{"displayName":"Markdown Language Features","description":"Provides rich language support for Markdown.","markdown.copyImage.title":"Copy Image","markdown.preview.breaks.desc":"Sets how line-breaks are rendered in the Markdown preview. Setting it to `true` creates a `
` for newlines inside paragraphs.","markdown.preview.linkify":"Convert URL-like text to links in the Markdown preview.","markdown.preview.typographer":"Enable some language-neutral replacement and quotes beautification in the Markdown preview.","markdown.preview.doubleClickToSwitchToEditor.desc":"Double-click in the Markdown preview to switch to the editor.","markdown.preview.fontFamily.desc":"Controls the font family used in the Markdown preview.","markdown.preview.fontSize.desc":"Controls the font size in pixels used in the Markdown preview.","markdown.preview.lineHeight.desc":"Controls the line height used in the Markdown preview. This number is relative to the font size.","markdown.preview.markEditorSelection.desc":"Mark the current editor selection in the Markdown preview.","markdown.preview.scrollEditorWithPreview.desc":"When a Markdown preview is scrolled, update the view of the editor.","markdown.preview.scrollPreviewWithEditor.desc":"When a Markdown editor is scrolled, update the view of the preview.","markdown.preview.title":"Open Preview","markdown.previewSide.title":"Open Preview to the Side","markdown.showLockedPreviewToSide.title":"Open Locked Preview to the Side","markdown.showSource.title":"Show Source","markdown.styles.dec":"A list of URLs or local paths to CSS style sheets to use from the Markdown preview. Relative paths are interpreted relative to the folder open in the Explorer. If there is no open folder, they are interpreted relative to the location of the Markdown file. All '\\' need to be written as '\\\\'.","markdown.showPreviewSecuritySelector.title":"Change Preview Security Settings","markdown.trace.extension.desc":"Enable debug logging for the Markdown extension.","markdown.trace.server.desc":"Traces the communication between VS Code and the Markdown language server.","markdown.server.log.desc":"Controls the logging level of the Markdown language server.","markdown.preview.refresh.title":"Refresh Preview","markdown.preview.toggleLock.title":"Toggle Preview Locking","markdown.findAllFileReferences":"Find File References","markdown.editor.insertLinkFromWorkspace":"Insert Link to File in Workspace","markdown.editor.insertImageFromWorkspace":"Insert Image from Workspace","configuration.markdown.preview.openMarkdownLinks.description":"Controls how links to other Markdown files in the Markdown preview should be opened.","configuration.markdown.preview.openMarkdownLinks.inEditor":"Try to open links in the editor.","configuration.markdown.preview.openMarkdownLinks.inPreview":"Try to open links in the Markdown preview.","configuration.markdown.links.openLocation.description":"Controls where links in Markdown files should be opened.","configuration.markdown.links.openLocation.currentGroup":"Open links in the active editor group.","configuration.markdown.links.openLocation.beside":"Open links beside the active editor.","configuration.markdown.suggest.paths.enabled.description":"Enable path suggestions while writing links in Markdown files.","configuration.markdown.suggest.paths.includeWorkspaceHeaderCompletions":"Enable suggestions for headers in other Markdown files in the current workspace. Accepting one of these suggestions inserts the full path to header in that file, for example: `[link text](/path/to/file.md#header)`.","configuration.markdown.suggest.paths.includeWorkspaceHeaderCompletions.never":"Disable workspace header suggestions.","configuration.markdown.suggest.paths.includeWorkspaceHeaderCompletions.onDoubleHash":"Enable workspace header suggestions after typing `##` in a path, for example: `[link text](##`.","configuration.markdown.suggest.paths.includeWorkspaceHeaderCompletions.onSingleOrDoubleHash":"Enable workspace header suggestions after typing either `##` or `#` in a path, for example: `[link text](#` or `[link text](##`.","configuration.markdown.editor.drop.enabled":"Enable dropping files into a Markdown editor while holding Shift. Requires enabling `#editor.dropIntoEditor.enabled#`.","configuration.markdown.editor.drop.enabled.always":"Always insert Markdown links.","configuration.markdown.editor.drop.enabled.smart":"Smartly create Markdown links by default when not dropping into a code block or other special element. Use the drop widget to switch between pasting as plain text or as Markdown links.","configuration.markdown.editor.drop.enabled.never":"Never create Markdown links.","configuration.markdown.editor.drop.copyIntoWorkspace":"Controls if files outside of the workspace that are dropped into a Markdown editor should be copied into the workspace.