apply(this.j, s); case "$processBinary": return this.j.processBinary.apply(this.j, s); case "$sendCommandResult": return this.u(s[0], s[1], s[2]); case "$installAutoReply": return this.j.installAutoReply.apply(this.j, s); case "$uninstallAllAutoReplies": return this.j.uninstallAllAutoReplies.apply(this.j, s); case "$getDefaultSystemShell": return this.w.apply(this, s); case "$getProfiles": return this.y.apply(this, s); case "$getEnvironment": return this.z(); case "$getWslPath": return this.C(s[0], s[1]); case "$getTerminalLayoutInfo": return this.j.getTerminalLayoutInfo(s); case "$setTerminalLayoutInfo": return this.j.setTerminalLayoutInfo(s); case "$serializeTerminalState": return this.j.serializeTerminalState.apply(this.j, s); case "$reviveTerminalProcesses": return this.j.reviveTerminalProcesses.apply(this.j, s); case "$getRevivedPtyNewId": return this.j.getRevivedPtyNewId.apply(this.j, s); case "$setUnicodeVersion": return this.j.setUnicodeVersion.apply(this.j, s); case "$reduceConnectionGraceTime": return this.D(); case "$updateIcon": return this.j.updateIcon.apply(this.j, s); case "$updateTitle": return this.j.updateTitle.apply(this.j, s); case "$updateProperty": return this.j.updateProperty.apply(this.j, s); case "$refreshProperty": return this.j.refreshProperty.apply(this.j, s); case "$requestDetachInstance": return this.j.requestDetachInstance(s[0], s[1]); case "$acceptDetachedInstance": return this.j.acceptDetachInstanceReply(s[0], s[1]); case "$freePortKillProcess": return this.j.freePortKillProcess.apply(this.j, s); case "$acceptDetachInstanceReply": return this.j.acceptDetachInstanceReply.apply(this.j, s) }throw new Error(`IPC Command ${t} not found`) } listen(e, t, s) { switch (t) { case "$onPtyHostExitEvent": return this.j.onPtyHostExit || H.None; case "$onPtyHostStartEvent": return this.j.onPtyHostStart || H.None; case "$onPtyHostUnresponsiveEvent": return this.j.onPtyHostUnresponsive || H.None; case "$onPtyHostResponsiveEvent": return this.j.onPtyHostResponsive || H.None; case "$onPtyHostRequestResolveVariablesEvent": return this.j.onPtyHostRequestResolveVariables || H.None; case "$onProcessDataEvent": return this.j.onProcessData; case "$onProcessReadyEvent": return this.j.onProcessReady; case "$onProcessExitEvent": return this.j.onProcessExit; case "$onProcessReplayEvent": return this.j.onProcessReplay; case "$onProcessOrphanQuestion": return this.j.onProcessOrphanQuestion; case "$onExecuteCommand": return this.onExecuteCommand; case "$onDidRequestDetach": return this.j.onDidRequestDetach || H.None; case "$onDidChangeProperty": return this.j.onDidChangeProperty }throw new Error(`IPC Command ${t} not found`) } async s(e, t) { const s = { name:, executable: t.shellLaunchConfig.executable, args: t.shellLaunchConfig.args, cwd: typeof t.shellLaunchConfig.cwd == "string" || typeof t.shellLaunchConfig.cwd > "u" ? t.shellLaunchConfig.cwd : E.revive(e.transformIncoming(t.shellLaunchConfig.cwd)), env: t.shellLaunchConfig.env, useShellEnvironment: t.shellLaunchConfig.useShellEnvironment, reconnectionProperties: t.shellLaunchConfig.reconnectionProperties, type: t.shellLaunchConfig.type, isFeatureTerminal: t.shellLaunchConfig.isFeatureTerminal }, i = await F8(t.resolverEnv, !!t.shellLaunchConfig.useShellEnvironment, Ss, this.g, this.h, this.r); this.h.trace("baseEnv", i); const n = k => ({ uri: E.revive(e.transformIncoming(k.uri)), name:, index: k.index, toResource: () => { throw new Error("Not implemented") } }), r =, o = t.activeWorkspaceFolder ? n(t.activeWorkspaceFolder) : void 0, a = t.activeFileResource ? E.revive(e.transformIncoming(t.activeFileResource)) : void 0, c = new cP(i, r, a, t.resolvedVariables, this.n), l = oU(o, process.env, c), u = await rU(s, aP.homedir(), l, o?.uri, t.configuration["terminal.integrated.cwd"], this.h); s.cwd = u; const h = me ? "" : _s ? "terminal.integrated.env.osx" : "terminal.integrated.env.linux", d = t.configuration[h], p = await aU(s, d, l, this.m.version, t.configuration["terminal.integrated.detectLocale"], i); if (tU(s)) { const k = []; for (const [q, te, V] of t.envVariableCollections) k.push([q, { map: __(te), descriptionMap: j_(V) }]); const A = new Map(k), I = new O2(A), L = o ? o ?? void 0 : void 0; await I.applyToProcessEnvironment(p, { workspaceFolder: L }, l) } this.h.debug("Terminal process launching on remote agent", { shellLaunchConfig: s, initialCwd: u, cols: t.cols, rows: t.rows, env: p }); const g = kg(); p.VSCODE_IPC_HOOK_CLI = g; const w = await this.j.createProcess(s, u, t.cols, t.rows, t.unicodeVersion, p, i, t.options, t.shouldPersistTerminal, t.workspaceId, t.workspaceName), y = { executeCommand: (k, ...A) => this.t(w, k, A, e) }, x = new rv(y, this.h, g); return this.j.onProcessExit(k => === w && x.dispose()), { persistentTerminalId: w, resolvedShellLaunchConfig: s } } t(e, t, s, i) { const { resolve: n, reject: r, promise: o } = ND(), a = ++this.a; this.b.set(a, { resolve: n, reject: r, uriTransformer: i }); const c = un(s, l => { if (l && l.$mid === 1) return i.transformOutgoing(l); if (l && l instanceof E) return i.transformOutgoingURI(l) }); return{ reqId: a, persistentProcessId: e, commandId: t, commandArgs: c }), o } u(e, t, s) { const i = this.b.get(e); if (!i) return; this.b.delete(e); const n = un(s, r => { if (r && r.$mid === 1) return i.uriTransformer.transformIncoming(r) }); t ? i.reject(n) : i.resolve(n) } w(e) { return this.j.getDefaultSystemShell(e) } async y(e, t, s, i) { return this.j.getProfiles(e, t, s, i) || [] } z() { return { ...process.env } } C(e, t) { return this.j.getWslPath(e, t) } D() { return this.j.reduceConnectionGraceTime() } } } }), Qd, uP, fU, hP, dU, Hl, av, cv, fP, dP, pU = v({ "out-build/vs/workbench/services/configuration/common/configuration.js"() { "use strict"; ds(), oe(), Qd = ".vscode", uP = "settings", fU = `${Qd}/${uP}.json`, hP = [3, 4, 5], dU = [1, ...hP], Hl = "tasks", av = "launch", cv = Object.create(null), cv[Hl] = `${Qd}/${Hl}.json`, cv[av] = `${Qd}/${av}.json`, fP = Object.create(null), fP[Hl] = `${Hl}.json`, dP = ts } }), pP, mP, mU = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/label/common/label.js"() { "use strict"; oe(), pP = se("labelService"), function (e) { e[e.SHORT = 0] = "SHORT", e[e.MEDIUM = 1] = "MEDIUM", e[e.LONG = 2] = "LONG" }(mP || (mP = {})) } }), gP, gU = v({ "out-build/vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/common/environmentVariable.js"() { "use strict"; oe(), gP = se("environmentVariableService") } }), wP, lv, wU = v({ "out-build/vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/common/remote/remoteTerminalChannel.js"() { "use strict"; pU(), nE(), ym(), Ug(), rP(), lw(), h$(), De(), mU(), gU(), _g(), wP = "remoteterminal", lv = class { get onPtyHostExit() { return this.b.listen("$onPtyHostExitEvent") } get onPtyHostStart() { return this.b.listen("$onPtyHostStartEvent") } get onPtyHostUnresponsive() { return this.b.listen("$onPtyHostUnresponsiveEvent") } get onPtyHostResponsive() { return this.b.listen("$onPtyHostResponsiveEvent") } get onPtyHostRequestResolveVariables() { return this.b.listen("$onPtyHostRequestResolveVariablesEvent") } get onProcessData() { return this.b.listen("$onProcessDataEvent") } get onProcessExit() { return this.b.listen("$onProcessExitEvent") } get onProcessReady() { return this.b.listen("$onProcessReadyEvent") } get onProcessReplay() { return this.b.listen("$onProcessReplayEvent") } get onProcessOrphanQuestion() { return this.b.listen("$onProcessOrphanQuestion") } get onExecuteCommand() { return this.b.listen("$onExecuteCommand") } get onDidRequestDetach() { return this.b.listen("$onDidRequestDetach") } get onDidChangeProperty() { return this.b.listen("$onDidChangeProperty") } constructor(t, s, i, n, r, o, a, c, l, u) { this.a = t, this.b = s, this.c = i, this.d = n, this.e = r, this.f = o, this.g = a, this.h = c, this.i = l, this.j = u } restartPtyHost() { return"$restartPtyHost", []) } async createProcess(t, s, i, n, r, o, a, c) { await this.c.whenRemoteConfigurationLoaded(); const l = Object.create(null), u = i ? this.d.getWorkspaceFolder(i) ?? void 0 : void 0; let h; try { h = (await this.e.resolveAnyMap(u, { shellLaunchConfig: t, configuration: s })).resolvedVariables } catch (I) { this.h.error(I) } if (h) for (const [I, L] of h.entries()) (/^config:/.test(I) || I === "selectedText" || I === "lineNumber") && (l[I] = L); const d = []; for (const [I, L] of this.f.collections.entries()) d.push([I, O_(, C_(L.descriptionMap)]); const p = await this.g.resolveAuthority(this.a), g = p.options && p.options.extensionHostEnv, w = this.d.getWorkspace(), y = w.folders, x = i ? this.d.getWorkspaceFolder(i) : null, k = hd.getOriginalUri(this.i.activeEditor, { supportSideBySide: kn.PRIMARY, filterByScheme: [Z.file, Z.vscodeUserData, Z.vscodeRemote] }), A = { configuration: s, resolvedVariables: l, envVariableCollections: d, shellLaunchConfig: t, workspaceId:, workspaceName: this.j.getWorkspaceLabel(w), workspaceFolders: y, activeWorkspaceFolder: x, activeFileResource: k, shouldPersistTerminal: r, options: n, cols: o, rows: a, unicodeVersion: c, resolverEnv: g }; return await"$createProcess", A) } requestDetachInstance(t, s) { return"$requestDetachInstance", [t, s]) } acceptDetachInstanceReply(t, s) { return"$acceptDetachInstanceReply", [t, s]) } attachToProcess(t) { return"$attachToProcess", [t]) } detachFromProcess(t, s) { return"$detachFromProcess", [t, s]) } listProcesses() { return"$listProcesses") } getLatency() { return"$getLatency") } getPerformanceMarks() { return"$getPerformanceMarks") } reduceConnectionGraceTime() { return"$reduceConnectionGraceTime") } processBinary(t, s) { return"$processBinary", [t, s]) } start(t) { return"$start", [t]) } input(t, s) { return"$input", [t, s]) } acknowledgeDataEvent(t, s) { return"$acknowledgeDataEvent", [t, s]) } setUnicodeVersion(t, s) { return"$setUnicodeVersion", [t, s]) } shutdown(t, s) { return"$shutdown", [t, s]) } resize(t, s, i) { return"$resize", [t, s, i]) } clearBuffer(t) { return"$clearBuffer", [t]) } getInitialCwd(t) { return"$getInitialCwd", [t]) } getCwd(t) { return"$getCwd", [t]) } orphanQuestionReply(t) { return"$orphanQuestionReply", [t]) } sendCommandResult(t, s, i) { return"$sendCommandResult", [t, s, i]) } freePortKillProcess(t) { return"$freePortKillProcess", [t]) } getDefaultSystemShell(t) { return"$getDefaultSystemShell", [t]) } getProfiles(t, s, i) { return"$getProfiles", [this.d.getWorkspace().id, t, s, i]) } acceptPtyHostResolvedVariables(t, s) { return"$acceptPtyHostResolvedVariables", [t, s]) } getEnvironment() { return"$getEnvironment") } getWslPath(t, s) { return"$getWslPath", [t, s]) } setTerminalLayoutInfo(t) { const i = { workspaceId: this.d.getWorkspace().id, tabs: t ? t.tabs : [] }; return"$setTerminalLayoutInfo", i) } updateTitle(t, s, i) { return"$updateTitle", [t, s, i]) } updateIcon(t, s, i, n) { return"$updateIcon", [t, s, i, n]) } refreshProperty(t, s) { return"$refreshProperty", [t, s]) } updateProperty(t, s, i) { return"$updateProperty", [t, s, i]) } getTerminalLayoutInfo() { const s = { workspaceId: this.d.getWorkspace().id }; return"$getTerminalLayoutInfo", s) } reviveTerminalProcesses(t, s, i) { return"$reviveTerminalProcesses", [t, s, i]) } getRevivedPtyNewId(t) { return"$getRevivedPtyNewId", [t]) } serializeTerminalState(t) { return"$serializeTerminalState", [t]) } installAutoReply(t, s) { return"$installAutoReply", [t, s]) } uninstallAllAutoReplies() { return"$uninstallAllAutoReplies", []) } }, lv = __decorate([__param(2, dP), __param(3, q6), __param(4, nP), __param(5, gP), __param(6, tE), __param(7, x2), __param(8, c$), __param(9, pP)], lv) } }), vU = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/files/common/diskFileSystemProviderClient.js"() { "use strict"; Me(), yr(), fe(), re(), z(), qa(), Wt(), st(), Bo() } }), vP, bU = v({ "out-build/vs/workbench/services/remote/common/remoteFileSystemProviderClient.js"() { "use strict"; fe(), z(), De(), vU(), vP = "remoteFilesystem" } }); async function bP(e, t, s) { s === void 0 && (s = !!(globalThis._VSCODE_PRODUCT_JSON ?? globalThis.vscode?.context?.configuration()?.product)?.commit); const i = t ? `${e}/${t}` : e; if (Zd.has(i)) return Zd.get(i); let n; if (/^\w[\w\d+.-]*:\/\//.test(i)) n = i; else { const c = `${yP && s && !$s ? vy : wy}/${i}`; n = _t.asBrowserUri(c).toString(!0) } const r = xP.INSTANCE.load(n); return Zd.set(i, r), r } var yP, EP, Yr, xP, Zd, yU = v({ "out-build/vs/amdX.js"() { "use strict"; De(), X(), ee(), Wt(), yP = !1, EP = class { constructor(e, t, s) { = e, this.dependencies = t, this.callback = s } }, function (e) { e[e.Uninitialized = 1] = "Uninitialized", e[e.InitializedInternal = 2] = "InitializedInternal", e[e.InitializedExternal = 3] = "InitializedExternal" }(Yr || (Yr = {})), xP = class BI { static { this.INSTANCE = new BI } constructor() { this.a = typeof self == "object" && self.constructor && === "DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope", this.b = typeof document == "object", this.c = [], this.d = Yr.Uninitialized } g() { if (this.d === Yr.Uninitialized) { if (globalThis.define) { this.d = Yr.InitializedExternal; return } } else return; this.d = Yr.InitializedInternal, globalThis.define = (t, s, i) => { typeof t != "string" && (i = s, s = t, t = null), (typeof s != "object" || !Array.isArray(s)) && (i = s, s = null), this.c.push(new EP(t, s, i)) }, globalThis.define.amd = !0, this.b ? this.f = globalThis._VSCODE_WEB_PACKAGE_TTP ?? window.trustedTypes?.createPolicy("amdLoader", { createScriptURL(t) { if (t.startsWith(window.location.origin) || t.startsWith(`${Z.vscodeFileResource}://${ep}`)) return t; throw new Error(`[trusted_script_src] Invalid script url: ${t}`) } }) : this.a && (this.f = globalThis._VSCODE_WEB_PACKAGE_TTP ?? globalThis.trustedTypes?.createPolicy("amdLoader", { createScriptURL(t) { return t } })) } async load(t) { if (this.g(), this.d === Yr.InitializedExternal) return new Promise(o => { const a = We(); globalThis.define(a, [t], function (c) { o(c) }) }); const s = await (this.a ? this.i(t) : this.b ? this.h(t) : this.j(t)); if (!s) { console.warn(`Did not receive a define call from script ${t}`); return } const i = {}, n = [], r = []; if (Array.isArray(s.dependencies)) for (const o of s.dependencies) o === "exports" ? n.push(i) : r.push(o); if (r.length > 0) throw new Error(`Cannot resolve dependencies for script ${t}. The dependencies are: ${r.join(", ")}`); return typeof s.callback == "function" ? s.callback(...n) ?? i : s.callback } h(t) { return new Promise((s, i) => { const n = document.createElement("script"); n.setAttribute("async", "async"), n.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript"); const r = () => { n.removeEventListener("load", o), n.removeEventListener("error", a) }, o = c => { r(), s(this.c.pop()) }, a = c => { r(), i(c) }; n.addEventListener("load", o), n.addEventListener("error", a), this.f && (t = this.f.createScriptURL(t)), n.setAttribute("src", t), window.document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(n) }) } async i(t) { return this.f && (t = this.f.createScriptURL(t)), await import(t), this.c.pop() } async j(t) { try { const s = (await import("fs")).default, i = (await import("vm")).default, n = (await import("module")).default, r = E.parse(t).fsPath, o = s.readFileSync(r).toString(), a = n.wrap(o.replace(/^#!.*/, "")); return new i.Script(a).runInThisContext().apply(), this.c.pop() } catch (s) { throw s } } }, Zd = new Map } }); async function EU(e, t, s) { const i = $s ? await bP("@microsoft/1ds-core-js", "bundle/ms.core.min.js") : await import("@microsoft/1ds-core-js"), n = $s ? await bP("@microsoft/1ds-post-js", "bundle/") : await import("@microsoft/1ds-post-js"), r = new i.AppInsightsCore, o = new n.PostChannel, a = { instrumentationKey: e, endpointUrl: uv, loggingLevelTelemetry: 0, loggingLevelConsole: 0, disableCookiesUsage: !0, disableDbgExt: !0, disableInstrumentationKeyValidation: !0, channels: [[o]] }; if (s) { a.extensionConfig = {}; const c = { alwaysUseXhrOverride: !0, ignoreMc1Ms0CookieProcessing: !0, httpXHROverride: s }; a.extensionConfig[o.identifier] = c } return r.initialize(a, []), r.addTelemetryInitializer(c => { c.ext = c.ext ?? {}, c.ext.web = c.ext.web ?? {}, c.ext.web.consentDetails = '{"GPC_DataSharingOptIn":false}', t && (c.ext.utc = c.ext.utc ?? {}, c.ext.utc.flags = 8462029) }), r } var uv, kP, $P, xU = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/telemetry/common/1dsAppender.js"() { "use strict"; yU(), fe(), es(), X(), fn(), uv = "", kP = "", $P = class { constructor(e, t, s, i, n) { this.e = e, this.f = t, this.g = s, this.h = n, this.c = uv, this.d = kP, this.g || (this.g = {}), typeof i == "function" ? this.a = i() : this.a = i, this.b = null } i(e) { if (this.a) { if (typeof this.a != "string") { e(this.a); return } this.b || (this.b = EU(this.a, this.e, this.h)), this.b.then(t => { e(t) }, t => { Vt(t), console.error(t) }) } } log(e, t) { if (!this.a) return; t = $o(t, this.g), t = eL(t); const s = this.f + "/" + e; try { this.i(i => { i.pluginVersionString = t?.properties.version ?? "Unknown", i.track({ name: s, baseData: { name: s, properties: t?.properties, measurements: t?.measurements } }) }) } catch { } } flush() { return this.a ? new Promise(e => { this.i(t => { t.unload(!0, () => { this.a = void 0, e(void 0) }) }) }) : Promise.resolve(void 0) } } } }); import *as kU from "https"; async function $U(e, t) { const s = await t.request(e, Ne.None), i = (await rn(, n = s.res.statusCode ?? 