const vscode = require('vscode'); const path = require('path'); async function getFilePath() { return `/home/user/work/itk-extensions/server.js` } function setScroll(item, editor) { function setSelections() { const selections = => { const start = new vscode.Position(selection.startLine - 1, selection.startChar - 1); const end = new vscode.Position(selection.endLine - 1, selection.endChar - 1); return new vscode.Selection(start, end); }); editor.selections = selections; } function setCoursor() { const cursorPosition = new vscode.Position(item.cursor.line - 1, item.cursor.character - 1); editor.selection = new vscode.Selection(cursorPosition, cursorPosition); } if (item.selections && item.selections.length > 0) { setTimeout(() => { setSelections() }, 500); // setSelections() // setTimeout(() =>{ // setSelections() // }) } // Restore cursor position // if (item.cursor) { // setCoursor() // setTimeout(() => { // setCoursor() // }, 100); // } // Restore scroll position function setScr() { try { let lineTo = (+item.scroll.firstVisibleLine + +item.scroll.lastVisibleLine) / 2; const range = new vscode.Range(lineTo, 0, lineTo, 0); editor.revealRange(range, vscode.TextEditorRevealType.AtTop); } catch (e) { } } if (item.scroll) { setScr() setTimeout(async () => { setScr() }, 300) } } function openTab(filePath, item, groupTabs, groupId) { function onAction(editor) { let lastTab = groupTabs[groupId] || 1; groupTabs[groupId] = lastTab + 1; setScroll(item, editor); // Если уже открыт, просто применяем действие } // Проверяем, открыт ли уже файл в нужной группе const uri = vscode.Uri.file(filePath); const targetEditor = vscode.window.visibleTextEditors.find(editor => { let isOk = editor.document.uri.fsPath === filePath.path && editor.viewColumn === groupId; return isOk; } ); if (targetEditor) { return onAction(targetEditor) } return vscode.workspace.openTextDocument(filePath) .then(doc => vscode.window.showTextDocument(doc, { viewColumn: groupId, preview: false })) .then(async editor => { onAction(editor) }) } async function gitRun(filePath) { // const uri = vscode.Uri.file(filePath); const gitExtension = vscode.extensions.getExtension('vscode.git'); // if (!gitExtension) { // vscode.window.showErrorMessage("🚨 Git extension is not available."); // return; // } // Активируем Git API // const gitApi = await gitExtension.activate(); // if (!gitApi || !gitApi.repositories || gitApi.repositories.length === 0) { // vscode.window.showErrorMessage("🚨 No Git repositories found."); // return; // } // // Находим репозиторий, к которому относится файл // const repo = gitApi.repositories.find(r => uri.fsPath.startsWith(r.rootUri.fsPath)); // if (!repo) { // vscode.window.showErrorMessage("🚨 File is not in a Git repository."); // return; // } // // Получаем Git URI для версии HEAD // const gitUri = repo.toGitUri(uri, 'HEAD'); // return gitUri; // Открываем файл в VS Code // vscode.workspace.openTextDocument(gitUri) // .then(doc => vscode.window.showTextDocument(doc)) } // setInterval(() => { // delete require.cache[require.resolve('./files/openTabs')]; // let groups = require('./files/openTabs') // restoreByArr(groups.tabs) // }, 500) async function restoreByArr(groups) { await vscode.extensions.getExtension('vscode.git') const cGroups = vscode.window.tabGroups.all; let groupTabs = {}; const workspaceFolder = vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders && vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders[0]; if (!workspaceFolder) { vscode.window.showErrorMessage('No workspace folder is open. Please open a folder or workspace.'); return; } function openGit(item, groupId) { const filePath = vscode.Uri.joinPath(workspaceFolder.uri, item.relPath); let gitOrig = decodeURIComponent(item.original); const fileUri = vscode.Uri.parse(`${filePath.path}`); let gUri = vscode.Uri.parse(gitOrig); vscode.commands.executeCommand('vscode.diff', fileUri, gUri, `${item.relPath} (Working Tree)`, { viewColumn: groupId, // Открываем в указанной группе вкладок preview: true }).then(async e2 => { await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 500)); const editor = vscode.window.visibleTextEditors.find(editor => editor.document.uri.toString() === fileUri.toString() ); if (editor) { setScroll(item, editor) } else { // vscode.window.showErrorMessage("🚨 Failed to find the opened diff editor."); } }) } let gind = {} groups.forEach(async (group, groupIndex) => { const groupId = groupIndex + 1; // Group ID corresponds to column let cTabs = (cGroups[groupIndex] || {}).tabs || []; gind[groupIndex] = {}; let _filePath; group.filter(item => item.relPath).forEach(async (item, index) => { const filePath = vscode.Uri.joinPath(workspaceFolder.uri, item.relPath); _filePath = filePath; let vsTab; if (item.inputType == 'git') { let matchIndex = -1; let absPath = filePath?.fsPath; _filePath = absPath; cTabs.forEach((tab, ind) => { let isOk = tab?.input?.original?.path?.toString() == absPath; if (isOk) { matchIndex = ind gind[groupIndex][ind] = true; } }) console.log('******', cTabs, gind[groupIndex]) if (matchIndex == -1) { console.log('math index is -1!!!') openGit(item, groupId) } } else { let matchIndex = -1; let absPath = filePath.path cTabs.forEach((tab, ind) => { if (tab?.input?.uri?.fsPath == absPath) { matchIndex = ind gind[groupIndex][ind] = true } }) if (matchIndex == -1) { vsTab = openTab(filePath, item, groupTabs, groupId) } global.tabsInfo[absPath] = { selections: item.selections, cursor: item.cursor, scroll: item.scroll } } }); let item = group.find(it => it.isActive); if (item) { if (!/git/gi.test(item?.inputType.toString())) { openTab(vscode.Uri.joinPath(workspaceFolder.uri, item.relPath), item, groupTabs, groupId) } else { openGit(item, groupId) } } const tabsToClose = cTabs.filter((tab, ind) => { // console.log("CTAB -----", goodInd, goodInd[ind], ind, tab.input?.original?.path) return !gind[groupIndex][ind] }); console.log(tabsToClose, ".................. GMI ]]] ", { groupIndex }, gind[groupIndex], => it.input), _filePath) closeTabs(tabsToClose, gind) }); cGroups.forEach((group, ind) => { if (ind >= groups.length) { closeTabs(group.tabs) } }) } function pub(tabs) { return => it.label) } function closeTabs(tabsToClose, goodInd) { try { if (tabsToClose.length > 0) { console.log('tabsToClose!!!!!') console.log('tabsToClose!!!!!') console.log('tabsToClose!!!!!') console.log('tabsToClose!!!!!', goodInd) console.log('tabsToClose!!!!!', => it.label)) vscode.window.tabGroups.close(tabsToClose).then(); } } catch (e) { } } module.exports = { restoreByArr };