\n\nUse `#markdown.copyFiles.destination#` to configure where copied dropped files should be created","configuration.markdown.editor.filePaste.enabled":"Enable pasting files into a Markdown editor to create Markdown links. Requires enabling `#editor.pasteAs.enabled#`.","configuration.markdown.editor.filePaste.enabled.always":"Always insert Markdown links.","configuration.markdown.editor.filePaste.enabled.smart":"Smartly create Markdown links by default when not pasting into a code block or other special element. Use the paste widget to switch between pasting as plain text or as Markdown links.","configuration.markdown.editor.filePaste.enabled.never":"Never create Markdown links.","configuration.markdown.editor.filePaste.copyIntoWorkspace":"Controls if files outside of the workspace that are pasted into a Markdown editor should be copied into the workspace.\n\nUse `#markdown.copyFiles.destination#` to configure where copied files should be created.","configuration.copyIntoWorkspace.mediaFiles":"Try to copy external image and video files into the workspace.","configuration.copyIntoWorkspace.never":"Do not copy external files into the workspace.","configuration.markdown.editor.pasteUrlAsFormattedLink.enabled":"Controls if Markdown links are created when URLs are pasted into a Markdown editor. Requires enabling `#editor.pasteAs.enabled#`.","configuration.pasteUrlAsFormattedLink.always":"Always insert Markdown links.","configuration.pasteUrlAsFormattedLink.smart":"Smartly create Markdown links by default when not pasting into a code block or other special element. Use the paste widget to switch between pasting as plain text or as Markdown links.","configuration.pasteUrlAsFormattedLink.smartWithSelection":"Smartly create Markdown links by default when you have selected text and are not pasting into a code block or other special element. Use the paste widget to switch between pasting as plain text or as Markdown links.","configuration.pasteUrlAsFormattedLink.never":"Never create Markdown links.","configuration.markdown.validate.enabled.description":"Enable all error reporting in Markdown files.","configuration.markdown.validate.referenceLinks.enabled.description":"Validate reference links in Markdown files, for example: `[link][ref]`. Requires enabling `#markdown.validate.enabled#`.","configuration.markdown.validate.fragmentLinks.enabled.description":"Validate fragment links to headers in the current Markdown file, for example: `[link](#header)`. Requires enabling `#markdown.validate.enabled#`.","configuration.markdown.validate.fileLinks.enabled.description":"Validate links to other files in Markdown files, for example `[link](/path/to/file.md)`. This checks that the target files exists. Requires enabling `#markdown.validate.enabled#`.","configuration.markdown.validate.fileLinks.markdownFragmentLinks.description":"Validate the fragment part of links to headers in other files in Markdown files, for example: `[link](/path/to/file.md#header)`. Inherits the setting value from `#markdown.validate.fragmentLinks.enabled#` by default.","configuration.markdown.validate.ignoredLinks.description":"Configure links that should not be validated. For example adding `/about` would not validate the link `[about](/about)`, while the glob `/assets/**/*.svg` would let you skip validation for any link to `.svg` files under the `assets` directory.","configuration.markdown.validate.unusedLinkDefinitions.description":"Validate link definitions that are unused in the current file.","configuration.markdown.validate.duplicateLinkDefinitions.description":"Validate duplicated definitions in the current file.","configuration.markdown.updateLinksOnFileMove.enabled":"Try to update links in Markdown files when a file is renamed/moved in the workspace. Use `#markdown.updateLinksOnFileMove.include#` to configure which files trigger link updates.","configuration.markdown.updateLinksOnFileMove.enabled.prompt":"Prompt on each file move.","configuration.markdown.updateLinksOnFileMove.enabled.always":"Always update links automatically.","configuration.markdown.updateLinksOnFileMove.enabled.never":"Never try to update link and don't prompt.","configuration.markdown.updateLinksOnFileMove.include":"Glob patterns that specifies files that trigger automatic link updates. See `#markdown.updateLinksOnFileMove.enabled#` for details about this feature.","configuration.markdown.updateLinksOnFileMove.include.property":"The glob pattern to match file paths against. Set to true to enable the pattern.","configuration.markdown.updateLinksOnFileMove.enableForDirectories":"Enable updating links when a directory is moved or renamed in the workspace.","configuration.markdown.occurrencesHighlight.enabled":"Enable highlighting link occurrences in the current document.","configuration.markdown.copyFiles.destination":{"message":"Configures the path and file name of files created by copy/paste or drag and drop. This is a map of globs that match against a Markdown document path to the destination path where the new file should be created.