200; return { headers: s.res.headers, statusCode: n, responseData: i } } async function SU(e) { const t = { method: e.type, headers: e.headers }; return new Promise((i, n) => { const r = kU.request(e.url ?? "", t, o => { o.on("data", function (a) { i({ headers: o.headers, statusCode: o.statusCode ?? 200, responseData: a.toString() }) }), o.on("error", function (a) { n(a) }) }); r.write(, o => { o && n(o) }), r.end() }) } async function PU(e, t, s) { const i = typeof == "string" ? : new TextDecoder().decode(, n = { type: "POST", headers: { ...t.headers, "Content-Type": "application/json", "Content-Length": Buffer.byteLength( }, url: t.urlString, data: i }; try { const r = e ? await $U(n, e) : await SU(n); s(r.statusCode, r.headers, r.responseData) } catch { s(0, {}) } } var SP, IU = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/telemetry/node/1dsAppender.js"() { "use strict"; Me(), Dt(), xU(), SP = class extends $P { constructor(e, t, s, i, n) { const r = { sendPOST: (o, a) => { PU(e, o, a) } }; super(t, s, i, n, r) } } } }); function AU(e, t, s, i, n) { const r = new am; return e.forEach(o => { const a = r.get(o.identifier); a && n.warn(m(12893, null, a.extensionLocation.fsPath, o.extensionLocation.fsPath)), r.set(o.identifier, o) }), t.forEach(o => { const a = r.get(o.identifier); if (a) if (a.isBuiltin) { if (x6(a.version, o.version)) { n.warn(`Skipping extension ${o.extensionLocation.path} in favour of the builtin extension ${a.extensionLocation.path}.`); return } o.isBuiltin = !0 } else n.warn(m(12894, null, a.extensionLocation.fsPath, o.extensionLocation.fsPath)); else if (o.isBuiltin) { n.warn(`Skipping obsolete builtin extension ${o.extensionLocation.path}`); return } r.set(o.identifier, o) }), s.forEach(o => { const a = r.get(o.identifier); a && n.warn(m(12895, null, a.extensionLocation.fsPath, o.extensionLocation.fsPath)), r.set(o.identifier, o) }), i.forEach(o => {, null, o.extensionLocation.fsPath)); const a = r.get(o.identifier); a && a.isBuiltin && (o.isBuiltin = !0), r.set(o.identifier, o) }), Array.from(r.values()) } var DU = v({ "out-build/vs/workbench/services/extensions/common/extensionsUtil.js"() { "use strict"; Ii(), he(), Ro() } }), PP, IP, RU = v({ "out-build/vs/server/node/remoteExtensionsScanner.js"() { "use strict"; de(), X(), ti(), ee(), Yi(), nl(), wo(), Bc(), DU(), De(), PP = class { constructor(e, t, s, i, n, r, o) { this.c = e, this.d = s, this.f = i, this.g = n, this.h = r, this.i = o, this.a = Promise.resolve(), this.b = Promise.resolve(); const a = t.args["install-builtin-extension"]; if (a) { n.trace("Installing builtin extensions passed via args..."); const l = { isMachineScoped: !!t.args["do-not-sync"], installPreReleaseVersion: !!t.args["pre-release"] }; Pt("code/server/willInstallBuiltinExtensions"), this.b = this.a = e.installExtensions([], this.j(a), l, !!t.args.force).then(() => { Pt("code/server/didInstallBuiltinExtensions"), n.trace("Finished installing builtin extensions") }, u => { n.error(u) }) } const c = t.args["install-extension"]; c && (n.trace("Installing extensions passed via args..."), this.b = this.a.then(() => e.installExtensions(this.j(c), [], { isMachineScoped: !!t.args["do-not-sync"], installPreReleaseVersion: !!t.args["pre-release"], isApplicationScoped: !0 }, !!t.args.force)).then(() => { n.trace("Finished installing extensions") }, l => { n.error(l) })) } j(e) { return => /\.vsix$/i.test(t) ? E.file(sn(t) ? t : _(xi(), t)) : t) } whenExtensionsReady() { return this.b } async scanExtensions(e, t, s, i, n) { Pt("code/server/willScanExtensions"), this.g.trace(`Scanning extensions using UI language: ${e}`), await this.a; const r = i ? i.filter(a => a.scheme === Z.file).map(a => a.fsPath) : void 0; t = t ?? this.d.defaultProfile.extensionsResource; const o = await this.k(t, e ?? Ss, s, r, n); return this.g.trace("Scanned Extensions", o), this.r(o), Pt("code/server/didScanExtensions"), o } async k(e, t, s, i, n) { await this.q(t, n); const [r, o, a, c] = await Promise.all([this.n(t), this.o(e, t), this.m(t, s), this.l(t, i)]); return AU(r, o, a, c, this.g) } async l(e, t) { return t ? (await Promise.all( => this.f.scanOneOrMultipleExtensions(E.file(nn(s)), 1, { language: e })))).flat().map(s => $h(s, !0)) : [] } async m(e, t) { const s = []; if (t?.length) { const i = await Promise.all( => this.f.scanExistingExtension(n, 1, { language: e }))); for (const n of i) n && s.push($h(n, !1)) } return s } async n(e) { return (await this.f.scanSystemExtensions({ language: e, useCache: !0 })).map(s => $h(s, !1)) } async o(e, t) { return (await this.f.scanUserExtensions({ profileLocation: e, language: t, useCache: !0 })).map(i => $h(i, !1)) } async q(e, t) { if (!(e === An || !this.h.isEnabled())) { try { if ((await this.i.getInstalledLanguages()).find(i => === e)) { this.g.trace(`Language Pack ${e} is already installed. Skipping language pack installation.`); return } } catch (s) { this.g.error(s) } if (!t) { this.g.trace(`No language pack id provided for language ${e}. Skipping language pack installation.`); return } this.g.trace(`Language Pack ${t} for language ${e} is not installed. It will be installed now.`); try { await this.c.installExtensions([t], [], { isMachineScoped: !0 }, !0) } catch (s) { this.g.error(s) } } } r(e) { const t = (a, c) => a.replace(/file/g, "vscode-remote"), s = a => { let c = ""; return c += ? "g" : "", c += a.ignoreCase ? "i" : "", c += a.multiline ? "m" : "", new RegExp(t(a.source, !0), c) }, i = new class { mapDefined(a) { return kr.create(a) } mapNot(a) { return $r.create(a) } mapEquals(a, c) { return a === "resourceScheme" && typeof c == "string" ? po.create(a, t(c, !1)) : po.create(a, c) } mapNotEquals(a, c) { return a === "resourceScheme" && typeof c == "string" ? mo.create(a, t(c, !1)) : mo.create(a, c) } mapGreater(a, c) { return Za.create(a, c) } mapGreaterEquals(a, c) { return Ka.create(a, c) } mapSmaller(a, c) { return ec.create(a, c) } mapSmallerEquals(a, c) { return tc.create(a, c) } mapRegex(a, c) { return a === "resourceScheme" && c ? go.create(a, s(c)) : go.create(a, c) } mapIn(a, c) { return Ru.create(a, c) } mapNotIn(a, c) { return Lu.create(a, c) } }, n = a => { if (!a || !a.when || !/resourceScheme/.test(a.when)) return; const c = $t.deserialize(a.when); if (!c) return; const l =; a.when = l.serialize() }, r = a => { if (Array.isArray(a)) for (const c of a) n(c); else n(a) }, o = a => { for (const c in a) r(a[c]) }; e.forEach(a => { a.contributes && (a.contributes.menus && o(a.contributes.menus), a.contributes.keybindings && r(a.contributes.keybindings), a.contributes.views && o(a.contributes.views)) }) } }, IP = class { constructor(e, t) { this.a = e, this.b = t } listen(e, t) { throw new Error("Invalid listen") } async call(e, t, s) { const i = this.b(e); switch (t) { case "whenExtensionsReady": return this.a.whenExtensionsReady(); case "scanExtensions": { const n = s[0], r = s[1] ? E.revive(i.transformIncoming(s[1])) : void 0, o = Array.isArray(s[2]) ? s[2].map(u => E.revive(i.transformIncoming(u))) : void 0, a = Array.isArray(s[3]) ? s[3].map(u => E.revive(i.transformIncoming(u))) : void 0, c = s[4]; return (await this.a.scanExtensions(n, r, o, a, c)).map(u => Jn(u, i)) } }throw new Error("Invalid call") } } } }), LU, AP, NU = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/remote/common/remoteExtensionsScanner.js"() { "use strict"; oe(), LU = se("IRemoteExtensionsScannerService"), AP = "remoteExtensionsScanner" } }), DP, OU = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/userDataProfile/common/userDataProfileIpc.js"() { "use strict"; re(), z(), Js(), nl(), DP = class { constructor(e, t) { this.a = e, this.b = t } listen(e, t) { const s = this.b(e); switch (t) { case "onDidChangeProfiles": return, i => ({ all: => Jn({ ...n }, s)), added: => Jn({ ...n }, s)), removed: => Jn({ ...n }, s)), updated: => Jn({ ...n }, s)) })) }throw new Error(`Invalid listen ${t}`) } async call(e, t, s) { const i = this.b(e); switch (t) { case "createProfile": { const n = await this.a.createProfile(s[0], s[1], s[2]); return Jn({ ...n }, i) } case "updateProfile": { let n = Y6(Z8(s[0], i), this.a.profilesHome.scheme); return n = await this.a.updateProfile(n, s[1]), Jn({ ...n }, i) } case "removeProfile": { const n = Y6(Z8(s[0], i), this.a.profilesHome.scheme); return this.a.removeProfile(n) } }throw new Error(`Invalid call ${t}`) } } } }), Kd, CU = v({ "out-build/vs/platform/terminal/node/nodePtyHostStarter.js"() { "use strict"; z(), De(), P7(), ps(), U7(), Kd = class extends J { constructor(t, s) { super(), this.a = t, this.b = s } start() { const t = { serverName: "Pty Host", args: ["--type=ptyHost", "--logsPath", this.b.logsHome.with({ scheme: Z.file }).fsPath], env: { VSCODE_ESM_ENTRYPOINT: "vs/platform/terminal/node/ptyHostMain", VSCODE_PIPE_LOGGING: "true", VSCODE_VERBOSE_LOGGING: "true", VSCODE_RECONNECT_GRACE_TIME: this.a.graceTime, VSCODE_RECONNECT_SHORT_GRACE_TIME: this.a.shortGraceTime, VSCODE_RECONNECT_SCROLLBACK: this.a.scrollback } }, s = bC(this.b.args, this.b.isBuilt); s && (s.break && s.port ? t.debugBrk = s.port : !s.break && s.port && (t.debug = s.port)); const i = new rg(_t.asFileUri("bootstrap-fork").fsPath, t), n = new ut; return n.add(i), { client: i, store: n, onDidProcessExit: i.onDidProcessExit } } }, Kd = __decorate([__param(1, Is)], Kd) } }); import { spawn as _U } from "child_process"; import { relative as jU } from "path"; var hv, e1, RP = v({
  556. "out-build/vs/platform/cssDev/node/cssDevService.js"() {
  557. "use strict"; De(), co(), ps(), oe(), Re(), hv = se("ICSSDevelopmentService"), e1 = class {
  558. constructor(t, s) { this.b = t, this.c = s } get isEnabled() { return !this.b.isBuilt } getCssModules() { return this.a ??= this.d(), this.a } async d() {
  559. if (!this.isEnabled) return []; const t = await import("@vscode/ripgrep"); return await new Promise(s => {
  560. const i = Ki.create(), n = [], r = new TextDecoder, o = _t.asFileUri("").fsPath, a = _U(t.rgPath, ["-g", "**/*.css", "--files", "--no-ignore", o], {}); a.stdout.on("data", c => {
  561. const l = r.decode(c, { stream: !0 }); n.push(l.split(`
  562. `).filter(Boolean))
  563. }), a.on("error", c => { this.c.error("[CSS_DEV] FAILED to compute CSS data", c), s([]) }), a.on("close", () => { const c = n.flat().map(l => jU(o, l).replace(/\\/g, "/")).filter(Boolean).sort(); s(c),`[CSS_DEV] DONE, ${c.length} css modules (${Math.round(i.elapsed())}ms)`) })
  564. })
  565. }
  566. }, e1 = __decorate([__param(0, Is), __param(1, pe)], e1)
  567. }
  568. }); import { hostname as TU, release as UU } from "os"; async function MU(e, t, s, i) {
  569. const n = new ku, r = new NP, o = { _serviceBrand: void 0, ...Bt }; n.set(Nt, o); const a = new Fh(t, o); n.set(Is, a), n.set(zs, a); const c = new gg(yp(a), a.logsHome); n.set(sc, c), r.registerChannel("logger", new k2(c, ue => zl(ue.remoteAuthority))); const l = c.createLogger("remoteagent", { name: m(2564, null) }), u = new mg(l, [new OP(yp(a))]); n.set(pe, u), setTimeout(() => FU(a.logsHome.with({ scheme: Z.file }).fsPath).then(null, ue => u.error(ue)), 1e4), u.onDidChangeLogLevel(ue => AD(u, ue, `Log level changed to ${u4(u.getLevel())}`)), u.trace(`Remote configuration data at ${s}`), u.trace("process arguments:", a.args), Array.isArray(o.serverGreeting) &&`
  570. ${o.serverGreeting.join(`
  571. `)}
  572. `), r.registerChannel(Lg.ChannelName, new Lg); const h = new S7(ue => ue.clientId === "renderer"), d = i.add(new Wc(u)); n.set(gt, d), d.registerProvider(Z.file, i.add(new Xc(u))); const p = new Xo(d); n.set(jt, p); const g = new Bp(a.machineSettingsResource, d, new Bu, u); n.set(ts, g); const w = new tl(p, a, d, u); n.set(Gs, w), r.registerChannel("userDataProfiles", new DP(w, ue => zl(ue.remoteAuthority))), n.set(hv, new Xe(e1, void 0, !0)); const [, , y, x, k] = await Promise.all([g.initialize(), w.init(), d_(u.error.bind(u)), m_(u.error.bind(u)), g_(u.error.bind(u))]), A = new _8; n.set(Sg, A); const I = new yc(g, a, u); n.set(Pi, I); let L = G5; const q = sL(o, g); if (H5(o, a)) { !KR(o, a) && o.aiConfig?.ariaKey && (L = new SP(I, q, LP, null, o.aiConfig.ariaKey), i.add(ye(() => L?.flush()))); const ue = { appenders: [L], commonProperties: XR(UU(), TU(), process.arch, o.commit, o.version + "-remote", y, x, k, q, "remoteAgent"), piiPaths: iL(a) }, K = a.args["telemetry-level"]; let ht = 3; K === "all" ? ht = 3 : K === "error" ? ht = 2 : K === "crash" ? ht = 1 : K !== void 0 && (ht = 0), n.set(df, new Xe(ff, [ue, ht])) } else n.set(df, Q2); n.set(oi, new Xe(Nc)); const te = r.getChannel("download", h); n.set(gh, new Y8(te, () => zl("renderer"))), n.set(Ri, new Xe(sl)), n.set(Or, new Xe(el)), n.set(Ph, new Xe(Hc)), n.set(dn, new Xe(il)), n.set(Rh, new Xe(zc)); const V = new Gm(n); n.set(Bh, V.createInstance(Kc)); const N = V.createInstance(Kd, { graceTime: 108e5, shortGraceTime: 3e5, scrollback: g.getValue("terminal.integrated.persistentSessionScrollback") ?? 100 }), le = V.createInstance(af, N); return n.set(f2, le), V.invokeFunction(ue => { const K = ue.get(Rh), ht = ue.get(Or), C = ue.get(oi), R = ue.get(Bh), M = new W2(e, a, w, A); r.registerChannel("remoteextensionsenvironment", M); const j = new X2(ue.get(df), L); r.registerChannel("telemetry", j), r.registerChannel(wP, new lP(a, u, le, o, K, g)); const G = new PP(V.createInstance(Zc, u), a, w, ht, u, C, R); r.registerChannel(AP, new IP(G, Je => zl(Je.remoteAuthority))); const ce = i.add(new J2(u, a, g)); r.registerChannel(vP, ce), r.registerChannel("request", new s2(ue.get(Pi))); const Ie = new t2(K, Je => zl(Je.remoteAuthority)); return r.registerChannel("extensions", Ie), G.whenExtensionsReady().then(() => K.cleanUp()), i.add(new n2(ue.get(qt))), { telemetryService: ue.get(qt) } }), { socketServer: r, instantiationService: V }
  573. } function zl(e) { return t1[e] || (t1[e] = ll(e)), t1[e] } function Bi() { const e = new Date; return `${fv(e.getHours())}:${fv(e.getMinutes())}:${fv(e.getSeconds())}` } function fv(e) { return e < 10 ? `0${e}` : String(e) } async function FU(e) { const t = at(e), s = Ct(e), r = (await Pe.readdir(s)).filter(a => /^\d{8}T\d{6}$/.test(a)).sort().filter(a => a !== t), o = r.slice(0, Math.max(0, r.length - 9)); await Promise.all( => Pe.rm(_(s, a)))) } var LP, t1, NP, OP, BU = v({ "out-build/vs/server/node/serverServices.js"() { "use strict"; re(), z(), De(), de(), J8(), ss(), qo(), ds(), e5(), w_(), Am(), v_(), ps(), l9(), Ds(), zm(), F7(), b_(), H9(), st(), Y9(), Uh(), Ou(), q9(), tp(), ug(), B7(), Re(), Vc(), Ls(), Dr(), y_(), T5(), M5(), As(), fn(), x_(), _g(), tj(), qs(), J7(), cj(), uj(), hj(), pj(), hU(), cf(), Jo(), wU(), bU(), j8(), Bc(), Q7(), Uo(), Js(), Hu(), IU(), l8(), i8(), n8(), r8(), S2(), he(), RU(), NU(), OU(), CU(), RP(), d8(), LP = "monacoworkbench", t1 = Object.create(null), NP = class extends $7 { constructor() { const e = new D; super(e.event), this.b = e } acceptConnection(e, t) {{ protocol: e, onDidClientDisconnect: t }) } }, OP = class extends nc { constructor(e = ic) { super(), this.setLevel(e), this.h = !!process.stdout.isTTY } trace(e, ...t) { this.g(F.Trace) && (this.h ? console.log(`\x1B[90m[${Bi()}]\x1B[0m`, e, ...t) : console.log(`[${Bi()}]`, e, ...t)) } debug(e, ...t) { this.g(F.Debug) && (this.h ? console.log(`\x1B[90m[${Bi()}]\x1B[0m`, e, ...t) : console.log(`[${Bi()}]`, e, ...t)) } info(e, ...t) { this.g(F.Info) && (this.h ? console.log(`\x1B[90m[${Bi()}]\x1B[0m`, e, ...t) : console.log(`[${Bi()}]`, e, ...t)) } warn(e, ...t) { this.g(F.Warning) && (this.h ? console.warn(`\x1B[93m[${Bi()}]\x1B[0m`, e, ...t) : console.warn(`[${Bi()}]`, e, ...t)) } error(e, ...t) { this.g(F.Error) && (this.h ? console.error(`\x1B[91m[${Bi()}]\x1B[0m`, e, ...t) : console.error(`[${Bi()}]`, e, ...t)) } flush() { } } } }); import { createReadStream as HU, promises as Vl } from "fs"; import *as zU from "path"; import *as VU from "url"; import *as dv from "cookie"; import *as WU from "crypto"; async function Ms(e, t, s, i) { t.writeHead(s, { "Content-Type": "text/plain" }), t.end(i) } async function CP(e, t, s, i, n, r) { try { const o = await Vl.stat(e); if (t === 1) { const a = `W/"${[o.ino, o.size, o.mtime.getTime()].join("-")}"`; if (i.headers["if-none-match"] === a) return n.writeHead(304), void n.end(); r.Etag = a } else t === 2 ? r["Cache-Control"] = "public, max-age=31536000" : t === 0 && (r["Cache-Control"] = "no-store"); r["Content-Type"] = _P[vr(e)] || mj(e) || "text/plain", n.writeHead(200, r), HU(e).pipe(n) } catch (o) { return o.code !== "ENOENT" ? (s.error(o), console.error(o.toString())) : console.error(`File not found: ${e}`), n.writeHead(404, { "Content-Type": "text/plain" }), void n.end("Not found") } } var _P, jP, s1, i1, qU = v({
