{"displayName":"Server Ready Action","description":"Open URI in browser if server under debugging is ready.","debug.server.ready.serverReadyAction.description":"Act upon a URI when a server program under debugging is ready (indicated by sending output of the form 'listening on port 3000' or 'Now listening on: https://localhost:5001' to the debug console.)","debug.server.ready.action.description":"What to do with the URI when the server is ready.","debug.server.ready.action.openExternally.description":"Open URI externally with the default application.","debug.server.ready.action.debugWithChrome.description":"Start debugging with the 'Debugger for Chrome'.","debug.server.ready.action.startDebugging.description":"Run another launch configuration.","debug.server.ready.pattern.description":"Server is ready if this pattern appears on the debug console. The first capture group must include a URI or a port number.","debug.server.ready.debugConfig.description":"The debug configuration to run.","debug.server.ready.uriFormat.description":"A format string used when constructing the URI from a port number. The first '%s' is substituted with the port number.","debug.server.ready.webRoot.description":"Value passed to the debug configuration for the 'Debugger for Chrome'.","debug.server.ready.killOnServerStop.description":"Stop the child session when the parent session stopped.","debug.server.ready.debugConfigName.description":"Name of the launch configuration to run."}