\n\nThe destination path may use the following variables:\n\n- `${documentDirName}` — Absolute parent directory path of the Markdown document, e.g. `/Users/me/myProject/docs`.\n- `${documentRelativeDirName}` — Relative parent directory path of the Markdown document, e.g. `docs`. This is the same as `${documentDirName}` if the file is not part of a workspace.\n- `${documentFileName}` — The full filename of the Markdown document, e.g. `README.md`.\n- `${documentBaseName}` — The basename of the Markdown document, e.g. `README`.\n- `${documentExtName}` — The extension of the Markdown document, e.g. `md`.\n- `${documentFilePath}` — Absolute path of the Markdown document, e.g. `/Users/me/myProject/docs/README.md`.\n- `${documentRelativeFilePath}` — Relative path of the Markdown document, e.g. `docs/README.md`. This is the same as `${documentFilePath}` if the file is not part of a workspace.\n- `${documentWorkspaceFolder}` — The workspace folder for the Markdown document, e.g. `/Users/me/myProject`. This is the same as `${documentDirName}` if the file is not part of a workspace.\n- `${fileName}` — The file name of the dropped file, e.g. `image.png`.\n- `${fileExtName}` — The extension of the dropped file, e.g. `png`.","comment":["This setting is use the user drops or pastes image data into the editor. In this case, VS Code automatically creates a new image file in the workspace containing the dropped/pasted image.","It's easier to explain this setting with an example. For example, let's say the setting value was:","","{ 'docs/*.md': '${documentDirName}/images/${fileName}' }","","Here the setting is an object mapping from a set of globs to a set of file destinations.","The left hand side ('docs/*.md') is a glob that matches against a markdown document. If the glob, matches then we use the right hand side to compute the new file's path and name. The right hand side can also use the special variables document in this setting description."]},"configuration.markdown.copyFiles.overwriteBehavior":"Controls if files created by drop or paste should overwrite existing files.","configuration.markdown.copyFiles.overwriteBehavior.nameIncrementally":"If a file with the same name already exists, append a number to the file name, for example: `image.png` becomes `image-1.png`.","configuration.markdown.copyFiles.overwriteBehavior.overwrite":"If a file with the same name already exists, overwrite it.","configuration.markdown.preferredMdPathExtensionStyle":"Controls if file extensions (for example `.md`) are added or not for links to Markdown files. This setting is used when file paths are added by tooling such as path completions or file renames.","configuration.markdown.preferredMdPathExtensionStyle.auto":"For existing paths, try to maintain the file extension style. For new paths, add file extensions.","configuration.markdown.preferredMdPathExtensionStyle.includeExtension":"Prefer including the file extension. For example, path completions to a file named `file.md` will insert `file.md`.","configuration.markdown.preferredMdPathExtensionStyle.removeExtension":"Prefer removing the file extension. For example, path completions to a file named `file.md` will insert `file` without the `.md`.","configuration.markdown.editor.filePaste.videoSnippet":"Snippet used when adding videos to Markdown. This snippet can use the following variables:\n- `${src}` — The resolved path of the video file.\n- `${title}` — The title used for the video. A snippet placeholder will automatically be created for this variable.","configuration.markdown.editor.filePaste.audioSnippet":"Snippet used when adding audio to Markdown. This snippet can use the following variables:\n- `${src}` — The resolved path of the audio file.\n- `${title}` — The title used for the audio. A snippet placeholder will automatically be created for this variable.","configuration.markdown.editor.updateLinksOnPaste.enabled":"Enable/disable a paste option that updates links and reference in text that is copied and pasted between Markdown editors.\n\nTo use this feature, after pasting text that contains updatable links, just click on the Paste Widget and select `Paste and update pasted links`.","workspaceTrust":"Required for loading styles configured in the workspace."}