  574. "out-build/vs/server/node/webClientServer.js"() {
  575. "use strict"; ki(), pf(), X(), Re(), Jo(), de(), De(), Wt(), Ls(), Dr(), Dt(), ee(), Me(), $e(), RP(), _P = { ".html": "text/html", ".js": "text/javascript", ".json": "application/json", ".css": "text/css", ".svg": "image/svg+xml" }, function (e) { e[e.NO_CACHING = 0] = "NO_CACHING", e[e.ETAG = 1] = "ETAG", e[e.NO_EXPIRY = 2] = "NO_EXPIRY" }(jP || (jP = {})), s1 = Ct(_t.asFileUri("").fsPath), i1 = class {
  576. constructor(t, s, i, n, r, o, a, c) { this.f = t, this.g = s, this.serverRootPath = i, this.h = n, this.i = r, this.j = o, this.k = a, this.l = c, this.a = this.k.extensionsGallery?.resourceUrlTemplate ? E.parse(this.k.extensionsGallery.resourceUrlTemplate) : void 0, this.b = `${i}/static`, this.c = `${i}/callback`, this.d = `${i}/web-extension-resource` } async handle(t, s, i) { try { const n = i.pathname; return n.startsWith(this.b) && n.charCodeAt(this.b.length) === 47 ? this.m(t, s, i) : n === this.g ? this.p(t, s, i) : n === this.c ? this.r(s) : n.startsWith(this.d) && n.charCodeAt(this.d.length) === 47 ? this.o(t, s, i) : Ms(t, s, 404, "Not found.") } catch (n) { return this.i.error(n), console.error(n.toString()), Ms(t, s, 500, "Internal Server Error.") } } async m(t, s, i) { const n = Object.create(null), o = decodeURIComponent(i.pathname).substring(this.b.length + 1), a = _(s1, o); return jn(a, s1, !rt) ? CP(a, this.h.isBuilt ? 2 : 1, this.i, t, s, n) : Ms(t, s, 400, "Bad request.") } n(t) { const s = t.authority.indexOf("."); return s !== -1 ? t.authority.substring(s + 1) : void 0 } async o(t, s, i) { if (!this.a) return Ms(t, s, 500, "No extension gallery service configured."); const n = decodeURIComponent(i.pathname), r = si(n.substring(this.d.length + 1)), o = E.parse(r).with({ scheme: this.a.scheme, authority: r.substring(0, r.indexOf("/")), path: r.substring(r.indexOf("/") + 1) }); if (this.n(this.a) !== this.n(o)) return Ms(t, s, 403, "Request Forbidden"); const a = {}, c = g => { const w = t.headers[g]; w && (ve(w) || w[0]) ? a[g] = ve(w) ? w : w[0] : g !== g.toLowerCase() && c(g.toLowerCase()) }; c("X-Client-Name"), c("X-Client-Version"), c("X-Machine-Id"), c("X-Client-Commit"); const l = await this.j.request({ type: "GET", url: o.toString(!0), headers: a }, Ne.None), u = l.res.statusCode || 500; if (u !== 200) { let g = null; try { g = await Ar(l) } catch { } return Ms(t, s, u, g || `Request failed with status ${u}`) } const h = Object.create(null), d = g => { const w = l.res.headers[g]; w ? h[g] = w : g !== g.toLowerCase() && d(g.toLowerCase()) }; d("Cache-Control"), d("Content-Type"), s.writeHead(200, h); const p = await rn(; return void s.end(p.buffer) } async p(t, s, i) { const n = i.query[uo]; if (typeof n == "string") { const V = Object.create(null); V["Set-Cookie"] = dv.serialize(xu, n, { sameSite: "lax", maxAge: 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 }); const N = Object.create(null); for (const ue in i.query) ue !== uo && (N[ue] = i.query[ue]); const le = VU.format({ pathname: i.pathname, query: N }); return V.Location = le, s.writeHead(302, V), void s.end() } const r = V => { const N = t.headers[V]; return Array.isArray(N) ? N[0] : N }, o = !this.h.isBuilt && this.h.args["use-test-resolver"], a = o ? "test+test" : r("x-original-host") || r("x-forwarded-host") ||; if (!a) return Ms(t, s, 400, "Bad request."); function c(V) { return JSON.stringify(V).replace(/"/g, "&quot;") } let l; this.h.args["enable-smoke-test-driver"] && (l = !1); const u = V => V && E.file(zU.resolve(V)).with({ scheme: Z.vscodeRemote, authority: a }), h = _t.asFileUri(`vs/code/browser/workbench/workbench${this.h.isBuilt ? "" : "-dev"}.html`).fsPath, d = !this.h.isBuilt && this.h.args["github-auth"] ? { id: We(), providerId: "github", accessToken: this.h.args["github-auth"], scopes: [["user:email"], ["repo"]] } : void 0, p = {}; if (!this.h.isBuilt) try { const V = JSON.parse((await Vl.readFile(_(s1, "product.overrides.json"))).toString()); Object.assign(p, V) } catch { } const g = { remoteAuthority: a, serverBasePath: this.g, _wrapWebWorkerExtHostInIframe: l, developmentOptions: { enableSmokeTestDriver: this.h.args["enable-smoke-test-driver"] ? !0 : void 0, logLevel: this.i.getLevel() }, settingsSyncOptions: !this.h.isBuilt && this.h.args["enable-sync"] ? { enabled: !0 } : void 0, enableWorkspaceTrust: !this.h.args["disable-workspace-trust"], folderUri: u(this.h.args["default-folder"]), workspaceUri: u(this.h.args["default-workspace"]), productConfiguration: p, callbackRoute: this.c }, y = dv.parse(t.headers.cookie || "")["vscode.nls.locale"] || t.headers["accept-language"]?.split(",")[0]?.toLowerCase() || "en"; let x, k; !y.startsWith("en") && this.k.nlsCoreBaseUrl ? (x = this.k.nlsCoreBaseUrl, k = `${x}${this.k.commit}/${this.k.version}/${y}/nls.messages.js`) : k = ""; const A = { WORKBENCH_WEB_CONFIGURATION: c(g), WORKBENCH_AUTH_SESSION: d ? c(d) : "", WORKBENCH_WEB_BASE_URL: this.b, WORKBENCH_NLS_URL: k, WORKBENCH_NLS_FALLBACK_URL: `${this.b}/out/nls.messages.js` }; if (this.l.isEnabled) { const V = await this.l.getCssModules(); A.WORKBENCH_DEV_CSS_MODULES = JSON.stringify(V) } if (o) { const V = []; for (const N of ["vscode-test-resolver", "github-authentication"]) { const le = JSON.parse((await Vl.readFile(_t.asFileUri(`${gy}/${N}/package.json`).fsPath)).toString()); V.push({ extensionPath: N, packageJSON: le }) } A.WORKBENCH_BUILTIN_EXTENSIONS = c(V) } let I; try { I = (await Vl.readFile(h)).toString().replace(/\{\{([^}]+)\}\}/g, (N, le) => A[le] ?? "undefined") } catch { return s.writeHead(404, { "Content-Type": "text/plain" }), void s.end("Not found") } const te = { "Content-Type": "text/html", "Content-Security-Policy": ["default-src 'self';", "img-src 'self' https: data: blob:;", "media-src 'self';", `script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval' ${x ?? ""} blob: 'nonce-1nline-m4p' ${this.q(I).join(" ")} 'sha256-2Q+j4hfT09+1+imS46J2YlkCtHWQt0/BE79PXjJ0ZJ8=' 'sha256-/r7rqQ+yrxt57sxLuQ6AMYcy/lUpvAIzHjIJt/OeLWU=' ${o ? "" : `http://${a}`};`, "child-src 'self';", "frame-src 'self' https://* data:;", "worker-src 'self' data: blob:;", "style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline';", "connect-src 'self' ws: wss: https:;", "font-src 'self' blob:;", "manifest-src 'self';"].join(" ") }; return this.f.type !== 0 && (te["Set-Cookie"] = dv.serialize(xu, this.f.value, { sameSite: "lax", maxAge: 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 })), s.writeHead(200, te), void s.end(I) } q(t) {
  577. const s = /<script>([\s\S]+?)<\/script>/img, i = []; let n; for (; n = s.exec(t);) {
  578. const r = WU.createHash("sha256"), o = n[1].replace(/\r\n/g, `
  579. `), a = r.update(Buffer.from(o)).digest().toString("base64"); i.push(`'sha256-${a}'`)
  580. } return i
  581. } async r(t) { const s = _t.asFileUri("vs/code/browser/workbench/callback.html").fsPath, i = (await Vl.readFile(s)).toString(), n = ["default-src 'self';", "img-src 'self' https: data: blob:;", "media-src 'none';", `script-src 'self' ${this.q(i).join(" ")};`, "style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline';", "font-src 'self' blob:;"].join(" "); return t.writeHead(200, { "Content-Type": "text/html", "Content-Security-Policy": n }), void t.end(i) }
  582. }, i1 = __decorate([__param(3, Qc), __param(4, pe), __param(5, Pi), __param(6, Nt), __param(7, hv)], i1)
  583. }
  584. }); import *as GU from "crypto"; import *as n1 from "fs"; import *as JU from "net"; import { performance as YU } from "perf_hooks"; import *as TP from "url"; import { createRequire as XU } from "node:module"; async function QU(e, t, s) {
  585. const i = await r_(t); i instanceof jr && (console.warn(i.message), process.exit(1)); function n(k) { Bv(A => { Hv(A) && A.stack && /unexpectedErrorHandler/.test(A.stack) || k(A) }) } const r = []; n(k => { r.push(k), console.error(k) }); let o = !1; process.on("SIGPIPE", () => { o || (o = !0, Vt(new Error("Unexpected SIGPIPE"))) }); const a = new ut, { socketServer: c, instantiationService: l } = await MU(i, t, s, a); l.invokeFunction(k => { const A = k.get(pe); r.forEach(I => A.error(I)), r.length = 0, n(I => A.error(I)) }), l.invokeFunction(k => { const A = k.get(ts); me && (A.getValue("security.restrictUNCAccess") === !1 ? u8() : wg(A.getValue("security.allowedUNCHosts"))) }), l.invokeFunction(k => {
  586. const A = k.get(pe); if (me && process.env.HOMEDRIVE && process.env.HOMEPATH) {
  587. const I = _(process.env.HOMEDRIVE, "node_modules"), L = Ct(_(process.env.HOMEDRIVE, process.env.HOMEPATH)), q = _(L, "node_modules"); if (n1.existsSync(I) || n1.existsSync(q)) {
  588. const te = `
  589. *
  590. * !!!! Server terminated due to presence of CVE-2020-1416 !!!!
  591. *
  592. * Please remove the following directories and re-try
  593. * ${I}
  594. * ${q}
  595. *
  596. * For more information on the vulnerability
  597. *
  598. `; A.warn(te), console.warn(te), process.exit(0)
  599. }
  600. }
  601. }); const u = l.invokeFunction(k => { const A = k.get(pe); if (n1.existsSync(_(_t.asFileUri("").fsPath, "../node_modules/vsda"))) try { return UP("vsda") } catch (L) { A.error(L) } return null }); let h = t["server-base-path"]; h && !h.startsWith("/") && (h = `/${h}`); const d = n1.existsSync(_t.asFileUri("vs/code/browser/workbench/workbench.html").fsPath); if (d && e && typeof e != "string") { const k = i.type !== 0 ? `?${uo}=${i.value}` : ""; console.log(`Web UI available at http://localhost${e.port === 80 ? "" : `:${e.port}`}${h ?? ""}${k}`) } const p = l.createInstance(r1, c, i, u, d, h); Pt("code/server/ready"); const g =, w = global.vscodeServerStartTime, y = global.vscodeServerListenTime, x = global.vscodeServerCodeLoadedTime; if (l.invokeFunction(async k => { const A = k.get(qt); if (A.publicLog2("serverStart", { startTime: w, startedTime: y, codeLoadedTime: x, readyTime: g }), rt) { const I = k.get(pe), L = await MC(I.error.bind(I)); L && A.publicLog2("serverPlatformInfo", { platformId:, platformVersionId: L.version_id, platformIdLike: L.id_like }) } }), t["print-startup-performance"]) {
  602. let k = ""; k += `Start-up time: ${y - w}
  603. `, k += `Code loading time: ${x - w}
  604. `, k += `Initialized time: ${g - w}
  605. `, k += `
  606. `, console.log(k)
  607. } return p
  608. } var UP, MP, r1, FP, ZU = v({
  609. "out-build/vs/server/node/remoteExtensionHostAgentServer.js"() {
  610. "use strict"; Me(), fe(), ki(), z(), De(), de(), Yi(), X(), et(), ee(), Wt(), FC(), zC(), h8(), P8(), Qh(), ds(), oe(), Re(), Ls(), As(), B8(), s_(), a_(), Jo(), BU(), qU(), UP = XU(import.meta.url), MP = 5 * 60 * 1e3, r1 = class extends J {
  611. constructor(t, s, i, n, r, o, a, c, l) { super(), this.n = t, this.r = s, this.s = i, this.t = o, this.u = a, this.w = c, this.y = l, this.h = FP.create(this.u), this.j = dy(a, r), this.a = Object.create(null), this.b = Object.create(null), this.f = new Set, this.g = n ? this.y.createInstance(i1, this.r, r ?? "/", this.j) : null,"Extension host agent started."), this.L(!0) } async handleRequest(t, s) { if (t.method !== "GET") return Ms(t, s, 405, `Unsupported method ${t.method}`); if (!t.url) return Ms(t, s, 400, "Bad request."); const i = TP.parse(t.url, !0); let n = i.pathname; if (!n) return Ms(t, s, 400, "Bad request."); if (n.startsWith(this.j) && n.charCodeAt(this.j.length) === 47 && (n = n.substring(this.j.length)), n === "/version") return s.writeHead(200, { "Content-Type": "text/plain" }), void s.end(this.u.commit || ""); if (n === "/delay-shutdown") return this.N(), s.writeHead(200), void s.end("OK"); if (!o_(this.r, t, i)) return Ms(t, s, 403, "Forbidden!!!." + t + i + this.r); if (n === "/vscode-remote-resource") { const r = i.query.path; if (typeof r != "string") return Ms(t, s, 400, "Bad request."); let o; try { o = E.from({ scheme: Z.file, path: r }).fsPath } catch { return Ms(t, s, 400, "Bad request.") } const a = Object.create(null); this.t.isBuilt && (jn(o, this.t.builtinExtensionsPath, !rt) || jn(o, this.t.extensionsPath, !rt)) && (a["Cache-Control"] = "public, max-age=31536000"), a.Vary = "Origin"; const c = t.headers.origin; return c && this.h.matches(c) && (a["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = c), CP(o, 1, this.w, t, s, a) } if (this.g) { this.g.handle(t, s, i); return } return s.writeHead(404, { "Content-Type": "text/plain" }), void s.end("Not found") } handleUpgrade(t, s) {
  612. let i = We(), n = !1, r = !1; if (t.url) { const h = TP.parse(t.url, !0).query; typeof h.reconnectionToken == "string" && (i = h.reconnectionToken), h.reconnection === "true" && (n = !0), h.skipWebSocketFrames === "true" && (r = !0) } if (t.headers.upgrade === void 0 || t.headers.upgrade.toLowerCase() !== "websocket") { s.end("HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request"); return } const o = t.headers["sec-websocket-key"], a = GU.createHash("sha1"); a.update(o + "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11"); const l = ["HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols", "Upgrade: websocket", "Connection: Upgrade", `Sec-WebSocket-Accept: ${a.digest("base64")}`]; let u = !1; if (!r && !this.t.args["disable-websocket-compression"] && t.headers["sec-websocket-extensions"]) { const h = Array.isArray(t.headers["sec-websocket-extensions"]) ? t.headers["sec-websocket-extensions"] : [t.headers["sec-websocket-extensions"]]; for (const d of h) if (!/\b((server_max_window_bits)|(server_no_context_takeover)|(client_no_context_takeover))\b/.test(d)) { if (/\b(permessage-deflate)\b/.test(d)) { u = !0, l.push("Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: permessage-deflate"); break } if (/\b(x-webkit-deflate-frame)\b/.test(d)) { u = !0, l.push("Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: x-webkit-deflate-frame"); break } } } s.write(l.join(`\r
  613. `) + `\r
  614. \r
  615. `), s.setTimeout(0), s.setNoDelay(!0), r ? this.D(new Ko(s, `server-connection-${i}`), n, i) : this.D(new R8(new Ko(s, `server-connection-${i}`), u, null, !0), n, i)
  616. } handleServerError(t) { this.w.error("Error occurred in server"), this.w.error(t) } z(t) { let s; return t instanceof Ko ? s = t.socket : s = t.socket.socket, s.remoteAddress || "<unknown>" } async C(t, s, i) { const n = s.getSocket(); this.w.error(`${t} ${i}.`); const r = { type: "error", reason: i }; s.sendControl(O.fromString(JSON.stringify(r))), s.dispose(), await n.drain(), n.dispose() } D(t, s, i) { const n = this.z(t), r = `[${n}][${i.substr(0, 8)}]`, o = new S8({ socket: t }), a = this.s ? new this.s.validator : null, c = this.s ? new this.s.signer : null; let l; (function (p) { p[p.WaitingForAuth = 0] = "WaitingForAuth", p[p.WaitingForConnectionType = 1] = "WaitingForConnectionType", p[p.Done = 2] = "Done", p[p.Error = 3] = "Error" })(l || (l = {})); let u = 0; const h = p => { u = 3, d.dispose(), this.C(r, o, p) }, d = o.onControlMessage(p => { if (u === 0) { let g; try { g = JSON.parse(p.toString()) } catch { return h("Malformed first message") } if (g.type !== "auth") return h("Invalid first message"); if (this.r.type === 2 && !this.r.validate(g.auth)) return h("Unauthorized client refused: auth mismatch"); let w = We(); if (c) try { w = c.sign( } catch { } let y = We(); if (a) try { y = a.createNewMessage(y) } catch { } const x = { type: "sign", data: y, signedData: w }; o.sendControl(O.fromString(JSON.stringify(x))), u = 1 } else if (u === 1) { let g; try { g = JSON.parse(p.toString()) } catch { return h("Malformed second message") } if (g.type !== "connectionType") return h("Invalid second message"); if (typeof g.signedData != "string") return h("Invalid second message field type"); const w = g.commit, y = this.u.commit; if (w && y && w !== y) return h("Client refused: version mismatch"); let x = !1; if (!a) x = !0; else if (this.r.validate(g.signedData)) x = !0; else try { x = a.validate(g.signedData) === "ok" } catch { } if (!x) { if (this.t.isBuilt) return h("Unauthorized client refused"); this.w.error(`${r} Unauthorized client handshake failed but we proceed because of dev mode.`) } for (const k in this.b) this.b[k].shortenReconnectionGraceTimeIfNecessary(); for (const k in this.a) this.a[k].shortenReconnectionGraceTimeIfNecessary(); u = 2, d.dispose(), this.F(n, r, o, t, s, i, g) } }) } async F(t, s, i, n, r, o, a) { const c = a.desiredConnectionType === 1 ? `${s}[ManagementConnection]` : a.desiredConnectionType === 2 ? `${s}[ExtensionHostConnection]` : s; if (a.desiredConnectionType === 1) if (r) { if (!this.b[o]) return this.f.has(o) ? this.C(c, i, "Unknown reconnection token (seen before)") : this.C(c, i, "Unknown reconnection token (never seen)"); i.sendControl(O.fromString(JSON.stringify({ type: "ok" }))); const l = i.readEntireBuffer(); i.dispose(), this.b[o].acceptReconnection(t, n, l) } else { if (this.b[o]) return this.C(c, i, "Duplicate reconnection token"); i.sendControl(O.fromString(JSON.stringify({ type: "ok" }))); const l = new H8(this.w, o, t, i); this.n.acceptConnection(l.protocol, l.onClose), this.b[o] = l, this.f.add(o), l.onClose(() => { delete this.b[o] }) } else if (a.desiredConnectionType === 2) { const l = a.args || { language: "en" }, u = await this.I(l); if (u.port && this.w.trace(`${c} - startParams debug port ${u.port}`), this.w.trace(`${c} - startParams language: ${u.language}`), this.w.trace(`${c} - startParams env: ${JSON.stringify(u.env)}`), r) { if (!this.a[o]) return this.f.has(o) ? this.C(c, i, "Unknown reconnection token (seen before)") : this.C(c, i, "Unknown reconnection token (never seen)"); i.sendPause(), i.sendControl(O.fromString(JSON.stringify(u.port ? { debugPort: u.port } : {}))); const h = i.readEntireBuffer(); i.dispose(), this.a[o].acceptReconnection(t, n, h) } else { if (this.a[o]) return this.C(c, i, "Duplicate reconnection token"); i.sendPause(), i.sendControl(O.fromString(JSON.stringify(u.port ? { debugPort: u.port } : {}))); const h = i.readEntireBuffer(); i.dispose(); const d = this.y.createInstance(Zh, o, t, n, h); this.a[o] = d, this.f.add(o), d.onClose(() => { d.dispose(), delete this.a[o], this.J() }), d.start(u) } } else if (a.desiredConnectionType === 3) { const l = a.args; this.G(i, l) } else return this.C(c, i, "Unknown initial data received") } async G(t, s) { const i = t.getSocket().socket, n = t.readEntireBuffer(); t.dispose(), i.pause(); const r = await this.H(, s.port); n.byteLength > 0 && r.write(n.buffer), r.on("end", () => i.end()), r.on("close", () => i.end()), r.on("error", () => i.destroy()), i.on("end", () => r.end()), i.on("close", () => r.end()), i.on("error", () => r.destroy()), r.pipe(i), i.pipe(r) } H(t, s) { return new Promise((i, n) => { const r = JU.createConnection({ host: t, port: s, autoSelectFamily: !0 }, () => { r.removeListener("error", n), r.pause(), i(r) }); r.once("error", n) }) } I(t) { return typeof t.port == "number" ? HC(t.port, 10, 5e3).then(s => (t.port = s, t)) : (t.debugId = void 0, t.port = void 0, t.break = void 0, Promise.resolve(t)) } async J() { if (!this.t.args["enable-remote-auto-shutdown"]) return; this.O(), !!Object.keys(this.a).length || (console.log("Last EH closed, waiting before shutting down"),"Last EH closed, waiting before shutting down"), this.L()) } L(t = !1) { this.t.args["enable-remote-auto-shutdown"] && (this.t.args["remote-auto-shutdown-without-delay"] && !t ? this.M() : this.m = setTimeout(() => { this.m = void 0, this.M() }, MP)) } M() { if (!!Object.keys(this.a).length) { console.log("New EH opened, aborting shutdown"),"New EH opened, aborting shutdown"); return } else console.log("Last EH closed, shutting down"),"Last EH closed, shutting down"), this.dispose(), process.exit(0) } N() { this.m && (console.log("Got delay-shutdown request while in shutdown timeout, delaying"),"Got delay-shutdown request while in shutdown timeout, delaying"), this.O(), this.L()) } O() { this.m && (console.log("Cancelling previous shutdown timeout"),"Cancelling previous shutdown timeout"), clearTimeout(this.m), this.m = void 0) }
  617. }, r1 = __decorate([__param(5, Qc), __param(6, Nt), __param(7, pe), __param(8, Er)], r1), FP = class b1 { static create(t) { const s = t.webEndpointUrlTemplate, i = t.commit, n = t.quality; if (!s || !i || !n) return new b1(null); const r = We(), a = new URL(s.replace("{{uuid}}", r).replace("{{commit}}", i).replace("{{quality}}", n)).origin, c = Rn(a).replace(r, "[a-zA-Z0-9\\-]+"); try { const l = DA(`^${c}$`, !0, { matchCase: !1 }); return new b1(l) } catch { return new b1(null) } } constructor(t) { this.a = t } matches(t) { return this.a ? this.a.test(t) : !1 } }
  618. }
  619. }), BP = {}; QI(BP, { $4Y: () => tM, $5Y: () => sM }); import *as KU from "os"; import *as HP from "fs"; import { performance as eM } from "perf_hooks"; function tM() { CC(Hi, Aa, cg) } function sM(e) { return QU(e, Hi, Aa) } var zP, Hi, Aa, Wl, o1, VP, WP, qP, GP, JP, iM = v({ "out-build/vs/server/node/server.main.js"() { "use strict"; De(), _C(), ZU(), Yu(), de(), Jo(), Vc(), Yi(), Pt("code/server/codeLoaded"), global.vscodeServerCodeLoadedTime =, zP = { onMultipleValues: (e, t) => { console.error(`Option '${e}' can only be defined once. Using value ${t}.`) }, onEmptyValue: e => { console.error(`Ignoring option '${e}': Value must not be empty.`) }, onUnknownOption: e => { console.error(`Ignoring option '${e}': not supported for server.`) }, onDeprecatedOption: (e, t) => { console.warn(`Option '${e}' is deprecated: ${t}`) } }, Hi = I5(process.argv.slice(2), cg, zP), Aa = Hi["server-data-dir"] || process.env.VSCODE_AGENT_FOLDER || _(KU.homedir(), Bt.serverDataFolderName || ".vscode-remote"), Wl = Hi["user-data-dir"] || _(Aa, "data"), o1 = _(Wl, "User"), VP = _(o1, "globalStorage"), WP = _(o1, "History"), qP = _(Wl, "Machine"), GP = Ct(_t.asFileUri("").fsPath), JP = _(GP, "extensions"), Hi["user-data-dir"] = Wl, Hi["builtin-extensions-dir"] = JP, Hi["extensions-dir"] = Hi["extensions-dir"] || _(Aa, "extensions"), [Aa, Hi["extensions-dir"], Wl, o1, qP, VP, WP].forEach(e => { try { HP.existsSync(e) || HP.mkdirSync(e, { mode: 448 }) } catch (t) { console.error(t) } }) } }); delete process.env.ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE; var nM = jv(Tv(), 1); import *as YP from "path"; import *as XP from "http"; import *as rM from "os"; import *as oM from "readline"; import { performance as QP } from "perf_hooks"; import { fileURLToPath as aM } from "url"; import *as ZP from "path"; import "fs"; import { fileURLToPath as cM } from "url"; import { createRequire as lM } from "node:module"; var uM = lM(import.meta.url), LH = ZP.dirname(cM(import.meta.url)); if (Error.stackTraceLimit = 100, !process.env.VSCODE_HANDLES_SIGPIPE) { let e = !1; process.on("SIGPIPE", () => { e || (e = !0, console.error(new Error("Unexpected SIGPIPE"))) }) } function hM() { try { typeof process.env.VSCODE_CWD != "string" && (process.env.VSCODE_CWD = process.cwd()), process.platform === "win32" && process.chdir(ZP.dirname(process.execPath)) } catch (e) { console.error(e) } } hM(); function fM(e) { if (!process.env.VSCODE_DEV) return; if (!e) throw new Error("Missing injectPath"); uM("node:module").register("./bootstrap-import.js", { parentURL: import.meta.url, data: e }) } import *as dM from "path"; import *as pv from "fs"; import { fileURLToPath as pM } from "url"; import { createRequire as mM, register as gM } from "node:module"; import { createRequire as wM } from "node:module"; var KP = wM(import.meta.url), mv = { BUILD_INSERT_PRODUCT_CONFIGURATION: "BUILD_INSERT_PRODUCT_CONFIGURATION" }; mv.BUILD_INSERT_PRODUCT_CONFIGURATION && (mv = KP("../product.json")); var gv = { "name": "OpenVSCode Server", "version": "1.96.4", "private": true, "overrides": { "node-gyp-build": "4.8.1", "kerberos@2.1.1": { "node-addon-api": "7.1.0" }, "@parcel/watcher@2.1.0": { "node-addon-api": "7.1.0" } }, "type": "module" }; gv.BUILD_INSERT_PACKAGE_CONFIGURATION && (gv = KP("../package.json")); var zi = mv, vM = gv; Yi(); var bM = mM(import.meta.url), yM = dM.dirname(pM(import.meta.url)); if ((process.env.ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE || process.versions.electron) && gM(`data:text/javascript;base64,${Buffer.from(`
  620. export async function resolve(specifier, context, nextResolve) {
  621. if (specifier === 'fs') {
  622. return {
  623. format: 'builtin',
  624. shortCircuit: true,
  625. url: 'node:original-fs'
  626. };
  627. }
  628. // Defer to the next hook in the chain, which would be the
  629. // Node.js default resolve if this is the last user-specified loader.
  630. return nextResolve(specifier, context);
  631. }`).toString("base64")}`, import.meta.url), globalThis._VSCODE_PRODUCT_JSON = { ...zi }, process.env.VSCODE_DEV) try { const e = bM("../product.overrides.json"); globalThis._VSCODE_PRODUCT_JSON = Object.assign(globalThis._VSCODE_PRODUCT_JSON, e) } catch { } globalThis._VSCODE_PACKAGE_JSON = { ...vM }, globalThis._VSCODE_FILE_ROOT = yM; var wv = void 0; function EM() { return wv || (wv = xM()), wv } async function xM() { Pt("code/willLoadNls"); let e, t; if (process.env.VSCODE_NLS_CONFIG) try { e = JSON.parse(process.env.VSCODE_NLS_CONFIG), e?.languagePack?.messagesFile ? t = e.languagePack.messagesFile : e?.defaultMessagesFile && (t = e.defaultMessagesFile), globalThis._VSCODE_NLS_LANGUAGE = e?.resolvedLanguage } catch (s) { console.error(`Error reading VSCODE_NLS_CONFIG from environment: ${s}`) } if (!(process.env.VSCODE_DEV || !t)) { try { globalThis._VSCODE_NLS_MESSAGES = JSON.parse((await pv.promises.readFile(t)).toString()) } catch (s) { if (console.error(`Error reading NLS messages file ${t}: ${s}`), e?.languagePack?.corruptMarkerFile) try { await pv.promises.writeFile(e.languagePack.corruptMarkerFile, "corrupted") } catch (i) { console.error(`Error writing corrupted NLS marker file: ${i}`) } if (e?.defaultMessagesFile && e.defaultMessagesFile !== t) try { globalThis._VSCODE_NLS_MESSAGES = JSON.parse((await pv.promises.readFile(e.defaultMessagesFile)).toString()) } catch (i) { console.error(`Error reading default NLS messages file ${e.defaultMessagesFile}: ${i}`) } } return Pt("code/didLoadNls"), e } } async function kM() { await EM() } Fv(), Yi(); var eI = YP.dirname(aM(import.meta.url)); Pt("code/server/start"), globalThis.vscodeServerStartTime =; var Cs = (0, nM.default)(process.argv.slice(2), { boolean: ["start-server", "list-extensions", "print-ip-address", "help", "version", "accept-server-license-terms", "update-extensions"], string: ["install-extension", "install-builtin-extension", "uninstall-extension", "locate-extension", "socket-path", "host", "port", "compatibility"], alias: { help: "h", version: "v" } });["host", "port", "accept-server-license-terms"].forEach(e => { if (!Cs[e]) { const t = process.env[`VSCODE_SERVER_${e.toUpperCase().replace("-", "_")}`]; t && (Cs[e] = t) } }); var $M = ["list-extensions", "locate-extension"], SM = ["install-extension", "install-builtin-extension", "uninstall-extension", "update-extensions"], PM = || Cs.version || $M.some(e => !!Cs[e]) || SM.some(e => !!Cs[e]) && !Cs["start-server"], tI = await Mv({ userLocale: "en", osLocale: "en", commit: zi.commit, userDataPath: "", nlsMetadataPath: eI }); if (PM) sI(tI).then(e => { e.$4Y() }); else {
  632. let e = null, t = null; const s = () => (t || (t = sI(tI).then(async l => { const u = await l.$5Y(r); return e = u, u })), t); if (Array.isArray(zi.serverLicense) && zi.serverLicense.length && (console.log(zi.serverLicense.join(`
  633. `)), zi.serverLicensePrompt && Cs["accept-server-license-terms"] !== !0)) { RM() && (console.log("To accept the license terms, start the server with --accept-server-license-terms"), process.exit(1)); try { await iI(zi.serverLicensePrompt) || process.exit(1) } catch (l) { console.log(l), process.exit(1) } } let i = !0, n = !0, r = null; const o = XP.createServer(async (l, u) => (i && (i = !1, Pt("code/server/firstRequest")), (await s()).handleRequest(l, u))); o.on("upgrade", async (l, u) => (n && (n = !1, Pt("code/server/firstWebSocket")), (await s()).handleUpgrade(l, u))), o.on("error", async l => (await s()).handleServerError(l)); const a = vv( || (Cs.compatibility !== "1.63" ? "localhost" : void 0), c = Cs["socket-path"] ? { path: vv(Cs["socket-path"]) } : { host: a, port: await IM(a, vv(Cs.port)) }; o.listen(c, async () => {
  634. let l = Array.isArray(zi.serverGreeting) && zi.serverGreeting.length ? `
  635. ${zi.serverGreeting.join(`
  636. `)}
  637. `: ""; if (typeof c.port == "number" && Cs["print-ip-address"]) {
  638. const u = rM.networkInterfaces(); Object.keys(u).forEach(function (h) {
  639. u[h]?.forEach(function (d) {
  640. !d.internal && === "IPv4" && (l += `IP Address: ${d.address}
  641. `)
  642. })
  643. })
  644. } if (r = o.address(), r === null) throw new Error("Unexpected server address"); l += `Server bound to ${typeof r == "string" ? r : `${r.address}:${r.port} (${})`}
  645. `, l += `Extension host agent listening on ${typeof r == "string" ? r : r.port}
  646. `, console.log(l), Pt("code/server/started"), globalThis.vscodeServerListenTime =, await s()
  647. }), process.on("exit", () => { o.close(), e && e.dispose() })
  648. } function vv(e) { return Array.isArray(e) && (e = e.pop()), typeof e == "string" ? e : void 0 } async function IM(e, t) { if (t) { let s; if (t.match(/^\d+$/)) return parseInt(t, 10); if (s = AM(t)) { const i = await DM(e, s.start, s.end); if (i !== void 0) return i; console.warn(`--port: Could not find free port in range: ${s.start} - ${s.end} (inclusive).`), process.exit(1) } else console.warn(`--port "${t}" is not a valid number or range. Ranges must be in the form 'from-to' with 'from' an integer larger than 0 and not larger than 'end'.`), process.exit(1) } return 3e3 } function AM(e) { const t = e.match(/^(\d+)-(\d+)$/); if (t) { const s = parseInt(t[1], 10), i = parseInt(t[2], 10); if (s > 0 && s <= i && i <= 65535) return { start: s, end: i } } } async function DM(e, t, s) { const i = n => new Promise(r => { const o = XP.createServer(); o.listen(n, e, () => { o.close(), r(!0) }).on("error", () => { r(!1) }) }); for (let n = t; n <= s; n++)if (await i(n)) return n } async function sI(e) { return process.env.VSCODE_NLS_CONFIG = JSON.stringify(e), process.env.VSCODE_HANDLES_SIGPIPE = "true", process.env.VSCODE_DEV ? (process.env.VSCODE_DEV_INJECT_NODE_MODULE_LOOKUP_PATH = process.env.VSCODE_DEV_INJECT_NODE_MODULE_LOOKUP_PATH || YP.join(eI, "..", "remote", "node_modules"), fM(process.env.VSCODE_DEV_INJECT_NODE_MODULE_LOOKUP_PATH)) : delete process.env.VSCODE_DEV_INJECT_NODE_MODULE_LOOKUP_PATH, await kM(), Promise.resolve().then(() => (iM(), BP)) } function RM() { try { return !process.stdin.isTTY } catch { } return !1 } function iI(e) {
  649. const t = oM.createInterface({ input: process.stdin, output: process.stdout }); return new Promise((s, i) => {
  650. t.question(e + " ", async function (n) {
  651. t.close(); const r = n.toString().trim().toLowerCase(); r === "" || r === "y" || r === "yes" ? s(!0) : r === "n" || r === "no" ? s(!1) : (process.stdout.write(`
  652. Invalid Response. Answer either yes (y, yes) or no (n, no)
  653. `), s(await iI(e)))
  654. })
  655. })
  656. }
  657. //# sourceMappingURL=